Free Adobe Premiere Pro Essentials Tutorial Course - Video Editing Basics

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hello YouTube this next video is a free extract from my larger course called Premiere Pro essentials if you want to go further with Premiere Pro check out the link in the description let's get going [Music] hi there my name is Daniel Walter Scott and I'm an Adobe certified instructor and in this course you and me are gonna learn how to make beautiful videos together using Adobe Premiere Pro this course is aimed at people new to Premiere Pro no previous video editing experience is needed it's also for those of you you know who you are who are self-taught who opened the program reluctantly hecka waited swear a lot this course is for you - we do start right at the beginning and work our way through step by step and but we do cover a lot of ground in this course you'll come out the other side with be pretty confident taking on a real wide range of video editing work during the course you'll work through real world projects like editing and interview a wedding video a short commercial and documentary social media advertising videos youtube how-to videos with talking head footage mix with screencasts and voiceovers you'll learn how to work with text animation and motion graphics will make special effects add music will take your still images and make them feel like real video you'll learn how to do color correction color grading and lots of video transitions that's all the technical bits - like HD vs 4k and frames per second all the way through to exporting you'll learn how to balance and sync your audio fix bad audio like removing echo and background noises plus loads more including things like shortcuts and tips and tricks on top of the class projects that we do together there are practice assignments like little mini projects that you get to do too practice your skills but also build videos for your portfolio enroll now if you are ready to upgrade yourself and finally learn how to make beautiful videos in Premiere Pro you made it welcome to the course first thing we need to talk about is getting started first up exercise files so you need to download the exercise files there'll be a link on the page here somewhere be warned though that the pretty big 1.4 gigabytes so if you are somewhere where you've got like a limit on how much you can download you might have to go to work or school library and download them they'll take a little while but you need those first to get started next question is what kind of computer do you need a Mac or a PC doesn't matter software runs the same on both of them some of the shortcuts are different and I'm gonna explain those through the course but I'll just point them out I'm using a Mac myself but it's not hard to follow along with the PC and I'll just explain if there are any small little differences along the way so what software do you need you need premier Pro there's a couple of other different flavors of premier premier rush elements okay but premier pros what are we going to be using in this course it's the kind of main one that Adobe makes the other question I get is can I use a older version of Premiere Pro not really it is if you're using say cs6 Premiere Pro it's just going to be pretty frustrating doing this course you're gonna be able to do about 60% of what we're gonna do together but when it gets to like so you'll be able to do basic editing the same as the newer version we're using 20/20 in this course 20/20 ones just about to come out okay so anything above what around that sort of time frame will work perfect anything that's pretty old like C is six you're just gonna get to the bit where it says fix audio okay there's a button and you're not gonna be able to do it you're gonna have to figure out how to do it and all the versions so maybe in older course for CSX might be better for you alright let's talk about hardware you're gonna need some minimum requirements in terms of your computer or this top okay to actually run Premiere Pro it's quite stressful on computers okay so the best way to do it is changes all the time so Google the words premiere pro system requirements and Adobe will tell you what the minimum and recommended requirements are okay and the closer to recommended you are the bitter the faster it will run the minimum will actually run you won't have any problems but it'll be painfully slow now a question often asked is what happens if I'm below the minimum I've got a really old crappy laptop what do I do it'll probably still work I don't know how old and crappy yours is okay but I know I've got a PC back there and my Lenovo ok it's really old it's below the minimum requirements but it still loads premiere pro just fine okay I'll take that back not just fine it loads it works and it pops up with a warning saying hey we do not support your video card and and but you click OK and it still works and so the biggest problem is collecting it from downstairs ones I've thrown it at the window it is painfully slow but it'll work so have a little look at the requirements and don't skip any videos I realize the irony of putting this at the end of this video because the skippers have probably already skipped I say it because there are some sections that you might think I'm just gonna skip that because it doesn't relate to me watch it because I've had to kind of you know stage all the different kind of bits that we're gonna learn throughout the course a different kind of like learning levels so even though it might say something like Instagram you're like yeah don't watch that I've got other bits that can be used you know techniques and tools that can be used generally and amongst other different kinds of video editing so try not to skip the videos this is the end of this one now you can skip now okay yeah let's get going a question that comes up a lot is what is the difference between Premiere Pro and After Effects if you already know the answer you can skip this video if you're unsure stick around basically Premiere Pro is video editing and After Effects is special effects so Premiere Pro would be something you'd use if you were to make a how-to video like this one okay if you are making a commercial documentary a feature film I can't think of anything else but it's all to do with taking footage from a camera generally okay and doing cuts doing transitions doing some basic color correction fixing the audio and then sending it on its merry way after effects on the other hand is all about motion graphics and kinetic type and if your logo needs to spin in and spin around and catch fire for no good reason that is After Effects let me show you a couple of examples just to make it crystal clear alright a good example of what After Effects does is kind of their their own website you can see in the background here the types of things that gets used and you can see kind of cool transitions and intro videos there is special effects laser car some just interesting in case visual effects but I feel like there is another side after fix the side that I do more of it's more like motion graphics this intro here there's something similar to the beginning of these videos but there's a bit of camera work going on and some zooming and some kind of animated graphics you can see me interacting with us here that's After Effects okay so more I do kind of more you can kind of see motion graphic style stuff and animated infographics is what this course is if you want to do after fix and check out that but there's a lot of cool stuff you can do like this in After Effects other things that are quite cool with more motion graphics okay we're yeah it's kind of more design style animations you can kind of see all of this type stuff yeah so that is After Effects and Premiere Pro let me show you some of let me show you an example so this is one of the examples from the course that we're going to do and it's a short documentary on parkour and basically you can see in footage here is a bunch of mp4 zip code on a camera there's some audio and we combine it together to tell a story in the timeline over here okay let's play it through when I first started doing parkour as five years ago and there's a bit of give you the background we cut between a few different videos watching videos others and blowing my mind beero looking jump so far and do fridge tricks I realize that there's no limits all limits are faden's on dramatic music hey so yeah Premiere Pro documentaries commercials YouTube videos how-to videos anything that does videos Premiere Pro is really good at doing it quickly and outputting it quickly freaks out for special effects does some stuff we're gonna do special effects in here but After Effects freaks out at doing this kind of editing in front of us and but loves doing all the special effects so can you get away with using Premiere Pro without After Effects totally Premiere Pro does a lot of the simple stuff that you want to do in terms of special effects it's just the more hardcore stuff you might have to jump out and to after-effects alright that's it Premiere Pro video editing after fix special effects let's actually start one of our projects hey there just quickly before we carry on I just want to remind you this is like a small part of the larger course hopefully some good value here but if you do want to go a bit further okay you enjoy this course my teaching style loving Premiere Pro so far check out the full course it's called Premiere Pro essentials and there'll be a link in the description all right carry on hi there this is going to be our first project we are going to take some video captured on a camera stitched together here on our timeline this handsome man is gonna talk about our course that he's making we are going to fix the color we're gonna fix the audio will add some lower thirds and some background music let's have a little listen hi there my name is Daniel Scott and I'm an instructor in some heavy background music there be some callers as well fade out at the end okay correcting audio correcting the colors it's a nice simple project to get us started figure out our weight around Premiere Pro alright let's get going alright so open up Premiere Pro and yours is gonna look something like this won't look exactly like mine what you might get faced with is a bunch of intro videos that you can watch you can skip those that's my job so we want to create our first project okay you can do it by over here you can see the word new project or get a file new project either way get started this new project window will open let's give our project name this like a it's XD intro course and I'd like to give mine a date okay so we're gonna put in the date just the winner get started okay so the other thing you need to do is location we do you want this file to be it's like browse what we'll do so I'll put it now exercise files it's got a project one and just dump it in here we don't need to worry about any of this other scary-lookin stuff just click OK now your Premiere Pro might look a little different from mine so what you need to do is go to window go to workspaces make sure editing is selected if it's not give it a click then get a window workspaces and we'll hit this one this is reset to save layout click on that and we'll just kind of read jyg everything to kind of get it back to released so everyone looks the same that's a handy one to remember when you accidentally go and freak this thing out and everything flies to the wrong place and you're like must go to window go to workspaces make sure it's on editing just got a recent save and back to normal okay let's get started by importing some footage let's go to file let's go to import and I want you to go to your exercise files go to the project one talking hidden and in here it's bring in oh one XD intro in before click import now let me introduce you to your project window basically this is all the files sit okay that you bring into your project what we want to do now is actually turn it into something called a sequence or a timeline they kind of mean the same thing so over here this is just like the raw footage to make it into like an editable timeline that we can start editing and cutting and adding other videos to you click hold and drag it over here now first thing I might acknowledge is that you might be looking like this okay so I switch between list view and icon view quite a bit you're probably on icon view this is pretty handy view and the cool thing about icon view is you can kind of I'm not doing anything I'm just hovering my mouse over it and I'm just kind of like sliding in across not even sliding I'm just moving my mouse back and forth you can kind of scrub through the footage ok footage is another word for the video that you've brought in I'm gonna get an idea of what's in it okay so doesn't let's all go to let's be on this icon view to get started what we want to do now is create our sequence slash timeline by clicking holding and just drag it in this area down here it just makes a sequence for us so over here in our project window okay it's taken my mp4 and created a sequence and it's used the same name which can be confusing so this is the sequence this is my video how do you tell the difference mmm kind of see this little icon here if you hover above it says I am a sequence and over here it says I'm a bit of video and a bit of audio so the sequence whenever I make a new one I try to make a habit of going in and double-clicking the word down here and giving it a different name okay so that it's clear what it is so I'm gonna call this my XD intro sequence okay I don't often call it sequence I just add that just for this course just so that we can name so remember what we've done I hit enter on my keyboard so is my sequence with a video on it and this is the video by himself over here in my little timeline you can see this is my video let's add a second video to it okay to make it a little bit clearer how this sequence works so to do it simple what to file let's go to import and let's open Oh too XD intro click import there we go so I've got my oh one my Oh - and my sequence what I'd like to do is add both our videos ok I've got a 1 you can kind of see their name there let's click hold and drag oh - and just drag it so it's just afterwards okay and you might you don't really want it here nothing wrong with that but we'll talk about it later but try and get it on the same channels here or same tracks and what you can do is click on it and just drag it so kind of like but supper the India okay just some basic nav to get started because you might be like I can't put my Oh doing because I can't see it okay or enough room to put it on there so we're gonna look at zooming in and out so what we're gonna do is we're gonna click anywhere down here in our timeline okay because you can kind of see it gets that blue line around the outside okay you can see if I click up here blue line around there blue running around the outside of that I want the blue line to be around my timeline and then if you look down at your keyboard you've got plus and minus the gym really along the top of your keyboard at the end of the numbers okay you got a plus and a minus or might be labelers and equals try tapping those okay plus to zoom in and - to zoom out obviously I just want you to zoom in kinda like this so you can see but at the end here okay and if you couldn't before you should be able to now go through and dragon number two so the one weird thing about that though is if I have this selected okay my program window which shows me kind of what's appearing in my video if I hit plus there it'll zoom in on the timeline along the top there and kind of not do what you want so you just gotta be very careful where you have selected just keep an eye out for that blue arrow while the blue blocks are on the outside it's click down here plus - easy now for some reason you don't like that or can't do that you can use these little weed rubber bands down the end here I hate them I'm really weird but some people like him you can see I can grab the end here and drag it out drag it in to kind of zoom in and out of this lovely and I can grab the center of it to kind of like scrub along alright that might be the way you do it there's nothing wrong with it most people use the plus and minus but it's just some people in my classes are like nope I like that way use the weird rubber band stretchy thing all right next thing in terms of basic navigation is keep see this Luling here he's called your c TI okay your current time indicator depending on what tutorials you're following I think ticking clay it's called the c TI current time indicator but as your playhead okay it's where for your for you grab this little kind of weird half diamond thing drag it along you can showing me you know where I'm up to my playhead so if I hit play here Watch moves along ok so this is your CT I play hid click hit hold it and drag it along just to get used to scrubbing along the timeline because what will happen is say I drag along to here and I hit my little plus button it's gonna zoom into where that is you can see I can zoom right in and I'm starting to see the audio for my voice and - to zoom out ok so move it along here plus to zoom in - to zoom out alright basic stuff let's get into becoming an actual editor so to be fully fledged editor which you're going to be in about 10 seconds you need to actually start slicing your footage up okay cuz of the beginning there's me so I've put it right at the beginning here hit the play button okay and you can see me cuz I filmed myself I have to get the camera going and then go sit down you'll notice I've just noticed that my fly's down a real professional and there's a lot of like me I'm wiping this swear Bloods of great stuff there's a full start watch this I kind of drag my playhead to beginning here hit play and you don't have the audio through this video here and you know you can drag it along and listen to it you can kind of see that I said hi there and but and I just didn't do very well so I started again there's a lot of restarts okay or second takes so you can kind of see roughly where I get to about here's to drag it along just before us that way from I am drag the CTI okay to about just before us that waving and we're gonna grab our editing tool this is the main one you're gonna use in Premiere Pro it's called the razor tool new toolbar the fourth one down click on that okay and click once kind of anywhere in here along with this little blue line for your CT is and you've made your first cut let's grab the selection tool okay this top top tool click on this first but delete okay we've made our first edit tada you're a video editor not a very good one but because that's somewhere alright next thing I'm gonna do is click it and drag it just I've clicked it once and just dragging you can drag any part it's better to drag the top part of it if you drag the bottom part okay this is the audio part of the video and this top part is the video if we drag the bottom part you adjust the volume indoors it's a weird stuff don't do the weird stuff click hold and drag this along okay until it kind of snaps at the beginning here okay so it's kind of stuck at zero zero drag along right there at the beginning so then expert editing is going to be chopping it off at the end so you're gonna play it through and when it gets to the end we're gonna hit stop and I'm gonna show you a little shortcut we're not going to we're gonna do a few shortcuts throughout this course we're gonna start with this one the spacebar key on your keyboard so look down your keyboard spacebar hit it once it's the shortcut for this button okay because you do it so often you can see if I hover above it it's his space stat stop so spacebar on the spacebar off to start and stop it so play it all the way through until it gets kind of the end I'm gonna do the same and where I feel like it finishes I'm gonna hit my spacebar to stop yeah go kind of got to the air roughly and doesn't have to be perfect just yet and I've stopped it I'm gonna grab my razor tool again remember fourth tool down if that happens you see that little thing flash that's the autosave premiere pretty Premiere Pro is pretty good at saving your project as you go through and so we're gonna grab the razor tool click on it once section tool like this part that I don't want hit delete and then I'm gonna shuffle this over okay we're gonna do the same thing for this next bit now the cool thing about Premiere Pro is gonna zoom in on my little timeline down here what was this your pepper zoom plus that's right as long as it's blue around the outside by clicking anywhere in here or the clip doesn't matter zoom in a little bit you can see this audio waveform and that's you do a lot of your editing to this audio waveform so what I would like to do is grab my CDI or my playhead at the beginning hit spacebar realize and Falstad drag it along here if you sometimes what some people see my intros oh that's really good then I realize I had to do like 50 false starts to get my flow going persistence then so I'm gonna get right to the beginning of this but I can kind of tell this is the bit without actually knowing okay so and they're dragging the center of this kind of stretchy thing is quite useful okay at least now until we get into a few more shortcuts okay and I can kind of tell by the waveform that I continue on my merry way so this is probably the final cut or the final shot that I want so I'm gonna drag it to about there grab my razor tool Thank You razor tool click and I can just go over here and actually probably just guess that that's probably the end okay and just click once go back to my selection tool delete this first bit select this last bit and I'm just hitting delete on my keyboard okay and in this guy I'm gonna click the top part not the bottom part and drag it along because if you drag the bottom part often misses with or what do you remember to drag this top part and you my friend have edited our first video at least the first part welcome to the club as we mount a little bit so I can see my whole time now I'm gonna drag the CTI all the way to the end here I'm gonna hit spacebar and watch it all the way through I'm not going to but you should okay and just actually I'm gonna drag my CTI to here is my little cut across okay this is a straight cut you've done a bit of editing you've done a transition okay think that believe it or not is a tradition transition and probably the one you're going to use the most just a nice straight cut between two different shots and if I'm honest 80% of my time in Premiere Pro is exactly that razor tool caddy cut drag it up okay we'll learn a few speed tricks to kind of speed that part of it up but that's yeah you're a Video Editor people know one thing I want to acknowledge before we go is a little bit of weirdness there's a lot of witness and Premiere Pro to be honest and what I'd like to do is show you what might happen you might have done already is I got my sequence okay I got the two video files over here this is my timeline okay over here it's something called the program window window is a fancy name for this is what's actually going to be exported anything that kind of plays along in here is the stuff that's gonna go out at the end you're this other window called the source window so if I double-click on a one if you're a double cooker you've probably already found here double click it you're like what is this what is that if you've opened that premium probe before and got a bit lost this can be a little confusing your source monitor is just a preview monitor scribble that out instead of saying source a preview this is where your preview stuff okay and over here is the stuff that actually goes out this is your finished product that looks weird having two of them okay and all doing the same thing the same crazy phases okay what I find for new people is if that's scary just click on fix controls for no other reason than to hide your source monitor you're like huh okay just leave that there you can go back to that later on by taking it but for the moment it's nice to have the program window up your timeline down the bottom here and this project window with all your files all right nice and simple let's get into some more editing in the next video hi everyone in this video we are going to add a couple more videos we're going to it in a different way different from using the razor tool like we did in the last video also I'm gonna show you what to do when your computer starts running slow and I'll show you how to make this waveform bigger and edit from it directly I'm ready you're ready let's get going okay the get started let's bring in some footage let's go to file let's go to import and let's bring in from our exercise files project 1 let's bring in 3 & 4 you can bring in more than one at a time by clicking the first one holding shift grabbing the second one you can bring them in individually if you find that hard let's click import you'll see down the bottom here our little project windows that Anna and Phillip came over a project window has all our files in it and I really I don't hate thumbnails but I switch to list view very early even and because I just like to see the names and/or listed in this view here it's great you can make them bigger I'm not sure why you would okay but you can't make them much smaller the one thing that is weird about this is that they're they're actually listed non alphabet clean here you can see oh one and it jumps to XD and then oh - it's kind of random so if you do prefer this view because scrubbing along is pretty cool so to kind of get it a little bit more usable see this little slotted lines down here click on this and you could say I want to order no but users order but by name okay no just put it in alphabetical I don't know just me maybe it's me so we're gonna add these to the timeline you can let's click this first 103 and just drag the whole thing over until it's after Oh to zoom out a little bit what's a shortcut yeah it's - we get in there okay and bring in number 4 as well nice now we're just gonna kind of like jump you don't actually have to drag you can just kind of click in here and it jumps to it up to you with you and drag the CTI alone okay but with it here hit spacebar preview there you go and one thing though is if you're struggling to play back if it's struggling to play back this video already there's not a good sign okay but if it is and you see here in the bottom okay it's trying to play it back in full resolution okay this is shot in HD okay so it's trying to play it back in full resolution let's drop this down to half a recorder if it's play mix slowly just trumpet to a quarter keep an eye on this okay it's like it's playing okay looks fine got a quarter and then I hit play spacebar you see it's kinda blurry okay it's not affecting like the output if you export this now it's gonna look perfect it's just like changing the preview and this will happen to everybody doesn't matter how good your computer is you'll get to a point where you've got so many layers and so many things going on that actually just stick it down to quarter and you know when you're doing color grading and making it all look pretty you might have to jump it back up to full but quarter is fine you'll notice when it's paused it's always it full okay it's only when it's playing look goes to a low quality one just to speed things along now in the last video we edited using the razor tool so I'm gonna click down here my timeline so that goes blue around the outside head plus a couple of times and what we did was and I I know this video already so let me so the first bit I start and then get lost start again get lost start again there's this last chunk that we want okay cuz that's the bitter I actually complete my sentence so in the last one we used the razor toe and we just clicked can we delete the bits we didn't need there's another way of editing okay and there's no real right or wrong just sometimes you need one and sometimes need the other so we're gonna do done razor let's grab the selection tool and what we're gonna do is I don't put my playhead kind of where I want it to be because it's really helpful and tries to snap to wherever the playhead is so you can use that to advantage get it kind of at the beginning here what we're gonna do is and watch this so I've got my selection tool and if I hover between this gap here can you see if I move it to the left hand side it's got the left hand arrow right hand arrow okay she's gonna be close in here so I want this side because I want to deal with this track care what this clip I'm gonna click it hold it and drag it okay and you can see I could drag it to my playhead and it kind of snaps and it's the exact same thing nothing's different about it instead of just slicing it with a razor tool and deleting it or dragging it at the end some people you'll end up using a bit of both okay and and so we're gonna grab it drag it along okay be the same for the end I'm gonna hit my spacebar now and what I do when I'm editing is that I it up via the waveform it kind of took it in the last video but it's very hard to see teeny tiny okay so what we're gonna do is can you see basically this is kind of thicker line here okay video is all on the top and the audio is all below okay so if you've got like 10 audio tracks in one video you're gonna have Tim below this okay we're gonna go kind of like three layers to start with you can add more so all the videos at the top and the audio is down the bottom what I would like to do is move my little mouse okay between these lines here and you can see this one here just underneath the track I'm working on now if you've come from other Dobby worlds mmm the like layers okay the same thing but they call them tracks in here in the video world okay so I'm just gonna click hold and drag it down look at that I can see all the little peaks and troughs and stuff and it just makes it really easy to edit okay so I'm gonna hit plus to zoom in and I can see without even watching it and kind of pausing it when I feel like it's finished I can do drag this along to about just after I finish speaking and then it's nearly always the time to cut it okay so it's a real easy to edit via that way from so what am I gonna do now I'm going to drag the end okay so if you can't see this in here you may have to grab the middle of this guy along a little bit okay and grab the end some through using my selection tool and just drag it in boom now a big question that people have is like have I deleted this forever no you can grab it again into drag about cards always there you've never deleted anything ever you're just kind of trimming the view of it up for export okay but your original audio or sorry your original video okay this XD what do we have two up to the third one is never ever changed just sitting on your hard drive never amended it's the same thing for when I use my razor tool so I'm gonna drag along here to go to my first one and what you'll notice is actually zoom out now to select more than one I want to drag both of these along to the right okay so got my selection tool and I'm just gonna click anywhere up here and drag a little box you can see as I drag it it kind of slicks a couple so I got more than one thing selected and I'm gonna grab member at the top part of its best drag it along and what I did earlier is we use the razor tool but it's exactly the same look I've raised it before but look it's all still in there all the extra junk okay so it never goes away it's just just trimmed the view of it now I was undoing there if you've never used undo before edit undo or I'm using command Z because I'm in C with my shortcuts okay so and I'm gonna drag that back great and let's do the last one together let's grab this guy and I'm just gonna edit by the waveform so I'm gonna drag it to about there okay and drag the ending go about the air then dragon and even without checking it I'm probably going to be pretty close so this is considered a rough cut I'm just gonna kind of drag it all up cut it all up and then we'll look at it in a little bit more detail fixing things it's best to kind of do a real rough cut first just get everything in before going into the details one other little kind of like using Premiere Pro thing I want to just be clear if I clear on is if I click on this and I won't get rid of it just delete key so just select it delete it easy stuff I know all right one last thing I want to kind of share with you before I go is just like how I got to these files and just prepare for the future and so when I recorded this course this oh five XD is my raw footage that came out of my camera it shot at a modest HD okay we're gonna talk about HD versus 4k later on but it's a modest size okay good enough quality and it came out at one point two gigabytes it is huge game nets the footage that comes out of my camera that I have to work on so you as the editor you'll be getting given files this sort of size so what I do for this course though is I took that same file and I compressed it right down it's still HD but I kind of like lowered the quality of it so it's not gonna look as pretty as the original and but you can see the file size is like 15 megabytes versus 1.2 so know that you're getting this sort of stuff in this course you can you know everything's quite small in it's it's I guess it's not realistic okay so you're gonna finish this course and go yeah my computer can handle it and then all of a sudden you get given this big giant 4k footage and your computer kind of catches fire so just to know that I do some pre edits and the other thing I do as well is if you end up recording yourself like I do a lot be prepared I've kind of made these will look like I've done one or two takes and then got it good but let's look at five okay so this one here to get this last little bit where I actually get it okay I finally get it and it takes about 20 seconds but it took me 6 minutes to get there 20 seconds okay so if you're filming yourself it's hard even I'm like super experienced that filming myself and it's men there's a lot of takes um so I've cut all this down to make it smaller and know that it's hard to film yourself alright that it is it you should have something that looks reasonably like that okay 1 2 3 4 I mean the recap timeline is we're also your sequence okay your project windows all your files over here is your program window that's what's gonna be exported and over here if you double click on something remember sauce window okay just the preview window all right on to the next video all right it is class project time don't think of it as homework think of it as exciting practice that you get to do okay so what I do to facilitate this is in your exercise files okay there is exercise files there is a folder called Z class projects okay Z just to get it down the bottom here so in class projects open it up and the main one you want is this word doc okay so open up class project notes okay you'll see this it'll be more class projects coming I'm kind of adding them as I go through the course so this is class project one basic editing so I want you to do a couple of things okay first one is add the last two files so over here we've got a 1x do2 304 so we've got those already there's two more to go in so add those two files from your exercise files they're called oh five and oh six okay and and edit them either using the razor or the dragging method okay so snip them up with the razor tool we'll just drag the inn's like we learned up to you has a little bit of our extra level in it and the second or sorry the oh six I want to show you real quick has more than one kind of good edit I did a couple of versions so you're gonna import both oh five and over six okay but Oh sex if I drag it to my timeline here okay and kind of scoot across now you'll notice that I just want to show you I do this version and I get that one's okay okay so a kind of a couple of false starts there we're give up and then this long chunk here is actually okay and when I get a good take it's very common okay to have a bit of a clap at the end not because I'm so great but listen see there one's a right clap it's just so that when I'm editing later on I can see in the timeline a spike because say I've done it ten times and I'm not sure which one it is I'll clap after the ones that I think are okay so I think that one's okay and no clap after this one so I think that one is bad and then I get started again over here I half started give up and you can see this long chunk here is another option okay so you can decide whether it's this one have a little listen through do some editing as what I guess I'm trying to say is pick this one or this first one after here okay and decide which one you want to use they're both the same just different kinds of deliveries so that's the kind of homework man but what I want you to do is do that this one doesn't require any submission you know if they're like send it to me to prove it because it's just something simple okay I want you to do it but I'm want you to prove it and karma will come and get you if you pretend to do it okay so give it a go give it a practice and one thing you can do is just let me know you've started the course so on social media just let me know that you've started the Premiere Pro course kind of yeah interesting to know who gets started and they're all use the hashtag Premiere Pro okay on any of the social medias they all work okay so if you're an Instagram person I'm bring your laptop Twitter I'm Dan loves Adobe on Facebook group there's a link to the Facebook group and there's a link to the LinkedIn group okay if you can't find either of them okay through the link just type in bring your laptop group on both of those and you can go and just let me know yeah you've got started so give it a go if it goes horribly wrong I will do it in the next video so you can see me doing it and how I would approach it yeah I'll see you there alright I hope the practice went well I'm going to show you a little bonus and for this one is file edit as painful it's just a long way you can double click anywhere this space okay so it's a lot easier if you're in list view and does work and icon view if you can see a space just double click on it and you go to import come on so I'm gonna hold click the first one hold shift grab oh five no.6 go to list view cuz I hate them now yeah yeah I said it okay seven video in I said I wouldn't anyway thumbnail view is fine I'm gonna grab five hang in a zoom out and I'm gonna add six often just dump them all in especially if they're easy like this and you know kind of nice little order and then i zoom in and I have a little look and I go I know that that chunk there is the only one so which way do I do it you're gonna get an extra bonus in this one as well okay so that looks probably out right now instead of dragging it you ready for your secret trick if you double-click if they don't click oh just single click I think I still clink doesn't matter I click on between here and just hit delete on your keyboard you can see just deletes the space come on okay move along and I'm going to which one did I pick I'll pick the one without them but the clap afterwards I'm gonna jump to my razor tool you so this is kind of how I work that's very typical of kind of how I work and what you wouldn't have noticed there is I jumped to my razor tool it's like this super like used one okay and you can see if I hover above it can you see it has C in brackets okay it says I hit my C key okay goes to that gamma rays at all think chop chopping with a razor okay or cutting with a razor it's probably just of the razor and what we're going to do is well so two shortcuts is see the other one is V I'm forever talking between v4 move okay and c4 razoring taken between to delete it and then just give it a little check to see how got these little transitions are it's spacebar yeah that's alright and this one here check it here that one there's just a little bit I do a little bit of like looking for no good reason so I was gonna jump in go back to my veto okay so my selection tool I'm just gonna grab it and drag it in click in the space and delete look at us editing stuff alright that is your homework done good work high-five if you've done it let's get on to some more premier proneness hello it is time for color correction time and before we get started I just want to quickly define two tones for you that are important one is color correction the other one is color grading and cut grading okay grading accent and is a term that gets used a bit flippity-flop okay but you need to be reasonably clear about it when you are working as a video editor somebody asks you to do some color correction or color grading very different jobs so color correction is fixing photos color grading is giving a specific look okay or a feel to it so kind of Correction would be things like hey the lights aren't great we need to kind of you know play with the shadows or make it brighter okay fixing broken video okay color grading is adding an effect or a look ok think Instagram filters think I want this film to look a little bit more cinematic or I want to make it look like an old-time film case you give it a look let's color grading okay so we're gonna do color grading in this course but not right now we're gonna do color correction so let's jump in now and I'll show you how to do it alright let's do some color correction okay so to do it we're gonna open up a panel under window and there's 1/4 Dimitri color click on that one just kind of open up on the side here the next thing we need to do is let's say we're gonna correct Oh one XD intro so what we need to do is put our play here in a position that's a good general representation of the footage okay and whose minds shot on a tripod and nothing's moving it's pretty easy you pretty much have it anywhere in here and color corrected but let's just say for instance I'm gonna drag in oh one again okay so you can have more than one instance of this okay and what you can do is no point color correcting there okay because color correcting my back is not a good char you know not a good way to color correct because it's gonna actually look different when my actual skin tones are all involved okay so remember when you're color correcting different from Photoshop if Photoshop you just do once you know one shot where it's video you actually have to kind of try and guess it for this whole entire things you need to find somewhere kind of in the middle like that I'm gonna scroll down find a bit or I'm looking vaguely intelligent and what we're gonna do is we're going to select um oh one you might the zoom in and out to kind of move your way along but have zero one selected okay and all we need to do is click on over here it's his basic correction click on that word once what'll happen is click it again to close it so there's a different categories in here and it can look very confusing in here I get confused - okay so and basic correction is the one we want okay and what we're looking for is we're gonna do the quick and easy auto option so we make sure the actual clip is selected click on auto and it didn't do a whole lot okay what did it actually do you can test it by going to basic Corrections see this little tick next to it just to turn it off on off on just did a little bit of work with the shadows and the blacks so just - it the reason that is is that I spend a bit of time getting my kind of room set up with the right lighting I've miss around with my camera to try and not have to do a color a whole lot of color correction afterwards and yours might be changing loads of different things so there is color correcting this one the one thing we might do though is that it's very small in comparison to the rest of it so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna show you how to kind of adjust your workspace because this is kind of crowded it out yours might be looking a little differently okay but can you see in between any of these panels there's a little double lines appear so this one here I can kind of between my source monitor and my program monitor I can click hold just kind of like drag it across you can see how you just get more screen real estate if you will okay and same with the timeline you can drag it down to get a bit more space drag it out this way so you will find the happy medium for your computer screen okay I've got a really big 4k algae monitor I love it and but when I'm working on my laptop I actually have to have a different kind of view so drag it around to kind of something that looks nice for you now that it's done I need to kind of acknowledge that this one here is not done nothing's been changed in this one because I had this one selected when I did it and this one hasn't been done so I can do the same thing find a good middle middle a middle kind of shot and then with it selected click auto you know and it's done basically the same thing okay why because it was all shot at the same time and work away long is there any that are different auto same it's like in this thing same footage okay okay if you've got like windows open it's gonna be different every time because you're using the light from the window to change in its clouds Sun Moon okay so that's the order feature super easy let's look at doing it manually okay so let's I'm going to so I've got this one here I'm going to go to edit copy I'm going to scrub along a little bit using the middle of the little rubberband thing bring my CTI along here it's wherever this playhead ends up being is where it's gonna paste okay so if you leave it behind even though you've scrubbed along its gonna pace wherever this thing is so we're gonna go to edit paste I'm gonna use a shortcuts from now on so that's command V for a Mac and ctrl V for a PC so I'm gonna use those shortcuts from now on pretty common so I've got this one okay which has been auto corrected I'm gonna duplicate it again so I'm gonna put one just next to it and I'm gonna get it hit it paste on use a shortcut look at that I'm doing down here just to kind of show you different ways of working so you do the same have two versions this first versions been done with Auto the second version here okay we are going to let's go to reset okay so I've got the second option selected reset it so it's back to normal and what I'm gonna do is show you how I manually correct so I find we'd leave that working from this tone okay this is where you start and tone and you start at the bottom up I find it gives you a more just it works more I find that's the best order to work in working from exposure down I finds quite tough but working up doesn't matter there's no right or wrong but basically all you're doing is dragging it back and forth so I've got their selected grab blacks drag it left right and don't be afraid to like give it a good drag yeah people in my class are like oh just a little bit just go down but just go forward and back you can always go back to zero okay and all I'm doing is I'm not even looking with a slider is I you can't see me but my head is pressed against my screen okay and I'm just kind of going back and forth and then I get slower and slower until I find like that feels good so when I'm dragging it is blurry it's because I've turned my quality down to quarter earlier on because while it's static it tries to go full resolution it's only when it's either playing or you're manipulating it goes down to the quarter I'm gonna be probably for the rest of this course go back to full because my laptops pretty good you might have to talk between half in 1/4 the whole way through this whole course just to get the best out of your laptop ok so I'm gonna go to full now drag it back and forth close to the screen there you go that feels nice to me ok and it's a lot different than the minus 5 and this is just like my preference ok and same with the weights I'm gonna go up and down I'm not caring where it is I'm just kind of going back and forth in to the air so it's up a little bit so the same stop big step big until I find it and you can see that one went up 5 I'm not watching the numbers I'm just clicking holding with one else looking crazy by getting real close to my screen until I find what I'm looking for you see - sex what do you mean point six my why even bother okay and exposure Haley ended up at zero that never happens ok buds yeah so you can see my my manual ones are a lot different than my auto ok and the difference is let's have a look like here click here click here click here do you which one do you like more you'll be like it was a big waste of time because they look pretty close I like my one better because I took some time to do it but to be honest when I'm doing this kind of I'll probably manually and edit ok or manually correct for an important video for us doing a documentary it's been a lot more time doing it a short film loads of time these how-to videos mmm I'm for more honor so just click on auto and just move on ok and maybe not the intro and but it's definitely for the hundredth video I just kind of click on auto alright one last thing we're going to do before we go is saturation so this little slider down here are ignored we are going to look at saturation we're gonna go left alright do we want it more saturated less saturated mine are pretty good like the camera and the lens and the lighting is all very nice so I'm not gonna mess around with it but there might be the last thing is I often go in and just bump it up a teeny tiny bit just I just want a little bit more always a little bit more and so just a teeny tiny more saturation and probably 105 you can oh I didn't show you that today and you can drag them or you can click in here and just type over the top 105 on my keyboard hit enter I can just bump it up a little bit basically in terms of this footage you can only go as high as my skin tone allow cuz if you go too high I get a big suntan or a sunburn okay so I'm gonna go to 105 and when I said it was the last thing I don't mean it's the last thing I mean this is the third to last we're gonna look at tinting temperature don't worry too much about these words it's blue to red and then green to magenta so depending on cameras these days are shooting really lovely balanced colors okay so very rare that I actually have to go in and mess with temperature other than other than when I'm color grading giving it a certain look but let's say you've shot it inside and you are shooting in some way that has like lots of fluorescent lights okay those big long tubes okay you might find it's just a little bit on the blue side okay just a little bit like yeah and it looks fine there's nothing wrong with it being a little bit blue it's called a color cast and doesn't matter if you like it kind of bluey it's great it might be a sad moment in the film but I often like mine quite warm for what I'm doing so you could move it into the oranges okay or the Reds or way down here in the blues okay so you can kind of find your happy medium again I'm finding mines just pre here in the middle same with magenta and green this this happens less okay it's mainly to do with temperature the tint is moving between these colors okay and again it'll depend on sometimes a lens that you're using on your camera can give it to you it might be that it's shot in a room with green walls so greens cast everywhere so you might have to do some adjustments to tint and temperature but most of the time it's tone starting from the bottom working your way up a little bit of saturation and every now and again a bit of temperature and tint alright one thing before I go that I want to just tidy up this color correction is we need to do two things is first of all let's delete three things let's delete this okay we don't need those that were just like a trial the other one is is we didn't actually add Auto to this last one okay so we did it to number four number five but not six or still at zero this brings up a really good point so Mike playhead is over here so basically by playhead is displaying this and the sequence so I'm actually looking at this but I can actually have this selected over here but I'm still viewing that guy you can kind of see I have this one I can have lots selected but my CTI it displays it in the program window so so that confusing explanation is just demo it so I'm viewing it here but I've got that selected so if I go through and go why isn't it working it's not adjusting yeah you start dragging it around what's happening is if I click over here it has adjusted it okay but the one I had selected so I'm gonna head reset another good point and to drop in here is reset only works for tone watch there so I go you be a bit of a bit about okay add your own sound effects okay and I had reset every sits all of this but not these guys so zero and zero or just drag them close enough to it alright so we're back to this we're gonna click Auto lovely alright now that is it for color correction for the moment we'll do a bit more high cool stuff later in the course but for the moment you are color correction good enough let's carry on to the next video hi everyone welcome to the video we're going to be looking at transitions in this one transitions is will be doing one at the moment it's just this watch for this that goes from this video to the next one and we just do a cut just jumps across but that is a transition okay we're gonna look at other ones like pretty cross dissolve mm okay we'll look at another one where it fades to black in between you will fade it to white in between okay different transitions will also get it to kind of like dip to black at the end here you go we're also talked about pre-roll and post roll and what it is and we'll do some adjustments to our workspace ah yeah let's get started alright let's look at our transitions so we've done a transition already right um just cut watch I'm gonna put my playhead there head space bar there there's a transition okay but we want to do some fancier transitions but you will use just a lot you know just just so you know cuts are really common so what I want you to do I'm going to show you some basic ones here we'll do some more fancy ones later in the course but I want you to just keep an eye out now that you were a video editor just look at your favorite TV show your Netflix look at you know your YouTube channels that you watch and to see how they do the edits just to build up a bit of like a vocabulary about it just get a feeling for what you like and what they kind of convey so the very next TV show you watch that's not my video course and go and just just keep an eye out for like the transitions just to get an idea of how they work so we're gonna look at some of the basics to find your transitions they kind of hide them there in the effects panel and in my particular screen layout I've got to click this little double arrow here and it's kind of there it is there a fix and it jumps across so that is painful because I don't use info very much I don't use libraries at the moment very much Media Browser we're not using these in this essentials course markers history there's lots of stuff we don't need okay and they're all kind of lumped in here we will use effects a lot and we'll use the project window allots okay so what we're gonna do is just click on the little see the little burger menu to the next to the word history or any of these ones go to close panel okay next one close panel effects we're gonna leave on info so I'm just click on the word libraries and then a little stroking lines appear close panel I'm just gonna get it down to two nice and clean and clear okay if you accidentally a bit your half of you have gone through and actually closed the wrong one okay so you've gone oops fix is gone or your projects gone just go to window there is the effects again turn it back on if yours has gone horribly wrong what you can do is go to window workspace ha's and go to editing and then go back into here workspaces and go to reset the save layout problem is as Lou Miku cut is gonna close okay and all these windows down here are going to reopen but you can kind of get back to here eventually so these two what we need most off and the one we're going to use now is called video transitions this is a little Chevron here little arrow click on it and you can scroll down and there is transitions so we're look at the main ones to get with and the mainest oneness is the one under dissolve head little arrow there's this one called cross dissolve this is the main one okay so cats all other time and cross dissolves of the rest of the time and all we need to do is we need to I'll show what happens click hold and drag it and we're gonna put it between number one and number two and you can kind of see it's like where do I put it just kind of dump it in there okay regardless of where it is and we'll have a look at how to adjust that afterwards it's very teeny tiny so we have to zoom in so get your playhead where it needs to be and let's zoom in a little bit adding plus on your keyboard okay or struggling along with the little rubber band okay you can see there's a cross dissolve in there so and I'm gonna click on it okay just slick through the middle and hit delete let's he get rid of a transition and I'm gonna add it again so dragging this on and you'll notice that there's a way of putting it there and kind of like have it on the right hand side and have it on this side it just depends on how what kind of like dissolve you want you want it to be mainly this side disappearing and the side kind of like starting off fresh okay without any sort of fuzziness or you want to kind of an equal blend okay most of the time stay in the middle okay bit of both where is this you can't drag it afterwards and kind of decide that I want it mostly on the side so it just means that can you kind of see the solves already finished before we get in there okay it doesn't really matter okay at this stage at least okay so I'm gonna cross this all right in the middle you know grab my playhead back hit spacebar I look at there it's soft transition then moving across the screen so that is how to add a transition let's look at how to adjust it so let's say that you want it to be a more of a scooby-doo kind of like extended stretch okay so that was a bit quick you can just grab either ends of these okay and when I say grab them use your selection tool okay and just hover above the end till you see this little icon click it hold it drag it and just drag it up it'll drag both sides and you've got a you basically doubled the length of that cross dissolve so move you play it back here its spacebar [Music] that is very - purposeful you'd have to be doing something other than a how-to video to really pull that off I feel like just so you know like a cross-dissolve can be used quite simply okay and it doesn't mean a whole lot but when you extend it out a bit it's kind of playing with like time it's saying that time has passed watch so lots of time has passed in this one you can use for different effects I'm not gonna go into too much detail on what the meanings behind the different transitions are okay it's kind of another course but in this case a nice simple transition okay I might speed mine up you can make it smaller as well just to kind of change between scenes I don't really like it here but hey you'll use it in lots of different projects we do through this course let's look at another one so I'm gonna leave the cross dissolve there and I'm gonna grab my middle of my little stretchy rubber band thing and you're gonna find that gap between Oh two and O three let's have a look at some of the other ones in dissolve so dip to black is a nice one okay stick it between here spacebar my simple one okay just transition between two different videos dip to black let's scroll along a little bit further you can dip to white let's have a look okay just a different way of transitioning and let's not film dissolve looks a lot like an edit edit of dissolve look a lot like cross dissolve there are lots of other ones in here and you're happy like I can't really stop you now from going and playing with them all some of them like morph cat is super hardcore it's gonna freak your machine out so if we look at morph cat later on and but you can play around with these at the moment we will cover that later on in the course if you do want to hold off but you don't have to do and there's only two in here that you're not either use cuz page appeal okay and where's Pandora's splendors in this one wipe band Wars so bond doors and page peel you're a banned from using it's against the law okay yeah terrible terrible transitions you are gonna go and try them out I know you'll see that they're terrible and if you find somebody actually else that's using Paige peel in their video editing make sure you serious contact a member of staff and tell people those are really bad transitions anyway what else we need to do oh yeah let's look at kind of other uses for say dip to black so let's go back to the dissolve let's go to the end of our video okay dip to black even though it's kind of like a transition as well you can actually just stick it on the end and watch this it does the nice so it dips to black a nice way of finishing my clip like this and you can drag your way out so it kind of starts fading nicely there you go and another thing before we go I'm gonna talk about post roll and pre-rolls I'm going to click on this tiptoe back and get rid of it and I'm gonna explain why what pre-roll and post roll is and why I sit around like an idiot at the end of these doing this watch playing playing and then I sit there like an idiot for a while you probably liked it anybody going is it doing it's so that I can do transitions like that it gives me scope after I've filmed to kind of go like this add this transition scope it out you know drag it out so that is okay can you see now I've got scope to do it if you finish in the first thing that you know the talent does or the actor does or in this case me is finished then quickly stand up there's nothing you can really do at the end other than just cutting it which is a little bit lame you'll notice at the beginning of lots of my videos as well let's go back so that's pre-roll post-roll so posters and afterwards so after the footage try and get your talent to sit there for a little while and feel like an idiot and but let's have a look at this one so looking at oh one again you'll notice that I do a lot of I always got post roll because I'm always thinking about something so you see it's just a little bit of like me being a dork it just means I can do the same thing grab my razor tool slice it off the air okay delete that bit grab my effects grab my dip to black things freaking out and use my selection tool drag it on you can't drag it on to the audio okay so I was trying to drag it onto the audio then it's like I won't work you might have already had that problem in the course okay but just make sure this dragged up to the video part at the beginning okay and now I got some pre-roll there you go see um in post roll that's what it is it's more just showing you so why does den do all that stuff at the ends and beginnings that's because of that alright that is the basics of transitions we'll do some fancier bits later on but it's a nice good introduction to it let's move on to the next video hey everyone this video we are going to look at adjusting the videos volume or liver laying or balancing okay basically what it means is we need the volume to be at a certain level okay the moment it's too quiet and you have no idea you're like what sounds fine okay but we need to kind of reach a consistency with the rest of the world so we need to be able to send this video off in it not to be too quiet and not to be too loud compared to everything else that's either on youtube or on the television or the cinema okay so this needs to be balanced to make sure it's right so let's go and do that okay so what do we do first of all we need to see the volume so I've got my playhead amongst my video clip song ahead spacebar you probably knows this thing jumping up and down okay there is our volume but it depends on your laptop okay if you can't see that get a window and find volume where is it under audio meters okay so turn that on turn that off okay so what we need to do though is we need to see the actual measurements on it and it's too small like we did between here and here okay we can adjust the gap between this and watch see no numbers numbers yours might already have numbers okay so drag it out minimally to where you can see the numbers it can be really big it doesn't matter okay as long as you can see the numbers now if I hit spacebar so you can kind of see in here that it is bouncing in between kind of gets up to sex but mostly it's bouncing between this 20-24 and -18 okay weirdly user 0 is the highest and it uses negatives don't ask me why okay but it is bouncing about here okay so it's fine but it's just not loud enough what is loud enough so dialogue okay people talking in videos should be bouncing somewhere between the minus 6 and minus 12 somewhere kind of in here not not past minus 12 really just somewhere in this zone so how do we adjust it okay first of all we're gonna use the first video so we're gonna click in here have this one selected give it a click okay so it is kind of creeps up there when I'm yelling but most of the time it's a bit low so to raise it the easiest way to raise it is down here in your audio track if you haven't already remember you can click the bottom of it and kind of drag it bigger I'm gonna zoom in a little bit okay so this line that's kind of hovering in the middle here okay there is your volume that's the easiest way to do the volume okay so the moment it set to zero if I click it hold it and drag all the way up can you see so it's raising it by three decibels seven disembowels way too high I'm up at 13 see what's gonna do oh hold your phone ready Wow real out okay getting into the Reds so what you need to do is you need to come back here and figure out where it is okay so that looks about fine bouncing roughly in there doesn't have to be perfect and you'll notice that I start off real excited in all my videos hi everyone it's getting a bit of consistency later on what we might do is lower that down a tiny bit once we get a few more skills but at the moment consistently I've raised it up by about seven disa bells okay to make it bounce in this right area so do the same over here about the about seventy I suppose it doesn't have to be super perfect okay I'll show you more perfect ways of doing it later on but for the moment and not just for the moment but most of the time you just grab it drag along and the other cool thing you can do when you're manually doing it is you can hit space button let it play and drag it while it's actually moving watch okay so you can kind of let it roll and just move it up and down just to kind of get it re you want if you do have a lot of stuff to do okay manually like that you could go through because if I got six videos easy done okay and if they're all different then you're gonna be raising and lowering them all differently so there's no point doing like a bulk raise it by seven disavows because mm you might have you know you might be shooting outdoors or in different rooms so that audio is going to be different levels but this is all the same so what we can do is we can grab this we can right-click it okay anywhere on the clip go to audio gain they call it okay so we want to add to it we're gonna adjust the game by seven disa bells and the line doesn't move but watch the like graph in the background you see it gets bigger by seven disavows you've done the same thing you've done the same thing it just looks different down here okay so this one the lines raised but that Barra are sorry the waveform okay the little hills and valleys stayed the same but doing it that way okay using audio gain you've essentially done the same thing it's gonna sound the same on the other side but you've done it just kind of looks different down here when do I use both I I'm gonna show you the automatic one in the next video you like what there's an automatic view automatic way of fixing it there is that's the way I do but we need to know about these things what the line does just mean we need it for the course later on okay but for the moment I'm gonna leave the fifth and second and use that for auto in a second alright let's get on to the next video hi everyone my audios too low if I play it you can see it bouncing around in here it is too low I need to raise it up imagine if there's a button though that would do it all for me and I just had to select on the clip and then click a button called Auto match look at the graph went up undo/redo there is such a button and I will show you where it is right now in this tutorial alright to fix our audio automatically we'll do it to the last one we'll use o6 have the track selected okay all the clip selected track is the whole length of it and the clip is the actual unit that's on it now okay so video it's got a window let's go down to essential sound so with the magic is it should open up next to our lumetri color there is there okay so a central sound what we're gonna do is click on oh six okay XD and then click on you probably won't be able to see loudness I've used this before okay so click on the word loudness to open it and close it okay and you want to find this one this is what a match give it a click and watch this happened a bit quick I'm gonna undo it Q watch down a bit redo it above it undo redo it just raises it all up it's the same for five okay move along grab this one say dialogue go automatch happy nice and the other thing you'll notice is that if I undo it okay undo and you'll notice that see this thing here is kind of like bell dealt but when I click on it and go to keep I keep an eye on this effects I'm just gonna add the auto match you see this glows yellow just to give you a visual cue that that one's been done because later on you might come back to this in a week and go tonight oh what a match these are not sure it's alright just the volume I can't tell anything that has a little yellow cube means you've missed around with it this one we did with the game remember we right-click dirt and went into the audio game and raised it by seven decibels there's one was different we went through and raised it up okay so just a visual cue that you've done something to the audio and that has automatically how to fix your audio it's pretty cool alright that is it I will see it in the next video hi everyone we are going to create something called a lower third it's called a lower third because it's lower in the third part of the screen okay not half way not on the top is top third there's a lower third okay and doesn't really matter if it's on the right hand side or the left hand side we are doing a lower third and if you want to call it just ticks from a screen that's what it is as well though the third is more like a generic term and for something like traditionally it's this I'll show you so let's have a look news bulletin and watch this guy stuff appear here where is it waits for a second and then gives you at the bottom a little lower third this is this guy name is Robin Brandt and he's a China correspondent same thing for this one here so you another one so that's like a traditional lower third but you can use it for anything it's the same term okay we I use it quite a bit for let's have a look for social media stuff so when I start talking you've probably seen at the beginning of this course just gives you like it's still a lower third it's a net position the lower third of the screen it could be a logo yeah or text typically not an image yeah let's work out how to actually do that lower third now in Premiere Pro alright to create our lower thirds text we are going to use the text tool Larry is there the bottom of this little toolbar okay click on it once and then click where you want it to get started I'm gonna kind of start it about here because I know it's gonna type off to the right click once start typing stuff yours your type might look different from mine I'm Daniel Walter Scott okay and to adjust the text we're gonna open up a panel okay so we're gonna work on window we're gonna go to one called essential graphics click on that opens with this gang over here it's a lot of your time in Premiere Pro K is going to be using limited color central sound and essential graphics so what we want to do is with our move tool have this selected okay and just make sure I'll play heads kind of in the middle here have it selected and click on this one that says edit this is the best way of editing text in Premiere Pro if you use the old titling thing we're not going to use that anymore just so you know and this is the replacement for titling if you have used it before okay so we have that selected we can change the text up here so let's look at a couple of things it's changed we won't go through all the text features cuz centered left align right align you can work out there's a lot of just basic text features pick a font we're gonna pick anything I'm gonna pick one that I'm using lots of Museo sins Museo you that's been way too long picking font so I'm gonna use this one okay and size wise drag it up drag it down to mine feels appropriate about that sort of size and obviously you want to design for the longest name you've got if you've got a series of interviews and it's with Dan Scott okay it's very short so you can do some stuff but if you've got a really long name I came in kiss a really long name but Danielle Wallen Tarantino you know big long names you're gonna actually have to make sure that it kind of like starts over here okay so we're gonna get it to about there okay and we are how am i moving it okay that's one question is back to this arrow tool okay all the selection tool so type tool for editing arrow tool and you can click anywhere on the word and just move it around okay so get it to where you want and pick a font pick a size done that's what else we want to do let's look at some of the more unique text features for Premiere Pro and it's down here in this appearance panel okay so let's have a little look at shadow okay and it's a drop shadow actually let's turn that one off this is a good background first so let's click on the background okay you notice it puts a background behind my text just to kind of help pull it out so let's say that I want do background but I'm going to do a black background so it's got a background behind it let's change the color of it by clicking in this like little square here okay and it's opened up on my other monitor okay I want black so black is this little circle you can kind of drag it around to pick your color if you want to change the hue see this little slider here say that I want pink I slide it down to here and then I move this around to decide on the shade of pink that I want okay in my case I just wanted to be black so I'm gonna drag all the way up here and instead of just kind of like getting it close just drag a pie okay so I've I've keep my finger on my mouse I'm dragging dragging dragging dragging and I'm dragging way past where it needs to go just so it gets redeemed up in that corner never let go of my mouse and I've clicked okay so I've got a black box in the background here I'm gonna change this one here the size around it okay and we're gonna drag it up click hold drag joke drag I'm gonna drag it right up can you see what it is okay so it dad's box around it and I like the opacity so you don't you want it to be solid you can play with this slider here drink their piss be right up okay so have a play around with these okay get your name in there yeah probably it's probably weed having your name type it in put my name get the opacity how you want it get the size how you want it and we will look at drop shadow how do I show you the drop shadow really well let's do a background off cane let's look at shadow I'm gonna do the same thing for some reason the default is like yucky gray and then it's transparent out I don't know why it's the default anyway it is at the moment so I'm gonna make a full black okay and I'm going to leave the pasady probably and I'm just gonna kind of show you the basics for a job show you probably know how to do a job show but I'm gonna extend it out okay let's move it up here to make it easier to see you can see it there okay there it is there so you've got we're not gonna cover this too much but you got distance okay and you've got how fuzzy it is is this last one you see it kind of gets more blurry and I bring it right in it's nice and sharp it's up to you what you want to do you can expand it around the outside of it basically this is what I do this is the direction can you see if I grab the size and I drag this you can kind of drag it around click it just move it around you'll get a feel for you can you see it changing up the top here so what I do is often straight up-and-down okay or I've spun my around twice okay so I'm going to set mine back to zero okay so it's straight up and down I might go to actually eighty degrees so it's pointing straight down I'm gonna lower it right down and I want the blurry what am i doing now ten just a real simple drop shadow probably the opacity straight up okay and probably put that down to maybe something to just a real subtle maybe three subtle drop shadow there's no there's no right or wrong but option but that's my job so anyway okay so I'm gonna actually leave the drop shadow on enter in the background on and one go mmm just cuz now a couple other things I want to show you is where it appears in the timeline I just randomly put it wherever my cursor was okay so it's at the wrong time so we're gonna do is we're gonna zoom out so I'm gonna hit - - - okay so I can see it I'm going to zoom a little bit because what you want to do is grab your section tool and drag the center of it trying to grab the ends of it grab the center of it to kind of move the core of it along and I'm gonna kind of move it over here move my playhead and hit plus because remember you zoom in to wherever this thing is so if you zoom in over here zooming in the wrong bit so get your playhead where you want it's zoom in a bit and how long do you want it so the duration is in there by default okay you can change the duration of this you know how long it appears on-screen in your preferences for the moment let's just say I want to shorten it up I could just grab the side and just drag it in okay and it just gets shorter it's just on the screen for a short amount of time so look okay it's up to you it's a bit of pacing to see how much information is there how long does it need to be read okay mine's pretty short song and maybe I want to kind of finish at the cut okay at the transition here like we'd cross dissolve and it's gonna start here now a couple of other things when you're working in here how do you change the text grab the type tool and you can kind of just click on it in here and start working on it okay change the spelling or you can do it up in here you can double click it okay and just start typing over the top depends on how much text you have okay you might have lots of different parts of ticks at the moment of running a single so you can just kind of like double click it up here and start typing over the top typing over the top okay I'm gonna undo and that is it position it the one thing we knew our positioning text now when it's going it depends on its end format so if it's going out to television you need to be a bit more specific about how far away from the edges it is okay so if I put it down here and I'm on a TV that doesn't quite suit my aspect ratio or the the shape of my video okay it is going to get cut off okay so it's very common to have something called title safe okay where is it a dimension in and out I'll show you that later on a bit more detail but just be weary that it's probably probably good design as well just to kind of not have it right at the edges but know that some screens say you're doing this and it's going to be shown in on a you know on a TV inside of a showroom and gabion loop you might collect some sort of I don't know property developer and it's just going through lots of videos and it's gonna be on loop it's gonna be on a physical TV and it's going to maybe get cut off so just keep it away from the edge now one last thing before we actually move on is we it just kind of appears like tada okay well he might do is actually get it to fade in and fade out a bit more nicely now there is animation what you're going to do later but to be honest to do this we're just going to use a technique we've already used it's cheap it's quick and it works we're gonna go to our fix panel we're gonna find under video transitions we're gonna find our dissolve and we are going to find dip to black no sorry Chris the cross dissolve click it drag it and just dump it on the front here and we'll dump it on the back as well so we're using transitions normally to transition between two shots but you can use it just like this watch just fades in nice you can obviously extend it like we did before to give it long fade in or a long fade out and then just kind of time it can I read it before it disappears probably maybe a bit longer all right that is lower thirds or just kicks on the screen in the bottom right hand corner yeah let's get onto the next video all right it's time to export we've imported some footage we've done some basic cuts some basic transitions with fix the audio and the color is a lot of what we do in Premiere Pro now it's time to export it okay so to export we need to go to file and we need to go to export and we need to go to media now weirdly if there that could be grayed out happens a lot of the time okay it's mainly because file export it's grayed out because you don't have a sequence selected or your timeline selected you see I kind of went in and I clicked my source panel or it's you can actually have multiple timelines within a premier project which we'll do later on and but we you need to kind of tell it like this one here is the one I want exported because you could have a hundred different sequences okay but it's this particular one I want to expect export it so that might catch you out it's a file export media got the blue line around it okay export settings here they are okay now the quick version okay for this beginning course is basically all you need to do is pick h.264 and hit export okay and it will work you'll get probably what you need okay we'll go into a bit more detail later on when we get a bit more high core but most of the time you're going to want mp4 okay so you sit there confusingly it's not this one that says mp4 MPEG 4 that's something else completely it's a dot 3gp file ok you want this h.264 and this top one here ok that'll give you what you need this preset which is the default match source high bit rates gonna give you a good quality one the one thing you might change at this stage is the output name and location you do it by clicking this little blue bit of words here ok takes the name from your what you named your sequence so I'm gonna put it where I'm gonna put mine on my desktop just just cuz ok I'm normally more tightly than this ok and click it on my desktop and I'm going to call it my XD intro and it is going to be my February 20 and it is going to be called v1 okay you're always gonna have a v2 especially working with clients and I'll come back to you need to change so you can have a v2 v3 ok never call it final me that kiss of death for your file you're laughing because you've done it let's click on save call anything you like as me app doesn't matter then we'll click on export and it will chug away I'll speed this up and see you in a second all right mine was pretty quick and depending on your computer and how much hardware it has and how much RAM you have and all that sort of good stuff yours might have taken a lot longer okay and I'll just show you on the desktop where you mr. this top there you go a screencast this is the one I want that's the one I exported it's 118 megabytes if I double click it it's gonna open up on my other screen everything's opening up the screen and there you go big HD video of me I probably need that lower third to come in a lot earlier right when I'm actually saying my name it's a bit weird coming in later on but it's all there okay even the little fade out at the end cool and that my friends is a lot of what we do in Premiere Pro create a project dump in some footage chop it up make it look good make it sound good and then export it we even got fancy and edit some text that appears okay some lower thirds alright that's it for this kind of introduction to exporting we'll look at bigger exporting later on in the course but for the moment well done we've made a little video hope you're proud of yourself I remember when I got to the stages like that's it I know everything I need to know about Premiere Pro and if that's all you need then yeah that's it but for the rest of us we're gonna carry on there's gonna be a little project next video I'll see in that one alright it is class project number two time this one's a little bit more involved okay so what I have done is you need to save and close your current project so in Premiere Pro go to file and close project you can quit it and come back in just save it and close it okay because we're gonna start with a new project so when you get back in you can go to file new project okay there it is a project so it's is there doing your project give it a name okay and caught up web course and give it the date that you are currently at in your life okay and then import eight videos okay they are listed here they're in the exercise files I'll show you we're here so in the exercise files under class projects there's one called class project - this is what we're up to so project one we kind of did earlier on I set you just a couple of videos to add and it wasn't much house to it this one's a little bit more involved you can see this cut videos in here so this is not anything connected to the last project we did this is another intro that I've done some of the sort of thing there's a bunch of these that you need to stitch together into a final kind of intro for a course okay so you're going to have to create a sequence from it and later on in the course when I said homework I'm not gonna be as explicit okay cuz yeah you're new and just getting you started so I'm gonna give you a little bit of help at the beginning but then I'm gonna abandon you at the end okay you do it all by yourself so you need to create a sequence from them okay and that can be painful to remember when you're new is so once you've imported them okay let's just pretend is you right-click any of them and go to that new sequence from clip then rename it instantly calling it web intro sequence okay it's probably a good one and then keep going with the project okay so got a new sequence I want you to add all eight clips to your timeline I want you edit them any which way you want either use raising raise at all dragging the ends probably practice with both I want you to color correct at all came in but color correction we're gonna use the let me treat color panel and remember starting from the bottom and kind of working up or you can just hit Auto it's okay I'm allowing that at least one transition if you're deciding that you don't like cross dissolves you might just do the transition to the the lower thirds which is another part of this project or you might just do dip to black at the in there just want to that prove that you can use it you won't be judged on like how amazing this is later on or give you a more creative projects the moment this is very just get it done and tickle these boxes I want you to level all the audio you know get the balancing alright you can practice it manually but also you can go through and do auto gain remember under the essential sound panel okay you set it to dialogue and there's an auto match I want you to have a lower third in there just do my name at the beginning okay exactly what we did in this last course okay so the type tool click on it pick a font you might get it to fade in I don't really mind and probably put it in a more appropriate time than I did in the last project and then I want you to export an mp4 okay and if you're doing it on your own you're like I'm not sharing my homework with him you could probably stop in this video now but I'm going to show you how to share it actually don't stop because I'm going to show you ways of sharing your videos okay because I want to see what you've done you know we can get feedback I'm gonna show you a couple of different methods it's gonna be a little bit long for this bit and but I'm gonna show you how to do it via YouTube and then I'll show you how to do it behance and but yeah hang around and we'll do that now actually before we go off into YouTube I guess all I really need is a link to I sneeze see your video somehow that's not password protected Dropbox isn't great that's a bit of a pain to use but if you're going to I'm gonna add all this here I'd love to share it either on this page okay so you'll on this particular page that you're watching they'll either be an assignment section or a class project section or a comment section it's different depending things kind of move around so I'm reluctant to tell you exactly where it is because then it moves and but you can also share it via social media okay as well as I'd love to see it within you know within this course here but I'd also like to see it online so there's tagged me in whatever program you use so Instagram tagged me I'm bring your laptop Twitter I am dead let's Adobe stick it on a Facebook group stick it in the LinkedIn group you can click on those links there and just tag it with Premiere Pro so that we can it's easier when they were kind of like chicken people's work because I have some people help me do the comments just cuz I do some of them I need lots of help because there's there's lots that come through if you tag it using hashtag Premiere Pro it means you can just kind of filter and make sure that hey when I'm gonna Premiere Pro reviewing mode okay and one thing that also needs to happen is that if you do post on the social media your job is to post is to kind of comment on somebody else's because I can't get to every single one sometimes just occasionally there's a big swarm and I just can't do it or I'm on holiday okay so if you do post something up it'll be awesome if you could relieve a response to someone else it might be critical feedback okay constructive criticisms it might be just a hey nice work I really like it okay thumbs up like okay so make sure you do share your and not just share your work but actually comment on somebody else's alright let's look at YouTube okay to share a link Kay via YouTube is probably the easiest it's nice and far it's free you do need to go to and what I want you to do is then hit this little button here now this buttons gonna move I honestly every time I make a video about something like YouTube they go and move the UI around on me so look for something that looks like vaguely like this it might be over here now but it's a way to create a video I'm gonna upload a video okay so what we want to do is select our file we're going to grab the one from our desktop you're gonna grab the one that's your web intro okay your web course let's click open it's gonna start uploading okay we're gonna give it a name now the name we're going to use this as put your name at the beginning and because there's otherwise we're all gonna be called web and showing there's gonna be this unruly way to check it okay so if you I'll use my brother's name so put in your name thank you Ben we're gonna put in the name of the video so this is the web course intro and that is probably going to be it for this one okay because it's just here for testing okay you can use you in your portfolio stuff you've edited that's totally cool and basically all I want is this thing here so you can click on this and it's copied the link there's a few things you need to do though before it goes live and we'll just do the bare minimum you can breathe through it all but basically what you want is you have to decide whether it's for kids or not and definitely this is made for kids it's fine but you do have to agree to a bunch of stuff so it's easier in this stage just the same no it's not made for kids you have to be over 18 I think to watch this video and that's fine for this thing anything else you need to do don't click Next okay we're not worrying about video elements visibility this is this might be important to you so for us to see it you need to publish it okay but you need to decide if it's public unlisted or private privates not gonna work because we can't see it it's just for your own sake unless that is fine or public is fine it's up to you public is gonna go on to YouTube it other people can find it and without you know just it's searchable okay which is not a big deal when nobody's really looking for it okay if you want to be a little bit more stealthy you can click unlisted it's the same link okay just means that only people with this exact URL are gonna be able to view it so it kind of keeps it secret from other people okay and it's up to you what you want to do I'm gonna click done and that's it it's gonna process eventually how long is one taking it'll take a little while and but the echoes jump fast that's the link that I want and paste that on page for assignments or it might say course project or it might just be the comments ok posted there also use that same link if you want to post it on to all the social media at once you're a LinkedIn person you're an Instagram person Facebook use that same link and we can all view it once rather than trying to upload them to them all alright let's look at the next one called Behance alright behance Behance bounce ok behance not net is owned by Adobe it is a portfolio website it's also really good for getting great ideas for video ok InDesign in general you log in with your Adobe password ok it's the same one that you login with your Premiere Pro ok same license it's free to use it's a little bit more involved than YouTube but the cool thing about it is that you can start building your portfolio as you're doing this course ok and it's it's really easy to share with potential employers or other people will just say look at the video stuff I've done so to do it ok you log in and then you go to create a project then you upload it kind of like YouTube ok so we're gonna add upload a file this will probably change as well and well upload your web 1 this is alternative for YouTube okay just doing it a different way you still get a link at the end right at the end ok and you can share that with us but it's just a different way of doing it I'd probably do Behance way because it allows you to kind of if you haven't used it before get used to it this is gonna take a little while to upload it's not as clever as YouTube so I'm gonna speed this up and I'll see in a sec actually while it's doing this thing I'm going to show you how to add some text okay and this one and we're gonna label this one as what do we do before same thing as before give it your actually don't need to give it your name now because you're not competing on YouTube to say class project in court whatever you want okay and we this is that web design course introduction and maybe just explain a little bit about your role so your role was editing editing color correction color correction audio balancing nature's watching me type so add some details about it okay and then wait for this long thing to start uploading I'll see you again in a second alright that took forever I'm on some pretty bad broadband here in the countryside but it's uploaded it's gonna take a little while to be converted we're gonna click on continue we're gonna app it needs an image on the top and when do it automatically so to upload a cover image I'm gonna show you how to do that in Premiere Pro now alright you could make something fancy in Photoshop or illustrator but what we're gonna do is find find a shot where I'm the girl take my mouse close at least find a shot that's gonna be a thumbnail what you can do here and Premiere Pro is see this little export frame little camera click on that and it appears as appears ok can give it a name we'll call this my web intro thumbnail Neal okay what kind of format just make it a good old jpg and I'm going to stick it where I'll stick mine on the desktop for the moment just so I know where it is alright let's click OK you should be putting yours in a special folder not just a self inking on the desktop all right so that's there and we're gonna go into yeah upload image we'll find it there it is there's my jpg nice alright there it goes alright it's gonna take a second that looks good to me go project title ok we're going to call this my web course introduction introduction kind of spell really can't ok crop and continue okay now when you get into here okay this is you don't have to put these in okay but it can be really useful for if you want people to find your work especially for some of the later projects where you are adding a lot more of your own creativity to it go to the credit fields let's say I want to add the best ones for us probably cinema photography and was it film film those are probably the best two at the moment had done the other thing you need to do is add me as a co-owner okay because I shot it you know we we did this as a team I did the videoing okay and you did the editing kind of post-production I did that production okay of the videoing and you did the post-production so ed corners look for Daniel Walter Scott I can't find myself here because I am Daniel Walter Scott's looking for other Daniel Walter Scott's so this typed me in here and you should find me you should see my beautiful picture okay so you should find me there tag me is a co-owner huh so it's nice to see that people are doing the projects okay and then hit publish I'm pretty sure okay you'll get a link in a second once this thing is finished that's the thing I want I'll give you click that click copy paste that onto the page so I can see it yeah and that is how to post it Behance so either do youtube or Behance it's up to you but if you're going to get into the video sharing world something like this is pretty useful Behance pants is a gecko is to kind of start building your video portfolio alright was a long one sorry that let's get on to the next video hi everyone it's live me again just want to check on you see if you still awake you look right this video is all about checking some of the weirdness that goes on in Premiere Pro so you might have run into a few issues already that you're like no what's wrong with it okay so this video is gonna hopefully save you from those ones and hopefully prevent some in the future there its Premiere Pro is a big program it does a lot of things and there's just some quirky bits that you need to get used to so let's jump in now and look at the witness alright the first one that kind of causes lots of problems is stuff disappearing here on the timeline and often it's due to your mouse okay if you look at your mouse you might be using a trackpad on your laptop which is probably not gonna cause you much problems but if you are using a mouse that has a scroll wheel or I'm using like a Magic Mouse from Apple they do some scrolling stuff watch this if i scroll accidentally you see half the stuff disappears scroll down scroll up its me to be helpful you're like i can scroll down the tracks okay but it means often when you knew you liked half my stuff disappeared and all it means is find your scroll wheel and just move your you don't have to click anywhere just kind of scroll back down or grab the little rubber band and drag it up and down it's the same cuz like that you're like where did everything go restart machine okay close it down open it up it's always kind of hidden up the top there okay so just be careful that it happens the same with this if i make the video bigger okay you can kind of bend it up scrolling down going i lost a track okay and it's just spear it's just kind of scroll down okay so that'll happen on to the next bit of weirdness all right the next interesting thing that Premiere Pro does is that you can go to at the moment I've got a project open it's called XD intro you can open up more than one at a time so I'm gonna open up this project we're gonna do later on called winning so I know I have two projects open and you can see this is like a new feature and it's it's just painful for people that are new okay and it's useful for people that are hardcore when I say I mean like some people that are using it quite a lot okay I'm really good at it so the cool thing about is I can grab this stuff and copy it and paste it over to this one okay so you can see I've got two sequences open I also have a bunch of different projects I got the project for the wedding also got the project for XD and it gets really confusing when you're new the one thing you've probably tempted to do is go okay go to this wedding one okay that we're gonna do and we're going to hit the cross and it's closed it's actually not you can kind of still see it it's open over here and the project windows there's it's still kind of open so the best way to do it is um let's find this project game and I have it selected or have the timeline selected over here that I've already closed and go to file close project and if you just if you like I'm sure hat just close all projects and just open one back up okay so it's not really a problem it's more just a quirk for it so I know that only one of them is open now all right that's multiple project witness next thing to be aware of is converting your file so let's set up a little scenario we're den I'm using the new version cuz I'm awesome okay I got that brand new version of Premiere Pro let's say my brother bin he's already featured okay he's a really old version of Premiere Pro let's say 2018 or something okay let's say he sends me a file okay and I go and open it okay Premiere Pro is gonna say hey I can't use it unless I convert it and you're like hmm what does this you don't worry about it it works just fine you can convert it it's gonna say let's not use the same name we're gonna call underscore one okay this is where I call it maybe V - okay or yeah B - it's missing a bunch of footage that's okay been forgot to send me all the PS DS and offline them all the moment okay and that's easy-peasy now the other way is not so good let's say I work on this now and set it back to bin okay and bina tries to open it won't open at all it'll just come up with an error saying can't open it made in a newer version of Premiere Pro it is not what they call backwards compatible okay so remember if you kind of go forwards you can't cook backwards so if you are working with somebody who's stuck on 2018 for some reason you need to be stuck on 2018 and you know otherwise you can't send it back to them all right there is converting files which will appear from you what mostly happens is I'm just opening up my own files in the future and it converts them every single time so v1 v2 v3 cool next feature next weird feature is I'm calling them features or anything is this thing here you're like what is all this junk why is it all grey okay so before after they're in and out points we're gonna look at them properly later on okay once we're a little bit more skilled but for the moment if that appears okay they're just annoying they kind of actually make it play weird okay you can right-click anywhere in this kind of like grace up at the top okay and go to clear in and out and just get about whoo all right going away and the shortcut most people hit is if I have something selected and hit X on my keyboard okay that's the thing that kind of causes it we'll talk about the in and out points and more you know detail later on but for the moment just know that yeah if you accidentally get them going how to clear them all right Nick's not feature next thing that's quickly throwing again is if I have something selected you can see up here and Premiere Pro lots of things are grayed out okay and can't be done do you remember why okay just to reiterate you need to have like lots of things that says okay let's do stuff to the sequence and you don't have a sequence selected see the blue arrow is a blue border is around the swats monitor okay so it doesn't really know what you mean because you can have more than one sequence open so here I say this sequence and then I get lots of things glowing again okay so same with clip it's like what do you mean it's all grayed out but if you click on a clip then it goes in here all comes to life so there are some things that are not gonna work and you might have to be conscious of where you'll play hit it sometimes it has to be up here sometimes it has to be selected over here it depends on what you were trying to do just make sure you might have the right thing selected greyed out bits alright next not feature alright the next thing I want to cover is let's say that I am it's called an insufficient media so if I drag in this first video okay and then I grab the second video and I put it just after it I want to do it cross dissolve between the two and I haven't edited it like we did before minuit cut it off okay to make it all look nice blitz don't okay go to a fix I'm gonna use a cross-dissolve I put it between and disappears insufficient media ah okay it's just saying that and it's a bit look and when I get into here cuz this right at the extent of the mp4 and this cross-dissolve there's a bit of like you can see but if that one overlaps this one okay so it doesn't know what to do because there's no extra bit of footage to try and kind of get the dissolve to work so it's gonna fake it again it does a perfectly good job and but let's say it doesn't appear because that's the amount okay let's undo that because before we trimmed all this off okay remember so there's all that stuff that was there it's still in there remember and Premiere Pro can use that to do the transition okay to make it all look nice so when I do it like this there's plenty of bits okay for it to trim in to go you there we go okay doesn't complain so if you are using footage that is completely already pre edited okay and there'd be stuff that you've bought from like a stock library site okay a stock footage already cut and ready to use you might end up with that alright that's insufficient media the last thing to help you is often in Premiere Pro is prone to just kind of do some weird stuff and you can just close it down and start again so on a Mac if it is just giving you problems first thing to do is just go to Premiere Pro and on a Mac go to Premiere Pro quit Premiere Pro on a PC it's in a file and down here somewhere okay and just quit it and restart it again and often it can run a bit faster media starts loading properly you can fix some problems if you're still running into issues there's something kind of weird about it and you might just want to get it back to default on a Mac and PC you can reset all the defaults pretty easy on a Mac you need to find the application mine's down here my taskbar you can find it on a Mac under go applications okay and dig around there and find Adobe Premiere Pro however you normally open it okay and all you need to do is hold down the option key on a Mac okay and it's the same on a PC but you hold down the Alt key so on a PC it's slightly different you you find it in your color like start programs where have you've got it so before you open it hold down the Alt key on a PC the option key on a Mac and hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it and this will appear gain this is do you want to reset your preferences and it's the trouble will be is if you have change preferences okay things that you really want to keep so I'm reluctant to do it myself because I've changed lots of things and so I'm gonna cancel but that'll just give everything kind of back to as it was when it came out of the box and that can be just helpful when you're new and you're like I don't know what preferences I've changed so go ahead alright that is it for the wind stuff'd know that there is another weird stuff number two video later in the course because it covers some weird stuff that is bit more advanced from where we are now so and there's kind of two of these videos have just strange helpful things that Premiere Pro does and how to fix them but for now my friends that's the weed technical stuff over we're now gonna get into the exciting world of file management hi everyone this video is about file management and what happens when there's big rid scary box with all these languages on appears will cover what to do when you delete it rename it move it we'll go and find footage I can tell you're excited for this one file management let's do it anyway alright the next thing that's gonna cause you problems or not problems just good to know is when you mess around the leading footage so I've got my project here there's my Premiere Pro file you can see it's quite small 43 megabytes kilobytes even okay and it stays nice and small by actually just linking to this footage doesn't actually bring it inside itself like something like Microsoft Word or Photoshop where it kind of like draws it into the one file cages links to them and what happens though if you delete one of these files it's trying to link to I just let's say for instance I deleted it by accident okay and I come in here and it freaks out and goes this window appears the big red scary thing and lots of languages appears and it's gonna say I'm missing this file okay and you're gonna say let's say we've deleted it and we didn't mean to what I'm gonna do is I can't go and locate it because it's Bend okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna offline it all now I need to go back and just find it okay undelete that file or get it off the network drive that I left it on or my USB stick put it back where Premiere Pro can get it and it's not clever enough to go and find it I can right click it it will go and find it you can either you just have to turn premiere pro off and on again and it will link to it again let's go to replace footage and let's go to you and all's well in the world again alright let's do another for instance okay let's say that I'm bringing in footage just to kind of test it I was like I wonder if this will work okay I'm gonna bring in something that I was missing around with okay and I brought that in and I kind of played with it this is me talking okay the beginning of this video is just checking out looked all good okay and I do this all the time I'm like ticking out I'm like yeah that looks cool or I don't need that anymore okay and I'm going to go to my files okay and there it is there I'm gonna delete it and then this thing goes I freaked out so I've deleted it on purpose and I just forgot I had it anywhere okay so I'm gonna go offline all and I'm gonna do this I'm gonna say you and I can trash you what does hit delete on my keyboard get rid of it okay cuz I don't want it on you I just was like a test I was just checking it okay but through your process if it just deletes that's great it hasn't been used anywhere if this pops up it says hey you're deleting something that actually is being used on one of your sequences would you still like to delete it and that's when you kind of take pause and go actually I don't realize I was using it somewhere and you need to go and look in your sequence to see where it is I'm like yep I don't mind go away and it deletes it from both the timeline and your project window next issue is renaming stuff okay so you're gonna kind of record it it's gonna come through as like what if your camera records a ton and you want to kind of maybe you know name it nicely so let's say I go in here and I need to call this one V one okay same problems gonna happen here it's gonna freak out okay the ridwan bars gonna appear the back here it's gonna say what would you like to do and let's say that we you can do it from here okay straight here or let's say you do offline it lets find the big red bar ah okay you can see in here it's question mark same kind of principle is deleting it okay doesn't know where it is what we're gonna do is slightly differently is right-click it and go to replace footage okay and say actually this is it where are you that one there okay and it connects it back up again so we'll freak it out so just be careful of that next thing that it's less weird and more helpful is I go move footage so let's say that I I'm in here and I've got it all messy and I need to start some kind of folder structure I'm gonna put in my footage okay and I go and move XD one in there okay the cool thing about Premiere Pro goes it kind of little head a little twitch there better wind and found it okay it seems to only work if you if it's kind of like near the program into the Premiere Pro file and kind of deeper it doesn't seem to work as well well at all I haven't put that I don't know exactly how this works but if I go and stick it on my desktop it goes too far can't find back to the crazy red box okay so if you're moving it I think I'm imagine it's just kind of like from the route where the file is all the way through to kind of other boxes it seems to work just fine so I'm going to just know that so you can rearrange with that I'm to relink but if you go too far freaks out last tip in terms of this file management let's just say that you've got footage and it's all moved okay so I'm gonna hit cancel let's go to this one that says all right this one here put them all on the desktop and they're all gonna freak out let's say I left them at work on a network driver on a USB stick and it's gonna go ah okay you don't want to have to go and find each and individual ones of these or right-click them in relink footage okay what you can do is let's say that later on you come in I'm just gonna cancel that okay and what you can do is just put them back where it got it okay everything can go back in there get one back as well and what we can do is in here instead of having to try and relink them right click link to footage or and doing any sort of other thing okay just go to file close the project you're not saving it and then open it up again and Premiere Pro is pretty good and goes when it opens it goes um tries to search for them all and just kind of cuts down your time having to go search for them alright that is kind of it for the file stuff you'll end up moving things around and losing them and seeing that rids screen all the time one last thing is quite helpful when you're doing with footage let's say a do move it and I'm like it's going to desktop and I don't know where it is it's on my machine somewhere I go to offline ok and I don't know where it is I can right-click it and say actually let's go and replace the footage ok actually we're going to link the footage ok and in here we can do a search so I can say I want to find this one here I'm going to go to locate and this window here is if you like man this is really hard to use it is I think this window just use a Finder window like everyone else ok and yours might be on this as well so I'm gonna go to list view what I want to do is kind of give it a help I'm gonna say look I'm in my my hard drive somewhere and I want you to display only the ones they have the exact match cuz that's all I'm looking for head search and it will find it here it is there hello ok click on it click OK and the cool thing about is if you're missing other ones it will automatically go and find those at the same time so if you do miss one you don't know where it is use the link media and then use locate all right that is enough about file management let's get back into some of the more exciting things in Premiere Pro hey there I hope you enjoyed this free extract from the logic courses the first 16 videos I hope you found some value in it and if you do want to continue on ok this course continues on from video 16 all the way through to a hundred and thirty six so if you do want to get more into Premiere Pro and you enjoy this course so far you might want to check it out there is a link in the description I hope to see you over there by now you
Channel: Bring Your Own Laptop
Views: 653,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: premiere pro, adobe premiere pro tutorial, learn adobe premiere pro, adobe premiere pro course, premiere pro cc, adobe premiere pro, premiere pro tips, how to use premiere pro, premiere pro shortcuts, adobe premiere pro beginner tutorial, adobe premiere pro video editing tutorial, adobe premiere pro 2020, premiere pro tutorial for beginners, how to use adobe premiere pro, bring your own laptop, how to edit video, free video editing course, free video editing tutorial
Id: MqwlW76sFCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 6sec (7086 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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