Adam Savage's One Day Builds: LEGO International Space Station!

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I am the one who gave him the figure in the thumbnail :)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/OfficialParkerKrex 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2020 đź—«︎ replies
hey everybody welcome to the cave coronavirus edition yeah we are under a shelter-in-place order in California go we're under a shelter-in-place order and thus I am filming a one-day build today without any help from all the excellent craftspeople and engineers that I normally get to work with Joey is home good through his home norm is home everybody is not here so I am all by myself gonna film a one-day build we're gonna start easy since this is not my normal bailiwick and we're gonna build a Lego set today specifically this one the Lego ideas International Space Station set 864 pieces of stem based science celebrating goodness let's get to building and the first step of building you always knew it it's always the same it's a little bit Oh Noli come on thumbnail you can do it I can't do it hey I have the instruction booklet and the box goes over there okay now I brought along as inspiration a couple of minifigs that people have made of me most recently at c2e2 in Chicago a fan gave me this magnificent minifig of me custom printed holy cow this is this is you know what I can do I can shoot a close-up of this after I shoot this thing so I'll get a close-up remind myself and get some cut ins and then I have this other minifig that got given to me which is totally mind-blowing in a totally different way and that is this minifig of me dressed up as the very first astronaut in my astronaut costume yeah the minifigs of me will watch me from either side of the workbench I've got one two three four five six bags here so let's number them to one six four three always got to make sure there's no little things left over that you missed that's the brick remover oh-oh you know what I'm already feeling some calmness from this Nolan I like instantly instantly it is autonomic how quickly I am invigorated by what it feels like to organize things that are in front of me it is like it's the comfort of a solvable problem do you know what I mean it is like well I mean it's worth talking about shop practice in general but one of the things that I think that we get from physical labor is a connection to a connection to a reality that's not really true it makes us feel in control of the things in front of us because we do have some measure of control and we're baking cookies we have control over the batter and the stove and such and when we implement a bunch of things they have predictable outcomes you know you put the cookie dough in the oven for a certain period of time and it comes out as cookies and that's that's I know that sounds like a really ridiculous like grade school Nursery School version of reality but but it really is that way like you know we follow instruction sense to achieve certain outcomes but the reality is we have no control over anything well for anything I mean the hurricane could show up out of nowhere and decimate entire cities it's nothing we can do in the face of the you know of how capricious reality actually is so we go to the shop and in the shop we get to experience this pleasant fiction that we do have some measure of control and that when we take certain actions they will yield certain results and while that is like I'm telling you you know I'm not I'm not saying that that's a fantasy but the reality is far more complicated than that and so for me they like getting stuff done and the organizing of stuff is just it's it's super stabilizing look at the tiny little astronauts okay tiny little astronauts are gonna stand near me the the big minifig me never thought of that as a big minifig me but against those astronauts it's practically got a God chewin okay oh we got another little astronaut three three yeah that seems to be all of it okay that is bagged one mostly done and I feel like this kits gonna go together in a fairly short period of time it's always fascinating every now and then you do these kits that have lots of prime numbers of parts right like most kids I talked about this while building the Yellow Submarine kit or I talked about this when we were building something and I was talking about the Millennium the the Yellow Submarine kit that the Yellow Submarine kit has all of these weird numbers of parts lots of five plus of five of something three of them okay here comes bag number two you go for the the long pieces Oh some nice big mechanic's pieces nope International Space Station that's the name name tag name name plate alright I am going to keep going but I'm going to stop talking because I need to stand up if I keep doing this from my back I'm actually gonna hurt it so here we go I think it's time to ramp up the speed all right now normally I like to know everything all at once however I'm running out of table space and I think that means that I'm gonna know this is bags one through three and I have four five and six over to the right I'm gonna build one two and three first and then I'll move on to four five and six that'll just make this a multi-step process because I can see now that I am NOT gonna have enough room here for all six bags to be fully and properly mold there's some nice nifty cool parts in here that is definitely I love trying to surmise what kind of engineering choices got made based on the piece distribution right like I'm just like I'm so fascinated by the whole process of how Legos get decided upon which kits they end up releasing and the design process of choosing the bits and bobs and pieces that will go in the efficiencies I'm sure there are trade-offs like there are some pieces that you know oh you can't put that in this kit because the cost-benefit analysis says blah blah blah and you have to come up with a different engineering solution like all of that is totally riveting to me and there's I mean basically it's just that there's a whole story inside of a Lego build in everyone and I'm fascinated with that story could be alright here we go I see step one builds a shuttle two satellites and a rocket step two builds the stand step three builds the main long tubular body of the ISS step four continues that with some solar panels no no the solar panels were always part of it they're not satellites they're the solar panels got it and then there are these yeah so okay and step six finishes it out Wow look at all those soap this is gonna be a lovely kid okay here we go step one two astronauts step two this little rocket well it could not be a simpler piece we go that and that and we have one gray and one black circle one gray and am I already unable to find this other piece oh there it is okay so gray on the bottom black in the middle and step we're moving on now we take one of these guys and two of those guys and one of those guys and one of that guy and two of these and we do this then do this a second time well we will see we shall see no no no I'm already messing this up because I don't have to judge this is a rocket I don't even know what happened there I just picked up the rock and started attaching stuff to it that's that's not what this is about okay so here we go we've got that to go on that and this goes on the bottom and these two little T pieces stick in the sides oh and uh and then the satellite the solar panels go on there those are good-looking solar panels now we're building this second doodad of which we do that to that and then we do that oh this round ball type thing and then there's these two T's oh right yep yep man I've got the round e11 at the bottom of it and we do two more of these moving on oh here we go here we go it's time to build a little baby shuttle this is so cute all right we do that to that then we do this yes and we have two wings oh no we have yeah we have these wings that and that oh this is super exciting now this brown one goes in the middle one of these bad boys right there see yep white wings that's correct right okay and then these guys go on the bottom like daddy's three pip slanted oh okay a whole bunch of those so one up at the midpoint and then two more well this is a nice way to add some structure to this and weirdly you end up with seven of this one part of that low dome quad then we turn it over get another one of those do another one of these those I know it's all these and those it's all just me saying these and those and those and these and then we got these two right angle doodads and they live on either side of that yeah okay Oh little tiny nut nice one and two let's see does that work that goes like that and like that yeah then we've got these guys which lived oh that is a fascinating little surface detail hmm all right Oh little blue doohickey out the front plus a couple of those guys yes I always think of these as the flag stands cuz they're like a two pip but with a single hole in the center top alright wait a second wait a second ah there we go see I skipped a step then that lives there and one of those goes on the front and then oh look at that at the Roundy parts oh I've got a yeah and then that is a note this note that goes right there yeah and then this little slanted black car goes there that's most of that Oh engines okay so I do this times three I do one and two and three and then I do the same thing one and two and three and that's what all these rails were for they were all for the engines and then these guys live out there oh that is a nice little bit of engineering look at that look at that I'm assuming there's probably a sticker somewhere you should take a look there we go oh yeah that is a lovely little bit of engineering it's a nice looking shuttle okay moving on moving on up here we go we've got this plate here up we got one of these and one of those we're gonna do that doo doo doo doo moving on to bag numero twoo ah that is very exciting we've already exhausted the resources of the first bag and we have some extra little bits and bobs okay so let's see this one goes there oh that one sticks out over the edge I was not paying close attention these slanted roof parts I always tried to build houses when I was a kid and I never had enough parts and pieces all right so then this guy I'm in getting this right yes okay then this guy lives there and this one does that there's another one over here that does a similar thing right and then lives there cuz I've got this gap there okay and then yeah there's a whole bunch of those doodads these are part of the oh these are part of like the the structural framework of this like a mechanized set ok so then so then we have a cross beam with its twin and we add another pair of these one here and one there then we've got two of those guys live like that and then four of those four of these little slanty bits one two three four yep and they come out oh we're doing great we're doing great now it's one two three four with that little too great it goes in the middle yep fabulous and there's some more of those yeah there's lots of these that go on ah okay those go on the back sides for four oh good luckily I have four and horizontal grating goes on the outside these yeah oh and one two two more great one two and then to flag stands great now four of these got them four of these and we do one two three and four and it goes right yeah one I'm still just making the stand I haven't even gotten started building a space station yet I will tell you that my friend Sasha built the space station and she gave it some very very cool functionality mm-hmm I will link to information about the functionality she added let's see okay so I'm still looking at this from the backside yeah okay so these get mmm okay one two I made a little that little railing yeah yeah and same thing here and it gets that little what does it get on the end there it gets that tongue yeah right right right okay so that sticks up and so just that and then this lives right there and this was right there and we know that the notch is still over there so now we turn it around hmm we had all this functionality was there that goes there we have these really cool pieces 3 pips long with two pips in the middle that's super cool ok and one more of the greats that lives back there and then three times those which ah there they are I knew they were around somewhere one two three and already a page 54 what happens now two of those guys these eight sit on top of the slanted hits here and then that little stand lives there oh yeah they want me to take the little learner and fill that little hole right there and so I shall oh right I see here is the internationaux de Santi is s sign and that lives there Oh again terrific a little bit of engineering I think we're still on the stand okay here we go one of these with one of these Wow one two three four five six and three four five six in and then two of those go here oh right and then one of those I was there cool and then there's these tea crossers like ah yeah oh and I get to journal I get to join this with this other one here here we go so satisfying I hadn't forgotten anything no right that is there and we have two more of these tea handles that go here not really tea candles but you know what I mean okay another one of these six pips I know there might not be called tips I'm just calling them tips because you're just you're welcome to my brain welcome to the inside of my brain this is what you're getting you're getting the raw feed okay and these four things two three and four and then yeah these guys like that oh right and then we've got four of these and they face this it's yeah and two more of these well we're cruising along not forgetting anything no no no okay these little grapes but I mean that makes sense we're doing a large piece of industrial equipment and oh I see okay these blue doohickeys go in here stick out one proud Oh yep yep yep I got that right and then this comes around and hello hello I see now that socks in oh that is you know what whoever you are the thought of that I'm very pleased and I think you did a beautiful thing oh and then two more of these guys okay so this is the back and we have two more of these hmm are we there yet are we there yet no these two go up here like that and then there is this guy and two more greats and he gets them like this and they go now how do they go how do they go now back to the front but but but wait wait how does that live there I don't understand I don't I don't I don't understand it just says I just it doesn't actually show how it attaches there that is fascinating it does not give me guidance as to how it should go in so I will leave that to the side for now moving on bag number three now now it's time for the real fire yeah all right join those two and we're gonna break out two of these guys and two of these guys and two uh where is it Oh yep two more of those and then what we're gonna do with those is we're gonna do one and two and three then there's two more of these and they sit on top of this home saw and then there's oh no no I'm got it wrong I was too impatient welcome to my life okay so what I did wrong was that these go there like that so that these guys can live here like that and we have these little gold ones I'm assuming that's what these are so these go there's four of those and they live like this one and two and three and four ma'am and then these guys these little gold ones these which these are the ones that will destroy your feet okay and then these two white things live here and then two more gold ones and then two more gold ones yep these two guys these live it here right here and then these live right there and one of these is in the middle ah two more of these here in here and now it's all these little do i yes ss okay so two of these guys these little slanty ones I take it back I think these would do more damage to your feet and if you stepped on them than any of the others and more of these slanty bits I can see that there's gonna be a lot of repetition in this build then one of those guys lives there okay so three of the squares three of the two wide slanty bits and twelve of these I think that's all of them so here we go how do we put them on we do these go one and two and three and they live oh I see I see they live over these guys so oh okay I missed a step here that lives there and that lives there yep and then this guy lives here in the middle and now got this one two three and one two three four so one two three and then a two and a 200 right and then there's two more days that go here okay and then this one is those there and these two live here and then the other five live here I have not yet dropped anything on the floor not for lack of trying but I'm here to say I haven't had to go look for a scarer okay and then these guys how does that work do those go they don't that looks like that this like this and then this guy comes over at the top come right over the top yeah hey now I have two of these and eight of these and two of these and a of these two more 6 mm it says 8 kind of curious let's see so on these we do that and that and then we do it's like a little cradle right these right angle Direction changers man they are they're the shizzle oh they're gray that's why there's eight of them and I didn't find them in white cuz they're not white they're gray two three four five six seven eight these guys right okay so this is like a yeah this is like the bottom of the ship it's like the bottom of dust yep it's like the base of the ship the foundation it is it is very peaceful just doing a little bit of Lego look the most important thing is that we not leave the house the most important thing is that we stay indoors hmm and if that means you got to build some Legos then then you got to build some Legos I see these sit on the edge here yes I know building with Legos never struck you as your important civic duty and yet now it is alright so now I need two of these gold ones eight of these this back over here to these gold ones eight of these and two of those and so what happens to all of that Legos have always been an important part of my life they have always been part of the way in which I think which is I mean it's funny nature does not include a lot of planar forms but manufacturing is all about planar forms sheets of wood sheets of Steel sheets of cloth right okay so now that with just two of those just two of those and so it's funny to me how vital it is to get to learn planar forms and how they move around each other okay so there's two of those and one on each side all right like leg what I mean by planar forms is also it's like Lego is late Lego is an x and y dimension and you stacked going to Z two of those so these last two and did they bridge they don't they actually take got it nice well I haven't made any gigantic mistakes yet but let's not get ahead of ourselves okay these two guys they live hmm now I clearly messed something up uh-huh I see what I messed up wait no I don't see what I messed up uh-huh I do see what I've messed up this has to live out there one more pit and then that comes in and now that gets that coverage and the same with this guy oh it's the first time I've ever used the Lego spudger tool it feels like a feels like a maturation and it oh there we go you come out one there's like a hidden missing pit there in the middle which is fine okay and these four guys two of these go on each side two of those going inside we're gonna air this we're gonna take your comments as to how you think it went and then we'll make another one we'll see what we can learn as we go one two three one two three one two three yeah 333 yep yep okay and then there's I need four of these and they live oh wow look at that that's cool there so I tell you one thing I really like about Lego builds is there's often some really interesting structural structural gestures where no one's ever going to see them and I particularly appreciate that on the Saturn 5 rocket there are pieces that you build that if you display it in just one way you're never going to see those pieces and no one's ever gonna know you made them but the engineers who built the kit know Lego knows you know you went through the process and it's there for you to show someone if you want to take it apart I really think that's kind of cool alright so we turn it around to there and we have four of these guys in there right one two three oh I see the coupler for another piece of the space station one two three four and again what turned around like this and we have six I have six pieces where do they live oh I see one two three one two three four five six and then Oh yep okay I was dumb and I did that slightly wrong they bridge across those for some structural stability it is you know I'm just finding it very relaxing that's what this happening here okay there we go that is one section mostly done oh right right right I've got that oh the handles I see yep oh that is freaking cool yes with bags four and five totally nolde I am going to continue I am going to leave bags six unknown at this point it'll be the next thing I tackle I have no old bags four and five bags six I've still left unknown that'll be the last thing I tackle so the next thing is one of those and one of where is it this little tiny it's a little tip it with a little grabber at the end there it is and there's two of those and then there is that one and there's this little conical section that sits on top and then there are these little doohickeys right which get these little doohickeys I actually get they have a little all right so they stick down and they actually have a little bit of writing on them there they are there are those coins they're like tin can tops okay now take the yellow with a little shield go and toss that in there then on top of that we take one of those and around four square plus one of our little well right I was just touching it I was just touching the thing and I was wondering where it would go there it is that goes there and then this goes out in front of it and then this one comes on top of it and then all of that comes this way right like that and then there's another one so then ah hang on it's these guys one and two and another one with a dark one on top okay now we do the circular one and we toss a little blue doohickey in there and then we toss another in gray one and we give it a capper with a little proud nubbin so then this puppy sits on there he gets this little oh yeah look at that little arm of robot arm dead sexy uh and then a little white pip goes on top of that oh and then this funny little traffic light goes on top of that okay then there's more of these little weirdo I just don't know what the hell they were supposed to be a little tiny car of some kind so one two three four okay so that's it the pool Hey I dropped my first part okay so one two three four okay and this little right that little Halfmoon is the front two to four it's so fascinating to get to know every single part and remind yourself of the critical things to take to have eyes on right okay so that does that oh right and then this guy it's like that and then oh yeah I trust one of those up the jacksie right and then that attaches oh hey look at that to this guy hey feels that can built an airlock there you got one of those and two of those or another round body problem then we have this mer so many little one offs in this kit there's so many little tiny like we need one of these you know a lot of times when you're putting this stuff together you can kind of do a checksum about it like you you can see like that there's one missing cuz everything's like in fours but like if that's not the case that can be really it can be destabilizing right cuz you don't know what goes where I mean what actually what I mean is when you only have one of something it could mean that the other ones missing or there's just one of that thing all right so this guy lives like that yeah like that okay so they know ooh whoo look at that oh it's very exciting I can see what's about to happen this joins with this oh man and freedom tastes of reality look at that fabulous okay so now we've got that guy Plus that guy oh you know there are some staples in every build there's like some go-to bit of engineering and that becomes very stabilizing when you keep finding those right like ah yeah my old friend oh okay so this is sandwiching this whole thing together now and there we go oh that is a nice bit of engineering for holding that body together oh oh and I can sit it in this guy like this is that right yeah look at that there she blows okay we have it up on the stand okay another eight with two of these guys one and two and these little rounded corner doublets they sit here I'm just gonna keep on coming up with wrong names for all of these things okay and then one two three four these little Red Cross dingy but dingbats doohickeys grebe Lee's one two three four and then there's two of these oh wow there's a lot of Direction changing going on here huh yeah and two more of these okay oh and then I covered that back over with the eight with the holes in it cool now I take one of these plus one of these plus one of these plus where's the little ones with the little names on them come on come on come on okay and that guy lives there ooh now we bring out the ribbed white and oh oh okay that was bad I don't even know what I just dropped but I'm unhappy about it okay let's go check see we drop luckily I found it right away and the reason it drops cuz it's got this conical end here that doesn't like to yeah so I'm gonna store it upside down okay crisis averted now we've got this little guy which lives there oh my god this little where's that other one off there it is nice there yeah yeah yeah those are all your homes now that is a far out looking part this is a four-top with these two nubbins that stick out of it that's spectacular oh I see so this guy lives like that and then this lives right come on there we go and then oh he comes on yep and lives against this yellow post again solid engineering I don't mean just solid in the use of the word solid as well done well designed I mean solid as in actually solid yes that's a little antenna Magee and then there's a second antenna SHhhh McGee goes with this into that into that and that lives right there mmm nice and this lives right there awesome these are for phoning home here we go Oh nope not that one one of those it's got a round one on top and then we do another one there and we have a little blue boobie and there right okay so that oh I see that is not that one it is this one because I've got that strong mechanical part in there okay now that plus there's so many of these little round it's aren't there and you know okay so there's that oh right okay so then I take this thing which was sitting there all along and when it fell off the table and that can go oh no put that up okay there's that funny thing that piece plus it's a little pepper plus a little blue Nerney Nerney Nerney yep okay so that looks there and oh that doesn't live there that lives there okay Oh neato oh that's cool so these two things go together and then they get this it's like a toilet float okay and then that lives is that true is that how that works wait a second ah that's what happened that's what happened I did too I did it wrong mm there we go this doesn't live dare at those they're inside like that and that doesn't live there that lives there on the outside and now they are together mm-hmm and you live oh oh that's the cupola is what that is oh how cool okay oh my god the crows are being noisy 8f right now okay so now we take one of those and one of those and I'm only making one of these right yeah that goes on the back we put this little on the front we cover it with one more these puppies and oh it gets the gray disc with the hold in the top and it gets a couple of solar panels of the small variety now take the shorty red post put that in the top and then we put one of these on and we put another one of these on and then we put this guy on there right yeah okay okay and that sits on the underside oh yeah look at that that's looking so freakin cool okay now we take this one and he goes I'm gonna put this here and then you can see what I'm doing here that sits like that and then it gets one of these and it gets one of these oh I can see already that things are gonna start to move now we take this plus that plus the gold bar feels like we're making a lightsaber now we take one of these all day this one no mm-hmm okay wait a second one of those one of those one of those now we have one of these and this don't that gray it is gray it's a gray round runner oh because I wasn't looking there it is right in front of me if it was a snake it would have bit me and then this round one goes up there and then another one of these oh no no it goes inside come on I saw it there you are you live like that and where is oh it's there okay that goes on the underside and then oh yeah these little T handles sit on either side I sense more solar panels coming up here they are one and A two moving on page 100 okay so that lives like this oh this is getting to be already quite a lovely kit next next we put one of these on one of these and it just lives like this Frank next we come over here and we do one of these which is told to stack with laser guns on top now you know what's funny that the does anyone else notice this when when your crows are trying to get in does anyone notice that like the farther you get into a build the harder it is to find the things like at the beginning it's easy to find everything but now it's weirdly tougher okay so that was like that now we do another one of these on one of these and we saw that on air like this there's an angry crow outside it has nothing to do with me I was not there okay he goes there that's it and we get this little great yeah just on this black ball it's really interesting I'm curious what it was it was built for okay so he lives on top we do the key handles again and again I think we end up with two more solar panels and I'm right and I kept yep and now that turns up so no that sits there like this and comes back here like this yes yes now you're one more of these one of these and one of those so we put this on here and then we do this one facing inward great now one of those plus two of those these are little coat hooks that's what I think of the mass is little grabbers on the single oh and what that is is more solar panels oh but these are the big ones there we go that's it nice and that one lives here dude we're getting somewhere okay down to that to that to that to this to that to this of that this now I'm curious I'm not sure why it's not quite scanning but it feels like I missed something did I miss something here there's that okay there's this yeah well I may have to slice it down okay here's one more there's that and that sits on top of this one more solar panel and then that guy and then the ball yep and then two little T handles seems like that gave me an extra t-handle just mighty sweet of them once it's there it's there and how could I have forgotten what could I have forgotten it doesn't look like I forgot anything it doesn't and yet it's clear but I might have okay so that's it's out like that great now we're up to number five so we're making two of these things that means oh yeah we need two or six eight okay these are part of the larger solar panels I think so it goes like this one two four two and three four oh and okay and then there are these train connectors where are those there they are I think of these as the couplers for old Lego trains oh and then this wide curved expanse piece that's there and that lives there yep so we're making two of those oh look at that they go right in one and two that was fast oh now I have this little doohickey and did that little doohickey and where does that live one of them really you're not even gonna show me where it lives okay so that one goes there but but but but but but but ah okay you could put an arrow on this Lego jeezum crow okay so now I'm gonna move this over here so I can see all the stuff I have here I've got a upright I've got the the hinge coupler I've got the gold tile a one-er and I've got the white smooth oh and a second gold tile second water and that's gonna live right there and then we've got this guy was another radar dish that goes into another hinge point which lives here gorgeous then we've got three of these little ones plus one of those plus one of that and now the question is where does it all go okay there's an arrow thank you Lego thanks for helping there's one and then these two face orthogonal II and this one places in line now we have the undercarriage here one of those one of those one of those one of those and one of thats so turn this over we do a that business in that business and this business and it faces ya faces that way and that lives right there okay oh it's tons of little details now we're in the thick of it okay so one of those and one of those and one of those and one of those oh whoops I forgot this bad boy lives here yeah there we go so add to that to that and then it's very similar to this other one and gold pip and a gold tip with a thing on the top and that can live right there yeah you know that's fascinating okay so now we have two of these guys and they get I got one of these and get that and then this lives up under AB under here yes there we go ooh that gold pip helps me see from an engineering standpoint where I was in space and time oh this is all little tiny details now oh come on come on there you go you know there's another one I think this goes on the other side no sits on the same side fascinating let me do a gold pip and a white smooth square and the hinge coupler oh oh plus this guy oh nice plus this and then this and then yeah one more radar dish that's inside there and then that's it's here see yep okay okay that's another radar dish moving right along diggi dingdiggi ding in search of fancy-free I'm ready for the big time I can't sing copyrighted music on this that's not allowed alright this is uh yeah you know white smooth square and then another white smooth and on the backside that lives here yes welcome now we take two of these guys and we put these little grabbers on the ends yeah ooh and then we do another one and we put a grabber on the end of that look at this this is a total spider structure this is awesome okay hmm now we're doing two of those so any one of those one of those one of those one of those one of these ah these go in these sides I'm already smelling it this is great so we do one here and one here and there now we do know it's all these little bad boys okay so one two three four five six seven eight okay so that oh yeah it's a bunch of these guys sorry for now we'll do this like this let's go here and these look there I played with Legos for so long as a kid for so many years alone in my room listening to Casey Kasem count down the American top 40 every Saturday for several hours listening to the personal stories of Kenny Rogers and Sheena Easton and Linda Carlisle and all the other stars of the 80s there's literally so much so much time was spent there in my fantasy world just thinking about like elevator tubes from Star Wars and one two three four is that how that goes oh look at you that goes in a different way than I thought it did yeah it's so many ways in which I wow that is that a solid man when you do it that way that it's nifty bit of engineering yeah so like I made like oh Death Star's and I made you know what I've made tons of I made tons of secret compartments I loved building secret compartments into my Lego constructions and I recently came across the TV show that clearly inspired my love of secret doors and it was a Saturday morning total bullshit cartoon not cartoon show but bullshit show bullshit shall but I mean but just you know it was morning programming and no one was spending a lot of time on this on this program and it's called Marlo and the magic movie machine and Marlo in the magic machine was a show that just allowed networks to like utilize ancient black and white public domain footage that they had and do stuff with it that's it that's that's all that it existed for however but it was about Marlo was this character who worked at a big computing company and he worked in the basement and at night or after hours he would fire up the computer and talk about movies and then they would show all these old films of like you know a lady brought a tiger to the to the to the supermarket and it literally be like footage from the 1920s of a llegar lady bringing a tiger to a supermarket is absolutely asinine stuff and totally like here's how low-budget this was at one point Marlo is speaking to the camera and he makes a mistake and they don't change it they don't actually even alter they literally leave it in the cut that's that's how much they were like done move on the kids won't notice it's entirely possible that the kids didn't notice but when Marlo goes into his computer room he like opens up this like closet coat check closet and goes inside it and so it's clearly this like super secret space and that's what was super cool to me was that it was a secret space and that started a lifetime love from yours truly on oh I'm making two of these about secret doors so in my old house I actually had a secret door into the shop and it looks like a shelf I think might still actually be somewhat extent in that house I mean I'm renting it out to somebody else I can't remember how much of the door we got rid of oh we are close so I'll actually I'm actually very close to opening bag number six which has all these orange pieces in it I don't know anything about it's very peculiar that lives there can't remember seeing a lot of orange on the space station but and I tend not to look at the box very much okay so oh right right right and then these get these slanty bits here Sloane T bought fast what the what the what the BA I see that's what I got wrong that lives there that lives there and oh yeah baby here they go three two one come on come on yes oh wow I thought that would be movable but it's just a precedent and it just stays Wow that's oh look at that okay so four of these and then go on the undersides and so one goes here one here one goes here and one goes there and then this goes just the inside and the inside there you go you go to the inside there and now we start to fill all these things with a little hooky hooks so we go one and two and three and four five and six oh and this is what those big white flags are for yeah seven and eight oh my god what a gorgeous kid this is Lego your space themed stuff is fabulous there we go now oh right right right okay so now comes I've got to make eight of these okay so let me get all of these parts back over here and look this guy oh no he stays now it's time for bag number six here we go I am uh since I feeling kind of in the sluice here I am NOT going to know this yeah I am just going to start constructing I'm just gonna start building based on what I've gotten fun of me so we're doing this times eight that is a lot of repetition and iteration so the first thing we need is one two three four five six seven eight and now those go in one two three four six seven there should be one more eight and then we go to these 11 sizes yep that's an 11 - so we do 1 3 yep ok so a little cross another one just times 8 there's a lot of pieces man you know what assembly lining is always faster than building each part individually honestly just the more you can break down your actions so that you're only doing one at a time the faster you'll be able to burn through them I swear which is funny because the very first thing I ever did for a job was I helped make some dollhouse furniture for an old family friend Helen Norman in Stephens landing in the 70s and the 80s Helen was it when it came to like really amazing dollhouse stuff and I worked for her and part of my job was to specifically put together these little Saks Fifth Avenue shopping bags yeah she was going for a very specific clientele and these shopping bags had to get bent over a little form a little wooden form and there was this whole gluing procedure and I did it so slowly that Helen was like yeah you cost way more than you should have to do that I was like twelve years old maybe even 11 I mean literally it's like this wasn't really work for hire I think she was like being nice to a family friend but I remember assembly lining that and going ridiculously slow because I sorry I remember not assembling lining that and going ridiculously slow because they'd all like 12 actions to make this bag at once rather than one one one one one one one oh okay so then it gets another one of these and it goes that way okay anyway it's a long way of saying that one of my earliest jobs involved me doing something where I should have been assembly lining it and I didn't and I got told by the person who hired me that I cost like three times as much as I should have because I did it wrong yeah and now and now I know okay so there's those eight now it's timed or oh my god sixteen of these mothers oh my goodness okay see here how do we make this work okay so it goes like this - four and then dad - or - I got to stand up for this I just realized I was taking too long because sitting down was requiring me to lean over stuff in a way that didn't make a lot of sense alright again I was trying to do the both operations at once on these and it turns out that was too slow I go much faster if I'm only doing one thing at a time Henry Ford didn't invent the assembly line but appointed he refine it and it is great to be honest engineering your own assembly line is really fun to me I find the the exercise of like am I doing this right and you're doing this as fast as I could be to be a fascinating set of thought experiments why is this the most fun part I mean it's maybe it's because I'm making fast progress I can I can see how I'm doing is the parts deplete and that like gets me excited that gets the momentum going so I'm gonna guess that the next page has me putting in these guys and snap yep yep that's exactly what it is so we took these in here and then we put this here then we step it down blink oh so sexy that is great and there you have one of your solar panels bang okay so how can we do this faster we can go like this yep go like this yep yes yep wonder how many astronauts have built this kit and I wonder which one of them which among them has looked at this kit and thought look I imagine astronauts must have like sorry they must have favorite parts of the ISS right they must have parts they're really fond of and then that begs the question what parts aren't they fond of right like are there parts of the ISS that they absolutely despise or that how did they have a bad memory of this is the kind of stuff I'm really curious about like is there a place you hate to go in ISS and so as they build it as they build this kit is there an astronaut who it's like I don't miss that part of it that's great I'd love that this that this works out in terms of the overall lengths the mathematics of Lego and what fits what always astounded me even as a kid okay so now these guys all live right oh okay wait a second I'm bringing a bring the camera over here for this yeah thank you it is so pretty oh whoops I have this upside down that looks like that and that was like that and then you live there oh yes look at how gorgeous this thing really is don't fall out don't give it up okay what else now now we have these little guys this guy okay so this thing lives down here is that correct yes and then this guy where does that guy go it says it's pointing to something behind a thing that seems way hard to see okay but then this one okay this one let's down here great where does that one live I don't understand oh oh oh I see that lives there like there okay awesome and then the show the astronauts go in there's one oh there we go let's turn this you can oh there we go another astronaut goes in here yes and then and then the shuttle oh look at that the shuttle lives there like it's got its little spot dudes and do dads Deuteronomy okay let's spin this oh yeah look at how pretty that is gorgeous we can do all this posing oh man I'm hanging this from the ceiling that's what's gonna happen I'm hanging this from the ceiling that looks gorgeous ladies and gentlemen that is the Lego Space Station the International Space Station made out of eight hundred and fifty some odd Lego bricks now I'm not quite done with this video because I am also going to build the women of NASA but at the end of a long day and I'm gonna shoot that tomorrow yep all right now we cut
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 664,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 25sec (5305 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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