Millionaire Estate Sale Didn't Disappoint! ROAD TRIP to GA

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I really think this is about to be the start of a good one for you guys today um all packed up and about to head out of Kentucky on my way down to the center of Georgia for the peaches to the beaches Highway route yard sale now not only are we going back to this for a second year in a row but I'm also going to meet up with two of my favorite Pickers it's been almost two years since I have picked with Matt over at part-time Pickers so I'm meeting up with him and my buddy Paul the Philly flipper who actually picked this route cell with me last year now before we get going I'm about to run in for some car ride snacks at the Epic crumble cookie hashtag not sponsored if you want to sponsor me hit me up you guys say what this is all about yay okay so I have about a seven hour drive let's see how far or how long these cookies last me it's gonna be quite torturous smelling these the whole way down there you guys think I'll make it with any left Intel so not today Goodwill not today so as you guys see there's like trees all down on the side of the road I'm about to pull in this driveway for two seconds I have only been on the road for like five minutes you guys see my mirror so there was a crazy Windstorm a couple of days ago with like 70 mile per hour winds and there was just a branch hanging out of a tree and so I just barely tacked this little branch that was hanging out in the road oh man it actually took off the outer piece of my mirror okay well I'm gonna have to go back because I'm not trying to change that stinks you guys look I literally haven't even been gone for okay six minutes six minutes down the road and now I'm about to backtrack I really hope that I can find this piece of my flipping mirror that really stinks so bad here we go let's backtrack okay it's in the middle of the road I'm so thankful it's right there I don't know if you guys can see that Branch oh it's my finger messed it up but you can see that Branch coming up from the ground up right there sticking out in the road that's what just got us I can't take the time to put this on right now because I'm in this little road but I'm super excited that I at least got this piece back and it doesn't look too scratched well I wasn't expecting for this to be my first Adventure on this route cell losing a part of my mirror but you guys like there are trees down everywhere so it looks like there's only like the tiniest little scratch um when you guys see this Branch you're gonna understand how I hit it it was coming up from the ground not hanging out of the tree so I don't think anybody else would have even noticed I don't know how this goes oh is it snaps back on that easy oh oh it just pops back on okay easy easy money but that is a little unfortunate but I think that will just buff out a little little bit of scratches but in the green scheme of things like look do you guys see this house that just so happened to be turned around it can you all see like all of those trees down back there I want to see if there's no cars coming I'm gonna try and show you all the branch that I just hit gosh they really need to um get that out of the road before it takes off somebody else's mirror are you the one nope you're not the one where are you at branch came out of nowhere let me tell you honestly oh there it is right there so you guys see that baby that little guy sticking up right there we're lucky that that is all that it did just taking off that back piece instead of my whole mirror so anyways let's head on down the road uh oh guys we're officially a little over 100 miles in Tennessee welcomes me baby dang I should have stopped at that Welcome Center you guys know with my bladder I have to go to Tennessee tell I'm surrounded by the beautiful mountains now I just need to find somewhere that has a salad and a bathroom and I have already went up 12 degrees in temperature high in Lexington today was like 54 and the high just south of Atlanta is 84. um you get the SD through these trees guys I love this drive you all probably can't tell but I'm going straight up right now into the mountains I officially made it to somewhere in the Chattanooga area I made it 188 miles before I had to stop for a PBA pre-p gosh I can't even talk pee break I've been holding it literally for almost an hour because there was a Chick-fil-A on my route so y'all know what time it is time for some Chick-fil-A and to go to the bathroom finally I got to make up for these cookies somehow grilled chicken and fruit cup all right we got some Chick-fil-A now we're getting some gas in the car by the way thank you Tennessee for having gas at 299 a gallon I thought Kentucky gas was cheap at like 329 right now but um I'll take 2.99 any day of the week wow you guys tell I've been wearing some sunglasses the whole time and I've been like sweating I don't know about you guys but interstate driving is stressful I've been like dripping and sweat the whole time probably TMI but officially made it to Georgia I don't know why I'm screaming welcome to Georgia welcome to Georgia yes welcome to Georgia here we go all right we are finally about to the Atlanta area right to stay on I-75 South I don't think I've ever been through Atlanta where the traffic has not been like this in Georgia we went there last year for this route sale all right you guys do you see that estate sale today so I'm on my way to my Airbnb and I just accidentally stumbled across all these estate sale signs that are pointing in this really nice neighborhood Lake what does that say Lake Dow North and there's literally Lakes on both sides of the street and this neighborhood looks super super nice so hopefully it's not an old sign I mean there's a lot there's another estate sale sign there I'm thinking with all these estate sale signs and them being like company professional estate sale signs that maybe this estate sale will actually be here and I mean it is 2 58 right now so what are the chances they have good stuff left I don't know but we're about to find out oh my gosh so all those cars on the street up there are a good sign I bet this sale is still going on holy cow these are the cars all the way down the whole street what house is having the estate sale oh right there uh right on the lake too my [Music] exposure's all wonky that is a huge house and look at all these cars so I wasn't actually supposed to start picking until tomorrow so the fact that I have a bonus estate sale to go into right now is really exciting this house is literally insane you guys and lots of people carrying lots of stuff out that's a good sign oh my gosh I'll just bamboo furniture sorry and the bamboo couches oh man if I was closer to home that one is amazing race winners oh that one's really nice too retail originally was 80 and lower to 40. it's got like needlework and Lace cutouts that is super nice Quaker lace is this like actual magnetic bikers fun fact I used to work at Shaker town which was an old establishment of well originally a Quaker establishment wow and it's from Pennsylvania so this is where the last standing Quakers before they passed away was originally 20 bucks that has to be good none of these have prices though and all the other prices here are kind of crazy oh that's nice too and where was this one made I can't see in this little corner I've got a glare I think I'm gonna take all those and see how much they are at least I'm a little bummed out that I'm far away from home not with that Shelf oh I like this little Tiki totem thingy 10 bucks I think I want that for myself Boma hand-painted made in Canada that's kind of cool I don't know what this is worth but I can see this sitting in my house right now so I'm gonna take that too and I will find out how much these are this couch set is a straight Blast from the Past though oh my gosh actually this whole set I kind of like these two mine is like the glass tops but their prices are net so it's 250 just for the coffee table and then each of these side tables are 175 each and then that piece right there is 250 also let's check out what's in here really quick before we go back to the rest of the house 50 bucks for those dang so I was just looking through this little drawer of like old golf stuff and this is super cool like Polo Ralph Lauren golf tees let me see if I can open this up and again this doesn't have prices oh one-handed I don't have my GoPro on yet these have a little symbols on the end super cool I'm about to look into these really quick and see just so I know if they give me a crazy price to put them back so I'm gonna look them up really quick okay so I just looked up these little golf tees and it looks like there was a comp for 15 and a comp for 30 but they weren't like the different color sets like what's in this box so I'm gonna hope for the best on these I'm not right sun and Flash do you really I'm like she's not she's not here she's not in Georgia I walk by and I walked back oh my gosh oh thank you so much that's awesome what are you doing um we're I'm down for the peaches to the beaches route so that is so funny I wasn't planning on shopping and I just drove onto all the estate sale signs so I'm like filming with my phone right now what was your name I'm Holly Holly it's really nice to meet you so this little Kodak film strips look like they're someone's like 30 bucks with free shipping so I'm gonna take both of those too oh my gosh check these out if these are vintage sanity I have pants almost identical to these these are like super early 2000s and they are xanity is a good sauce too I bet these are good I'm not eating how much they are though it seems like everything I'm picking up doesn't have a price so it looks like there's a sold calm for these jeans for like 75 bucks so even if they're overpriced to like some of the other jeans on there like 15 or 20 bucks I think they'll still be worth it and it's like a blast straight from my past so the majority of this house is seriously out of my element there's so much glassware and Porcelain just all over the place and extremely nice furniture what are these in bedside garage I don't even know what those are this house is so fancy look at those curtains see if I can show you guys The View oh you can't see it that's the front this whole Space is just a dressing room it's literally like a wrap around dressing room that goes all the way around this house is bushy and look at the chandelier in that blanket it's like velvet these towels oh my gosh so okay these would be really valuable but 25 bucks each 15 for the hand towels and ten dollars for the wash Rags I know these are valued but I'm just curious if they're even marked oh the Avante look 1978. by Avanti like I know that this style is valuable but I can't imagine they'd be worth paying that much for I mean at least resell was hmm is there anything in this one oh there it is there's stuff in every single little nook and cranny so many closets and so much stuff but how people have this much stuff to fill these closets oh I have sold this same exact blanket before it's a nice satin weave for 10 bucks like honestly I don't want to fill in my car already because I'm like this was an accidental estate sale that I ran across and I have all weekend of yard sales but yeah I want to say I saw this exact same one for like 50 bucks Canon Royal sales to King pillowcases that looks fancy as can be too I'm gonna look this one up really quick so it looks like these pillowcases last sold on a bid for 30 so I would think I'd be able to get a little bit more for that but again it doesn't have a price it's so weird that I have this bag full of stuff and none of it has prices but the majority of everything I picked up has prices and it's crazy actually do I have one thing that has a price I don't think I have one thing yet I have stuff waiting on the table outside and then I have this stuff so I guess we'll see how bad the damage is if it's even worth getting any of this stuff it's tight squeeze I'm here it's a tiny squeeze dang everything in here is so fancy so much for us yes look at that framed original oil painting signed by m Blanco 1250. so much glassware all over this place can you fit I'll scoot this out of your way you're welcome is that enough clearance there all right Grace perfect you're very welcome put it back oh she's a Justin there you go favorite room of the house but it's full of fancy fancy glassware look at somebody's yeah it's quite services circus carnival interesting I think the flower's probably long gone this estate sale started like six hours ago I just accidentally happened to be driving by the um a sign I decided to stop once you got through this backyard and what's in it how cute was he check this out though you guys there's my other sheets down there on that table how about this area though you guys this house is just massive and fancy it's all get out absolutely insane the amount of glassware in this place Furniture is so nice Rosewood glass curved cases 1400 bucks this is so out of my element but how fancy like these were some High floating folks oh this is their little bar dang I haven't seen anything like that authentic Venetian Murano I don't even know how to say that trifocio trofuwatchi wine glasses 24 karat gold trim hand painted for 400 bucks dang I guess all that is like that holy cow that's insane the end of these little shot glasses I guess so the low price of 550. 24 Karat why do they need so much holy cow this house is fancy fancy overload some golf tees and then I have these tablecloths this is the only thing I believe sorry oh were you doing that [Music] what else it was just this and did you get this guy yeah this bag is empty I was just using to carry this stuff 27. sounds good um I'll do cash there we go thank you very much thank you do you guys do like 50 off day after certain amount of days or we do we try to do it um [Music] I know I don't even know who our client is in this oh okay I know and yeah we have to ask yeah so is this the first day of the sale okay that's why everything's going full price yeah I just got lucky and was driving by and saw the sign we try to keep our prices low and low enough anyway we have about actually one in three of our customers dealers oh okay so we have to keep it open for you yeah for sure I'm surprised there's still so much good stuff left this time of day there's so much so cool I know it's crazy the dressing rooms are closets I should say are and said in the best we haven't even had the clothes go through it here yet oh really well not not on this side it's I don't know what they're doing up front yeah all right well thank you so much thank you enjoy oh geez all favorite you would have been back in about 30 seconds so I was almost back to my Airbnb and I just passed what yeah another thrift store so we're gonna run in here and see if we can find anything else really quick to end the day after that bonus estate sale why not so it looks like this is more of like a discount store than it is like a thrift store like it's just a lot of bulk type stuff like this and I also noticed a signup rent that said they have an eBay store and a Poshmark store so I don't think that I'm gonna find anything here but I did just pass a Salvation Army that I was gonna backtrack to anyways so I'm just gonna head over there now all right let's try this again with the Salvation Army and hope it's better than the last one me hello okay at least this is an actual thrift store and it's a lot nicer than my Salvation Army my local ones only have clothes no hard Goods whatsoever so I was just going through the purses and I found this I thought it was a car purse at first but it's actually like an electrician's pouch with like a special Home Depot and Major League Soccer which is kind of random so I'll look it up and there is a sold comp for 40 bucks but it does not have the major league soccer on the front so I'm not sure if that's like I mean it's perfectly centered so it doesn't look like it was an actual addition that somebody put on themselves but um I couldn't find a comp for this exact one it's priced at 10 bucks so I don't know what do you guys think should I get it or should I leave it I think I'm just gonna hold on to it for a second and think about it while I keep looking I'm not picking these up but this is slightly unfortunately surprised at 4.99 each for these two like dinosaur plaques and I just paid 20 bucks a piece for those at Hobby Lobby for kinsley's dinosaur bedroom at her dad's house isn't about how it works so I was just going through this little shoes section here and I came across these little Nike metcons and these are sometimes pretty decent but unfortunately these are priced at where's the price oh they're 9.99 and these specific model only sells for like 30 bucks so I'm not gonna pay ten dollars for those because they're dirty in you know 10 bucks but some of these metcons sell for upwards of like 50 plus so I just try to look them up every time I come across a pair probably saw like two good pairs in the history of ever though so I don't know Hit or Miss I guess this looks like a little calf on es what's that say oh eight inch omelette pan it's 4.99 now it's probably only worth like 15 or 20 bucks cool for the yard sale I do think I'm gonna I don't want to but I think I'm gonna put this back I think the major looks like there's gonna make it a hard sell you guys tell me wrong decision or the right decision this little bell is super cool is that it's a little Tiki guy oh and it says aloha solid brass that's kind of cool normally the little souvenir bells are not worth anything but this is like actual heavy brass so I just looked at this little Tiki Bell and there aren't any listed or sold but considering it's like heavy duty brass and price 1.99 I would probably just buy this and list it for like 20 bucks but the craziest font is this Optimum oil therapy it's like discontinued I want to looked it up because it's 2004. but you guys are not going to believe it this sells for 69.99 for this little thing of literal it's oil cream moisturizer and it's priced at only 1.99 so that's going to be the real winner of this Salvation Army I'm glad I finally found something better than this little bell but I mean heck I'll take them both profits profit right and they're both super easy shippers and service service how cool are these little Southwestern like napkin rings we got some cactuses that are what is that brass and some cute little coyotes I have to open this up and check these out okay look at these cute little coyotes oh that's not so cute with a little scarf these are like a really thin lightweight nickel and it looks like a set of four of these last so for like fifteen dollars but check out these Brass Cactus napkin rings these are super cool and instead of these last sold for 20 bucks and there's more there's more than four of both of these in here but it's priced at seven dollars so yeah I'm still thinking about it what's that seven day into at least 30 70. seven into at least like 35 dollars I need to count these and see how many there actually are before I make it you guys are getting a lot of my thinking process today okay so there's actually six of these little brass cactuses in there and I just checked the comps again and it looks like the sense of six are selling for around 20 or 25 but all with best offers on there which obviously means less than 20 bucks and then being that those only sold for fifteen dollars I think I'm gonna leave them behind since they're seven dollars so this recruit hat I think it's like an army recruit made in USA I have sold the same exact hat I want to say for like 19.99 and they said their hats are 99 Cents so I think I'm gonna pick that up too and then this one looks kind of interesting I don't know why maybe because I don't know what it is so I'm going to look this up really quick because it's made in the USA so that's the only reason why I'm like oh this one's priced at 3.99.99 so that makes me even more inclined to think it's good or well they probably just know Maine USA is good too and then one last one this one right here NYPD bomb squad with a little tie on there that looks pretty cool too Luna Basics though I don't know I'm white well not on mine I'm gonna look these two up really quick so I found a different variation of this hat that had like a maroon build that last little and honestly this one looks pretty good but it's worth it four dollars so I don't know I need to think about this one for a second I need to stop putting more corn before I decide and then this one there's no comps for an unlisted or an unsold but that is super cool so I think I'm gonna buy this one either way this one I'll get back to you on okay so after looking over this one a little closer there is a little bit of like black stuff on the top it's really cool to have that since it's priced at 3.99 I guess I'm going to leave it behind since I would have to clean it really well and it's a maybe at 24.99 I don't know if it's really cool Shelly but shall not don't put it on don't put it on as she puts it on like I look so ridiculous in flat bill hats anyways um yeah um yeah I'm gonna put this back I really gotta start getting a cart at all the places I'm just kidding they didn't have any but I just came across these funky shorts ah they're very unique so I just decided to look them up and I've never heard of the brand of coup but there are some sold comps for some similar to these for like 25 to 30 dollars and the pink tag is the discounted price of the week so they're only 99 Cents so 99 Cents into like 25 or 30. I'll take that so I was on the way to check out and I saw this little Magiquest wand this is like from the Great Wolf Lodge which if you guys have ever been it's super expensive I wonder if this pink tie counts as 99 Cents also it's priced at 1.99 and this little top piece was selling for about 20 bucks and then the bottom part of the one like you can actually unscrew these and put like you can mix and match but anyways the bottom piece was on for like 10 bucks so for two bucks I might just buy it together and just sell the whole thing for 20 bucks add it to my little collection okay I'm trying to see if I should buy this next one for personal use I don't know why this thing's amazing so I just looked up this little head spot it's like Tombstone Edition I don't know is that right yeah it's got the little Grim Reaper on there it's priced at 14.99 but there was one that sold for 50 bucks but all the other comps were somewhere around 30 with free shipping so for that reason I am going to leave it behind but at this world of yard sale for like five maybe even ten bucks I'd probably pick it up yeah I'd pay 10 bucks for it because it would be super easy to ship but this one also has like a hole in the packaging too which would affect it a little bit so for Fortune I know I'm Gonna Leave it behind so just really quick recap I'm actually going to check out this time and this is everything that I'm actually purchasing I am going to go with the Bell especially just everything Tiki I've ever bought sells and just heavy duty brass and it's vintage so I'm gonna take a chance on that and then the shorts and these two hats I'm officially home from the peaches to the beaches route sale but don't worry this is just part one of what looks to be two or three part series and the next one yard sales are to come and I will be meeting up with part-time Pickers Matt and Paul the Philly flipper and we're going to Source some epic yard sales along this route cell I hope you guys enjoyed this video that estate sale was definitely one of a kind and just super over the top but we still managed to find some good stuff and some great profit especially at 27 I hit the jackpot with that guy checking me out um also shout out to Holly it was so nice meeting you and also be thank you so much for the love and for filming that cool little clip of me checking out as always thank you all so much for watching and I will catch you guys next Thursday with part two of the peaches to the beaches series
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 319,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ebayreseller, #workfromhome
Id: gynOFaaerLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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