Adobe Audition CC Tutorial for Beginners - Getting Started

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Mike Russell’s videos are fantastic! I highly recommend watching everything he’s produced through Music Radio Creative. Don’t let the name fool you - he’s focused on great voice tricks, tips, and effects.

If you have a recent version of Audition CC, click Help > Audition Learn in the menu bar, not only are there some interactive tutorials, but there’s now 2 hours of in-app video training for beginners to Audition or audio editing in general, including microphone and room selection tips, effects, and more..

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/diggum 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello I'm Mike Russell from music radio creative comm this video is my adobe audition CC for beginners getting started guide I'll explain how to get started recording in the waveform view any audio that you want to record and then delving into the multitrack to mix lots of different recordings like voiceovers music and sound effects together let's dive into Adobe Audition CC okay when you first load Adobe Audition CC this is the screen you will be presented with so we want to start by recording some audio into Adobe Audition first thing to note is there are two different work views in audition one is the waveform there it is at the top and the second is the multitrack I'll look at the multitrack later so first let's start in the waveform view okay at this point it's important to explain how the waveform works in Adobe Audition it is a destructive editing area meaning any changes you make to the audio are permanent unless you command or control Z to undo those audio changes to get started recording in the waveform view just go to file new audio file and then you'll have some options here to give your audio file a name so I'll just call it Mike vo for my voiceover sample rate is the first option here usually you want to be at 44 100 Hertz that's standard for audio recordings if you're recording for video you might want to go for 48,000 Hertz and maybe even higher if you're working with high fidelity music any lower and you'll get a degradation in the quality of audio so best to stick with 44100 their channels can either be stereo or mono so if you're recording music or something with audio or jingles stereo is a good option if it's just a voiceover mono is also a good bet and the bit-depth you can leave as default 30 to float that allows you to do all kinds of cool things including even being able to distort and still not clip your audio There is obviously 24 16 and 8 but 32 is the best default setting click OK you get this view here now and then down at the bottom you'll see these controls and if you've used anything like a tape recorder or a hive eye system you'll recognize play pause stop you've got the rewind and the fast-forward buttons the one we'll want to focus on to get started is this big red record button when I click this it'll start recording as long as your audio interface is set up correctly or whatever you've got plugged in to record with is set up correctly before we hit that record button let's have a look at that over an audition see see preferences you want to look particularly at the audio hardware setup here so make sure your default input and output are as expected in my case I'm using a sound craft 612 mixing desk you might want to use the built-in microphone the mic on your webcam or something else just make sure you've got the right input and output selected once you have go to audio channel mapping and again make sure it's mapped to the correct channels now usually it was just an internal microphone or a USB mic they'll only be one or two channels and it's really easy to assign them in my case I'm assigning two channels on a mixing desk so I've made sure that they are all correct so now with that done we can hit record hello this is Mike Russell with an Adobe Audition CC for beginners getting started guide hit the stop button you can also hit spacebar to stop recording and there is the very first piece of audio we've recorded in Adobe Audition providing you've set up your outputs correctly you should be able to hit spacebar or push the play button now as you can hear it's quite a little bit quieter I was recording it about minus 18 DB usually you want to be tickling between minus 6 and minus 3 DB no worries we can fix that after recording by going to this volume heads-up display control and you can just click and drag to the right and you'll increase the amplitude of your audio or if you want to quite an ear down drag to the left so if I drag it up it's up by a 15 DB boost and we should hear it louder now hello this is Mike Russell there's an even quicker way to do that by going into the favorites menu normalized to minus 0.1 DB that will make it the loudest it's possible for your waveform to be so there we go Stickley recorded and ready to go if I want to zoom in I pop my mouse up above on this time bar here this is showing the time in split seconds and seconds that your audio recording is happening so you can see here at just about 0.75 seconds I started speaking and I stopped speaking at about seven and a half seconds so if I hover my mouse here and scroll with my mouse scroll wheel you'll see I can zoom in and zoom out zoom in and out say I wanted to take out a part of my speech I can just zoom in here and play this bit here getting getting say I wanted to get rid of the word getting and I'm using the spacebar here to getting play back getting if I want to loop this by the way I can highlight like this by clicking down and highlighting a piece of audio switch on loop mode down here loop playback getting getting getting getting getting and this is good if I want to kind of really focus in on something so the loop playback can come in handy just and remember to switch it off if you don't want it to always be enabled so I'm going to now select and highlight that word and then I just hit the Delete key and it's gone so now you've got this for beginners started guide so without the getting if I want to undo command Z or control Z if you're on a PC it will put the word right back in there so that's pretty much how it all works if I wanted to add an effect the obviously the effects that Adobe Audition CC is famous for I can do this very quickly in waveform view remember what I said though its destructive so you're making a change to your audio file by going into effects menu and choosing from the many effects here there's compressors there to make your voice sound louder and smoother and nicer there's delay and echo the Ocoee effects you've got stuff like EQ to increase the high end or the low end on your voice modulation is one of my favorites noise reduction reverb so many others time and pitching I'll just show you a basic chorus to show you what's possible here and we'll go for the acoustic duet don't worry about any of these settings here this is definitely for advanced users so I'm using the acoustic duet preset inside the chorus effect when I hit apply you'll hear my voice doubles up hello this is Mike Russell with an Adobe Audition CC so that's adding a basic effect in the Adobe Audition waveform I'm going to undo that now and head into Adobe Audition cc's multitrack view at this point it's worth pointing out the multitrack is a non-destructive editing view meaning any trims cuts edits or effects you put on in the effects rack do not permanently save to the individual audio files that you're editing together inside multitrack ok to start your first multitrack session which I can then introduce my voice over into that session you would go again into file new multitrack session and we'll call this one mic mix okay give it any name again folder location where do you want this to save template don't worry about that start with none that's the best way to get started against sample rate at 44 100 the same sample raise you recorded your audio in bit depth again can be 32 and the master should be stereo unless you're working in a mono project but I'd advise stereo certainly if you're mixing in multitrack it gives you more flexibility so click OK and here is the multitrack View multitrack because you have multiple different tracks where you can lay audio in and you can layer audio on top of each other and do all kinds of clever stuff let me give you a beginners getting started guide to the multitrack if you want to bring that audio you have just recorded into multitrack you can do so by clicking and dragging across to track one and see how you can choose where in time on the multitrack you'd like it to be so I'll put it right at the start cool things you can do again you can zoom by hovering over the time bar here and zooming in and if you wanted to trim this up and make it really nice and tight you can just hover over the start till you see you get this little handle here and pull it in and again scrolling along in a bit bit to the end and get this handle at the other end and pull it in this triangle here will fade out that's quite good if you want a nice smooth fade on the end and you can do the same at the start fade in as well that works very nice indeed lots of other stuff you can do you can change volume on things but the best thing about multitrack is the fact that you can mix multiple audio files together so that is my audio again playback rules apply down here hitting play or spacebar hello this is Mike Russell and there's my audio if I'll go into here my media browser allows me to browse my hard drive I can go into music and I can pick out a bit of music here dance an electronic let's pick something like that something cool by the way that is playing because I've got this icon highlighted which is autoplay if I had that switched off which is the default you just have to hit play here to audition a track in your Media Browser but I quite like that enabled so I can audition stuff before pulling it in again a simple case of dragging and dropping onto another track in multitrack and now you've got the music on one track and the speech on the other and that's the whole idea of multitrack view as you can hear my voice is a little bit too quiet so then I can click on this yellow line here put some points on like this drag down and that will fade down my music like so have a listen hello this is Mike Russell with an Adobe Audition CC for beginners getting started guide so there's a basic introduction to adding a fade onto some stuff and of course you can you can double up stuff so if I wanted to double up guide I could command C and then on another track command V or control V which is standard copy and paste and we've got got double up on guide and we can do something clever like move it together guide and double it up again if I want to add effects unlike using the effects menu in waveform view I actually have a whole effects rack here for every single channel that I'm working on in the multitrack so say I want to add some effects to the voice I can select track 1 and then it will tell me I'm adding effects to track 1 over here I just drop this down and I say ok I want to add some compressor a single band compressor would be nice to make the voice a little bit louder and easier to hear so I'm gonna set this up don't worry about the settings I'm using if you want to get advanced into how compressors work just check out other videos on my channel but for now have a listen to how it works hello this is Mike Russell with an Adobe Audition CC for beginners getting started guide and just to show you the difference between compressor on and off I'll switch your on/off hello this is Mike Russell with an Adobe Audition CC for beginners so as you can hear an audio compressor really makes spoken audio in particular pop over music beds so you can really easily hear them without the music distracting so that is pretty much all I've got for you apart from the fact that once you've created this beautiful audio creation inside Adobe auditions multitrack as a beginner you'll probably want to mix it all down and save it out as an audio file that you can share online with your friends or to social media or as a podcast so in order to do that in multitrack view just gonna close that effect down and I'm going to go into the multitrack menu I'm going to mix down session to file entire session which means everything here will get mixed into an audio file click it it's done and see we're now back in the waveform view that's the mixed creation with all the effects included let's play it back hello this is Mike Russell nice compressor they're doubling up at the end guide and I want to save that so I can save this now as it's in the waveform view I just go into file save as and then I can give it a name Mike mix mix down but one don't why have by default but I can give it any other name I like like Mike final again I can choose a location that I'd like to save this content to on my hard drive format is usually a WAV file but you can go for mp3 or anything else there's a number of different formats if you know what you're doing there sample type as I explained before is the same don't worry about format settings they're usually fine and usually you want to include your markers and metadata you just click OK and that is your file now saved as an audio file onto your hard drive and you as a beginner have now pretty much I would say got started with Adobe Audition CC so there you go that concludes my Adobe Audition CC for beginners getting started guide I really hope you've enjoyed watching this and if you've really enjoyed it then please do like and share this video with someone else you think would benefit for more Adobe Audition CC tutorials you can subscribe to my channel [Music]
Channel: Mike Russell
Views: 662,098
Rating: 4.9552059 out of 5
Keywords: adobe audition, adobe, audition, how to use adobe audition, beginner adobe audition, adobe audition lessons, adobe audition cc tutorial, tutorial video adobe audtion, adobe audition for beginneres, how to setup microphone in audition, adobe audition cc, adobe audition cc 2018, adobe audition cc 2018 tutorial, adobe audition cc 2018 tutorial for beginners, adobe audition getting started, adobe audition for beginners, adobe cc
Id: en3qUvJG42s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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