LIVE Will It Run | 1986 Pontiac Firebird | KITT From "Knight Rider" Tribute Car? | RESTORED

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previously on restored it's been about a year since it ran yeah and that starter was was grinding so bad that you know i didn't mess with anymore and in my shape i couldn't i'm not able to that's where my starter kind of grinds when i try to get up and go around too yeah yeah i like loud pipes shiny wheels squealing tires smoke coming off of me yeah but i've gotten my physical abilities tonight like they used to be and i i've i've let things go and i haven't been able to take care of it and i know now it's got a chance of being taken care of it's very sentimental to us like i said it was mom's car so you know she passed away not last october so uh it just means a lot you know to both of us when i bought the firebird she finally drove it well after that first time she drove it i couldn't get her out of it yeah it's hard for me i get really emotional hey this car belonged to my wife she put more miles on anybody and i appreciate them coming out here it means a lot to me because it belonged to my wife this family really means a lot to us and we've known them for a while now they've done a lot for us so to have the opportunity to try to give back to them a little bit with getting this car up and running possibly resurrecting some of these old memories it just means the world to us it ain't over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the car is been real particular to me and my family i think you know if it's got any chance at all that the restorer will be able to help it besides the fact that y'all are really great people and i like y'all [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well guys it's been a little while but uh welcome back to another live revival video with us uh it's about six o'clock six o'clock here in pagoda texas the sun is uh kind of it's setting for us so we were able to set our cameras outside which was pretty crazy deal because it just came a big old rain cloud and was raining right before this so we didn't know what we were going to do so everything worked out on that though so what we got here today that we're going to be digging into is a 1986 pontiac firebird we hope that you caught our last video with the uh with the little volkswagen beetle that we built if you did you saw the full the full video that we were able to shoot with this car uh we were blessed with this car from a family that's very precious to us this actually belongs to my pastor jake's family it was his mother's car and his dad felt led on his heart to to bless us with it so we were super honored to be able to go out there and get it they've got a ton of memories and like i said if you haven't seen that video on the volkswagen beetle be sure to go and watch it and you can catch all those memories and stuff and just uh it really just just hearing the stories just helps you to connect with this car a whole lot more so it's been setting up for a little while as you as you heard on the intro the starter was giving him problems last he messed with it so we did buy a new starter we knew that we were probably going to need that right off the bat but other than that other than oil and oil filter we hope we don't run into too many problems that we can't fix uh just with on hand stuff here we're going to dig into it we'll check the fluids check the oil kind of show you guys around and everything just want to show you if you haven't seen one of our live live stream revivals here we just try to get vehicles up and running live on the spot with our live watchers here a lot of times we get to hear your comments that help us get these up and running so we appreciate that and if you're wanting to comment on the live chat be sure that you're a subscriber because you should on you should only be able to chat on this live stream you've got to be a subscriber now so be sure to subscribe if you want your chat to show up in the in the live chat there after the video has been up and published of course you can call me it all day long you don't have to subscribe but we appreciate your like we appreciate your subscription to the channel and uh we're going to shut up i'm going to shut up and kind of dig into this thing but to show you guys what we're doing we've got a camera up above here so we'll be able to show you the motor everything as we dig in we're going to check over some wiring on it like i said check the oil check the fluids all that good stuff i know we're gonna have to put a hot battery on it inside the car here we've got a gopro set up over there so once we get inside i'll be able to turn the key on see what you know gauges are working not working hopefully we get it up and running try to get it put in gear and all that good stuff as well and you'll notice that we have this car on a lift this time so we've never we've never tried that on a live stream before so we're hoping we're hoping everything works our cables are long enough to lift it up and down it was just going to be a pain to try to change that starter on the ground and we wouldn't be able to show you guys anything anyways trying to do it like that so we'll be able to lift it up we've got a camera at the rear which you're not going to be able to see anything right now but once we get this car lifted up uh you'll be able to see everything up underneath the car so i think i covered everything let's dig in i guess first things first let's go ahead and check the hole in the thing how does it look it doesn't look bad a little lower oh well that's what i could find out here nope she's full yep so this is a 86 model in the title you'll notice that uh we we titled it a uh kit not from night ride or replica tribute car maybe we just did another movie car with that volkswagen so it seems like movie cars either we like movie cars or uh i guess that's the case they keep popping around the shop so it might be cool if we could get this thing up and going and try to do like a little kit tribute with it so it was an 82 but the same uh same generation this is a third generation uh firebird here so but oil looks good um there are some wires that have been chewed on up around here i had noticed uh he pointed that out when we when we picked the car up there's actually we didn't show and i don't know how well you can see but there's part of that snake skin that was laying on the ground there as well so uh it's been a little bit since we picked it up and it's just been sitting here so we're hoping that that snake is gone uh hoping we didn't bring it back with us be honest with you so there are some bare wires there we're gonna want to be sure aren't touching anything i might wrap some tape around it or something like that but coolant i don't know i want to say we checked it out there but yep nice and green we don't even have brake fluid in it so uh be nice to see that would be be nice if you had that one with brakes yeah that would be a change for sure so we're going to go ahead and pull this battery loose uh got a battery that's been sitting on the charger all day so put a battery on it i kind of want to just try to turn it over and see exactly what kind of noise it is making how bad it is and then uh i'm sure it's probably going to be bad enough to go ahead and pull that start off but just to kind of see what it does to understand the car a little bit more before we just jump up underneath it and start pulling parts off a couple wires there that are loose but i don't think they go to anything they always make these batteries so great to get your big hands down in there yeah maybe sir no i got it good old sidepost batteries that always has the strip heads on them little boats yep seem like they're always like that i'm kind of curious if the headlights are going to come up and stuff i'll trade you it was last stickered back in 2003 so it's been a while since this thing's actually been on the road though i'm gonna go ahead and pull this breather off as well kind of where we can see down in here a little bit we're gonna have to get some new hood shocks on it we've got a broomstick and two pairs of vice grips to keep from having a headache if they're calling special guests vice grips and got a little bit of debris up underneath there yeah well this one here is wanting to go on cross-threaded spider webs i'm trying to get some of these acorns and grass and stuff like that out of the way while he's finishing that up oh here clicking oh is it yep huh let me stay here make sure the key and everything's yeah cause we got the stereo's on sound like a rolex well i can't get the lights to go off in here this stopped out here so huh got a couple lights on the inside there i don't know if you guys can see that or not radio kicked on no you say the lights are staying on inside well as soon as i turn the radio on i gotta i'll hear it but turn it back off it won't go off yeah they're still on he mentioned something right here on this steering column about you having a mess with it but i'm messing with it and it ain't seeming to do anything we'll move on to that here in a second i guess i think that's a door dinger no i don't know what that noise was as soon as i turned the radio on it i can hear ring it too huh i said i can hear it ringing too yeah that's weird i don't know we're hooked up out here so yeah maybe once it tries to turn over and comes back it'll go back in spot i guess i'm just going to go ahead and see what growls yeah how bad it sounds so or if it even tries here we go guys oh yeah i ain't going to try no more than kind of grinding yeah i'm not going to try no more than that i don't want to mess that flywheel up right go ahead let's disconnect that battery because there's something like i said that's making it stay stay ringing in there i'm thinking it's going to be something that's on that column either that or remember he said something about that back hatch uh you know the way it comes down it may not be completely yeah i don't think that would it could be but i mean i wouldn't think that'll make the stereo stay on oh no no i thought you come out of noise now i like the lights and everything's still on so all right we're going to go ahead and raise this up and we'll be able to drain the oil out of it but we're also going to be able to put some eyes on that starter and see what it's going to take to get it off i mean you guys heard it sounds pretty rough so sometimes you can you know they need to be re-shimmed or something i don't know how long it had been doing it hopefully the flywheel's not messed up on it uh if it is then that'll be a whole nother whole other deal but we'll get it up see if we can get that starter off and try to get the new one on there [Music] thing looks good this car is amazingly good shape up underneath it we may have to readjust our camera because we didn't have the door open earlier so we've got a lot of light coming through the front all right i'm going to try to get where they can see what we've got going on here we got christian i don't know what tools you'll need probably looks like we're going to need a uh 14 9 16 14 that exhaust is right up underneath the starter here so you having trouble with it yeah a little bit bear with the skies i thought she was going to move the camera in closer but you know i got to make it way more difficult than that oh the lighting is real dark so i'm trying to fix that okay great so this is one of the disadvantages of being over six foot tall yeah so where am i looking okay so there's our starter and you can see the exhaust just run straight up underneath here but i think i think as long as we can get it to pull you know pull down and just come back it should come out through right here maybe we're hoping so if not we may have to pull that exhaust loose but we'll go ahead and start taking it loose now a little bit of oil and stuff up on there but uh transmission pans pretty dry even the oil pan is not bad it's kind of just some up above there so that you can go ahead and start taking that off and i'll set this up where they can see what we're doing didn't even have a long enough extension i don't think but i think i can get it no i'm gonna have to have a longer extension let me run real quick it is time wow ah there it goes i'm gonna tell you just keep on it it breaks off and went too far that's always good the oil filter doesn't look too bad on this i do have a new oil filter and do have some fresh oil so i may go ahead and try to drain that real quick but if you could could you grab me like a i think it's 15 so i can get this wire off the starter here while it's up there a wrench yeah just a wrench thank you sir get it while it's not just flopping around so how's everybody been doing how many people we got on here christian um we have 673 it's been a little bit i know it's been a while since we've done done alive it was even a little tricky on us remembering all the ways that we have to do them yeah it's a you feel like you do it so often that you should be second nature but it's really easy to forget about a lot of stuff i'm just gonna use this try to catch that best i can so everything's been going pretty good for us we uh been enjoying the weather it's been good texas heat here so we've got a we've got another video that we've already uh shot for you guys we finished up this on week volkswagen so it's on a 72 volkswagen super beetle that i bought a while on back and uh we never never had did mess with it and so it's something that i need to sell and so we decided we'd try to get it up and running and make a little video with it so that'll be out next thursday is what we're shooting for christian you think uh-huh next thursday we'll have another so we'll be trying to get out videos once a week for you guys and then tomorrow we're actually going on a pick in uh decab texas right yeah so it's it's gonna be another uh another one of those kind of swamp picks like we went with my uncle frankie so there's vehicles everywhere out there all in the woods so we're gonna have to whatever we buy if we buy anything we're gonna have to be cutting it out so it'll be a struggle we'll be doing that tomorrow got a little bracket up there up above that give me the wires i think i can get it yeah the oil really wasn't too bad in it but go ahead and change it while we're here all right when there is just in a really bad spot to get it at bracket on the back of the store yeah and with an extension it's too long and without it it's too short so you may have to use the open end which is normally what i go for but i thought i would do a different route to go the smart way which wasn't the smart way should i bring that front camera in any or is it good uh i think it's okay boy everything is tight on this thing and try to mess with it or it's just a matter of getting in the right right spot on it imagine trying to do it on the ground on your back oh yeah yes we've kind of got it in that awkward position anyways though where it's it's yeah too low above my my knee height and too low for the other uh i'll let you try it and then i'll oh right up there on the block you can see the got a lot yes i'll get you one looks too big yes a little bit too big it looks like it's going to be something maybe a half that might have been why you're having trouble yeah there's a half say the spark plugs they don't look too old one of them's a little rusty on the base of it there oh you're going on that one i was going off the bracket up high coming off the block that's where my oh yeah that's even smaller than a half after that yeah i guess that went off it might still have to come off let me move this out away before i make a huge mess while he's tinkering around with that i'm going to show you guys solaire's though the old beetle there that we've been working on so actually runs great we've never messed with a we've never messed with a dual carb set up on anything before so adjusting them out was a new deal for us and i mean we were literally two days before the car show and trying to put the motor in and all that stuff but try to try not to mess up these other cameras show you guys how easy it cranks quick [Music] i'm running out of cord here yep we're pretty proud of her for him and now back to the show how's it going i just about got this this one that bracket will give a little bit we'll have her hopefully have her out in just a second try to jump on some comments real quick uh somebody's saying that they are thinking the exhaust will need to be taken off or loose so we'll see once we get that loose we'd rather wait until we know for sure it has to but hopefully not now we want to try to do some different exhausts on this car anyway some different wheels on it these are camaro wheels so we wanted to do something uh to change that up a little bit uh not going to do probably anything super crazy on the build but uh we definitely want to do some stuff to this car so someone said not too much of a concern but this shock is missing somebody's unless they seen it on the back i guess so it's guy let's go both shots on the back not sure what's the talking about me but yeah up underneath here is uh extremely good shape a lot of people ask about you know texas cars you know what's the rust like i mean this one here when y'all seen the video it was this sets pretty low to the ground it had a flat tire whenever he uh before we got there he had aired it up but the floor pans you can tell are i mean they're in great shape you should actually still see the red paint here from the original color of the car just got you know mufflers back here just single back here into that muffler so we want to run some duals on it so we'll get to the get to that point once we get it running i guess yeah it's in great shape up underneath here that's kind of what cars you can find here in texas i think i just got it getting dark up underneath there yep i need to get that oil filter off real quick christian you know tell them about some merch or something sure can i entertain them just a hair uh so we have the original tie-dye flag shirts that we have it has their original restored logos on the back and it also has the bee restored on the front too so these are probably one of my favorite shirts because they're very very bright and uh they're super soft and then we have the old betsy shirts with the station wagon that we did not too long ago we did a live on that so uh we got that all all good stuff there and then we also have the uncle frankie shirts so if y'all remember the abandoned cars that we got out of the swamp and all that that's what the shirt is dedicated to so it's got the logo on the back and then a smaller logo on the front as well so uh you can get all these at and they're each 25 dollars so yeah check it out thank you sister nothing to see here i just almost dumped that whole bucket of oil on me trying to balance it and catch the oil filter uh kevin asked what's the largest size you have in the old betsy shirt i believe we have up to 3x right now the largest that we've had is 3x for sure we don't carry anything larger than that you would just have to go on our site to see if it shows we've been sold out i know we sell out of the 3xs pretty quick but i do think we have those in 3x pan list said is that the entertainment from christian not very entertaining if they have to ask if we take that off we shouldn't be able to see them see the flywheel huh yeah well it wouldn't hurt just to kind of get an idea thank you pierre for the donation hoping that wire we can get once we get it out a little bit know what that means the camera was saying something i was like the impression gonna come out like a puzzle it's gonna that's gonna be a puzzle yeah it's gonna be getting it at the right angle i think it's enough room there it's just what do you guys think if you're going to get it or we're going to have to pull the exhaust loose for one stinking centimeter of it to move by getting it back in there is what's going to be the doozy could be there's probably one certain way it goes up in there yeah uh zachary keith asked whatever happened to them old cars and boat that y'all dragged out of the woods in the video with uncle frankie you see that so we're planning on doing a uh will it run on the uncle frankie carr is the bel air so yeah we have we're planning on doing like a little uh will it run on that i think it's going to be a produced one correct yes i think so and then with the boat we uh think we're wanting to try to get that run into it's still got the tree in the back of it as far as i know so yeah that's definitely in the plans soon to get that done so side note here christian dad's about got this starter kind of coming out but uh we see what the issue is the whole front of the nose of the starter is broke off of it okay i need something so i can get this wire off just a little let me grab these needle nose vise grips up here thank you coastal auto reaction for the 28 donation said put this towards some snowflake wheels for the fire bird see y'all once the border is open god bless y'all thanks luke i know this ain't the right tool but it's the right tool i've got right now so yeah the whole front of the nose is broke off this starter so that's probably why she sounded a little sick yeah i don't think it was growling i think it was throwing up let's see here's a little piece of it right there and the whole middle of it's just here we go let me get this wire off come on that's hard to get the wire out there it wants to get the nut off of it ten hours later hopefully there we go there we go guys there's partially what it should look like so show them how on the inside there yeah pretty rough nothing to hold it hold it in place we'll get the other starter here and compare them real quick now it looks like a used starter anyway somebody's marked on it i think it says eat it smokey joe's cafe okay there's still another piece missing i'm gonna see if i can reach your friend find it oops you say it's not about taking that off totally get that off i'm out of 7 16 you think uh 12 probably 411. right around when they started going metric maybe a 10. yep 10. got it are you done with that camera right now the one under i just cheat yeah you can move it wherever it works okay i don't know where that other piece went it doesn't matter we don't need it so i'm just going to check out these starters here i know how well y'all can see that but something is wrong okay never mind that piece slid around i was like what in the world is opposite about the body of this one looks a little smaller so it might not be as hard to go up in there that'd be good was no shams on it uh nope no shims but probably didn't need them that being broke probably was right are the bolts meant as tight as they were yeah i don't like all it then i'm getting them out okay uh let's see clean this up where i get that oil to put back on lost a wire but i found it i want to say the last starter that i messed with i took it apart put every wire that was on it right back up on it in that but it never would crank from the ignition flap uh i don't remember what it was what vehicle but had to be something in the operation of it you go ahead and go back up with it yeah okay yeah the teeth look good on that yeah that's why i was a little worried i wasn't for sure how bad they might have got that's good surely that thing doesn't need to be on before that bracket that no this sure yeah i'm anxious to hear it run at least it didn't hey this one wasn't locked up right i figured this one could be an easy one but we've pulled ones in some in before that were supposed to be easy ones and they were not glad what to do with that ratchet oh extension with the swivel on it no i don't need a swivel on it what's that it was a 14. thanks little play up front got a bit probably need some new wheel bearings and ball joints all that good stuff oh look at all that went in there easier than another one huh oh yeah a lot easier which is scary yeah oh lines that run to the fuel column we're pretty pretty dry so that'll be our next thing to address trying to get some good fuel up to that carburetor the shorter beard looks better man cooler and cleaner yeah i've been needing a haircut and a shave for a while now we were just trying to get that last video wrapped up so i didn't just magically not have a beard all of a sudden and we needed to do an interview piece but it's nice to have it fresh start that's for sure i feel like i don't know what to do ain't nothing can you uh can you get me a socket that'll fit that yeah or a wrench or something help me you got that quarter inch ratchet over there somewhere that's right i said i thought i brought it over here with me but i didn't bring anything else with me you can get that in there okay i don't know if you got room or not if not i can get you it's an eight all right i'm gonna climb up on top and put oil in okay i guess i'll set this to the side they'll love getting that back for a core yeah and i think didn't he say it was like an 11 dollar core i don't think he want to give you 11 for that it was bad most time we never remember to bring them back anyways and we always just we're gonna miss out yeah end up chunking them hang on to them long enough they'll be collector's edition alvoman7 said found find an ad for this car and we actually found a few so uh yeah while this has taken us just a little bit of time it's kind of hard to film we are able to show you up underneath the car but it's hard to show you what we're doing because it's in a little video cubby spot so that's why i'm a lot of times on these shows you see them and it's just uh hey this thing needs a starter and there's a starter and there's a starter on uh this is real life and this is how it works so we showed you guys the best we can but we do have some cool ads i'm glad you brought that up that'd be a great little filler right here so here we go pontiac firebird want to see something really exciting [Music] fire up a firebird and feel the rush others can only dream about you got it pontiac [Music] firebird trans am only from pontiac create a car to conquer the wind a car that lets you slip off the common place and experience driving excitement as never before the pontiac firebird trans am sit here and learn firsthand how firebird conquers the wind and the world [Music] you feel excitement [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody so yeah that's what we could come up with well a few of them we've got some backups and things in case things get really slow here but uh you can kind of tell they're all of the same uh same time period that's for sure that's the year i was born 1986 so i can barely remember that year were you waiting to tell that joke the whole i know the whole video well i went i went when the video when the commercial was playing i wrote it down on my notepad so i went and read on it so studied up on it back up jokes wrote down in there i think dad has about got this on there i've got the oil filter oil drained uh we'll put some new oil in it once we get it down here uh there was something else i was gonna mention or say i cannot remember what it was now deodorant yeah y'all better be glad that we don't have them smell-o-vision somebody's deodorant's not working it's not mine because i don't have none on thank you alicia jones for the 20 donation she said for our first state car yep so that's our that's our pastor jake's wife this was their vehicle they were in on their first date so he talked about that a little bit on the video so that's not gonna work pretty neat that bracket's too short is it yeah it needs to come to theirs about an inch two maybe an inch and a half too short oh so i wonder what's different on that starter i don't know you cut off my story dad oh there's a story of a story so oh yeah that one's it's in there like that that boat's a lot higher this one's kind of like it 9 30 and that was it 11 a lot bigger than two so we'll just try it without the bracket okay i'm going to smooth this baby yeah uh we're hoping that this is the right starter this is a little bit smaller on the on the base of it there we got i'm bottomed out on the boats and we got seriously yep ah wrong starter there huh lots of players yeah wait no count yep i don't know go ahead and pull it back off you know i mean the funds of lives yeah the bad thing about it is you couldn't couldn't tell without being to this point or at least having the other starter off i don't i don't think we would have another starter that would be we had one over here in the corner i think we finally used it maybe we can steal the nose off of it we make this live revive a midnight special man that stinks i can't remember do you remember that starter that was laying over there did we chunk it or uh i don't think we did uh unless it's in there over there that normally won't throw nothing away yeah we're hoarders around kind of over towards the paint booth maybe now look volkswagen starters either that i'm gonna have to have about 16 washers that won't work sorry folks but it happens all the time to better mechanics than me look at that christian happy students oh i just messed with breaks and half the time they make me mad enough i'll punch it wrong breaks you always say break time break time yeah this one's way different okay well i think we can put a rope around this crank pulley and just do like a lawnmower yeah that's that ought to work well i guess we could uh we could always put a standard transmission in it real quick push start it that's a shame we don't have nothing around here to try that's no i've been mine so the one we took off the truck out there i mean yeah there may be something on us on a vehicle out here but by the time you get it up underneath there and try to pull it off yeah we would be doing a 24-hour live i should have looked at it a little closer but well i said you really couldn't tell nothing yeah and you go you go with what what they give you what they give you we're gonna get it back out of here guys and throw it on the ground real hard see what's going on and make a decision if we hit it on the ground just right maybe it'll swell oh my god like that yeah i'm gonna say that other one got chunked yeah well it's not like you could tear that one apart and tear the nose off of it because it's we already know the bolts ain't long enough for it i'm gonna go look real quick and just see if i accidentally stumble across it all right that's setting them on the ground here you can see one so some of y'all might have seen the last video we've done uh we did a volkswagen and fixed it up kind of like a racing racing type but uh if y'all haven't seen it we actually have a trailer out for it right now so uh let's check it out you ready i think that's gonna do it more snow and ice is on the way here after setting a new record low early this morning of minus two we're gonna have to race this one here well it seems to have a mind of its own and a story of its own as well and he wasn't even on the list bub didn't wash a car dad didn't wash the car i sure enough didn't drive it to the car wash because i can't drive a standard so you're telling me the car came alive and drove itself dropping the freshest tunes [Applause] [Music] so yeah uh that's actually probably one of my favorite uh videos that we've done it's a super produced but uh it's i mean a six-month build that we crammed down to an hour so shows a ton in a short amount of time and it's just really cool it's got a lot of cool stuff in it that uh i won't spoil for y'all who haven't seen it but if you haven't checked it out i highly suggest it yeah we're not going to be able to make these work so i measured them here and uh one of them on the on the end of the long side of the bolt is uh 3 8 of an inch difference a quarter quarter to three eighths and then this other one though i mean we've almost got an inch here and the other one's about a half inch so we got about a half inch uh difference there so i don't know if we had some shorter bolts if that would even work or not but i don't know thank you redneck rust for the 20 donation any of you guys ever ran into anything like this before on the on the ends of them being just a little bit different and i believe if we had some different style bolts here we could possibly make this one mark because the nose is close but i don't know i don't know for sure we may have to call this one a a fail and pick back up again i found like four empty starter boxes and some boats here but i don't know let me see them bolts i think they're the same same length that one for sure is the same length so it wouldn't i mean that's that short side is super shallow it's only about a half inch deep right here yeah so i mean there's no way that's gonna so we have a couple suggestions uh says could you all use a oversized bolt as a spacer um or swap the in cones some people say use some washers uh do some suggestions the long bolt that one there looks like it'll work it's that short one we may have to put a washer or two yeah on the bottom side we may try it we're not going to switch out the the heads of them because it's busted i mean that that that one's not going to work so dad found a shorter shorter bolt here that'll work on the short side and we might be able to run some some washers or something on there just for now uh to see what i believe they gave they gave us the wrong starter though and we live in pagoda which has no parts places or otherwise of course we could just run up there and try to switch it out but have a few people off it does have a parks place but they're not open right now a few people also asking can you just uh could you just cut the bolts down like is that possible no not on that you'd have to cut them down and re-thread them because they're not threaded all the way so we're gonna try this uh we're gonna try with these uh this shorter bolt and try to put a couple washers we may even have to put a nut or something on in between there to act as a spacer i'm gonna move this camera up so okay i told you a while ago whenever that went on so easy i thought that's not good well murphy murphy and his law stepped in hugh and murphy's law any chance you get to mention it you do i like to show how smart i am i've seen that that was wrote on his list jokes too i crossed it off earlier i guess he just remembered it either that or one of my other dad jokes did i say dad i meant bad i get them b's and b's backwards eugene backyard repair thank you for the five dollar donation for better dad jokes i mean he's he's giving you money so you can go to school for that go maybe clown school or something learn some better humor maybe he wants him to retire from youtube yeah how much was it five thousand that's how much it was i really wish there was something i can do i'm trying to figure out what i can do to move forward but i can't can't i can't look at the fuel system i can't really do much of anything on that other than keep shaking this wheel and knowing how loose the front end is keep doing that over and over is that the long one that's a short one uh i was fighting the long one there so trying to get it held up in place and started with the doozy so so for for you all that don't really care about the for the live you know videos that are completely raw uncut and you know real life uh the the next video that we're going to be putting out next week is actually a an edited video so we try to edit out the hard spots of of things that take a little time like this and so it does go a little quicker and i understand that those are sometimes a little easier to watch but we enjoy doing these lives and it's something about you know having to figure out what you're going to do and being able to connect with y'all it's it's just it's just fun for us so we appreciate all y'all that are hanging out and willing to to watch i don't know let me go ahead and tighten that other one up get a little closer to where i need to be while he's doing this real quick uh we're gonna go ahead and uh i'm gonna gamble and waste our extra little firebird footage we have put together just to kind of let you guys rest from watching us struggle for a little bit so y'all can watch this real quick and we'll catch you right back in about two minutes and 32 seconds for 1985 tran sam gets a dramatic new [Music] look [Music] down [Music] inside tranzam's designed for the performance edge with full instrumentation featuring large easy to read gauges including tachometer and trip odometer and to enhance transam's cockpit style driver's environment even further sporty leer sigler adjustable custom bucket seats are available sound exciting trans-am is world-class excitement but don't take my word for it see for yourself so long doris [Music] so so long doors what does that even mean dad tried to figure it out earlier today we couldn't figure it out so maybe somebody watching will know so long dorse that was a cool guy driving around in that car though i saw almost looked fake you know what he would have looked like at about in 1986 similar to that it could have been me nice snugging yeah so are the washers working uh he's getting the uh he's getting the bolts on there they're snugging up some but we won't know until we get and put a battery on it to see if the you know the head of it's even going to be lined up right with the flywheel or not so maybe hopefully if not maybe not all we can do is we might have to reschedule the pick tomorrow and pick up here tomorrow well i was maybe it's just because it needed to be a longer video because all these videos that was what i was just fixing out my concern was we was going to jump on it and he was going to fire right up and we were going to be like uh now what are we going to do but instead isn't that always how it goes he's getting the uh all the wiring hooked back up on it i'm just trying to you know be a narrator and keep walking back and forth and checking these wheels out here in a minute you're going to try them and it's not going to it's going to be tightened up or it's going to fall off in your hands one of the other all right oh rebellious rainbow unicorn says was doris an actor and an ad for a competitor so that would make sense kind of a oh my picking on them maybe so that would make sense that'd be pretty cool yeah maybe so uh dana owen says that he was saying that the car is more exciting than his girlfriend so long to doris so getting a lot of a lot of theories here that's a lot more than what we come up yeah you type in firebird 86 doors and you get doris day all kinds of stuff so i wasn't sure but nothing on actual firebird bad commercial whatever i see how you felt now on the little isetta when i when the points broke and i just sat there the whole video trying to get points to work and yeah i had that stupid look on my regular look on my face so i need some pointers of what what i'm supposed to do too don't don't get caught with your finger in your nose if you do just say i'm so sidetracked right now i'm just i'm just praying that i remember to put the oil back in well the good news is i'm almost done bad news is even if this does work we've got to take it back off to do the right thing yeah so for y'all that might not understand uh what's going on here we had some original boats that were in here they were sticking down too far because the the head of it was too shallow so he stacked maybe two two washers two lock washers on there to take up some space i mean i've seen vehicles before that have like a big old nut on there and some washers too uh to take up some space so i'm giving away all my secrets so it's nothing too crazy but hopefully it'll work to at least allow this thing to turn over and fire up and up and up and up and up first the rubber band and now this rubber band now washers and you're gonna have to come up with your own little manufacturing place where you make all that for your cars yeah the thing is somebody's already making all that stuff so you've got that done yes all right we're going to move uh this stuff out of the way and drop the car back down you want this camera out of the way are you just going to get a close-up on it yeah sorry folks yeah sorry about that that but the good news is i wasn't laying on my back trying to do it we're still trying to get it out i know he's gonna be hollering workman's comp after this oh knocking everything over okay now she goes wonder what made that uh end of that starter break off like that you would have thought maybe the bolts would have been loose but yeah they were tight yeah super tight yeah i don't know that is a scary thought because you hope it wasn't from trying to crank it in the torque and the engine not allowing it to spin i'm going to go ahead before i forget put that all in there get you some oil and a and a funnel and a funnel for your funnel you got the oil flutter on there yep it works if not then that should work get a little towel clean it out i would give you the towel i had but it ain't going to clean it i just grabbed one out of trash that i'd use for snot rags earlier now we've got that mixed in they work like lucas lubricant may got a flat blade over there dude uh well i've got i got it now flat edge lid my hand flipped yeah it wasn't from the oil oh man how long will that thing fall off that easy all right now i can rest yeah and relax so much work sorry guys that that took so long i know that thank you eugene for the five dollar donation say christian better checker smart car heard alarm going off i heard it too i don't know where that was coming from we're always a little concerned about doing these lives when we have to have the door open or we're doing them outside because we never know who's going to come up here but we've been blessed that nothing too strange has happened normally when they do show up they'll get right in the middle everything like this and go oh y'all filming a little late but yeah no we're not uh let's try not to waste their time too much let's go ahead and hook that battery up real quick and try it out that sounds like a bomb ticking bomb that's not scary at all i think the head of that thing is so strict it is i was just trying to look like i was doing the correct thing i started saying well here they come all right either cross your fingers or hold your ears one or the other yeah hopefully it sounds better than the first time we tried it you ready well guess i need the key ready here we go folks cool wow we went ahead and tried that yep you know you really hate rigging stuff uh but sometimes when you're live it it'll at least make a video progress so we will come back and get the right starter and fix that but honestly it doesn't sound too bad it really helps on the comments because people really get to call us idiots but we're not the idiot that's sitting on the side of the road going well what to do at least we tried something no we we're still those guys but we're trying stuff is that already gas so there's some there has to be some gas that's already pumped up from something it's wet here so i was going to try to fill the little bowl up or something but i'll just go ahead and give her a little drink come on guess we should put more gas in there we have some yeah this was christian's job yep sorry guys well like i always said i'm not as dumb as i look so no i'm smarter than i look which is it i don't know i'm too dumb don't know which one it's right i don't know i'm your daughter christian go look for those those notes of jokes because he's got try this again all right what do y'all say will she crank up that easy two hours later will it crank up that easy yeah it's gonna crank hey um the throttle when you did that it went back right i don't want it to rev up yeah we're fine okay well it is indeed going to crank up that easy you want me to just get some carb cleaner you can kind of keep it right try to keep it running to it you start wrapping to this little beet it's making yeah i'm trying to figure out where that's coming from it's just stinking pacemaker it's coming from that wow they quit i don't know if that's a good sign or bad i can tell you the gas doesn't smell terribly old in this thing ready yeah i don't have nothing in it though it may not it's not showing uh it's not showing much on the gauge if that works but i'm just wondering do we want to try to do we want to try to put fuel in the tank and try to pump that up or it's like right there i don't know exactly what maybe it's that thing yeah it might not hurt to go ahead so a few people saying it's uh the solenoid maybe a lot of comments mentioning solenoids a fuel line goes in there our fuel pump's right down there so i don't know if we want to try to do we want to try to skip the the tank the tank can just run a tank to the fuel pump if we could put that tank right up there but i'd like to i'd like to try to drive it out of here if i could and that's right the hood's not gonna shut with it there sean baker said could that clicking sound be a fuel pump no it's not a fuel pump it's uh it's something up here on this on this carburetor here and i don't know i don't know enough about them but i think it's coming from this this right here uh about the time i reached for it it stopped so i don't know what exactly this this little sensor thing or what it what it does right there it could even be it's definitely coming from this area though and then it'll stop so like i said it's it's got a mechanical fuel pump down there on the block i would i wish we could just put it in the gas tank and yeah i mean because i just don't drive it i got it enough i'll try it worst case scenario always will kill you you can tell more dad jokes and i can run and grab some real quick uh thank you eugene backyard repair for the five dollar donation said okay fellow fans let's start firebird gas fund i got the first gallon uh you're pausing you're thinking too hard for a job i'm thinking too thinking between gas and medical bills yeah my my pastor in this video brother jack i'm just calling brother jack so y'all know who i'm talking about when it feels weird saying pastor i feel like i say it wrong but anyways brother jake was saying that you know this car's it's been put through the fire which is pretty cool seeing how it's a firebird so i wouldn't be surprised if that didn't play along in the in the theme of this car somehow i got a little two gallon gas tank here that had five gallons in it so i'm going to go ahead and put three well now you got people out there calculating on their fingers how do you wind up with seven gallons i'm going to see what that does you know i wish that you could pull it how hard would it be to pull it from where we could see once it starts you want to pull it there and it might even have to prime that pump though thank you nancy katzinger for the five dollar gas fund i feel like i said your last name ron it's kit singer i said it weird i'm not gonna have the right size i'm going to check out the brakes real quick he's trying to see if we can pull that fuel line loose from the carburetor just to know when it gets up there to the carburetor oh i see the fluid squared up inside that master cylinder i mean it feels like it might hey christian uh-huh come over here put it on this side camera oh you got it there come spin this back wheel if you can what do you need me to do just turn the back wheel if you can a phil turn there you go don't christian that's just like pull my finger all right so we do have a driver's side rear brake works for me interior light works in this thank you alicia jones for the five dollar donation she said gas won't be the first gallon i put in it you can't get it off no i tried it with that crescent one but it's kind of straight up all right we'll just keep trying i mean we'll know once it gets up there because it'll awkward spraying or i wish that we could put i don't know right there apparently not try that keep donating alicia people who we want a full tank yeah people who don't know that you know her is probably thinking my goodness that's rude nothing why are we nothing nothing oh because i didn't put it back in park oh you was already driving hello hop it on up here i thought maybe i could get it pumping a little faster yeah well is that wet right there i didn't do it no no i thought it was just trying to get this fuel pump to pump up fuel there probably bone dry fat al ibarra said hey doris what part of town in texas do y'all live so we live in east texas in a little small town called pagoda it's kind of the middle of nowhere and ain't got much but it's got us well i think the fuel gauge does work because it the moved gauge is working full pressure climbing steel but now it's about 35. should have pumped up there by now yep i don't know if it's uh the line those those hoses are pretty dry they could have yeah could be pinched closed clawed up you got one pulled off yeah i don't know which one of them it is but that may be the reason yeah because it sucks yeah because the clamp thing was so let me turn it over and see if you can feel it [Music] can you feel it i feel a little a little suckage uh i wish i had just do we have a little bit that i can that bottle i can squirt a little bit down in there and then i'll put that back up on and put that clamp that clamp was not on it so yeah we're going to try this a little longer and then we're going to uh possibly move on to electric fuel pump just in case that pump probably is just it just it needs to catch a prime and one of the lines was come off real easy for dad so it's probably was just sucking air hasn't sucked that gas up there thank you joe garcia for the 10 donations said keep up the good work it's nice to see a family work together thank you sir so did you guys like the last video on the beetle it was one of our favorites that we've that we've done and uh it was fun being able to have a have another build here at the shop and um we are still going to do the interior on it so we've got that lined ahead but not nothing too crazy door panels headliners good shape just going to clean it up seats are in good shape so door panels carpet that's about it yeah we were all really really excited to get that out to y'all needle nose real quick so i can get that clamp up on there but we finally have an answer to our doris question david uh quesnel said the doris doris bisco the anchor woman for the pontiac video network pvn was part of the yearly training for dealers and sales people distributed in the fall to train staff on the new products so i wonder if you found that or if we just got a really wise person here on our channel so thanks for the info on that so how many people we got on here and how long have we been at this uh now we're at 31 and we have a thousand and well we got 1200 yeah can you get me those other uh just flat-headed nose pliers needle nose just won't quite reach where i need them uh francis asked could you do a close-up of the car might help us figure out exactly what it is um yeah i don't know if that camera yeah she can come around or you don't want me to wrestle no i can do it you want me to i'll do it fine fine in that awkward spot where i don't have anything i can do again uh-oh our battery's about to go dead oh no so we've got a backup battery though okay yeah i'll let you do that and then i'll so he's trying to uh get this fuel line back on the metal fuel lines that run underneath the car it's really hard to tell there's just so much stuff going on in the front of this car it's kind of hard to show that stuff we're fighting but uh did you get it i got it i got it so we're going to try it again and see if maybe that allows it to pump up in there uh you want me to hold that while you do that we'll have to change the battery yeah let me do that real quick all right i got to get this thing going i don't i don't promise people burnouts burnouts and and i'm hungry ready yup there it goes yep see ya have faith have faith cool so yeah we had a vacuum leak sucking air i had a dog i'll try to crank it up in here i want to say i don't think i've got to use the gas pedal in here yet [Music] oil pressure looks awesome radio comes on but no sound so it's going having to kind of keep something simple like that little rough still i'm gonna put some water in it no that'll make the gas wet thank you radar nj for the 15 donation said hot texas warming up engine and cool family god bless you all and then we have another donation from eugene backyard repair i said i knew dad was brains of this crew so thank you for that new dad was what brains of this crew like she said strange well that too that too that too we're gonna put some or do you already did it yeah it wasn't live oh yeah because i noticed that the uh the temperature gauge is even working too and it climbed a little bit but there's like a so there's a uh i can show you guys on the dash there's a light on that looks almost like a choke or something on there so it's lit up right now and i don't know if that has anything that i know obviously i haven't even looked when it's running is the is it's wide open up here the choke or is it pulled back just like that right there yeah so maybe we might have to there may be something that's not working on the choke right now so we'll crank it again and play with that choke see if it runs a little smoother yeah i might look for some vacuum lines uh that will come loose or anything like that clean tools off and uh yeah yeah you're stalling i'm spitting all over the motor christian on the inside here they can't really see the dash huh so i'll kind of uh you can kinda i'll kind of show them what i'm talking about okay what in the world did i press did that show up on there uh something weird's going on here it's like super zoomed yeah i could tell uh was it like that when you put it back over here there it is okay uh something's unplugging i think maybe on the camera all right there we go all right so it's kind of hard but you can't really see it real well but this slide over here so we got service engine soon light that comes on it goes off when it runs when it cranks but that little choke light i was hoping you could see it a little better uh crank it up in here kind of show you guys a little hard to see because of the glare but you clear that uh yeah i found one hose that's loose i think that was our issue so when you let off the hose it dies huh when you let off the hose does it run a lot rougher not really huh there's a vacuum though i mean i'm right stuck to my finger but yeah you can see there's a it's dropped a little bit temperature's coming up just a little bit gas gauge is working it's kind of low on the battery there so i'm not sure it seemed to be a little higher right there i know it does move [Music] i don't even know honestly radio don't want to see me have any audio it's moving out pretty good though i'm going to lift it up just a hair more and go ahead and try to put it in gear see if it shifts in here i want to be sure i'm off the ground huh so we're going to go ahead and try to shift it in gear see if it'll move yep we're spinning brakes ain't working real good i'm not doing nothing on this side but i have to give them a good pump hey even the tail lights are working that's what i wanted to do how's the headlights oh nothing i'm just talking myself so which you don't even need no transmissions that's super rare for us hey i'm going to try to see if the headlights will come up the brake lights are working got one it's coming on it's just not flipping up no blinker no blinker there well oh try it again down again there's something in this control here because that one's spinning and this one does every once in a while that must been what he's talking about on on this thing right here so i killed it inside here christian uh yes so i killed the car and it's still running but there's something over here that i believe was what he was talking about maybe well i don't know how to kill the car yeah i can't get it to kill i can kill it all right go ahead and kill it then huh go ahead and kill it then i'd pull the wire off the that's one way to do it yeah i don't know why it's doing that we've got a little bit of a gas leak right there coming down here but oh yeah it's not much it's just a small drip but well i said i don't know why i can't kill it though she don't want to die huh she don't want to die she wants to go well i was going to drive it out of here but uh brother jake said lance i think it's a white place piece huh or he said a plastic piece so thinks it's a white plastic piece so let me look real quick i know he said something to us out there about it and uh there's a light the light uh i don't know what's here i see the piece that moves back and forth here oh i bet i wasn't pushing it far enough or maybe it needs to go the other way i'm gonna try to crank it again okay it's just a little flooded from dad trying to kill it like we did i'm gonna try to kill it again he said on the left side it's the column yeah that's where i'm messing with but i can't get it sooner all right we can just kill it again i've tried it won't i've tried every which way i can figure out to move it hang on just a second you got them needle nose i'm going to try one more thing unless it's oh he's going to cut wires he's going to cut wires there goes all right figured it out it went the wrong it went the other way than what i thought it did all right cool now i know how to kill it i'm not as scared of not as taking off and having to kill it all of a sudden for some reason i mean why would you want to kill it you got brakes well they seemed a little sketchy whenever it was up in the air there so all right uh we are an hour and 45 minutes in here uh she's running pretty good it's idling even uh only got about a gallon and a half of gas in that tank so we're even running it off the stock tank there we're going to go ahead and disconnect some cameras real quick and i'm going to try to pull this thing out of the shop so we're gonna have to move some stuff around do we have anything else that we have set back to the side to kind of uh or have we used several i got some jokes uh i believe we've used everything um but if you want to disconnect cameras i can hop on some comments if you want you can hop on some comments or uh yeah whatever we got to do to make it work so yep i'll pull some stuff loose here go pro out yep uh thank you eugene backyard repair for the two dollar donation so back to work god bless you all so thank you for that uh gmc joe sosa says does the ac work i think that's one thing bub didn't try no i did try i tried to uh turn even the fan the fan motor blower's not blowing or anything on it i think i've seen some wires disconnected from the blower and i think it was also a wire two off of the that would be cool if iec kicked on on it mm-hmm real cool i get the pun um 411 mda said sure would like to have a restored original logo t-shirt size large when will a large be back in stock so we definitely need to restock on those pretty soon i think we're out of mediums too so we'll definitely be getting those pretty soon we're trying to work on getting some shirts with the little uh herb 2.0 made so we want to get those shirts out as well and once again still have a lot of stuff going on around the shop so once some funds open up we'll make another big order on uh on the march and get get a lot more shirts in store up here so jake says the ac won't work i forgot they said that um samuel ross says need to race that car yeah we could race it and uh do our other little racing car and see who wins so uh thanks thanks brother jake for the tip on that i told dad when we started this i was like i know that there was something that brother joey said about right here on this column but i don't remember exactly what it was so we even went back and watched on the video there but i think his his was like well this has a little problem but you know that but no yeah we do now robert vance says headlight doors have a manual adjuster so yeah it's got some kind of these things spin i noticed whenever that one was spinning good this one would just kind of hesitate so alicia said if jake had it the radio will work though i don't know i i don't know that brother jake would listen to the radio back in those days i don't think he likes music does he i don't think he does y'all be sure to go check out jake's random repairs that's his uh his youtube channel he kind of does stuff on every once in a while so mm-hmm jj kimball said tell lance and white i said hi and i'm still riding my bike around so that's another friend i know we haven't seen you in a while uh switch 28 18 said can we get an update on the lower gmc pickup so that's definitely uh going to happen in the future uh uh i probably could tell you a little bit more about the gmc so yeah on the gmc uh we're just waiting for some things uh we're waiting on some things for to get back on that truck but we still have it because actually since we cleaned out the paint booth to do the volkswagen it seemed like a great spot to store that gmc right now so we got to still get the frame powder coated kind of where we left off on it that's where we're at right now so we're just waiting on a few things to happen on that but we are going to pick back up on that truck and finish that truck on out as well so hopefully pretty soon hopefully um maybe by the winter yeah so it'd be a good winter project uh jake says kelsey and kennedy says hi hello uh 03 bodied step side says tell your brother that derek from mount vernon says hey hey so we got some uh fans up pretty close mount vernon ain't too far away from us about 20 miles i think yeah eric tate says guys is it a v8 and i believe it is we talked about that earlier yep so it's a 5.0 305 v8 and we are going to uh put some different exhausts on it uh make it sound probably i'm man i'm a sucker for running three inch dual exhaust with flowmaster's dumped at the rear end so probably going to do that exhaust on it uh wheel selection i'm not exactly sure when i first thought about it i wanted to do like some fat and skinny some kind of old school but i don't know i don't know exactly what we'll do on that there yet but uh kind of the main thing will be just work all the kinks on it i would love to drive it out there to the church uh one of these sundays or wednesdays and kind of kind of let them see it so brother joey get behind the wheel yeah yeah for sure show us how it runs all right uh i guess we'll move this last camera and we'll set it up on the side and then they can film uh from back here yeah and we'll see what happens i can set it to the side and yeah as you go out if you want me to yeah we'll just move it i tied it to my neck and chase after you you want this hood down yep watch your fingers just doing a final check make sure there's nothing in there you want this broomstick to take with you in case you get stranded somewhere you can ride it back kickstand that tire is a little low it's kind of like let me try to put a little kind of like a stick horse back when i was a kid if i hadn't had that thing i'd had to walk everywhere i went you know i don't think they make those anymore i guess they don't make well i know they don't make yardsticks any longer all right so i can't see what we're i don't move the tv so what we look like all right so y'all have that back camera you may want to go ahead and have it ready yep i have that one uh somebody may want to just grab it handheld though yeah but is this one here still going yes i guess it won't matter but as long as bub don't hit it all right guys my mic will probably cut off maybe but hopefully the car don't appreciate if you want to use this one hey dad yeah that i guess i'll work i'll just swing around follow you as you go around i guess man it already sounds a lot better i'm gonna give these brakes a good humping i should have uh checked the fluid again hey let me have something ready to uh throw at me kill this with in case i put it in reverse it keeps going i need a flat blade screwdriver all right this one work not big enough it's a little too big i can get you a smaller one so like just in case i want to have that ready oh yeah hey i think christian oh i thought you were behind is that camera still back there yeah you can move it okay well wait before you do that is this one aimed about right huh all right this one is out of the way yeah i think so tripod's still back there uh-oh i don't lost little tracks let me straighten out here re-pump the brakes here we go [Music] uh-oh she died on me so hey dad if you want to move yours uh up just a little bit and you can kind of move up where the the head up yeah there you go all right i'm going to switch it over to yours so you're in charge of that camera all right there you go one wheel or both definitely one for sure go ahead and kill her here easy to kill once you know how to do it i went longer but i started hearing stuff sounding like the tire was coming apart yeah so well guys she runs she runs pretty good i mean a lot better than what i thought she was going to so i don't think we're going to have to do near as much to this car as was what i planned tomorrow going to go ahead and call up o'reilly's have a different starter ordered for it figure out what what happened there and go ahead and replace that starter with the right one that way we can probably go ahead and put some new bolts on it too just in case we don't know why that that other starter got the nose broke off of it but it's crazy we didn't have to shim it or nothing so it's cranking good all the gauges seem to be working on it the battery got maybe the it might need a new alternator it's coming up but it i don't think it's really charging so it's just showing what juice is in the battery when i turn the key over so i think lance forgot to mention that uh that burnout was uh dedicated to brother joey's wife darlene yep so yes sir it sure was so and uh as i stated at the beginning of this video that family is so precious to us and uh man it means so much more than than just a car and and you know i can tell you that it's hard to put words with with how how precious this family is but uh and i know they feel the same about us and so that's that's what's awesome about uh these were complete strangers a few years ago so god led us and and connected us together in a revival here in pagoda and uh we've been we've been going to church out there ever since so it's been great but thank all y'all that have been watching this video about two hours long we cut it short real quick we'll we'll beat the two-hour mark but appreciate the suggestions on the washers uh and every little other thing that needed yup needed a smarter brain than ours be on the lookout for some some more content coming up on this car but we've got that 72 super beetle that'll be out next week will it run outside done outside to try to see if we can get it running and man it was hot that car will be be for sale someone's interested in that car as well i hear a little kitten that's trapped out there coming up trying to make a stroke make a showing but uh trying to think tomorrow we'll be going to do a cool pick out in the woods so if you guys like those videos where we're struggling trying to get uh vehicles out of the woods that's going to be a produced and edited one that'll be a pretty good video as well so uh you got anything else or cat got your cat's got my attention trying to see where it's at he's right there oh gosh show the cat so people behind the wheel i don't know if you can see it from here it's right let's walk it to us it's the center of the attention the only person that come up here on the live look at that hey guys i saw y'all burning tires over there okay you okay oh goodness i think tickets are we can't put it in an envelope and send it to you yeah all right guys well we're going to close this out i'm going to go ahead and close this out in a prayer if that's all right with y'all and we will see y'all um if we don't get it out any sooner hopefully by this next thursday we'll have that video out on the super beetle so i think you guys will like it so we'll go ahead and close out and uh thank all y'all for for joining us dear heavenly father lord we thank you and praise you for this day lord we praise you for this opportunity father lord just we praise you for this family that blessed us with this car father lord we just pray that you would give them an extreme blessing in their life father lord i just ask that you would send the holy spirit to comfort them lord in this time of of of missing of of missing a family member father lord
Views: 269,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restored, kravened kustoms, turnin rust, turning rust, collection, classic car, rust, junkyard, abandoned, rescued, kraven, custom, bogata, restoration, ratrod, patina, antique, kraven custom, unique, will it run, neglected, rare, honey hole, saved, maxxd, parked, found, lost, rusty, forgotten, left, be restored, vw, volkswagen, beetle, volkswagon, air cooled, movie car, full build, air ride, lowered, rebuild, race car, vice grip garage, digs, firebird, trans am, pontiac, kitt, knight rider, camaro, 86, chevy
Id: TrQ-DSlT_kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 40sec (7240 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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