How to Record & Mix Vocals in Adobe Audition (100% STOCK PLUGINS)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lebrilla 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is fob adobe this is for beginners cali here to do it yeah i'm feeling like a winner i been feeling great this is for adobe this is for beginners cali here to do it yeah i'm feeling like a winner [Music] what's good so today i have a video on adobe for beginners i already did adobe for beginners so this is like adobe for beginners part two but in the first one there's some things i didn't cover which i think i should have covered so i'm gonna cover them in this video and there's some things that i covered in that video that i might overlap in this video we're pretty much gonna start from like scratch if you don't know anything about adobe this should help you out between this video part one and my video called 18 tips i wish i knew about adobe when i first started you guys should be able to become experts in adobe so without further ado i hope you guys enjoyed this video i hope you take something from it and yeah let's go ahead and get into it we want to start a brand new session we're gonna go to file new multi-track session and we're gonna name our session you guys can name your session name whatever you're gonna name the song find a place on your computer that you to locate your song then your sample ray i usually keep my sample rate at 44 100 bit depth 24 bit master stereo we good we're in adobe if your adobe looks any different than mine which it probably does when you first start adobe you can go up to window go to workspace and go down to reset classic just a little interruption little interjection i don't know whatever you call it say you lose your mixer like one of these panels your effect rack your file tab you can hit reset to classic it'll reset your workspace and you'll have everything back sometimes these panels will go missing for some reason but uh yeah if you ever lose a panel just go to reset the classic now in the corner over here you're going to see files effect rack favorites files is everything that you recorded if i want to record like a vocal you're going to notice when i record that vocal it's gonna go over in files what's up my file recording now you guys can see track one underscore zero zero one so everything you record is gonna be in your file section effect racks this is how you add your effects to your vocals so if i hit ctrl z to undo that and bring that vocal back and i want to add effects to that vocal this is where we're going to add our effects we add some compression boom then we want to add some you know auto-tune say i was singing or something boom auto-tune and then you got your favorites which is a bunch of simple effects the dessert fade didn't fade out to be honest i never go to favorites i never really use favorites the only time i've ever really used favorites is up here i'll go to favorites up here and i'll like click the vocal go like that go to favorites and add like a fade out then it fades your vocal out something like that that's the only time i've really added or touched favorites so got your files everything you record your effects racks where you're gonna put your effects your favorites which we're not gonna worry about that's where we are so far i'm gonna try to take my time for you guys can understand so now the first thing you're gonna have to do to record is find your microphone and set your microphone up in adobe you'll see right here it says default stereo input default stereo input default stereo now that's where you select your mic before we select our mic we gotta set up our mic and then we can select our mic so we're gonna set up our microphone you wanna click default stereo input and go to audio hardware or you can go to edit preferences audio hardware what i like to do though which makes it super simple is go to default stereo audio hardware and this is where you select your microphone to start recording so you want to go to device class select your mic and then your device so as you guys can see i'm using my apollo interface to record with if you're using a usb microphone you might want to download iso for all this this will make sure that your microphone's not like causing any delay and you're on b sometimes when you use the usb microphones they're a little delayed and when you talk it doesn't come out in real time it comes out like a second later so if you download iso for all it will stop that latency and everything will be in real time but if you're using an xlr microphone and you have an interface you should be able to just select your interface iso and you'll be good your buffer size can be lower than 248 like it's fine if you have your buffer size at like 5 12 or 10 24 and your sample rate i would just leave at 44 100 and that's where you select your microphone so boom boom boom sorry that's where you set up your microphone now we want to select our microphone now we're going to go back to default stereo input go to mono and select your microphone so mine is plugged into mic 1 on my interface so i'm going to select microphone one and we wanna record in mono not stereo for one person recording vocals rap hip hop rock you wanna record in mono alright so hopefully by now we have adobe open it's looking like mine if it's not looking like mine you can go to window workspace reset classic we have set up our microphone and we have selected our microphone so if we wanna record you're gonna click the r r click it go down to the record button down here the little red zero red zero red dot and click it and now we are recording our vocals what's up now what do we want to do we want to record a song we're going to try to record a song if you got a beat drag it in did you see me do that i didn't really explain it but all you got to do is just grab the beat and drag it into the session and i usually keep my b on track one now for the beat you do not got to do anything you don't got to change the mic you don't got to change the master you don't got to do nothing zero nothing so we have our red r highlighted we're gonna go down to the the dot and we're gonna record something so record yeah [Music] this is for adobe this is for beginners cali here to do it now i'm feeling like a winner we can never stop it so we recorded something we got something recorded now don't mind my input there i only switch the input because i'm doing this video it won't allow me to play the beat and my audio at the same time never mind don't worry about that don't don't change your input like that anyways okay so we recorded something i hope you guys are keeping up hopefully so we have something recorded and now we want to add effects to our recording what i like to do is make effect racks like i have a bunch of effect racks effect racks for days but obviously you guys don't have effect racks so we got to make an effect rack and we're going to start with adobe stock effects i have no clue what this is going to sound like but we're going to see what this sounds like way too much this is for adobe this is for beginners cali here to do it now i'm feeling like a winner we can never stop it but it's so fat you're so thinner yo it's not like my mind that's actually not bad all right so we're gonna go with this adobe stock effect preset these are all adobe stock effects these effects come with the program so to add your effects you're going to go to the effect rack on the side over here where it says effect rack on the side over here now the first thing i have on here is an eq the graphic equalizer 30 band eq if you go to your filter and eq you will see 30 band equalizer and here are my settings for my graphic equalizer so i cut the lows off to about 80 you'll see 100's like halfway here 8.3 cut all the lows down this will get rid of all the muddiness in my voice the thickness we don't really want that then all the mids are about the same and i brought my high end around 20k up to give you that crispy bright high-end vocal so step number one you want to put an eq on your vocals and then for anyone that's going to sing if you want to sing or do some auto-tune type little baby wraps you want to add some auto-tune and you're lucky if you're using adobe because adobe has some of the best auto-tune there's some plug-ins that cost 400 dollars and i still like adobe's auto tune better so if you go to time and pitch you will see automatic pitch correction that's your auto tune so click that if you keep it at 2 and 110 that's going to give you like a not too auto-tuney but it sounds like you can sing it's gonna pitch correct your voice now if you crank the sensitivity to 200 and your attack to 10 then you're going to notice it's going to give you that t-pain lots of auto-tune effect i don't really like to do that too much i usually keep mine at 2 and 1 10-ish just to give you a natural sound if you want to crank it feel free i usually don't go between 2 and 10. it's either two or ten for some reason in the middle it doesn't work too well and then we're gonna wanna compress our vocals make them stand out a little bit we're gonna add a compressor so if you go to dynamics processing add your compressor i like to use the classic soft knee it's really good so aero amplitude dynamics processing presets classic soft knee beast compressor works great then our fft filter this is like a more precise equalizer so if you go to uh filter and fft filter click that you will see one that says wrap vocals click wrap vocals and uh yeah that's the fft filter i am using and then we have our limiter this will make sure like your vocals are not some are not louder than the others they're all pretty even this limits everything so again if you go to uh where is this where is my hard limiter i forget yeah if you go to amplitude and compression hard limiter light boom then mastering now this is a pretty cool effect this is like some saturation like a distortion kind of but we're not going to use it as distortion because we don't want to to store our vocals but if you add a little bit then it can give you this crispy effect to your vocals it sounds really good so mastering that's what the effects called but we're not mastering the song we're just mastering the vocal forget that forget the name of the effect so if you go to special go to mastering you will see it now you will see an equalizer reverb exciter widener loudness maximizer output gain we're not using the output game we're not using the loudness maximizer we're not using the reverb we are using the widener and we're using a bit of the eq so we're gonna start with the eq eq i brought it down around 4k so 4k we're gonna go to our mixer oh by the way you have a mixer up here this is where all your other equalizers are but we're not really gonna worry about that right now but 4k if you go to equalizer you will see like our graphs here there's 100 hertz there's 200 hertz there's 300 hertz four five six one little then you see 4k now your 4k is like the nasally brightness of your voice so if you bring the 4ks up you will notice it's going to get a lot brighter but if you bring it down it's gonna get rid of that like pitchiness nasalliness in your voice so the more you bring it up the more pitchy it is the more you bring it down the less pitchy it is now i have a very nasally voice i'm not sure if you guys noticed but it sounds like i'm talking through my nose anyways i like to bring that down because my voice can sound a little annoying and harsh and weird now it's not a lot it's just a little bit i forget the mixer but i just brought the mixer up to show you guys where the 4ks are but um yeah around the 4k area i brought that down just a tiny bit just a tiny little bit anywhere between like 1k and 4k if you're if you're sounding a little pitchy a little let's bring those down and it should get rid of it now if this was a pop song not a hip hop song or a rap song if this was like a pop sing type song a melodic song i would do the opposite and bring that eq up to give me like a brighter modern pop style vocal but since it's like a hip hop song and i'm not singing doing bright melody pitchy type vocals i'm bringing it down next we have something called an exciter now our exciter is going to add this this crispiness to the vocals and it sounds pretty good this is for adobe this is for beginners cali here to do it now i'm feeling like a winner i like my mind so good yo so whack my soul hood wish you would this crack adobe this is for beginners cali here to do it now i'm feeling like a winner we can never stop it bart's so fat you're so thinner yo is not like my mind so good yo so whack my soul hood wish you would this now i'm sure you guys noticed the difference when i brought it up sounds a lot crispier gives you a nice sound so we have it about halfway at 42 percent and then our widener this is going to make your vocal sound a little bit thicker so it's not so thin and i have my widener at 37 and then we have another one of those on the other one we stack two of them on top of each other and i'm about to show you why so again if you go to your arrow down to special mastering click mastering again we have two of the same effects probably not really necessary though now that i'm looking at it just to make it easier on you guys forget this i'm not even gonna add this we're just gonna go ahead and delete that so sorry about that then we have our course and our flanger the course flanger we don't really need right now that's more for courses it's going to like pan your vocals to the left and the right if you guys want to use that go to your modelation course flanger see adobe has some really good stock effects and that's why i like using adobe then you have your reverb i have two different reverbs on here these are my settings for my first reverb feel free to copy them check them out i forget what preset i used but uh i probably use thickening or thickener but i changed the settings so feel free to check those out and then we have another studio reverb on top of that reverb my camera just died so we had the first reverb now we want the studio reverb so we go to reverb under reverb there's a studio reverb yeah so these are my settings for my studio reverb feel free to copy them i'm pretty sure i changed all these settings these presets i don't know what preset i used but uh feel free to copy my settings it's a pretty good setting okay so this is a wrap type song there's not too much reverb now say you're singing and you want more reverb i would copy these settings what you see on the screen then i'll go down to my output level and just play with the output levels this is for adobe this [Music] don't put too much reverb a lot of people put too much reverb because they think it sounds good but when you export the song and upload it you're like maybe there's too much reverb it's very easy to push the reverb too far so just don't don't put too much reverb on your vocals but yeah and then we have some echo now the echoes to fill in the spaces between my pauses that's what i like to use the echo for and i only use it a little bit just a little bit it's a little bit if you go to uh stereo vocals bring your echo level all the way up lock left and right speakers boom bring your feedback down to like 10 and bring the delay time to like 400 you should have a decent sound but the delay time is gonna change on each and every song your echo level and your feedback you can keep around 10 and 100 but every song is gonna be different for the delay time this is always going to be different so we're going to listen and we're going to figure out what the delay time for this song is yeah this is for adobe this is for beginners cali here to do it now i'm feeling like a winner we can never stop it bars so now what i like to do to figure out the proper echo is bring the feedback up so you can hear it find an echo that's on beat with your rap or whatever [Music] [Music] so 500 seems pretty good now we're going to fix the feedback this is for adobe this is for beginners i'm feeling like a winner we can never stop it but it's so fat now if you guys listen you will notice the echoes really subtle in the background you don't hear it too much but it's there but it's really subtle we have an effect rack so i hope you guys follow along there and got your effect rack now say you're singing all i would do is just turn the auto-tune on and if you're not singing turn the auto-tune off so when i was setting all this stuff up from my buddy he was having issues with lagging so he put the effects on and then everything starts lagging he'd be fine with one effect rack but once you start adding multiple effect racks for like background vocals your chorus your verses you're gonna have multiple tracks when you finish the song and if you add multiple effects on the side to each and every track eventually your stuff's gonna start lagging and it's not gonna be the greatest experience what you can do to simplify all that and add effects to every single track without your vocals or your session lagging this is how you do it so we made our effect rack right we got all of our effects on the side hopefully you guys followed along we're gonna hit this down arrow right here and we're gonna save it so i have mine saved as adobe stock boom i put all those lines there because it brings it to the top so don't worry about these lines it just brings it to the top of the list because i have so many presets but um so you named your preset boom adobe stock now we want to right click go to track and go down to add stereo buss now go up here and find our preset that we just saved adobe stock we want to add it to the bus track and then we want to pull this black line down yep you can make your tracks bigger if you pull the black line down and see where it says master we want to click master go to bus and go to bus a and then we want to go up here and turn that preset off the side we don't want to affect presets so we turned that off back to default and now these vocals are linked to this bus track so instead of linking it to the master which is down here and your master track affects everything so if i add freaking reverb to your master track or something it's going to add reverb to every single track so instead of linking it to this master track we're now linking it to the bus track and we're going to do the same thing with all of the tracks so track number two bus track bus a and then we're gonna bring our volume to zero and turn the bus track down because the bus tracks controlling everything now vocals one you can click this too and name your vocals if you want or name your tracks vocals two so say we want to punch in like a little wrap here we heard that i'm going to switch this again because it doesn't allow me to do things with it on and now we're going to punch in a little a little rap thing make you jump all damn day kelly here to get it get a flow so crazy okay let me go go back up and punch in some more yeah okay we can never stop no we grind all day this my birthday cut the cake lately i've been feeling great let me go back to the chorus this is fobodobi this is for beginners kelly here to do it yeah i'm feeling like a winner you know and then we have now that these tracks are linked to the bus track you can just start punching in and recording makes it super simple so you'll notice the effects are on both tracks now uh yeah yeah this um this yeah this pump make you jump all damn day kelly here to get it get the flow so crazy okay yeah okay we can never stop no we grind all day this my birthday cut the cake lately i've been feeling great this is for adobe this is for beginners cali here i'm feeling like yeah now so you want to add a course use these two for like the verses so we'll say like verses versus yeah then we go to like course connect that to the bus track master bus a and then this could be like your course and then we could use like some backgrounds backing vocals so now all these tracks are connected to the one bus track and you don't gotta add multiple effect racks now for my backing vocals like your ad libs i usually put this like radio type effect on my ad libs what i'm gonna do different here from the rest of the tracks you're gonna go to your mixer you'll see mixer up here at the top beside editor mixer and we're going to backing vocals and we're going to go like this we're going to cut all the lows so if you hit hp just take your frequency knob and turn it go to like 500 grab number four bring number four up hit the lp the low pass filter and turn this way down this is going to give you like a radial effect to your vocals so now if we want to do ad libs in the background it's going to sound pretty cool good what what my mind so good you're so wack my soul hood i would play with that a little bit i might have made it a little bit too thin yeah i was at 700 don't want to go above like 500 turn this down maybe a little bit but now we have some background vocals so that's how you add your bus track and you can link all your tracks to your bus tracks so your stuff doesn't lag too much now say we want to sing on one of these tracks but we want no auto-tune on the rest of them so we want the verses to be like wraps and then the chorus to be like singing type stuff and we want to add auto-tune just to one part what you can do is select your microphone like you're going to record is go to one of your tracks whatever track you want to sing on in this case we're going to use our course for the singing part and we're going to add auto-tune just auto-tune to the course or whatever so now the auto tune is just on the one track so the auto-tune and whatever you record is linking to the bus track now but only on the course where i added the auto-tune so i'm gonna delete this kelly here to get it kelly is a winner this is for beginners we're gonna like sing that i guess we're gonna try to sing that chorus part i don't know we this is for beginners kinda here together yeah i'm feeling like a winner all right so we're gonna try to sing that part now this is for adobe this is for beginners kelly here to get enough and i'm like going up feeling like i wanna ah yeah yeah [Music] don't mind my terrible singing [Music] this is for beginners [Music] now i don't know if the pitch was correct but you guys get the point so if you want to add auto-tune to just one track just add the auto-tune on the side right there and that will go into the bus track and you're good and you should be able to add all this without your stuff lagging what you can do now is save this session as like a template so when you open it back up you have everything ready set as a template so now you would finish recording your song just go back and forth between these two tracks your verses your ad-libs boom finish your song and then uh go to file go down to export multi-track mix down entire session a f b uh adobe for beginners find the folder you want to put it in i usually say my stuff as waves but you can save it as wave or mp3 we're gonna save it as mp3 for now and export afb yo so whack my soul hood wish you would love so crazy i definitely could turn my vocals down a little bit my vocals seemed pretty loud but uh you guys get the point so another thing i'm going to show you guys here to make things super simple for you guys and you can save all this and just open it back up and start recording like this again so if you go to export and export session as template name your template what you just made name that name that will be for beginners feel free to name it what you want and okay now if i go to my template afb i open it up boom now it is gonna open up your vocals and the beat whatever session you had before it will open up the vocals and stuff but you can just delete the vocals and then you have the template you will notice you will see like in my other i still have it like adobe part two boom all my vocals but for some reason when you save templates with the vocals in there it likes to add the vocals back in there so i don't know maybe save your template without the vocals first and then every time you open it there's no vocals but if you save the template with the vocals all you gotta do is delete the vocals after and then start recording so my camera keeps dying i'm not enjoying it so yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed this video hopefully it helped you out i'm gonna try to figure out how to uh make presets for you guys can download like uh these presets on the side that i have because i have tons of presets so i'm gonna try to figure out a way to make these presets downloadable you guys can just go to the description download the preset and load it up to adobe which would make our lives easier but uh for now i hope this helped and uh hope you guys enjoyed this video if you don't use adobe and you watch the whole video i love you you're the best thank you and i'll see you guys soon with another video
Channel: Kelli
Views: 36,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe audition, how to use adobe audition, beginner adobe audition, adobe audition cc tutorial, adobe audtion, adobe audition for beginners, how to setup microphone in audition, adobe audition cc, 2020 adobe audition cc, adobe audition cc 2020 tutorial for beginners, adobe audition getting started, adobe audition for beginners adobe cc, mixing rap song, adobe hiphop vocals, rap adobe audition, adobe audition vocal presets, adobe audition vocal template
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 40sec (1840 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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