Classic VS Motion Tweening | Adobe Animate Tutorial

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let's take a look at the difference between classic and motion tweening in adobe animate hello everybody and welcome back to tipped art today we're inside of Adobe animate looking at the difference between classic and motion tweening you can see here that I've got a really simple timeline set up is a floor layer which just has our floor and background on it for 60 frames and then an individual layer with a classic and motion tween symbol on each this lighter color is the classic and this darker one is the motion tween as you can see they're right on top of each other at the start of animation and I'm just going to be doing the same or similar animations to each of them using the classic tween for one and the motion tween for the other let's start with the classic tweens I'm just going to hide my motion layer and I'm going to go to my last frame hit f6 and position it where I want that last frame to be okay let's now add in a classic tween and as you can see it's obviously going to animate linearly between those two frames totally fine let's go to say 12 frames in and hit f6 and I'm just going to drag my ball down so that it bounces a little bit it's gonna fall down ants then by frame 24 we want it to be up in the air over here a bit by just frame 36 down on the floor over here by frame 48 just up like this and then by frame 60 it's going to hit this kind of finish area here now just taking a look at this at a glance looks okay not super great and it's difficult to see how and where this path of animation is going to go if you wanted to add easing to this you'd have to go up to your easing options here and choose things like ease outs and choose one of these options Sirk or bounce so a key probably going to be the best one let's take a look at that double click to apply and that's just gonna add a little bit of simple easing to the in sections so bouncing out now you could try adding circuit to this one as well ease in SEC one uhm but yeah that second a bit too intense so just forget that undo that second sec okay so with that amount of time put into that animation as you can see it doesn't look great you've got a little bit of easing going on you could continue to tweak this if you wanted to add a bit of a curve to this motion you'd have to to see what's going on you'd have to go to your onion skin settings say like show you the previous however many frames I think what's the maximum you can do is for em to be for show the previous four amount of frames I'm over them to here add a keyframe in start to like tweak so that your frames are even scrub through and as you can see where I've affected that ease is kind of messed that up a little bit because I've already put that easing in there as well it's a quite a destructive way of animating classic animation classic tweening so let's hide that and take a look at motion tweening instead I'm just going to change my onion skin settings back to two and let's go up to this layer with no keyframes and just add create motion tween now that's going to creates like a yellow highlight here and this time I'm just gonna animate straight ahead I'm not going to bother putting in a finishing keyframe and I'll show you why in a second let's go to frame twelve and I'm just gonna drag this ball around it's gonna automatically create a keyframe for us that's one of the first few benefits of using motion tweening let's go to frame 24 and move it up into the air okay you can already see it started to create this interesting path let's finish off quickly the rest of our paths again because we do have these paths we can see how and where it's animating a much more easier let's just position that over there so first of all the biggest benefit we can see the path our animation has taken second benefit is you can adjust that path really easily without adding extra keyframes for example with your selection tool selected you can just click and drag on one of these lines when the curved line appears and you could adjust the path that that ball takes clicking on one of the keyframe points you could adjust the position of that initial keyframe for example I can now tweak this ball so that it starts falling slowly and starts falling a bit quicker as it falls to the ground as you scrub you can see there it falls quicker the closer it gets to the ground on this path here maybe I want it to curve a little bit this way maybe I want it to come up in a similar level of speed which would make sense I'm gonna align these sections here until it reaches its apex it's gonna slow down I'm gonna try and make even distance between these two it's gonna hit the ground here we're gonna add in a curve and add in a final curve here now here at this point is just gonna stop and look a bit weird but that's okay so look what that looks like so automatically you can see that straight away that's a much better animation not only that you can start to tweak this with a bit of greater ease for example you can move the exact keyframe points and still individually adjust your easing with just a few simple clicks now look me in the eye and tell me that doesn't look better for the amount of time put in and that then that and that if we confused with the layers there let's turn both of them on remember dark is motion and light is classic immediately same amount of time spent working on to them much better so as you can see motion tweening for complex paths is fantastic works in a similar way to other motion paths like in After Effects and you get a much more complex level of control in a much more simpler way so that's it hopefully have quite a neat little trick for you guys make sure you start using your motion tweening paths in adobe animate and hopefully i'll see you next time on another episode of tip-top for more cool tricks inside of Adobe animate I'll see you there for more tips tricks and tutorials thanks for watching
Channel: TipTut
Views: 67,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiptut, tip, tut, adobe, creative, cloud, graphic, design, designers, tutorials, lessons, tiptalks, tipwalks, helpful, classic, motion, tweening, vs, comparison, whats, the, difference, animate
Id: uVPJ-Nm_Igw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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