ANGRY Fisherman Encounter! (Thin ice)

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got kind of a two-day mission must get me not sigh oh my gosh there's a bike [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to another episode of the Dugan squat today is definitely different we're going on a trip just Flair and I we're matching we're in the same exact hookbait booking cook so maybe we would be doing some poking some cookin and some ice fishing today stay tuned it's gonna be a good episode well folks as you guys know Perik is known for doing the brightest things I swear I've been with them for less than five minutes and here he punches a hole in his trailer it's on now though he has a nice arm workout in the morning I already broke my trailer by semester so you would think if you back up more the trailer would up it just is a pitch it was the pitch I needed to go down instead of that way I hit the trailer the trailer hit the other trailer and there's a hole now so I decide I'm gonna go to wildling school now and figure out how to weld all right we should probably get on the road we need to get on the road we're running late going up some gas here's some diesel fuel at the old gas station we are ten minutes away from the lake we're fishing with a buddy who told me they come on out here we're gonna fish next to mince ice you fish on my lake like 2030 people so supposedly they've been catching some blue gills the goal is to get some food because we've got kind of a two-day mission but it's gonna be nonstop something official some blue gills keep those then go try and get some perch some walleye maybe use some open water stuff so the series is starting a gluteal but it's gonna end we're just after to this hopefully or nothing you never know it's fishing right well that's definitely a hole that's aluminum anybody who lives in the Chicagoland suburbs that can wall of aluminum I need your help because I make mistakes in my life everyday feeling and feeling pretty optimistic ready go catch some fish Eric's obviously not super super excited about the sketching hooks he's just housing a piece of pizza right now I see I'm saving my appetite for the catching hook but we're doing tomorrow bro we're just we're just catching today we're not cooking today so what you're saying is I'm gonna be hungry now no I'm saying is I messed up all so why don't you love know about how you love touching bluegills know bluegill fishing look up fishing you know is my favorite obviously they fight the hardest out of any fish on this planet they're extremely hard to catch too so super rewarding when you do catch them it's not like they're in every single pond across all of North America or anything so that's why we travel all the way up here to uh to go after some giant blue gills I'm tossing salt on the salt I'm just kidding it's gonna be fun one bite everybody knows the rules easy guy choke oh this is good - that's like maybe three - like really Shh crappy ice like oh my god like that's not good oh um well drill the hole we're sitting about three and a half may four inches of ice which is fine not not the best cleanest clearest ice I've ever seen not gonna lie but we'll be okay I mean I don't think we're gonna fall through and if we do it would love to fall above the fault or a big big fan of doing that been there done that it's a good time but we're gonna yeah you well I can feel it okay let's not let's go let's go [Music] yeah as long as you don't show this show the shoreline as all you don't show yeah so I'm just using black black plastic oh there's a little bit of weeds probably like a foot and a half of weeds drop it down in the weeds you'll be I'll tell them pop out between the VEX are and the green weeds and stuff it'll just turn purple if you have the FL 28 okay they'll turn purple and oh this come up on and smoke it yeah we go somewhere else we I got spots where we can just pound them how you know if we need to get like a lot of fish but okay this bothers this you know we got big fish okay these guys those are those guys holes there but okay if you want to use augur go ahead dude so just all throughout this area here yeah so you'll be able to not read the weeds so you can just like clear right to the bottom okay so if you want to drop the camera down like that I mean we're we're sitting at like couple and it's clear I saw this will be alright probably I mean usually when you when you bounce and you can see the water come through probably not the greatest but it's content right we're using just a little micro jig just a little rainbow metallic or using this on you know light line throwing it on to pound test with a little rule 28 inch bra and that's a pretty much already learn to throw a little plastic on here maybe use a live bait as well but this spot we're fishing for you know our fish first and trophy gills here then we'll head up some other spots throughout the day so definitely give me a fun day and this is spot number one so we're are fishing one of Brian's spots right now we're trying to keep it low-key some of the people around us do not like us here so what world record you got muskie I really awkward talking [Music] [Music] we're all for it there or we're hooked up that's not a bluegill that's not a bluegill that's a crappie well there we go crappie Slayer we double that is a giant blue first fish little crappie surprise [Music] well I just moved holes and that was probably 30 seconds deep didn't see a mark or anything just just took hit ran set the hook brought him up and first fish for me I think that's probably got four with her fifth fish Eric said he's marking fish for me it'll catch one I am the one who took play out here or invite him up the ice fish have a nice issue for a couple weeks now on my own channel and I'm the only one who did not catch a fish today so that's good at the first spot I mean so what we're gonna do is we're gonna head out of here then I try another spot try and catch them the eater blue gills now this is more of a trophy spot and yeah so pack up the gear get on out of here [Music] next spot or yeah go that or if you want it if you want conflict talk to they were just they were just losing their mind that we had a camera and really thought we were gonna expose the lake and he just was trippin all the time talking about he had a world record whatever I'm just searching I got some time to kill yeah nice to meet you so what we're so giggly about out there was uh well the guys that were near us we were pretty day I don't know if I've ever ice fish that close something maybe that's just how it is up here it's kind of the thing I thought we were I thought Brian was friends with those yeah he first of all we pulled any were not for him but they were fishing the exact same spa and so I was just like Paul it's a community whole not a big deal well the second they saw that we had a camera yeah absolutely lost they you know just saying like how we're gonna mess this place up obviously use more colorful words than that and you know talk about exposing the lake and this and like I'm gonna be caught fish but it wasn't anything I absolutely insanely I'm sure it's this was barred was like it wasn't like it wasn't like it was ridiculous they were also complaining about like fish keeping yeah they literally were just pile driving a bucket yeah yeah yeah so he they were there to play because I guess like last year this lake got pounded and like I guess everybody was keeping perch and stuff in then literally mid-conversation he rips up a blue gun throws on the bucket and I'm just like what what's going and then I don't know they're talking about like what we're shooting for and YouTube and then who asked some flight Paragons well what who do you film for like what hidden he goes myself I've got a musk you world record it's however 47 inches and 23 pounds and like starts right and like I'm just like nobody asked but you know just some jet just some nice nice fellows out there but that's that's what we were giggling about I didn't want to talk about it whenever there's really really uncomfortable long story short they just were not happy that we were there so we're moving spots seeping go find Smurfette oh my gosh roofers a plank there's a giant pike oh my god got it Oh
Channel: Googan Squad
Views: 1,432,378
Rating: 4.705585 out of 5
Keywords: lunkerstv, fishing, jonb, jon b, flair, afo, peric, bass fishing, texas bass fishing, j0j0barz33
Id: 6_Pygmd-SrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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