DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GERMANY & THE UK: The things we notice every day

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hello everyone good afternoon it's nice to see you again well yoke and I have so so many requests about making a video about the differences between Germany and the UK and believe me there are a lot yes so so many we just said we could make a film probably and well we try to narrow it down to the things we we notice now which we which we recognise on a day-to-day basis yes and we are in the kitchen because it sounds probably really strange but well we decided to make a cheesecake because cheesecakes are very popular in Germany and they are popular here as well but I think there are so many kinds in Germany so um yeah I was so kind to just come downstairs from his office because he's working and so that we can start the video together but I'm making the cake and well it's not a baking video so I will just show you the basics and link the recipe down there yeah and we'll show you the result later I'll return to work and afterwards empty yes oh yes you know I actually we've never made cheesecake here that's my first time first time here for I don't know we we've moved four and a half years ago incredible so see you later my parents just send us a parcel yesterday and they send us something called Kaiser cool and Hoover so it's a kind of help to make your cheesecake and we've been using that for ages for I don't know as long as I can remember and it always works so I'm not sure if you can't get it in the shops you will definitely find it online yeah so I'll be making the base first consisting of butter then sugar flour gluten free flour for us you can of course use regular flour baking powder and an egg right [Music] great I just finished the base this is what it looks like and now I can move on to the filling that's apart from the cares of corn Hoosier consists of sugar some lemon zest milk of course crack egg whites and egg York and some vanilla extract okay this is the filling which is where as you can see quite a lot but absolutely normal now this is of course goes into the baking tin and it's usually very very yummy now this will have to bake for quite some time 17 minutes yeah cake is done and it looks quite nice and the kitchen smells amazing so so yummy I wish I could I could transport the smell to you cuz it's after mine look come on have a look that looks I want to dive in like now amazing it's just making me hungry yeah well me as well yes the smells amazing and it turned out beautifully yeah that's how it should be German cheesecake okay as you can see it's still very very warm they say but Europe wants to give it a try I don't wait just be careful because it's really hot sorry I can't wait I can't be careful delicious simply delicious and now we can continue with the differences between Germany and the UK we had to choose who was tough just take food yeah same so many differences yeah we just had to choose yeah so please don't take it too seriously no not at all I mean no absolutely not we love both so but be such as the differences we see you know day to day life just take this yes honestly it's not an instrument yeah I can't eat bread yes [Music] yes oh you can't use that that would be you know what that would be you could take that as a cushion because it's so soft yes English bread is bread just yes kind of trim yes the kind of bread the bread we could for German bread we can buy here this one is close yeah and really poor German people if you come to the UK I will never forget when I studied in Cambridge there were several German people and like they really liked them British bread for a month and after that they said I can't stand any longer and yeah I mean it's just how do you grow up yeah this is proper trash yes if you have to try this give it a try and let us know if you don't like it being British general that's absolutely fine of this fine okay after we had this gorgeous cheesecake is is amazing isn't it yes delicious yes yeah just made himself a cup of tea a cup of tea a cup of coffee yes because people if you're big tea you're in like an outsider well yet to be honest like when we go to birthday party in Germany I'm the only one who drinks tea and we definitely noticed that British people more British people like tea yeah and well we have this coffee machine basically for you and when we have visitors but I really love my tea well funny story my hairdresser we were talking about tea and coffee and I I told her that most of the time you can I just drink tea and she said now I know the reason why you live in the UK they threw you out of Germany that was so so funny I don't know yeah I just I've always loved tea yeah always yes just suits us better but now you lost coffee yeah and I think I'm at the office once a day you have coffee yeah yep maximum once a day yeah okay on two sausages yes yep I think which women Oh be careful you came and didn't know where to buy things we really missed were German sausages because we believe but this is also not made in Germany so good chimney buckles yeah and what we first look like and really really like is these kind of frankfurters and it's not that thankful as we use or a hot dog no very different we call them in Germany Vina yeah and again why did you get those crows yeah this is not a nap waitress as what you can get similar ones in their little to yes yes actually similar ones and people are not a lot cheap and they're both produced in Germany so you know effective Tremec yes and well we we usually they are really nice cold but a lot better when you just heat them up enough in water yeah just buy them yeah just a 31 yeah just don't know that will destroy them and then we eat them with this is more awesome this is German master yeah really nice and the UK has Colman's mustard which it's actually very nice which is nice too but this is a strong mustard yeah and this is a more mild and sweet mustard it tastes took the difference totally different I wouldn't eat this one I wouldn't eat this one with the Frankfurt and that one with a bratwurst yeah is fine it's really nice the thought was so both very nice actually yeah yeah yes so the last difference in food well not much more but may that means the main difference was he is a British hair okay this is not British business Australia but they've got a similar product my or this is Vegemite and we Germans don't know these things you can't buy mama in Germany at all no you can't and we spread it on to friend we use it with cheese some people use it cooking yes yes you can even get crackers with Marmite tastes or chips with not much grip crisps with Marmite chain yes taste so really really strange thing you have to get used it but we are I love Marmite or what you might come on yeah I didn't like no I prefer that they cut your mind that's partly why it's everything fat because you you eat it yes can you really taste a difference between Vegemite and mum yes what's this difference my little lady no just tasting it up really yes well I mean that's my way knowing us in Australia it's like I think you either hate it or love it but we have something similar which yeah which typically German which you can you know you can get in the UK yes most of the people in the UK never heard about it which is muggy but what we have to say the taste between these two I mean this is not this is liquid seasoning and if you've never tried it you can also use metal ID or Marmite with this take a boiled egg hot boiled and spread some tiny amount of Vegemite on it oh yeah muggy yes that would mug it tastes much better yeah yeah really yes it's really nice usually for Germans use it to season their soups yeah oh you put in the egg it's a seasoning yeah it's really tasty sweetie good yes moving away for food yeah what's next electricity oh yeah which is okay strange let's say electricity electricity it's very similar but the huge difference is and yeah it's a huge differences the plugs are different this is a UK plug this is how Europe style plug and you can see the difference so for us moving to the UK was difficult because we couldn't be first fought and could not use all of our appliances but then we found out you can buy these kind of things I have to interrupt you because you said we didn't know it's not true I mean we knew it from your holidays yes adapters chutney we've got plenty of it yes so now we can use a lot of appliances and I mean the difference is it's like when you use for example if you want to use the cup in the morning to make yourself a cup of tea and you have to like flip this switch yeah the catwalk yes each socket has its own switch so so you have to switch it on and then you can send versatility in in case you and I know so many watch the holiday I'm gonna Amanda woods he's called Amanda Watters and she knows from the states so she comes to the UK and said to crayon um it doesn't work I want to make some tea it doesn't work and so she forgot to like just flip the switch and we don't have it's just it just works and one thing this is something I will never get further sorry this is okay I find that so annoying being a woman and all and you wash your hair and you want to style afterwards we just have sockets in the bathroom you don't have that here and all you know you don't have it in South Africa either or an Australian you don't have it but being German you just used to have something yes you know you have a socket for if you want to lose it electric razor yes yeah but when we had our awesome Germany yeah this summer than normal regular socket in the bathroom yeah so that can be quite annoying I think yeah I believe it's just a safety precaution yeah yeah I think so too so what I mean you have to get used to nothing nothing you could do no now we are quite lucky because we don't have that here in the house lucky but the British and their separate taps why why I never got it I don't know I read it because the plumbing system in the UK is different I think it's just the traditional yes yeah because I mean so many people when they buy buy houses and redecorate their bathrooms they could make a change but they they they buy a tab as if they've I separate apps they just they want I know they like the tradition which I mean it's nice we find it quite wrong yeah but it's strange but some like waking our toilets we have this kind of taps really yes oh and what is always boiling hot yeah so if you wash your hands you get pond it's like it's raining I don't know it's Amy the British definitely love their traditions that is very different from from Germany so I just take the old houses yeah so many old houses still exist of course I mean the old houses have been destroyed because of the war yeah and we live in a Victorian Terrace house very old house and it's night I mean we find it quite charming the British and their traditions we we we like it yeah yeah yes it's really nice and I think in some ways it shows so it shows something about you yeah yeah yeah the Germans are very different in that respect it's very strange I don't know how to explain but that is very very different how would you describe the Germans in that respect all well always thinking about tomorrow yeah yeah I mean we don't have a queen we would like to have a queen really you think a lot of people would like to have a queen is there something else you wanted to say that houses yes I think the relationship to property and I think that's quite different and it's from Germans UK Germany usually people in their young buy some land mana house and build aa Sunderland and stay there for the rest of their life yeah that's probably what yeah if you're gonna ask me what 80 percent other people do yeah in the UK you find a house you buying a property and usually when you're young you start small and then buy buying and selling you grow and you climb up the so called property letter which we Germans don't know about for us yeah you have your house and you stand your ass and you yeah you plan it and some ass in Germany our neighbors told us you've took me two years to plan that on us okay that was something in the UK sometimes people don't live this long in that property yeah so it again yeah that's true so if people aren't as attached yeah too many houses as Germans on yeah and I don't know that's why I mean that's what we definitely noticed not only when we moved here and when renting but even more so when buying some houses look quite all right the moment you you them is then like when you look behind the surface and it's not really good quality so that you have to be very careful with that yeah I don't know Germans are quite different than that just mate yeah but it's just because they stay there yeah you built your house yeah you planet you probably some some yeah you does it in individual way and you just stay back yeah yeah and that's why you want to make right yeah because it has to last yeah absolutely we don't plan on moving here that's why we take our time to make it you ever want to stay no okay another thing we really noticed or I mean I mean we are jamming snow sometimes which is we get Suttles with don't government we don't know which is Germans are very direct whereas British people know they should encourage things and that's why sometimes people from Germany come across us may be rude yeah because we just tell things how they are yeah do you have an example oh yeah no I can sense it something work yes in Germany when things go wrong you just say this went wrong yeah it was bad and it is bad in the UK yeah yeah you think in four years time I've never heard really I'm saying this this was really bad and this was really really wrong no this wasn't as good oh it's very different and let's say we Germans don't like this kind of lumps more time and we have a meeting we won't try to go directly to the point as in the UK yeah you talk around that you have your small talk and talk about weapons and family and then you start talking about this shoes but you know what I find for me on the other hand what I find direct what because we often notice for example we go to a country house for the National Trust property and I wear a nice dress and people say like people we haven't met before I love your dress that never happens in Germany know if people would do this in Germany they would feel by a sense but yeah is that right yeah so that in that respect it's a polite form of indirect yeah Germany would never do that so you'll never tell you oh I like your tracks all the way often sometimes happens we go to a cafe and the waitress I love your top and in Germany people would really feel offended I mean I I really like it it's kinda nice yeah if you need people that's you send it sometimes after saying your hello and what's your name may I ask you what's your profession yes that's the thing a German would never do yeah that's true so in the sense me UK people are direct that's true yeah yeah we are polite because we say that's a private thing we don't want to know apart a lot of things we don't know the people yeah straightest range there are two ways of directness I don't know serving Liz sure yes and means buying your daily clothes fees compared to Germany it's quite different because what we see first is you've got this self-service tilt yeah which we don't have in Germany they I think they because they they introduce them more and more but if that is like can't tell because I think the German things know we can't do this kind of self service where people scan their products and pay for it because this will just invite you to steal things yeah we find it really pretty quiet before weren't quite quite nice yes but it's not I think they introduced it more and more but so people into big supermarkets no no really weird because we tremors like to go to the toilet and yeah payback strange Beauty strange for example if you go to Tesco sayings free and q and things are quite like epital very smooth and yes and sometimes like you buy something and they ask you oh you bought this what do you want to cook and it's there a recipe you want to share or something yeah why I will never forget you came home and said oh yeah there was a woman a customer yes that was a Tesco spying my daily groceries and that was a woman that could sell them and she was chatting to that to a woman and no we're talking about them I think it was a bird man and it went on for five minutes and at the end she showed her pictures of a bird man she'd pay them left yeah you would never have this a Germany because because people behind this lady were just killer would just get angry and say look I want to pay em yeah though it happens here as well it happens but like but it's more relaxed yeah yes yes yes and that is we find not charming it's nice because I mean life is stressful enough as it is so when you go to Aldi or little here in the UK which is from Germany yeah and you concede from trim manager stay on we feel quite at home because you're used to it no they're just prototypes but here like I will never forget when to test it so these are eggs now sorry in your head and then [Music] Oh beautiful eggs not is that would never happen I don't know people don't have any patience so it's probably because we try to be effective and we also stations efficient yeah yes efficient yeah and we let's say are in a professional way and so what else in a private way trying to be efficient let me privately and a personal not personal lives yeah what do you mean yes example like the two of us what would be inefficient ways just curious for example before we go shopping we think about what we want to buy so we can save time in the shop yeah some people do yeah enjoyment yeah I dunno I think one of you oh no I remember one of your colleagues once said like I sent you the list yeah and like it was all planned out and he was like oh yeah German something like that we just we don't notice try things yes we all know that the British driver on the wrong side yeah yeah point of view yes yes yeah when you drive here it's more relaxing yeah it's a very relaxed first of all you've cut speed limits yes so even on the motorway you on your life allowed to drive 17 miles apart mmm-hmm which versatile people do most of them steep to the roots and secondly yeah even if you try a little bit slower people like still polite so you don't okay pushed away from the road on such a thing we definitely noticed a difference like 20 years ago six people here had more patients than nowadays but it's you can't compare it to Germany at all yeah like when we go to Germany and how to drive there it's awful yes it's absolutely it's a nice man and when you're driving with nutterman even I know I'm not used to the speed because anymore because in Germany had a motorway there is no speed limit so you can drive as fast as you could only and certain areas you have speed limits on the motorway so it's not allowed every weather big huge area see as fast as he could so you can drive 80 90 100 120 miles per hour yeah yeah which is really really fast yeah if you're not used to it it's really exhausting yeah I just we have it's really strange although it's such a big difference compared to Germany like 70 miles per hour max we got used to that so quickly and find it really it's so relaxed and pear to Germany it's like in Germany is so stressful and yeah I don't know and that's why we sometimes we we don't get some people have these really fast cars like really like racing cars here in the UK because you can't use it doesn't make any sense at all so that's the thing I like yeah travelling in the UK with a car is more relaxed yeah yeah it's yeah it's quite fun yeah we could go on and on and on but there's one thing I just need to tell you which I don't know I just realized since having moved to the UK the amount of spiders here in the UK is crazy know that the madness by the amount of spiders having a house yes yes yes I don't know just like a houses like when we had like within 13 years maybe we had two spiders yeah we have them here like oh my god like as a property we lived in before yeah like we have five spiders at night I had to search the house every day before I went to bed I don't know if you Britt Harry Potter and there is what what equal ha ha ha yeah that's why I call them all the spiders are a box here for me yeah sorry that's the idea behind me because they've got so many spiders in their masses that so that's a common thing yeah since having moved here and and we both read Harry Potter I just thought okay now I know why JK Rowling use that it just makes a lot of sense but you get used but you know what I will never forget just I just remember our very first holiday in the UK was in Cornwall when we were on the visit and had this beautiful apartment very first morning I woke up and had a spider in my bed no never happened in Germany I was horrified to be able to be done know why but it's happened to you yes well yeah two years ago we don't know why we've got spiders here and in Germany we don't know Sammis where some things that we well that we see on a regular basis yeah as a difference between UK and Germany let us know what you think about Germans maybe what you notice yes about German people what are your experiences yes we really love to do that these our need a tiny fraction of things yeah just we scratch the surface we hope you liked this video and we'll see you again very soon of course and stay safe stay safe take care of yourself bye
Channel: Kirsten & Joerg
Views: 68,306
Rating: 4.9314494 out of 5
Keywords: 6.03.20, kirsten, lydia elise millen, differences between germany & the uk: the things we notice every day, cultural differences germany & england, uk travel, als deutsche in england leben, so anders ist england, travelling england, english village charm, explore the uk, our life in england, how different are the british people, british customs & traditions, how are the german people, are german rude, unterschiede zwischen Deutschland und großbritannien, Deutschland und england
Id: GpxHzs6dNCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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