Act 3 Astarion's romance (with approvals) & personal quest (spawn path) | Baldur's Gate 3

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[Music] the gate is close as is Cazador Cazador and his right of profane Ascension an imperial Suare attended by devils and spawn Alik a grand ceremony to honor one exalted vampiric master and Elevate him to an unfathomable station to place him in a position of such esteem the world will yearn to kneel and offer their necks we will kill him but there's more to it think about it it sounds like Cazador for all his evils has gotten further than any of my kind ever have he's on the verge of a miracle if the time comes and I can stay one move ahead of him I'll take his place before his blood can hit the floor what's a handful of the ratches servants if there're anything like me when I was enslaved they're all but begging for death anyway after 200 years of [ __ ] pure [ __ ] I think I deserve something better all I'm saying is Let's Be Clever about it if an opportunity arises for me to become a more magnificent bastard than I already am why turn it down let's find out more about the ritual before we Waltz into cazador's front door if we track down my old comrades the other spawn we may discover more and be finally positioned for yours truly to ascend if we don't find my brethren they'll find us likely with B fangs we should get to them first then we can make their pretty tongues talk unless cazadors change their orders they'll be in the dens of this town seeking prey so we owe our lack of tentacles to one of the very creatures that kidnapped us and now it's offering us power if we're willing to evolve we both know what it is capable of but I'm not touching it good I wouldn't have anyway I had nothing for so long nothing not even my my own body I will not give it up now it's mine again worms crossing the welcome mat of Boulder's Gate this is it I'm almost home I won't lie the thought hardly fills me with her Glee even with my newfound advantages he's still an incredibly power powerful vampire but he's arrogant too if he does hear I'm back he'll try to take me and expose himself in the process then I'll be able to strike it's something of a gamble true but if I can win if I can beat him it would be worth any risk so yes I do worry about facing him but if we can get his attention finding the rituals location will be much easier and that could give me the edge I need she was um she was sick she had spots on her face and hands she went to go get some herbs and she was supposed to come back the same day that was last 10day though [Music] wow thanks my mom would like this we need to March around the front and kill every last one of them let's see them eat our food with their guts on the floor what do you say why does it matter innocence makes the blood run clearer [Music] [Music] it's not enough we have a gallery of villains to look out for but now we could be infiltrated by a shape changer I can't even tell if any of you are acting strange because you've been replaced or because this group is full of weirdos rean my friend from the hag swamp you join us as we honor our fallen dead you're a bright light on a dark day even you my Earth while Quarry oh uh uh hello again Frey valis durova Frey Val Isa blast I feel we're intruding we should leave quickly calm yourself you will not be harmed our leader has called off the hunt she wishes to speak to you so the impossible spawn walks Among Us in the blazing sun we have been looking for you the last time your friend came to our camp he stole our children our future when I was hunting you I was to bring you back here interrogate you discover how to save our children and then destroy you but things have changed you have changed is it true you left your mind master that you broke the spell that binds you to him well I I mean kind of it's a long story honestly we are not but perhaps we can give you a chance to do Deeds just as worthy of song we have tried to save our children once already attacking kazador our's Palace at first light even then it was too well defended but if his own spawn approached someone he thought he could control he would throw his doors open and welcome you in and once inside you could do what we could not you could save the children you damned you don't know cador like I do he's merciless you want me to March into the lion's den and save your children but I promise you they're already dead I spent 200 years bringing him victims each and everyone was whisked away to be fed on that night but you never saw him feed yourself he could keep prisoners for days before killing them I know our plight is great Grim but if there is even a chance to save them we must take it if our children are truly gone then we ask for blood I know you can understand that spawn I suppose yes yes Revenge I can do thank you from me and all my people if you can do this we will be in your debt you have lived a life of violence and sin you have stolen lives broken families and caused immeasurable grief doing this will not write those wrongs if you're trying to encourage me you're failing abysmally but it will be a start you may still be redeemed please go time time is short but we will see you again when it is done when is he happiest guilty is charged sometimes literately tell me what does he desire more than anything you're not wrong but do we need to tell every stranger we meet our business aaran what is his deepest fear really I mean I mean yes but but really you just tell whatever stranger just walks up and ask that which needs to be said is often the most difficult take pride you are one step closer to conquering ing your fears well you were right every time I almost wish you hadn't been but uh you do know me I press my finger to your bond and find a shield impenetrable it is beautiful your love is one few have cherish it did you hear about the Scarecrow who lost a fight oh hey looks like we've got a proper comedian in our midst you my Special Assistant come on up you think I haven't mounted a stage before don't be warned clown if you mean to throw knives I will'll throw them back we should go I do not want to face the master if we're late for his black MK soon sister I only need one more Mark we have enough for the master no more needed it's not for the master it's for me I spent 100 years eating rats and dogs but soon I'll be able to Feast I want someone there ready for me and once the mass is done and our Lord grants us freedom I can celebrate by drinking them dry kazador promised you your freedom and you believed him H you were never burdened with intelligence Petros but your load seems especially light these days aarian it it cannot be that's no way to welcome back a brother Dar didn't you miss me why would you come back you got out you were free isn't it obvious sister he wants to ascend with the rest of us he heard about the ritual and the power our Master will grant us so he came back with his tail between his legs hoping all would be forgiven you always were an idiot pet TR no where is he hiding tell me brother please fine you owe your wretched life to my friend now tell me what I need to know the master is preparing the Black Mass beneath his Palace there's a defiled Chapel it was hidden there the entire time hidden from us all do you really think you can stop him I'm the only one who can the sun can't harm me Cazador can't compel me I don't need to fear him anymore now go before I change my mind about roasting you brother this isn't over asarian poor fools they actually think kazador will save them you sound surprised I am capable of doing the right thing from time to time they're no threat to us they have no choice but to do cazador's bidding I pity them worst of all they don't know their Fate's already set they're doomed the only question is whether their lives will be sacrificed to a monster like Cazador or serve a greater purpose seven sigils on seven spawn and Cazador has the other six we have to face him and take that power for ourselves trust me I'd rather Slaughter someone else's family but if that's what it takes and it's not like their sweet innocence they brought Cazador just as many victims as I did you're not getting sentimental are you I thought you were with me on this well figure it out I need to know I can rely on you all right let's go this place stinks a rat blood in despair notice some blood has pulled on the wooden floor you notice the blood Source a body hidden under the bed she isn't my tesm she's my friend and from the looks of things it appears she's eating pigeons oh right did you hear that Tara um stop it well these must be important Birds indeed Mr dararius forgive me for feasting on their bodies and Bones so very veraciously so take the bomb just in case I'm right and you're wrong as long as you see sense I don't care when you see it and is that your partner with you what a gorgeous couple perhaps we could come to an agreement we want both of you silly at the same time sorry p I'm I'm not quite comfortable with doing this again yet don't be so nice to me it makes me want to be nice back it's not my job to coddle work shy disorganized minstrels it's your job to turn up on time with everyone else s off Valia well I'm not messing about with a murder inquiry for damn sure this equipment isn't for sale it belongs to the Flaming fist of course I bloody wasn't too busy ordering more of those mechanical monstrosities to tell me I can't thank you enough for getting me out of that damned prison and for giving me courage when I'd all but run out I will travel to the upper City find what allies I can you won't fight the coming battle alone as long as the city stands I will stand with it Gods this is the first time in 200 years I've seen these streets in the sunlight you can forget just how much color there is in the world yes of course obviously sorry did you want something while I'm there the other potential victims will be at risk could you warn [Music] them not from round here are you we're in Boulder's Gate this is just how things work thank you that's all I can ask and more than I hoped stop doy oh we need to go home for [Music] tea he won't listen and he's too fast to catch stupid dog I tried already but I've only got little legs ah a friendly face at last asked are you going to the party as well I know bit strange isn't it but then you have to be open to trying new things the venue is called The Palace not sure what it stands for but it sounds very exclusive my date's supposed to meet me here but there's no sign of him you haven't seen him have you pale skinny extremely piercing eyes looks a bit like your friend here oh dear I assure you it's not it's funny he was ever so Keen for me to come he didn't seen the type to cancel a vampire no he wasn't was he but then why am I still here he could have had me by the neck anytime he liked mother may I I'm positively starved he did seem quite interested in my collar bones I thought that was just his thing if you catch my drift oh I'd imagine so there's no way he'd leave someone as appetizing as you alone you know what I might give this party a Miss plenty more fish in the chanthar as they say if you see him don't tell him I was here just tell him I um I wasn't ready to be in a relationship I'm sure he'll understand we should tell aen that loran is hunting her she has a right to know also she'll want to Cave his scalin and honestly I would not mind seeing that forgive me for that impudence perhaps our friend can bridge the gap and do what I believe they came here to do my steel hearted friend speaks true give me one good reason megus why I should not strike you down where you stand I expected nightsong to be overjoyed after killing her fairhead fool instead she just seemed tired no no I don't think that's it she probably just needs some time for it to sink in I'm sure she'll be elated soon you sleep but the wicked don't someone is here to disturb your rest get the hell's away from me peace brother we're here to take you home the master needs all seven of us for the ceremony come with us and be reborn we'll live again master kazador has known where aarian was this entire time he knew he would return the right the master needs him he must attend oh I'm well aware of what the master needs but don't we deserve better better what do you mean better after all these centuries of Torment I know what you all want more than power more than to walk in the sun you want to see him dead the right of profane Ascension will be mine and he won't see a scrap of its Glory I am going to complete the ritual as the ascendant and then I am going to kill him this is your chance stand with me name me your new master we will get our revenge and you will all live again his Liar's smile spells danger he knows full well that his kin will die in the ritual but if any of the bearers of the scar die before the ritual begins he will lose his chance to perform the right himself he needs them to run willingly to their deaths thinking they stand a chance against their master don't look at me like that with the sweet little disappointed I'm not getting cuddly aarian pout I can't take it I can't be what you want to see in me die in the ritual whatsoever are you speaking of we are going to cheat on death [Music] the master doesn't need to lie to us he controls us fully why go through the trouble of giving us hope because it's more cruel [ __ ] we're doomed all right what do you need from us we'll help [Music] you the bonds hold he owns us we have no choice we must obey get out of here aoran before what a mess well at least you've met my family now [Music] what does it matter there's only six of them and they are vampire spawn no one ever looked out for me no one ever said a kind thing to me you're the only one other people don't have a heart like you you're you no one is like [Music] that don't sell yourself so short I'm doing this for you too you know to make sure we're both safe forever for good Gods you're beautiful yes no I'm not sure it is full of terrible Secrets including cazador's bloody right to profane Ascension but it told me nothing new then again it was filled with otherworldly power which I am more than happier to wield to my advantage you have the delicious honor of being my crowning achievement your body is my Ultimate gift to my Lord bar together we shall transcend a challenger my Lord tests me can I interest you in um uh a copy of the borders mouth Gazette please buy one I knew that's all I just need to practice it's a really good paper though no spelling mistakes in it or anything thank you my first sail fire in the my silk what are the chances it's you ah and the Heart stopping blood sucker I hope you've changed your mind my neck is yours anytime and I will keep refusing until the end of time I'm done bowing to the whims of others Never Say Never forgive the mess your blood is far more volatile than I'd anticipated I'll be all right let's just get this over with nervous to see me again is he how sweet but we have quite a bit to discuss what a wonder you came to my door just when you did you see it's your blood that caused the conflagration you just witnessed imagine it's a breakthrough in the sanguin Arts the likes of which the world has never seen the grand matriarch will have no choice but to restore house oblodra after I present her with my research but listen to me rabbiting on about myself when I have you the prize bleeder on my very doorstep if you'd come inside we could discuss something far more exciting than Dr politics how I made him feel what I propose goes well beyond such frivolities we are talking about alchemical breakthroughs based on the blood that runs through your veins my friend I appreciate the thought truly but if this is something you want to look into well hearing her out won't kill us just a look and if we don't like what we see we can always kill a later now now I do think that's enough when you see what I've been working on bygones will all be bygones I assure you ah a cozy little spot isn't it these four walls have witnessed greater alchemical triumphs than the keep of erth dur and now that you're here the crown jewel of my research is soon to be faceted all you have to do is drink formula gruna if that's a formula I can smell it's even Fowler than her blood of God's Bel well yes formula aru through fuak were spectacular failures but gruna gruna is different believe me when you first entered this home you saw the incredible latent power within your blood exposed in all its nuances formula GR Bruna will unleash that power within you risky but um safe say no the only thing she's offering is pain and I I I don't want to see you hurt not even for the betterment of the alchemical Arts the realm over not even for that oh marvelous I've never been so excited for anything in all my days just stand over there far over there and drink up what are you doing that had better go down the drain and not down your gallet oh my my Heavens you lived this is incredible I'm seeing Stars my friend I had no such intention you don't know what this means to me to my research you are the world's first detonative sanguinor to put it simply from this day on your blood goes boom big boom it's incredible all it needs is a spark what an odd question now let me offer you a little treat in exchange for the ensest vile of your marvelous blood I'll give you something that'll really throw your enemies for a loop I'll only ask nominal fee in exchange now now darling let's not be rude she said no you should learn the meaning of the word ah I'd so hoped it wouldn't come to this but I can't let my prize experiment walk out that door I'd hope to take a sample with with your permission but I can do without it you must be awfully familiar with our esteemed Arch duuke to know about a thing like that my what a juicy morsel I didn't think he liked your type anyway you seek answers Lord Mammon seeks coin I will happily mediate make me an offer mmon I knew it I did the first hit's free eh fine I'll h you mortal just this once the answers to that can probably be found within his house then perhaps we should drop by and surprise Raphael it' make a nice change what a fascinating proposition ludicrous of course but fascinating nevertheless very well if you wish to die in a verus that's your business mine is charging you for it of course such a task will require quite the substantial donation to Lord mammon's coffers such a task will be tantam out to suicide and for what the devil has nothing that you need [Music] you put me in a difficult position mortal you are almost certain to fail almost and so there is a chance you might succeed why don't we play a game you win I give you everything you desire but you'll enjoy yourself more if you lose it's a surprise off with your clothes tart tart you will make a PR Feast so this is it I'm home there's the same fading carpet the same tasteless art nothing's changed but Gods Everything feels different it does feel strange breaking into your own home especially if murders on your mind then again this is hardly the strangest thing we've done together although it could be the most satisfying well the second most satisfying oh no it's much worse than that they're Fanatics here of their own free will and utterly devoted to kazador each one came to our door and begged to be given his eternal gift they're sure he'll turn them if they serve him well enough he'd almost feels sorry for the poor deluded Souls but they're idiots who brought this upon themselves so don't if my dear siblings were right Cazador is hiding somewhere below the palace after so many years I would have spotted any secret tunnels out here the only place that was off limits to us was his study if the entrance is anywhere it'll be there through the ball room I've never been less sure of anything but if I don't face him now I never will I'll spend the rest of my life running watching the Shadows never feeling safe no this has to happen here and now also there's a small matter of all that power I can steal from the bastard so that'll be nice the door is covered in intricate text but you can't see anywhere a key might fit only a small round Hollow engraved with a family crest the indentation seems to be the right size and shape to fit a Signet ring bearing the family crest the writing means nothing to you you can't even recognize the script there's writing like this all over the palace some old probably dead language of Cazador we were strictly forbidden from learning it another guest for the Master's celebration I'm afraid you're too late you'll have to master asaria what are you doing here why aren't you downstairs well obviously I'm on my way down now so if you could just point us in the right direction but you're too late the the the the doors have been sealed the ritual is about to begin it's too late go has sealed the doors and will not open them until the ritual is complete Cazador gave the key to godi and where is the sadistic old sack of Bones it does not matter you're too late the master will be so angry that you missed the ritual he will do such terrible terrible things to you I do not have any more time to waste there is too much to do too much to prepare two centuries walking these halls and I've never once seen the ballroom door locked kazador doesn't want anything going wrong tonight he Cazador skle right hand he kept us in line when Master didn't feel like torturing us himself if Cazador is going to trust anyone to lock the doors behind him it'd be that rattling old carcass godi kept us in kennels downstairs the master ruled everywhere else but they were his [Music] domain I know you're there golly stop skullking and show yourself you always were sharp little one sharp enough to cut yourself it's taking everything I have not to grind your rotten carcass to dust don't be mad at C child I only did my job only kept you in line you tortured us for days at a time oh yes and you sang so sweetly for me none of the others screamed like you did but you're home now and you brought me a treat eh a new friend for [Music] goie not very nice not not very friendly why are you here then little one if not to see godie we're here to see the master but the ball room door's locked uh give us the key no no it is too late the doors are sealed on Master's orders godi will not open them for anyone much less for [Music] [Music] you wait Cody has the key godie can give it to you here here it is take it and trouble goie no more Let The Master know I found a staria you can't be here no one in no one out you're new Cazador never kept guard dogs before the runway spawn you reek of the master scent come with us come to master uh excuse me I will not be ordered around my own house by some blowing mut we bring you to him we get his favor kazador skullking somewhere beneath us in this defiled Chapel the others mentioned we just have to find the entrance then he'll be mine you stand on a clean metal platform a beautiful but Antiquated elevator there are some scuffs to show its age signs of things dragged onto it over the years but it seems to be in good working order wasn't HS I never knew this was here this was always cazador's private quarters only he ever came in here well him and the Unfortunate Souls we brought to feed [Music] him this is all so Grand to think it was just sitting here lurking under the floor I don't know it feels older than that who knows how old but Cazador will want a grand space for his Ascension a venue like this feels perfect now we just need to see what lies at the heart of this place on the pillow rests a skull with a scroll clamped in its bony Jaws the skull's empty ey sockets flare with an eldrich gleam you feel invited somehow to witness the skull's memories it seems urgent the skull is All That Remains of the vampire Vos he turned Cazador gave him the gift and then taught him the rules of vampiric existence vot's first lesson is always to Dom allow none to be your equal bth recalls when Cazador reached out to a former friend his punishment was to watch as vth drained his friend dry you were distracted by an errant thought and lose the thread of V's lesson Velo recalls when kazador rebelled against him kazador suffered 11 years of impalement because he failed vot's third lesson is to act not in haste a near Immortal has time to plan time to act only when others will pay the price of action valo recalls Cazador his lessons learned killing him in the right of perfect Slaughter how they both laughed fio recalls Cazador boiling the flesh from his skull and then to mock him clamping his schooling scroll in vot's Jaws the skull's eyes flash a final time and its jaws sag open the scroll with all of cazador's rituals is yours felo is no more approaching the cells you're met with hollowe faces there's an almost physical stink of Decay and collect disgusting Cazador never fed on wretches like this how did they get here what is Cazador doing with them I should have guessed there was more to it than Raphael would ever have told you I know you you you're the one from the tavern you smiled and joked and got me drunk no you're dead you called me so many sweet things my name sounded like a lyric on your tongue Sebastian you remember me you are handsome shy you'd never been kissed you T me how and then you destroyed me it can't be it's not just him I know so many of these faces they're my conquests I pursued them seduced them then brought them to Cazador he told us he was feeding on them but he turned them to sport he turned every last one so we'd have souls for this cursed ritual how long what how long have I been down here 117 years you were one of my first my family my friends they're gone you took them from me you took everything from me free we'll never be free while that monster lives that's why we're here to destroy cador you can't it's not possible and then what happens to us I I don't know trust me when I say I know the feeling but you can resist the urge whatever you do just do it quickly I can't go wait we'll be back you have my word God's above he kept Sebastian I should have known what kazador was capable of he's played us for such fools not just seven spawn to Plate the devil seven spawn and 7,000 Souls bound to them in blood everyone whoever trusted me enough to let down their guard Innocents idiots and The Unlucky it doesn't matter I will need to sacrifice them all if I want to perform the ritual what's the point they're as good as dead I thought they were dead if they are Unleashed they will cause incredible Carnage they will be ravenous they must die better they serve a purpose Gods I can't say you're wrong I can only say I'm so glad we didn't meet then I don't even want to think what would have happened to you I would have killed you hey hey you come closer oh God it can't be it is you I knew it I'll kill you once I get out of here I'll kill you camp Monster Hunters the girl camp Oh God my parents Camp Chesser Focus resist the Beast inside you you promised it's your fault you did this to us didn't he tell you he's the one that kidnapped us he's the reason we're spawns I'll kill you yes now that you um mention it I may have done that I don't look at me like that cador's orders quite the deviation from my usual routine of course capture not lure I didn't bring them in with sweet rolls or anything I really forgot about them felt nothing the moment I handed them over to him huh I suppose there's a good chance they will what use is it though they're lost ravenous feral they attack any mortal on sight all these people were ruined because of me parents you've seen my parents I missed them I think or perhaps it's the hunger I don't know it's so hard to tell you should go leave us here we shouldn't be out there we'd hurt our families by the exhaustion starvation and fear recognition stirs in her eyes and with it h you you really mean it cador's got this staff it controls the doors if you get it you can set everyone free if you get it somehow please whatever you can do what are you doing they're going to tear me to shreds they'd never forgive me for what I've done maybe I am maybe that's what I have to do I just I never want to see these little scraps of misery again the world doesn't need to know my shame well you clearly want to say something I'm not sure I've been weighing my options on the one hand they're the key to my unlocking eternal power power and freedom on the other well it's my fault they're here yes it was cazador's command I had no choice but it seems now I do I'm sure I will whatever the hells that might be who stands before us is this truly our prodigal son do not slouch before me boy have you no respect for yourself look at you crawling back after abandoning your family you should be begging our forgiveness forgiveness you've never forgiven anything every mistake every slip was punished I strug for perfection in all things even those as imperfect as you a pity you amounted to so little despite my efforts no no [ __ ] you and [ __ ] everything you've ever done to me I will not speak to cattle this is between me and the boy you son of a [ __ ] you truly forgot my power you truly thought our bond as Creator and creation was all that stopped you from killing me oh you are weak my child you are a small pathetic little boy who never amounted to anything but today you will finally do something worthwhile you will burn and I will ascend no stop him get me out of this witness the birth of the vampire ascendant e Dominus no healing suit for you wake up get your hands off me worm H I'm not the one in the dirt one last thrust and I'll be free of you I'll never have to fear you again but if I finish the ritual you started I'll never have to fear anyone ever you think me a fool that I would allow anyone to usurp me speak the words and Ascend in my place the rooms I carved into your flesh bind you and all 7,000 souls to the ritual complete it and those bearing the scars will be sacrificed you included you are simply a means to an end I made you to be consumed I am so much more than what you made me I can do this but I need your help these people died years ago Trust me on that all that's left a feral spawn desperate for blood if we release them how many people will they kill tens of thousands hundreds of thousands but if they die and I Ascend I won't have to rely on the parasite to walk in the sun I'll be free truly completely free isn't that what you want you can see the fear in his eyes but also the hunger the thick smell of blood in the air and the promise of power being so close is intoxicating to to him all he can see is the power of the ritual and the freedom that power brings the freedom to do anything to be anything you you're right I can't can be better than them but I'm not above join [Music] this [Music] [Music] a [Music] is is it over is he yes he's gone what does that mean for us it means you have a choice you can hide here living in the shadows like parasites or you could be more than what he made us to be you can choose differently of course but the consequences are on your head and what does it mean for them now that's a better question 7,000 Spawn from ancient conquests to you stolen children cador's staff controlled everything during the ritual if it controls the cells too you can decide their fate some sacrifices just aren't worth it the poor wretches in the cells are innocent they shouldn't have to suffer just because I L them here [Music] they'll need someone to lead them take the tunnels into the underdog find someone where well not safe but less perilous what no we can't just try to keep them out of trouble I I think we're done here let's go that's he's gone after all these years these centuries it's really over I'm not sure I feel a little uh numb what I've lost what I've gained it's all too much and God all those spawn free in the underd dark I need some time I think I just to let it all sink in let's just go this place reeks of death and I want to feel alive again you killed one vampire but released 7,000 of his spawn have you lost all sense they were Innocents to kill them would have been an even greater crime but if you do decide to go hunting them no they include your children they they survived well that depends on how you define survived really but they are free they're making their way into the the dark as we speak this is difficult news we will need to decide what it means thank you for what you have done slaying Cazador was a great justice as for the rest well time will tell the elevator lies ready to carry you back up to the Palace let's get out of here I've had more than my fill of this place I should probably start getting used to the Shadows again who knows how long I have left in the sun I know doesn't mean it stings any less maybe never SE seeing the sun again is just the price of freedom I think I do assuming we survive of course because horrible death is always just around the corner with you there's something I'd like to show you if that's all right something out in the city this way it's not huh the graveyard is appropriately silent there isn't a proverbial Soul around nearly 200 years and I never came back not since the night I woke up down there I had to punch a hole in the coffin and Claw my way through 6 ft of dirt then when I finally broke the surface wretching up dirt and concealed blood kazador was waiting from that day on I was his until today exhilarating terrifying exhausting for nearly two centuries I stalked the streets like a ghost well the person I was lay here dead and buried now I need to figure out who I am what I want you I want you you were by my side through all of this through blood lust and pain and misery you were patient you cared you trusted me when that was an objectively stupid thing to do I feel safe with you seem and whatever the future holds for me I don't want to lose that thank you well as should probably fix [Music] [Music] this [Music] cute I've been dead in the ground around for long enough it's time to try living again with everything that life has to offer if a night of passion is an offer I could be [Music] persuaded you know I didn't care for you when we first met but I do now being with you is about more than last door manipulating you into a tactical Alliance I love you I love this and I want it [Music] all [Music] it feels ridiculous to still be thinking about kazador he's gone I'm here I won but I still keep reliving everything that happened playing it over and over in my mind [Music] you're not wrong Cazador left his mark on me in more ways than one for a moment I wanted to be just like him I came so close to losing everything back there to losing myself back at the ritual all I could see was the power on offer and the safety it promised I was so blinded by it just as Cazador [Music] was but you saw something in me someone else I could be someone who could break the cycle of power and Terror that started centuries ago you saved me back there I may not have appreciated it at the time but I do now thank you you did more than that you believed in me believed I was enough just the way I am when I look at my future anything and everything feels possible now and I get to share it with you as a partner and equal you saved me from myself and let me walk A New Path where I can be free truly honestly free free this is a gift you know thank you I won't forget it you're so adorable when you're thinking what to say well now's as good a time as any nothing special of course you're only the first person who I truly be careful can't get enough I'm not [Music] surprised I do rather like that you know [Music] w [Music] w
Channel: Carian Bandit
Views: 4,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aNcIZl7Kwpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 58sec (4978 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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