How Pewdiepie Saved Minecraft

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minecraft has been around for a decade a seemingly simple game with a pixelated aesthetic can virtually unlimited land to conquer it's not difficult to understand why the game was all the rage several years back but as all good things come to an end after minecraft was bought by Microsoft in 2014 it started to slowly lose its steam as the years went on it's almost like minecraft was on the operating table and doctors were ready to call the time of death and some assistant was like doctor it still has a pulse and the doctor was like my god there's only one way we can sustain it and bring it back completely and then the doors burst open and from the shadow a familiar face arises one swedish man and his dog and his horse and his other horse and the water sheep and an army of pigs and some birds listen it's complicated but I'm talking about PewDiePie here now I'm not saying pee deep I brought back minecraft all by himself is if we take a look at Google Trends minecraft started slowly coming back around March of 2019 but when he posted the first part of his Minecraft series on June 21st the interest in the game started surging once again so technically he didn't single-handedly bring it back but he played a big part in the operation and everyone rejoiced the video gained 27 million views and by the end of the series all 30 episodes gained 10 to 15 million views per video so what is it about this series that makes it so successful well what I think gives the series a charming vibe is that as the series starts Felix doesn't know how to play the game anymore even though his first video on his channel from nine years ago is a Minecraft video and he'll tell you time and time again that he's a Minecraft veteran because I'm actually a veteran at Minecraft a lot of people don't know this I'm a veteran ok I was born playing Minecraft I know more about Minecraft than you do so they didn't even talk to me alright despite all of that he's learning as the series progresses Jay says ok maybe I shouldn't run around with the dynamite so where's my house again I forgot oh my god hey can I write please let me write that don't go I love you Turtles am i right and so this whole journey becomes relatable both to seasoned gamers who've stuck with the game throughout the years as well as new people just discovering minecraft who are learning the game along with Felix and say what you will about pewdiepie but his storytelling ability is undeniably great it's one thing to just film your screen as you play a game but Felix creates an entire universe I mean how can you not get emotional when Felix tames jörgen for the first time we have these horses they've been here since episode 1 I'm gonna ride this horse and you take it that's right take it does he trust me now are we cool now that's all my wheat supply where it wear it wear it you're the guy I have named you me again I think I tamed the waters God again we're going so fast my crap or when he meets Sven in the jungle for the first time oh he's got a collar does that mean you're my friend he needs a name Sven or when you're gone when your can dies in the portal to the nether realm what no your again went through you can come back come back oh man [Music] no I'm not crying shut up you are Jurgen was like a father to me I loved him like my son and then Felix goes to painstaking lengths all the way down into an underwater temple fighting mobs and stealing gold just so he can use it to build a proper grave for jörgen I mean come on that's top 10 anime deaths right there I know for some people right now this makes no sense if you're not caught up with a series really you can't not get invested in the characters when you're far away from home and your Jurgen he is gone mm-hmm and you only have your spin he's your biggest fan say say and it feels like everyone unanimously enjoys the videos there's no more backlash no more Vox articles no more JK Rowling tweets and PewDiePie social blade numbers are the highest they've ever been he got five hundred and seventy three million views in July that's 73 million more than December when the whole t series thing was at its peak and it's all due to his storytelling ability there's no controversy no big bad indian record label to rally the people against it's all him this time I saw a comment on one of his latest episodes that pretty much tells it how it is hmm M fits six days ago says these Minecraft series are better than any modern TV series bittersweet like real life with laughs and loss so close daring and funny adventures just around the corner always there moving and sweet moments of friendship and togetherness full of cozy little details and epicness never ending story with the best friends fighting and exploring and growing potatoes side by side with hero honest and kind and generous hero makes mistakes sometimes but always stays true to his values his sense of humor and wits this hero wears his heart on his sleeve and never ceases to amaze thank you for taking us on this most sincere open and kind journey big man with a big heart Thank You Felix and I couldn't have said it any better even YouTube celebrated PewDiePie's 100 million subscriber milestone with a video on Twitter marking important moments in his career they go married to Marcia revived our love of Minecraft reached a hundred million subscribers on YouTube what a month to celebrate and congratulate PewDiePie and I want to take a moment to appreciate the gesture because everyone saw how YouTube shunned PewDiePie in the previous years and despite him being practically blacklisted for so long here he is nine years into his career as a content creator thriving still making some of the most engaging content on the platform right now but it's not just PewDiePie that brought back minecraft felix recently made a video talking about how minecraft brought back his enthusiasm and love for creating content and I can't help but be happy for this guy for coming full circle after everything that he's been through there's been so much positivity with the channel and all the content and people just wanting more videos and feeling like oh that was such a good episode I really enjoyed that it is funny looking back as well because YouTube result is changing so quickly it's pretty crazy but whenever my channel gets like a second wind like this for the hundredth time at this point it feels like I'm always just so grateful looking back at other youtubers at the time you know the longevity of youtubers was so short I was thought like oh I can probably do it for like another year then people won't care so to still be able to make videos that I feel really good about and then my audiences like as well it's pretty crazy you know it's been a rocky road and I appreciate everyone sticking through with me throughout like all the controversies and all that stuff but obviously looking back now I kind of feel like right stupid about it and how a lot of it just wasn't worth I just want to play minecraft this is why I started making videos what I enjoy doing it's also something I've missed for a while and I realized while editing to Minecraft videos that I actually really enjoy editing those and I can tell that you guys enjoy it as well I'm very very happy with that it's been a while since I've been able to say like oh I feel really proud of this video so that feels really good as well you know they said what I said I feel like I'm naturally coming back to where I started with this channel and I enjoy it I really did obviously I'm not gonna be able to do minecraft forever there's always gonna be the next thing or whatever but then again if I stopped playing minecraft then my pit Sven it's gonna be alone and I can't let that happen you know what I'm starting to get a little jealous here it's not just PewDiePie ends van that have an unbreakable friendship okay wilfer get your things we're going on an adventure smile my face friendships one by Wow just for some are summers this [Music] so as Wilfred rose the boat over here let me tell you a few words about the sponsor of today's video skills share we've been working with them for a few months now and I'm grateful for that because kilcher is a great platform with thousands of online courses where you can pick up any new hobby you want whether that's writing or video editing music production or even animation and I mean if you want to learn how to animate you have to watch premium tutorials from verified teachers with experience in the business for example you can learn animating in After Effects from this course by Abby Lawson she takes you step-by-step it's easy to learn even if you're a beginner I recommend the course I recommend Skillshare and if you sign up right now only with my custom link in the description you get to try it for free for two months even after the trial period ends membership is less than $10 a month and that's a really good price for all the resources available on the platform so thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring and supporting the channel as always thanks for watching the video and we'll see you again very soon [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Andrei Terbea
Views: 5,128,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: @andreiterbea, andrei terbea, andrei terbea animation, pewdiepie, felix, minecraft, how pewdiepie saved minecraft, minecraft revival, minecraft series, minecraft part 1, minecraft animated, commentary, analysis, animated, animation, pewdiepie animated, pewdiepie minecraft, 100 million, pewdiepie sven, pewdiepie joergen, sven, joergen, jorgen horse, sven dog, notch
Id: cdvc9XasCh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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