Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Wookiee Feet!

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hey everybody adam savage here in my cave with  a really fun one-day build recently here in   the united states on earth it was halloween  halloween came and went recently and this is how   my partner and i decided to celebrate halloween  yeah uh this wookie suit that i wear from time to   time is one of my all-time favorite costumes it is  a mix and a mishmash of a whole bunch of different   pieces the main body and feet were made by mark  putenas of new england wookie works at least   that's what he was calling himself uh 12 some  odd years ago when i first commissioned this suit   uh the the hair on the bodysuit is latch hooked  onto netting which means it's actually a very   breathable lightweight suit the mask is an  incomparable masterpiece made by tom spina that   includes the original stuart freeborn designed  mechanics that allows chewie's lip to curl   there is not a more accurate chewbacca mask  in the world i mean than the ones that tom   makes i i think his or better than  lucasfilms in the sequels yeah i'll say it   but as an avid cosplayer i have a collection of  costumes and i occasionally bring old costumes   out and re-wear them that's what happened  on halloween and it happens occasionally and   this is also one of the intersections  revisiting costumes that can happen because i   wore that chewy suit and i had an issue with  the wearing of it and the issue is is that   i'm older now and i'm more fragile than i used  to be and when i wear the chewy feet these are   mark putin's beautiful chewbacca feet these are  great these are beautiful looking and they work   really well with the suit but this is a um this  is merely a sneaker that is glued to a bunch of uh   pink dow foam and carbon sculpted and covered  in nothing less than gorilla tape yeah seriously   um and then hot glued with the hair on top it's  kanekalon hair so it's about 25 cents worth of   hair um i have the correct color of hair and i'm  gonna remake these feet here's the reason these   are tough um these are basically what you call the  kiss boot design the super long sole that's what   is that that's um like eight seven inches of extra  height along with the top of chewie's head i end   up getting to uh seven feet which i know isn't  canon but it's close enough for me and i don't   want to wear stilts but the issue with these is my  ankles are visible here there's no ankle support   none whatsoever and so in my fragile engine  if i accidentally took a twisted ankle in this   um i i i could be out for a couple  of weeks it's not a it's not a i'm a tr i am a trying i'm a trying i'm trying  to uh uh i'm trying to make sure i last that's   our goal right i i just would like to last and not  uh injure myself in dumb ways so consequently i am   going to rebuild these boots and give them some  ankle support i may be actually taking them apart   because i love these wookie toes uh and i think  i can salvage them i'm pretty sure i can salvage   them um they're good little wookie toes and  i may actually give them a little extra color i mean anything on that i'm missing yes um   the construction will be pretty straightforward  but it's going to be a lot of fun i'm going to   use a couple of i'm going to use at least  one tool you haven't seen before and um   for the boots i'm going with the awesome  ankle support i have these snowboard boots   and i had actually bought these as part of a  space stealth suit that i've been working on but   it's i'm months away from even starting that  one so i i can i can utilize these bad boys   uh they'll tighten up nicely they'll hold my  ankles in the great orientation and hopefully   be a more injury-free way of trooping around um  that's the other thing is because of all this   weight i get terrible blisters from these even  with really nice gel orthotics inside the sneakers   this should also uh aid and abet the elimination  of that property okay let's get started   now normally i don't love taking apart  an old bit of costume in order to make   a new bit of costume but in this case  i think i have to do it um i gotta say   mark's work on this costume was really awesome  oh yeah it's starting to peel up that's   i might be able to reuse this hair i  wonder if i can peel it off monolithically   i might actually be able to um all right so uh  i'm gonna go for a total dismantling of these   uh i'm gonna get rid of there yeah i'm gonna go  for a complete dismantling of these and see if   what i can salvage hopefully the toes that's the  biggest goal but i may be able to salvage a bunch   of the hair which to be honest i'd rather salvage  this the one of the great things about a chewbacca   costume is the rattier it gets the better it looks  so there's no amount of kind of abuse i store this   costume all crumpled up and every time i pull it  out it looks better if you look at this picture of   me at dragon con i think in 2008 or so um you'll  see that's the first wearing of my chewbacca   costume how smooth the hair is and look how much i  now that's not the tom spina mask i'm wearing with   that that's marquee tennis's and it's a terrific  mask it really had a great gesture to it um it was   an impressive bit of work for are these shoelaces  built into the sneakers what the what the hey okay i made these little cheaters to uh i made  these little cheaters to hide the shoelaces   because i was seeing glimpses of them the hair  color difference doesn't actually it actually   really works with the way the legs blend here and  this is just fur left over from my bear costume   hello uh i think i sprayed a little bit of  black on there just to kind of tone it down okay well that actually worked a tree  what happened what had happened was   i was able to pull off all the hair off both  shoes because they were hot glued on and man   that this that has lasted for 12 years  that's a pretty freaking good record um and   i know it's not like the most beautiful  hair job but i love what it looks like   on the costume i'd rather not change it  or reinvent the wheel so that saves me   a good couple of hours out of this  build so now the question is can i   get these toes off and that's non-trivial  because the way the tape has grabbed the latex   well i just grabbed it with an alacrity i find  surprising however i think i can follow along   the edge here oh oh no oh yeah yeah this is sound  see if i cut it off past the tape   uh then i run the risk of not having  enough room to actually oh yeah yeah a little bit of patty in there okay okay this is actually working oh i see he's got some intro this  is nice um this is also how i will   look i i don't see any reason to change what   was done before on these shoes so i'm gonna  follow their entire structural mandate here so what i've got is some very nice eva soles and i  have some good all right come on there we go yeah there's one foot and i can see   that there is a wooden spar here in the  middle for for strength uh which is great that's a funny looking it's a funny-looking  boot man it'll be fun to make a second one today's pop music i'm listening to lots of maroon  5. their lyrics are nonsensical but damn do i love   adam levine's voice this kind of cutting by the  way this kind of cutting through foam and tape and   wood and other stuff is exactly where you can get  into real trouble with the x-acto knife because   you can be like voice and it's just i'm just gonna  take a moment to tell you to go slowly and be safe   about how you're using the blades  in your life okay so yep yep there it is yes okay so uh we  have the toes and are they not   huh i thought the toes were busted in a specific  location but it actually looks like these latex   it looks like these poured latex toes have  actually survived 12 years with nary a real   difficulty nicely done okay so uh old wookie boots you know what i should probably do that again with   the real boots once i'm finished  with them because that'll be funny okay old wookie boots oh i'm going  to need you for a form factor   yeah because we got this nice big he really  did a nice shaping on these they they feel like   feet when you see them so i'm going to really  copy these almost exactly here's what i need we've got some of this this is uh your basic black  cosplay eva floor mat foam and that's exactly what was used to make the soles here  these soles are precisely this type   of foam you can see the pattern there  yep okay so that's the soles of the feet   and then this you'll recognize this is formula  and this is dow pink uh expanded styrene foam   and it's what i use to build the safe  so let me go get my stash of that there we go that should be  enough plenty for a couple   of wookie boots now how am  i going to cut that foam it's time for a new piece of equipment oh it is  really dusty because i haven't used it in a while   but it's time for my proxxon  foam cutter yes baby all right um i seriously need to clean this off you don't want a lot of dust around something that  has a heating element because that should just do i need to explain why i  don't think i do uh okay so um excellent put it under a slight bit of tension  secure it lock it down and i got to make sure it's straight on the up and up  that's just a little left off damn i gotta say i'm within a degree foam  cutters hot wire foam cutters are freaking   amazing uh i don't use them a lot i know i  haven't used them a lot here and it's because   frankly it's not one of the ways in which  i think uh how do i explain this look when   one of the things about a technology  is you only utilize a new technology   if it incorporates itself into the problem solving  that you do um we're trying to get a water cutter   up and running here a desktop water cutter and one  of the engineers at boston dynamics told me said   you know there'll be a point with water cutting  where you start to see the whole world as stacks   of water cut aluminum and tig welding and he's  describing a very specific maker kind of moment   where an engineer moment where you absorb a new  technology and it it it changes the way you think   or it accentuates the way you already thought  so for example when i first learned about the   laser cutter from dawn bees when i  got to industrial light magic in 98 it already it dovetailed beautifully with  this part of my brain that had built a   whole bunch of paper models back in my teens  that had that's how i got my start as a maker   making these architectural models out of paper  books and the laser cutter worked exactly the   same way as my brain had parsed the paper book  making so with regards to the foam wire cutter   when i'm thinking about objects and making large  shapes i still don't think of wire cut foam as one   of the ways to achieve those shapes and that's my  deficit like i have to kind of build my brain into   accepting that as a potential depending upon the  need that i have yeah so this is part of me trying   to bring the wire cutter into my practice i am  going to make sure it is off yep circuit's open plug it in uh hang on i'm just gonna grab a scrap piece here so we're gonna turn this on and turn on the wire oh yeah oh yeah so i think i can move a little faster if i turn it up let's see if that is square for all intents and purposes  perfectly perfectly square   so yeah i think you want to see a close-up of this ladies and gentlemen yeah right right so many  possibilities so many possibilities so little time   yeah oh ah oops okay hopefully now you  understand some of the magic that can   exist because of a device like this uh so  i'm going to start cutting out layers i think let's get a little bit further back on this hey you can see me awesome this is the right boot it doesn't look like  there's anything really specific about that all right yeah yeah okay so i'm gonna cut out four  layers of that this i'm gonna just slice up on the bandsaw ah now there's my lefts and my  rights but if i had my druthers   so this is this is left this is left l uh so i think i want to take a little bit off  it's a little a little overly bulbous there oh okay um now label those yeah i know i if i'd had my druthers i cut them  all exactly the same if i'd had my druthers i   would have flipped half but it really doesn't  matter because it's all getting covered with uh   it's all getting covered with tape just no  biggie um that's gonna go on there yep okay   toes toes have it um now i need  to cut out some blocks of foam it's actually uh right i'm gonna have to the heel  is at eight inches but then right so that's what   i'm really gonna need to measure from and it's  exactly eight inches okay eight inches to the heel   he pointed the sneakers down a little  bit for some comfort obviously i can't   do that with these they've got  to sit upright so what i need is seven and a quarter inches of this  stuff and i think i'm gonna go with uh let's see here this might be a great template and it is  okay so i'm gonna cut all the foam out   according to this template and i'm gonna  use this template on the foam cutter so i like to label everything savage wookie foot cutting  template to the band saw so uh yeah template how do we use a  template well i'm going to show you um   if let's see here what does this  say this says for 50 millimeter   that's 2 inches level five all  right i'm gonna go to level five and i'm going to you know what i'm  gonna i'm gonna cut out some chunks   on the table saw just so i have them at the right orientation please remember the repetitive work on the table  saw as i like to remind everybody is where you   can get into real trouble it's where you can zone  out and you wanna just i maintain a presence of   mind while using the table saw sorry about that  light over there uh i maintain a presence of mind   using the table saw uh in which every single time  i'm about to feed i think where are both my hands   what would happen in a kickback where my feet is  my center of gravity over my feet et cetera et   cetera et cetera every single time every single  time i just the moment you let your guard down   that's where you're going to get hit  there we go bye hey hey hey there we go that right there ladies and gentlemen is two  wookie feet in potentia yeah for some reason   that always kind of thrills me uh so i'm gonna  be doing a bunch of cutting on the template and i'll be doing uh i'll be doing two layers per  template and let's see how this goes i've uh i   have never tried this i know this is supposed this  is how this is supposed to work but let us see uh i have a lot of room to move here  because the template i've chosen   is the size of the outside dimensions of the foot   so everything i'll be doing is carving into  that so i have some room to screw up oh and i'm trying not to touch  the template with the wire   i haven't smoothed it out i mean i suppose if  you wanted to use a polished aluminum template   that would be a way because right now i can  see that the pieces of wood want to catch well what was the issue there  maybe it was getting a little too we are learning about foam cutting as we're  using the foam cutter that's how this goes oh i know what's happening  going through a label yep note to self make sure there are no  labels where i'm going to be cutting   oh but some of you foam veterans out there  saw that one adam you're yelling at the   screen you got a label i'm sure of it oh  yeah all of a sudden everything is easy now i've got 15 pieces to cut out   and one of them once i cut it out i'm going to  slice it in half because it will be hey come on i'm getting caught behind splinters this is not the neatest job but i don't think anyone would accuse me of  being the neatest maker yet uh-huh i am going   to take this template and smooth it out on the  3m scotch brite belt when i'm done with this and then uh yeah first two templates are away oh right wow that is that this guy away now that is a pair oh yep that right there is a pair of wookie  feet oh i need to cut that one in half i wonder if this will work let's try this  i need to cut this piece in half this way   and it's too tall for my band saw but i find  myself wondering yeah easier said than done huh this is look this is a learning experience  i'm very pleased with how this is going   but you got to be careful of your  hands because you don't want yeah there we go now technically that those are our wiki feet yeah how about  that that looks great um now i want to see how tall i am at the heel just right  about exactly where i want to be yeah   cool okay so yep the height of the heel  is precisely the same that means all the   hair should work and my uh my feet  should fit and it should feel the   same to me to walk in and that's really  important that it feels the same to me   yeah i don't want to get too high this  height works for me i'm nice and large okay so now the question is to engineer the inside of the   boot so it supports me and i  think we're gonna do that fin yeah that's great yeah the toe's going to be that's the that's  one of the issues about the toes pointing down   right i have determined that i can survive  like about a a one inch lift on the heel   it sends my feet a little bit down  it should allow me to do some shaping   i want to take a look at these inserts because  i don't understand snowboard boots very well   yeah yeah okay cool so uh now i think it's time   to do some gluing to glue up these guys  and uh it's just gonna be a bunch of uh spray adhesive so uh get some brown paper all right uh this phone was going to be undergoing a lot  of abuse uh what mark putin's did back when he   built my original pair of boots is he included up  here a fin of luan that went all the way through   the center of this piece and provided a huge  amount of this kind of strength to keep it from   wearing like that um it doesn't add too much to  the weight i've cut a new pair of luan templates   not even templates they'll go in  here and just like the old ones   they'll give me a little bit of a drop on  the front of the toe allow me to do some   blending of the wookie foot here the toes will  go out on the end of this part like that um so i'm going to do some gluing in some stages uh   and then i'm going to slice  the feet in half and join them got some uh pro stick 65 for foam laminate  trims wood metal carpet lining plastic lettering   and insulation it should be perfect for this   so those go away for a little while  these feet well they get stuck together like that right yeah oh yeah if your mask isn't comfortable  you're not going to wear it oh so much better okay here we go oh careful this stuff is super sticky be very careful about it all right  i'm gonna put these away for now now one of the nice aspects of the  spray glues that do the foams   is they have a particular nozzle that  really limits overspray in a way that's terrific is so while the wet uh spray glue does  dissolve the foam a little bit i'm   going with a light touch and it's  giving me the tackiness i need it's   holding these pieces in orientation  to each other and remember later   i'm going to wrap this whole thing in gorilla tape  so i'm not that concerned about this dictionary all right um now it's time those are going  to be our boots but now it's time for me   to uh slice these in half this way so  i can glue in the wooden feet supports   five that's the reason i did this in two layers  that's the deepest distance my band saw can take okay so right there's that yep and that business cool okay ladies and germs when i'm doing the drying i am  trying to dry the glue but i'm   also attempting to flash off  the solvent that can cause the cause the this the solvent is what melts  the um it's what melts the foam and once it flashes off it doesn't want  to melt the foam that's the left foot i'm making sure that the inside line  is nice and straight because this is   what i'm going to be gluing to  the um to the wood to the luon left and right and that's where that will go right okay so that's the top and that's the top   it's held together nicely so  here's what i need to do i need to make some uh cut out drawing here yeah  that's it that's how that works uh so wait yep so here's what we're gonna do yeah now then i'm going to cut these  four shapes on the bandsaw again we're rapidly getting there this is kind of  going great um yeah look at that okay so what i'm   going to do is i'm going to place these i want to  stand on these just to see how they feel to stand   in just in case i want to adjust this angle or i  feel like i can adjust it i am going to try it out okay moment of truth yep that feels  great all right yeah i dig that i dig it   yeah all right okay uh i still don't  need these but i don't do need so now we're doing that business i am going to trim   it's a little bit off the  front in the back of this thing because i don't want it sticking out i'm  just going to take a quarter inch off   hey this is interesting remember how last week  i showed you how to draw straight lines you can   draw perfectly also parallel contour lines in  the same way so that's a nice contour line that   follows the contour pretty exactly i'm going to do  the same thing over here and the same way i did it   on the uh on the other build i  was showing you i make my fingers   into a kind of a a reliable backstop  bingo here comes another one just one finger is all that's  required if you're being careful   all right trim those onto the bandsaw  here you can watch there we go you i'm sorry i am i forgot to put  on my breath mask uh with this   with the the foam adhesive because  it sprays so uniformly it's mostly   uh vocs that are in the air just that smell of  solvent but the the glue itself doesn't aerosolize   nearly as much as spray 77 but i should be  wearing my respirator i'm sorry about that all right now it's time for the the sculpting   and this will be oh right right right no no  no now i got to put the soles of the feet on i don't know why i need to keep it  bilaterally symmetrical like that but i do so yep it's about to get messy that's not i guess enough could just hold off so so that's pretty darn good pretty close  yep okay so that's almost one finish oh you know what so three um hey oh uh so all this purple dust it's  like i'm sweeping up thanos just a uh an interim clean to uh well and droom  cleans are really good to do and i don't do them   frankly often enough but i've got here a pair of preliminary wookie feet  pretty pleased with how they look i'm not sure what actually happened there i was  recording i was talking to the camera and then the   recording went away and i wasn't talking to the  camera but i glued one of the boots down uh i did   a bunch of glue on its sole and stuck it down to  this and then i glued one side and then let that   sit and glue the other side let the glue pour  down into there i've gone from the from the uh   foam all the way up the boot to try and grab  some of the fabric here some of the different   topologies of the co-materials that the  boots made of all that should give me   a bunch more extra strength there's no space  underneath this boot for a pivot to build   so hopefully hopefully this will actually keep  it from doing that i might drive a couple of   long drywall screws just down into the heel all  the way in that will help with a little bit of   this business not much but it'll give a little  bit uh so i'm gonna do the other boot i guess   and here we go actually i'm gonna heat this  up okay that should help should help me   get the glue on before it sets too quickly okay it also doesn't heat up that fast ah come on fill it in okay i'm gonna let that sit for a  minute while i'm letting that sit i'll   do some more strengthening on this guy i like doing leap frogging operations like this  like solidify one thing while the other is setting again i'm reaching down to  grab more of the foam if i can   i don't want to add too  much texture to the foam but   the more the glue is like creating this sort  of monolithic grabber better its hold will be grabber i don't mean to use such  technical terminology with y'all all right just gonna let it pour down in there foreign my two favorite uh brands of duct tape are nashua  they were our contributors on mythbusters they   gave us all those cases of duct tape still got  a couple cases upstairs and gorilla tape this   stuff is as advertised tenacious af and um it's  uh it's never letting go man it's just a real deal i'm like a wookie farrier that made me laugh all right turn it over let's get some also some  again i'm putting it on super hot so it goes   all the way down into there and fills the little  gaps i might have left the nice thing about gluing   onto foam like this is the foam insulates the hot  glue and keeps it warm so it does tend to actually   run a little bit more than in normal circumstances  because of the insulating properties of the phone   which is literally the reason it was built so  i'm going to let that hot glue run down there oh happy when i'm done using this gun today that's  for sure and none of these none of these things   i'm doing in and of themselves is like a  super robust engineering solution but the   aggregate of all of them should be plenty for  me to be able to walk in these wookie boots um i can see right now that i want to smooth  that a little bit so i'm going to grab my wrap you're trying to look at a scalp like  this and see what works just keep   on turning it around and every time  something doesn't quite work for you shape it until it works it's like um sanding is basically sanding  down the high spots until everything is even   visually i'm doing the same  thing as i'm doing physically i'm looking for those areas that beg for some modifications every now and then i have this moment where i  it kind of sinks into me how absurd what i do   for a living is and right now i'm experiencing  that while looking at these beautiful objects   yeah all right um they're  as smooth as they need to   be because they're all going to  get covered with hair but first but first they're going to get before the toes  they get the gorilla tape and here is where   we really really add the strength that we need to  this i'm going to wait till my compressor charges   blow these off so i have a nice clean surface  and then i'm going to start layering in the gorilla tape okay i don't want to stand in these just yet  because right now the only thing holding these   boots on here is hot glue and it's doing a  really good job i mean if you had to pull this   off of here you would not be a happy camper  that's a big pain in the butt however   i'm about to add way more strength here and  i'm going to show you how i'm going to do it all right i wish i didn't have the double  wide but i do so we're gonna do this   and then we're gonna tear it up the middle i'm trying to keep it  from sticking to itself i'm   actually going to stick it right  here on the camera's tripod now   this really is where i'm adding all the  necessary strength actually actually here let's do this okay so first place we need strength  is in the toe you're going to be   heel toeing you want to you  don't want that toe to move   you don't want it to separate and here  i'm about to make the toe and the boot one now that is strength i have created a unbroken  loop of gorilla tape around the toe through the   bottom i will then i'm going to do the same thing  on the heel and i'm going to compress those i'm   going to use another couple of layers of tape to  do the toe again uh in a slightly different angle   and i'm going to do the heel as well and then i'm  going to cover the whole finger with gorilla tape   that that again this does not want to move this  way because the gorilla tape does not stretch that   much and it's holding the whole thing together  it's holding it this way it's holding it this   way it's great and with two loops like this  going one around here as well like like that between that and the hot glue i am confident  i get another i look i got 13 or 14 13 or 13   some odd years out of the first pair of boots  definitely i'll get at least as much out of these i'm just gonna keep on sticking it  to the camera stick it to the camera one more each ah well that was a whole roll of gorilla  tape uh so now i'm just going through   and just making sure the tape is stuck down  everywhere just you can't overdo this step   this is like mixing silicone rubber when you're  casting it you can't mix too much i mean if you   take so long it sets sure but besides that  everything short of that is just a bonus   okay but what i now have is a really nice model of these chewy boots i'm gonna try them out before  i glue the toes on if there's anything wrong   with them now is the time for me to figure that  out let me give you a better viewpoint on this okay moment of truth oh man yeah okay so yep connect  that to that and tighten that down great oh yes they feel good i can jump i can kick my heels plus i got all the ankle support i could ever want   out of these boots i'll have to make  sure that those stay and don't but dude i'm tall i'm tall look at how tall i am let's see what gives you the shot there we go these are so oh my god i can't even  tell you what an improvement this is   this is a huge sorry this is a huge improvement  over my previous wookie boots in terms of comfort look everything that gives a lower  threshold to me putting on a wookie costume   is a good thing and these boots feel  fabulous uh the mechanical part is   done now it's time for the fun part and  that's the the hair and aestheticizing so   clean off my workbench sweep up a little bit and  we'll make these feet look like chewie's feet wookie feet proceed a pace um i am now about to  put on the toes and it really would be great if   i had the ability to hold this up in some way  like that that kind of does it eh not quite   enough i gotta put these back in the glue drawer  anyway here we go a billet of round aluminum and a billet of round brass yeah that  is a chunky chunky chunk all right i am going to yeah i'm going to rise them up  just a little bit that's great that is great   okay so what i'm gonna do here with this is  i'm gonna do some hot glue around the internal   and then i'm going to do uh you do hot glue or  spray glue actually i'm going to do spray glue   into the high strength spray glue and then do  masking tape that's much better yeah so here's   how this is going to go uh i'm going to mask off  what i am not going to hit with the spray glue and i'm just gonna allow like an extra quarter of  an inch around so the spray glue kind of goes over   that'll help the tape bridge the gap nice this will be great wookie feet man what could be a better way  to spend your friday i'm making wikipedia having a con to take my wookie to that would be  nice boy i miss the cons i know they miss me too   we gotta go i gotta go soon okay so  that's one foot and that's that one and this is this one and i feel like i can  do both at the same time yes i think i can   alright so let's just make sure  we're all laid in really nice ah a little bit longer a little bit longer well i  don't need to wear this anymore i'm done spraying all right i'm gonna want to do first this guy there we go we got a toe hold on that and here comes the  other one and the same exact thing it's great yes wonderful okay so i'm going to use a little  gaffer tape here just to secure the edge excellent nice i'm so psyched about this i'm just covering over the front of the boots with  some uh a slightly matte uh gaffer tape just so i   don't see any of the shine of the gorilla  tape the gorilla tape is way stronger but   i don't want to see any of that gloss that will  that will bum me out so just dress around it okay let's see what we got this is there's a lot more surface  area to cover that's for sure actually actually that's kind of phenomenal i really like that you can so  clearly see the toes that's   fantastic so i'm going to accentuate  that um right but this is that and then this little marking will go over here yep  like that that should cover it over nicely yeah okay now uh viewers might be wondering what i'm  actually doing over here actually let me   bring you a little closer to the equation um  yeah on this time lapse i was sitting here   uh taking the kanekalon hair and for the reference the primary color of my  chewbacca costume is kanekalon uh m 27613   magic gold i don't know the magic gold is the  actual color name but there's the part name um and   there's a bunch of that and then  there's also a bunch of this stuff uh color m44 this is this gray chewbacca's got a lot  of gray and what happens with the kanekalon is   when it first comes out from the store  it looks like this it's got this it's got   this very sort of short wave to it just  like like that and what you got to do   is you got to run it in front of the blow  dryer and heat it up and it straightens out   and when it straightens out it actually also  you get more of that color variance you see   more of that sort of honey gold look that really  feels like chewbacca and um you know i keep some i keep some hanks of wookie hair  in case i need to make a repair   um yeah this is the coolest thing about  a reasonable chewy costume is that   it's a toss-up as is the hardest part the mask  or latch hooking the the the suit the suit is   here is my here is my wookie costume  and you can see it's just an open weave   with yeah you can see the  hair is latch hooked on there   small hank and then it's knotted  to itself um simple knitting move and i think the entire bill of materials  for my chewbacca costume aside from the mask   was like a hundred bucks like at the most really   all super inexpensive um but i had to  make some new hair because these shoes   cover more ground and i got some bald spots to  take care of so before i glue on the kanekalon   i had to straighten it out and that's what  i was doing okay back to the time lapses all right i'm uh i thought  i was running i'm so sorry   uh i've gone and given my wookies my  i've gone and given uh the wookie a um a manicure and i'm uh just working on dressing them up a little bit okay let's get a little bit of a yeah there you go that's what you  think a lookie foot looks like   oh yeah that's the shizzle oh my god yeah  totally um this is always the best part okay   so uh i'm just going to show you close up this  wookie manicure that i want to do here and it is   so first up i want to get a little bit of  i'd like to get some gray inside the uh   inside the the lines so i'm going  to put on some grey paint and   pull it back off again um and i'm just doing  a little bit of this just to kind of like no one's looking at the feet of a wookie if  someone's looking at your feet you've made a   you've got a mistake um but that  means that you want to be um   bold in the gestures on the feet maybe get a  little too much color okay so we've got a black   uh up here with a gray here and a little  bit of yellow in the gray and that's fine   now i'm going to show you here we go here  comes a little umber uh raw umber and i'm   just going to do a little bit around the  cuticle here and then take it back off   and now i think you'll see that takes that  color variance between the gray and the black   and makes the whole thing work oh look at that  it's filthy wookie's disgusting feet on wookies   just the best oh my gosh okay  let's get some umber in there make one dirtier than the others that's also  always a good idea yeah oh my god this is great   and also dirt gets in between the toes go  ahead and put it in take it back out put it in   take it back out put it in take  it back out now um that damn   yeah okay cool i'm going to stop it i'm  going to uh water down some yellow ochre here   what is this this is uh standard yellow ochre  yeah look at that i actually knew it without   checking and get a little bit of wet yellow  ochre here on my brush and i'm just going to   wet my brush and kind of just  do a little bit there like that oh yeah as if he stepped  in something yeah see that oh yeah again if the paint job is totally  terrible and you're unhappy with it   just paint the whole thing black and start again okay i'm gonna get a little  yellow ochre on this foot   because that is just an awesome  treatment yeah oh yeah look at that oh this is so awesome all right let's get  some in the in the crack pull it back off mm-hmm okay the moment of truth it is  time to put on the wookie feet   let's bend down there like that  um i'm gonna wear the wookie pants   not the wookie shirt but the wookie pants  so that i can make sure that these cover yep gotta gotta roll up those wookie fur legs oh wait gotta pull out the  thing and also the thing yeah there we go it is right okay so inside clips  to that that gets pulled nice and tight outside let's clip to that all right inside one god i love this tightening method so nice so easy ugh ah this is um well it's exceeding my expectations  let's uh let's see here oh yeah uh uh let me see what i can do here there we go all right the wookie feet are done but i am not in  neither of this video because i recognize that i   keep on doing videos in which like i don't fulfill  the purpose of the thing that i'm building and the   purpose of these wookie feet are to be worn with  a wookie costume so rest assured the next thing   you're gonna see is me suiting up in a wookie  costume so that norm can get some good shots   of it yeah dude i am so psyched about these one  day wookie feet and the wookie manicure totally do and here is your payoff it's time for some  chewbacca cosplay of course now putting on   this costume uh the first couple of steps for  me at least is one putting in the contact lens   when i cosplay i always put  in one contact lens not two   because they give me distance vision and with  two contact lenses and i can't even see my phone   uh so i keep one in for distance and i  keep one out because i'm near-sighted   then i put some black eye makeup on because it's  really a crime if you put on this beautiful tom   spina chewy head without putting black eye mask  on and then we're gonna put on the rest of it yeah   okay uh i'm gonna take off a couple things  and empty my pockets because that's definitely   a part and uh let's head to the bathroom and  do some contact lensing and makeup okay so uh   yeah contact lens i i wore contact lenses for five  years back when i was a teenager of course because   when i first got contacts i didn't want to be a  contact lens where i didn't want to be a glasses   wear but then after a few years with contact  lenses i decided you know what if there was   an apocalypse this would not be a very survival  oriented kind of thing to be wearing and that is   why i pulled them out of my eyes and never wore  them regularly again but once you've broken the   seal and figured out how to put in your contact  lenses wait a second which is my yeah yeah right yeah it's my left all right here we go there's  a little bit of discomfort from the finger oils   now we put on the black eye mask this is a cryolan   um i am not going to be too  precious about this it is a let's see i'm trying to find  something to put the stuff on with   yeah i guess i could just use here's we're just  going to use some napkins very low pro here i   don't actually have would you believe i don't have  makeup sponges here in the cave that's ridiculous it's time for the raccoon look i always love all those  shots of peter mayhew on set   with the chewy head off and his black eye  mask on it's always so i don't know why but i find it really entertaining i guess i also  look like mads mikkelsen from dr strange i met mads mickelson at silicon valley comic  con a couple years ago what a lovely guy i told him he's my favorite  bond on because he is all right i think we're good i look totally  crazy all right first up is the pants i've talked about my wookie costume before but um   everyone asks if it's super warm and it's not  because it's all latch hooked onto netting here it   is super super breathable in fact when i'm wearing  this and there's like a cool breeze wait a second   wait a second i'm holding the wrong thing yes when  you're wearing this and you feel a cool breeze   and i wear black leggings underneath this uh  it's really delightful it's a very very uh   comfortable costume when the mask  gets hot but all masks get hot there we go good um now come the feet it's important  to do the feet because once i'm wearing   my arms i get hair all in the way and it's  hard to actually do it so the feet are next it's going to be precarious oh feels great  such an improvement over the old feet   i can't even tell you i mean i i wore those old  chewy feet in constant terror that i would make   one wrong move and lose my ankle but these are  snowboard bindings so the process of wearing them goes like that oh right right right i  forgot it's actually yeah it does that   yes really really good and then  this one does the same thing wait that's it yeah   really for um for securing technology snowboard  boots are amazing i just grabbed this thing and   yep and then it's important to tuck it because  you don't want it hanging out there so there's   one i know the netting we dyed the netting to be  black and it's slowly the dye has worn away so   a future project with my chewy suit is to somehow  re-dye the netting without getting the kanekalon   hair at the same time i'm still not sure exactly  how i'm going to solve that problem but i will   okay here comes the last bit of this  yeah secure that in there okay so awesome okay what's next these are actually monkey  gloves that i got from an ape costume i think i   bought them on amazon but they work perfectly  as chewy hands i may they've got beautiful nails   i may do some painting on these at some point but  these are terrific and then you'll see when i put   on the the shirt okay so the shirt you got to  put on the shirt in a very specific way to keep   the fur from getting all bunched into  it you almost have to turn it inside out   stick your head through the  middle and your hands through oh and then let's that one go yep yep yep right  yeah yes okay uh and i can never i don't know   why it's some disconnect with me with chewy but  i always forget which shoulder uh let's see i've   written it down here front over left shoulder yep  there we go so it's like this over left shoulder   yes there we go that is over the  left shoulder now we put on the head okay so um before we put on the head   he's a little too neat chewie is so i need to  mess him up a little bit got to give him some uh   give him some unkempt hair that's that's  chewy chewy's uh he's always got bed head oh oh hold on before i do this reach  down put that there great right and oh now i have to take one of these arms  off in order to tighten this oh here we go there we go ladies and gentlemen i  can't even tell you how solid i feel   in these boots they're fantastic i've got some  good ugly toes together with my ugly nails i got my new bowcaster i think we're ready for  adventure all right where's the ship i gotta fix thank you so much for watching that video if  you'd like to further support us on tested there   are many ways you can do so one is through paid  membership and there are several tiers of that   each with their own set of unique bonuses  you can follow the links below for that   or you can go to our merch store where we are  always coming up with brand new products in   honor of the holidays we've got our tested ugly  sweater in both black and we have a white one   we have some brand new patches and this is a  particular type that i made a joke about one   day and now it's a reality you know a merit  badges when you're a cub scout or a boy scout   you get a merit badge for achieving something  well tested now has demerit badges for when   you screw something up because that's just as  important in learning as getting something right   so this is the badge for when you measure  something once and have to cut it twice   this is the badge for when you accidentally hook  up your electronics wrong and you release the   mysterious blue smoke that powers them and they  no longer work and this one here is for when you   get your finger caught in the lathe that almost  gets torn off that might be quite me specific   i hope that never happens to you these are all  designed by tested's own Jen Schachter and they   are not the only patches we're going to release  in fact these are just the beginning if you have   ideas for demerit badges that we should release  we'd love to hear them we also still have our   regular complement of posters and they're all  back in stock including my hand-drawn boxes i   love seeing pictures you guys send us of these  hanging in your makerspaces and your offices your   man caves and your sheds around the world get to  the store follow the links below and hey some of   these might make great christmas presents for the  makers in your life thanks you guys happy holidays
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 482,950
Rating: 4.8888345 out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage, adam savage one day build, adam savage one day build star wars, adam savage chewbacca, adam savage chewbacca build, adam savage chewbacca costume, adam savage one day build chewbacca, adam savage tested, tested one day builds, tested one day builds chewbacca, adam savage tested one day build, chewbacca bowcaster, one day builds, adam savage star wars cosplay, adam savage star wars props, chewbacca cosplay costume, chewbacca costume diy, foam, wookiee
Id: beGXa1TO6vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 53sec (6473 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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