About to WIN $100,000 and he QUIT??? 😡

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or you can quit trying to cut me off we could just both fish it and equip arguing about it ain't got nowhere else go so you gonna start here that was real footage from a $100,000 bass tournament on Kentucky Lake really seriously so I've been following professional bass fishing since I was probably in middle school and this has to be the craziest thing that I've ever seen well alright so here's a little background in the situation the guy on the left is Randy Haines and the guy on the right is Jason Lambert this incident actually happened on day three of a four-day tournament on Kentucky Lake it was an FLW Tour tournament and coming into the event Randy Haines was in first place but Lambert was in second place and he was only behind by like a little over two pounds apparently both of them caught their big sacks out on this hole on day one of the tournament Jason Lambert actually showed up to the spot first caught his fish and then moved because it's a four-day tournament you save your fish and then later in the day Randy Haines came to that particular spot and so that's where Randy hands actually camped out for the rest of the day and caught all his fish so then day two comes around and Randy Haines decides that he wants to open on that spot naturally I mean he had a better boat run than Jason Lambert so Jason Lambert decided to go fish elsewhere as a result because he couldn't fish his spot now that brings us to the controversial day three and so obviously heading into that morning both guys thought that that was their best spot and there ahead at this point it's basically a two dog race Haynes versus Lambert it's obvious at this point that it's going to be one of those two guys who wins and it's a boat race to the spot and then the bumper boats began so both guys are fishing apparently Jason Lambert catches a few fish and Randy Haynes hasn't caught a fish as you can see in the video Randy Haynes is very visually frustrated and then this happens tell you what you can have it I'm finna go goddamn house I got to go work yeah well that was interesting that was interesting never in my entire fishing career have I had anything like that to happen now Randy Haynes didn't just leave the spot to go fish another spot he literally left the tournament tacked up his boat put it on the trailer and drove home literally coming into the day Haynes was leading the tournament he was definitely the favorite to win over $100,000 and he left now with the juicy sweet spot to himself naturally Jason Lambert caught the crap out of the fish and destroyed the field for the last two days of the event and won at all look at this friggin beast that one hadn't missed many groceries either I [Laughter] don't know I'm telling you it's probably my own pounder oh that just meant we got a real big bag today but of course his win was overshadowed by this controversy so the real question is how the heck does this happen on a massive lake like Kentucky lake that I believe has over 250 square miles of water Wow so the problem with these summertime tournaments on the Tennessee River and Kentucky lake is a reservoir from the Tennessee River is the scoop the fish tend to school up really heavy on the ledges in the summer and as a result there's gonna be a few different schools in the lake that are potential tournament winning schools these are the schools with the really big fish that wind tournaments it's just a reality out on the Tennessee River at this time of year you know this is something that since Kentucky Lake has it become such a good lake and with such a good ledge fishing lake this happens pretty regular so the big question here is who was in the wrong who was using poor tournament etiquette whose fault was this that's what a lot of people want to ask and honestly the the honest answer is probably gonna ruffle some feathers I'm sorry no I personally don't think either angler wasn't wrong I think they both had a right to that spot a lot of guys want to point the finger at Lambert and say you're supposed to let the tournament leader have the spot or whatever you know but to me that is absolutely insane so at this point in the tournament it was a two-man race for the win and so according to the unwritten rules of tournament fishing you're supposed to give the leader the spot so you're telling me that Jason Lambert should just let Randy Haines win even though he's the only one who could potentially challenge him to me that makes zero sense zero sense at all to me that's like quitting a football game at halftime because one team is leading by a field goal or something you don't quit a game halfway through the game just because somebody is leading you keep on playing and you see who earns the win through the entire tournament or the entire game now before you leave an angry comment down below I think it's important to remember that both of these guys fished this spot earlier in the tournament and obviously both of them found it in practice I think they both had a fair claim to the spot is there a big school of fish there yes have they both been fish in that same area the last two days at different times yes yes they both want to start there and it's just Hanes who should have the spot because he was leading by two pounds halfway through the tournament yeah man I guess after the tournament Randy Hanes made a note he posted a facebook status status explaining why he left the tournament and sort of reflecting on it and I just wanted to take out like a sentence or two that I thought was sort of interesting that I don't know if I agree with quote if someone was leading and I fished the hole they were on before even if I were in contention I would not go there again those unwritten rules instilled in me from a long time ago manners ethics so in other words Hanes thought because he was leading the tournament he should have the right to the spot he thought that Lambert was being unethical and that he should have given up the spot to him and essentially seeded the tournament to him because of unwritten rules that say you always yield to the leader even when the tournament's only half way over and both anglers have fished the spot and you're in second place you just need to give up all right I'm gonna stop beating a dead horse here so who is in the wrong I don't personally think that it really matters but what I do think matter is the ramifications of Hanes leaving that event maybe this will change the way tournament organizations do things in the future maybe they'll avoid events like this where the fish are stacked up together in deep warm water where the delayed mortality is extremely high and the guys are all fishing next to each other doing things they don't want to do nobody wants to fish bumper to bumper with other guys and this isn't the first time that something like this has happened but anyway so that's that's one potential ramification this is another ramification of what happens in this event and a lot of you guys are probably gonna scoff when I say but Randy hands when he signed up for the FLW Tour he made a promise to X number of companies that he would fish every single event and try his hardest to do well and promote their products I made a promise and on that day on kentucky lake randy haynes broke that promise most guys who finish these tournaments end up finishing well below 50th place and those guys honestly don't do a lot for their sponsors during that tournament they're not getting the recognition they're not ending up in newspapers they're not getting it on TV they're not nobody's writing about these people or they don't want to know what baits they were using or whatever but if you win the tournament that is the ultimate ultimate prize for the people who are sponsoring you who are supporting you that is the ultimate thing you can do for your sponsors as a tournament fisherman so hands not only walked away from possibly winning $100,000 in tournament winnings but he also broke a promise to the people who are supporting him that's not cool bull fishermen had a phenomenal year I know that both of them are gonna be fishing the Forrest Wood Cup later this year I hope both of them do extremely well I hope Hannes is in the top five in contention to win and hopefully the tournament fishing industry learned a couple of things from this event like maybe we shouldn't be fishing these tournaments where it's gonna be bumper boats out on the ledges and you're plucking fish from deep warm water just a couple of thoughts there but hey that's all I got for this video and I want to thank you guys for following along if you made it this far and watching obviously if you're here you like bass fishing so I recently did a video I'll link it right here and I basically looked at the color spectrum of largemouth bass and what colors can they see and one interesting finding that I found was the largemouth bass of a hard time seen chartreuse initiate bass vision and so I dug into that and I looked at some other different colors so make sure to check that video out if that sounds interesting to you and let me know in the comments what you think about this video what's your opinion on this whole big fiasco so I hope that didn't ruffle too many feathers out there once again I want to thank you guys for watching and until next time I'll catch you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nick Lindner
Views: 313,766
Rating: 4.2313967 out of 5
Keywords: googan squad, nick lindner, al lindner, fishing, uncut angling, ice fishing, northern fishing, bass fishing, kentucky lake, flw tour, jason lambert, randy haynes, largemouth bass, forrest wood cup
Id: PFRQjvhZR08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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