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hi everyone hello again it's kirsten and jack today will be a little bit of a different video because yeah kristen is turning 50. can you imagine 50. yeah that's a very scary age for a lot of people it is i'm not scared scared of it but i have to get used to the number yeah i must say but to me when i turn 50 you know it's just yeah you're getting older that's how the nature is or how it is so it's not downhill no it's not and we thought it would be nice to share five things that yeah ah let's say that are good about being 50 or being over 50. yeah growing older so not everything is bad no it isn't on the contrary yes and the first thing we want to share is or that we learned is you can't please everyone yeah that's what we learned in the last 50 years yes yes yes and that's i think really think that's something you realize when you're getting older and i must say yeah it's a is a lot better at it than i am i'm still learning but when i look back and for example when i started a blog at i think i was about 43 years old and i still i i don't know i have the feeling that i have to follow trends that i have to wear clothes new clothes all the time but now what you see here on youtube this is how i am how you are yeah and it's like we think i don't know if you don't like it we won't be changing yeah because because yeah we change and somebody tells us uh we liked you much better as you've been before yeah i don't know no this this is how we feel happy yeah and as i said you can't please everybody no there's always somebody telling you that you're doing things wrong yeah and we think just you have to do or you have to wear what you love what makes you feel the best version of yourself yeah what you feel is good yeah so we're not going to change to to follow follow a trend or something so yeah and that's really i have to say it's so liberating it really is liberating but i think that's the thing you realize when you get older yes because when you're young you all you try to try to do things and you try to please a lot of people yes definitely yeah and the next thing is don't say i'll do it later no some some things you can't realize now but there sometimes are tiny things like i mean okay we are still in the middle of a pandemic but for example you say i will visit a very special friend in the usa in five years time yeah and that's not a good idea no no i think what we wanted to say is that we've realized that you should shouldn't say ah i'm doing certain things when i'm retired yes i'm visiting my friend in five years time if you want to do it try to do it now because you don't know what's gonna how it's gonna be in three or five or five years time yes and so do certain things now you wanted to say something about your dad yeah yes and i said i i realized it when my dad died which is 15 years 15 years ago yeah yeah and he always told me yeah when i'm when i'm retired i'm gonna travel and i'm gonna do this and i'm gonna do that yeah but in his mid-50s he got sick and in his early 60s he died yes so he never got to do these things he wanted to do no no you have to do certain things now yeah you can't do everything you can't do it but do things now do things which make you happy now and don't think i'll do it tomorrow i'll do it in five years time no no and also what what comes with it as well is that that's that applies to me i have to say i'm a big dreamer and that's something i will never give up this is just part of me and i think that's so important no matter your age keep on training yeah and keep on having goals because it's i think it keeps you alive it keeps you going yes yeah and it's so nice even like i don't know what what i do now making youtube videos with jerk and the content is something i've wanted to do for ages and it happened years later decades later and this is what sometimes happens but i never i've never i don't know lost the thought and try to chase my dreams so and never think it is too late to do it no when let's say when we decided to go to the uk i was in my yes i turned 50 yes that year yeah and everybody told us you're crazy yeah you're selling your house you're moving to the uk and that's in an age when everybody is settled down when do you know where you want to be and when you never change yes yeah but why why should i yeah change is good yeah why can't i do things um i think i told you a story which which i read in the newspapers weeks ago yeah about an italian who is in i think his late 70s or even older and he now just made his phd in philosophy yes yeah because it was always his dream to do that yeah and he said when he was working he couldn't do that when he got retired in the first years he couldn't do that because his wife was sick and he had to care for her his wife but after when she but when she died he said i started doing that and now he's fulfilled his dream it's so inspiring yeah it really is inspiring so yes never say it's too late no no don't do it the next thing we think is so important and we really learned that throughout the years is buying things all of the time yeah and it's not we don't we don't mean things like for example now we are redecorating our house we spent money on that and we traveled we spent money on that but what what we mean is following the latest trend yeah having the newest car a lot of people for example yeah they buy a computer and next you ever buy a new computer and throw the old one away because they always wanted to have a newest computer i'm a trendiest computer yeah like like we feel so many people they just want to keep up yeah you buy a house your neighbor buys a bigger house so you have to buy the next big house and even if you don't need it yeah and we i don't know we just don't think like that anymore no and feel so much better yes i think when we now buy stuff like things for the house we think okay we want to live here for the next years and we're going to buy stuff which we can keep for 20 years or maybe keep until we die exactly because they're timeless because we like them yeah so we're not buying things because they're in no no no no no no and that's also it's such a nice feeling that when your neighbor has a new car and you think do it for him we are happy i don't know it's a bit hard to explain but it's also very liberating yeah very very liberating but i think that's really the thing when you're getting older yeah you realize that because you see the value in other things yeah like i s like having a nice afternoon together yes or like having a good conversation or reading a good book yeah yeah you become more relaxed definitely number four on our list is your parents are mostly right yeah and i must say we have wonderful parents yes but i also remember when i was in my twenties same with you your parents told you something and you thought oh you know let them talk yeah it's just rubbish in a lot of cases they were right most of the time honestly like when i talk to my parents now my parents are in their 70s i really i came to realize that i really listen to them and that i so often look for advice from them and i really really value and treasure that yeah because so many people say oh they're all the people you can't take them seriously they've got some wisdom oh they life's wisdom they really do so yeah and i think what we also recognize this is we take advice yes we listen to people we take advice because why not yes it's it's really important and so often when it comes to bigger decisions i talk to my parents and yeah and things they told me 20 years ago that i didn't take seriously and now i think they were right and yeah it's really it's it's nice number five on our list is dealing with pressure yeah i think when you're getting older you know how to deal with pressure much better i remember i don't know it's like six seven years ago and there were serious issues at work for york he sometimes he couldn't sleep he was very very tense and luckily i don't know you really you can deal with that so much better now yeah but it's simple because i think when you're getting older you realize there is a solution yeah each problem has a solution and then um sometimes the solution just comes to you yeah but you don't have to be nervous all the time no especially like there are problems at work of course yeah but when you come home you try to i don't know get away from it relax and sleep and then start the next day which is probably even better because then you just got away from it yeah yeah don't carry things around with you yeah take them off your chest it's just not good for your health and for your mental health or your physical health and you really learned you really changed and it's so good yeah and but that's the thing i've learned and i think that's the thing i sometimes admire and help other people yeah because they have the experience they have seen a lot of things they've done a lot of things in their life so they sometimes just can keep calm yeah keep calm and carry on yeah so many british people say that and that's true it is true and yeah so at the end of the day churning 50 and older is not a bad thing after all i mean at the end of the day your health is the most important thing yeah and and we can't avoid getting older no we can't no we can't yeah and we try to enjoy the ride as best as possible and make the best out of it and try to be happy and i don't know it's the best thing you can do and what we said applies to us it's not i mean the list could go on and on and it's probably different for everybody but these are our so-called top five yeah and yeah we hope you liked it and let us know what you've learned what you think is important if you are mature or older because we would love to know yeah but unless we think every age has its best definitely so i'll see you again very soon yeah stay safe stay safe and take care of yourself until next time bye bye bye hi
Channel: Kirsten & Joerg
Views: 23,402
Rating: 4.9714694 out of 5
Keywords: 6.03.20, kirsten & joerg, our top 5 things: don't be afraid of turning 50, the chateau diaries, our life in england, Rosamunde pilcher liebhaber, asmr, explore the uk, growing older, growing older disgracefully, Dominique sachse, mature skin care, ways to build a happy relationship, couple goals, why we love the uk, why we love living in england, what is it like to be mature, english country living, how to be happy every day, how to find yourself, rules to live a happy life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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