Why can’t ppl mind their business….

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welcome back to the channel you guys so this is the start to a crazy day so in this video Matt AKA part-time Pickers and I hit a ton of garage sales um as normal we are looking for valuable items that we can flip on eBay for a profit and while the treasure hunting is always pretty interesting you guys are literally not gonna believe what happens in part two we got accused of literally stealing from a garage sale so be sure to check back next Thursday on this channel for part two of this insane day but for now let's just go ahead and jump into part one there's gonna be some good stuff in here for sure shirt right off the bat yeah a couple cool shirts what I'm glad you like looking through clothes it says you all over it [Laughter] something else oh no it is foreign I'm not sure about this the grass is still wet that's all right that's part of it because some reading Barn does really well some not so much of the actual handle Tuscany I don't think that's it oh that's it right there Longwood okay now let's type that to eBay 34 pieces so for 250 58 pieces sold for 199 and this is a 12 piece set and it's in eight pieces and snap that foreign yeah perfect way to start the day right and that feels like a lucite around the bottom I've never even seen a phone like that before Colombia ceramic Christmas tree okay oh my goodness for a second I do know I should not do that and the reason I don't is 15 bucks money that's as long as it's not broken oh yeah it's cool yes can you help me for one second first of all look at this phone but I need to get this tree out of here and I can't get it I'm trying to it's kind of wets in here let me uh yeah I think it's 15 this was like in the tissue paper oh yeah for sure you're sad star looks good we got the baseball yeah looks like a big guy the face is uh this is basic yeah the base is kind of actually doesn't match either like it looks like a totally different color yeah give me a nice rotation yeah so far so good yeah it looks pretty good a little piece right there um so that just looks like paint isn't it yeah a little touch up on it and all the other lights are on the bottom I don't know [Music] um what are you thinking I'm thinking that if the base was matching it would probably be 100 but yeah the base is missing because that's not even the same color green right no what are you thinking I'm conflicted yeah it's tough I'd say for like five bucks that would be a good deal I'm assuming that's the thing yeah probably this box is not the right size light bulb back in there so I'm super cool though I know I've never seen the market before I think the edges lose sight my wallet fell too that's right here oh thanks man I think I'm gonna pass on this just because of space too bad the base is not original like a treat oh yeah and with a little topper yeah then we're gonna throw this in our oh man that is so cool that was hers I've never seen one like that before I love it oh really I love it five 29. I think it's I think that says uh four oh okay yeah it did so you added those already so nine 950 is 24. I've got two right you'll take me I know it's bright and early a little bit math skills come as the day goes on you better get your jacket don't forget a bag but that's really heavy stuff yeah I'm good thank you be ready too yeah I did break a hanger box of ten yeah and then 12 12. we're going to go through these okay 14. yeah 16. yeah 19. 20. and then 21. okay 21. perfect there I didn't have to add for them all right there you go thank you thank you so much thank you thank you yeah have a great day all right thanks again it's not too bad you don't say much plus um oh dang 750. it's probably like one two three four five six seven eight those are really cool [Applause] oh those are so cool you can actually feel it which is what I wanted to check that is a really big set I think I'm gonna go snack this I found one more thing on the way out those switch covers are so neat yeah they're they're vintage too yeah there's eight don't worry about that no it's okay don't even worry about it okay thank you guys thank you let's see if I can make it out this time right but look at that 12 piece 12 play settings reading Barton I looked up the actual summary Barton is not all that but I looked up the that pattern and like a 49 piece set so for 200 bucks oh wow some of these look like they're still brand new I know amazing deal um these are super cool I just wanted to see if you like if it was it I don't know what you call it when the wood actually sticks out yeah oh yeah I'm curious what that's I feel like the quality yeah I know she said they're old yeah they're definitely I'd say at least like 70s I like how the outer edge is darker like that too yeah someone that has like a cabin or in that bone that phone's crazy I know go get that guy said he has a black one just like it who makes it um have we looked it up yet no I did a quick like a two second Google image search and I saw some listed for sixty dollars on this no way okay that's awesome okay all right I got this you got your phone all right let's roll that is like a bobcat it's just like pet me she knows we're talking about her hi Kitty no you don't want a good pet do you oh this is cool let's go oh no it's not broken just the edge oh it's almost uncastled right there way better oh I just shipped out a similar or something where should I go last night you press the button down and then that's a little pet and a little salt out oh Texas Lone Star State almost these are imperial American made how much are your boots they're five dollars five dollars those are the women's boots okay come on I'm just gonna set these right here thank you okay I won't dare I thought about it okay okay I thought of you and I picked them up maybe there's like a green spoon over there and we could add these to the pelvis so you're gonna have to find a lot of stuff like this so these are Maui Jims they're what Maui Jim okay oh I think your Kitty's almost as big as your dog I know what yeah he's a rescue from Wyoming where my daughter lives well actually so is the the Siamese that's around here somewhere but he has uh he has six holes let me have a show over your calls come here come here I know you're confused aren't you yeah but he walks like uh like a lion does yeah foreign [Music] it's like a little garden touch you're meant to be a birdhouse or just an inside decoration I'm thinking inside decoration but check out that paint job that is coming home with me oh there he is hi Cody oh I see your big paw can we see the pop can I pet you hi hi Cody [Music] I would have got that look at that basket purse right there it's Hong Kong super cool but it's it's broken on the back which is very tragic because it is there's no other way to describe that the tragic so so I'm buying those um green glasses because you don't want to know taking it right good though you probably just add them to your life and she's being good that one only has one that one has a lot though well I wasn't gonna have any more but uh but only this one has the little thingy yeah I got a brand new car oh there's the other pump right there that goes with this one okay you know about two dollars sounds great thank you for backing that up I appreciate that there is nice thank you a GoPro camera oh that's cool yeah have a good day thank you all right so what's up with these boots those are Dan Post oh damn those are nice I haven't heard of but they're made in the USA Imperial I think I've sold Imperial before okay that's nice yeah they're in good condition the Style's pretty cool they have been cheap because it was everything was only 19 right yeah they're five bucks each oh wow yeah can't beat that and what else do we get there so you got the birdhouse it looks like a birdhouse but it's definitely not a birdhouse right no it's I think it's it's something there for inside I think it's for tea for tea a tea house it makes perfect sense is it not I mean I just bought it because the paint job is amazing Kathy did a great job hand signed yeah it says Garden Tea there you go okay so it is a tea house there you go that's the only reason I said it though to have it like stacked up in there slide them in there you know slide them out so how you gonna slide it out you gotta special tool or something so these Maui gyms I don't even know if they're Maui gems let's see they don't say anything on them let's do a little bit of research on these guys okay but yeah if they are my gems they sell pretty wait is there something on the front oh no there's a little bag underneath us all through it yeah what's up puppy is definitely smaller than that cat was massive I know and then you got those uh green things what do you call those sugar depression glass I don't know if they are or not but it looks like it no glowy glass glow in the dark glass yeah and then these I think are going to be the best find of the South yeah and the easiest to ship for sure easy money isn't that neat which one you'll play this one oh yeah [Music] that's what I thought it was gonna be like a Hobby Lobby reader or something because it's cool oh my gosh that's cast iron sometime near woman is actually worth picking up this is a Google search okay so then sold for 38. 45. and that one actually looks brand new okay there it is you use it sold for 25 well best offer on 25. I'm gonna look at it again I think if it's actually new I'm probably Gonna Take It I think it's new it's beautiful yeah I knew it sounds like 45 or 50. I think it is new doesn't that look rude yeah I don't think that thing has ever been used that's what we were just saying it's so nice yeah I think we're all guilty of that though yeah sure that's awesome it'd be for you though because I'm not going to be shipping that and then this is a dollar ooh Harry Potter nice yeah oh and it's stackable so another one with wheels can stack right on top yeah [Music] you guys like how he picks up Big shipping stuff it's like oh it's for you oh fourth and sixth grade my child loves trivia happy ready for some more trivia oh yeah what'd you say is that Harry Potter it is that's cute right is that a good brand or no what brand is it I was gonna say that's Vera Bradley yes that's what I was looking for yes and it's our collection back here on the corner guys this is the older one too hi until the Jane bag that's like the older messenger style too that Vera Bradley cup is super cool that's going to be fight for Kinsley though this goes with it I know so does this like put lights on the ceiling yeah it doesn't put lights on the ceiling it it just glows up like a cool lamp Okay that's awesome my little girl will love that thank you she just showed me you've got good helpers over here my kid I will love that that's in my style oh it's a tote bag good for the beach yeah it has that nice line right here yeah the closest ones are better but this is still nice yeah that kind of just wipe right off it's good to go all right you think we're ready I think so you're gonna get this one how much it is but yeah more than likely pumpkin skip that's cute holiday home I kind of like a little 20 bucks I don't need it don't do it don't even touch it I don't need it what the heck are those things I don't know they look like little Shooters yeah okay walk away not gonna test them let's use your tote bag uh four dollars okay sure all right should we total it up yeah yeah there are a few things we don't know prices on so how much is that before yeah four okay and then there's five how much is your cup two dollars okay six seven eight nine ten and fifteen nineteen plus three 22. so 23 23 bucks oh yeah what's what let me take a picture real quick yeah no you're fine no you're fine um three there's four of those little things yes fine where'd the glow thing go is it in there yeah um it's hiding down here okay so that's eight of mine okay and what was it total 23 we said 23. so 15 to the other lady I'll do the eight weeks are you sure yeah okay yeah we're just gonna give them 23 bucks cool thank you I just got too confused there very easily well there's they're like split it up but then they didn't want us to split it okay yeah all right you're proud new owner of a Duplo bus there's a cell count for 60. thank you if it's full of stuff it sells for like 150. not bad no that's probably the best over there oh fill her up now people are every time I pass up anything Pioneer Woman everybody's like we didn't buy the pen so that'll make everybody happy today all of it's not worth picking up but that one is super cool yeah we both say it you guys it's hard to think of a million adjectives a day yeah super cool applies everything so it's okay we get a pass we're saying super cool we know it's annoying but you're stuck with it and we're honestly making good effort right we're trying we know what's up gonna throw in some interesting yeah so awesome all right on to the next one yep Hi how are you I miss you too I'm gonna lower the comments oh I know right so many how can people they definitely cannot nice to meet you madam hey I've run into her frequently good today no not really yeah her little dress has Dumbo on it in Hong Kong it's old Strawberry Shortcake for three dollars and has a pillow oh and flat shape it looks like that yeah it was cool vintage Strawberry Shortcake the whole sheet set that's pillowcase the flat sheet and the fitted sheets yeah I'm just gonna buy this and see yeah yes they're so cool and this oh my God I love that um do I pay separate I'm gonna grab a water from this yeah okay you guys I figured are they a dollar yes okay did you want anything thank you you're welcome do you want a bag no I'm good thank you though who cares hey thank you have a nice day thank you too fine yeah I've never seen a strawberry shortcake sheets yeah I'm gonna open up this little I'm gonna look at it I've never I don't think I've ever found a vintage shed that has like the pillowcases with both the shoes friends make the world a cozy place and like the condition too because it's very white still mm-hmm we'll see we'll see yeah delicious yeah I would think so too but yeah the other prices did seem like they look stuff up so I don't know hopefully that was worth five dollars but super cute either way that's how calm the piece is too so okay guys so this is where I'm going to stop the video for today as always thank you guys so much for watching um I'm gonna put the link for Matt's AKA part-time Pickers channel in the pinned comments down below so be sure to check out his channel if you haven't already uh he makes great videos by himself but there are lots of videos with me on his channel too so be sure to show him some love and do not forget that next Thursday I'm bringing you guys the craziest video that um I've ever made just because I've never been accused of stealing before and the guy just did not want to let it go so I promise you you will not be disappointed with that video as always thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you all next Thursday
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 340,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ebayreseller, #workfromhome
Id: VJwHoofpdfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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