Homemade Fire Starters with a 10+ Minute Burn Time!

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[Music] hey there so today i'm going to show you a very fun super easy craft project project i'm going to show you how to make fire starters that you can use in the woods in your backyard in your fire pit pretty much wherever and all you need is three simple ingredients an old candle this one is honeysuckle flavor scent an egg carton and a bunch of wood shavings i live in the pacific northwest and i'm surrounded by cedars so that's what we've got going today but you can use pretty much any wood that burns well-ish so i'm going to show you how to shave wood using a knife and then i'm going to melt this candle over the campfire and then we will assemble these cups it's super easy super fun and let's get started this is my camp oven but you can use your stove top you can use any kind of wax really you can pour wax into a pan and melt it you can chip the candle out you might even be able to put it in the oven but i feel like this is a very cheap candle and the glass would probably explode what i'm going to do is just sit this right on top right here and we're just gonna wait for it to melt by the heat of the fire all right so what i'm doing here is i just got my knife i got this thing off of amazon it was really affordable and for basic tasks like this where you don't want to really use a nice knife this is perfect to make the shavings you literally just shave off pieces of wood it's good to have a variety of thicknesses because that will make the fire starter last longer and stay burning for a longer period of time okay so now we are going to pack the cups i crumple up the shavings into a small ball then i stuff them into the container and then they're ready to go you just have to pack them into each piece and be sure to get lots of variety of sizes in there so they're all intertwined tightly packed but not too tight where air can't get in alright so i just got these all packed in together as you can see it's just a bunch of shavings popped into this little egg carton and once the candle is finished melting we're gonna pour it on top all right so now the candle wax is nice and melted and so now i just need to pour it into the egg carton to saturate everything and create a nice waxy layer so we can have a long burning fire starter this smells so good honeysuckle you really don't need very much wax the wax just helps the fire starter last a little bit longer than it would normally so i only try to use about a quarter inch on the bottom and that's it be sure to put this somewhere where the wax can seep through because it will get on your counter or wherever you do this i highly recommend making these outside because they are messy so now we just need to let this sit and the wax is going to cool off and absorb into the wood and and that's it and then we have our fire starters all right welcome back so it's the following day it started getting a little bit dark last night and so i figured i would just let these dry overnight so now they're totally hard just get out there anyway so now i'm going to cut these apart and show you guys how they work just like that it's that easy okay so now that i've got these cut into little bite-sized pieces i'm going to light one on fire and time it so we can see exactly how long these last okay so this just burned out that was nearly a 10 minute burn time and all that's left is a little bit of wax and a little bit of the paper on the very bottom so that's going to continue to be embers for a bit but what an awesome project a lot of the fire starters when you fill wax all the way to the top they burn pretty weak so you'll have a fire starter flame but it's not going to be a very good one and so by using the loose shavings a little bit of wax that allows it to have all of the space that it needs to get oxygen in there get the breathe going and create a really powerful flame the coolest thing about these is that they're pretty windproof too watch this you can't even blow them out if you wanted to okay i guess you can if you try really hard so dusty and i highly recommend this project it's a great thing that you can do with kids or just throw a couple in a plastic bag when you go camping all right so i'm signing off thank you for watching and until next time stay wild [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Wild Grit
Views: 29,228
Rating: 4.9301128 out of 5
Keywords: wild grit, callie waldschmidt, dyi firestarter, firestarter, homade firestarter
Id: Y4g1coyFzi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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