How to Remove Noise - Wind Noise, Mouth Clicks, Background Noise & Static - Adobe Audition Tutorial

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hello I might Russell for a music radio creative calm in this video I will show you how to perform noise reduction in particular focusing on wind noise surrounding noises and those dreaded mouth clicks okay let's get into it and we'll start off with a common problem particularly when you're filming on the move you were out and about you've got a nice mounted shotgun microphone but you've forgot the the sock the dead cat and you've got wind noise rumbling away in the background like this example you're a competition looking at them as allies instead of you know there is definitely a wind Rumble there but the good news is it's super easy to eliminate it let's go into the effects menu and we'll look for under filter and EQ the parametric equalizer will set this to default and essentially you want to switch on HP which is high-pass filter so when we switch that on we get an HP dot that we can move around like this and there's a number that changes down here that is the frequency now all wind Rumble generally occurs below around 100 to 150 Hertz here we got an 85 and the best way to set this is start from low and move it all the way up until we hear the winds Rumble disappearing let's try it you're a competition looking at them as allies instead of and right there at 2:45 your competition looking at them at disable that for a second you're a competition looking at them as enabling your competition looking at them as a huge difference and if you really want to hear it we can actually disable high pass filter pond low pass filter move that low pass filter all the way down like that to around 2:45 and we can listen to that there is the wind Rumble on its own and as you can hear very little of the voice there but definitely a lot of wind so let's switch that on you're a competition looking at them as allies and before I go ahead and apply that I'm actually going to copy this and paste it so we can do it before and after let's put this at the start here so we've got this you're a competition looking at them as allies and then we'll go ahead and perform the noise reduction on this little clip here so we'll go into filter and EQ parametric equalizer there is our high pass water there is her high pass filter at two hundred and forty five Hertz and we just simply apply like so you're a competition looking at them as allies and before you're a competition looking at them as allies now the next thing we got surrounding noise going on there just general kind of stuff we don't want to be there if we want to focus on the voice well this is where we can go into the effects menu we can look for noise reduction restoration we can go 4d noise here and it's simply a slider from 0 to 100% beware the further you push this up the more it will degrade the quality of the speech so try to avoid going too high maybe 40% is the highest I would go let's try you're a competition looking at them as allies now you can hear that's already reducing these surrounding noises push it right there way up and it will make a change you're a competition looking at them as allies instead but you can have also affected the quality of the speech so let's bring it back down and push it up just enough to make a difference you're a competition looking at them as allies okay around 32% apply your competition looking at them as allies that's after this is before your competition looking at them as allies after your competition looking at them as allies so there we go with just a few simple steps a high-pass filter inside parametric equalizer and also the D noise effect under effects noise reduction and restoration menu you can get a pretty clean sound from something you've recorded our doors that didn't sound good initially let's move on to the next thing I want to show you in this noise reduction video and that is dread is mouth clicks hey having quite a lot particularly if you eat chocolate and sweets and all kinds of what we'd probably say is junk food before hopping in to do a voiceover let's have a listen to this clip and you'll probably agree there are a few mouth clicks here with monthly office hours live right there live webinars and a library of trainings Oh again he's right there so two points of mouth clicking here and here and sometimes those mouth clicks can happen in the speech so you can't simply go through and delete a mouth click because that would obviously ruin the sound of the audio so how can we cure this problem well and I want to show you something else if we go ahead and compress this which often voice overs are compressed so let's add a bit of compression this is going to enhance it even more let's pull that threshold down push the ratio practice owners with monthly office hours live webinars and a library of trainings you can really hear those mouth plagues so this is where we're gonna do some kind of audio forensics some scrubbing and we're getting for this we're gonna need to go into the spectral frequency view right here and bring up like a heat map of everything happening in the audio and then we're gonna zoom right in to where those mouth clicks are and you'll see they're around here and they're sort of indicated by these sort of red blotches usually up in the high end and now I've got this tool here it's called the Spot Healing Brush tool it's kind of like Photoshop scrubbing out but for audio and to make this bigger or smaller we just use the curly brackets on our keyboard so curly brackets like that to make it smaller or bigger very very simple stuff there we go and if we want to just hit and get rid of the noise click we can actually we can freeform it like that but if we want to be a little more accurate we can like click and hold down shift and it will give us a straight line like that straight line like that straight line like that and let's have a listen to that no risk no risk okay I think you'll agree but monthly office hours live web that clicking is pretty much gone let's just do a little bit more here and a little bit more here maybe just a tiny bit more here let's try Chris laughs maybe here as well or is luck or risk and just their brisk luck and now let's listen to this practice owners with monthly office hours much much better let's do it again over here more clicking zooming in and again pretty easy in spectral frequency to actually spot where those clicks are they're the kind of like little icicles occurring there in spectral frequency view just gonna make that paintbrush a little bit bigger and then we'll paint down here will paint down here will paint down here paint down here sometimes you might need to do two or three passes just to make sure you're eliminating those clicks and let's have a listen now to this bit in a library of trainings still a little bit going on so one more big pass on the end a library of trainings there we go and one more time ours and a library of trainings Wow and then just to show you those clicks truly have gone we'll go ahead and put on the compressor again it tends to enhance these things is the compressor practice owners with monthly office hours live webinars and a library of trainings there we go fantastic stuff all eliminated using spectral frequency display and the Spot Healing Brush tool pretty easy stuff practice out and finally let's get rid of that one and let's move on to this one static noise this often occurs on old recordings particularly cassette tape recordings if you remember those and this is a cassette tape recording from the 70s from a wedding in the 70s oh dear there is a priest talking there somewhere in that tape but it's hit by hiss static and Rumble all in one again we can pop open spectral frequency view here to see exactly what's going on and we can see down here in the low end loads of yellow showing loads of Rumble so let's deal with everything in one fell swoop now I did show you earlier on effects noise reduction restoration D noise you can try this but sometimes with really terrible audio like this it doesn't work so well and actually it ends up degenerating the voice over so much you just can't hear what's being said so instead we'll go for noise reduction process and before we use this we need to capture a noise print of the noise only so not the speech that's very important not even a little breath otherwise it can affect things just noise there's noise and we'll go into effects noise reduction restoration capture noise print boom and it says yeah it's gonna be captured and loaded as a noise primp that's what we want now we'll select everything effects noise reduction restoration noise reduction process we'll make sure that's on default no settings changed and we can actually switch on now the preview mode so we can see what's going on before and after you can see a lot of stuff has changed already now we can increase the amount of noise reduction which will then increase the amount and what we really want to aim for here is black where there's no speech and of course a little bit of heat where there is speech it's doing really well isn't it let's reduce it by a little bit more okay that's working amazingly now what you want to do you want to focus on noise reduction percentage and also reduce by DB level the more you reduce by that quieter that noise is going to become let's leave it there for the moment do a couple more things so apply that and you'll notice here just at the start there's a little bit of noise left in so we're just gonna delete that away now we're getting somewhere I'm going to go into favorites I'm going to normalize this to minus 3 dB pop up that speech a little bit more that's pretty good but we can still hear the low-end Rumble the final piece in our puzzle so in order to make this better I'm actually going to go into effect I'm going to go to filter and EQ and back to that parametric equalizer with that high-pass filter so we can bring that down and actually what we can do is we can see that yellow getting less as we push the high-pass filter up yellow will get less and less until we're happy with that let's push it up a little bit more the rammers Rumble has gone it's completely disappeared let's apply it and we're gonna do one final thing we're gonna go in and enhance this speech a little bit let's switch off preview for the moment let's look at that look at the difference it's made now that's absolutely crazy down here so much better we actually see a waveform rather than just static that was here before on this cassette tape recording now we're going to affect amplitude and compression dynamics and I'll add a couple of things from this effect first of all we'll go to default view and we'll switch on the auto gate if the noise gate that lets audio through above a certain level and blocks everything else out preview mode back on so you can see the difference it makes wow that's a bit aggressive let's move that threshold down a little bit so the idea is we want to move it down until we can start to see the audio coming through but not so much that we get audio coming through between the speech this should be good there we go and then we'll have some compression on increase the ratio a little bit move down the threshold push up the make up gain you make tremendous preparations for a journey not just to the beginning knowledge but of the journey itself and there we can actually hear what is being said in that church in the 70s absolutely crazy I'm just gonna undo everything I did and head back to what it was before pretty much impossible to hear what's being said so plenty of ways that you can do noise reduction there whether its wind removal mouth clicks or static hiss hum surrounding noise everything is possible all using the native tools inside Adobe Audition [Music] music we need opt calm
Channel: Mike Russell
Views: 140,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n4FHoi1cs_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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