Adam Savage's One Day Builds: God of War's Leviathan Axe!

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i wish they didn't only build the level 1 axe.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/RevolutionaryRoll919 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh boy this is gonna be amazing

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ThatExile 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Damn, you beat me to it by 18 minutes

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Trino15 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Let’s see how far he can throw that in if he could summon it like in the game😂

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SpanishPirate18-BC 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody adam savage here in my cave and  it is the christmas season right it might be   after christmas season when you're watching  this but right now it is the christmas season   and um you might or might not know this about me  in addition to having children i also have some   nephews and nieces uh in the pacific northwest and  my nephew wrote to me last week he texted me he's   uh in his mid-teens and he said uh that he had  a really great idea for me for a one-day build   he said there's this game it's called god  of war and there's an accident called the   leviathan and it's got magical powers  and maybe i should build one and then   about 10 minutes later i got a second  text from him that said also i want one i love this i love this uh he sent me a picture  of the leviathan and i i haven't played god of   war but i did some research supposedly built  by the same people that built mjolnir uh thor's   hammer this is awesome this is an awesome one-day  build i'm going to do it i'm going to send him   the uh i'm going to send him the x i've also  got a commencer present for his sister that will   satisfy of course um but god of war acts that's  what's coming up that's today's one day build   um one thing i did was i decided arbitrarily  on a size of about 32 inches tall about that   tall and then i photoshopped it that size and  printed it out in a kind of a tiled fashion yes so that i i could print one out full size  and then just copy it it's going to have a wood   handle and a foam head with some plastic in the  middle to give it some rigidity and i'm hoping to   complete the whole thing in about five hours  we will see first things first tape together   this uh this uh set of drawings that i have  well this is one of those cases where uh   tiling something together is a great  way one having a one-to-one copy   it's just it's hard to overestimate just what a  powerful thing it is to have a one-to-one sized   copy of a thing you are replicating there's  just no way you're gonna get a better   a better building sample than this uh it  runs a lot of mistakes off at the pass and yeah so each time i'm going to do the print i'm  literally just selecting a portion printing   that and then overlapping heavily to do another  one and then overlapping overlapping overlap   it's like um poor men's tiling and i still  maintain that it's ridiculous there's not a great   piece of software for this but we work with what  we've got and it's great when the drawing you're   working from has a lot of detail in it because  it gives you a lot of registration to play with   uh once i'm finished with this i will probably  cut it out yeah probably cut it into two pieces   all right now here is where it's a little  confusing because i didn't bridge across oh yeah easy i got the cloth here  to match up that's a great one oh also this end is gonna be really really fun  oh wow i really didn't give myself a lot of   room to move there did i oh yeah i cut that one  just a little too close in my printing but i see   the bottom of the yeah there we go that's what  i was looking for this technique of doing up up   and looking underneath that's actually how  in betweeners how animators often in between   between uh animation drawings flip flip flip  yep okay so that's how big it's gonna be oh   yeah merry christmas nothing says merry christmas  like a war axe that's what i always say taping up   the back so it's nice and uh monolithic yes that  is my favorite word it's true we will cut this the hard part of this build actually i  feel like it's going to be the wooden   handle i want to get that right  so there is my leviathan template awesome now i am going to cut the handle  i think out of here out of this piece   of pine 4x4 the question is can i get it out  of this piece of pine 4x4 and it looks like   i can it looks like i'm going to have some knots  but actually if i stay up here that's pretty clean   yeah that's actually not bad at all all  right i've done a pencil sketch of this of the leviathan handle and i'm going to transfer it to sharpie so i  don't lose okay now i'm going to cut this out   on my bandsaw and i'm going to leave myself up  here at the head of the axe i'm going to leave   myself a bunch of extra material so that i can  grab onto this while i'm working on it because   i'm going to need to do a lot of shaving and  carving and all sorts of that kind of business all right it's already starting to feel like  something um but now it's time so and i did   a thing i like to do on builds like this i  used the bandsaw on an angle to just soften   the corners that just gives me a little more  guidance about where i want this to go but if   you look at it here against the template i think  you'll see that we're in pretty good shape yeah   that's pretty darn close uh right i want to  shave some stuff off of here i'm gonna be   shaping this like a prop maker not like  a carpenter so you may be surprised at   some of the techniques i'm about to  use i also don't know if you remember   many months ago i was pulling out my grinder to  use it and i pulled it out spun it up just to test   it and then as it spun down it um kicked off its  little tightening wheel and that tightening wheel   was flying somewhere in the shop and i didn't  find it in that one day build i actually had to   find another one um i found it this morning  how about that all right so this is gonna be   a bunch of grinding i think i'm gonna get a  mask cause i'm about to make a lot of dust when people are making actual  rifle butts or axe handles there are how do i say this i'm gonna  start so most of the time online when   i see people who start with a template like  this and then go to sand it into the round   if this is the cross section of the piece of wood  we're talking about what i see is people doing   rounding like like this and they leave these  big wide flat expanses it is something i most   particularly see in um boba fett and tuscan  raider rifle butts um which there are some   flat-ish areas of some of those gun butts  historically there's less than you think   and specifically for an axe handle it's  really important as you're as you're coming in   not to leave too much of a flat you really want  to you want it to feel round you want to be keep   checking and continue to check to feel for that  roundness that's what's gonna make it feel like   like a tool just a little note all right back to  the mask back to the grind and by the way these   um heavy-duty flap wheels for the grinder just  they move with so much wood so fast this place   i've just been doing another carpentry thing  so my whole life is dust right now here we go   uh one note they can uh i got a little cut in  my left index finger from this they uh they   take a lot of meat out of the wood just be aware  that they'll take a lot of meat out of you too um so from bye do be i was going to stain it early i got to  make the uh i got to make the space here   for the axe right there's  this it comes down to here do   i would tell you stuff about chisels right now oh but i'm making this up as i go along i'm not  very good with these things so i'm just kind of   feeling it out um i'm doing a classic chisel  thing of hammering in you know from each edge and this chisel is pretty sharp i'm  aware because i sharpened it myself and once i have this edge fence  and it really is like a fence now i go in and i chisel up to that line i love cutting cross grain with a  sharp chisel man that is a lovely sound   it's a crunchy and delicious sound  retaining a kind of a border here just   check what i was hoping to do and then going  in and pulling out the middle part and i don't   have to be aesthetically great about this middle  part because i'm going to see it it gets covered crimes get hit   do do do do all right now i want to transfer this  pattern to two pieces of this sintra   and we'll see if i can do such a thing uh  i'm going to try and use this regular copy   all right here's how i'm going to transfer oh   here's how i'm going to transfer the pattern  take a piece of paper here you got this color printer paper for my laser  printer it's pretty weak paper   and i'm pretty yeah i like this if i i went to go  draw a pencil line and what i noticed is it split   right around where the pencil went so that's  actually how i'm going to make this cut out and come up here trim those  later this is the left side l l all right i've got the patterns uh drawn out  here on the sintra this is going to be some of   my main material for this axe i'm going to  cut it out on the bandsaw way over there   let me get it in the same shot sure why not do oh i'm gonna shape this right now it's  just this very specific cross section   i'm gonna make it more like a  piece of hammered metal like this yeah there you go you can kind of see there  i'm trying to eliminate some of the flats   but we'll get a lot of texturing in there  later so i'm not that worried about it um   so uh the the leviathan axe is going really well uh i've got the uh two pieces that hold  the blade down to the handle the handle is   in great shape i think the dragon at the  bottom is super awesome uh i'm gonna make   it a little more accurate a little bit  later but for right now it's totally great   um now it's time to cut out the axe and i thought  i was gonna make this out of foam but i'm going   to make that of a different kind of foam than i  thought i thought i was going to use his eva foam   but in fact now i realize i'm going to use  sintra which is a foam but it is a foam pvc   in different countries you might  know it as a product called synx it is it's a wonderful material it's uh it's  got a very reasonable density it is flexible   and fairly durable and you can shatter it but  it's great for cosplaying because it's also super   light and it's easy to work with tools uh it is  what i used for these two pieces and you saw me   sand these down on my belt sander earlier what  i'm going to end up doing is probably cutting four maybe three axe heads total yeah i'm going to end up cutting out oh  heat gun heat gun heat gun heat gun yes sorry i didn't mean to get so excited about  that but i think i figured out how i'm gonna   how i'm gonna work this and it's gonna be  this thick and then i'm gonna do a good   sharpen on the blade i may make it three  i may make it three blades there yeah   cool all right um so that requires that  requires what you said you had to tie your iron   um i am now going to i'm going  to just cut this thing out yeah just like this this uh leather covering on my workbench actually  provides a pretty for paper a nice uh cutting mat   and i can go very light so what i'm going to do is i'm going to uh  i think tape this to to one of the boards or spray mount it oh you know what no i'm  not i'm actually just going to trace it   that's what it's going to do oh so i can  all right i'm going to cut these in half   and that will give me four pieces to work from 24. it's a beautiful looking blade i must say  it's a lovely looking blade having worked   on a bunch of lord of the rings blades i mean  having you know be familiar with those shapes   this is a really nice nice looking nice  okay so this is gonna go from there that's gonna be the part that extends all the way  up to there yeah i'm going a little bit farther   so there's my axe a blade there she blows  i'm gonna cut this out of two pieces yep yep now we're going to unpack one of sintra's secret  powers one of its awesome secret powers which is   um similar to pvc for a pvc pipe it can easily  be heated and formed and so before i even start   to trim this a little bit what i'm gonna do is i'm  gonna heat this middle section on both halves here   and then i'm going to use some spring clamps to  hold them together or actually probably see them   quick one two um these will be kind of floppy once  i'm ready to work with them and then i'm going to   do that get them on there get them situated with  each other and then i'll start worrying about how   the other parts fit onto there but oh i i guess  i can get rid of it's really great to have a   supply of citron it comes up i think it comes at  least half an inch thick 12 millimeters but um   i'm just using quarter inch all right so let's  do i'm just labeling what's the inside yep   and i've got my heat gun here it's  already starting to soften a little bit   you want to spread the heat as evenly as possible  you don't want to get it too oh yeah okay so okay   so i'm gonna keep that going hard to heat  two pieces at once but i'm gonna try it   yup yup yup that's working trying to  keep the heat moving all the way through   i should have a bit of time because it does  have its own insulating properties here   all right so here we go let's do that and that and yep yep it's actually not it's  actually working out pretty okay ladies and gents you see what i'm saying right so  now when i glue this it'll actually have this slot   in the middle and i can also cut this guy pretty  close here i can cut this like right there here   is the stuff um the thing that's so great about  pvc cement is it's a weld bond so it really does so let's see this yeah see that that's great i'm gonna add  some pvc glue to this yeah ah come on   all right let's step in there there we go all right uh i don't have a lot of time  by that i mean hang on i want to get this   uh pvc glue sets super quickly super  quickly so i'm going to want to kind of go fast here maybe i'll do this side first and  then i'll do the other side let's maybe i'll   try that let's try one side at a time yeah  that way it's a weld bond so it makes the   two pieces one it is there are weld bonds are  some of my favorite glues specifically because   they uh they're such a positive joint yeah it can hold you do the same thing over here hopefully yeah i think that  actually wasn't that bad great that's wonderful all right so on the left  side here i have uh sanded down the pvc until it   meets the uh handle here actually i got  to take a little bit more right here right back that's it just using my uh disc sander as  it's spinning down that's all i really needed   and then the left one is going to  sit here like this and it is going to yeah it's going to have to break  out some upholstery tacks for this   so i'll cut that and then glue that and  then i'll do the other side all right i've   cut this one to size it's going to go right  here and i think i can officially glue it okay and go here if i have to fill in some stuff later i will but  i don't think i will damn that is looking good   yeah this is this is a super fun project  this is i knew this would be super fun   yeah oh i think the other  one might go on really nicely   let's see well that was a really good  positive grab but there you have it   all right so let's get the other one going um  one of the other things about sintra or scinex   that's so nice is because it machines so easily  just using the soft part of your belt sander   is great for long kind of gentle transitions  like this one and it's about to sit right here   come saw yup and i'm yeah i'm  really getting pleased with this and all of a sudden we have what  looks very much and very respectably   like the leviathan kind of so i have i need to  do all of this stuff i can do with a hot knife uh   a a wood burner um but this little coin here i  really like i think i have something close to that   somewhere around here if i could remember  where i stored it um i used it with some   british coins british policeman buttons that  i used at the base of rabbit's truncheon yeah for you're the rabbit on the bbc  i made the hero weapon for that show   um i think i figured it out i  found a couple of pirate doubloons   uh from a treasure chest i built for savage  builds and i think i'm going to utilize these yeah i think i'm going to use a forstner  bit drill a little hole okay i want to   see something really cool now we've got axe  head axe head like this and this thing still   pops right off oh yeah no it's cool oh so cool  okay um let's see here i'm gonna i'm gonna uh   mill these down a bit into a slightly smaller  circle give me a couple minutes i'm just gonna um   i'm going to use a bucket of water to keep these  cool and i'm going to use a pair of smooth jaw   pliers uh uh channel locks to hold  on to it and i'm just going to   use this thing to go all the way  around and it's just going to yeah   it's roughly around the circle actually  it being a little rough works for the aesthetic these machine pretty easily  i think they're just a alloy of zinc yeah those are great now these split  the difference between yeah that's great   um so i'm gonna get a forstner bit that's pretty  close oh right i also have these detents here   in the side of the handle and i'm also  going to put those in and i've marked them   actually already and i'm going to  use three i'm going to use this my uh oh and now oh yeah i'm really this built i don't  want to jinx it i'm just happy with how it's going   i'm having so much fun i delayed going  home called my wife and said i gotta   spend a couple more hours dialing this  accident cause i'm really happy with it well there you have the coin coin slot uh and  the three detents i also have some um large   rivets which go here and here and here and here  and those i'm actually going to use carpet tacks i'm really pleased with how this is i keep saying  that i'm pleased with how this is going and please   with how this is going yes we can assume i  think for the record that i like what i do   with all the tooth on the uh sintra and  on the coin once i join these they're just   never gonna let go that's really nice  about them okay now some carpet attacks we'll get that we'll hit that with a little   crazy glue afterwards just to  make sure it's really secure i'm cutting these at an angle  so i still have somewhat of a   of a point on them i don't really need that  much but you know every little bit helps oh yeah i don't even need the hammer  for that i can just push them in easy glue this is the scary stuff  just going to put a little dot uh i am going to hit the handle  which is now 95 complete with uh yeah 95 complete i'm gonna hit it with um  some scotch brite just to make everything   to bring it all to a smoother  kind of persuasion yeah i think this will make it take the paint better wonderful wonderful i think i think it's good so now i'm  going to uh do a couple things right it's time to sharpen the axe  that is a big deal so the axe has   an edge and the edge is about there and so okay so we're going to cut  that's going to be our sharpened   edge and we're going to do the same  thing over here but a much more much more sharpening a blade like this i'm using the  same techniques as i would for grinding an   actual blade it's just moving material a  lot faster than it would if it was steel i'm just going to even out  some of the inconsistencies   with this finger sander excuse me nail sander once i get the shape right then i'll go in  and i'll smooth it out with a higher grit we are close all right it's time for the wood burning  okay so now i want to draw out exactly   the patterns that are on here i'm just  burning through this build um right so all right uh i'm going to  get to some painting and some i'm going to get it's on to the aesthetics  this place is such a god awful mess i am   going to clean up tomorrow that's what's going  to happen here but first we're going to get uh   let me get this guy covered wait   oh i went with light walnut and i wanted a darker  one so i'm actually going to have to pull that out   but i'm going to finish with the light light  walnut because i started i can't really undo it   not nearly dark enough we're going to go  much darker hang on welcome dark walnut   oh right i also want to get some primer on this   uh i'm just going to get the  stain on this first though yeah see that that's what i'm  talking about that's what i'm saying that's a statement there we go all right  i'm gonna let that soak for a minute in the meantime i'm gonna get so so i'm just literally rubbing acrylic  paint on this with my hand yup oh yeah   all right i'm not gonna give this a  clear coat of uh krylon because i like   the protection that it gives and it's  also gonna give it a more of a glossy handle okay uh now i'm gonna  do a little bit of a um like a dark wash on now i've got some tamiya here uh light gunmetal  which i think is gonna be the base for the uh now i've got a chrome paint i'm going  to hit the edges of both blades on both   sides with the chrome paint to  be like a kind of a shiny edge all right i've just weathered the  top of it with a little bit of clear uh sorry watery golf romberg raw amber  i've just tossed a little bit of raw umber on   top of that can you tell i really want to get  this done tonight kind of going nuts uh okay   so now i'm going to put the the hammerhead on  here and i think i'm gonna pre-prep it with   some ca glue so i can put it on permanently  but let's just do a test fit for right now   this is looking really freaking fantastic oh my  god my nephew is one happy young man excellent   okay so uh right ah right i want to put the  um wrapping on this first right i mean the um   yeah and that's a specific thing i'm  going to use tape for that so it goes from i'm going to weather this gray once it's on all right i feel like that is the spirit  of the of the handle yup and that's about   where you want to grip it so now we gotta get  a little bit of gray wash on there and that's a gonna bit of black a little bit of white  actually it's going to be a lot of white and   very little black and a little bit of black  that's the tiniest and once we get the black   on you see how quickly that's literally  that was like one q-tip's worth of black   i'm just gonna get this all over here and  then peel it back off think i could go just   a tiny bit darker on that and so i'm going  to get a little more black going in there oh yeah that just totally brings this whole thing back to what i think i am now  going to attach the axe head   to the axe and i am going to use ca  glue to secure the whole thing same here same here excellent the last thing the last thing in this  and it's looking really good is a black wash   a black wash so i'm going to toss out  this gray wash we're going to hit it with   a black wash and that is how we will get  it to that final final business all right   for the black wash we're going to use  just a little bit of black acrylic   and i'm going to toss in some artists medium and  i'm also going to toss in a little bit of water   just got a bucket of water for cooling  down stuff and it's got dirt and   everything i don't care and some of these and  first seeds to just kind of pull some details out these final coats of paint they  tie everything back together and now i'm gonna get some up here   bring it up and then i'm gonna do the faces  of the axe yeah and get it up in there yes now we get it in these details here  just kind of get this all over yep i want it to be a little bit dirtier all right it's not moving let's  get a clear coat on this whole head uh oh right one last thing let's get  a little bit of rubbing in the box   ladies and gentlemen i present to you  leviathan for christmas leviathan for christmas   it's what everybody's getting  it's what every little kid wants   get your kid a magic axe made by  the same people who made the owner i really appreciate you guys  joining me for this one day build   this has been a really really really really  fun one um i used a pine 4x4 and two sheets   of sintra and that's it this might be one of the  lowest cost one day builds i've ever done i mean   it's pretty straightforward uh i i'm very happy  uh merry christmas everybody stay safe and i hope   your holidays are awesome or were awesome  this is probably airing after the holidays   see you guys next time thank you for watching that  entire video if you'd like to support us further   you can head over to the tested store links are in  the comments below and you can buy things like our   demerit badges you've heard of merit  badges these are the opposite this one   here is for measuring once and cutting  twice we went back and forth whether to   measure once and curse twice because that  also happens we went with the cut twice   and this is one of my all-time favorites this  is when you accidentally release the mysterious   blue smoke that makes all electronics work and  then they no longer work you can't release that   smoke head over to our store get yourself some  demerit badges and we will see you next time
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 743,722
Rating: 4.9528108 out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage, adam savage tested, adam savage one day build, tested one day builds, tested adam savage, god of war, god of war axe, god of war axe build, god of war axe making, adam savage video games, video game props, video game prop replicas, how to make video game props, adam one day build, adam savage one day build ax, god of war ax, Leviathan Axe, god of war leviathan, god of war leviathan axe, god of war leviathan axe replica, god of war leviathan axe real life
Id: apeZO6C0ZeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 52sec (3112 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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