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the crew the crew the crew is here what's up B you've been right in the boat the whole time what's up timmy good morning good morning guys we are hanging out here at topo marina Lake just semi second tour stop of the FL of your tour season and and that's what you're watching we're right here my home state I've got my flip-flops on I've got my down jacket on above make this silk chilly this morning we got to get it going we got to get it going I don't know what I have found I'm a little worried I'm gonna be honest with you guys but it's gonna be all about kissing five good ones today and learning something about the lake okay that was a call that a fail moment I'm ready yeah I'm kind of cold my hand hurts we're trying to open up the compartment will open a new carpet man is tight you know here's the deal guys I spent two days on Toho and only one day on Kissimmee and I really thought that they were gonna go off on Toho and it and it just uh the fish did not keep coming I think I have enough to survive today I need a little luck I gotta find a big one or two on the bed I didn't know about it if it is not happening I'm going to Kissimmee tomorrow try to pull off a big bag so let's get the boat in the water bill are you ready okay dude there you go are you doing sir I'm pretty good how about yourself I'm gonna guess your first name again Steve Steve Scott guys to meet you hey mare steve is my marshal today he'll be hanging out taking photos watching me fish learning what not to do on Touhou you'll be like man I know exactly we're not to go fishing and know exactly what not to do on Touhou that's what you're gonna say after today I return here in ten days hey I'm expecting you to show me oh it's gonna be a little it's gonna be a little little tough I'm gonna need a little good fortune a little good luck at a big old blessing [Music] [Music] [Music] okay well here guys they won to take one if all of your tour starts down okay pounder is good Wow know how this happened like he was hooked in a way he wouldn't got off in a year number one to pound her what's the link limit 12 inches he's 12 he's a little 12 he's 12 he was an on scorable keeper nan scorable keeper [Music] [Music] there's one there's a lot of beds right here mm-hmm when I came through here the last day of practice into a top water had five five bites just pitching around I got one that I need to well I don't lie all of them I got to get rid of but I've got one in there it's barely 12 [Music] yep [Music] I probably get rid of that one 12-inch er can't remember if he's right I think he's right through here got the mail that's the mail I think it was either there on that other corner but I think it was there I can get this one to go it's a giant it's like a 9 or 10 oh I see her she's there oh man she's she's looking at it oh gosh she's all over it dude oh she's got it a gutter dude yes yes Lord awesome oh my gosh blew that 15 pound line 10 pounder [Music] how about that guys Wow guys we did it we got a nine pounder that was awesome I came all the way over here I waited I waited until the Sun was up that fish was real dark as you could see and I was worried that one day we'll see the fish dude that was awesome guys right there that's survival that's a good fish now I need to find a couple more like that and I can have a good day yes what a fight dude that wasn't that was one of the top ten fights just because he you know 15 pound line I didn't want to it was reacting and I didn't want to change you know help him heavier and freak it out a bit it I saw it bite it and I was like you did it did it eat it I'm sitting there checking it and I could feel him feel her with it in her mouth and she didn't move off with this so I was a little apprehensive I thought maybe you know I might snag her or something on accident alright guys I caught that fish on a favorite 7-3 rush heavy he'll love this rod also was throwing 15 pound peel on topical you guys were wondering if tacticals the real deal yeah it's the real deal dude that fish had me all up under the junk it had me twice in there the rod was the perfect action the line held up perfect the TroKar hook did great dude that was good which they'd been bought like this this morning [Music] pick up on a little breeze little warm-up they totally change oh crap this bad oh get your camera I'm gonna say a bad word this is an effing Pike went down I got it Vanna they came back up hi guys well it's midday update we've got about two hours left the fishing I need to figure out how to catch couple more big ones and take advantage of this get back and I'm working on right now we'll run back down check a couple more areas and I found some fish in get a gauge of what's going on hopefully we can get one if I can get one more big one that's gonna give me 26 27 pounds if I can get two more big ones and that's even better so but fish hard the next two hours again I need to get a little lucky a little blast along the way so put on the slim shake googan Bates son shake let's see if they'll bite that [Music] a female there oh is it yeah get a big swirl [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow Wow unbelievable dude Wow guys I caught the nail when I pitched back in their big swirl happened I told you when that crazy that was awesome yeah I'm gonna have to go here in a minute it's uh thank you lord [Music] we made it back we upgraded a little bit we didn't get any more Giants but all in all I'm happy with it I'm survived now question it let's do our two tomorrow oh that is a big one to answer about tomorrow morning [Music] yes indeed all over the FLW fishing live feeds and stuff and updates this morning right here Scott Martin out of clues to Florida lay in the hammer down on day one brother how much fun is it going to these big Florida lights for you know you can just walk on them like this man I was stressed out this morning I really wasn't sure what was gonna happen I got fortunate got a couple big fish and it survived you know I'm not sure what I'm gonna do tomorrow I might I just don't know I really don't know it's a you've got so many options here as far as lakes so I don't know we'll see what happens here we go let's see what you did today my friend Scott Martin a fire bass limit it's a real kind of bag man 24 pounds and 12 ounces worth of them got you right there in third but only out of a second by a few ounces and then John Cox kind of put on a little bit of a clinic today let's hear it for Scott Martin yes indeed all right guys well a little bit more than survived I wasn't sure what they weighed i thought that fish was the nine-pounder when I put in the boat I said it's a non pounder and then I started second-guessing myself throughout the day that's probably an A I thought in it say that's an eight pounder before almost at nine again and then I stirred sails to seven so 25 pounds basically good meal now the hard part is for two fish tomorrow you can check it with Tom okker he's got a pretty good bag and rusev on two so we did a guess I was awesome on it hey today was a day of ups and downs I started off I lose a big fish the initial flurries over I changed up I catch a great big mud big fish my first one like seven or eight pounds I thinks game on I lose another one I catch one and then it slows down and I have to grind the rest of day and I see the second-place bag caught next to me I watched all of it boils pitches 24 pounds just smoking them other guys are catching them and it was a grind so I didn't push through stay at it I finished up catch my last one with like five minutes left today tomorrow I gotta change it up Scott's beating the tar out of me so we got to work out the work cut out for us this week Andrew now we got to get our game face going beat Scott so we'll see you long I'm in third place 24:12 that was crazy huh some of the coolest fish catches ever well those two fish yesterday what a blessing we got to figure out how to do it again today Andrew did good he had almost 17 pounds Tom did pretty good yet only 16 pounds good if I did good I gotta get up we gotta get a whole house up Tom's not with you left 4:30 in the morning that's what I'm dealing with dude Des Moines it's time to wakey-wakey hey man yeah what's up me my big sexy before you want to come sneaking in on me like what I want to know is why aren't you up in the Moors playing music so the whole different dynamic all right I'm just gonna brush my teeth first sleep on the couch last night yeah the couch good morning FLW fans fishermen family members everyone this is Rob Rob to our martial for today thirty-eight 340 checking in salaries one we're gonna make a little run today guys we're gonna abandon late Touhou I've been spreading about it the entire night woke up this morning and here's the deal I got to make a decision right my decision is alone win the tournament for me to win the tournament I can't do it site fishing that's a fact I can't maybe somebody else can maybe John come I can't win the tournament side dishes and I say that because there's just don't see an opportunity myself and I got official confidence I got a fish with with with extreme confidence next goal is I'm gonna learn something today no matter what I catch today if I can just make the cut and learn something for day three and possibly day four that's how I'm gonna win the tournament well we're gonna go through the lock of the day guys like I said one a little different one two three four five six and okay guys what we're gonna do I should be fished in just that's Touhou there if it's Jerry yesterday pulling that way today we heard out kind of weird kiss 25 pounds and eat your fish but like I said I just don't think there's an opportunity there for three more days and all I care about is winning this tournament [Music] number one [Music] that's ten grand [Music] [Music] don't like a pretty good one feels like a real good one it might be the cut right there that's definitely the cut-in a brand dude he's got it again what in the world is going on dude [Music] our mojo just got me a Louie's one buhbuh so I made a bait change went to a square bill crankbait everybody's in here trapping and I mean I'm catching some trap and don't get me wrong cut some good ones my very first cast with square bill a gold square bill I caught my second biggest fish of the day I'm pretty sure so let's make another cast [Music] so guys here's my thinking all this obviously there's a lot of fish here a lot of big bags were caught that's old spawn a pocket scattered hydrilla but not super thick and these fish are just milling around in here I'm just gonna try to catch a good bag in here once I get when I think's a good bag I'm gonna go fishing fishing like a good one feels like a real good one goodness gracious that's nerve-racking dude trying to net them so give you another little tip guys a turn my arm is off so the transducers I don't need them in here you just paddle down I got my hideaway on I think that's making a difference you know there's obviously the other guys catching on that I don't think anybody's really catching on that good I think we've got them maybe a little better than anybody else in here and that might be that the deal I'm seeing a lot of bait here didn't come up schooling behind the boat got it turned down real low though not a high setting never on a late finish I've got it turned down like number two real low setting real shallow water you don't want it loud there's a four pounder what might be three-and-a-half it's a good fish not a lot [Music] [Music] that helps you know free something skinny it's that one there right three and a pound got a two three but I gotta get rid of next well we made it back we've got a few minutes to spare keep going like this props running a little weird I've dinged it up a little bit it's all I need is a sling a blade with two minutes to go we come in five minutes earlier so I don't know 16 I have 17 pounds survived thank you well the goal was to go down and catch a good bag of fish and learn a few things and I'm gonna make the cut and I can go in that area and chunk around and probably catch some fish tomorrow morning we got some places where some spawn and fish are and just you know I'll have all day to do it tomorrow mega bags getting dropped on the scale today there Wacka Wacka I've seen 22 jokes making random a melon had a big bag almost 20 I'm in perpetual catch a man needs no introduction with 24 pounds and 12 ounces on day one Scott Martin bringing up tubing here on day two here it is my friend 24:12 yesterday five more today Scott Martin Saturday fishing sounds good - Scott no doubt about it on day 2 giving 17 pounds 15 ounces put him back in the second place with 42 pounds and 11 ounces three days Andrew Upshaw all the way out of Tulsa Oklahoma 16 pounds 5 ounces yesterday coming back with five more - thanks for me Andrew consistent tournament here dude you want to go fishing tomorrow I should like to book you a ticket to it 15 pounds 9 ounces Andrew up shop 23rd place that's a Saturday buddy man what a day called 15 and a half pounds executed about 95 percent bolts one big one but I got a really good feeling tomorrow I'm around some of the right fish I saw one of them today I really I got a good feeling about it ever get to do what I really love to do and then stolen a lipless crankbait a red-eyed shad and I'm telling you right now I'm fired it's two cuts in a row Scott and I both made the cut to tournaments and rope we're gonna be right up there in points where we need be starting out to be a good year well we were gonna close the video out with you guys and let you know where I finished but Brandon just decided to disappear I don't know where they went I've been texting him and so pretty much that's the video guys i don't know all i have here i let's do this so we're just going to do it old school right old school like that alright guys so i am in fourth place i had eighteen seventeen fifteen but guys are figuring out how to catch him that's a little spooky because there's some guys that caught some big big bags today my plan for tomorrow I'm not real sure yeah but most likely gonna go back to Kissimmee the good thing is Andrew Upshaw made it Tom came just a little bit short he was needed needed a couple more pounds to make a good little make a good little move but those guys are reckon on man he's twenty eight pound bag today I saw two tins get weighed in oh it's here here before we go hey this little bonus for you know bonus for you guess who else made the cut guess who else made the cut B that made the cut yes sir he's in the cut here is in the cut here in the cut the right cut this time the right cut Ravin wrong cut yeah toho right cut right good right cut yeah good job dude awesome okay see in the morning alright so made the cut video is over we're gonna close that eye here in a minute but guess what you get to watch the next video is gonna be day three cut video that's right cuz that's this videos done one and twos done day three is next I gotta find Brandon thanks for hanging out guys thanks for subscribing to the channel of course it's awesome but you guys kind of take a peek into my yeah because Brandon to them just decided to just disappear I don't know they're over there taking naps or something I was a little rant right now I was about to tell you by but now I'm ranting I'm ranting because I was are there no support oh by myself and there's Brandon all of a sudden meetings done dude the whole thing shut down tell everybody bar this Patel Umbach tell them bye-bye say thanks for watching yeah subscribe yeah yeah [Music]
Channel: Scott Martin
Views: 567,797
Rating: 4.9128046 out of 5
Keywords: Scott Martin, Scott Martin Challenge, Fishing, Bass Fishing, flipping, giant bass, big bass, huge bass, giant fish, big fish, lunkersTV, Googan Squad, Jon b, apbassing, alex peric, andrew flair, dallmyd, blacktiph, legends, Roland martin, crazy, insane, how to, how to fish, lures, jigs, instructional, spinnerworm, smallmouth bass, SMC, swimbaits, win tournament, flw tour, bassmasters, how to fish tournament, vlog, winter time, Andrew Upshaw, Lake Toho, Kissimmee, flw, tournament
Id: f29V6vsIRCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 48sec (1968 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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