Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Remaking The Crown!

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this makes me so happy it's  just i love this hey y'all   adam savage here in my cave and um i've got a  one-day build that's a one-day build i just did   this one's not going to take a day it's going  to take longer than a day um i recently made   the windsor coronation crown i mean there's  a lot of crowns i'm not sure exactly if this   is the official coronation crown but it's the  crown that they featured in the show the crown   it's the crown that most people think of when they  think of the crown jewels and i made my own set   uh of the crown and i'm very pleased with  it but it's it's temporary i i used all   i mean it's i glued it i did a lot of gluing  it's not it's not incredibly well made it   got me across the line so that i understand the  structure and that was the purpose of the build   i didn't realize that at first i thought oh i'm  gonna make a really fine tight crown and then i   i kind of wanted to barrel through it because this  is frequently the way i imbue myself with what a   build is going to entail i i actually build it um  and this tells me all of the sort of topography   and some of the pitfalls like i i think this  ring i made too robust i'll use spring steel   next time and it can be much lighter i  i'm gonna do soldering for the jewels   instead of glue uh mechanical connections for  things and i think i can make it lighter and   to be honest i think i can get fit a little  better um but first up i was using these   plastic christmas ornaments fleur-de-lis and  they're not they're not super accurate they're   perfect they're like the perfect height  which is um just about uh what is that   it's about four and a half inches total about four  inches without the little uh lug at the top the   jump ring uh they're the perfect size and they  look great here they totally do but they're not   accurate so i'm gonna start by remaking uh fleur  de lis in ren shape this is a engineering resin   and i'm gonna make some vacuforms and i  think i'm actually gonna make this whole   thing out of aluminum frankly because it'll be  a lot easier i think i'm going to use aluminum   some soldering and a lot of gold leaf yeah  that's that's my current plan so i have   completed drawing my fleur-de-lis come on focus  there we go please note that this isn't drawn   using any natural ability i have to  draw i just kept on using my calipers   to maintain the proper relationships and measure  every curve and repeat it on both sides and each   time i did and joined it with a pencil i got  something that was fairly consistent this was   sort of brute force drawing you know i come on  focus there you go like you know i made sure that   these two curves were the same and that these  everything was equidistant from center and as i   kept on making the points and then slowly sort of  filling in the curves between those two points i   got what i needed and i recognized that actually i  think this curve underarm here is a little better   than this curve and i'll fix that but now it's  time to cut this out and start to uh carve it dimensionally oh look at that i i'm really happy with that  i mean i got a little some little doodads to   clean up but i love how this looks and i'm not  sure i'm gonna vacuform this i may actually i may mold this i may make a mold of this because  it'll be really easy to cast these in resin   uh and then i can make as many  elements as i want um i may also do the   if i'm gonna do this in resin i may also  do this cross in resin so that it can be as   dimensional as it needs to be um but i am  really really i'm really happy with these   yeah um i've never tried this kind of thing before  uh this carving along these planes and again this   isn't from something i really knew how to do this  was something i kind of figured out as i went   uh and you saw it you can see in the time lapses  i'm just following the lines i'm just trying   to get things until they feel right i'm looking  at it from every possible angle and then i'm uh   yeah i couldn't be happier  with this that's a really nice   accurate that is a really nice  accurate fleur-de-lis for my king crown   all right i've made one more addition i have used  a forstner bit to create four flats um i plan to   use uh these jewels with a 3 8 inch jewelry back  on them they will glue into these resin pieces   after i've molded them after i've gold leafed  them and then those will glue in there like that   like that and they'll be different colors  obviously uh and then i've got um hang on   these little these little doohickeys for the  little singlets i will probably uh pull those   little jewels out and sync them in with a little  e6000 or some kind of all-purpose like reasonably   soft clue but i'm really happy with how this came  out i i just think it's beautiful i've got some   you know fine finishing work to do on this but  i couldn't be more pleased with my fleur de lis   after a little primer and some clear coat um i am  going to make a mold of this um what i'm gonna do   is i'm gonna build a dam around this using this  foam core i'm gonna hot glue it in and i'm going   to pour some silicone in there and that will be  a mold for me yes so uh let's see here we'll do one two like that see that yeah it's just that  simple um this is one of the quick and dirty   ways we used to make uh that we used to  make molds at industrial light magic so yeah let's do that great so now making sure that this corner is  level and now that i'm pretty sure that it   is i'm going to go in and add some  hot glue around the perimeter here now i'm committed to using my hand as a clamp for  the duration that's easy i'll go in and inspect   this glue bead too before i pour the silicone i'll  double check it and make sure i feel like there's   absolutely no place for the silicone to escape  silicone is an escape artist it wants to get out   of any space you've left it to escape from with  our fleur-de-lis properly set up in a foam core wall so that i can pour silicone i'm ready to  pour silicone and this is an open face mold so what you could imagine is silicone will fill  the space inside here and when it's dry tomorrow   i'll pull out what'll be a block of silicone  with a negative void of the fleur-de-lis visible   then i will fill that void with some urethane  resin some thermoset urethane resin and i'll   have the fleur-de-lis of my dreams to do this i'm  going to use douglas and sturgis they're our local   casting supplier this is their bread and butter  silicone sr1621 i've been using it for 30 years   is a great mid-grade easy to work with  silicone i've got some uh oh i got 16 24. wait i got to get 16 21. i've got some kicker  for this uh at any rate uh i'm gonna mix it up   ten to one ten parts of this to one part  of kicker and then i'm actually gonna use   my uh this which is an evacuation chamber  because when you mix silicone as you can imagine   like you're whisking eggs you whip air into the  silicone and air is your enemy and mold making   you don't want little air bubbles  they will compromise your surfaces   they can and there are ways to work around it but  i don't have to because i've got an evacuator here   and i'm going to use it well i'll walk you through  the whole process i was confused this says sr1624b   but this says sr1621 i i i'm gonna go with this  i i believe that's what this is what could go   wrong lots could go wrong but i don't think it  will i i believe i purchased this because i'm   in general you're supposed to work at about a  ten to one ratio silicone to kicker and it is   a room temperature vulcanizing that means that the  reaction isn't as exothermic as it could be uh but   i always add a little bit of extra kicker um one  or two percent it makes the mold kick a little   bit faster and it's a little bit of insurance um  you should know that with all casting materials   your margin of error is about easily plus or  minus ten percent like you could get nine to   one or eleven to one you'd still get a fine mold  they there is some adjustability i've been using   this stuff literally since the early nineties  it's great stuff um it's got a great durometer   it's durable uh the mold i showed you a few weeks  ago of the star destroyer that i made for glub   that is done in 1621 and it's still somewhat  supple i have yet to try and get a casting out   of that mold i have to work my way up to it but um  yeah we're gonna i gotta get a cup for the mixing ah right how how much silicone do i need  for this well this is a secret my mentor   mitt romanowski taught me he said most liquids are  gonna fall close to the specific gravity of water that is a weird statement to say but the way he  was putting it is if you want to calculate how   much silicone you need to fill this figure out  how much water volumetrically you would need   and then use that much silicone and you'll be  right in the ballpark so that's what i'm going to   do i'm going to measure this out let's see here uh  it is an inch and a quarter high by four by four that's pretty easy to figure out four   times four times one and a quarter so four  times four is sixteen a quarter of sixteen   is four so sixteen times one and a quarter  is twenty so that's 20 cubic inches let's try this alexa how much does 20 cubic inches of water weigh 20 cubic inches of water weighs about 12 ounces  12 ounces that's roughly how much silicone   i need 12 ounces um i am going to utilize the  ounce markers here on my smooth-on cup and i'm   allowed to use a smoothing cup for a competing  product probably uh so 12 ounces and then um   i'm gonna add 1.2 ounces actually i'll probably  go to 14 with the kicker just for insurance   oh right i need a bigger cup uh  joy do i do i maybe actually don't yeah we'll see okay oh pristine um also in general these measurements work  volumetrically and from a weight standpoint   all my scales are a little messed up right now so  rather than measure these small amounts 12 ounces   um i'm just gonna do it by volume yeah i i have a  i've got a scale issue right now okay so 12 ounces   use that to slice it off oh gloves all right no i  pretty much nailed it good uh green i don't want any contaminants in there it's like gold 100 it's about a hundred dollars a  gallon like 78 something like that bucks a gallon   um you'll get a lot you'll get a lot of mold  making out of a single gallon as a young   maker 14. okay so uh yeah i'm uh it's  you always want to shake up your kicker   you don't need a mask for this  none of this is um obnoxious   as far as i know okay so i'm going to go i'm at  14 so i'm going to go to uh 16 that's 2 ounces   yeah that's more than a 10  to one ratio yeah here we go okay so i always have a little extra on  hand uh okay so now it's time for the mixing   and uh here's a rule of thumb about  mixing silicone can't mix too much   you can't mix too much you can't mix too  much here's what i'm going to tell you   you can't mix too much there's almost no  such thing as mixing too much unless you're   mixing for hours and then it's kicking  on you the pot life of silicone is um   it'll tell you in the msds but you've got a lot  of time i mean you've got plenty of time you want   to make sure you've pulled it off the walls you  want to make sure you've scraped it off the walls   i'm going to swap out this stir stick for another  one in a minute so that i can really manhandle it   the reason the kicker is blue is so that you  can actually tell when you are fully mixed   um but also i'm mixing in all sorts  of uh i'm mixing in all sorts of uh air and uh the evacuator will get it out you can  actually even see here see here the streakiness   that's like not perfectly mixed  and if you end up with some of that   next to your hero part the mold it's not gonna  kick yeah yeah yeah i've had to clean i've i've   i have made molds that i did not mix  sufficiently and i have had to clean   hero parts of the honey-like silicone that's on  them because i was a dummy um that is non-trivial   and a real pain in the butt okay so i'm gonna get  rid of that okay let me go to this yeah this one   that's it yeah now i can really get a handle on  it so i go all the way around i keep on going   i don't work purely visually i also work like  statistically have i dragged it across the bottom   enough times that i really feel like i've  sufficiently mixed it again you can't over   mix well i believe this is pretty darn mixed  there it is now you can see all that bubbles   none of those none of those bubbles are  good so we're going to put it in here um i guess yeah you should watch this you can  see the silicone in there and we're going to uh   close off this valve which uh seals  off so air is coming out of here and there we go the needle's climbing yeah you can see the needle climbing there  and you'll start to see the silicone expand and then when it expands i'm going to release the  valve a little bit and keep it from overflowing   because it can certainly do that see it  it's like science fiction look at it expand   all right so i'm gonna let it so this is uh i  should technically have a larger cup than this   um because it expands like four or five times  its own volume but you'll see here i'm gonna   let it keep expanding this is literally  the tiny bubbles of air inside the silicone   being made bigger by the vacuum environment inside  here but at a certain point it will collapse   you'll see it like it'll pull out the bubbles  entirely it's really close to that just have   to ride it a little bit there we go now i'm no  longer releasing this and you can see it's like   yeah okay so now i run that for a few minutes   and you can see i'm getting a a  full 30 inches of mercury here come on there you go see i'm getting a good 30  inches of mercury and silicone's looking good   well dear reader it's been about five minutes i  think i can stop the pump and it still does that   a little bit but that's diminishing returns at  this point if i really let this out and again i   don't want to i want to make sure the air doesn't  actually being released into here doesn't add more issues but now the air that's inside the silicone  is exceedingly small the amount is very small   and you can see i'm releasing  pressure here slowly letting it down there yeah almost there so there is my mixed silicone it has it's  got a pretty good pot life now here's what   i'm gonna do i'm literally just going to uh  pour it in here but i'm going to pour it here   and let the silicone move around the object  if i pour it around the object itself and   pour it all over i can end up trapping air  bubbles in there and i don't want to do that   i want the silicone to kind of work its way  rise naturally around it i'm going to pour   from kind of a high point sorry  about the camera framing there and slowly let it work its way around   and just takes a little patience i'll  also go back in here with a skewer there we go working its way around  the other end around the top   it is now full of silicone in a day this  will be dry and we'll turn it out we'll   turn it over peel it out make a cast  and then we'll have some flirting   all right my fleur de lis has been  poured into the mold i'm about to   pull it out and take a look at it now the  insta cast i used for this is an old kit   uh so it's not awesome stuff it's quite brittle  uh but i that's just just a test cast that's all   i mean i may end up using this piece  but i certainly be casting up a few more separation seems good i had no undercuts on this and it  really should be pretty straightforward   in terms of the release let's take a look  hey look at that dude it looks gorgeous excellent all right let's um clean this up   this technique i'm using i'll  describe it next time i make a casting all right um i've got some onyx  here this is a smooth-on product   that's just phenomenal i love this  stuff i'm going to get some puffs i'm going to use a very little bit  of this actually a very little bit that's 15 milliliters one of the things  about casting materials is that um these resins can be hydroscopic they want to  draw water in and that's not good for them   it actually foams them up so i've got like three  batches of old resin here and they're all in that   situation so i'm gonna get some substandard  castings however i'm gonna be able to uh make   that all on the back side so uh yeah i'm actually  gonna just stir in this little cup here because i   can so first rule of thumb with mixing have  i done this before 30 times one two three   four five six seven eight nine ten one two  three four five six seven eight nine ten one   six seven eight nine ten just make sure you've  stirred it at least 30 times and i usually do   it almost double um scrape the bottom scrape  the sides uh you'll feel it start to warm up   as it is because it's a exothermic reaction  and then just pour a little bit into here hopefully this will uh not be too all right so now what i'm going to do  is i'm going to get it until it's just a meniscus   of the resin i'm going to spray  a bunch of a little bit of   universal mode release across a piece of petg and  i'm going to take that i'm going to take that petg   start at the bottom and i'm just going  to be contacting the resin there we go   now i have an almost nice a nicely flat  back and put a little weight on there and   yeah while this is setting i can monitor the  setting with the cup of stuff that i already have and uh you can watch this this  is kind of cool how this happens   i used to do this all the time when i was  working for jamie i have one piece setting   somewhere right like this this is setting um it's  thickening up you can see that it's thickening up   i'm going to try and achieve a little bit of a  magic trick with this um at the very instant it is   uh setting we'll see if i  can we'll see if i can do it just gonna have to sit here and  wait just gonna have to sit here and   why you didn't know my face was that close  did you now i'm going to be yep here we go come on if i get this right i can make it self-supporting   but i'm not sure it's been  years since i've done this trick you only get one shot at getting  this right come on come on oh come on no don't break don't break don't  break don't break oh i uh no   all right this is gonna be fun um hang on so uh why make a second crown  right away well the first crown   isn't doing so well i mean it's glued it's glued  i knew it was always going to be like this um all right i have some aesthetic  decisions but i that i'm doing that are   slightly different than the original crown  uh i know that's cheeky but i'll get to   those later right now what i have  done is i spent a couple of hours   uh in the house just like while television was  running making measurements off of this um with an   aim towards adding the correct bevels that  are around all of the details the drop here   this raising all of that stuff and  effectively drawing the helmet in one piece and there you go that yeah we'll make  this available um that is for my head   and it covers you see the four little thin strips  with the with the holes in them those are for the   fleur-de-lis these are for the crosses and to  be honest actually i drew this thinking that   the cross would be uh an add-on i mean the cross  i mean that part right there uh i thought it would   be an applique on top but i think i'm actually  going to cut it monolithically i'm going to cut   all four crosses out of these pieces so i'm  building most of the structure in one chunk   that's going to take like a  cup i think that might take   hours which is fine um and i'm not making this out  of brass this is brass that is 30 thousandths of   an inch thick for reference that's about 10 times  thicker than one of your hairs is that correct is   the 30th hour is a 20 pound it might even be  20. hold on let me just double check oh good   goodness it's 20 000. so super thin and yet still  really heavy uh this thing is like wobbles around   so i'm gonna i'm gonna make the new helmet out  of aluminum and we're gonna do a paint treatment   i know that's different than the polished look of  the windsor crown but that's how i'm gonna do it   because actually i think that this is  aesthetically stronger yes that's the thing   i was going to get to i'm going to gold leaf this  crown right now i'm going to lay out this drawing   on a piece of 60 thousandths aluminum that i  have colored red with red marking lacquer this this is already way lighter but obviously it's going to have a  lot of stuff attached to it this is   this is what i'm going to be living with for  the next easily day day and a half on this   crown this is going to be an extensive cutting out  project um and it's going to use a bunch of diff i   might use a bunch of different tools i  might be able to do most of it with my um scroll saw we'll see laying out is first  and yeah i'm going to time-lapse this yeah there she blows this that was really  satisfying in terms of layout work by the   way it's exacting uh and i think i got pretty  close uh this yeah here we go that's the layout   for the crown what i've done here is i have added  in the crosses um the thing is is that this height   i'm sorry my apologies uh that height is different  than that height that width is different than   that potential width everything's a little bit  just just required a little bit of finessing um   so the process here is i'm now going to cut this  out and i'm going to use a few tools to do it   i have these long straight cuts and these  represent the four main straps i want   those to be nice so i'm going to use the my  basket and my table saw my sled and table saw   to do most of those cuts so that's one  two three four five six seven eight cuts   then i'm going to come in with a band saw and  rough out basically these five rectangles then i'm   going to come in with a scroll saw and do all this  fine work around the crosses then before i start   folding i'm going to make a couple of quarter  inch aluminum templates that'll allow me to obtain   this bevel on these curves and on the edges of  yeah those are bevels and i'm gonna actually i'm   going to be hammering those in to this before  i even bend it it should be pretty cool um still haven't quite figured out the the balls  on the brass strip but that should be workable   yeah this is i love this moment this is a crown in  potential i boys feel a little excited about this   all right i think i need to replace  the blade on my tip actually   i can make these two four six eight cuts on  my table saw and then replace the blade my   blade has really given up the ghost  and crying crying uncle here we go oh hi so yeah uh just to note when you're  making the table saw is the perfect   uh tool to make these cuts nice and straight  because they're perpendicular to this   i am not going to get all the way to the  bottom of this because the table saw blade   has a yeah so i'm going to  get to like half an inch above   this and then i'm just going to retreat and  do that all eight times for these straps god so on that last cut i was um nervous   and my hand was it was requiring my hand to  be close and i didn't want to do that so i   grabbed this and i put it and i made the cut and  then i forgot that i wanted to stop the cut and   i carried it too far should have gone to  here and it went to here um it's too bad gonna have to do a repair i have some  ideas about how to make that repair work   makes everything a little bit more  difficult this is um it's actually   something important to talk about which is  whenever the parameters change double check   everything it's just momentarily distracted  by safety and in order to do the right safe   thing i stopped continuously checking the list  of mission critical cutting yeah on mythbusters   at one point we had a minor injury on set  because an expert we'd been we had hired   to be our safety person was also on camera and  i'm not gonna name names because it's hard to be   on camera and talking about stuff at the same time  as working with safety and because we had that   injury we had a policy to never again have someone  who was in charge of safety who was also on camera   um unless they were an exceedingly specialized  person like jd nelson or al jason etc   and it's specifically because of that focus  right um i could choose to work on the i   you got to make calls all the time uh and it's  really important that you don't lose sight   i made the right call there i made the  wrong cut but i made the right call   right i made the call for safety it just happened  to distract my brain long enough for me to make a   bad cut but i think i have the ability to braise  a chunk onto this we will see if all of that   fails i can literally make this this is the  front cross that's the hero front the one i   screwed up is literally the one in the rear so i  could applique it right on if i had to we'll see as i am um sanding this i'm noticing  some really interesting parallels um i i played texas hold'em for  a while uh we had a home game   going every sunday night for a few years my wife  and i and um there's an interesting thing about   playing poker is that one aspect of playing  poker is being able to play any individual   hand of course according to rules and the  return etc but another aspect of poker is literally your uh endurance   and like the question is after three or four hours  of play in a tournament do you have the ability to   continue to show self-control despite the grind  and real poker players are they're able to just   keep on and i found a couple of tournaments that  i entered i you know after four or five hours of   play i did pretty good i was conservative but  eventually you kind of want to make things move   and that's a terrible idea why am i talking  about this i'm talking about it because   if there's one thing i've learned from chris at  clickspring it's that you can remove a lot more   metal with a file than you think you can um every  time i see chris cutting like an eighth of an inch   on the wrong on the other side of the line uh  before filing i'm like you're leaving yourself   so much work to do and then i see what i do when  i'm doing it to like a sixteenth of an inch and   i'm like i'm fixing problems that i shouldn't  have if i was a little less tight to the line   and the thing about this kind of filing work is   like i am just i've literally proceeded along this  outline all the way through and i'm trying to not   want to hurry now that i'm like on the back six  uh you know i'm just i'm almost i'm getting close   and i like that but it's like this is where  you can lose focus and everything gets yeah   it's a little better you can lose focus and you  can give yourself more things to do by accident   that's a nice way to say it at any rate  this thing is making some beautiful tones hmm if you remember a little while  ago i made a mistake and cutting out   this shape which i was really excited about  cutting out monolithically as a single piece   i accidentally cut too far on the table saw cut  here and i cut off a little corner of this and i   made a slot in there so i was thinking about ways  to fix that problem and i thought well i could   simply trace the cross that is there and i can cut  it out so i did in fact i cut out five so i could   practice with one because if this is going to be  an applique that i would make work on the crown   that's you know i'd want to make that right um so  i did i cut it out and i played with it and reader   it came out really really great i mean that's  just the very first test but i got a bevel on all   the surfaces that i want and frankly it's a lot  easier to get the bevel on a piece that's this big   than to get a bevel on a piece that's this big  so this is a accident that is a happy accident   because um i'm just going to slice all of these  off um i'm going to slice the arms off and i'm   going to put in these appliques here's one it's  going to look like this stoinken and the thing is   is that once i get that in this bottom seam is  covered by the big jewel that sits there then   with this gone it'll be really easy for me to get  a bevel a very reasonable bevel on these scallops it's a process uh you may have watched me do that where i  uh beveled the tops of each of these crosses   then one side then the other side why did i why  did i continue to do each piece uh it's because   with repetitive tasks like this i'm going to have  to rely on some muscle memory i don't want to kind   of make this thing one at a time every single time  from scratch i want to kind of get into a rhythm   okay and you saw that i was able to build a rhythm  dab at check ball at check ball and then go so   i i prioritize my muscle memory with a repetitive  task like this and in the end i have i have   six of these in order to get four good ones i  consider that a reasonable amount of insurance now to the leadership all right i have successfully completed  five yay uh and now i'm going to trim yeah i'm going to trim all those puppies off  it's going to be gross but i'm going to use the b now i'm just starting to make  sounds all right here we go i had to do a little bit of dremel repair but  i'm really happy with how those came out and   um notice that like notice how my red it's  just i think it's instructive to see how my   physical thing changed each time i'm always  looking for the the intersection that gives   me knowledge right so i first i started out trying  it from the top to the bottom and then i realized   starting at the bottom gave me a slightly better  angle on making sure i was attacking it the right   way and then there was this memory of just trying  to get this and pivot each one of these on the   weird center that it was on um but success and  when this is all finely painted and everything   it's all gonna look really nice really nice i  think i'm gonna do this one just a little bit more i've been having i have been having  there's one problem on this crown   sequel that has been kicking my butt and it's  the balls it's the little so these balls are   all over this thing right there's two rows  on each of these struts so that's some 80 inches right there and then there's another   uh 30 60. there's 140 inches of  little quarter inch balls in a row i have tried doing some soldering i bought some  balls that said they were brass they were not   brass they don't solder i thought about i mean  i use glue on this and that's why it's such a   piece of garbage and then i realized i had  this 3d printer and then i was thinking how   am i going to make little balls in a row so  look reader i am sorry that it seems like i'm   so rudimentary to this process but i went on  to tinkercad and i drew little balls in a row then i uploaded that file as an stl  i barely deserve this printer but   i yeah i'm uploading the the files  right now in a flexible resin   which should make this totally easy  all right so while this is going   i can't really film it because you don't  really see anything so there's not really   a time lapse to give you but while this is going  i'm going to start soldering up all of the jewels   there are let's see here okay so i have laid out  sorry i start every day with two cups of coffee uh   i have laid out all the jewels uh and each jewel  on the crown is actually settled on a little bit   of filigree and i found that those solder quite  nicely um the filigree is like kind of candy cane   colored on the royal crown it's a white filigree  with like little red details i think i may um this is a lot of work um there's 28  uh plus 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 21 so 50 someone 28 and 21 it's 48 49 50 50 some  modules and then one two three four oh my god   right no there's five so there's 20 more 70 some  odd joules to solder i have been trying to do   less time lapses in this build i know that some  of you um like to hear me talk in opine while   i'm doing the tedious work and i appreciate  that and i'm trying to put that in at the   same time i want to balance being able to listen  to music being able to zone out um just you know   there are times i i just want to put a little less  focus into both building something and telling   a story about building something that's just  just you know it's oscillation um there's just   one little artifact here that i think is really  charming and funny um so when i painted the fleur   de lis i painted them with a black primer and  then a red paint because i'm going to gold leaf   them and whenever you gold leaf something you want  it to be a red base coat that's just the standard   and i put them on a board and spray painted  them and when i did they all moved a little   bit what i ended up with does this remind you of  anything it reminds me of every magic trick at   louis stanton's magic shop in new york city it's  a very that's a very like magic type of stencil   with a little bit of color to it just like magic  illusion kind of thing anyway that pleased me   okay all that being said i'm about to solder up  70 some odd jewels and it's going to take me a   few hours and i'm i'm definitely time-lapsing  this i love you but i'm time-lapsing it i know i said i was going to time-lapse these  but um i've just uh i have to solder up 70 jewels   give or take for this crown and then  i need to worry about attaching them   so i just did a thing on time lapse and what i  did was i took a jewel i took a jewel i put a   little filigree behind it and i put a little  bit of solder between each one this is from   watching a couple of youtube videos about a  costume jewelry manufacturer and i stuck a 256   screw on the end and it soldered in beautifully so  all of the jewels of my crown will be mechanical   connections oh i'm so excited about that so i've  got i'm doing four at a time right now and we'll   see if i can pick it up from there i've got four  jewels with a little bit of solder on them and i'm   going to be super gentle about this got to make  sure i get the right side of the filigree out this could usher in a whole new  age of costume jewelry from me   because i had no idea it's not that  this is easy but it's certainly it's certainly uh simpler here's  how this goes it's actually i'm just bringing in a torch until everything gets hot enough to wet out there we go we have the first one excellent  second one is wetting in nice third one is nice dude so freaking cool oh   and now because of the filigree yeah look at that  oh yeah not as good as a wing deployment hey yeah so that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do all  70 that way i think i can do six at a time now   okay so time for the filigree this is so much fun i love the idea  of this crown being super durable   i mean durable you know what  i mean not falling apart yeah i think i will break out the  super sculpey because what i've seen   is that having a base of some kind of clay  and jewelers actually have a specific type   of this thing makes this way easier  all right i'll do that on the next one   barn door's already open on this one i'm just  moving forward ah we're gonna do this in two   stages because i think that it'll be easier  that way center center center center center five and six wonderful all  right let's break out the   256 screws the nice thing is these filigrees  have a design in the center so it allows   me to make sure i'm putting the screws dead  center which is actually a real bonus because these come on i have a um it just makes it easier to make sure all  my holes line up with where they should gosh darn i mean you know i realize that these  metals have all been formulated to make this   process easy or to make this process efficient  but i just didn't know this is really fun i like this method better than applying  the saturn solder saturn uh because   uh when you apply the saturn you're touching and  i i'm bad at moving my work while i'm soldering it   um i mean i'm uh i do it and i don't  want to i don't intend to but i do um so   this just allows me to get  everything positioned just so   and then the the the flame comes in and  does all the hard work it's really awesome all right so clearly obviously i can  see how much proximity matters here   right like these things all should  be touching and they're not but oh   damn look at that that looks amazing  okay i think i can get this going these are the last four of the strap  jewels the ones that go on the four   straps that head towards the center cross and that's i've done all 28  of those once i've done this uh that looks amazing i'm really happy with  that i know i keep traipsing into other   people's disciplines and then when i see  the comments i see all these wonderful hints about ways to make my process better so i look  forward to the same with this video costume   jewelers uh i heard that play-doh works  just as well as whatever expensive thing   the jewelry store sells for doing this kind of  thing super sculpey's working well but this is   really old super sculpey so it's a little  less than awesome i'll see what we can do oh my god i'm so sure this is super  crunchy but it's working great all right see these these are the little  wings of the cross jewels and each one   of those is on a little trapezoid of  filigree i've got 16 of those to do   so uh i have masked all the jewels 74 73 some  odd jewels on this crown i'm now peeling off   the masking and ah come on come on there we  go okay so now the jewels are against a white   background and on the real crown it is like  um like a like a a barber pole red and white   uh look so i'm actually gonna take this  long red pen and i'm just gonna kind of just lightly add some red accents to this yeah look at that okay uh so uh that that that table over there is  all of the jewels i'm gonna get going on those   in the meantime uh the crown blank is mostly  drilled there's holes here that fit the   fleur-de-lis those will screw together i have  256 screws sticking out of every jewel and holes   for all of these the next thing i need to do is  drill these holes and then it's time to start   bending this and get ready to paint it  very exciting uh also this end and this and   join together and i have to work out how that join  looks and works um but i can't do that until i've   rolled this thing around on itself yeah we're  coming along i got a there's a lot more hours   of work to do on this thing okay i realized  something i i can't there's gonna be one more   ring on the outside of this there's one more um  band as it were and um i might i might have to uh i might have to put that  band on and then drill to it yeah i think that's what i got to do because  the spacing of the jewels around the perimeter   it's a closed system with these i can kind  of end up wherever i want and i did but   on this it has to has to line up so drilling  the holes before i assemble the crown   that would be problematic okay it's  decided then i'm gonna start bending as i'm tackling each of these pieces of the  crown i mean one is like i'm astounded by the   amount of labor of course right 73 gems and  you know countless little tiny diamonds and   all these pieces to get together um but it  actually reminds me of what the significance   of its ornate design is right like when you visit  it ooh whoops when you visit a um a church and   you see devotional objects what you see are  when i made uh the leviathan x for my nephew   the the axe itself isn't the present i mean it is  but the present is the time that's that's what's   so lovely about getting a gift from someone  who made something for you and giving a gift   to someone that you made is that you are giving  them your time you're saying to them i spent   time thinking about you and the same is true with  religious with with religious artifacts when you   look at them when you look at the church doors on  a cathedral in barcelona or you stand there in the   sistine chapel or in the cathedral of saint john  the divine in new york you look up and what you   see is evidence of devotion evidence of time  spent thinking about something that's important   i.e god to people doing that i there's a thing  that i love that i saw for the first time   in the tower of london i think has this  in their collection called a prayer nut   and it's effectively a little tiny carved nut  with the most intricate crazy carvings in them um   and like what is the craftsmanship and end  towards it's towards thinking about the spiritual   right so the the religious devotee devotes their  time and the same is true with the crown like   the ornateness of the work of  carl faberge and his workshop   is all about like well time is the expensive  thing right rich people can afford to pay   people to make crap for them and spend lots  of time making crap it's it's ostentatious   but in service to the crown it shows that  the crowd that it shows that the crown is   almost like a religious it's a piece of religious  iconography and of course it is right the the the   the regency and religion are inextricable  they they kind of have to be um   so it's funny to be spending you know whatever a  week of my time making two different crowns and   thinking about a shop that did this right the  royal jeweler however many i think that this   current crown that i'm replicating is from like  the 16th 17th century i can't quite remember um   but what it does is it says like  this was important enough for   dozens of people to spend  countless hours making perfect   that's so a lot yeah i just had those thoughts  i thought about my i thought about presents that   i've made for people that i love and about the  time involved and i realize there's this great   connection to religious artifacts and  royal artifacts um i fancy i have this i just have this i fancy that someone from the kensington palace whoever it is  that oversees this the royal jeweler   i just i'd love it to know that they saw this  right like i'm crawling over something that they   live with and i'm trying to do it justice and you  know i'll get some things right and something's   wrong but there are some people who know this  object better than like i can possibly imagine   i mean it's also for me the process of replication  is also one that is about the empathy and   sympathetic vibrations that happen when you  walk in another's footsteps and even though   i am not like doing precious metal work here  i am in the in the process of fulfilling this   piece i am engaging with the piece at a level that  is not common right that's that's definitely you   know when you when you've replicated something  it's in your head and it's in your head like   you know this may be 73 joules may end up being  like 120 separate parts but that's not how it's   in my head in my head it's a unified object that  is the sum of all the parts that's i mean that's   frequently the the the monkey that i'm chasing you  know that that great feeling of having something   fully extent in your head that's super  complicated you know the hellboy mecha hand   the alien space suit each of these are things that   i mean um you'll notice if you frequent star wars  costuming sites that someone can post a picture of   a storm trooper and someone else can immediately  identify the maker and when it was bought from the   tiniest details of kind of painting on the sides  the type of eyes whether they're vacu formed or   not i mean there's all these little details and  the only reason that people are able to do that   is because they crawled all the way inside of  it that's the same way that like an antiques   dealer has an expertise in a particular you know  field they wrote their thesis in or something humans are funny i mean ultimately   i tend to mad i tend to feel and i  tend to accrete towards the belief   that all the things that we do to occupy our  days are because eternity is so crushingly boring seriously i think that's exactly it  i i don't i i think if you could be   immortal and you could really understand  what that entails you wouldn't choose it   i really don't think so don't get me wrong i'm  dying to find out what happens to the world but   i also know that all the grace in my life  comes from the beginnings and the endings   you know that that's what it is i i i desire  a life of comfort but there's no such thing   everything's unstable for many  more unstable than others you know but we are just finite little  specks of carbon and we don't matter   and i think that we do a lot of this stuff  to kind of bulwark ourselves against that   constant realization oh  sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle   damn look at that i've been having this other  thought about uh about the crown recently it's an absurd object it's crazy this object is insane you put it on your  head and it says that you get to rule   over people or that's the symbol of your  ability to lead your people you know i'm   it's not lost to me i paid whatever you know 20  30 cents a piece for each of these little gems and   it's not lost in me that each one that i'm  decorating represents a a set of thousands   of dollars worth of precious stones right a  big gem set among a bunch of little diamonds   and you know when you're looking  at the history of britain   years ago i uh uh well the first time i went  to the british museum of natural history   um one of the most beautiful places to go  there is the gem room it's mind-blowing um and   i was like looking at it and being like wow this  collection is really insane and then i realized oh   right of course it is they've been stealing from  everybody longer than anybody else all you know   all governments do that but britain sort of  in you know they've been doing it forever um so right so every one of these  gems and the diamonds that surround it   they they represent that imperialism right they  represent the the state and the state's power the   state's power to go to other places and take what  is not theirs right all right um because i'm doing   a sort of bending i want to talk about bending  metal i've talked about bending metal on the   channel before i want to talk about it right  here because what i'm doing is a perfect example   of complex bending and how i do it i thought  i'd walk you through it so i've got these four   struts they are going to be the four  parts of the crown that come up and over   and i want them all bent to this shape this is  the template i cut out a different template before   but um this it's a long story but i  got i i made it a little bit wrong   it's fine my crown's just gonna be a  little bit taller than the real crown   it's not like anyone was thinking i think it's a  little too ostentatious uh but uh i started the   bends but i just wanted to talk to you about how  i do a bend like this and i'm gonna come in here   and get a little closer on the action so you can  really see what i'm talking about as i'm doing it   so i'm looking here uh at the template next to the  bend you can see i've made this preliminary bend   and i'm going to move over ah so the template  starts here at the notch and what i can see right   away is that i've got a little gap right here i  actually want to there we go i've got a little   gap right here and i want to get rid of it because  with bending if you go linearly if you go in order   you can really really sculpt a bend okay so  now i look at this bend and i've got a really   nice fidelity up to here when it starts  to shift over here so i put my thumb here   and i start to do that bend and now i can see i'm  a little bit too rounded in that so i'm just gonna   it is when you talk about death by a thousand  cuts this is a bend by a thousand bends i am just   continually looking each time am i flat across the  whole thing what can i do to get there ah okay so   now i'm from here to here now i can start to move  to this bend and again i put my fingers there   and i just do a little bend just to see where  i'm at and sometimes that moves me a little bit   farther forward sometimes it throws another  part of the band out of whack i just got to   keep on kind of creeping away at it there we go  yeah oh that's great i find this process and i   always have really really relaxing um it is you  got to just give yourself over to the process   and commit to just going slow and i'm using like  the meat of the palms of my hands to bend without   you know imparting too much flavor on the  other side um this is like yeah like i said   i love this kind of work this sharp bend  this is a tough one but if i creep up on it the other thing is is that i end up with  a proclivitary i end up with because   i've drilled holes in these there's a little  proclivity for it to bend more where the hole   is because that slightly weakens the tensile  strength now yeah i don't i pretty much never   try and bend against a template i know that's  something that can be done i just don't do it okay so i'm getting a corner here and  it's because i've got a it's because   i've got a hole there so i just want  to straighten that out a little bit and   that's why i've got um my metal brake  pliers so that uh altered things again and is a reason i've cut this template like this  so i can actually snake it around here because   i'm going to have to go acute yeah yep  there we go let's just see if that helped   yes yeah that brought it almost exactly right so now along my bend i am less  than a sixteenth of an inch   out from this template there's  still a couple now it's actually   pretty darn fine and i can see that aside  from just this little hitch and get along it actually matches the curve  of the other two really well   and lines up with them yep and that'll be another  way in which i achieve a kind of a parity across   these is to make sure that yeah they all like  line up straight up and down that's how i bend yeah it's way more accessible than most people  think that's that's i think my takeaway here one more thing about bending which is  uh so here's our crown the rough frame   i'm really super pleased um when you are  bending and you're about to attach something   bend so that the bend meets this will make  your job so much easier it's really easy to   like bend and then these are like this  and then bring them in and attach them   that's doable i've been doing that for years but  i'm also from my experience i want to tell you   if you take a little more time and you bend it  so that the two ends meet it's just gonna make   your finished project that much tighter because  you're not fighting the material yeah here we go   look at that ladies and gentlemen yeah um  it's certainly yeah it's great it's great what ridiculous an amazing object  riveting it's riveting that's what   i'm about to do not that this content is  riveting i'm about to do some riveting i realize it looks like we're on the home  stretch and we're certainly close uh i mean   you know we're past the halfway  point but at the same time we still have to add all the balls the  balls are still printing several hours later   but that's okay um i am doing this is mostly a  kind of a ghost fit as sort of a test fit just to   see that everything kind of gels and then this  is where i'm going to leave it tonight i'm just   going to take a look at this and sort of let  this sit there is a key difference between   my crown and the windsor crown and it  said i have more jewels actually i from   what i've been able to determine the windsor  crown has jewels on the four cardinal points   jewels on the fleur-de-lis points and then  one jewel in between each but the various   basic jewels that i was able  to find um are a little smaller   than the visual impact of the real things and  therefore i'm adding two joules so as four eight   and then another eight so i have 16 instead of 12  around the perimeter these are tiny differences   i mean that's not a tiny difference but  it's it's tiny in that almost no one's   gonna notice and the real trick is here  is like there isn't doesn't look like   there's a rhyme or specific reason to the  um damn girl uh to the layout of the jewels   and i'm not trying to match them color for  color by any stretch of the imagination but but um this does help me see how it's all going to go  together i'm not going to do the ones in these   because i know they fit um those are all set aside  and the uh the wings of the crosses also those are   those are simple what i want to do is i want  to get these in because i want to actually   work around them when i gluing in the little  balls come on where are you going there you go   um i want to i want to make sure i'm avoiding  these when i'm putting in the rows of little   bowls right yeah this so what i was gonna say was  the tedious work is where i actually do a lot of   my mental problem solving i sit there solving  the tedious you know just like working through   the busy work of the tedium oh look at that look  at that that's great that's looking really good   that's the hero front that's the back  still fits on my head yeah yeah yep okay um all right yeah i know so what i'm going to do is i'm going to end up  painting the whole thing red and then we're going   to do a whole gold leaf it's going to be super  fabulous i'm going to let this guy sit tonight   think about it i'm going to think about what  it's done about uh what am i into this now   probably about 20 hours on the second crown  i like this example i really appreciate um   showing you how i make this in like a few hours  and this in a few days and how they'll look   quite similar but be functionally pretty darn  different in a great way in in a in a way that   that jewels are just popping off um it's a nice  example show two different construction methods   this is usually so one of my practices in  my shop is i take pictures of the thing that   in the current state of relative doneness i  take pictures and then i moon over them at night   because i just love seeing pictures of stuff  that i made and i get really excited in the   middle of the build and you know i'll be lying  there in bed and thinking what if this wait and   i'll pull up the picture oh it's just the best  meanwhile next cut of this will be me refreshed   on a saturday morning okay it is the  morning and uh the strips of little tiny   ball details for the crown have printed  they're hanging from the top yeah okay uh   i'm gonna anchor this and we'll figure this out  when these prints come out of the resin printer   they still have some resin on them so i need to do  some rinsing in order to be able to use these okay oh it looks good oh oh fascinating madame msu for your dining  pleasure tonight we have 275 tiny little balls   uh well okay so there's a little bit of um there's  some failure in there but i over cut these like   i cut more than i need so hopefully this isn't i  think this should be enough i'm gonna do the math   but those came those are really lovely this is the  moment and the moment is really interesting one this is the first time i have had  a need for a specific thing and   needed a 3d printer to supply that need and drew  the thing that i fed to that 3d printer i know   the whole world's been doing this and i've been  stumping like i'm telling people how great this is   but for my personal practice in  my personal way that i build stuff   i haven't really incorporated 3d printers on  the regular into my build process and that's   been a choice just because of the way i like  to work and obviously i've used it in tons of   builds over the years star-lord and the mecca  hand and other stuff like that but this time   instead of farming out the issue it dealt  with it and it feels like a feels like a   feels like what do you call it a milestone  let's say gotta scrape these off the the build platform oh that's coming off  really nicely wow oh yeah the walls are   out of the printer and i'm in love with this  printer uh i told you i chose the finest   setting i i literally can't see steps in these  they look like manufactured perfectly smooth   things you can see i have some failures here but  i have done the math and i believe i have all   the balls that i need uh let's call this molding  detail i have all the molding detail that i need   with an excess of six or seven inches yeah it's  that close uh i may run a second print just to   like for insurance but these are fantastic they're  sitting on their substrate so next i'm going to   cut them on the bandsaw i this  is a brand new material to me and   kind of curious how it cuts how it moves and how  i can implement using it so i think that first   thing i'm going to do is yeah i think the first  thing i'm going to do is slice up the middle here all right now i've cut this piece because it's the one with the  most um weird damage and frankly this misalignment where i put the the form printer um   it's on part of my floor that's a little bit  spongy and i walked past it and i think it may   have made the machine jostle so i don't think  this is their fault i think this is my fault   however that's neither here nor there now  i'm about to try slicing this here we go i've got some little bits of the support to  cut off and it's a little soft under there   the next thing i'm going to do for this printer  is build a uv curing oven because it's not that   difficult i just need some what is it 405  nanometer uh uv led lights but in the interim   i've got this which is an ultra powerful uv light  and i'm just going to use it to cure the underside that is freaking fast here is the sample   it totally bends this is exactly what  i was hoping these are basically uh 13 millimeter spheres sitting on a one millimeter  thick 13 millimeter wide base that was pretty   easy to draw in tinkercad and these are perfect  for me these i can glue because i can tooth up   the aluminum and get some glue on these and lay  them down and then it's a self-supporting system   oh this is so cool i'm really happy all  right let's um slice up the rest shall we the main structure of my king helmet is is  done now i know i said i didn't like glue um   this is a different application for  glue first of all i toothed up the metal   second of all each of the lines of balls is  on a matrix on a flat matrix so instead of   each piece of glue holding one ball it's  holding monolithically the whole thing   and it's going really well it's a it's a nice  solid grab i did a couple of test glues with this   and let it sit for a couple of hours and then  pulled them off uh it's very very very durable so   i'm about to prime i'm about to  prime uh yeah we're gonna prime it   this is the exciting part this is  where it all ties together okay water i'm so happy i'm so happy with how it looks  uh it's got a great coat of metal primer now   it is solid it is actually  pretty darn light um i have made   a stepped insert that fits this so that i can  work on the engineering of the irmine collar etc it's done i'm really really happy um yeah coat  of bread i realized i hadn't solved the problem   of what goes on my head to hold the crown on my  head the crown is now primer and beautiful red   oh it's all it's all looking pretty darn good i'm  very happy but i have to engineer the head part   and uh what i'm doing is i'm attaching some velcro  come on there you go to this is an insert that   goes inside the helmet this is going to be perfect  um i have this uh piece of i think this is a piece   of a cruella de vil costume that's where i was  able to find some nice soft uh hermine that's the   white uh with a with the black spots um anyway  this uh is what goes around right underneath   this thing so what i'm going to do is i'm  actually going to make a little a little tube   with this and i'm going to sew some velcro  up this side so that this goes around inside   here and then on top of that i'm going to sew the  skull cap so that this actually sits on my head get a head shot shall we much better oh my god so much lighter red king takes pawn i did i uncovered this at the bloody seam did  i put this into thing and entirely backwards oh yeah oh yeah oh much better okay  yeah i was looking up close and   i was like yeah see it's much more  it's a much more respectable amount actually it might be a little too little  but i can live with it for right now   yeah i think it's got the dot right there i have  to admit i'm a little nervous about this next step   it's for the finish on the crown i'm gonna gold  leaf it because i like the look of gold leaf it's   not official gold leaf's not real gold leaf it's  fake gold leaf but like this is gold leaf and   i like the way it looks i like the i know it's  not super shiny but i've been talking about this   recently right like sometimes things that are  too shiny are harder to see my the crown that   i'm making i'd like to be gold leafed i have some  really good metal leaf adhesive size size s-i-z-e   aside from being the word we all know also  refers to a thin drying glue that is used as   a substrate for leafing i don't know why i  didn't look it up this is made by speedball   this is my favorite size i have  used some different ones over   the years some spray-on ones they're  terrible they're shite don't use them and i'm going to be applying this one to the crown   using an airbrush because i want a really even  coat i don't want to see any brush strokes   the nice thing about gold leafing is if  you miss spots you can go in and fill them but it all comes down to this i'm a little i  must admit i'm a little nervous all right i don't   think that this is a proper setup for my work for  leafing it in welding when one is learning how to   weld one learns specifically how to address the  work you want to weld into an angle and you want   your tip to be able to move a well b down that  down that corner let's say well if the angle is   facing away from me you can't do it upside down  and backwards don't get me wrong there are some   welders that can do that with mirrors and i have  met them holy cow but in general the rest of us   need to set something up on a bench so that our  hands have access to all the parts that we need   it doesn't work if you know a part of the weld  is on the workbench that you can't reach this   is the longest way of me explaining that i don't  think this is the proper setup for leafing because   it i think i can do a little better one that  gives me more access and more freedom to maneuver   around this thing there we go that's it access  all around it doesn't spin quite so freely as   before much more ideal um and i'm gonna put some  brown paper here so that i capture uh the gold   leaf that falls off here is my arrangement for  the gold leafing i will gold leaf i will collect   well one of the things that's great about leafing  is you can use pieces of the leaf that fall to   keep on leafing i don't need to talk about in  the abstract we're just about to do it all right   i thought i was recording gold foil  uh gold foil is an ancient process   of applying super thin layers of a metallic foil  to a surface that has been prepared correctly ah   criminy uh so the foil lays down onto  the surface and a very soft brush applies   and you just continue doing this all the way  around until you've covered the whole thing you get gold foil everywhere um  and there are plenty of non-gold   foils to experiment with so you're  not spending a fortune this is uh from speed ball i believe the thing about gold leafing is it  feels like you're not doing enough   until you're almost until you're most of the  way there um the red undercoat both provides   the right kind of color undercoat for the gold  but it also allows you to see where you haven't   attacked it and it's also i've found  using a soft bristle brush you want to   you want to punch it in you don't want to brush  it on and the reason for that is you don't want   to have too much contact between the brush and  the size right the size is sticky and if you keep   brushing over it you're removing some of that  stick it's like you know sticking tape to your   blue jeans uh so you want the first contact with  all the size to be gold leaf so as you're doing it   you're looking for those spots where there's  a little bit of like non-leaf and that's why   i've got this package at the bottom capturing  it because it allows me to come up and kind of   go in and take care of these little tiny red spots  it's great and there's a thing about it is that   the antique feeling of it ends up feeling like  you're connecting to a process i don't know every   time i go of leaf i feel a real connection  to you know the makers of religious icons you know if i was born in a different century  that may have been what i would do who knows so now i'm just going in with a   leaf and i'm like holding the corner over spots  i can see and kind of just jamming it in there in a minute i'm going to try turning  it upside down so i can get the   underside of the crown ah  there we go that's something   um airbrushing the size that's the first time i've  done it oh boy that is the way to go i'll tell you the what allowed a really even coat  i don't see a single brush stroke   okay i think my fleur-de-lis  are really well covered dude plus knowing how durable this is i'm super  psyched like the other crown i had to like   every time i picked it up something  fell off because it was all just glue   and i knew it was you know i don't know i knew  the compromise i was making i knew the stakes   i think from looking at pictures of the uh of the  hamilton crown that that touring crown is actually   3d printed which would make total sense i believe  i can see 3d printing uh witness marks on it um   and honestly if i was a prop master and i had  to make a set of these for a touring show that's   exactly how i would do it very repeatable very  you know it's probably on a per print cost not   cheap but way cheaper than having someone build  each one of these from scratch like i'm doing   this is the expensive way to do it the other thing  that's great is that this whole thing comes back   apart again right i can pull off the fleur-de-lis  because they're just screwed on the jewels are all   removable as is the soft parts uh so i can fix  and upgrade as i go i know upgrade your crown i   don't know i'm nutty that way this there's just  no comparison between this and gold paint i mean   gold paint would have sold in a photograph but up  close this leafing it just it has a veracity that   i haven't found a paint that can really  equate to it in terms of a direct experience i'm getting tired though my arms  are getting sore from all this   i'm really really pleased with this uh formlabs  printer and the quality of this print this is uh   by the way i printed these in the gray resin  at um a 0.1 millimeter or 0.01 millimeter   resolution i didn't i'm still getting to know  this printer so i didn't realize i was setting   in motion a 12-hour print for the raft of these  little balls but they came out fantastically   ah now the fun part begins i don't  know why i'm continuing to be so noisy but i am excited okay uh yeah it's now time  to start attaching the jewels the jewels   run the jewels um let's see here there we go  let's oh right okay i'll put that on last ha   okay those are the center  pieces all right and i need my oh 256 nuts and my washers i'm  putting washers on everyone   yes yes do these actually fit they do terrific oh this is like this is why you do it right this getting to put it all  together the most fun oh yeah there we go there's a proper moment of truth oh this is way better than my other crowd   and other things i never thought  i would say in the world um i am so pleased you know it's a remarkable object  this crown uh not the one that i made the   object itself the one that i replicated uh it's  fascinating because it's hard to take in its shape   and i feel like that's part of its design like  that it's slightly different from every angle and   like the goal of this kind of dress is i feel to  be a little overwhelming i i sense that when i see   you know the royal family with all  their medals and sashes and patches and   chest emblems and crowns and finery it's  it's all to present this sort of like   yeah and here it is and uh the  the old one is still uh well   it's not in the best of shape but let's  take a look at the difference yeah i mean it's falling to pieces uh but i think you  can see in the tonality the way in which   this one looks like las vegas and this  one looks a lot more authentic uh yeah   i don't know what i'm gonna do with that other  one oh you want it you want yeah i don't know i   i don't know what i'm gonna do with it  it's i'm not sure but i definitely know then twink this has been adam savage a one-day  build thank you for joining me in my   cave if you've had half as much fun as  i have i've had twice as much fun as you wow all right and we're at home
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 1,799,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage one day build, adam savage cosplay, adam savage tested, the crown tv series, tested one day builds, adam savage crown, Adam savage one day build crown, diy crown queen, crown cosplay, diy crown cosplay, cosplay crown tutorial, Imperial State Crown, royal crown, adam savage, queen elizabeth, queen elizabeth crown, netflix the crown, adam savage cosplay costumes, british crown jewels, adam savage cosplay build, replica crown jewels, st edwards crown
Id: eJUbdNhdhkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 32sec (6392 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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