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hey folks how's it going Jill's neon here you know I understand that there's 450 2321 videos out there on YouTube on how to make sawdust fire starters with paraffin wax and sawdust but I got to thinking about it and I wanted to make a completely waterproof wax sawdust firestarter that I could light with a ferrocerium rod and I got looking all over and watching a bunch of videos and I really didn't see where you can light one with a ferrocerium rod so I got to thinking about it and I said heck you know what what's what's I got an idea here let's try it and you know it turned out to work very well I haven't really I'm sure there's a couple videos or whatever out there that do it pretty much the same way but I just had this thought and I gave it a shot and I was I was pretty happy with the results so anyhow let me go over what I'm using here to do what I'm doing you need cotton this is just bolt cotton roll cotton okay we had this old box and we were like weren't going to use it for you know medical situations so I thought this would be a great great purpose to use it for you're gonna need the cotton you're gonna need petroleum jelly you're gonna need paraffin wax you're gonna have a little ladle or a spoon works really good sawdust now this sawdust is a really nice texture this burns quicker if you use a real fine sawdust you'll get a longer burn time out of it but this burns quicker but it burns really nice for a small compact firestarter okay these are shavings from a planer my buddy's playing or right down the road so I got all the shavings I could possibly and these little plastic like shot cups you can pick these up at any type of a party warehouse or a party store you can even order them online there are so cheap and they're reusable for this purpose so let's get started right here what I've already done is I've got some wax melted down and I put a little bit of blue candle wax in there so it'd be easier for you folks to see all right so this is this is what I got I've got a I've got a tunafish can here that I've put a little wire handle on it and I've got my wax all melted now you just take a block of this and you bust it up so it fits and just let it sit atop a piece of aluminum foil over the top or you know here I'm using a coaster it works great you know the more wax you put in it the warmer you'll have to keep it it would like to it'll like to cool off quicker I just use a coffee pot warmer this is something that you would put on your desk or wherever in such a coffee pot on it keeps your coffee hot well it's a great great wax melter to keep your wax melted so let's get started here first thing we want to do is we want to tear off a piece of cotton boy I don't like that piece yeah that's better you know about the size of a cotton ball if you guys are going to use cotton balls don't get the don't get the big cotton balls the Jumbo ones they're too big you'll have to cut them in half ok so then I take my petroleum jelly and I smear it all in there real good now I've done this with six or seven or eight of them or even a big piece into a ziploc bag and it just doesn't seem to coat as well is if you do it one at a time so you know I put on some good tunes and enjoy making these things so okay now before I put that into the bottom of the cup what I want to do is I want to take and I just want to put a WADL of wax in the cup then I go ahead and I take my cotton and I just drop it right in there and flatten it right out okay so what's going on here is that if you don't um put any of the petroleum jelly on the cotton a lot of wax will soak into the cotton and when a lot of wax soaks into the cotton what happens is it's hard to make it fray and you'll see in a little while Wyatt why it's important for the the cotton to be able to fray I think you know where I'm going with this anyhow just take your cup and really pack a good generous portion of that sawdust straight in there and it's just gonna start soaking up the wax it's left in the bottom okay now we come back over here and we add more wax okay now what we're gonna do is we're not pieces of marble here it just helps them cool quicker I don't know if you can see that I'm just setting them on the marble let's go ahead and make another one here again grab yourself a good hunk of cotton all right get you some petroleum jelly on there really rub that in you're trying to almost can't use too much but get that in there so that the wax doesn't completely take over the absorption of this process here and kinda I just kind of form it you know into a disk shape kind of like that you know and now let's grab this another cup all right take one ladle I would say I'm putting about a teaspoon in there okay and then I go ahead and put my cotton in the bottom and you can see the cotton is staying white in the center it's not completely being absorbed by wax now we go ahead and get us nice generous amount of sawdust now you know you can feel the whole cup all right and really make quite the fire starter I have found out through experimentation with these that for what I would need for what I would use I would not need no more than this much in a cup okay if you fill that whole cup you're gonna have some serious burn time okay you can see the separations and layers here between the sawdust and the cotton okay that's how it looks on the bottom all right and as these cool what I do is I just take my finger and I just kind of shape them I just kind of pack them as the wax is cooling you know and kind of just get it nice and flat like that all right so if you've got the time and you're not in a hurry you can just let these sit and they'll pure they'll become cool not too long but for the purposes of television I am going to pop these in the freezer and I'll be right back with you and show you what we got alright folks so we're back here our wax has cooled I forced the couple in the in the freezer just for this purpose I actually find it it works really good actually to just pop them in the freezer and harden them up but when you take these little plastic cups what you do is you're just kind of squeezing around the rim like this did you hear that you just go right around school it's squeezing the rim just like this and they fall right out and this is what you got okay you can see the layers all right now what's interesting though is what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna soak one of these in water for an hour and then we're gonna light it okay but just just to show you what happens here is when I go ahead and prick at this do you see this cotton fibers are coming right up you see those cotton fibers are dry they're not all completely soaked with wax you see that this is the whole point all right so I'm gonna take this one and I'm gonna soak it in water and I'll get right back with you and we'll do a we'll do a test see how they burn all right folks so here's what we got I forgot about it I've had this thing sitting in here for about two hours okay now if she's gonna get wet who's gonna get wet that's for sure but check this thing out look at that with the diameter of my finger okay I know the video is a little bit dark but it'll serve for flame purposes they're really small look they don't weigh a darn thing and they're really tough they're really durable okay so when I do this I like to use my Swiss Army saw because it strikes my ferrocerium rod very well and all I do is I just take the tip and I just start scratching it and you'll start to see that fiber from the cotton start to come up okay and that's what we want to do is raise a bunch of that fiber just like that right beautiful look at that look at that cotton fiber I see now all I have to do it's just hit it once with the old ferrocerium rod and we should be in business here all right now she's spitting and sputtering a little bit because of the water that was on the outside but that will not deter it from burning believe me this clown the continent lacks crown we'll burn for about five minutes let's let's have a look at the it the watch at this point okay we just lit it and we're ten minutes to three o'clock okay so I'm not gonna keep the camera on the whole time because it's gonna take a while to burn it's pretty surprising about ten minutes I would say about ten minutes and once the the sawdust really catches on or the flame will really be pretty solid if you can't get a fire going with one of these I don't know what to tell you carry a blowtorch but these are really neat I just haven't seen many videos on how to you know a fire starter like this you can light with a ferrocerium rod you know I just think that's I think that's kind of unique and like I said they're very durable they're very small they're very light and they're waterproof you know so we haven't even gotten to the car or to the sawdust yet but I'll turn this back on once she's in full burn all right now as you can see the actual sawdust has caught fire now she's gonna burn really good and strong for at least another six minutes give an update on the watch okay but I mean man I like it a lot they'll definitely have a couple of those and my my fire-starting kit I've seen so many videos like I started to say in the beginning of this video that just you know they're very classic ways of making sawdust fire starters but I found this to be an interesting combination and I'm not taking credit for anything I'm sure there's videos out there where folks are doing the same thing I just didn't see him so yeah just wanted to share that with you folks
Channel: joesneon
Views: 79,891
Rating: 4.9227643 out of 5
Keywords: fire starter, sawdust fire starter
Id: l4AWfRH8rgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2017
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