Friday Rebroadcast 09/10/2021 "All We Hope For" - Dave Vaughan

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good evening family you glad to be in church tonight let's go before the lord father we love you father we worship you come on and lift your voice lift your voice we worship you jesus we magnify you we glorify you lord we worship and adore you hallelujah thank praise you lord let's praise this name [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] let's is it again [Music] [Applause] praise your face [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go let's give the lord the highest [Music] is let's sing it to the lord now come on we praise your name praise your name praise your name lord we praise your name [Music] [Music] let's give him the highest praise [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we will be just do it now praise your lord praise your lord praise you lord we worship you father we worship you lord [Applause] [Music] yay [Music] there is [Music] oh [Music] in your presence we lift you up in this place [Music] [Music] is [Music] we have put our trust [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is hallelujah hallelujah oh we hallelujah your name hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] lord we praise your name [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we praise your name [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] yes i'm gonna dance and praise him it doesn't matter what comes my way the greater one lives inside of me [Music] [Music] i'm gonna dance and praise him is [Music] is is is [Music] against me [Music] is is his name is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's sing it later jesus [Music] [Music] forever [Music] is [Music] happy days [Music] happy days [Music] in christ what a glorious day [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] oh forever glory to god glory to god anybody glad to be saved in this place hallelujah you know when we depart this life and we wake up so to speak on that other side like brother morris says we've never been in you know in that condition all pain is gone all heaviness is gone once and for all for all eternity not another sorrow hallelujah not another tear not another devil glory to god and we'll realize when we get there that the day we met jesus was the best day of our existence hallelujah so let's lift our hands and thank him one more time for saving us father we thank you for your unspeakable gift [Music] our lord jesus christ thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for forgiving us thank you for adopting us into your family thank you father forever we will praise and bless your holy name somebody say glory to god hallelujah want to wave at somebody and just tell them welcome in jesus name hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the lord i'm waving at somebody hi how is everybody tonight oh my i was so excited tonight that was so good praising our lord oh my thank you lord anybody else been using the my names written in the lamb's book of life yes yes it does change your whole perspective yes amen well welcome tonight everyone do we have any first time visitors with us tonight or in sarasota wave or stand if you'd like if if you're new hi welcome welcome welcome well we're glad you're joined us tonight thank you so much it's so good to have family come visit and it's a great time we've got all our friends and family online that join us welcome out there we love you all out there we're so glad you're with us such a good such a good family get to talk to some of you once in a while so that's extra fun yeah that i'll get a call and someone will go are you brother dave's wife yes so fun so fun well i just have one announcement for you just a loving reminder week of increase is coming up just around the corner here in branson that's a great meeting yes october 4th through the 8th so you still have time to make plans to attend if you want to come to branson and and be with us you can if not it's it's online so that's a great tool that we have so but you can believe god if you're supposed to be here you can get here it's a good thing and also in the churches if you're available to serve that week branson sarasota be sure and sign up so they know when you're available and that is all i have how about birthdays or anniversaries have you celebrated this week anybody ah happy birthday oh 10 happy anniversary wonderful congratulations anybody else birthdays anybody all right let's take a look at sarasota ah such a good family oh 14 congratulations that's wonderful yes anybody else we're looking at everybody hi everybody doing good there i love you oh is it birthday happy birthday happy birthday all right you can see the whole room a little bit there we go nice to see our family well celebrate everybody if you're celebrating there online you can stand up and wave to celebrate enjoy eat cake have fun all right everybody ready yes good night it is a good night man i like happy day song man that's a good song if that don't make you happy you need to get up on the other side of the bed my mom used to tell me she said if i'd wake up cranky she'd say go back to bed get out on the other side [Laughter] and then she'd actually make you sometimes strange wonderful woman thank you lord glory to god everybody good glad to be in church tonight yes sir thank you lord well it's offering time always good to have offering time amen i like what brother moore says if it wouldn't matter how much we had in all the accounts we'd always still have offering time because it's an opportunity to honor the lord with our gifts it's an opportunity to give i mean givers they never you know if you saw somebody that really like shopping they rarely miss an opportunity to shop givers true givers will try never to miss an opportunity to give amen look at to acts 20 verse 35 acts 20 verse 35 it says i showed you all things how so laboring you ought to support the weak and to remember the words of our lord jesus how he said it is more blessed to give than to receive you know if jesus said this it's worthwhile to take your time and not just talk about it think about it put it in put it in into effect in your life even if you didn't understand something jesus said you should put it into effect in your life because jesus said if it's in red those are things we want to put in effect in our life but you know brother moore brought this out years ago and he does it every now and then again but giving is the more blessed position it doesn't say it's not blessed to receive it we need if you don't receive right that's not going to be good either that is a blessing to receive but but the more blessed position is to be able to give to to have to give when you sow into the ground when you give when you sow into another person you're giving and when you give what happens it's given unto you and when it's given unto you what do givers do they give again why because it's the more blessed position the more blessed position is when you give because then you can reap a harvest amen and givers who reap harvest give more and and it's and it's a cycle it is a life cycle that god is trying to keep his people in when he said in luke 6 to give and it shall be given unto you it's the same he's he's using this verse why because it's the more blessed position he's saying be always in the more blessed position and it will come back to you press down shaken together running over right men will give into your bosom so to be a giver is the more blessed position and it's not just talking about it doesn't say throw into the bucket and and you're more blessed says it's more blessed to give so from your heart what you've purposed give unto the lord and he'll multiply that and put you in a more blessed position all the time amen glory to god giving's just fun anyway you know the things that god tells you to do they're fun you know i remember when we didn't have a lot of money i didn't know if that giving was as fun as it is because i didn't see giving the way i see it now i saw it as oh no i got to give nobody else ever did that right little did i know every time i get god was always trying to get something to me he's always trying to grow me and to enlarge my heart so that i could give and receive more amen and that's what he's trying to do with us now amen glory to god well um the don't have any projects we got uh got a couple of outreaches the go supply go supply is what sends brother moore they him and mike were out this week we're in the houston conroe uh speaking there this week he spoke two nights out this week and came back and amen are you glad you can send him out it's a good thing you know this this sends him to other people when he went there they they didn't they didn't say well how much do we need to pay you how you know where do you need a hotel how do we need to get you here all that was taken care of amen and you know a lot of people think well he'd only go here he he goes everywhere the lord tells him to go he doesn't look at the size of anything he listens to what god tells him to do and this go supply sends him wherever that is amen that's a blessing of the lord lord god in the word supply well well supplied it's only six seven one but you know what we get we get over that all the time what i was just a few weeks ago it was a bunch to one so the lord helps it and it's got big fat reserves and that's a good thing but this sends the word anybody that ne you know we i we had a couple of people this week that had emailed and they wanted to know what to get to help them and they said how what could we buy and it's so nice to see the answers from s diane nothing is sold here at the ministry isn't that nice we we sow it into you the the the people who support the word supply sow it into you and and they they're able to receive these things at no charge what a blessing what an honor to be a part of amen glory to god ushers wait on the people if you want an envelope for your giving raise your hand if you're given by cash or credit card you'll want to take an envelope if you're giving by check you don't got to have one and that's exactly what i meant you don't got to have one don't got to you can but you don't got to if you want to uh designate it to one of the outreaches just mark that on there if you don't designate it brother moore told you what last week of some things we we're doing and and we're able to bless people and it's uh you know in it's it's an honor to have that account how many people have got a god account isn't it nice that when god directs you to a specific thing you're able to say okay right because you have a god account you've got money in there you don't have to say well i don't have anything why it's his account he should be telling you what to do with it anyway if you don't if you don't have any money in it he would know because it's his account so it's nice to be you know it's nice every now and then we'll we'll have something on our heart and i'll say kim how much do we got in there and she'll say oh yeah give give this much to hear give this much to them it's a great thing i'm so glad that i learned about the god account thank you lord thank you lord you all okay get quiet on me i'm loud enough for all of us though raise your hand if you need an offering envelope if you got your offering ready stand with us can bring ours let's honor the lord in our giving thank you lord many are glad that you got to a place whether it was here somewhere else where somebody taught you the value of sowing into the kingdom of god i am so thankful that i was taught growing up even when they didn't have any money my parents would sow into the kingdom of god because they knew the value of it and you know what we always hate we mean we moved a lot but we always say thank you lord glory to god raise your offering up before the lord pray this with me father god we do bring our offerings willingly and gladly we are so honored to be a part of the things you're doing through this ministry these churches and in the world today you are our god our source our supply because of you we won't come short we'll not lack we will always have and we will have an abundance to give into every good work at your direction thank you lord for blessing us and making us a blessing in jesus name amen what's happening in the faith life family we're getting our buildings our lands our houses our vehicles and our equipments you know one thing we don't ever want to do is is get this to where it's just something we do right always remember as we're saying these things this is the direction of the lord which means it's a word from god which means if we'll say it in faith it'll flat come to pass amen number two all of our debts are being reduced and eliminated glory to god you know what if somebody's saying well that's not happening for me well quit saying that first of all and don't quit saying that amen keep keep your mouth confessing the goodness of god amen because we got extra coming in and we're paying everything off quickly glory to god number three god is bringing into our hands seed even some great big whopper chunk seeds and when he does we'll sew them with a big whopper chunk smile glory to god you may be seated [Music] and he pities those who fear him come on sing it with me he is he's a good good father god and he pities those who fear him just like a father [Music] [Music] [Music] he's a good good [Applause] [Music] father [Music] [Music] just like the fathers [Music] glory to god thank you lord thank you lord let's join faith for the rest of the service father god you are a good father and we are so thankful to be called your children what love you have lavished upon us that we should be called the children of god thank you father we come together again and we thank you for this opportunity to come together in your word and we ask for your help in everything that is said tonight that it'd be your word that it be your will your way your plan that that you would teach us that you would help us that you would give bring answers to question that there would be strong anointing good utterance and that revelation would come that changes lives that changes outlooks that brings us to a new place in you that lifts us up and takes us higher than we've ever been before and lord we purpose by faith to be faithful hearers and doers of the word that we hear and we thank you for every good thing in advance in jesus name amen amen you may be seated glory to god thank you lord [Applause] thank you lord thank you lord he is a good father isn't he thank you lord open your bibles tonight to ephesians 2 verse 12. you know i was uh looking at you know so many times we look at at words you know with me god will get me to focus on a word and because so often the what the devil tries to do is take words of power and take the power out of them when we take a word that's in the bible that god put in there a god word which it's if it's in the bible it's a god word and we move it over into the man realm right we start we start using it in our everyday life the same way the world uses it then then we take the power out of it because it no longer does what god intended it to do amen um you know there's many words like that but but one that we're going to look at tonight is exactly hope you know brother moore's taught this for years and and i think even before we had church i heard him teach at any time that hope in the bible is not the same as the hope the world talks about the world they talk about wishing you know i looked it up actually i googled it i said define define hope and one of the definitions was wish right because that's all it is for them i sure hope it happens but how many have said that you know i caught myself the other day saying that but the key to that i caught myself we want to begin to catch ourselves as we say these things because what we're doing is you can't say it one way one time and say it another way one another time we've got to get rid of this other right because we want to have faith in god's words what god says they'll do what god says they'll they'll produce and and have operate in your life will come to pass they they do work what hope is is it's an expectation it's an earnest expectation it's not just it might happen it's going to happen amen it it has already happened i'm just waiting on it now yes right it's it is it you know one of the one and the one that i like is a pleasant anticipation pleasant anticipation a hope is a pleasant anticipation an earnest expectation and when we believe it that way it changes the way we look at things but before we were saved we didn't have that hope the world doesn't have that that's what this verse is talking about look at ephesians 2. ephesians 2 verse 12 it says that at that time you were without christ how many know people without christ no hope there are no hope without christ zero hope you can have the world kind of hope because you need to be wishing because ain't nothing else happening for you amen because you're you are separated from god separation from god is the most hopeless place you can be amen we don't ever want to put ourselves in that position and and you know a lot of people say well you could never be severed you can put things in between you and god that block what you think you hope for condemnation is a hope blocker right because now i'm not worthy to receive what i would have hoped for there you know people say well christians they can never be away from hope yeah you can be away from a lot of things i didn't say you could be out of out of heaven you could if you chose to be but you could be separated from god you could be pull you could put so many things in between you you know people do that with business right the the rich young ruler did it with money there are a lot of things that can put things between us jesus came so that anything that ever was between us could be stripped away could be broken down amen and to bring us hope but but at this time at one time we were all this way we were without christ we were that without christ being aliens from the commonwealth of israel in other words we weren't jewish so that wasn't going to help us right we were strangers from the covenants of promise so we couldn't get hold of all the promises of god because we're aliens we're we're not in the cir we're not in the there's something that keeping us that's between us and god and when you're in that position you're hopeless you're hopeless your only expectation is not good right you expect to walk out the door in the morning you expect to go to work you expect to do this do that you expect to get sick you expect to have problems you expect to die that's your expectation when you don't know christ and it's not great joy in that so you usually try to find a thousand and three other things to do to keep your mind off those things but the truth of the matter is no matter how many things you put in there you don't have hope amen so so we're we're stripped from the promises having no hope no expectation of good no pleasant anticipation amen that's a bad thing and without god in the world that's a bad place to be but see but god look at verse 13. but now in christ jesus you who were sometimes far off were made near by the blood of christ the blood of jesus brought hope to me and you it brought hope why because it brought you near to god it brought you right to the throne it brought you right into ch sonship if you will it brought us into a place where we could have hope we could now have hope it brought us it made us heirs together with christ it made us it made us heirs with with abraham right and so not only not only do we get what jesus got we got what abraham got we get it all we we get the whole thing we're not stuck with one thing we get it all although everything jesus did is why we got everything abraham did amen but but you receive those things the same way by faith by faith you know people just they say well we just get grace no you by faith is how you get grace amen if it's if it's just all grace we don't even need to come to church we don't need to do anything we're just all going to go to heaven one day that's not going to happen unfortunately that's not going to happen but fortunately by faith everyone can receive that grace and jesus has torn down the very very next verse it says for he is our peace he has set us at one again with god that word peace means to set it once again he has put us back in to to fellowship to communication with god no longer do we have to go round about we have to hear it another way we go straight to the throne of god and we can hear from the father because we're his children now he's brought us into the family amen who has made both one and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us so what jesus did was he said you that have no hope i'm bringing you hope i'm giving you hope you you you are you can be saved and you can be saved unto a lively hope amen and as you're saved to this hope then you then we begin to renew our mind because now hope no longer means what it meant before i got saved hope now is what can i expect if you have true bible true godly hope now your expectation changes amen we sing a song tonight more than a conqueror god called you more than a conqueror what can you expect right what can you hope for now you can hope for you can you can have an expectation to be an overcomer more than a conqueror a victor and not a victim you can expect new things in your life you can begin to expect the goodness of god to do things in your life and through your life that that bless you and bless others you can have a hope that the things that you see in the word are now yours amen and when we begin to have this hope this expectation this anticipation then then it's not the same kind of thing and and we've gotta we you know people say well i got faith if you have faith real faith you can measure your faith by your hope amen because you know what's brother moore say how could you tell if you're in faith you'd be excited why would you be excited because you're expecting something you'd have no reason to be excited unless you're expecting something faith is the substance of things hoped for amen it's the foundation for hope it's the confidence that hope's confident in amen faith is the confidence of things hoped for so it's it's what hope is confident in it's the it's believing and hope says it believes this i can expect it amen your faith believes it your hope expects it your patience waits for it amen and patience isn't sitting there tapping your watch amen patience is born out of hope and it is a cheerful endurance why is it cheerful because it's waiting until it comes it's not a question of if it will come it's a question of when so how long will you wait until it comes right because why because they already said you know when i was a little kid i think it was in when i was a kindergartner my mom and dad forgot to pick me up from school i don't remember it they told me the story i remember everything else about kid i remember kindergarten i remember my kindergarten girlfriend sent her the note do you like me yes or no and she wrote yes yeah don't be jealous you got the premium package you won the prize you got it right 37 years ago and you're still going [Laughter] she's still looking i got it right thank you lord but i remember a lot of things about kindergarten but i don't remember that day you know why i don't i stayed and waited for them right where they picked me up until even though they were late they picked me up why because they told me they would pick me up i never lost hope that they would come why because you always believe in your father you always believe in your parents if they tell you something that's what's going to happen our father god by two things he said it said he said i can't lie and my promises are true so i got two things here i if i tell you something not only is it true i can't lie amen so so how can you have hope in that can you can your expectation rest in that yeah that's what abraham's expectation rested in that's what that's why he hoped against hope amen the world's hope the hope that they say you're old your wife's old forget it your expectation should be no children but the hope in god that expectation said you your your child will be the seed of many nations and through your child all the nations of the world shall be blessed and that is where he hung his confidence he hung his hope in that belief he believed in that promise in a god that could not lie amen so if the god that could not lie calls you more than a conqueror doesn't matter what you're going through today you're more than a conqueror you need to find out what you can expect if you're if you're going through health issues first peter 2 24 says by whose stripes ye were healed you can be confident and hope in that scripture you can hope to be healed you can expect and grab hold of and anticipate health in your body i don't care what's going on you can anticipate health and people say well i've done this and it did did he ask the blind guy that he robbed them he said what'd you do to get blind no jesus never asked anybody what they did to get how they were right he's not asking you what you did to get he already knows what you did and you know what you did too he is merciful and kind he'll teach you after he heals you don't don't don't lose your hope over condemnation over lack of works over over things that don't matter amen keep your hope because your hope is your expectation that your faith works amen the the confidence you have in the word of god is what your hope is expecting and when you s when you see first peter 2 24 psalm 107 20 sent his word and he healed me he sent his word and healed me i can i can i can have hope in that because he sent it it's already done i don't need i don't need to to you know because too many times we we do this with our hope yeah i believe it i believe i receive now what i need to do you just hope doesn't hope doesn't ask that question hope won't ask why because it already believed the word from an unchanging lo god that cannot lie so now it's just waiting patience now goes to work look at this verse let me send you to a verse here roman 8 25 romans 8 25. romans 8 24 says we're saved by hope but hope that is seen is not hope at all who hopes for what they see amen ver i like this verse 25 because it explains what happens when you hope it says but if we hope for what we see not in other words if if my body doesn't appear healed but my expectation is healing so i'm hoping for what i see not and if i truly hope for what if i'm sure truly expecting anticipating earnestly expecting healing then with patience i'll wait for it i won't look for what's happening i won't look for another way i won't ask god why because if there's a why then you just you just tested your own faith you just put a barometer on your own faith and we should do that it says examine yourself see if you be in the faith we need to see what we can believe where we can believe what we can hook onto because there's times where god would say go here do this go over here see this person use this eat more salt there's a thousand he might it could be very simple go see this specialist he's got answers that you don't know about he knows where you're at don't try to be where you're not grow to where you where you want to be but don't try to be there don't try to drive the car when you're five you can't reach the pedals but but try to reach 16. amen but hope all along what can you expect what can you expect and as you as you as you grow in this as we all grow in this we need to look at the words and as we read them we want to decide what can i expect god said i'm more than a conqueror i can expect to win today see that's why god said where i think was the first peter he said be ready to tell people what and give answer to the hope that lies within you because you're going to look weird why because hope doesn't get worried why because it's expecting to receive everybody around you saying oh the sky is falling the sky is falling the acorn hit little chicken in the head and the sky's falling oh no no no and you're not worried why because you're expecting conquering victory and good why because you can because god told you you can amen and that's that's what hope does hope what we hope for even if we don't see it our patience which is born out of our hope what why because it's with patience it's going to get it right it's going to get what you hoped for faith and you can't separate faith and hope you can't separate hope and patience because they work together amen because faith is the substance of things hoped for and so when you say he believed that's the next thing and then what he believed that he'd have it and and and so your hope now expects that you believed and expects that the word that you believed it's going to expect to happen now and you're not going to get over that hope don't get over it amen let it grab hold of you to the point where you're waiting every day for your patience to bring that in why your patience is out there waiting on it amen your patience is out there looking to is going to get what your hope is expecting and as we believe these things as we as we look at these things we keep looking through the word and and you don't need more words than one because it only takes one promise from a god that can't lie and those are the things we have to remember because when we ask him another question we're we're kind of assuming that the first word wasn't enough i needed something more we don't need something more we need the one promise from the god that cannot lie that's all the promise that abraham needed for isaac to come to pass it's all the promise for that abraham needed to to take isaac up on the hill to sacrifice him the same promise that got him through that the same hope that got him that got isaac into the world was the same hope the same faith that he was using to sacrifice him if necessary and believe god to raise him from the dead because why because he already had a word he had a word from god he had something to have faith in he had something for his hope to expect and he could patiently wait for it right and when you have those things we can begin to change and renew our mind to the things of god when we see something good in the word say i believe that i'm expecting it why because it's his word his word he revealed it to me you know you're you're only gonna you're it's the truth you know that makes you free it's not just the the bible's full of truth that we don't all know yet we're gaining knowledge of his truth every day we know the whole book is truth but we only know what we know we only understand what we understand right and people say oh i don't understand that exactly we only understand what we understand and as we grow we understand more amen and as we grow in in getting rid of the old hope the old saying oh the old thought of what hope is we grab hold of what hope truly is and when we grab hold of what hope truly is then we gain uh we gain we gain i don't know how to say it we gain in our faith the ability to receive because now we're expecting it right it's not just that we have faith but people say all have i have faith all the time okay so are you what are you expecting it's not j yes have faith in god now what are you expecting have faith in in the promise have faith in first peter 2 24 have faith in psalm 107 20. have faith in philippians 4 19 have faith in these things but what are you expecting now are you looking for something more are you are you reaching for for a different kind of hope or do you believe that this is what he said he cannot lie i receive it and then then when we begin to expect it then our our patience goes out and cheerfully waits for it cheerfully endures amen look at romans 5 15 9. romans 15 9 now the god of hope we got a god of hope a god of expectation amen and and he will fill you the god of expectation did i say romans 15 9 is that actually it because i got something wrong in my bible if i do 15 13 how about that i don't know why i got oh i remember i had the whole thing in there i thought that might take too long 15 13 now the god of all hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing what's he saying the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace in faith believing in faith the joy and peace in faith why because you can't separate hope and faith hope won't work without faith you can't have hope without faith you wouldn't have anything to have confidence in you wouldn't have anything for your hope to expect your faith gets what hopes expects amen and so you i don't want to say that wrong but now the god of hope fill you all joy and peace in believing that you may abound and hope what in believing you may abound in hope if you're believing now you can abound in hope why because now you're believing you're believing what the promises of god the truth of his word you've gotten a hold of who he is you've got the joy you've got the peace and knowing and now you can receive from your faith your hope abounding in hope you are now reaching out you're grabbing you're expecting to get those things the expectation to receive from god is paramount and we can't let hope be that wish we can't i sure hope so even if you say it with a smile you can't say it that way i sure hope so no it's not going to work it's got to be more than that it's got to be more than i sure wish it's got to be it's coming you'll be the one that when everything everybody around you say oh what are we going to do what are we going to do you'll say the lord will help us he'll take care of us he i'm putting on my my my helmet of the hope of salvation today and i'm looking through those eye holes right now and and it says i'm gonna make it it says i'm more than a conqueror it says he gives me the victory it says he meets all my need according to his riches and glory it says by whose stripes i'm healed the the helmet it's my safety it's my security it's my salvation it's the hope of salvation every day no matter what's going on i remember when we were first doing bible studies and and we kind of got a hold of of speaking to the weather and rick he's not here tonight but he was at work and there was a tornado it was in republic there was a tornado close and everybody's going everybody was running around saying what do we do what do we do and rick said stand next to me because i'm going to be okay his boast was in the lord and he was rejoicing in hope amen and you know and a lot of people that's presumptuous no it's not we can we can expect that we can expect for the lord to take care of us to protect we can expect to speak to a storm and it dissipate jesus did it if jesus you know how jesus did it by faith expecting it to do and expecting it to happen huh and it happened that's how he did it you know people say well no he just did it no that's how he did it and that's how we do it when by faith we expect and we receive what what our faith believes and our hope expects amen i was praying about this today and i was praying about getting what you hoped for and god says you already have all you ever hoped for which is a true statement but i don't have all that i want to hope for so i'm going to hope for more amen because we do have all that we've hoped for because if we hoped for it it says in in in romans 5 hope makes not ashamed in other words hope never disappoints never disgraces never turns it it doesn't if you truly hope what you hoped is coming to pass amen and and you know we through time too many times you know we we put a time stamp on everything you know time time is is always been our enemy because we think we're going to get too old to do something or it's going to take too long to do something or there's too many things that we we let time we have eternal life your time is unlimited you have a limited time here but your time is unlimited and if you know jesus you truly have eternal life you have eternal life and it started the day as jody said the day you met jesus and it has it goes for perpetuity if you will that was very professional professor professor-ish right there it goes forever amen and and and that's the thing our life in christ goes forever our hope in christ never fades the the our faith if we'll if we'll step out by faith and not lose our hope think about what peter did he stepped out of the boat he's walking on water he looks around and he loses hope i can't expect to do this nobody walks on the water look at the wind look at the waves and so it becomes hopeless what's hopeless i can't do this when you say i can't do it now it's hopeless i always told somebody you're not sick until you say you're sick it's not it's not a question of the symptoms it's not a question of the diagnosis don't call yourself sick it says let the sick say i'm well so you call yourself well and then you can expect because now you can hope in the word you just said that you be well glory to god our expectation needs to reach out and meet our faith and it needs to it needs they need to grow it needs to grab hold of the confidence that your faith has in the promises of god and in the in his ability to never lie those are those are two things that you can count on every day of your life you know kim talked about it today just a few minutes ago every day your name is written in the lamb's book of life amen god said your name is written in the lamb's book of life the the god that cannot lie and always tells the truth his promises are true and he cannot lie glory to god so every day no matter what's going on again people could be going crazy and you could just stop and say wait a second my name's written in the lambswook life it really doesn't matter what happens here i got it made but because i'm here i'm going to get in faith that this happens i'm going to put my expectation on this because god said he would take care of me he said he'd be my well-timed help in a time of trouble amen then i'm going to ask of him and i'm going to get wisdom why because if i he said if i'll ask i can have it if i ask in faith if i ask in faith i can expect to get wisdom see you can never separate faith and hope because faith is the substance of things hoped for glory to god we don't want to separate we've separated them too much i'm in faith but i just don't know how god's going to do it you're not expecting anything so we're getting exactly and i've done this i mean you're like okay lord it says you meet all my needs according riches and glory i just know you will and then i call five people asking how i'm gonna do it why quote the scripture right you didn't have any confidence in it for your faith to expect for your hope to expect you had no faith for your hope to expect and and we don't want to do we don't want to get caught doing those things those are the things that will pull you away and pull you into it into into worldly hope and then you can just start saying well i sure hope it happens because you're just as good as it or wish upon a star when i wish upon us you wish all you want ain't gonna happen amen first thessalonians one verse one i'm sorry verse 2. first thessalonians 1 verse 2. keeping them moving we give thanks to god always for you making mention of you in our prayers this is paul praying for the church of thessalonica verse 2 verse 3. remembering without what he's remembering this while he prays for him why would he remember this because he's remembering how they got to where they got he's remembering how they get how they're going to get what they got he said remembering without ceasing your work of faith you know your work of faith is written that way not your faith of work your work of faith because a lot of times we say we're going to get in faith and then we look for what we need to do to make our faith work see we're trying to get our faith to work rather than do works of faith you don't need to get your faith to work faith works by love if you want to get your faith to work start loving it's real simple you want your faith to work start walking in love because the faith that works is the faith that receives and then begins to do what god tells it to do it doesn't it doesn't worry about what it received or when it's going to receive it's already received it says the work of faith the labor of love and the patience of hope and i like that word patience of hope because patience is born out of hope so when we expect something now our patients will go out and get it because it's born out of this hope when you truly expect something your patience will wait for it forever that day i was sitting i'll guarantee you the reason that it didn't bother me and i didn't remember my mom and dad not picking me up is because it wasn't traumatic why wasn't it traumatic because i always believed they'd come it i never i never got concerned because so much time passed that they just weren't going to ever come get me again now maybe if they'd waited a while i might have thought different but i don't even know how late they were but they weren't late enough for it to come traumatic how late does god got to be in your mind for it to come become traumatic you know we we've got this time clock that says it's got to be done by here how many know god's always on time he's always exactly where he needs to be doing what he needs to do exactly when he needs to be doing it and our time clock doesn't move him in fact if anything our time clock holds him back because we get out of faith right because it didn't happen now you got to go back get in faith to expect something amen we don't want to go there but we we want we want to have patience and hope we want we want our patience our our cheerful endurance well why is it cheerful because it knows it's gonna get remember when you're a kid at christmas you guys didn't i remember chris it took forever but i was cheerful no matter how long it took because why something good was going to happen i knew no matter what happened throughout the whole year we were going to have presents good things were going to happen they had you know i don't remember we just get the newspaper and it would start the 25 day countdown and man i'd look at that every day i'd i'd come home and i'd look in the paper i'd see it every day because i want and then we get when it got to the 24th what i'm still expecting the same way i was expecting on first i'm just more excited that's the way we should be with the things of god every day we should get more excited because knowing that we're getting closer and closer and closer it's coming it cannot delay it will be there what did he say and i mean i'm quoting a verse and didn't even know hebrews 10 he said he said how you have need of patience that after you've done the will of god what you've done you've believed the promise you've you've expected it by but you've hoped in the in expectation and now by you need a patience to receive it don't quit your patience will keep your hope from fading amen your your hope will keep your patients from paying why because it never quits expecting if you never quit expecting you'll never pull your patients back the minute you quit expecting you pull everything back amen and we don't want to pull it we we want our expectation you know when it talks about high hopes we want our hopes so high that god would have to fail he would literally have to fail for us not to receive what we what we're hoping for and that's never going to happen why because he can't fail he can't lie and his promises are true amen we have something to hook our expectation to every day of the week glory to god thank you lord he's helping us i like this i like this hebrews 3 hebrews 3 verse 6. but christ as a son over his own house whose house are we we're we're the we're the house of christ we're we're a member of the household of christ that'd be another thing you could remember every day right my name is written in the lamb's book of life and i'm a member of the household of christ glory to god every day it doesn't matter what else is going on why because it's just gonna get better for you it doesn't matter what's said it doesn't matter how many acorns hit little chicken little in the head the sky ain't falling for you you're going to it amen and and that and that's where that's where we gotta we've got to grab hold of these things and have that confidence have that expectation that things are going to go well for us that's why people are going to see us so differently what is wrong with those people that not only do they think things are going to go well they actually do those people are so messed up yeah messed up and taken care of messed up and bills are paid messed up and healed messed up and born again going to heaven messed up and loving you amen best kind of messed up you could ever be whose house we are if we if we hold fast the confidence the confidence is your faith and the rejoicing of the hope that word rejoicing means boasting it means and you know it's not about being proud it's about being sassy if you will my god takes care of me you know that's what rick was doing he said sit next to me because i'm going to be okay you know i don't know that everything's scriptural about that we were young but i think he was right that day guess what they were okay and a tornado did go through republic but they were okay you know people say well it just didn't hit them why didn't it just hit them because he didn't expect it to he expected to be taken care of amen it's not what you don't expect it's what you expect hope is not not expecting something hope is expecting something amen it says and if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of hope how long until the end you know and we look at that and we see until the end until i die no until you get the result that you were right that's what the end is what's the end result of hope receiving what you hoped for that's the end so what are you hoping for if i'm hoping that i'll conquer this then when i conquer it then i've received my hope amen that's and how long do i have to i hold fast until that happens how long do you hold fast until that happens how long do you talk right until that happens how long do you say right words do you quote the promise do you do you and i'm not just saying quote the promise the promise you know the truth you know will make you free amen and as you know that truth you begin to you begin to sit on it and say you know god can't lie god's never lied everything he ever said came to pass and on the flip side of that everything the devil ever said was a lie right he's the one that calls you sick god said i call you well i call you healed i call you strong that's what god calls us we just need to expect that if god calls you strong what can you expect to be you can expect to be strong you can hope for strength amen because god said you can be and he called you that amen glory to god where was i at furman to the end until we've until we've obtained what we expected until we receive victory our bat our ball we play not nine innings we play till we win right it doesn't even look like if it looks like you're losing just keep playing right and that's the key to that's the key to this whole thing expectation should never stop it only stops when you stop believing because now it has nothing to expect amen and so if we don't say if we hold fast to the confidence then we never lose what we expect and if we never lose what we expect we'll we'll wait till it comes why because now your patience is at work and i'm telling you right now patience is patient that's what it's born to do it it patience does what patients are you know people but see that's another word that's been messed up by the world because they want you to think patience is enduring some little kid beating a ruler on your head or something how long can you take it before you snap patience is not that at all patience isn't how long you can wait patients will wait as long as it needs patience is patience i mean it it'll wait and if you'll let it it'll it'll it will get it joyfully get it amen that's a good thing glory to god you know you know when we believe the word think about paul when he was on the boat and the ship that was in the hurricane and all hope was lost chapter 27 and there came there came a verse where it says it it came to a place where the all hope that we'd be saved was lost and then paul gets a word from god he gets a word from god and he said well here i think of him god i think i wrote it in here somewhere yeah right here 27 verse 23 27 23 he said for there stood by me this night the angel of god who's i'm who's i am and whom i serve let's see what's he doing he he's he's reminding himself and everyone else and the devil who he is amen that that's the number one thing if you gotta if you know who you are remember ramsay says dad if you don't know who you are the devil will deceive you she got it if you don't know who you are in christ the devil deceived you she got it from commander kelly yeah those are really old ones too amen but if you know who you are in christ you stand up and you say it and he said say and then he said he said that the the angel of the lord stood up and he said this fear not paul thou must be brought before caesar and lo god hath given thee all that sail with thee so now he's got a word from god so what's he got he's got something to believe now he's got something to believe now he's got hope all hope was lost but now all hope was found and why because he just brought it they may not understand what's going on they probably didn't understand they probably said matt paul's weird but you know we don't have any other hope right they didn't have anything else going for them paul had a word and confidence he stood up and he said this is what he said and i believe it will happen just as it was said what's he saying i'm expecting exactly what i believe that that's rejoicing in hope that's boasting in the lord that's that's that's that's saying you know what the devil thought he's gonna kill us god already had an assignment for me that couldn't happen amen that could not happen so i'm going on and good news you all get to go with me that's the mercy of god right there he could have said i'm going to save you paul but they're not they they should have listened to you but see god's got to love think about all those people everything those people saw that were on that boat they saw him get bit they saw they saw him they saw him they saw the king get healed they saw great they saw people get saved and they probably got saved amen they saw some neat things all because paul chose to believe he said where wherefore service be of good cheer for i believe god that it shall be even as it was told to me he got a word he had confidence he he he believed it amen he said i'm expecting this why because now he has a word he has something to expect until you have that word you've got nothing to expect amen but once you've got that word the promises of god they're unfailing why because he can't lie so once you've got that you've got truth that makes free amen so you're about to be free and you can you can count on that glory to god thank you lord let's do one more and then we'll close up thank you lord glory to god hebrews 10 22. hebrews 10 22 says let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith full assurance faith is the substance the full assurance of things hoped for faith is the assurance of things hoped for faith is the certainty the confidence of things hoped for so have the full assurance of faith or god there's another verse in here talks about the full assurance of hope we won't go backwards we'll stop at this one it says having the full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water let us hold fast the profession of our faith and this is the only place that i found in the new testament where that word faith is exactly equal to hope it is the exact same word so literally what he's saying is let us hold fast to the profession of our hope why because hope professes hope speaks hope talks hope acts hope hope doesn't get worried it doesn't get nervous why it's confident in what god said it's confident in the faith that it's that it's standing in amen and in standing in that faith it's receiving on that behalf it's receiving because god said this and he can't lie he said i'll be i'll be okay he said he said you'll all be saved i receive that i expect that to happen just the way it was said i expect first peter 2 24 to happen just the way it said it doesn't say i will be healed it says i were healed so i expect healing to be at work in my body right now amen we can expect that these are the things we want to get a hold of and we want to begin to expect them as the lord reveals them to your spirit begin to expect victory begin to expect health and life begin to expect wisdom begin to expect the promises of god begin to expect the things that he shows you when you see something in the word it's not time to say oh wow say yeah i do see that i believe it and i expect it now amen god said that and he's speaking it to me i expect it i expect to be prosperous every day of my life i expect that he desires that i prosper and be in health every day i expect those things to be happening in my life and and and and say it in the daytime do just what we're talking about what's going on the sky's followed my name is written in lambs book alive right i'm a child of the most high god i'm of the household of christ amen it'll change the perspective people may think yeah he's weird yeah he's weird and he's saved he's weird and he's safe he's weird and he's healed he's weird and he's rescued glory to god that's okay i'll be weird weird's good amen because because if that's what it takes to expect from god's word that's he is so happy when we expect from him and then our patience goes to work and receives exactly what we expected you know sometimes patience may take a minute sometimes it may take days sometimes it may take months how many believed for something for years what if you hadn't believed for it right right you know that's the thing time's passing no matter what you're doing start expecting and don't stop don't stop because it seems like it's been too long it's never been too long you're still here and if you weren't here you're getting everything and more than you ever expected glory to god we serve a good god he desires us to have things and he desires us to hold fast to our profession of hope our profession of faith our earnest expectation without wavering don't waver off if you expect it stay on it don't let the devil talk you out of it don't let him talk you into something different he's sneaky and instead of trying to talk you out of it he'll try to get you to go another way stay the way stay stay with the course that god put you on and and because he's the one that can't lie his is the word that's true you can't go wrong believing that amen you can't go wrong expecting that people say well it's been so long i've been i've been believed no it's been so long are already words of unexpected unexpectation you quit expecting because it's been long and you're questioning hope you're questioning faith we don't want to question hope and faith we want to hold on to it and hold on to the profession every time our mind tries to question it every time our head gets out there a little bit ahead of us i told kim last night i said we need to be head weak and heart strong because our head thinks stupid things and our heart knows truth amen and that's where we want to go our head looks at the world and says wow that looks good our heart looks at and says that's not good because why it knows the goodness of god it knows real good amen amen glory god stand your feet i don't know where i was going with that that's a good place to close thank you lord i'm expecting good things i'm expecting great things amen amen because we got we serve a great god a great big god that does great big things and he's already given us promises great and precious promises that by faith that we would receive these things and if we'll expect to have those things every day of our life every day wake up and if you feel your expectations a little low raise it up remind yourself who you are remind yourself what he said and remind yourself who he is the god that cannot lie the god that holds true to everything he's ever said glory to god you guys got a song i've got the victory don't play is [Music] [Music] glory to god thank you lord we're pressing on right we're going through if we see a little tribulation we just know that works patience right patience worst experience and experience works hope glory to god none of these things move us why because we're overcomers we don't have to be moved guess what at the end of the day we win at the end of the night we win at the end of everything that ever happens we win we win we have already won because of who he's made us to be glory to god altar care workers come come on down if you're in here tonight and maybe you don't know god boy you want to know him because that's who we're talking about he's a good good good father amen if you don't know him or if you got something else you want to pray with them about be filled with the holy ghost shout good shouters i got a whole group of good shouters so we're good there amen sarasota got good shouters they'll hook faith with you give you something to expect glory to god sunday morning nine o'clock here 10 o'clock in sarasota brother moore it's been good man it's been a good word that's truly that's it's been a good word about word about words glory to god he's helping us helping us he's bringing us up taking us bigger and greater places because we are the children of god amen they'll sing we'll be dismissed as they do love y'all [Music] [Music] i've got the victory [Music] no [Music] [Music] make sure [Music] got the greater words [Music] until [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 1,153
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 32sec (5552 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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