ABANDONED Vehicles RESCUED From Swamp After 50 YEARS! | Forgotten Memories Turnin To Rust | RESTORED

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] we keep on fighting [Applause] some will say this [Music] [Music] sometimes [Music] [Applause] us [Music] today we burn these pages of history and spread [Music] [Applause] [Music] who will save us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] today [Music] well guys i don't know what we got ourselves into on this one [Laughter] i can tell these are gonna be pretty tough here yeah yeah we're gonna start on the easy one first yeah i don't know which one that would even be i figured maybe go ahead and start loading the ones that are closest to the trailer first and obviously we're gonna have to trim down a bunch of limbs you can tell this stuff's been out here forever i see this one here let's go for it first i probably gonna have to move that old camper over there but yeah get it out of the way and missing the front wheels but that's what i'm hoping those front two right there went to so they probably are they're probably messing with the brakes at some point yeah looks like the lug nuts roll yeah that's always a good thing well well i guess it feel come off yeah i brought some wd-40 in a few tools so and the tractor that'll help with some yeah i guess first things first though is to fire up them chainsaws and try to get some of these limbs cut up we're doing there anyway yeah where we can see the vehicle again yeah i'll go grab some saws and some water and we're done sweating so i guess we're doing all the good yeah i'm gonna go grab a song real quick now it's nice and shady but there ain't no wind in there watch for snakes i am me and snakes don't get along but i got something for them here [Music] so you guys are probably wondering where in the world and what in the world we're even doing out here uh it looks like my uncle frankie has really pulled through on another really cool find for us and unfortunately all these old vehicles out here are going to be a ton of work to get them back to the shop [Music] watch for thorns we ended up buying around four vehicles my uncle frankie found a 53 bel air out here that led us to these other ones but we've got a 1960 c10 apache truck we're going to try to pull home a 62 f-100 short bed ford we're going to try to pull home and then a 67-68 ford f-100 short bed as well now there was a really cool old boat we also light eyes on that me and dad just felt like we couldn't live without it's got some really cool fins resembles a cadillac i don't know a whole lot about them boats but we thought it was something we needed to bring home as well and now we're about to dig into everything see what it's going to take to get these cut out dug up whatever we got to do to get them back to the shop [Music] coming your way already looking better ain't it yeah no it [Applause] i have is say i never expected being out in the middle of nowhere in 100 degree heat doing videos but uh i sort of kind of graduated with the whole coronavirus thing and didn't really know what i was going to do from there and i knew bob and dad needed help with videoing so i stepped up some of your wire timber i might be able to hook it pull it down don't damp the truck frankie seems to always find these projects or old vehicles somewhere he's gotten so good at finding these things that we're thinking about nicknamed him trapper because we know he's gonna track something down my vines are strong yeah plenty of coal yeah i've watched a few of my brother and dad's videos before and i didn't really know what to expect when i came out here but it's like jurassic parks and the zombie apocalypse had a baby especially with uncle frankie coming out here with his gun so i had an idea of what was going to happen but this was completely different as we're attempting to cut through and remove everything that's between us and this old f-100 i'm getting stuck and poked with thorns every which way i look around see my uncle frankie he's just grabbing handfuls no gloves no problem for him i guess he's just a little bit more tough skin than i am need some gloves i'm good might get her right there at the ground there [Music] still got a little bit over there you may want to watch out for this one this i may have to have somebody push against it to kind of make it go this way which way are you trying to go with it probably come back this way ow ready yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] emma and push it over you're gonna try to yeah you go ahead and push it over you can watch yourself [Music] oh you can see a truck now yeah yeah it looks a little better shape don't it [Applause] there was a truck in here yeah you see a truck daddy getting started out here on these trees i'm thinking this is going to take most of the day but it's going pretty quick right now so uh this shouldn't take much longer [Music] you know saul's gonna be tired by the time we're there yeah yeah hey i bet we are too though say it's so humid out here think the door open yep yep huh do we need to trim the vines that are growing inside the truck really they didn't took over they ain't too bad they sure enough was fixing to go in there yeah saying it no telling how long these vehicles been sitting here yeah i know it i've rode in every one of them oh yeah we parked them when one would tear up we'd park it and get in the next one yeah i started saying it may not be a good sign if you rode in every one of them they're parked out here abandoned i mean just any little thing happened it was just we had another one to jump in we jumped in it yeah then we went back when we got where all of them was tore down we'd fix the one that was easiest yeah just finally got to where did he mess with him no more 40 years ago easier to do that back that back in those days it's harder a lot more expensive to fix stuff nowadays yeah actually you know these old vehicles like this parts are cheap yeah compared to that new stuff oh yeah i went and bought a camaro mine i bought a new fuel pump for it i put the manual pump back on it and it was seventeen dollars yeah you can't believe i ain't gotta go i ain't gonna mess with no gas tank though right yeah well it drew first blood on me i saw that i was wondering if saul did that or no tree definitely needs to be sharpened yeah yeah especially after hitting that that hasn't been still there before it leaves a little scratch about as wide as the chain yeah i got myself in the knee with one by myself out the wood i didn't do that no more one thing about frankie is he seems to always have a story to go with anything that we're doing frankie's got a lot of experience at things i'm not going to say all of them are great experiences but he's got experience at it well dad do we want to try to go ahead and get these ones out i think it's going to be easier to pull it backwards and we only got so much room here anyways all righty i'll start piling some of this other stuff out over here all right come on that thing's done 20 foot in there so the game plan so far is for us to basically get a straight line approach as much as possible with getting this truck moved to the trailer with this camper being right behind the truck we needed to get it moved out of the way so we're gonna have to trim a few more limbs just to make that possible once we get it out of the way i think we can pull the truck straight back and be able to load it on the trailer a whole lot easier [Music] hey is there a twig on my gopro [Music] come on the days basically just got started and i know that we're all already tired and sweaty not looking forward to messing with this old camper i mean it's been sitting out here just as long as everything else looks like a perfect candidate for a good home for anything that i don't want to come up on to be living in it and hopefully we don't allow our tiredness to affect us and stay full aware of the surroundings around us i got it timbers we'll have to start calling paul bunny yeah yep watch out for that little old man that's in there if he comes out he can have it you got that right or any of them snake people anyway that looks like about the best way we're kind of hard to [Music] a lot of memories out here probably wrote in every one of these cars one time or another back in the days whenever we were younger she once tore up we just parked it went and jumped in the next one and you see you can see now how many we jumped in now though that's a pretty big tree yeah i don't know what that is damn is that what it is yep it's hung on everything too the other thing i can tell you is what oak is and what hickory is yeah oh yeah let me see if i can't get you now looking for these kind of vehicles here they are you know a lot of memories out here to me yeah all these trees wasn't here watch out ah the tree caught it so out here videoing i didn't really know where to stand without being hit limbs are falling everywhere at this point i only think that they're paying attention to me if it looks like a tree's falling on me tree's actually probably falling on me [Music] wow [Applause] well it's hot and we're working against ourselves we're shut we're cutting our shade down yeah well i don't know about that there's plenty more to pick from right there breaking that little truck there isn't going to need to be pulled out of the way i bet so i think the straighter back we can go with it the easier it's going to be to load it may go ahead and unload the tractor and pull that truck out of the way and then i guess pull it out of the way or push it back yeah yeah probably just push it back in that open spot over there yeah then we can go ahead and lay this tree down and not have to worry about it landing on it right yeah that's it nobody there don't look too bad no not old enough for me though let's go grab the tractor and some water okay take a little break and get that thing out of the way anyways that works for y'all that works for me [Music] why did you wet your pants it looks like i did [Music] [Music] there may be i gotta win this fight [Music] is [Music] oh i see [Music] i'm gonna keep [Music] to oh i gotta win this fight it's time to prove it now's my timer we were all a little hesitant about flipping over this camper because we weren't sure what might be up underneath it frankie joked about a little man we got it flipped over big old spider frankie don't like spiders [Music] well you think that'll work it's a lot better than it was if not we would go a different route but i think we can get back here and kind of i hate that old camper with such rough shape but yeah kind of just fell apart when we go into moving it yeah if it's it's had it since better served its time ain't it yeah there's plenty of snake and whatever yeah you think we could get that that bucket on that tractor hook a chain back here and if we can lift it up over those little yeah snubs there little stumps i think we get it lifted up because it should pull away from that tree easy enough we shouldn't have to cut that one that'll save one yeah try to save as many as we can but i guess we'll get the tractor up here try to get that pulled over then i'll grab a jack see if i can put those wheels if they'll fit up on there anything will roll back that's wheels too they look like they're forged even a flat tire is all better than a brake drum yeah you got that right i'll see if i can find this might not roll yeah yep i'm gonna go grab a chain hook on somewhere back here on this frame all right and i'll bring the muscle now that we got most of the surrounding trees removed from this old ford uh there's still one around at the back that's up against the bedside there so we're going to attempt to get the tractor hook a chain to it see if we can pull it away from that tree if we can do that then that'll save from having to cut that tree down just get the truck pulled a little bit to the side there then we can try to get some wheels on the front of this and pull it on back it's always a scary thing crawling up underneath these things [Music] i don't mind crawling under as long as something don't crawl out you got that right especially if it's about four foot long yeah about the size of that ball there yeah i can show you the fine art of get man food i'll show you how to move for old man never was scared of them dude i got bit once i got bit i've been scared of them ever since i've never been bit but i don't like them i don't need my garden [Music] i guess i could go to this other that frame around come to the other frame room over there maybe when it goes out it sort of swing around like that it'll do something yeah get out of the way we can give it a shot picking the tractor up gonna see at the other side that i don't think that tree's against it we get on the other side it's touching it but it would pull that way we broke ground a little bit oh yeah hang on when you're picking it up it's pushing it into this tree loose from the frame it needs to be pulled that way if you could maybe pull it backwards some yeah it's starting to come now there you go there you go it's coming yeah you're coming up over here stops a little bit now well all right this tire ain't going up normal let me get the jack so we can get it laced up over these and it'll probably because you can't lift it right it won't lift it up yeah i keep lifting up it's got me womp job okay let me get a jack to get it just up and this needs to go about two inches well we should have we probably should have put some air in this tire that broke it loose from the rim when it got up against there ain't it two lugs on it that's enough though probably welded on there anyway yeah one thing rose nice out here well i was just thinking there's some fly board yeah over there we'd probably use stick and jack on our exhaust is rusted out from underneath it now exhaust oh it's gone yep sitting on the ground there there you go oh now that tire wasn't going to wear up no i got a big old sled in it no it wasn't never gonna air up you try don't hurt that traitor i mean that camera hey get this out it's got it over it's on top of it all right they're over top of them anyway i think we need to try get some wheels on the front of it get them on there and get leave that tractor hooked up to it and just pick it up yeah yeah i'll try to get these wheels on the front of the wheels sort of straighter on it or get him cut back the other way and he'd probably come all over this way a little bit yeah that tire there was never going to wear up anyways and big old split in it and he got picked up there look now that we got the truck moved away from the tree there in the back uh it didn't cooperate real well but one thing is that we have no wheels and tires up here on the front of it so we found some setting out here we're going to try to see if they'll mount up see if they match this bolt pattern another thing we notice here though is it's missing a tie rod end so we'll have wheels on it but we're still not going to be able to steer it at least this side maybe the other side who knows but we'll get some wheels and tires on it anything's going to roll better than just just old drum digging into the dirt and stuff so get those put on it hopefully we'll get a little closer to getting it a little closer to the trailer it's been growing up to it you think we can get it on there in that dugout spot or do i need to either way it's going to land right there yeah it's gonna land uh you want me to bring one of those over here yeah let's just bring one and see what we can oh no more i look at it it looks a little smaller there work hopefully get up high now yeah we're hanging out no we're just a hair small seriously yep well [Music] i figure with them missing the tie rods anyways it may be hard to well i know it's going to be hard yeah can he tells the other side got any kind of steering stuff not that it matters all the linkage it's all gone yeah there's nothing on the other side either it's always see the arm coming off the steering box and that's it i guess that's a good reason to park it yeah kind of hard to drive that otherwise yeah get you a couple get you a rope that'll reach all the way through well you want to just keep trying then yeah i mean it's putting tires on there may make it harder yeah because they're going to pigeon-toe themselves and that old rubber is just going to yep if we can ever get it out decently straight then yeah we ain't got to go far and get the trailer backed up here winch it up on there and then the good news is move on to the next one i guess that's good news if you lead me to my own device i never have to compromise the city is like a jungle gotta make it mine put my fears right out of sight beat the hustle better get it right in a game where the strong survive only the strong survives [Music] is [Music] until the end of the me day [Music] [Music] [Music] let the games begins [Music] well we've officially got round one done on this old ford pickup here took us a lot longer than what i expected i really thought in a day we'd be able to load this truck up and that old 53 bel air unfortunately we're just kind of running out of time and it's a friday we don't want to work too hard so we've all sweated we've all worked really hard to get this truck on the trailer we're just going to come back tomorrow try to get that 53 bell air loaded up hopefully it won't be near the struggle maybe the tires will air up on it and we can load it just a little bit easier all in all real happy with this find can't wait to get them all picked up [Music] churches is [Music] [Music] [Music] um now that we all got a good weekend behind us i feel like we're all rested up and ready to try to rescue a few more vehicles out here my uncle frankie contacted us and said that he'd be just a little bit later getting out here with us so we're going to go ahead and jump start on that 53 bellero his i know he was super excited to try to get this car out at home so we're going to dig into it hopefully we'll get a good jump start get it pulled out get the hard work behind us get it to his house where he can go ahead and start messing with it well it's every bit as hot today as it was the other day ain't it yeah i don't think it's near as humid but it's it's warm i don't know about that maybe this one won't be as hard as that old f-100 but at least it's got looks like all four wheels and tires on it i can't imagine it being as hard as that one was that was a chore now this one's gonna be a lot more heavier than that old ford but i don't think we're gonna have to trim out as many trees either it looks like it's really crowded in here but most of them it'll clear on this side i think mainly on that other side might have to trim some down but they look a little bitty though so they shouldn't be a chore now wheels at least a quarter of the way in the ground though ain't it i think they'll have take any air normally i'll say no but i mean yeah they'll hold air hopefully they will because they shouldn't they'll take some air that'll kind of help get them up out of that that hold that hole there yeah let's go look at the other side see what we exactly got to trim there the only thing that somewhat worries me on that old car is that's the one uncle frankie seen that snake in the other day so yep hopefully we don't encounter it again i don't think it's gonna be too bad though at least this side these are a bunch of little small trees small trees and just vines i think yeah thorns yeah but kind of hard to see it from this angle yeah we'll get a little sunshine shining on her soon that's kind of hard to say well i'm not going to try it yeah i don't know if it's gonna turn i don't know if it's in gear none of that man well frankie talked like the doors wouldn't even try really so i don't know yeah i think he's afraid of that old snake because i know he said that old snake old copperhead or copper moccasin as he calls it and slid up underneath there but hopefully once we get that saw cranked up it'll if it is up underneath there still it'll go somewhere we're not yeah well let's get some of this trimmed up out of the way uh grab that air compressor see if them tires will take any air i don't i hope they do i hope for the best but i mean normally they will because we don't think they should but when we need them to they probably won't but either way we'll get her out of there and get her loaded on the trailer and i figure let's go ahead and get started the more we talk about it longer it's going to take us so you see that snake you know what i'm giving him [Music] so as of friday on the old f-100 we've yet to see any snakes out here now i've heard a lot of stories about a big one sliding up underneath this 53 chevy bel air needless to say we're all just a little bit skittish at this point some of us just a little bit more so than others okay are you ready sorry i heard something again be careful over there you're scared yeah you're getting scared i heard something i'm sure mean it's it could be anything can be a bird could have been i was just letting y'all know i heard something over there okay y'all see a snake outside in the morning ready all right i'm ready [Music] yeah they're way more worried about cars right now and i'll probably be the first one to get bit there a bunch of frogs coming out everywhere [Music] [Music] it's definitely just as hot today as it was last friday i don't know if this bell air is going to be any easier to get out than the ford was but frankie's really excited about getting this thing out and working on it and that and i think we're just as excited to get it out for him so we're gonna do our best to get it out and get it over to him so he can go to wrestling on it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the vines are holding up yeah thank you come on i wouldn't say this old car has to be the most grown up around with trees but it most definitely is just covered with vines of everything out here this is probably the hardest car that you can even see so we're trying to trim all this stuff back loose noticing a lot of three leaf binds out here which i know uh leaves a three leave it be they gotta go for me y'all think that works i can try it again i see here [Music] crazy how those things will grow so tall up in them trees right yeah once it gets a grip pretty strong [Music] now i'm no wilderness expert but i know poison ivy when i see it when they're grabbing those vines they're gonna get a rash [Music] so [Music] watch your ass [Music] huh [Music] stop [Music] can you get them vines right there [Music] [Applause] [Music] feel like a city boy my pants keep drooping down [Music] that one there was growing up underneath the car huh i think it's just a chop wow about to say [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's crazy is this was probably a fresh little patch when they parked it out here yeah they probably made sure they didn't park it around any trees yeah there's probably nothing around it pretty good shape though uncovering it yeah yeah a lot better shape than what i figured we'd find it in yeah sheet metal is pretty good probably a few more here at the back huh yeah one more it looks like scratching the paint emma [Music] that's kind of weird kind of scary yeah [Music] man it's got the majority of it except for the vines and they're getting the best of me oh yeah got you good didn't it yeah well probably not but i'm gonna play like it dude this thing was out here ten more years it'd been a lot harder to get at huh yeah you have been about like that truck probably yeah it's crazy how these things uh mother nature just start taking up its territory real quick yep well i guess we'll see if we can find the valve stems on some of these maybe if they've got i can see this yeah i see that one in that one i'd love to see it just start climbing up out of the out of its grave yeah that would make a big difference watch out you're trying to go in the headphones if the door won't open i'll go through the glass for sure it won't open it may be locked it's hard to say i mean it's wiggling but yeah it does look like it is locked huh i think the window's missing on the other side yeah at least get it out of gear if we have to well let's go get that little air compressor and see if we can shoot some air to these tires sounds good to me hopefully we'll have a little favor with it i always think that trimming the trees is the hard part but it's not it's a quick and easy part so yeah so far it's been yeah i got to feel in some of those others oh yeah some of them are going to be a ton of work because it's not going to just cut a tree down it's going to have to be yeah aim it for sure now there's no reason in the world these old tires should even give us a shot of trying to air up but if they do it's going to make it a lot more easier for us to get this car removed out of the hole it's sitting in if they'll take a little air which i've seen them do before this car will begin to come up out of the ground on its own hopefully we can hook the tractor to it pull it out i know the brakes are probably going to be locked up but it's just going to save us a lot of work if god gives us favor and this thing airs up see what she does i got tubes in them i think so that's normally the best thing as long as the valve stem ain't broke off from it [Music] we think nothing i don't think so i think that now stems trying to go back up in there some thinking it's not pushing it outwards need something to hold that valve stem with oh pumping out all that water inside the wheel huh so i mean just taking some air yeah loosen the ground up around it maybe [Music] we just struck water who wants a drink don't you know that'd be a step i don't know i got i think i got thirsty enough the other day a lot of water in there ain't there yep squirting out all over the place it's gonna air up ain't it i don't know if they're tearing up yeah it's coming up i'll go grab a gauge real quick okay [Music] i don't know if i said that life might have that much air in me or not or if i'd hold any air it's kind of weird how that much water would get up inside there huh yeah this is showing anything 20 pounds 20. i think it's taking it it just is stuck in the ground so much it yeah you see it moving a little bit i don't know how much you want in that's about 25. yeah i call that good now that you got all that ground moistened up it'll just pull right out a lot easier now we're stuck i want to try the back one that looked fun get your hands wet anyway yeah [Music] ah right here where all these thorns are you volunteered i guess we could have trimmed out a little bit on this side yeah you see the valve sam [Music] i think the hardest one is the hardest one grab a sharpshooter dang i'm caught i'll have my gloves [Music] there's a machete over there but it cuts like this hose does yeah if you can just get that big bunch of them right there that we're at my foot just don't hit my foot just just chop any of them out of the way looks like that when they're trying to hit me in the face there we go i ain't careful i'll get my ear pierced yeah that valve still must be up underneath the ground on this if i can get my foot on this and i'll give you this sharp shooter probably break it off i'm gonna be too rough with it because i'm afraid i might huh so that's it oh i found it got the cap on it and everything a little air compressor frankie's is kind of loud yeah but with snakes out here i don't mind that things on there okay girl just air up i don't think water's gonna come out of this one i think all the dirt would have soaked it up that way he's taking it it's coming up a little dropping load having that little quick disconnect on the air and that sure makes a difference when you get spoiled to it when you get out there on these and yeah look at it she's coming up out of the ground crazy [Music] frankie said he thought it would hold air too yeah which we we've learned to accept that anymore if they've got well some got a big ol hole up underneath this thing pulling roots up too i can hear them popping uh-oh i blew the thing huh guys i'll put about 25 in this one too yeah i think uh nowaday air is a lot stouter than old old air there you go see if i can get out of this mess [Music] well other side other side i'll get the back when this man i don't know which one you want i don't care they're both gonna come up coming up ain't it yeah [Music] actually it's tearing roots up on this one too this one scares me because it's got a you know crack in it and now it's it's still like it's flat and it's got 25 pounds in it yeah i wouldn't worry about it i'd just stop it there we can roll it on a square tire we rolled the truck on no tire would it turn sideways [Music] uh afraid we're gonna have one that's not gonna come up it's just coming right back out on my hand that's the way that that one did though it was pushing the air out of the tire yeah huh this one just didn't have water in it yeah slowly starting to ease upwards i guess i need to be a little bit more careful before i start thought about it about the time i reached for it i seen you hanging china [Music] yeah i wish that thing would open yeah it looks like it's pushed down unfortunately i'm afraid i'm gonna have to crawl through that window if that other side won't open yeah i guess i'm gonna call that good go kick that air compressor off real quick see if we can't get it out of gear i'm taking a shortcut oh i'm paying the price too these old tires never cease to amaze me you know this car has been sitting out here 50 60 who knows how long how many years this car has been sitting here uh sunk down in the ground uh you would never think these old tires would air up but a lot of times they will you could tell these had tubes in them and a lot of water had got up in this front tires we were airing up that tube now water had to go somewhere so it kind of squirted out the hole where the valve stem is there but all of them took care we've got about 20 25 pounds of air in them uh we can't get the doors open for some reason so the window is missing on this one i'm going to try to crawl through there see if we can get it out of gear at least try to get the window down where we can steer it when we start pulling it onto the trailer [Music] i know a lot of times in life they say you just gotta face your fears well i'm looking at right in the eyes as i'm attempting to crawl through this window of this old car here going through my mind i don't mind getting inside of a car but if something comes at me and i can't get out of the car quick enough there's an issue right there but we need to get this thing out of gear we need to see if we can roll the window down so we can lease to it from the driver's side i guess if it's got to be done i look like the person to do it be careful yeah that's automatic oh yeah huh i wouldn't have thought that pretty clean on the inside door handle on the inside work that's why i was about to try it works but nothing it ain't going to move wonder if i can let me try to crawl through and see if i can reach to that window roll it down okay so we can at least steer we're not having to steer from the passenger side all right ready let me get on this side and [Music] maybe i can help pull down whenever you're pushing or rolling yeah it smells like an old car in here there we are at least in neutral if something comes after me there's no way i'm going to move quick enough here we'll bite him first and i ain't want to roll down here oops i don't know if i'm going the right way it felt like it was coming down you guys coming down i can get my fingers in there though i'll help i guess i'll go ahead and come on inside might as well i'm three quarters of the way in here there we go all right i'm getting out you're not decided i'll just climb out this side door handle over there don't won't work either does it uh let's see i can hear i don't know why that made me so out of breath no luck nope does the steering wheel even try to hard to tell yeah moving yep i think i got it in neutral you may check real quick man look like it just goes part to neutral yep now i think reverse at the very far it is yep well we want to get the tractor and i think so hook onto the back of it see if we can pull it off the top of this snake he told us about well i got the thing to pull off but all it did was pull pulled the threads off of it so yeah all right we got it at least we can steer it now so let's grab that tractor see how she pulls out i feel these pages turn yes the day is burning now's the time for learning the future has come i feel the times are changing i see the light escaping [Music] has gone [Music] [Music] higher [Music] sorrows i ain't chasing gonna overcome [Music] my soul [Music] in the future has come [Music] [Music] is yeah hopefully it's the two hardest ones it's funny you can see exactly where that axle and the drive shaft was running there it was buried up to it wasn't it yeah tell this one was sitting there for a long time yep took something's home yeah starting to look better out here though clearing it up a little bit they'll be able to come out here and picnic before yeah i'm sure she'll be tickled to death to see some of this stuff gone guess we'll try to get this old boat over here next this thing's kind of got me intrigued yeah and i thought this was going to be the easiest one we had but the more i look yeah there's trees everywhere huh the trees have actually grown into this one yeah yeah you can tell it's grab hold of that motor there and i was looking you probably seen yeah that one just followed the shape of the boat and turn right back up on it i know this one will definitely be the lightest one the tractor shouldn't have a problem pulling it but just getting it visible to get at the tractor with it think this one go down first oh that's crazy it looks like a snake the way that vine is oh yeah grown up around that tree yeah i better cut the vine first too before we this one's gonna be a tricky it's kind of big [Music] mm-hmm you may have to hook a rope to it while you're cutting out and get it to kind of fall in the direction we want yeah cuz i'd hate for it to fall back the wrong direction well let's get at it we're going to run out of daylight for too long probably start trimming these little things here all right i'll go grab my gloves move it out of the way and see if i can't get a rope tied off up there somewhere it ain't gonna be real high high enough to give something tension this way yeah i'll go grab my gloves real quick all right you have at it not very often do me and dad find the opportunity to buy an old abandoned boat nor would i say are we very eager to even come across an opportunity like that this old girl was just a little bit different for us we've seen the cool fins just peeking through the woods and i believe both of us just fell in love with it studying up on the motor just a little bit it reads a royal scot still doesn't tell us anything at all but we're going to try to get this thing cut out so we can see it a little bit better who knows what we'll do with it but first things first just try to get it back to the shop i can hook this whole rope up there don't got these cut yeah yeah that should be ready this is probably one of the smallest vehicles out of this whole collection out there shouldn't be an issue to get it up out of the ground we feel unfortunately it's also one of the most buried up and diggo trees around it so we're gonna have to cut a lot of stuff down now there's a lot of trees that's got some decent size to them that we don't need them to fall on anything so we're going to try to lay these down in certain ways where they don't hit anything we don't want them to fall on the boat but we most definitely don't want to fall on another vehicle that we haven't purchased [Music] make sure there's nothing holding on to it when it gets ready to turn loose wow if i can stand on that or not ain't that be high enough yeah it should be anything will help huh [Music] well i'll get sawing on it you tied around your neck i hope to time it out just right when you hit the end it gives it a good jerk and it pulls it on down i guess i need to get out of this way though don't all right i don't mean to sound like mama bear over here but i don't think this is the safest decision i mean he's got this rope tied around his waist and a 30-foot tree above him who do you think's gonna win that worked pretty good staying corrected [Applause] i think this is the biggest tree we've cut down yet yeah mole vines don't make it easy to move they're right in the way and kind of got it sewn together not only are these trees growing up around this boat but they're actually growing into it they're grabbing hold of it now they're wrestling trying to hold this thing still we're gonna have to go in here cut this and wrestle them away that should have it pretty good for now come back later straighten everything up [Music] i guess we still got to break that thing loose from the motor now though don't we yeah yeah i have to cut it right below that handle and then i'll cut it right above the propeller and then let me go ahead and whittle away uh what's the game plan just cut i'm gonna have to cut here because it's wrapped around the oh yeah i have to take a piece on with this huh yep unless it turns loose when i cut it yeah cut it here then i have to cut it above it and then i'll have to once again go below it yeah i think so i mean i think that'll be the easiest [Music] oh come on i wonder if i cut low and not have to worry about yeah i think so [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah that's got that freight on it yeah yeah better be careful doing that yeah there's a tree growing inside the boat yeah i hope there's not a hole in the bottom oh no it's inside ain't it it's in the styrofoam it looks like that's crazy that's a big old tree to be growing in yeah i guess it started out throwing everything around and held it up yeah keep working our way to it don't you get that yeah we gotta leave the one inside of it unless we just have to take it down take it home plant it at the house yeah i don't know that's not well you can get them anywhere here we are out here cutting down every tree we can find around this boat and lance spots one growing up inside of it and doesn't want to cut it down i can see in his mind thinking oh here's a shade tree for when i'm out on the lake and if this thing starts to sink it's higher ground [Music] you think try to hook that rope up on the top of that one and try to get it to angle back this way i think it's almost the only option we've got if we don't this lava looks like it's gonna fall back this way yeah i think most of those spines are gonna keep it from falling fast right it's not a real big tree but it is it's gonna have some weight here i'll try to cut a little higher yeah if we can and that way and grab that rope [Music] this one's gonna be a little harder to climb up there yeah i don't understand the stand on that truck and both of them maybe where do you think you'll cut it out here yeah probably so i don't want to try to reach too high up in there and put myself in a bind all right let's get it right here then i'll just know wherever you put it i'll cut below that it's definitely just as humid as it was though it is now yes it is um yeah you gonna just stand on the other side of it maybe i'm gonna kind of get it on the back side so oh [Applause] [Music] oh she come down lightly and unhook that rope it was hard to get it unhooked earlier i'll pull it out of the way well it didn't go as planned but it worked now that we got most of the bigger trees removed from around this old boat we still got a couple more around front so we were able to cut them down low it's really cool how these things have just grown up around the boat and it's neat just to be able to experience how mother nature will just begin to kind of overtake what's setting out here now that we've got those removed though we're going to go ahead and grab the tractor hook a chain to her yank her on out of it back outside so bad when the frame's on the ground i'm gonna try to get a chain around both sides here yeah that'd work good roots so it's keeping me from getting this did i run it up through that maybe so it'll yeah that way it'll keep it simply getting up see if i can grab it i don't think it's going to take much to get it out let me get the slack not that much or what [Music] oh you're right there alrighty can you lift it hi who's stuck in there let me grab the jack try to break ground with the lace of jack we're just lifting too far away uncle frankie had warned me that this place is typically super swampy and you can tell just by the way these vehicles have just sunk in the ground the problem is with that now is it's super dry so not only have these vehicles sunk way in the ground now that everything's dried up it's basically like concrete so we're trying to dig through and break these vehicles out of what seems like concrete nothing seems to be going real well so we're just going to have to try to dig try to jack it up just do whatever it takes to get this thing unearthed from this old ground and onto our trailer try that [Music] stupid vines okay once we can get it up out of that hole man i just figured that thing i guess being that for leaf springs and everything up in the ground [Applause] we're gonna have to have something to put up underneath it trying to get a re-bite all right [Applause] i know what i can get should be a log somewhere i'm gonna get one of these rims can you get it at the back it's probably uh you think you got room try to get a new bite on it it should work sunk almost back in the spot didn't it yep yeah i guess that thing was stuck a little bit more than i thought it was it looks like a nice nesting place for something underneath from what i can see i guess the whole axle itself was in the ground i said the whole leaf springs and everything yeah i hear like vines are roots popping too so there may be roots grew up over the axle [Applause] um i can put it back here now alrighty i'm going to get to the other side i don't know how well it's got but yeah it doesn't look like it's very close i just can't work i'm gonna go on the other side and try to yeah come up i'm gonna have you dig at that other rim i think anyway you think i need to get that other rim probably so okay i'll take it short well you're probably gonna need it first let me see if i can find that sharpshooter and get this other rim out didn't have to dig i already found one probably gonna have to move that tractor back soon okay tell me how hard for me to get the jack up underneath it on this side so i don't know if you can get that route with that sharpshooter i can't hardly get it with the shovel here just need to get that jack in there kind of that area yeah i got it whew this one's fighting to stay on the farm man i don't think it'll go up underneath there it doesn't help when everything's getting in your way getting in your way there we go i should have come out there now and yeah i'm watching this wheel over here that thing was in it like it's almost like concrete what that was the dirt turning loose of it mother nature saying fine take it something is still hanging because i feel like this is starting to curl yeah it's starting to round don't yeah i can't see anything though that's looking like it let me is to dig out at this wheel some whoo who'da ever thought the lightest thing out here would be the hardest yeah hardest thing to get unstuck well we ain't done yet we don't have much longer this should be an easy one it'll yank right out explain that to my stomach [Music] um i need to get over here with that jack a little closer to the axle we put that wheel up underneath there maybe i can put a you know like a block sorry maybe that'll let me should you think as hard as it's stuck though you'd see it what was making it do that right [Music] i never forgot about animals coming out get to that point where you just don't [Applause] care [Music] oh it's coming but slowly i'm not sure that roots may not have grown through the over the axle huh through the wheels too maybe did a little holes just i mean that one's out but it's still you can see some some roots yeah i'll grab a board see if i can slide under it [Applause] i got my shovel stuck [Music] there we go yeah i think maybe it looks like it's you got that board yeah [Music] whoo wait out of the way i'm gonna let that down see what it does maybe for a little bit i think it'll pull out now um that's how it's gonna look on this side i would think it would since it's broke free let's try it i'd rather let the tractor do the hard part i know i think we've already done the hog for it we i don't know if it's stuck that hard or we just sat tired today just stumbling through life now judging by the way you're walking i think it's going to be with a little bit too tight come out of here i'm ready to go home needless to say we're pretty tired at this point this one was just a small vehicle out here that we were just going to cut a few trees and yank it on out so we're having to put a lot more work into this old vehicle heck to me i feel like it's been harder than the bel air we're getting close though i think this thing's about to come up out of the ground we'll hook the tractor to it if she don't pull up out of here this time we may come back again tomorrow most of the slacks on this side but see where it does i just need to get them chains even come just say we need to strap that somehow yeah i need to get a strap strap it forward let me go grab one real quick yeah that thing's awfully flimsy back there yeah that's that's what i was thinking it's probably had plywood back behind it to help hold it and it's probably rotted and all the total it is the aluminum you strap it to that tree there yeah [Music] don't want to go too much right try again she's coming there she goes dragging her belly a lot of water in that old thing keep going yeah i think so i think that'll work [Music] probably pull the ground will hook to the front probably pull around and we'll hook to the front okay [Music] well guys as we were loading up the boat man dad received some of the worst news that we wanted to hear today my uncle frankie had passed away so we didn't get to lay eyes on the old 53 bel air that we pulled out for him [Music] today [Music] so one thing that's for sure because this video is dedicated to you uncle frankie all the hard work we put in out here everything all the good memories i praise god that he made a way for me to have such a good relationship with my uncle frankie right here sweet and i'll never forget it i thank him for being a great uncle to me [Music] but most importantly he had become such a great friend [Music] and i love him [Music] i forever over jordan and what did i see coming to carry me home [Music] carry me home [Music] [Applause] [Music] carry me home [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] if you get to heaven before i do coming forward to carry me home tell all my friends i'll be coming there too [Music] coming for to carry me home swing low [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] [Applause] carry me home swing [Music] carry me home [Music] carry me home [Music] a me of memories out here today [Music] you
Views: 2,103,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restored, kravened kustoms, turnin rust, turning rust, collection, classic car, classic truck, rust, junkyard, c10, abandoned, rescued, kraven, custom, bogata, lance bush, restoration, chevy truck, wyatt bush, bel air, ratrod, patina, antique, kraven custom, weird, unique, will it run, neglected, apache, fleetside, chevrolet, ford, gmc, huge, rare, swamp, honey hole, f100, royal scott, boat, woods, saved, maxxd, buried, parked, found, lost, uncovered, rusty, memories, graveyard, forgotten, run down, left, be restored
Id: SnLzp8gz2Vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 38sec (6098 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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