Adobe Audition May 2021 Update - New Features

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hello i'm mike russell from if you're a podcaster or content creator you are really going to love the adobe audition may 2021 update so big headline is that adobe audition now runs natively on the apple m1 system this means faster mix downs audio effects rendering and near real-time work in the spectral frequency display as well and the good news is if you're not on apple m1 apple intel products and also windows pcs have faster audio effects rendering and we all like fast but now let's hop in and look at these podcast and content creator friendly features you'll see here i've got a podcast it's about 30 minutes in duration uh with my guest and myself i'm going to go into multi-track i'm going to call this mike podcast and i'm going to show you some really cool new content creator effects so here's my host track here's the guest and this is often if we zoom out how we work as podcasters we record split tracks one with the host and one with the guest and we have lots of gaps in between now often we have air conditioning units going on we have undesirable noises if we're in the same room we've got mic bleed and it's just not good well now adobe audition can strip that all out in the multi-track and keep your project in sync let's watch how first of all you'll go into the window menu and you'll look for diagnostics and you get this and you'll look for the delete silence feature in the effect box here and there is a cool preset called clean up podcast interview if i select that scan all of my audio it's going to scan my audio really quickly find the silent spots in my interview and look at that it even tells me these are the science spots in jason's track and it will find the silent spots in mike's track as well but you've got to make sure to select all the tracks let's scan again got jason's audio let's get mike's audio as well in here so we can do both at the same time and then boom you will see right here in this little readout we've got not only jason's audio but it's going to come up with mike's audio as well uh so i'm going to then go ahead and click split all and it goes through and it finds all the silences and gets rid of them it's amazing look at that how it's even isolated silences in my guest track here in between their speech really cool stuff um so now if i'm feeling confident i can just hit the delete key boom and all those silences have gone or if i'm not feeling confident i can control or command z it bring those back and just simply pop them on to separate tracks mute them out like that and don't worry if it made a little mistake and you weren't quite happy with a little edit it did you can always use this icon on the end of a waveform drag it out a little bit and ocd with a little fade like that in your podcast editing post processing so very very simple to do that kind of stuff and i really like this feature i think it's going to be used quite a lot so yes in my case i will put it back to normal but i can i can go through and scan it again and i can do one other thing if i'm feeling really really confident i can actually fix by stripping the silence instead of just splitting the silence i am stripping the silence and then when it brings up all of my silent spots in both tracks i can click strip all and boom all of my silences have disappeared from the multi-track now for the next feature that's a great headline feature for content creators i'm actually going to strip down the tracks i've got and zoom right in here i'm going to work on this uh mix track the kind of master track that mixes together both host and guest we'll go into effects rack and we'll go and look for special here and we've got a new loudness meter we're always trying to conform to podcast loudness standards now we can do it it kind of replaces that old loudness radar meter which i always found a little bit confusing this is really clean however and it's better than your levels meters down here which if i play some audio back it's a binaural experience at all so this audio is in real time the exact readout in the moment but here we're getting loudness over time and friendly to content creators you've got apple podcast presets you've got netflix spotify and youtube presets and good news for youtubers if you're vlogging or creating video content inside adobe premiere pro this loudness meter is also available inside adobe premiere pro which is fantastic so i'm going to be an apple podcast preset and adobe has given the full blessing to -16 loves as the loudness standard for podcasts so if we start to play back it's it's a binaural experience it only gets some numbers filling in here play out system too and we can see my short term loudness so that's over a few seconds is minus 23 laps integrated which is over the full duration of the audio i've played is minus 23.4 loves and these are all right out here we've got a real-time input level meter here short-term level meter integrated and momentary which is kind of like these peak level meters it just goes up and down and shows the exact loudness at the time of playback so my goal is to get all these numbers as close to -16 as possible and the way i would go about doing that is drag the loudness meter into slot 2 go to slot 1 amplitude and compression add a hard limiter here we'll move this over here and i will set the maximum amplitude as minus 1 db so audio can never go above minus 1 db no matter how loud i boost it by i'm going to boost it by 5 decibels now and play back because it's a it's a binaural experience it only requires see those meters rising system to experience that immersive in your head kind of sound okay so we're getting minus 20.9 minus 20.5 overall still a bit shy of minus 16. so again i'll boost by maybe eight db it's a binaural experience it only requires a stereo play out system to experience now you see we're going above minus 16 loves that's indicated by the orange number there but we're still below in terms of integrated which is the number we really want to look at it's a it's a binaural experience it only requires a stereo play out system to experience that immersive in your head kind of sound um and it's all based okay so we're hitting minus 17.5 loves i think i can afford to go up by maybe another db it's a it's a binaural experience it only requires a stereo playout system to experience that immersive in your head kind of minus 16.8 you know what i'm going to go to 9.5 because it's a it's a binaural experience it only requires a stereo play out system to experience that immersive in your head kind of sound okay and you can see -16.2 i mean that is pretty close to where i want this podcast episode to be if i wanted to absolutely ocd this and get this bang on -16 luff's what i would do when i finish my editing my stripping or splitting of the silences and reducing of all that all of the editing the fades i need to do checking my loudness on the loudness meter i would then simply go into multi-track mix down the entire session let adobe audition mix down my session and then i can use the match loudness feature which is available to me for the mixdown waveform in the waveform view let's take a look at it now here it is and i would go into window i would go into match loudness and this has been around before this is a really really good feature i take that podcast mix down drop it in here i'd analyze it using the magnifying glass up here see what my loudness is uh wait for it to come up and analyze it's probably going to be very close to -16 already well it's minus 14 so that's not too bad and then i can go ahead and change my match loudness settings to -16 down here run it across this whole podcast and then overall it's going to make sure my podcast is exactly -16 loves ready to save as an mp3 file and distribute online so there you go it's the adobe audition may 2021 update running now natively on apple m1 systems the ability to strip and split silences inside the multi-track thumbs up and a really cool slick-looking loudness meter oh it's awesome i love it so much let me know what you think in the comments down below music
Channel: Mike Russell
Views: 10,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: is7S_rJu_z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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