$1 Garage Sale for the WIN

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all right guys I just pulled up to the first yard sale of the day it is bright and early on a Friday morning and we're gonna go see if we can find anything awesome to flip on eBay good morning good morning how are you doing good good memorized shoes yeah those are nice yes my granddaughter she rides oh really yep how much are your Crocs a dollar a dollar can't beat a dollar turkey talker turkey call turkey call yeah you gonna do it for me yeah heck yeah you had to use this one I don't that's actually okay there you go sounds just like a turkey oh thank you how much for that guy a dollar a dollar seems to be there yeah I got another there okay oh I remember this my dad had one just like that he needs a little chocolate let's see Quaker boy all right that's three bucks three okay sounds good all right that is a deco yeah I'll take that to you I'll just make me a little pile babe I'll just set my stuff under this table is that okay all right sounds good well and I added your decoy I was at three four all right I got five dollars sounds good five bucks so far okay how much are your dolls I get it they're American Girl just tell me hit me with it 75 for each one yeah okay what about your horse oh about a dollar can't beat a dollar I like that this is amazing what about your Star Wars Infinity game here two bucks all right a dollar so eight bucks so far right all right let's go we're gonna have to go see the squirrels okay on his booty too all right foreign [Music] I sure am ready yes sir are you setting up for the 68 no just setting up I got yeah okay oh you do toy shows yeah that's awesome yeah yeah let me check them out see I got these I got a cupboard oh wow that's all oh that's like a ride on yeah yeah a little back here oh dang so that's good to uh oh my goodness you got a lot of those I got toilet I did these are all full of tractors okay and these here they're like these that's all the big money stuff right there huh [Laughter] how often do you go to toy shows oh wow yeah do they have a lot here in town [Music] Target um 2009 I don't know about this this is my guess is probably not good but 2009 only at Target makes me think it might be Gala train Center made in USA that's a vintage kite I can't really beat his prices all right transonic transistor [Applause] boy I love this stuff we had an RV oh really that's where all the dishes they were all bought for it yeah where is the last place you went in your RV uh okay can't beat Tennessee it's one of my favorite places to go okay I honestly already forgot our total over there do you remember oh shoot we can add it up again one two three four okay one two three four five I thought it was eight eight sounds good and then add these two to it 20 cent 25 cents and what about this guy oh uh dollar okay we'll just do it even ten dollars how's that okay oh you got a bunch of knives in here can I open this up yeah yeah foreign yeah lots of cake these are new ones though okay how much uh how much is one like this 10 bucks 10 bucks huh gosh you got a lot of them hmm never heard of this brand it's really what it is it's a gift somebody oh yes somebody gave you okay all right hmm okay you got a lot of these cases huh yeah I got a bunch more I really I got about yeah all right well maybe I should just pick a few out here hmm they're hot yeah no I understand they're good ones yeah yeah I don't know a lot about them I just know case is pretty sought after yep especially these These are the older ones yeah all right and these are in really nice shape too yeah so they're been used a little bit but they're the blades still look good though yep yep yep [Music] I wish I had a better knife game but I don't know well big guys here for a long time yes they will they will indeed gosh I just wish I knew more about them hmm what about for these five right here oh 65 65. okay I'll do it okay all right um [Applause] oh no you got more yeah okay I also added this little piggy bank five bucks it's a little high about a dog I just told him to get rid of he had everything set up last night I said if somebody comes and steals it put a sign out take you have to take everything except the tape no kidding that's too funny okay so we're at 10 75 76 just to keep it before I even start looking oh Jesus yeah we're just uh this one here is the best one okay yeah you from here uh well Danville so close to you you see what that says the spring in from 1948 to 1998 50th Anniversary where's the springs in it's gold this world wow it used to be you know where um CVS is and uh McDonald's and it's set right there well it was the place to go yeah live music oh really yeah dancing that's awesome a little bit before my time of being in this town I've only lived in Lexington for about a year and a half or so it's been gone for probably 10 years yeah yeah okay foreign what about this one sir that one right there is 30. 30. that's a case that's just neat looking I've never seen one that's got that curve like that got a toothpick a toothpick okay I thought that was uh toothpick games carry switchblade yeah it did oh no oh Dale Earnhardt okay what is that a car or a knife oh wow oh a case still art yes the Intimidator yes dang and look you got your certificate yeah damn that is nice too I'm scared to ask I'm scared to ask it is basic 800 bucks 100 bucks you're definitely gonna have the right people that come along they're going to know a lot more about these than I do you're doing good you're doing good you're doing good with what I think 65 yes sir you doing good you're learning oh you're just keep pulling them out oh man wow those are just pretty to even look at yes that's what they are they're collectibles yeah you have an amazing collection S no sir I really don't know a lot about about them to be honest the only thing I'm slightly familiar with is case and like a few others oh gosh put the Herd on you is that like a hunting knife no it's really just for looks oh okay well you know what I think it probably does its job because it's intimidating to work it jumbo Sports performing out of business and he's worked as a gun Department he said people would come in looking for guns to protect their house yeah they'd want to revolvers up and then he'd go no you need a shotgun yeah he said there's nothing worse than standing in the dark room and hearing a shotgun ride heck yeah that's nice too because the other ones are quiet you're right the sound alone will scare them off see this one oh dang I run across things you just run across the house all right I'm gonna start putting everything in my bag okay I was up to 76 okay I'm just gonna give you 80. okay okay you'll be fine no I feel like you gave me a good deal on all this stuff down here so we're good with 80. thank you thank you yeah it's okay it'll all fit in here oh you mean you're trying to sell me something else all right you know some of it I may just give you please take me I would think you'll have a lot of business today just for you guys are right off of the 68 with that going on oh six day going on yeah it's going on it started yesterday yeah I did that one time it's it's a hit me yeah it definitely is yeah I'm gonna stuck it down there in that crock there all right I believe I got everything thank you thank you guys so much I appreciate it as well good luck with yourself hi thank you oh my goodness no oh please are you sure yes because thank you so much we've made a big one and we're both gonna die oh well thank you so much I really appreciate that thank you guys well how about that I got some knives look you guys this is still hot it's warm on the plate how about that okay so I just very very quickly look at the Dale Earnhardt knife and I saw one that sold for ninety dollars and then I was looking at that toothpick some of those toothpick knives it's over 150 but then there were some that sold for 30. and I didn't want to sit there and just like spend all the time in the world looking myself up hopefully I did okay with 65 I'm gonna be willing to guess that I did pretty good I'm not sure if you guys have heard the saying to never drink from the yard sale stand lemonades but I don't think mama's gonna be able to resist this scone if you guys could smell this right now the whole garage literally smelled amazing um okay 80 bucks at the first stop not sure how I did on those case but in my opinion there's no way I'm going to lose money on those so sometimes well not sometimes yeah sometimes it is worth the risk to just pick it up I'm sure I left some big money behind there you guys let me know in the comments which ones I definitely should have picked up anyways let's head on down the highway and see what else we can find I think so good morning little guy you having a yard sale yeah and there's stuff okay great thank you Jurassic World Barbie how cute is that what's new though if I knew I mean new age what's that um it's Lego yeah my daughter loves Lego and she loves animals I bet she's gonna like this hmm am I gonna wanna have it yeah she loves them we're gonna let her have it or not that is the question bucks for 525 piece of Lego I don't think I can go wrong either way I go bad air money need to tighten it up good morning you have left your sale in good hands out here did you tell her good morning so tell us tell her good morning he did really good he told me to come on in the garage there's stuff in here we had a little conversation about these Legos here yeah I think you've got a good helper today do you want a bag oh you know what okay I think fun I have lots of bags in the car okay we have a lot of boxes okay I think I'm good to go but thank you I'm your first one all right you might have more customers I owe you 12 and I only have a 20 is that okay okay great thank you very much I appreciate it foreign thank you I'm going to take your little camera here too so I owe you another dollar all right thank you so much good luck with your sale you're welcome all right guys nice quick little stuff there oh easy shippers ten dollars near the box Legos this is a iPad Mini for two bucks I don't know what year this is 32 gigs 2012 so probably not that great but for two bucks I don't think I'd go wrong and this these little Canon Power shots do really well and sell really fast but it looks pretty dang good all right on to the next one guys I had exactly enough to left between those last two sales and this one to eat this much of the scone in case you guys are wondering it's flipping amazing looks like we've got two right across the street s like a lot of truck off the street not really nice they are 25 see you can paint them black yeah it's a McGuire shoot I would not dare paint those black okay well they're lovely I know it I like it in a natural form heck yeah this is funny about these days how much on this the toilet wand yeah oh there it is three dollars oh three dollars okay three it's like ten dollars for the stuff at one of the refills so I should do it um [Music] [Music] oh I think this little I think this is Radco Turtles it's a good blanket right there but I'm not trying to mess with it all right now I'm going to take your toilet brush okay and these two beautiful ornaments what a combination toilet bowl cleaner and ornaments so we got what three on everything yes ma'am thank you so much I appreciate that right here I'm sorry if you're following me around I think so what's up it wasn't real at all the previous cells I don't think it's lit now but you know how it carries its odor yeah thank you so much for wrapping those for me yeah I bought a set of Pyrex bowls last weekend and I had a speed bump in the small one like bounced up and crushed my middle Bowl oh so I only made it home with two out of the three oh bummer my fault for not stacking them properly but yeah still a bummer I'm not even sure that this is good that's good I'm gonna put them in something else when I get in the carpet that is perfect and there is nine dollars great thank you so much thank you good luck with your sale thanks you know I've been here a couple years in a row oh good yeah I keep coming back all right yeah thank you excuse me thank you guys no you're fine you guys are both just back-to-back thanks so much all right obviously this is not for refill these ornaments though I feel like that was probably really good find I'm really I feel like I should know what CR is it's probably going to come to me anytime but I'm like 90 sure that other one was Radko because I'm like 20 seconds down the road and it just hit me uh I believe the CR stands for Christopher Radko so I'm pretty sure that I got two Radco ornaments at that sale it's tough because I want to like look everything up and show you guys what stuff is worth at the trunk each time but it's really hard when you're in like a neighborhood sale like this that is full of resellers and people shopping you want to just hurry up and skid onto the next one but dang I'm now it explains like that amazing paint job that is really exciting to think that I just spent six dollars onto large Radco ornaments that is really floating me both I don't even know which way to go look at all these signs you guys so this is what I'm working with their sales everywhere hello okay hold on let me say for babies okay wow Bobby I know that's very cool mister um I believe it's from a movie before would you take five on it um [Music] four hours this was the time how are you doing this morning good 10 books Memorial foreign [Applause] all right [Music] foreign okay there you go thank you so much appreciate it okay so that was pretty interesting and so where seemingly everything was priced possibly for what it's worth I don't know I didn't spend much time looking anything up because the prices were you know on the higher side as far as resale goes some of those things might have been worth with their price tip but this is a vintage Lisa Frank stuffed animal now I have sold a bunch of like the little the little ones I think they're called like beanie buddies however I've never snagged one of these big ones but I do remember seeing this exact course the last time I was listing mine and I want to say it was selling for at least forty dollars hopefully it was more than that due to the size it could have been the small one I'm thinking of I'm not exactly sure but I'm gonna put up the current going rate for this bad baby right now all right guys so this is where I'm gonna cut in today uh let's touch base on a few things because this was a pretty crazy start to my morning but let's let's talk about the dollar sale first of all like that sale could have been like totally different and what I mean by that that doesn't make much sense uh totally different meaning that so many of those items are like hit or miss like that Star Wars toy for example um it just so happened to be a Target exclusive and it was like 12 or so years old so I picked it up that could have been like seven bucks but it ended up being from a good series and it sells for like 50 to 60 dollars and I had no idea I was just buying it because the things were a dollar now the Breyer horse so obviously Breyer horses do carry a really good value and so if you ever come across one like used for a dollar you should probably pick it up but let alone new in the box now that one last sold for eighty dollars used and sells for over a hundred dollars new so I have mine listed at 125. um now I kind of used these really cheap prices to justify the risk on those Case Knives now I do know that they hold value but every knife is different I don't know how to date them or to tell their value just by looking at them with Case Knives you have to find that specific model to get a true value now I have only listed one of the five knives and the one I listed was probably the one in the best condition and it sold very quickly for seventy five dollars now the other four knives I've just started looking into and actually that's a lot of three because I've misplaced one I'm not sure where it's at sorry about the helicopter but it's either dark in here because the garage door is closed or I open the garage door for the lighting and we hear some noise anyway so this little yellow case knife sells for about 50 to 60 bucks so in between this one and the one that already sold for 75 dollars we are into the profit on the knives now a couple of condition issues on this one like this is an electrician's knife and it has comps that are pretty decent but when you open this up the blades do have some resting and maybe like a couple little Pits on it so am I going to be able to get the hundred dollars that it sells for absolutely not um I might be lucky to get like 15 because of the condition issues but overall when you add up all of the knives it's going to be over 200 so is that the greatest deal for 65 bucks probably not but I'm still into the profit and I still got all those other crazy items at that sale now let's talk about the craziest item of that sale and honestly the craziest item of the day now you guys saw me pick up those two turkey calls at the beginning both of them were the same brand both of them were Quaker boy but they were two different styles now the cheaper of the two I think I have listed for around 25 now that wood one you guys it ended up being incredibly rare this one I listed immediately and it has already sold for 225 now there are other Quaker boy calls very similar to this that have only sold for 20 to 30 dollars so again I just got incredibly lucky that this gentleman was pricing everything at a dollar and so I just instinctually picked that up without looking it up and what a score and so all of these other scores made up for the questionable purchase of the case knives I also got really lucky with those um two Radco ornaments it's so much much of this look as I call it comes from like just noticing quality and that's the thing with really nice ornaments especially Radco is the painting is incredible so the larger snowman already sold for fifty dollars and I have the other little Nomi guy listed I think for 30 ish so another really good pickup for three dollars each what else what other cells did we hit this day oh an iPad for two dollars come on like I understand it's old but that's still a really good deal and then we got that candid power shop for a dollar which is a better deal than the iPad because I think it sold for like 50 bucks um and then I've got the Lego which is over here hidden in the garage because I haven't decided if Kinsley is getting that for Christmas or not what else and then lastly that Lisa Frank horse it ended up not selling for as much as I was thinking or maybe the comms have changed since over a year ago when I looked at it but it already sold for 32 dollars so at a four dollar cost of goods that was still a pretty good deal so a really incredible start to my morning met the sweetest people I still can't believe that lady and her precious scone that was my first scone by the way and it was delightful but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video it was a really fun day and I've got a lot of cool stuff so I hope you liked it um if you did you guys want to hear something I never say why don't you guys hook me up with a like and like 70 of you guys are not subscribed so if you want to help a girl out hit subscribe and give me a like um did I sound too um YouTubey cheesy guys or did I do a good job just like the video just just give it a like and I'll see you guys next Thursday with another video
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 545,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ebayreseller, #workfromhome
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 24sec (2124 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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