Add ANYTHING to Your Videos with Ai Generative Fill by Adobe

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in today's video I'm going to show you how you can go from an Editor to a set designer with the help of AI generative fill if you're ready let's Jump On In so will creating fake AI sets be a thing of the future for editors or is it just a fad right now will it be more time consuming to do than just creating practical sets for your videos to get to that answer I tested it out myself so to test it out you'll see that I'm using a clip here in my timeline of me not in my normal set because I really wanted to see how much I could generate with AI to build a set from scratch to create a fake set we only need one frame from this video so let's grab one where I covered the least amount of the background this one is good so let's press the camera icon in the program window to save this Frame to a still image so let's bring the photo into Photoshop and it's important to note that currently generative fill only works in the Photoshop Beta And if you don't know what this is you can check out this video that I made that goes into more detail after you finish this one here in Photoshop let's expand our canvas with the crop tool let's press C next hold option or alt and drag out the core Corners with a bigger space here we can now start extending our set we can use the Marquee tool to select parts we want AI to fill in then click generative fill and let's leave it blank for now and see the results great now do it for all sides of the room and it's better to do this in chunks rather than trying to do the whole room at once or else you're going to get results like this so let's merge everything and now we can start doing some fun set design if you like the video so far drop a robot Emoji down in the comments so I know that you do I got a few tips for you to get more realistic results the first tip is lighting so if we look at this image here you can see that there's some light hitting me on the face right here but where is it coming from when I filmed this I actually put the light off frame so the viewer couldn't see it but what if we want to add a light back into frame that looks a little bit more aesthetically pleasing so what we can do here is use the Marquee tool again to select a blank spot on the right and let's add a studio lighting right back here the next tip is to be patient you will definitely need a few tries before you get the results that you want what's really great is every time that you regenerate even even with a new prompt Photoshop will save all the results up here in the properties panel so you can jump around between results to try them all out and one thing that AI really struggles with is text and lettering as you can see here from the guile neon sign I was obviously trying to write gal but if you see the results it's pretty rough or maybe it's time to change the channel name what's up it's Premier guile here absolutely terrible so I've got all of the fake props generated in the background but you can see some work needs to be done so it can better fit the scene which leads me to my third tip which is blend your elements for example this picture stands out like a sore thumb mainly because it's in Focus while everything else is blurry and also the lighting is just wrong if you look at just this layer the AI also generated the background so before we can mess with this picture we have to separate it from the background I'll grab the quick selection tool and mask out the picture and press command or control J to get a separated layer of just the picture now we can use curves to bring down the highlights and bring up the Shadows so it fits my scene better and we're not done yet don't forget the first Tip since there's a light next to our picture let's paint in some fake glare and change the blending mode to hard light same for the neon sign it's supposed to be emitting light I'll create a new layer and paint where the light should be affecting and let's leave this like this for now because I'm going to be exporting this layer separately for some more sauce in inside a Premiere Pro you know being able to customize a room is fun and all but what about customizing music for this let me introduce you to today's sponsor Track Club Track Club is a great collection of super high quality music tracks that are all customizable what that means is that if you find a song that you like you can use mix lab feature to change the speed of the song [Music] and mess with every instrument and vocal from adjusting the volume to muting trucks that you don't like you can get the perfect song for your project very easily what I like about Track Club is they don't have a bloated catalog and that means that you don't have to go through a bunch of okay songs to find those fire tracks track club really focuses on just the fire ones they are also a music licensing company that prioritizes investing money back into Community organizations to help the world be a better place if that isn't good enough Track Club is also giving away business plan subscriptions to three lucky Premier gal subscribers all you need to do to enter the giveaway is to leave a funny editor comment just down below and fill out the form in the description box if you want to try out track club for yourself you can use my link below to get two months free so you can gain access to search and customize as much music to your heart's content thanks so much to track club for sponsoring today's video and now let's get back into the fake AI set design now that the background is done it's time to focus on the foreground since the bottom portion of this shot is just me using AI to extend my body might not be the best idea so let's add a table instead let's select the bottom portion of the shot and generative fill give me a table after many tries Photoshop kept trying to give my table arms so I got a mask just the table and move it up so we don't get any weird AI hands but the table is looking pretty empty how about a coffee mug but there is one problem here if I move my hands you should be able to see them behind the mug but just like earlier generative Phil created the background too so we just got to get rid of that I think this is enough and way better than the original so now let's jump into Premiere Pro to add some more elements to make it feel more alive back inside of Premiere Pro I've imported three parts of our fake set one for background foreground and one for just the neon lights let's place them all with the original footage and Nest everything in our Nest go up to sequence settings and make this sequence bigger to fit our newly extended set now we just have to line up all the assets to the original video for the background asset let's mask out the area where I am so we can get the living breathing version of me through let's hit play and there you go although there are still a few more things we need to fix let's tackle the hardest one first which is that my hands aren't in front of the guitar now obviously I could have made my life a lot easier by not placing an object directly behind me where I'm moving but I wanted to show you how to live life the hard way because guess what it's masking time we got a mask frame by frame just kidding this video is about AI let's use Runway ai's remove background tool to do the mask for me here I've exported just the part where I'm covering up the guitar and plop it into Runway click on the area that I want to mask and let AI do its thing that's it we're done isn't that fast for anyone that's also paying for an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription you can also use After Effects rotor brush to do this it is a bit slower but you can avoid having to pay for another tool back in Premiere I got the footage from Runway let's add it to our timeline above the background layer cut out the green screen with alter key and boom the guitar is behind me as if it's actually there now that the hard part is done now it's time for some finishing touches first the neon light I'm going to change the blending mode to Vivid light and let's lower the opacity by a lot to make this less static I'm going to keyframe the opacity and have it go up and down every few frames this needs to be very subtle you don't want big jumps because it could get distracting real quick I think that's enough keyframes let's just copy and paste them throughout the whole video and sick now let's jump over to The Mug I've got some smoked stock footage to make the mug look like it's got some hot coffee in there let's place the smoke on top of the mug and draw a mask around the mug to make it look like it's coming out from inside I'm going to Nest the smoke change the blend mode to screen and now we can create another mask on the nest with a lot more Feathering to smoothen out the top of the smoke so now that we created our own Vibe using a eye for the set we can also further add to our Vibe by adding customized music from track clip so now it is time to answer the question is this actually useful if you have objects behind you and you have to rotoscope minutes and minutes and hours potentially is it worth it right now rotoscoping does take a long time especially on longer Clips normally when I'm rotoscoping I just rotoscope a few seconds at a time but imagine doing minutes and minutes of that just to have your set work maybe now is not the time but if you have the same set the same same angle and you put the same image behind you and nothing interferes with your hand movements then it could be a great way to further add to your set design also generative fill is not just good at adding things let's say you need to remove something from your scene you can just lasso that object and remove it as well or you can add something else to spruce up your design it doesn't have to be a full makeover it can just be simply adding something extra but realistically on the other end having to do this for every single shoot can be time consuming for an editor and especially when we have tight deadlines the last thing we need is less sleep so what do you think do you think generative fill will be used Now to create sets especially for YouTubers or do you think it's just a fad that will fade away for now only our imagination can decide and as always keep creating better video with gal see you next time bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Premiere Gal
Views: 14,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Premiere Gal, Premiere Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro, ai generated video, ai generative fill, photoshop beta ai, photoshop tutorial generative fill, extend image with ai, adobe premiere pro, video editing, adobe creative cloud, made by ai, made with ai, ai video editing, design video sets with ai, designer or video editor, premiere pro, ai, video ai, gal, ai video generator, adobe ai video editing, customize your video set, customize your video with ai
Id: -ZofQoRWXoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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