Adobe Animate| How to use motion tween to make an object move in Adobe Animate

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this is the second video in a series of five and which you will learn how to make this animated and interactive infographic with Adobe animate and Adobe Illustrator CC in the previous video we've imported an Adobe Illustrator file into Adobe animate in this video you'll make your first object move we'll first start with this cloud we're going to animate it in a continuing loop from the left to the right of the stage to do this it's very important to convert the clouds to a symbol first make sure you've selected the selection tool in the tools panel when you've done that you can select the cloud on the stage right click and choose convert to symbol I'll name the symbol cloud and then click OK now we've got a symbol we can start animating it because I want to animate the clouds from the left to the right I'll first move it to the start position outside the stage to make a continuing loop you've got to go to the cloud symbols own timeline this is almost the same principle as the isolation mode in Adobe Illustrator to go to this timeline double click on the cloud when you've done that you'll see the symbols own timeline to make the symbol move we've got to create a motion tween first right-click the cloud and then create motion tween animate now asks to convert this clouds to a symbol again we could have done this before but actually it's not really wrong to do it now so just click OK note that the timeline has now been changed because animate has added the motion to into your timeline this motion tween is an animation of 1 second but nothing happens yet make sure your playhead is at the end of the motion tween and now move the clouds to the right outside the stage animate has now made an animation press ENTER to view it as you can see this is a very fast animation because it only takes one second we can change this by making the motion tween a lot longer by dragging it all the way to 16 seconds when you press ENTER to view it again you'll see it now takes 16 seconds to go from the left to the right click on scene 1 to go back to the main timeline and you can now test this animation in the browser by going to control test this is the only way to see the animation loop so now you know how to animate something from the left to the right we can start making rotations in the next video
Channel: Adobe Animate
Views: 40,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AdobeAnimate, ACP
Id: ZN-XNkem1yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 40sec (160 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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