ADDRESSING ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT US: Early retirers? No children? You have it all?

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hi everyone hello so jake and i thought it would be such a good idea to use the sticker function on instagram asking you to send us your assumptions about us and there were some some funny things quite interesting things yes some of their assumptions uh i i couldn't believe to be honest i really i was shocked yeah but some of them have been on so yeah so we have we have our ipad here and we just starred um you know what do you think yes that one you never get angry with each other and yeah you can say something yuck we're a couple we're normal people and normal people get angry yes from time to time yeah we think it would be so unnatural not to have an argument and i always remember yeah we unfortunately we are no longer friends because um that was more than 20 years ago we were friends with a couple they are divorced by now so we lost touch and we sometimes stayed at their place and they never ever argued never and i was i always said to you um i admire them because they never have an argument they are so different to us and and you said um that's not natural no because you have to argue yeah you have to have different opinions some from time to time if you do not have them something is wrong because yeah and if it's a you always have the same opinion somebody is just pretending to have the same opinion yeah because you never have ended it's okay it's okay to argue it's okay to be sometimes to be angry because we are just humans and i think what's important is um to talk about that so yeah for example if krishna and i if i do something which kirsten doesn't like and she gets angry she tells me yeah we think like if you never say if you never mention what bothers you or what i don't know what made you angry it will just be inside of you uh for a very long time and then all of a sudden you will explode as um and that's not healthy and not good and yeah we always um we always try to find a solution and um that's it it's all it has worked for us yes and um i had and to be honest we're not so often angry no not that often no but um we wouldn't we don't think it would be natural but never no no and there was something there was another assumption it's like um which i found quite interesting kirsten wins every argument and that's not true no she yeah she does yeah i'm manager but she believes she wants every argument no but um it's definitely not not you guys that's how you have to handle your wife make you believe she wants no seriously yeah but it's not it's it's not true because we that would be strange no and we are and it's not a game no no no if always the same person wins the same person loses yeah and that's not healthy no yeah it's a give and take give and take yeah i think the germans have one thing which they really really are good at now it's to find a compromise to find a common ground and that's what we do when we argue when we try to find a common ground and i know what she likes and she knows what i dislike yeah what what you dislike or like yeah also you know what i dislike and like i know what you dislike in life yeah so yeah yeah and it makes and it makes it easier that's true if i would always win it wouldn't make it easy no i just hate the term win or lose in a partnership or in a marriage there shouldn't be a win and lose now for us it's always us if there should always be a compromise and a relationship is always work the next assumption um kirsten uses perfume york doesn't no it's not true no she doesn't use perfume yeah and i'm from time to time yeah but more often than myself yes i can just um to make that really quick uh i can have perfumes that's why it doesn't make sense to to buy me perfumes i could have that for 20 years because i don't use it and then it would lose its scent so yeah i really love that i don't have any assumption so i've learned to never assume about people i think that's good to me that's the thing which is really difficult because it is because we're used to assuming yeah yeah but just just because you see somebody and you assume absolutely and it's not easy to not assume but you can be so wrong because there is one thing that really took me by surprise i have to say you are both early retirees no we're not no far from it yeah i have a day job from monday to friday yeah sometimes on a saturday which is taking me the whole day which keeps me busy and it's not youtube it's a normal job which is paid in which is which i do in office which is paid yes and a jurg works very long hours so just yesterday he he leaves the house very early often comes home very late yeah yesterday it was past eight eight pm so it's he works really really hard and long hours so yeah and what we do i youtube and social media content creation is what i do as a job so everything we film for youtube we do on the weekends or york um takes a day off yeah on now do it in the evening or do it in the evening if it's that it's easier in them in the summer because um um yeah we have more daylight and everything else just happens on weekends like for example we film something on a sunday we get home and then um i the first thing i do is um i start editing and i do everything else i do i plan on our travels i edit the videos i do the comments so this is my job and you are at the office all day during the week so yeah no retirement no retirement on the country on the contrary yes and um that's why um oh there is another assumption you believe in quality over quantity a hundred percent yeah that's bang on a hundred percent yes um and you can see it in our house you can see it yeah i think a lot of things and we've learned this over the years yeah yes yeah another assumption you don't have children and we mentioned that in our very first q a and we said i remember i think i remember the phrase and we said sadly we couldn't have children and i have to say i hope that's okay i have to say um sometimes we get questions or comments and i won't forget that particular comment um i really took that to heart because someone said um we should uh explain in depth why we couldn't have children or why we don't have and i have to be honest you have to be so careful with things like that there can be so many ways for so many reasons and we never ask people about it because it could be a tragedy yes you never know why it could be a tragedy it could be it could be a choice it could be yeah that people don't want to have children but it also could be that people suffered a lot suffered a lot loss or they tried and it didn't work out and adoption wasn't an option you never know whatever the reason you have to be really careful because not everyone is lucky and if it was a choice that's totally acceptable as well and yeah we should be really careful just just thought about that we do not have children no um you are luxury travelers i i wouldn't put it like that um luxury travelers is we would call ourselves travelers that like to travel in a certain style yeah travelers in style i think we just like to show them style yeah we try to be yeah do things others people don't know show go into places of a people not everybody goes to yeah you mean accommodations yes and yeah yeah okay it has to have a certain style it has to have a certain thing but it's definitely not always luxurious no no it's definitely not always look because we do a lot of self-catering and we wouldn't think we wouldn't call that luxury travel no um and there is the next assumption you are rich enough to afford so many trips and living in the uk no we're not rich enough when we travel most of the time it's on the weekend yeah and we don't do don't do holidays in this city people do for two days two weeks of holiday yes we do five trips at a weekend yes so it seems to you that we do a lot of travel yeah but uh and that we're rich but no we don't have a big big expensive holiday not to mention that we do a lot of day trips as well so we leave the house in the morning return at night yeah and yeah and it may look like travel all the time spending a lot of money on traveling no that's not always the case see um there is the next one we are happy all the time and we have it all let's say we say we're happy most of the time yeah yeah and we don't have it all no i think what does that even mean yes to have it all no we don't we still have wishes we still have dreams and we still have aims which we want things that you want to achieve and it depends on what to have it all for example i would say it would be so nice if our families were around the corner and they are not here and uh that is a big yeah can't i don't know we just see our parents two times a year yeah yeah so that's it that might seem like that to you but no no no no yes we are happy yes we're really happy because i think we're living in a in a nice house huh and we're able to do a lot of things we are lucky yes to live here to travel and to do a lot of things yeah we feel blessed yeah um you like the english countryside yes we do that's why we live in an angry countryside yes um although your life looks perfect there have been fails oh yes many yes many fails life is about ups and downs yeah and it makes life interesting and hard at times so yes yeah yeah if you never fail that's not good no then you can't learn from it no end yeah so failure is part of yeah life life you know and if you fail you can learn and do it better yeah improve yeah it's both sides of a coin you're both in your early 40s we wish we wish i'm uh i'm 49 yeah sure she's end forty late late 40 yeah very electful yeah and i'm mid 50. he's he's yeah i hate that when you make yourself older you turned 54 yeah and just so it's mid 50 no next year the next assumption um you're still very much in love yes that's true yes we are and it's getting better every day really yes how's that i think that's because we had ups and downs yeah and it's like how can i say it memories we've got so many memories together yeah that's amazing and that brings yeah it gives us gives us something yes that brings us closer together every day yes yeah that's really true um that you both have very expensive taste hmm we no of want to have it we i have to say i don't know uh for example before i forget um we couldn't film a monthly favorites video um for july simply because we didn't buy anything uh yeah like other than uh groceries we didn't buy anything we like um quality and we do we we do spend a lot of money on the house like on a wallpaper fabric yes um because it's important to us but we changed a lot over the past three years especially i have yeah and for us it's as we said quality over quantity yeah so we're probably spending a little bit more to get a good quality but we buy less yes and that's what i wanted to say is like before before we filmed i had a blog and i was very much into designer things and stuff and always bought clothes all of the time now i i hardly buy stuff the things i'm the dress i'm wearing now is a vintage dress i think it costs like 40 pounds and i wear the things over and over again you do as well and that's because the change yeah in their buying and we don't have met so many expensive things i don't have an expensive watch more expensive shoes or expensive clothes so no i'm wearing jeans you have like uh when we buy um new new trousers we buy them now that we we now really pay attention to where the stuff is made yes and um and we have because we buy a lot less we have more money to spend on the house and for travel yeah so that is like that's probably very expensive yes you can't live without each other no that's true that's really really true don't we don't want to no um you stop to have a tea time together every day the next assumption no but that's simply because you're not at home most of the time i'm not at home because i'm working yeah we wish we wish what it's not possible but what we do what what we are doing now yeah as is that we when we have dinner we do not watch tv no no no we have our dinner in the kitchen on the table and we use the time to have dinner and to talk about the day about the plans about what we do yes yeah yeah that's what we do and it's so good and it's so good it's so good because you work so many hours it would feel a waste of time to have dinner in front of the team yes and i think that's one of the things we do we talk a lot yes yes yes we talk a lot about things which are important for us about things which we have in mind about what we're going to do what we like what we dislike yes another assumption cambridge over oxford always um but it's not that simple that is just because i spent a semester in cambridge and probably it's because i'm more emotionally attached and used well because you visited and cambridge is to me a very cozy town yeah it's it's really nice um there was another oh york is more adventurous in foods than kirsten no no we're both unmanaged i think that is the assumption is because of our recent youtube video with them because because i have a very serious thyroid condition i can't have um gluten and have to avoid it and that's why we had some things in there that had gluten and i couldn't have that so that is the only thing i was not because i i said oh no i can't i oh i won't have face i just can't and i'm not a foodie no i'm not no but you're like you check we both changed a lot when it comes to food i don't eat junk food no no no i'm yeah otherwise i eat everything yes you are not high maintenance your home will is never is never going to be finished yes but we think that's normal like when we lived in our house house in our germany we lived there for 13 years it was never finished no and i think a lot of house owners can relate um because even if you are finished something will come come up and that needs redoing it's fixing yes i would like to have things changed yeah it probably will never be finished no um i don't know do you think that's that applies to me you will never change your hair color well if it applies to me um i changed it a lot i was blonde remember some years ago yes i um had a black black hair brown hair brown hair well brown is my natural yeah brown mixed in with gray and i just stick to a red tone because every hairdresser in germany and here they all agree and say it's the best for my complexion that's it so yeah um another assumption i assume you too can relate to anyone regardless of gender age or origin yes we hope that we can we can yes yeah we should say it like that yeah we hope because for us the person the person itself is important and not the person's sexuality um where he or she comes from it doesn't matter at all so yeah the next assumption that you both grew up relatively affluent no no no no we're both working class yeah both of our all of our parents are working class okay yes we're just the lucky ones who got a good education so uh could manage to go to the university thanks to our parents yes and yeah because of our parents thought or think that education is important and they pushed us so yeah yeah um you are always so relaxed no no no because it seems obvious yeah because you work i work we we we film on weekends and yeah it's about days where we are really stressed yes there's always something going on but i think it's probably what we want yeah so yeah i don't know how to how to say it but that's just our life yes we always have something and the good thing is the older we get the less stressed we are yes yeah you don't sit around in pajamas all day but get dressed and enjoy looking nice oh no not always no but for example now i had to work during luke khan and the home office yes and i dressed as dressed in the same way as i did it when i went to the office yeah because i don't like to sit in my pajamas and pretend i'm working um but i can't i i am like that not always sometimes i get trust but because i always work from home i can totally sit um in a sit in front of my laptop in my pajamas so might come as a shock but it's the truth um you are home bodies for you the comforts of home outweigh the thrill of visiting new places no no that's absolutely and that's why we travel and that's why we went to the uk yeah and that's why we've seen other places in germany too the complete opposite the complete opposite i i just i don't know um for me it's like food for the soul to explore yes we like to see new places we like yeah it's the best and even they're not on our holidays uh i think we've never been to two places on a holiday no never no no absolutely um i assume that you both love to read yes we do i re used to read a lot but nowadays i can i hardly find the time because i always do something on my laptop um with regards to video and even if it's like a new tutorial how to create better videos so i don't know um nowadays i read more magazines yeah and you read books every now and then yeah and there is another one i've got the time to read yeah absolutely and there was something um ah i can't find it but yeah that you both that's another assumption that you both enjoy reading non-fiction that's very true that's me yeah i enjoy i i don't i love fiction you love nonfiction books about history books about philosophy books about all kind of things in life yeah absolutely and sometimes also yes you you i think it's a great mixture you would never live in a minimalist house i i don't think that you could yes you probably could i couldn't but have to say for me it's i could totally spend a holiday with you in a minimalist house when they when it's tasteful minimalist yes when the overall impression is perfect that it's beautiful it's just not something we would have for our own home and yeah anything else yeah because we like it more colorful playful yeah um that you don't that's the next assumption that you don't socialize with other people in each other's homes on a regular basis no we don't no we don't we don't um but it's simply now because we've moved to the uk we haven't built up much friendships and we moved to another community yeah and we said and we have several plans to well i don't know to be more part of this community and then locked down okay came and yeah um and we don't have much time because that's the problem we are we are introverts in some ways in some ways meaning uh that we don't need people around us all of the time it's nice to have that uh from time to time but um we really love being alone as well i can spend days with myself yes yeah rather problem yeah totally and then when it like um comes to friendships junk and i um calling someone a friend doesn't come easily you can you can know people but uh they aren't your friend right away it takes time that's a very german thing yeah i do do you really think so yes it's a very german thing you both seem to be positive thinkers uh i would say we are very different when it comes to that yes yeah is very positive most of the time and i i have more um of a pessimistic approach yeah say she always thinks about what could go wrong yeah and i think why should it come wrong so we meet in the middle and that's good in the middle that's good and the thing is probably good thing is when it goes wrong i take it probably better than you i stay calm most of the time yeah and which is good for her because you know yeah too yeah but it got a lot better i'm not as bad as i used to be no and look i've got something on my desk in my office and it says it's a poem and it says never give up yeah and that's what i always think never give up because you never know how far you've come and you never know how close you've come to let's say what you want to achieve yeah no it's so true yeah it's so so true yeah well that was fun yeah and uh thank you so much for sending in your assumptions and um yeah if we haven't mentioned yours um we are sorry um yeah it's just it would take too long probably but some came in like double just rephrased so maybe yeah that happened and we don't want to bore you no do you have a favorite assumption no i don't why i do which one do you think that i'm super smart and pretty and let me check i'm so sorry we don't have that we don't have that well okay then i won't share which one i thought it would it was so funny to think that we are retires yeah it made us laugh i would like to be retired but even if you wear you would do stuff all of the time no and to be honest i like what i do i like my work and that's important that's so important and yeah i will see you again very soon we hope you liked it and stay safe yeah take care of yourself it's so important as well and um yeah we'll see you very soon bye bye bye
Channel: Kirsten & Joerg
Views: 70,517
Rating: 4.9761791 out of 5
Keywords: 6.03.20, kirsten & joerg, the chateau diaries, addressing assumption about us: early retirers? No children? You have it all?, das glaubt ihr über uns zu wissen, our life in england, als deutsche in england leben, Rosamunde pilcher liebhaber, uk travel, explore the uk, asmr video, english country living, deutsche in england, ways to build a happy relationship, relationship goals, why we love living in england, starting over at a mature age, why we love the uk
Id: n2VW5G8Lllg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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