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pillows on here that's what I was thinking Billy makes her mad and worms so Billy's the issue there's nothing you're tired or what you don't want to get it up in the morning was that Billy aggravates you well that there's no one stopping you know why we're here she kisses ding ding one of the FL that me to or that's right Dave Warner Brandon are you gonna wear these today Rob Rob saw flakes Hello Kitty for being him that's a hemp kitty Bing Asian and all right are these years yeah [Music] good way that's right we have Rob here yes everyone we have Rob watches this Rob Missoula surah not Zura come on up all its Rob net bots you say yeah the one and only am I'm not saying much syrup not syrup you add an easy but syrup come on sir Cuddy's fella and a tea you you are a Matsuri alright look I'm sorry dude I feel like I'm all over it but I I'm sorry alright suppose not here Billy is at home right now because his daughter is graduating today so he has bowed out of this tournament which is pretty awesome I think spent three days out here practicing then decided you know what I need to get home so we're gonna wing it today Matt is staying at another place but will include Matt and Josh and Tom but all I do know Brandon we kind of head to the ramp my friend we got ahead to the ramp [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks ma'am it's a 70 mile run down there and so I want optimal speed optimum optimum up--not optimal is that right optimal optimal speed premium premium speed maximum speed because at 70 miles and it's straight so like you know if you get your boat running just right and that prop was a little jacked up I had kind of dinged it a few times so now I can go fast in that right Rob you know there's a lot of people that deserve to win this tournament I get that a lot of people but I have fished this Lake for many many years and I've had my opportunities to make a good run at it I'm gonna fish as hard as I can try to make as many good decisions as I can and try to put myself in position to pull off the victory at the fabled Kentucky Lake he's so excited he's yawning me time to get this party started guess what I want man can't really give me a tip Nick [Music] really I'll figure it out I figured out where they are in the car and that's funny right there James Watson nope about 20 about 20 warranty are you there I'm good that's good what GoPro you got a GoPro 3:45 all right but to get this party started boat 20 got about a 60 something mile run you ready Keith let's get it started [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my goodness wow that's a trip right there so typically and I've fished here with the last two times we've been in this tournament just this time of the year I've done real well and this is one of this one of my one of my good spots they typically don't bite great until the afternoon when the water starts running a little bit heavier but we'll see right here it'd be a big and to watch to be a five pounder I'm gonna turn the boat around yep thank you not a big one minute he's two and a half pounds more than I had a minute ago oh we got to go we got to go up here to the next spot I see them I see fish blowing up on bait I don't think they're carp I think I think oh god here they are right behind us nothing shut up they started doing it up there too I'll watch them let me go to this one first there's a bigot yeah thank you thank you thank you thank you yeah I got it I got him that's my little one right now I got two and three-quarter two three hives I guess in it too but I'm hoping the one they turn this water on they'll go bonkers look at that thing I think nasty looking dude he's got like something wrong he's got AIDS or something bad I'm on a Wacom dripped it up on top of the spot I forgot that the current Ivan pulled off of it and then that whole time it's been drifting back so I'm gonna sorry I'll fish through it yeah yeah I mean before I get the net cuz it might be all free but I I hadn't really seen it yet oh there's one with him good one with him too look at him with him God there was one with him I don't know I just kept seeing a shadow 2 and 3/4 there's another one this little bigger oh yeah good well if he helps they're not he's kind of skinny 253 he's a little smaller maybe two to eight to nine you got a scale okay worked hang on 240 let me see your scale well it's in kilograms how do you get that off 260 I'm all out of whack yeah they set up on a different you know this year they're only a little just a little slightly different and when I found them in the day you know they were busting around and I didn't really like graph them or anything you know yeah I don't know dude you just let me see you might jump maybe I'll feel a head shaking a lot no little go ahead to 10 to 9 that's a bigger one baby three to four-pound 12 hot pounder six pounder there were big uns in here the other day they're just not well you they're feeding obviously but the other day man they were knocking they were knocking stuff out of water the shed thread thin yeah feels big I just don't know oh yeah yeah that's a fatty mate one more cast and then we're gonna go if we got like two minutes I might stop and throw swim bait on that one waypoint and see if I can get a five and then we got to go well we made it back we called up a few times you know I survived again today I got a decent back I don't think my team is too I mean attention if I can do it a couple days in a row but four days in a row might even be better than that look 2020 well here's the deal guys so we had early flight today and as you saw this afternoon this fish were really starting to feed I'm gonna have an extra maybe two hours I chopped two hours and that's huge two hours there in that other spot foot I mean I'm not saying I'm on the Jack them up not want to be too overconfident here but that's the right time today you want [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] not the art and conclusions [Music] [Applause] real good date move that cursor gee I think you're gonna be all over it Andy Morgan currently your leader 17 pounds 14 ounces shot Martin Todd yeah 17 pounds 14 ounces today for Scott pretty good day by um how about that 17 14 tied any Morgan and then we both got slapped right in the face by Jason Lambert dropped 24 pounds on us and that could be a problem right there but nevertheless I've got a long day tomorrow there's potential where I'm fishing I really think you know a 23 24 25 pound bag is doable around fishing so I'm not out of this by any means my partner at 15 pounds he's leading the tournament on the cooler side so there's some fish there but then when that fun that was cool huh and the little adjustments that I made throughout the day you know for catching a few on the worm didn't catch him a swim bait and then I went to the hair jig the hair jig was cute today you know this fish really wasn't trying to feed but they were there I mean they were feeding cuz there had shed he stuff sitting on the throat but a crank mate and some other things were I think me a little noisy but he caught him on a Carolina rig which is a real subtle approach and I called him the hair jig which is super stealthy as well so you never know tomorrow they might just eat the paint off a crankbait but I'm gonna have about ten rods were exempt we'll see what happens we got Thomas only have my ways burger course that's right day one we had 17 three and after the practice I had I am jacked I will take it it is an absolute dry well grinds really an understatement out there but man I went deep I wait shallow and everywhere in between and eight keeper bites today put all eight of them in the boat which is definitely critical in a tough tournament have no idea what I'm gonna do tomorrow we're gonna go wing it and hopefully come up with five bigots I mean I struggled today and I didn't have a single fish at one o'clock and then I finally ran around and had a little flurry like storms came through and they bet a little bit and I i caught like the worst weight in the world and have the exact same way to Scott so good yeah I wanted odds of that it all right man I heard a okay practice today was pretty tough I mean I fished pretty clean I jumped off a smallmouth and missed two I really only had like five bites all day so I went shower this morning really couldn't get bit when once we went out deep that's more my style I'm kind of fish I wanted to got to goodbye six weight in 60 X to fish so I think I'm still ease out of here with a check that's got to go catch him tomorrow man looky there guess what boys we're eighth place eighth place how about that Rob good I think it's dandy you know it is like a gigantic backlash of like 17 and 18 pound bags that was the problem so I got to lean on them pretty hard today I need to catch a big bag today like 20 you had even woke up yet we've been getting up at 4:00 in the morning I mean come on you're the better midnight good morning good morning how are you good all right all right out there dude that's where we got to go feeling good about it yeah how'd you do yesterday I just had one it's tough day sorry that's tough day all right you know you can come back here so well time to make that run again all right so Hanes head 26 Lambert at 24 and then it gets back to reality of like 20 19 18 which I'm in the mix a little backlash there of 17 18 19 pound bags but 20 plus 20 is what we need today you know we really need honest so we need a 25 pound bag awesome that'd be catch my biggest bag ever on Kentucky Lake today with you guys watching that's what we're gonna shoot for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm just gonna fish as hard as I can to get if I can get 20 pounds I'll be back in an opportunity to win it you know my ears are ringing from that ride you had ear plugs that's a good idea yep my name is a keeper thank you little spot one pound more in the Hat minute ago I got it little there's a good one thank you thank you Godley definitely bike I've been just a real small one yep good one yeah yeah dude that's what I'm talking about how about that boys how about that how about that bonus dude I named it the fish here yesterday I said I thought it was a little one there's a little there's a little rocky spot right here and I'm I'm kind of sitting kind of close to it but I don't want to I don't want to move gonna bite another big oh my gosh dude right there on that little wedge the other day whenever I found him there there was some busting over here the water flows through this island and I came over here through around and never did catch one not one but we saw him busting oh gosh dude it feels really big nobody's bigger not when I hit him not far out I wasn't sure ski bass when they get up like that and just keep them coming dude don't let up you let up they shake like really big thank you thank you thank you yes let's make sure we got five in there that's one five so yeah I got a whole one yeah there's the 12-inch spots in it I'm glad that we counted because I thought we had four and I would have been fishing with six in my life well that would have been a problem oh my gosh oh it's a big dude yes yes do bonus bonus fish my friend there's another ditch behind that Island there's a ditch in front where I've been catching them but the ditch goes through and I saw some fish breaking thank you thank you three and three-quarter everyone yeah I can't tell if he's big or not thanks so far out there don't know they jumped way out there looks pretty big who know if you help me or not I think he will think he's a three something else three three and a half so far out there he feels really big I think it's a three 312 314 how was it right there last cast [Music] maybe back it's a long long ways a lot of miles on the seven or this week really proud of that motor it's good it's a good butter that's good motor dude well we've made the cut you know if anybody caught some giant bags again that's that's gonna complicate things a little bit cuz I don't know if I can catch a giant bag I mean I think I can catch if they buy it on this thing I can catch 20 but I haven't caught a big one I'm like a real big little bit maybe the real big will just show up I don't know we're doing the best we can all of you know we've got a little bit better than we had yesterday so at least we'll make the cut which is a good thing Scott Martin comes from that great fishing family and 18-time Forrest Wood Cup qualifier 36 top tens and an eight-time FLW Tour champion a fire fast limit on day two for Florida Scott Martin worth 20 pounds even you move to third place 37 miles 14 ounces for Scott Martin that voice how about third place FLW Tour Kentucky Lake I'm gonna win this thing I'm about to catch a mega bag tomorrow the next day for sure because these guys aren't gonna let up play what well it's that awesome or what how many fish did we catch that was fun it's a nice to look at my hands either like this yeah okay Sanger's what we're gonna do we're gonna leave you with that because tomorrow day three we're gonna start a new video my friend don't don't forget don't forget her just just right after this video Diane will drop in there the video we got to see tomorrow Matt's gonna catch biggest back of the terminal rally I know he's gonna go you see the clip mr. Riley can't close the video out for me [Music]
Channel: Scott Martin
Views: 219,365
Rating: 4.9313307 out of 5
Keywords: Scott Martin, Scott Martin Challenge, Fishing, Bass Fishing, flipping, giant bass, big bass, huge bass, giant fish, big fish, lunkersTV, Googan Squad, Jon b, apbassing, alex peric, andrew flair, dallmyd, blacktiph, legends, bill dance, Roland martin, crazy, insane, how to, how to fish, lures, jigs, instructional, spinnerworm, spring time, smallmouth bass, SMC, swimbaits, win tournament, flw tour, bassmasters, how to fish tournament, vlog, Kentucky Lake, Kentucky, Tournament, long drive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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