Adobe Animate | How to use classic tween in Adobe Animate

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so in this video we're gonna take a look at how to use classic tweens this character is comprised of a bunch of different body parts that have been converted to symbols so all of the assets that I've drawn to create this character are done using object drawing mode but in order to animate first what we need to do if we're going to use classic tweens is to convert every object into a symbol a graphic symbol and to convert an object to a symbol go to the modify menu and then convert to symbol and then in the convert to symbol dialog box give it an appropriate name and then the type of symbol we want is graphic so use the drop-down menu to select graphic if it isn't already selected and then hit OK and now you'll see our object has been converted to a symbol but the next step is to grab the free transform tool or hit Q on your keyboard and you'll notice the white dot in the center that's the center point of this symbol when I rotate and scale this symbol it is all based on where that dot is so what we want to do next is edit the center point location so that this object will hinge naturally so for the ear I'm going to move the symbol to where the ear connects to the body and now you'll notice when we rotate and scale and skew the symbol it'll look and act more anatomically correct so repeat this same procedure for all of the other objects that your character has once every single object has been converted to a graphic symbol you're ready to start animating in the first keyframe I'm gonna move the character out of frame so I'm gonna click and drag the parent symbol which is the body and all the child symbols are gonna follow so if I click and drag to highlight a range of frames across all these layers then I can right click and select create classic tween and this will apply a classic tween to all of these layers now while this highlight is still active I can then go over to the properties panel click on classic ease and I'm gonna choose easing out and Kubik as the curve and what this is gonna do is just apply a nice soft easing out to the character so as it reaches its highest point it slows down to simulate gravity so now that I have basically the whole motion down I go back into these layers that have tweens and I create keyframes on various layers to then alter what happens some of these symbols and here I'm gonna take the ears and just move them down I want the force of gravity to play or have more of an impact on on the cymbals themselves so here I'm just rotating the character a little bit on frame one and you'll see now what I like about this using this procedure is being able to scrub the timeline and getting sort of an immediate feedback on what's going on in terms of how these cymbals are reacting to how I'm rotating them and positioning them so here I am at the very bottom or beginning of the animation I'm selecting various smaller parts of the character and rotating them because what I like is this overall motion but I also like lots of individual smaller fine-tune motions that are happening and so again I'm making adjustments going back in to certain layers and creating additional keyframes just to play around with the timing of certain aspects of this character and having the tweens already present allow me to scrub the timeline again once I make a change and get feedback visually on what is happening and it doesn't mean I'm making all the right edits as I go it's a lot easier for me to make an edit play it back and see if it works or not and if it doesn't I make adjustments and so that looks pretty good to me overall so what I want to do now is have the character fall back out of frame so I'm gonna actually insert an equal amount of frames and create keyframes across all these layers at the end of my animation and then I'm gonna move the character back down off screen I'm gonna select a range of frames across all these layers and in over the highlighted area I'm gonna right click and select create classic tween and then again like we did before in properties panel choose easing in and the cubic curve and then what I want to do is create smaller motions within some of the limbs and so here what I'm doing is I'm going to convert the leg symbol into another symbol therefore I basically am nesting a symbol inside a symbol and here I'm going to actually take the center point and move it so that the leg hinges properly now inside this symbol I'm going to animate a looping animation so the easiest way to do that is before we even apply any animation at all just go down the timeline and hit f6 and this will insert a keyframe that contains the same exact contents as in the previous keyframe so now we have basically bookended this timeline where we have the leg in exactly the same position in both of these keyframes now we're gonna apply all our animation in between these keyframes and this will ensure that the animation inside this symbol is gonna loop perfectly create a few more additional keyframes and what I want this lake to do is kind of wobble back and forth really quickly so after applying a classic tween I can get a sense for it the timing of it I want it to be a little bit faster so I'm gonna remove a few frames in between these keyframes and that's gonna get the leg to kick back and forth much faster and so once I feel like I got it to a good place I'm gonna repeat this entire procedure for the arm as well again creating additional keyframes adjusting the artwork selecting an area across these frames right clicking over it and creating a classic tween and so back out on the main timeline I'll make a few more adjustments as I'm doing here with the ears a little bit of rotation here as the character starts to descend with the full effect in place you can see how fun and easy it is to work with classic tweens in Adobe animate cc
Channel: Adobe Animate
Views: 121,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AdobeAnimate
Id: tjE__KwrTIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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