The Best Magnesium Fire Starter For A Surival Kit?

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if you've been watching the channel for very long you may know that I have a pretty deep interest some would even call it an obsession with fire starting fires building fires just all sorts anything to do with starting a fire making fire one of the things I looked at recently on the channel with some of those magnesium of fire blocks and I had a lot of people on those videos comment though why would you need magnesium to start a fire why not just use fat wood why not use Vaseline covered this for that well sometimes you just need something that'll start easily and burn really really hot and that is one of the advantages of magnesium so this video we're going to take a look at a slightly different magnesium products which I like a lot the magnesium fire survival tin that's what's coming up next here on survival on purpose welcome back to survival on purpose your home for information and gear reviews related to camping survival and general preparedness for regular folks my name's Brian thank you for joining me so fire fire fire I'm gonna try to cut right to it and not do a lot of rambling cause once again it's getting dark but right after I did the video on the magnesium fire blocks you know once you scrape off and use a little Ferro rod to light them I got an email from a guy named Joe in Colorado City has a small business and he has a magnesium product to fire starting products he didn't know if I'd be interested in checking out and have him sponsor a video so I did and he is so full disclaimer this video is a sponsored video which means he's paid me to do my testing interview to give them my opinion on this thing so we're gonna do that right now but this is just gonna be a quick look at it this is the they have a couple different versions here this is a six pack it comes with six of these little bags and they're pretty good sized bags you can see magnesium powder shavings curls just just a sort of little magnesium I would imagine this is some sort of industrial by-product so so good on Joe for for coming up with a way to repurpose something that would probably be you know used maybe even thrown away and then he also has the has this other kit which says Oh comes with six packs and a little Ferro rod and a striker he's got kits that have storm proof matches in them and everything else so we're gonna use the Ferro rod kit because you know just to see how well it works so um without a lot of rambling or anything else let me just take it down to a stump top and I'm trying to do a demonstration to show you why I think sometimes magnesium is is is is a really really good fire starter because the barn so stinking hot it burns way harder than anything else that you can find natural and you know in in nature so I'm gonna do a test of this on camera that I'm not trying we're just gonna try it together and see how it works okay so first of all just grab a bag of this and also I forgot to mention but they come in these really nice tins also these from bobble 10 so that's good too good maestro so if those out of the way stick your little bag here let's open this first little bag and it's a pretty good bit in here I'm gonna dump a little bit of a little bit of it out now just to show you you put about that size okay what's that about like a maybe a quarter quarter in diameter a little pow let's just see how well it uh how well it strikes to begin with and this is just a plain basic Ferro rod don't handle anything that scrape the paint off of it let's see what we got here one two there we go it's burning and it's burning hot hot hot so that burned quite a while and you can see we don't really have we still got a lot in there that one little bag so this moves you out of the way now now here's what I'm gonna try and I got this bundle sticks here one of the potential advantages of this magnesium is that it burns really really really hot so it D erratically could help get marginal tinder to light so what I thought we'd do is I'm just gonna I'm just going to test that to the extreme to do that it's gonna take a pretty good-sized bundle of this stuff because it's just gonna imagine we were in a really really bad conditions stormy conditions everything's wet and I'm gonna dump out a pretty good bit here you know way way more than most people say you would ever need to start a fire but we're gonna do that still got way over you know it she's half a bag okay so that's a lot still got over half a bag left now we're gonna get crazy I'm gonna take this this bundle of sticks here grab some of these hold it in my my hand we're gonna take some water and I'm just gonna pour water all over it all over it yeah get them wet okay would you agree that they are wet let me just shake most of the water off of it I'm gonna put a little piece of wood here just taking well prop him up over this this magnesium so we're gonna see if it'll get these soaking wet twigs burning I don't know if it will or not we were gonna try this alright we got it going there she goes let's just see we got a lot going there now it's burning hot there's a lot of magnesium going you can see the steam burning off of it the goal is gonna be when the magnesium stops burning are the sticks still burning that will be the question if they are that means it is is is overcome the moisture looks to me like sticks are burning what do you think oh yeah I think the sticks are burning did you look at that put some more on there because I like me some fire then you can see that sticks burning down there those over the previously wet sticks part and they haven't even gotten the new sticks burning yet so in my opinion that's a successful test so I thought we'd try it something else just just because why not right so I'm gonna move this one over here I'm gonna put another big ol pile because that one's going strong I'm gonna take something that's pretty big this is just generally pretty big you're gonna have a hard time lighting this let's just show you everybody says what about it big why not just use the big I got a big I got a big too and here's something that's pretty good-sized if this is if this is as small as you can get you gonna hold that big on there whatever right chances are very slim it's not gonna start burning we could agree with me on that would you would you but what will happen if I put a big pile of magnesium underneath this Sat stick let's find out so we're gonna take this magnesium right here and I'm gonna dump it out right here a big old pile it's like so still got at least a quarter to a third of a bag left so we'll set this up here all right so that's what this is gone put it out okay we're gonna put this one here put the stick on top of it like so let's see if this stick starts burning I don't know if it's gonna work or not it's a big stick you know what I'll do you must stick either way for a minute get this stuff going hang on here we go she's burning a hot look how hot this burning so it didn't get this stick going but it did get this piece going and just went out because that was a smaller piece like that but it got it lit so not bad there so what about just regular old starting a regular old fire you think it to do that let's do the rest of this bag just for fun cuz I'm having fun I don't know if you are not behind having a plaster there's a big old pile let's put some sticks across it like this it would be bigger than probably normal these are actually bigger than I would normally start with the smallest one is about to size one of those thin pencils so let me get back here behind it if I throw a little sparks at it I think I my hair I almost got it is it you got it let's see if that starts man look at that would you just look at it and it appears that the the wood is now burning no doubt about it that's thing ago okay well as you can see the wood is burning brightly now and the magnesium is all gone and I knew I was gonna like this there was no doubt in my mind it was gonna be fun to do and I was gonna like it but I gotta say honestly I think it's a really really good addition to any kind of emergency fire kit this stuff just absolutely gets the job done I mean it got the soaking wet wood it started that fire with one or a couple strikes of the Ferro rod and you know that what is the biggest my pinkie and that that's typically is not what you're gonna have to start a fire at least you're not going to do that I don't think you're gonna get that with a big so to all the big lovers I understand I have a big two but there's times for a big just don't get it and you could definitely like this with a Bic and get it so anyway these are available on Amazon the six-pack with the six pack of just a little baggies it's like 10 bucks and then the one with a Ferro rod and striker is like maybe 13 bucks or so there they have like again they have several different variations and I'll put links in the video description below and probably try to put one right up here we'll see how that goes but I got to say if I had to choose between a don'ts bar in one of these this is going to be my pick it's a little bigger I know but there's no scraping no busted knuckles no trying to deal with stuff in the cold and let me just be honest with you what I like about this I think this is in my opinion this is not necessarily an everyday fire starter this would be for emergencies but you just take one of these bags right here you just bust it open lay it down hit it with a Ferro rod I match a big lighter whatever and you're gonna have a serious serious opportunity to get a fire going so I hope this has been helpful thanks to my buddy Joe out in Colorado for sending me these and for sponsoring this video and as always thank you for watching survival on purpose I'll put out a new video every Friday and Saturday and sometimes random videos throughout the week if you want to make sure you don't miss a single video and get clued in to some special opportunities coming up I invite you to subscribe to my weekly email newsletter at survival on purpose com forward slash subscribe or you can just click the little box for a knife in it right there I really appreciate all the support once again my name is Brian you're watching survival on purpose remember survival is not an accident so be prepared I'll see you next time
Channel: Survival On Purpose
Views: 17,677
Rating: 4.8949418 out of 5
Keywords: magnesium fire starter, magnesium fire water, magnesium fire starter how to use, magnesium fire vs water, magnesium fire starter harbor freight, fire starter, doan magnesium fire starter, doan magnesium fire starter government military issue, doan magnesium bar, harbor freight magnesium fire starter, wet weather fire starting, wet weather fire-making, survival fire starter, survival kit, starting a fire, emergency fire starter, magnesium powder fire starter, fire, survival
Id: NBCzR0FXhe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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