Illustrator Beginner Tutorial: Sliced Text Effect

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[Music] this is Nick with illustrator for beginners calm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this very simple sliced text effect using Adobe Illustrator CC so I'll go ahead and open up a new document here in Illustrator I'll size it at 1280 by 1280 pixels and then we just want to set up our documents so that we're working with a similar view and a similar setup so I'll go to view up here we're gonna want to turn off snap to pixel the only thing we want selected from this drop down over here is snap to point after that we'll go over to window and we're gonna want a line color and gradients that we have all three of these panels right here visible on the right-hand side and once we've done that we could just go ahead and grab the text tool and create some text so I'm gonna grab the text tool and click on the canvas until we get some placeholder text right there and from this drop down I'm going to choose a specific font called montserrat heavy you don't have to use this font if you'd like to use it I'll put a link in the description to where you can download it but you can use whatever font you'd like although I do recommend using a heavier weight font it does work better with a heavier weight phone so I'm gonna go ahead and look for that font montserrat there we go and I'm gonna change that to black and now I'm going to change the text just to say sliced in all caps now I'll go ahead and grab the Select tool and I'm gonna hold shift and alt and I'm gonna grab that corner arrow that corner node right there and just scale this up so we can see this better I'll put this towards the center of the page so what I want to do now is take this text and create outlines out of it so I'll go to type and I'll click on create outlines and I will take the opacity of this up here and bring this down in half then we can click out of that to close out of it and what I want to do next is I want to bring the cursor just outside of this top right point right here until the icon turns into a rotate icon as you see here on the screen once it turned into a rotate icon I'm just gonna click and drag it counterclockwise slightly maybe about that much and what I'll do now is I'll grab the the rectangle tool and I'll just create a rectangle going over the top half of that text just like that and I want to bring the opacity of this down as well and what I'm gonna do next is I'm going to grab the Select tool and I'm gonna zoom in on this I'm gonna hold alt and roll up the mouse wheel to zoom in and I'm just gonna make sure that I have this rectangle placed where I want it to be because where the bottom edge of this rectangle is is going to be where that the the text gets sliced so I'd like to have it right here so it's not cutting off to the tip of like this part of the S or anything like that or it's not leaving out like right here there's gonna be a little portion of the East sticking out from there maybe I'll bring that down a little bit do something like that that's pretty good and once we've done that I'm gonna click and drag over everything so we have everything selected and I'm going to go to the Pathfinder tool which is right here I'm sorry I know the shape builder tool which is right here and I'm gonna hold alt and click on the negative space of this D right here to delete that and while still holding alt on that click on this large rectangle let's delete that and what I'm gonna do next is I'm just gonna click and drag through the top half of these letters draw a line through the top half of these letters like that and make sure with this letter D you don't draw into the negative space because if you draw into the negative space it's gonna create a shape out of that as well which we don't want to just draw a line through the top part of the letters and just the solid fill portion of the letter D just like that and that goes for any letter that you'll be working with that has a negative space like that like a letter O letter B and so on you get the idea like letter A's and stuff like that and what I'll do now is I'll just draw a line through this bottom half to connect these letters together as well just like that and I'm going to go to the Select tool and click off of the graphic to deselect everything and if you notice now we've sliced of the text in half so what I'm gonna do next is I'm gonna take the bottom portion of this text right here and I'm going to click and drag it to the left and I'm going to hold shift so it locks it on to the horizontal axis I'm gonna shift it over maybe that much that and let me zoom out so we can get a better look if you want to move the page around like I'm doing you just press down the spacebar and click and drag just like that that's what we're looking for so once we've done that let's grab the rectangle tool and let's just create a rectangle going over the canvas and I'm gonna make this red and I'm gonna send that to the bottom I want to grab the Select tool I'm gonna right click on that red object and I'm going to arrange send to the back just like that and I'm gonna take these text objects right here I'm gonna hold shift and click on all of the text objects I'm going to ungroup them by hitting ctrl shift and G and I just want to make sure the opacity of them is all the way up and I'm going to make them white then I'll click off the graphic to deselect everything and the final part would be to put a little bit of a shadow or the illusion of a shadow anyway on the top portion of this text so I'm gonna hold shift and click on all of the top text layers and I'm gonna group them together by hitting ctrl G on the keyboard and over here in the gradient menu where it says type I'm going to choose linear to create a linear gradient and now I'm gonna go to the gradient tool and I'm just gonna click and drag a line going from here to here like that you know what let me undo that ctrl Z to undo if you make a mistake I'm gonna start let me zoom in I'm gonna start right about here and I'm gonna click and drag and then hold shift to lock it onto the vertical axis I've dragged it down to about there and if you don't like how it comes out like I said you could just undo it by hitting ctrl Z and you could try again I'll try putting this up a little higher like that maybe something right there and let me zoom out to take a better look grab the Select tool and just click off it to deselect everything not entirely happy with how that came out let me try that again I'll put this up here like that that's a little better and there you have it you have our sliced text effect using Adobe Illustrator so if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Design Made Simple
Views: 274,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: illustrator, illustrator beginner tutorial, sliced text effect, illustrator sliced text
Id: CJ6-EiL2lb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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