Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Rhombic Dodecahedron with Matt Parker!

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Adam Savage in the cave with a One Day Build with a friend today. This is Matt Parker of stand-up maths and numberphile fame. If you don't know what those two channels are, well, you could follow some links in the comments below and have your mind regularly blown as I do. But we're doing a craft project today. Yes. Are we building regular solids, is that what we're building? We ... Oh really? It's complicated? OK. So, rhombus. Yes. All the sides are the same. Parallelogram. Yes, very nice okay the angles that angles of them is the angle no but it's identical to that ink exactly okay so regular ish Oh a regular solid are polygons that should be all equivalent angles yes so a tetrahedron is a regular solid because it's three equilateral triangles all the angles are the same so this is a slightly irregular solid identical and for me that counts for a lot what you don't know is that I used to work for a toy company called xub which is a building toy based on bald socket joints and one of the weird specialties I got was Zubaz I made hundreds of Archimedean and platonic solids out of the toy and they all hung above my office this is your job oh well I was are indeed for this toy company and the main thing I got obsessed with once I learned that if you could do a three vertices and a four vertice you can build all the solids I just started building Platonic and Archimedean solids and the great stellated versions of them and the truncated great stellated versions of them and the pairings it is really really fun well did you do because I never did this one good a few what is this one called so we're gonna make a rhombic dodecahedron so rhombic means the faces of rhomboid but it's 12 faces dodeca dodecahedron okay the classic dodecahedron yeah he's made out of Pentagon's and they're the regular ones so because it's the regular one people who don't bother specifying we have to specify rhombic because there's still 12 faces but they're not all regular shapes they are all identical unless people start to go oh a soccer ball in their head a soccer ball is not a dodecahedron it is an in casa dodecahedron it's a truncated icosahedron very important so the Archimedean Soler's that you made there ones where all the vertices all the corners will be the same mm-hmm the Catalan solids of which this is one Catalan yeah the Cadillac yes sir do they want freedom from the rest of Spain yeah the our comedians won't let them so in this case the vertices will differ I'm gonna have three meetings in there for okay but the faces are identical I'm a big fan of the Catalan solids excellent this is a new new regular isalud for me so I'm excited we each have I think you have 14 or I have 14 it's 12 fish right 1 2 3 4 3 12 9 I have 14 so I have 2 extras we have some sellotape here as you would say in the UK that's the one and I thought we'd just assemble these and start talking this is the first of a two-phase build but this is the first one getting to know this solid yes and you can go slightly wrong if you just start sticking them together ah I think the only because you could just build like a yes a prism a thing like this I'm assuming that it should be this is the beginning is that correct that's the beginning okay and then you need to put if you can't just doing threes you'd get like a cube that's been pushed over Oh whereas if you put in a four that says you want a different path you'll end up with a rhombic two decades there are ways to do this wrong we will also in the comments include links to how to build this yourself because it's a very easy shape it was only twelve of the same thing and let's yeah we have to peel laughter now all before you're in luck that we've we've chosen the this plastic covered acrylic because when it's covered with the paper and it's bold it can sometimes be an absolute nightmare to peel off right where is this um it's being very cooperative bombed by the time I guess what's fascinating when you actually start to build these out of popsicle sticks or anything is it such to become surpassingly easy for your brain to parse the pairings of the polyhedra yes how some are snuck inside others and this this is why it's really good fun to build with these things because math it can be quite up you know abstract very right theoretical where is actually building a thing getting your hands on it particularly putting it together you're like ah that makes that's why the octahedron and the cube are the same right they all are and actually the shape we're building is can be thought of as an inside-out cube oh really inside how really hard to get your head around once we've got one of the models together yeah I will show you why you're yeah oh let me get some exacto blades for us just take me one and a half times as long to do this exactly so I know that that's correct right I can assemble those get two so what's the technique you just kind of hinge it I'm thinking about that the tape sits on the outside okay so I'm gonna go like that and then I'm gonna use my exacto blade to cut up here and is there enough given the tape but that will that's what I think and is that there should be yeah that's quite nice cuz you're gonna need to get to 120 this angle in here is 120 degrees okay it was like a third of a circle and I'll attach a piece to each of these it's kind of a spoiler alert but one of the reasons why I love this shape is you can stack them and they perfectly fill space oh really and one of the reasons is because this angle is exactly 1/3 of a full revolution when you put three of them together and they all no gaps it's perfect and go across and then I'll let it whole oh this feels fit it's is it is it I think you might find the same with that tape is that it's a nice substantive pole the right amount of pool AHA that's gonna give it a bit of strength once it's in alright so that's the beginning and if does this have a did you say it has a CubeSats so I'm sort of let's see so one yeah um yep that's it let's see that's your four though it's for meeting an extra three and then change right if you took this one out and just brought that one over you'd be making a different shape right that would be a doubt that this that would be a different shape different yeah so you can imagine filling in the other totally can work this shit yeah yes cube there's your cue be pushed over we're gonna do that cool all right several steps behind you well it's not a competition my expertise has been weird builds of strange things that's very true oh yeah I can fit I think it's just enough give ya just and then once you've gotten it if it's pulled a little bit you back in its a little grumpy but it's gonna do it so then is that yep okay I also like these builds because I like to imagine that it will be somebody's lessons plan soon yes everything I do in the back of my mind I'm thinking how will a math teacher be able to steal this idea and do a lesson on it's great and then I'll pull this yeah this type of slightly flexible clear tape this I like the clarity of this stuff this is a little bit of a movie foggy aspect to it but these things are really nice this was another yeah it's so there I'm assuming that goes there and I've got two four seven ah I see so it's another one of these and it shifts on to the top so if you've got six there so far yeah yep all right then I'm gonna start the same way I said it's a bit like a cube you've got um 12 faces we're putting together here on a cube you've got twelve edges ah so actually each face the arrangement roughly corresponds to the twelve Edge's of a cute oh wow and when I get together and you pick it up you start to see that in a way that you wouldn't that you struggle to see if it was if someone was explaining to you in the abstract oh yes now I see all right it's nice it's like a pleasing mini version of doing math where you get confused for a while and then suddenly it makes sense again right well it's hard to match the two shapes to each other before was super organic like this one - this sure and now it's a ah right okay so you live here always describe it with the pieces I want them to know where their home is you live here don't you want to go home maybe it's too good for this home there's a lot like a like a terrarium from the 17th know very much yeah totally the chirality works no matter what so I'm assuming it's not a chiral shape oh the pack she depends what sections you're building it in you might cut yourself into a corner oh right they're not chiral specifically means can only go left to right one way yeah there were verses of each other you reflect it you get a subtly different shape like this twink yep and that's our that's that's our shape a shape whoa oh look at it that's nice I like getting to know a new solid I think when we do the second stage of this build we might have to choose a different technique because I think we're gonna have to leave one face okay oh or we assemble it cut out a face to work on the inside but now I'm I'm spoiled I'm boring yeah so we got to shut up so we can get to the next step I take them on the rock to hit them on the wrong way around have a nice always like this I've done it around the other way oh my goodness the important thing is I gave it a go is can we come up with a Parker solid where are the nine of the ten faces yeah why is that one wrong actually is there a solid in which all the phases but one are the same oh oh but one that's that's a yeah I mean you would have like a pyramid shape where if you had like a oh yeah hexagonal base pyramid certain done with that kind of a shape and there it is that's all the okay all the phases all twelve I lost some ground back in the game I'd like to think that's better and now they're just gonna fold in okay this is like an extreme version of in math you'll want to doodle and and sketch things right even the most advanced mathematicians working on all sorts of like weird theoretical geometry or anything will still be constantly drawings or sketches and stuff really the building models just helps so much more right to visualize it yeah actually my um my wife's a physicist so she looks at the structure of the magnetic field in the sun's atmosphere okay and on her desk at work are these pipe cleaners yeah and that's cuz when she wants to talk magnetic fields the students you just grab a handful of pipe cleaners and then they will start it and then then they know they don't know what they're talking about and pointing at his there's nothing like a physical property obviously it's like there's this aspect of knowing that's physical right yeah it has to be in your body in order for you to understand it in your head and that's why I built for me building stuff like this and understanding the way in which it tracks to a cube is really fascinating I should have you seen the cube hidden in there let's see well hidden okay so in this the cube the vertices of this weight the faces match the edges of a cube correct ah okay yeah I can the faces match the edges so edge and I'm just buying time okay I see it now he's got it that's it right so squirt here's here's a yep you got it you got it here's the kid I'm gonna draw Jorden cute that's the bottom face actually if you want to do it exactly if you go that same line yeah but go corner to coin really it's that one yeah ah all right so if I go you've got it you've one two three four so that's the bottom of the cube yeah that's up right up right up right up right and then the top is the same thing yep one two three four there is the cube with it hold on I gotta erase this shit cuz it's making me crazy that's the spirit there we go there is new cube yep I got the cube inside there which is actually it's super visible and what okay so you can also describe the shape as a cube inside out so if you imagine a cube a solid cube yeah you can imagine the six faces pyramids going into the middle of the cube yes if you were to flip all of those pyramids so instead of going into the grid each of these meet in the centre yeah that wasn't even flipped these they would all perfectly go in and make a solid cube it's another version of this is this is kind of a stellated cube because each of the faces is proud yes that correct yes the only hesitant because delighted is an ill-defined operation in geometry yes we put pointy bits on all the faces I mean I don't know the exact use of still later it's a mess okay so basically if you put a square base pyramid on each of the faces of a cube such that if you would have flipped them around that all meet perfectly in Radle you get one of these and - so there's another solid in here of all equal triangles if I wanted to make these prouder or narrower I ended up with a bend on each of these faces and it's another regular solid of 24 faces yeah could you split them so you're absolutely right if you still ate it such that this becomes like flush or that all that then you get the rhombic dodecahedron yeah twelve but anything other than that you're gonna get another edge yeah I know where that would be called little BM this is how a 24 triangles they wouldn't be equilateral triangles there'd be isosceles triangles ah so this this a bit where I can see the cube sitting in there that's where my brain like I get an endorphin rush right like that's really really neat and I often described math as finding and exploiting patterns mm-hmm it's hard to give a catch-all phrase that's the best catch-all phrase for math is the kind of things mathematicians enjoy doing but that's not very useful definition it's sort of the person I know but it works like yeah you're right actually yeah finding an exploiting pattern so you're spotting and you're like okay and and that met the fizz in your brain when you're like ah suddenly it snaps into focus and a lot of the regular the Platonic and Archimedean solids are defined that the vertices are all equal to each other but this has some four vertice points and some three vertices points so the Potomac solids ignoring the fact they have regular faces right put that aside okay they're too big properties are all the vertices identical and all the faces are identical right and so if you relax either one of those you get different families so if all you care about are vertices but you don't care about faces so much you get the Archimedean like a DM what do people call them solids if you want to keep the faces all the same you don't care what the vertices you get in the catalan solids now we're going to do one more a exploration of this shape and you suggested it I love it which is infinity mirrors yes and so we have I've bought some superfine high-density LED strips and so I think we'll attach those to the inside of one of these I have some laser-cut parts a bigger one like one and a half times the size and some two-way mirror film right so we have to attach the two-way mirror film to all the faces but the big problem with this from my brain is how do you efficiently route the LEDs around the inside of this how many strips of LED will we need yeah because you don't want to run it and then have to double back and I'd rather not and I'd rather not have a solder point well I mean I have some solder points do want to minimize this yes so how do we what is the most efficient way so sadly you can't do it in one yep you need a four and the problem is these you see these corners here mm-hmm where this four edges meeting at a vertex you could imagine if you're running the LEDs you'd come in here and then out there other stuff happens when you come in there and out there or you could do from here to here either area here and back around so you can do it in two passes brain in and out and in and out where there's three there's no do it just no you can go you can go in and out but then later on the next time you come in it's a dead end you've got to stop or you could start at one of these and go out and then later on do it in and out all right this was kind of birth of topology studying shapes and the more abstract form was looking at ways you can traverse paths oh you've got different numbers so that's actually a field yeah of study that yields interesting the whole strings I started the bridges of königsberg or people were looking at if they could walk around all these bridges in one continuous path somewhere have like salesman problem a little bit yes okay and then someone basically said look your first condition is how many odd numbered vertices do you have right if you've got more than two you can't do it now we've got eight that's not well there you go eight means with eight starting and stopping points in theory you could do with four and I've checked and you can you can have four paths that's each data stop and odd okay vertex and it all it all works okay so that means and I'm assuming therefore identical there can be yes okay because that means that when we're putting in these LED strips they'll each be of a specific length and they'll do a specific frame and they're all gonna be the same color they are you can't tell which ones which once they're in I know one way you can do it is if you look at this like a ring of four that go around here mm-hmm and because we know there have to be four of them and there are if you've got the edges there's 24 edges it must be six per path okay and I've worked out the easiest way is to start on one of these yeah here do draw here we go nice so yeah so you start on one of these and let's assume that that would be like the bottom there I want one out for the electrical wiring okay okay I got you because one possible path is you start here you do a total lap of one of these yeah you come back to eat I don't know if they're limitations on how sharp an angle you can turn um we can actually adjust that by by making little wire jumpers between Oh see it like a little yeah it's just a lot of thing and I can bring chanterelles worth over and we could all sit and do some soldering for a little while but that would be very therapeutic because you could I could redo the paths to minimize angle changes but if you're Kevin if you do a full lap there and then you just run out to like that down to there anything stop and so if you do that for this one here you do a lap and then you do that cross okay here you do another lap and then you do that cross alright and now that's that side done and then the same for this one here you do a lap and that cross this one you do a lap and you do that cross okay so your starting points are gonna be there there and then for these ones we'll put them like there and there and they don't cross over each other if you do that no they don't okay they do it with a do they do these crop this when you've got to get both sides through the fours yes then one goes across the other one comes across the other way you could change that by diverting them off but I feel as you following along if we had a much bigger budget we'd have some beautiful CG animation explicating all this and showing the parity between but we don't have the time or the budget to do so we got a shoppi we just had some pretty sharp in some rhomboid but you could follow along at home by cutting this out yourself shall we get started on the craft project of making the big infinity mirror version have you ever seen there one of the done as an addendum here No awesome so this could be at first this is why I was so excited when you're like what are we gonna build I like I've never seen one of these yep that's fabulous so we'll build one for here and then once you take off I'll send you a kit for putting one on yourself yeah exactly Oh yep yeah we're gonna actually just to map it oh yeah that's a nice one I love it two three four five six and I think just like we're doing here yep that one doesn't that can be just a kick nothing so there's our start yeah the next start is here is there no start that comes to here well that's what I'm just thinking because but it doesn't know the start has to go through yeah that's just because the mind all the starts and ends are these right and every one of these is surrounded by those you can't get across unless you came out and across yeah yeah you can put a little black in the corners yeah to cover up little wire that's easy so now the question is how do we route the next one use one tariff more that time okay so my original plan was to start here for this one okay so I think it's there from here oh but oh right I see it crosses over okay so that does a fool let back to where you started two three I mean I found other ways of doing it where you do more of it more of a Z I know that's fine I don't this was the easiest to visualize and described uh-huh there we go so there you have that so can you see now we've done both of these and you've done everything there we then just repeat that we do both of these and then everything there this but symmetric okay ooh okay so where do we start I really wanna have a go at tearing off yeah so wait so it's it's this one right down to here and that correct like you guys one two three yeah what if you do with them do the remaining ones with this five yes yeah I can see it hey go second okay isn't that lovely well I never well I've done accidentally before no this is this is the language okay all right so then this one comes down here so this will help us figure out helping jumpers come off the things in the last one you're going in alone and then down there yeah look at that what was nice is I knew in theory just from running the numbers because I was like okay it's got 12 faces doing it each face has four edges so that's 24 yep OOP sorry so 48 but they're all counted twice because your double count you think that method so you're half it to get to 424 edges and then once I use the vertices to work out there must be at least four and then divide that by four and I knew okay so in theory it can't like it can be done with four or more but only once I then messed around with it and found these patterns for four this is exactly the kind of thing where you can talk about it in the abstract but unless you have a really really good brain for holding crap in your head you have to do it like this in order to talk to other humans working it out I grab some photos online and put them in photo editing software so I could then scan yeah yeah yeah I mean undo an INRI sketch until I am um I might have some Oh Shawn we can use some of this stuff yeah for our jumpers that's perfect yeah because it's the nicest lowest profile stuff so then the question is where do we start with the power and how do we do how do we jump everything as the shortest possible distance so that's a should should we do a bit of tight for where they come in and out yeah so let me get one more color so here's a flag that's why is it there that's that's the end of this one right but it could easily be the beginning it could be the beginning that's why we're systematic okay yeah Mike there's good the end of each line got it should be the same a distribution right after and then the other two are here and here okay so that's one and then so it's kind of a perimeter thing so they're kind of clumped we could move them around a little bit that's probably so it sounds to me so what we want to do is we want to wire these in series yes not in parallel I guess no who asked me the same thing actually parallel should be fine I think we can like at the end we can jump it doesn't have to be I don't think it has to be so what we could do is have we could say this is where the powers coming in right we could just say that and that this needs a jumper of n times three and each of these needs to jump of n times one what if because one of them's are relevant because the end just ends right right right so what if we got this end and put it over here like so we'll start this one well know what I'll try one thinking is we've put it there I'll try think we can get three together then you can ignore this one over here and you've just got a power there mmm and then jump to one then jump to the other and then you're out right okay I'm taking your word for it cuz my brain has stopped okay I tell you what let's let's do it with tape okay can we take these if you can arrange everything arrange them so they they all terminated at the same it's close together right right right so let's just think they're useless to draw the jumpers orange take a do do do so here's what I'm thinking we for argument's sake we'll start on a wait actually I think ya know so okay so we start on this one here start here okay we do the red yeah red terminates there okay we then have to get from there to the next one which is a jumper um turn around while I'll do is I'll lay that in slightly just so it's more obvious right so we do that and we get there so that's jumper one so that's read complete great ok we're now on green okay then we power all the green and we end up here from here to here no tip no that's back we're done right so we gotta jump to this one right okay so we that starts with ya goes through that to there or actually there yep done this way yep right that way it doesn't cross over with another wire okay but again all of these jumpers are done red and green red and green and now we're doing this starts at pink yellow yellow okay so goes yellow yellow yellow yellow ends up going to pink so it ends up there and then are we going and do we want to go away from this one out in the seventh so we go and then jump down and then pink just terminates where it terminates so thank you Mary can you eye on these can you supply power to the middle yes so that helps to branch them I think so that changes everything no we're sticking with this what hang on it's 13 I don't want to say hahaha you want to go into the branching well is there a reason why okay so let's say we've powered up green yeah and we started the power over here over here uh-huh and we've powered all the green and green now like crosses over yellow can you just run I don't know Harel I I'm not maybe maybe I here's the thing with me I could try it real quick I'm a satisfier once I have a rough solution your ramps so I've done I like to do an exhaustive search come up with three solutions that is a Maxima this is a couple thing that my wife and I learned some really or maximizers that's only one sandwich that will be the right sandwich to have for lunch some people are satisfiers give me a ham sandwich it's enough on this satisfier on a menu but oh I'm sorry everything with a menu you eat it and it's over and you don't have to live with the contest true all right where is this every time I look at it I'll be like I just realized some people staring this would be like you are not a satisfied when it comes to prop replication no you're right I choose my battles see it's true we all have the spaces and the hills in which will die listen because that changes everything I know but that requires an experimental phase with afternoon okay we have a jump scholarship 39 centimeter jumpers at times three between four sets that are that long and if you go all right this is our mirror film and we're gonna have to attach some of this to all 12 of our faces I'm learning a whole new skill here oh yeah this is and just to be clear we're going to do this badly this this will not be a like a gorgeous job it'll be a work a day job and hopefully the lighting effect will still come through but this is inexpensive two-way mirror because it is only used for windows screen for your car oh yeah it's like tinting from that's exactly what this is and we'll use the same techniques for attaching it which is a process let me get some scissors has it got a specific side or it's just I did you think I don't think it does I mean obviously the mylar is on one side and I but it looks pretty much the same to me although this the underside tends to feel a little sorry yeah yeah it looks identical person to someone yelling at the camera right now yelling at your screen so I want there is a side to do this every day and we don't know radiant's we do this one day okay so I'm just gonna cut a slice off here okay she just cut it a little big that's what I'm thinking and then we'll trim it later okay you put a little bit of the soap on here and then you put this too no adhesive it's just so no it's literally surface tension and then you do this to get the the soapy water out and if you did it correctly just wondering if I bring it all the way close to the edge I'll see you're cutting it just shy of the edge yeah because I'm gonna be sticking the light strips here I don't need perfect edge fidelity good burn and it might mean you know I think this is fighting these little kerf these little edge artifacts ISM from the laser cutting and I don't want to fight those and then from the other side we end up with something that looks kind of not amazing tada tada glee - Lisa is staying I mean ya know that'll get our effect for us yeah it's not perfect but that'll do I feel like I can see through it and I can see me in it oh and then we can use black tape on the edges just to hide to hide I don't like it and you can see it well if I cut them down to near enough and then you can and I'll do the attachment yeah sure sounds good eat all right sir we have all of our mirrored pieces attached so it's time to start assembling this guy no I was thinking about assembling them in a couple well basically assembling everything but one panel you leave like the top one off or something uh-huh and then you can reach in yeah is there any advantage it's gonna be one can long continuous train isn't it yes because if you did it in halves you've got because you've got with the ring of them there because if you did like these ones and this half uh-huh so you know you got like these fours yeah you could do one four and then those two side ones on it and do the other four and the other two side ones but we have a single continuous like a clamshell because that basically we're starting at one end and going but we're putting this on the inside right uh-huh right yeah on the inside if all you three bigger than this 2.5 so what if we both do a 1 on the ground okay so that's then like these and then one vertical and then they'll slot together what's funny is if there's many I always love the weird math of a right triangle right three-sided right you might because do you always see yourself in the corner oh yeah yeah yeah and we're not far off that so retro hl9 cube yep these turn out to be purchasable on Amazon oh my goodness about 40 bucks for 10 that's amazing a little retro prism isn't that gorgeous oh cool yeah your eye no matter where you look at it and you can't you can't no yeah you can't see a closed obviously that's so cool this is another one day build that's happening later I'm not gonna tell you about it Oh which is by satisfying and terrifying yes well sees the way to do this should we tell I think I'm just gonna do face by face you me just to hold it haha I think that's exactly what I think my skill set has come into its own okay there's one I'm so excited to see I know me too I love that we've got a little glimpses yet it kind of working along the way it's tantalizing that older is every time you're standing up yep yeah okay nice go here we go I'm putting the helmet I didn't know this would fit over my head that's amazing that's freaking awesome I see three versions of myself and we can't see any oh that's like a Doctor Who Belen that's AI what fighting mirror head do you want me to cut - hand - uh yeah some pieces that are about that size crazy this is like a measuring we call this hiding the crimes really because really come together makes it look like you knew what you were doing yeah multitude of the inaccuracies in that hidden oh yeah oh wait I've gotten one more piece here that had been hoarding this in case you were taking too long oh good tonight their level of confidence you're going they prepare for the worst hope for the best that's me okay oh dude that's incredible so there's you loosen okay that's the end and your power and power and it is positive okay so if you want to do this where where are we gonna do so we're gonna have to follow this map yeah we're gonna have your story here on red right and then we'll end up back oh no oh yeah I guess we ended him did we end on yellow last time we might have a so that goes that jumps yeah - here - pink other way and I think pink is the last one no pink then jumps to green green to red green jumps to read which goes like this and then red starts it's back to green that's not a joint that's just okay yeah so why don't we say so if greens lost no that means that's a jumper I think this is I think you're touching the origin on right and then where's the end well let's say that this is the end okay and so that's where this comes out which me and so we should start there the rice whole thing over right because what we want to do is do this top one yeah it's to be the last full lap oh is that what we want to do I'm just thinking that might make it easiest at the very end okay okay last thing we do is we come up and up around okay yeah then here's what we do we grab a sharpie and we number that yeah yeah please all the way around okay yep look that's our open so we'll start yeah we'll start here so I flip this over is that correct Sean yeah I would start with the loose end because you're gonna have all of this okay side yeah okay so then this then I'm just going to start numbering this goes like this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 jump to red to green goes to red yep 8 9 10 11 12 and then here 13 oh that looks like a B 13 14 and then that jumps to green where we were oh no no we haven't got a jump on that one yet so this one yeah has to now go to here yep yep like it's at the pink 15 16 17 18 19 this is 20 right because it goes green back to here and pink back to you're 21 and connects directly it's gonna jump to there 21 jumps - yep that goes together 22 23 24 25 26 27 and 28 job done okay so if that meet all right and that comes back out where wait where do we start we started with this really open one so long as we don't reorient eight this as we go okay thirty-eight and work our way back okay where is 28 Donna thank you we can no longer trust these orange one oh we can't the orange ones don't make any difference so let's not move this again right and don't move that again I got it okay so then we start you stop there 28 right there okay here we go I'm going to Martin them off as we do them from there 28 goes straight across the 27 to 27 so here to here okay don't we temporarily number these on here negative that's a no all right feel going that way which way I'm doing a battery across right so here cuz this is the opening yep yep then you're gonna come up to this one over here alright which one you are okay so I'm coming through the bottom right 26 a 7 is new Uganda here 27 come and then you go straight again so 26 right and then where's 25 I got 25 is then up here it goes up to the open yeah okay cool it's a one-person job in there coming all the way around yes the grey team at the mirroring is like a watch your faces you're doing it that's a jumper that it doesn't go all the way around so it should oh yeah I guess it does doesn't it what you gonna do now is you know you've just done a lap okay he's gonna jump to the opposite one with the jumper so is that here oh yeah yeah if you're open yep I'm coming discs are you just gonna way around here yeah and then you jump over to that one this what could be of any use oh no I know this is such a such a weirdly specific problem to solve okay I'm very happy to have you solving it uh-huh I know the insides gonna be a little ugly but I thought no one's gonna say okay so I'm coming up this is the face I'm doing yeah so once you I'm gonna put it into a smut plus I've got yellow right that was yellow I just did pink pink okay so do and enjoy the fact you're halfway what's that I'm halfway excellent how do is good the next one's a little tricky could you put the hot opening at the top again mm-hmm and can you see where you've terminated is like one down there's one down yeah that's what you're gonna do is patch it to this one okay and then yep that's it great and then let me just double check we got this right mm-hmm then this should run down and down and then you do the full laughing rate okay cool awesome and then we're out the other side and we're amazing is it that's it that was it okay we have a little doubling up here yeah that's good good enough good enough okay now we tape on the last glasses at the inside or the outside that's the inside there we go I don't think we need this should we just mock just black tape it off before we do this before we do this we don't seal any dude until we've just used before you seal it kind of it's you okay no I didn't want to Eve actually even take a look at this we will make sure was working where is the other black typically that's the stuff it's the mat all right so haha it's mat okay dude that is not that is really cool about three hours of work and it's not pretty it looks way better than it has any rice okay here we go let's um we're gonna turn this off connect it up will you tear me a couple pieces of that black tape well just to separate those yep perfect that's one and that's the second one cuz I want to be able to pick this up obviously okay here we go oh oh oh we want to turn off the light right hold on good point all right side lights off off camera still sees us right here we go the moment of truth this is a rhombic dodecahedron with internal lighting on all of the internal edges and two-way mirror infinity box here we come three two one oh it's beautiful oh that's so good Wow so one of the great things about a rhombic dodecahedron is it perfectly if you repeat it it fills space oh so wait these would stack perfect yes but if you look in there you can see the Phantom ones which are in exactly the correct position as if it was a lattice of these oh my goodness okay I need to build one of these things for real we're missing two phases and we miss something missing we actually miss oh oh oh we have a we have a oh we have a problem we have a circuit promos going on some of them are hell and that one yeah which path is that I'm making how amazing it a big role works the problem is technically if a few are out if you look at the lattice infinitely many of them aren't working this infinity I could see about three meters into it Wow so you could in theory do this with any shape yeah but you would get weird distortions because other shapes are perfectly tile that would that perfectly sound why you get such linear here you get this perfect lattice and everything lines up wherever you look it's just extending off perfectly in every direction and not many shapes do that okay I'm totally going to build one of these for real and make it kind of nice because this are this two-way mirror thing isn't quite perfect here I think I can buy this stuff that I want you can just goes infinitely far down it's got like a it looks like I should be it looks like there should be a dark side to it nothing gets through it it's really kind of nice mad that is a fabulous build but for realizing like I knew hypothetically cuz I sit there I was like I think I should work like a Mary they should look incredible that you've made it it's a real thing now that's alright thank you so much I'm super excited we'll make a pair we'll send them to you and then I this deserves to be sitting on your desk it does that's a lot of space to room thank you sir my pleasure thank you you
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 1,231,145
Rating: 4.9623833 out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage, one day build, one day builds, adam savage tested, tested adam savage one day build, adam savage one day build, adam savages one day builds, one day builds adam savage, adam savage one day builds, one day builds tested, adams one day builds, matt parker, humble pi, numberphile, stand up maths, tested adam savage, matt parker numberphile, math, mathematics, real world math problems, real world math applications, rhombic dodecahedron
Id: 65r_1TzJXaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 7sec (3007 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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