Mini Swedish Fire Torch: Tiny Log Burns Forever #lifehack

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hi folks Canadian prepper here so today we're gonna talk about how you can make one little tiny piece of wood like this actually boil one two three even four liters of water and still have some heat left to spare in a survival situation you may not always have access to lots of wood so you may have to ration it but you may have a lot of time on your hands this method that I'm going to show you today although it does take a little bit of time to set up it's gonna allow you to have a very low-maintenance clean-burning near smokeless fire that will basically function nearly as good as a gas stove so let's get to it [Music] [Music] all right so for this batoning I'm using survival lilies apple one which has a convex grind and that makes for some really excellent batoning capabilities and it looks like I might get stormed on here so I better make this video quick this is hardwood - so it's birch try to put all the pieces back together as they were it doesn't have to be exact but it certainly helps for stability now the great thing with birch is that you can use the exterior as kindling to get your Swedish fire torch going or as we call it here in Canada Canadian candle so we're gonna take our four-sided piece of wood and we're gonna pull off one piece and towards the top part of it we're gonna hollow some of that out so you're just going to cut some of that out so it's a little bit hollow but we're not gonna go all the way down to the ground what you should then have something that looks like that so you see how it's all and then we're gonna do that for each one some people like to feather stick the inside and that is something you would want to do if you did not have good birch bark or good tinder to put inside because that's gonna allow you to get the fire going the hardest part of a sweetest fire towards is getting it going once it's going it's going this is really hard birch the more you hollow out the faster it's gonna get going but if you hollow out too much then that's gonna cut into your burn time the only problem with making them this small is that there's not a lot of leverage when you're trying to carve the inside out this is something you can do around a campsite if you're bored and you got a bit of time on your hands this is gonna allow you to boil water very quickly with minimal energy expenditure once you get it going there we go it's perfect that one's gonna be for the fire box stove we're gonna do this one it's gonna be the freestanding one all of this stuff that's flying off here you can also use that as your tinder to start the fire okay so there's a couple ways you can do this like I said you can use the wood shavings that you carved out of the center you can use fat wood and grind up some shards of that wood you can use birch bark which is what we're gonna use because it's the easiest you could feather stick it you'll want something which is gonna burn for a couple minutes at least in order to let the wood get going so you want to get your coat hanger and you're just gonna wrap the coat hanger around and you want to leave a little bit on this end so that it can hook on it maybe just you know turn one end like that so that there's something for it to connect to when you wrap it around you can tighten it up a little bit there it's now basically you have a bit of a handle to handle your fire and you can move it you can manipulate it a bit and what we're gonna do also want to get some really thin sticks and just put them down inside like that so it's down like that that's just gonna keep it from closing and that's gonna keep that air flow in there ideally your wire would be in the center of the bottom and the stick above now what we're gonna do I'm just gonna stick our birch bark in like so so the curl goes outwards the more you stuff in there you know the more fire you're gonna get but if you stuff too much in there it's not gonna be able to breathe and this will actually work a little bit better on a partially windy day because oxygen is gonna be forced through there this is gonna allow you to keep it together and if you want to put this in the fire box the fire box contains it anyways so you really don't even need to do this necessarily that's gonna boil water for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] now when it's burning like this you want to give it a couple minutes or so to get going before you put a pot on top of it or else you're gonna smother the fire you want those flames to be burning pretty deep before you put your container on there now with the firebox there's two approaches we can take we can put this on here like that and then we can put this on there like that or we can actually just sit it right on top of there but we're not gonna do that until it's burning a bit better this is how you get the most of your firebox stove and realistically this can probably boil several liters of water there's a lot more fuel inside a logue than people think unfortunately most of that fuel is wasted in smoke or smoldering using a firebox with a Canadian candle is by far the least maintenance and most effective way to use your wood so now Ken actually put that on there just like that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see we saw plenty of fuel left that's gonna burn for quite a while because there is a gasification effect see you'll notice there's not a lot of smoke from this fire whereas that one there is mind you that one's still getting going it will kind of be self gasifying also because of the air channels that come up through the wood there but not as much as the firebox here and of course we have a full rolling boil for the last minute or so and you could easily easily boil I'm guessing if the conditions are right maybe four or five liters of water off of one little tiny log and of course some tinder which can be made for a variety of different things great thing about this is you can pick it up you can move it put your pot right on top of there like we did with this one bring your water to a boil and if you're having problems and you're finding that it's not lighting try just wedging a stick in the side that's gonna give it that airflow it needs to get going and remember a little bit of wind is actually a good thing for a fire like this eventually when it starts to burn down it's obviously gonna shrink and this handle is not gonna work anymore the whole purpose in the handle basically is to keep it together now right now it's raining so let's put it in the rain and see what happens still got a good burn going supply to the fact that there's some good rain coming in right now that means it is burning a hot but you know if we put a little oxygen on this fire I bet we could revitalize it [Music] and just like that she came back [Music] still burning in the rain only are handled is not really working anymore because the pieces are getting too uh yeah there we go and she's gone but hey just goes to show it will work in the rain this little bottle I'm using here is a now gin stainless steel bottle it's the perfect bottle it's single Walt so you can put it right on the flame or any fire and it does have a lid that comes with it so the lid comes clean off [Music] it's about 25 dollar bottle we do sell them at Canadian Preparedness calm and I'm pretty sure you can find a coat hanger almost everywhere best way to support this YouTube channel is to support yourself by gearing up through Canadian preparedness calm or bug-out roll CA premium quality gear at the best possible price using the incredibly secure and easy-to-use Shopify platform we offer free shipping to the United States for orders over $200 USD and free shipping to Canada over $75 so support the channel by supporting yourself
Channel: Canadian Prepper
Views: 807,718
Rating: 4.8439927 out of 5
Keywords: doomsday preppers, bug out bag, WROL, prepper, preppers, collapse, survival, SHTF, grid down, economic collapse, zombie apocalypse, survivalism, survivor, life hacks, swedish fire torch, fire torch, how to make a fire, how to cook on a fire, how to make long lasting fire, make long lasting fire, cook on wood, how to cook with wood, cook with no stove, birchbark, birchbark fire, firebox stove, hobo stove, hack, survival hack, swedish fire, firetorch, swedish firetorch, fire hack
Id: v-qUm3a-jZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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