LIVE Forgotten 1967 Mercury Commuter Wagon | Will It Run After 40 Years? | RESTORED

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[Music] boo [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] days like this [Music] was on its way my feet [Music] [Applause] daddy said when life gets [Music] those are the [Music] stop me days [Music] got my feet dug in this ground [Music] gonna knock me [Music] still standing [Music] then [Music] oh well guys we're live here in pagoda texas at our shop craven customs uh we're actually streaming to two different platforms here this evening we're streaming obviously to our restored youtube channel and we should be re uh streaming to our alt driver facebook page it's a company that reached out to us uh interested in us streaming on there so if you're watching from that facebook page uh welcome to our channel we hope that you enjoy it be sure to like and share their posts as we go along on this video you guys will follow along help us get this old car up and running uh we'll kind of give you a little bit of history behind the car as we go here but i'll just start off it's a 67 mercury commuter wagon and this thing the story we've been told is it's been setting up for over 40 years now you guys will really be able to tell that once we dig into the motor here show you what's been planning its home all around it yeah i'll come over here and basically show you what i'm talking about so this car uh come originally with a 390 v8 that's what we've got in this car right now i don't know that is exactly the numbers matching original engine but from the story that we got i'm pretty sure that it is i don't know how well you can tell but it is just packed full of rat's nests squirrel's nest whatever was able to get up in here and build a nest so that's where we're going to start off at uh first is just trying to get all this cleaned out here i'm going to go ahead we were having a few problems with our with our gopro so i've got a wireless gopro on my head to kind of show you when i go into the car cranking it up and stuff like that so we started a little late we were supposed to start at five but was having some issues with our gear we've got all new gear god's blessed us with uh some things selling so we were able to buy some new gear we were having problems with the old gear so hopefully let us know we'll try to read the comments as we go let us know if everything sounds okay looks okay and all that with that being said i'm going to kind of show you around the wagon show you some cool stuff about it that i didn't even know existed they made these wagons since uh 57 57 i believe so they made them from 57 to 68 and then actually in 63 they didn't make this body style a meteor replaced it uh but anyways i'll go around here and kind of show you on the inside it's not in too bad of shape here uh the seats pretty tore up there and the headliner's all sagging down but believe it or not i'll show you guys later these floor pans are outstanding on this car which is so hard to believe because it uh it was in alaska at some point but back here my favorite part of this car is this door so it actually opened sideways like a regular door or window was busted out of it when we got it it'll fold down like a tailgate which is super cool in itself but and i don't know how rare this is if all of them had it or what but to me look at this it's got some little seats back here so you know you could haul man you could haul at least nine people i would say up in here and they're actually sitting in a seat and i don't know how many can fit on the roof and then the spaces in between but to me that was super cool and i don't know if they all come that way or not we'll have to get a new window in it the body on this car is straight as can be and i think i'm going to grab some wax later on i think this old paint might even shine up just a little bit but she's pretty much rust free from what i can tell it does have a little bit of behind the rear wheels where mud would have caked up and stuff like that starting to come through just a little bit but other than that it's not that i mean i'm going to show you the floor pans here in a little bit we were up underneath there pulling something loose or something i don't remember what we were doing and there's like the under the undercoating that's flaking off and it's still shiny paint up underneath there so it's pretty crazy but yeah anyways i've said a lot in a little bit of time we've got about 836 people watching on here right now i see some both from facebook and from youtube once again thank you all for hanging out our goal tonight is to hear this girl crank up and run so 390 motor we don't know if it's locked up we have not messed with it we bought all the parts we thought we might need when you're doing something like this we went ahead and bought you know plugs plug wires points starter in case i'm trying to think what else just all the typical stuff yeah yeah a starter relay solenoid there we've got battery cables we've got a hot battery uh i guess we just need to dig in and and see what we've got ahead of us rats and that's for sure first yeah all right well i'll go ahead we're going to go ahead and pull this breather off here we set everything up and then realize it may be fun getting this off without losing one of our cameras real quick but that off and then off so i think this is going to open it up to where you guys can see a bit more uh this looks pretty bad but we i've i've seen worse honestly i don't know if any of y'all have seen that opal gt we got up and running it was like this but pretty much the whole the whole engine bay which this is a huge engine bay we'll grab some gloves and i guess just start cleaning this out the best we can maybe grab a shop vac or blow it out there's lots of rack turns that's chewed those wires completely up yeah so there's some wires here that the spark plug wires they've chewed up on so that one i thought yeah that one there is completely chewed into so i guess we'll grab some gloves and start doing the dirty work my trash can this is always the hard part but once it's over with and it's it's a lot cleaner job to have to mess with after that i don't know how long it takes it really don't take these critters very long to to pack that stuff in there it's crazy but this one here i think we'll get it out quicker than they got it in the story we got was that it was parked because of uh some kind of a brake issue so you know we're going to have that we've got it packed in there good yeah i just hope we don't find them in there now we'll probably get some comments of using a leaf blower uh that's a great idea once you've got the most of it unpacked but honestly they they pack that stuff in there so thick yeah it's just not gonna blow out it's just gonna pack it even more so yeah it just it brought in a piece at a time and stacked in there and bringing it out into the lump at a time we got any uh we got any station wagon fans in the in the audience tonight they got sticks i got everything grass vines sticker vines we want to get this cleaned up the best we can because the next step is trying to see if we can get the motor to turn over and when we do that you're going to need to pull the spark plugs out and we definitely don't want any any of this dropping down in our cylinders try to keep it from happening the best we can gotta love people loving those station wagons oh yeah i i don't remember us ever having one as i was growing up uh but back then i mean car all cars were huge back then and that but if you had a big family this was the way to go you didn't have a little minivan to jump into and go to the soccer game you loaded everybody up in the station wagon and i wish they still made cars kind of kind of how this is set up i mean i guess they do i guess they have the little rumble seats and stuff but you don't really see where you sit you know face to face right yeah which way people don't get along nowadays i can imagine a couple kids sitting face to face looking at each other picking on each other you could get all the way back there at the back where mom couldn't smack you yeah or see what you're doing yeah get away with stuff nice i'm not seeing a whole lot of uh of the electrical wiring you know chewed up spark plug wires must taste better to them but electrical wiring which is going to be more more important to us it's pretty well intact get that otherwise turn it up and lose it we've had rats come out while we're cleaning stuff up uh big ol snakes curled up in fender wells most of the time they like to curl up in little spots that you don't really see them at first but it don't matter where they're curled up if they're there they go they get my attention really quick when they move not as fast as i move but kind of like uncle frankie was and most snake peoples need to stay away from me getting to where we can probably i think i thought we might be able to use a shop vac but i think our best bet is just to kind of blow it i think so blow it around the best we can you don't want none of this stuff down around your exhaust we get it as far as getting it to crank up because that old dry straw sure catch fire real quick but then again it is really hard to get down there by that stuff yeah it's not like you said earlier i've seen a lot worse than this yeah so i think what we'll probably do i don't know how dad feels about it but i'd like to try to try to get this thing up and running with as much of the original parts on it as we can i'd like to try to use this old hole if we can if it'll still work heck i'd even like to use the the points if they're if they're in there and they're usable uh just to see now we've got stuff if they want if they won't work to try to replace them but yeah i think it'd be neat if you can if you can use what you can and then once you get it going then you come back in and replace it and we know it needs to be replaced but we just like to get running as is right now you want to try to shoot it with some air or do you think i think that's going to be our shoot it with some air and then try to get what we can yeah i got one little spot there let's just got it terry white said lance can take you guys on vacation in that this year i would absolutely love to take this thing on vacation and whenever we uh whenever we got this uh back to the shop i think all of us the whole family just ended up falling in love with it a little bit more and more when we first seen it was cool you know an old wagon but then you start checking it out and finding little this is and that's about it and uh it's pretty low mileage i don't remember what exactly he said i'll check it out five i think so less than a hundred thousand miles which is kind of a lot for an older motor you know but still it it it'll probably run really good if we can get it up and going that's that's not terrible but i think all of us just kind of fell in love with it shine it up some it's it's got pretty good paint job on it it's just all faded out well i'm going to go ahead and grab an air hose and we're going to try to blow this out we're going to try not to tear up your eardrums as much as possible so we've got this really cool old uh commercial from mercury back in the day showing off of some of their style showing off some of their vehicles so we're going to go ahead and let that play we're going to try to blow this out the best we can and we'll meet you back here and see what we've got next [Music] it began one morning at 4 00 a.m 13 mercury's in a torture test each car drives 10 000 miles for 10 long nights and 10 long days 130 000 miles that prove the quality of the 1960 mercury start the run through snake pit curve test for lean and sway and swerve check the handling how she steers check the instruments like a bombardier next test the brakes mercury style 9 000 stops in 10 000 miles that's what we mean by mercury quality keep them rolling round the clock test the wheels test the shocks over a hundred stumbling blocks how smooth you glide on road tuned wheels you've just got a ride to see how it feels now header nose straight up to the sky up she goes a half mile high up and up like wild geese fly four thousand times they climb the hill to prove the power behind mercury's grill that's what we mean by mercury quality finally head west look at them roll say sure under control into the saucer up on the lip mile after mile at a smooth steady clip that's what we mean by mercury quality the 1960 mercury best built car in america see it at quality headquarters your mercury dealer [Music] all right we may have to uh get y'all a little bit that's one high-powered blower right there i'm just gonna go with i can pick that out i think we got the most of it uh i don't know what the cameras look like we were blowing stuff around everywhere hopefully they ain't got too much dust on them they look all right christian uh i think so if not i can clean them off the lenses they look right i think they look good all right well now you can see everything a little bit better got our distributor here our cool here like i said our spark plug wires that run down to the spark plugs we're going to pull out there was actually another oh that dusted everywhere there was actually another uh carburetor sitting in the floor of this car and a fuel pump so i don't know what the deal is on that uh got stuff everywhere don't worry go ahead and we'll check the oil in it so it's got it's got plenty of oil a little a little gassy but not too bad it still has a good uh consistency to it very black which is to be expected but it's always a good thing there's no water in it or anything like that it's always scary to pull that out and it look like milky yeah that means there's got water in it somehow i don't know if you transmission lines over there if you can get it it shows fluid in it that's good it's not bad looking double check it though just see where it shows up on there without any help right on the full mark but i know that's not the way you check it but that'll show us at least there's some in there right now so what i'm going to do guys is i'm going to go ahead and uh get my hands on this radiator fan so it doesn't have an old clutch fan so most of the times you can uh just grab that fan and see if the motor will you know turn over a little bit and hopefully it will and then we'll decide whether if we want to you know go ahead and pull the plugs out you know where there's obviously there's some battery cables that have been missing over here we're going to have to replace so we'll get that on there as well and try to get it to to turn over with the starter but what we're going to do here is just grab this and hopefully it's trying to the truck is moving at the water pump but i can see it that crank this really yeah just barely moving but well most of the time though don't take that much right yeah i see it moving a little bit so she may be partially she may be partially locked up guys uh we're gonna go ahead and pull these spark plug wires off and and start pulling these spark plugs out hopefully they're not too rusted in there and uh at least it won't be getting as much compression there then so hopefully it'll turn over a little better you might may try to keep them in the yeah i'm trying to keep them in this we can look up the fire noise and stuff on it but really dark on my side i got that stuff all in my throat i know it um so what what would you guys do with this old wagon if it was uh something that you had come across i know what i'd like to try to do with it and it's not our typical typical craven customs deal honestly i would just get it running probably throw some 20-inch steelies with a small white wall tire on it and buff this paint job out fix that back window and patch up the interior and go with it throw some exhaust on it so that's what i do but what would you guys do what would you do dad i started i'd be way out of your comfort zone you know how hard it was for me to say i'm not going to bag it uh yeah it's probably pretty hard no i like it just like it is like i said uh i always thought the wagons were always really neat in that uh but always a big car big family car but you know back in the day that's what you had was big families you need this yeah you got something i'll grab them yep i'll grab me a set here just i'll give you the old tools and i'll use these new ones a lot of people are saying they'd like to restore it restore yep this isn't the original paint job although i think it was originally green on the roof you can see where it's flaked off and it's green up underneath but has been painted before for some reason yet john herring said let christian do the breaks for you i am all for that ouch she did a good job the last time i'm curious i'm gonna check these breaks out so there's actually fluid up in this side with the brake pedal inside it's kind of like that pacer was i mean it's it's hard as rock it won't move but i don't know if we could pull it loose here and and put some penetrating oil down in there if it might that's just locked up right there where it goes to the booster not that bad no not covered in oil anyways i'm glad they're coming out so like i said earlier for anyone that's just kind of learning cars and this is the best way to do it just just jump in and mess with it but the reason why we're pulling these out other than we will be replacing them later is it allow this motor to turn over a lot easier uh because it allows just that compression to just go outside of the head rather than staying in there i sprayed mine with wd-40 on that wire now i can't get it pulled off too slick may have to catch it with your teeth like the rats did but yeah these these come out in 57 i made them up until 68 so this was almost one of the you know later later body styles of it i think i think they even come out with a two-door version of it in in the beginning so yeah oh man it looks really good i've got something hanging from my gopro on my head i'm behind how many you got out all of them uh i've got out six off my side i got four of them out you got the uh yeah that's pretty close mine was fairly easy to get to i always get the easy side we've got about 1400 people watching with us thank y'all i hope you all been having a good good week and a good year yeah it's start of a new year right here up on the weekend too so wet and rainy here yeah and we've been having problems with our internet like when it rains uh we have problems with the internet for some reason and so that was a little bit scary right before we started with everything working right so i'm disappointed in myself to be this far behind try to give us a little help here with the find a socket or something yeah try to find a socket and give us a little help when we get ready yeah the fun thing about these lives is you know everybody gets to hang out together and uh kind of watch it and there's there's no editing on our end so i think we kind of enjoy that side of it but the part is you know you never really know what's what the outcome's going to be at the end of them i know what i hope it is yeah this is this real life as i guess you can get it what's that for did you see something crawl out no not yet okay i'm just kind of getting that jump on things here [Music] anything put some some kind of a fluid down in there a little bit huh yeah just a little i figure we'll probably go ahead and maybe throw some transmission fluid down in there okay if you wanted to grab some and a little funnel of some sort these are going to be fun over here to get at with that funnel [Applause] i have a lot of facebook comments i mean the youtube comments not a whole lot of facebook i don't know if any of y'all when y'all watch the the opening intro video as we were picking this up if if that looked familiar to any of y'all of the location so we actually bought this old car in the uh same place we bought that 75 ford bronco there so when we bought it yeah we've seen that we're always looking around as we get to a place to buy something and seeing this old wagon sitting out back there now bronco was pretty cool it was a it was a v8 bronco automatic uncut bronco but just super rough and we got it running though on a live revival video if y'all haven't caught that be sure to go check it out but we ended up buying this from the same gentleman who had a had to do a little bit of negotiating but they worked with us and about a month later we were able to go out there and and pick it up and now here we are new owners of a 67 mercury wagon this back one is giving me fits all in brake lines are right there in the way you have to do like you did on that dodge and take that thing off i'm gonna have to anyways it looks like but i may have to just can't quite get in it i don't know that even i mean i know we want to replace it but i don't know how well we're gonna get fluid down in that one that won't get on there [Applause] and you already got fluid in them i got fluid in them too i thought was coming to work today slow down you're making me look like a dog no that's the way it works sometimes sometimes yeah sometimes i'm wrestling while you're still going on to the next move what do you think i don't know i'm getting a little movement let me get this one out we can kind of show them what it's doing there too tight for hands but really too loose for this ratchet had any good comments yet christian ah a couple we're gonna try to try to work around eventually and get something where she's over here with us and yeah christian is our my little sister she's our camera lady and she's the one that's changing all the making us look good and changing all the scenes and putting together all the cool shots when we go pick stuff up so we wouldn't be able to do this without her so y'all know that we tried to try to get a little webcam on her so you could see her in that but it just would not hook up today so that's something we are going to be working on trying to give y'all a view of her every once in a while while she's sitting over giggling at us i can't really see her i got another light he stole all the light from me i took the light gave you all the shade you'll appreciate that this summer i'm probably way putting way too much into this thing but that's what i always did yeah well it'll come out i thought it'd be too much not enough and that black one may have put it in your mouth and just kind of yeah or put it in your hand and throw it at it i'm gonna try this and then i'm going to try hit it with some wd-40 worst case scenario i think i can stream it down in there a little better new shop rig so yeah all this stuff is going to shoot out everywhere hopefully once we get it turning over all right guys what we're going to go ahead and do now is uh dad's got this big old breaker bar it may be easier for you to pull down that way because i'm going to hit the water power the fan there so we just got a ratchet and a socket here on the crank and we're just gonna try to turn it over by hand first [Music] it's worked out really well on these before other than patience you know these things if they lock up it sometimes takes it a little while it's back and forth oh that goes so there it went it wasn't stuck much that's good yeah no you made me look weak over here so i'm going to try to get it to go actually i'll probably keep going a little bit more and then work it back the other way keep going okay i thought we were getting into the radiator with that fan believe it's just a shadow i wonder if i can turn it over with uh by hand now yeah it'll turn back might not even need that about the fan so now guys yeah see where before well it'll turn that way open that a little fluid just not quite that belt slipping all right puke up a little bit up a little bit that's good yeah all right so so far so good guys uh it was partially locked up but i don't know if maybe uh sound like something you know up here pop too so i don't know if the little alternator or the water pump had been froze up partially too that was fighting it but we're going to go ahead and put a put some battery cables on this it's missing the the hot that runs there to that solenoid i guess we bought a new solenoid but uh relay whatever you want to call that there but i think we're just going to go ahead and try this one first it won't be hard for us to pull it off if it's no good but if it works it works all right i can see in this thing further down another box let's see where someone said looks to have all the trim uh yeah it's got all the trim we had to put a couple pieces of duct tape here and there we noticed as we were loading it up we didn't want to lose any of it as we were coming home the car is pretty much complete i think the only thing that's missing is the back window and i don't know what the story is on how that happened but we were looking around there's footprints big footprints on the roof on the hood on the doors so i don't know if they had some kids that were playing around on this or what but uh but it definitely was a big-footed person bigfooted but maybe maybe lightweight yeah it was amazing to see you know if you did that to a car nowadays it would oh yeah mama would be out there whipping somebody's tail in probably or at least counting anyways yeah i'm going to grab a battery while he's uh tightening that up what we've got here is we've actually got two red wires so they have the ground ran with a with a hot with a red cable so it'll it'll work fine as long as this or go down small enough then posts are a little bit different sizes on the on the positive and the negative but i'll clean that up and grab a battery this is a good thing you didn't listen to me whenever i was telling you what size battery what length battery cable to get because i was pushing more of a two-footer we'd have to drag it believe it or not this one we bought it actually had uh the original keys still in it so to the doors and everything so hopefully that ignition switch still works and it'll turn over with the key you're gonna do my job that's what i was gonna do and didn't do well it was gonna be easier for me to hook them up that way otherwise i could have used that two foot cable i'm not sure if it didn't have like an overflow reservoir tank that would have been right here i was looking on a lot of pictures on these old engines and they had like a what looked like a little metal reservoir tank for the radiator possibly right there but well there's some rust yes right there lance pretty typical spot on any vehicle up underneath the battery for it to be rusted out there so nothing clicked or popped or started smoking yeah all right guys so we have uh the motor cleaned off obviously plugs out we just put some transmission fluid down in there some kind of a lubricant to help work it back and forth uh transmission fluid will actually burn so once we put the plugs back in there she's going to smoke just a little bit if she fires up but that'll burn out really well anyway so i'm we've got the battery on there we're going to try to see i don't know why it was missing a wire maybe they were going to replace that solenoid to begin with but i'll try to see if it turns over and see what it does good aren't we we're good as far as i know all right here we go contact nothing nothing what's that noise oh huh apparently has a electric fuel pump or something huh here's something back there oh yeah better woodpecker [Music] so i don't know it's not even trying did you try to uh wiggle around these wires here yeah i'll twist them just a little bit let me try it again real quick see if maybe [Music] nothing nothing could be in the switch or it could be that um do you want to go ahead and just replace that or do you want to try to jump bypass the switch let's try to bypass at least at least see if it's going to at least bump yeah yeah so it's either we're getting something there but there's nothing from that side yeah or yeah going to that side so yeah the starters rolled up but it's not even clicking here though so you know starter just kicked in oh that's what yeah duh [Music] no didn't the fan kicked in we can just put this little thing on there real quick and just we can decide later we're just going to use this to crank it up up underneath here dance around a little bit actually just gonna put this one let's go to the battery yeah this thing don't open up real wide there we go should be able to should be able to turn it over yeah so uh y'all you guys should be able to see it pumping out all this transmission fluid here uh what i've done basically is i've just used this trigger button here to bypass the ignition switch on the inside so we'll just we'll just use this for right now i'll see later once we get to seeing if we're getting any fire uh we'll see if we're getting any power to the cool from the ignition switch if not we may have to run a wire straight to it as well so turn it over and hopefully don't get sprayed in the face there it comes and i got sprayed in the face it wasn't wet though sure it's turning over fast ain't it yeah so yeah she's turning over really well [Music] most of yours blew out yeah just trying to turn it over to get all that fluid up out of there which is not all coming out i can still see some down in there but most of it is and also to try to pump a lot of this oil around in the engine we'll go ahead and change the oil too once we get a little further here just to put some fresh oil in it but this thing hasn't this hasn't turned over in you know 40 years so it's the first time it's moved so everything's going to be a little bit dry good compression though yeah all right so what i think we want to do next is uh i'll probably go ahead and have dad start getting them spark plugs and putting them spark plugs in and i'm going to uh get up underneath here and try to drain this oil out and change the oil and the filter if i can get at it get some fresh fluid in it so that's where we're gonna go from there and then we're gonna go ahead and see if we're getting some spark to our points and stuff into our plugs we have a few people commenting about a neutral safety shift or something like that um just to check it it could be uh it could be more than likely i bet it's gonna be in either that solenoid or it could be i don't know i've got it in pretty sure i've got it in park [Music] i don't know so yeah that's pretty crazy they've got a uh electric fuel pump on this thing i see some wires maybe not i thought i think some chewed up right there but that's going to the wiper so all right guys where was i you were changing the earl is my gopro still going christian as far as you know yes it is all right maybe you guys will be able to see up underneath here a lot of people man there's a mess underneath here a lot of people have commented you know they see the lift in the background why don't you use a lift well we just don't have the room to uh to get the camera angles we need to be able to show you guys on this stuff so this is what we do yeah that oil filter is real easy to get at that doesn't always mean it's easy to get out no it doesn't the last live video we did was on a 94 dodge uh 12 valve cummins and i had to put a breaker bar on the oil plug on it that thing was so tight and y'all know i'm stronger than dad cause y'all see me turn over yeah we even had a few people call me if they thought they seen something leaking out from underneath it as you started to back out which it was it was a a fuel line a little rubber hose clamp had loosened off real easy fix yeah we didn't realize it until we got it moved to the other side of the shop there but a lot of people have a real keen eye i mean they they spotted it before we did we're right here with it it's amazing some of the things people are saying they'll in the comments they'll put down the exact time and everything it was we're like we didn't even notice that yeah this is going to make a little mess because i ain't got quite the room for this oil pan i'll try to move fast long-winded thing long-winded [Music] all righty let that drain out and i'll pull that oil filter on so christian what would you do with this uh i'd probably make like a little camper out of it little tiny home mobile tiny home your mom ain't letting you move out at least not until you're 12 or 13 you're too young dad do you know where our uh oil filter wrench is at i just laid it right here oh i should have told you i just gathered that up and threw it down there and didn't even say anything a lot of oil in it how's that going going pretty good i still feel that stuff in the back of my throat it probably will for the next couple days yep so i was talking earlier about these old cars they come out in 57 so here's a couple different uh body styles that they went through over time so that was the two-door back when they come out now there's a four-door there and then it's progressed and then the next one there you know that's kind of like what we got right here and they had four different engines i think a 312 a 368 this 390 and then some of them had a 428 in them so that'd been cool if this had that in it but i don't know exactly which years they use that but uh yeah they've kind of and then in 63 from what i read they just they didn't make a body style of this they they went to a meteor which i'd never even heard of and then i guess it i don't know if it lasted very long or hit earth and just self-destruct well apparently it this was still kind of popular because they brought it right back the next year so yeah station wagons are getting cool uh i've always liked the weird now the ordinary stuff and uh it's kind of fun to see a lot of people starting to take interest in it as well so we've got a lot of old cab overs and old milk trucks and school short school buses and stuff like that we collect around here so anything weird now the ordinary it belongs in pagoda texas yep that's why i live here good thing about them short school buses they all got those cherry-flavored windows that's just about matter done there this was a that's a tough spot to get back one no all of them all of them yeah it's got those lines right there coming off the power steering pump and they're right where you need to have the extensions i knew what i was saying when i said i'd change the oil oh scare me what was that that dent was already there and the racket came off the end of that extension i made a racket yeah i thought the car was coming on my head how we looking on time christian you know i think we started at 5 10. all right then 50 minutes i think 50 minutes wow it went by fast i thought she said 15. i thought that's a long 15 minutes it's all filled around here let me have to go to another one first and then come back to this one get a running start at it i can't even get it cross-threaded a screwdriver just going to put a little oil here on this little rubber gasket before it goes back on help seal it on fairly clean up underneath here i don't know how well you guys can see i don't know how well i can see old pan's not covered in grime i mean a little bit but i can still see it's blue i finally got it [Music] just got to reach that point where you're about to give up [Music] so all righty getting a little closer guys i'm going to go ahead and grab the spark plug wires because i know we definitely need those and hopefully we've got the right ones and start routing them things i'm guessing that's how they work like that right there everyone knows up there yeah so i'm just going to pull them off one by one here try to get the closest size i can find maybe they're not going to be like that pacer every one we had on that pacer it wasn't but about a foot long i know it i'm gonna lay these out somewhere here on the floor i guess so where's everybody watching from tonight got over 2 000 people watching my dad said we're we're in northeast texas and it's a little rainy here and not too cold not cold it's dreary one of those dreary days so what i'm doing for anybody that don't know is you know just trying to pull wire off at a time and replace it at a time with one in the new set that's close to the same length of it that way i don't have to get into messing with the fire firing order of this thing which is not a big deal uh i'm just trying to because who knows if they've even got this right but hopefully it was but if it doesn't crank the first time you got something to blame it on yeah besides me or christian don't blame me well you could have been up here doing it oh yeah i'm sure she'd rather be over here doing it too there's one thing i never would have thought that christian would have got into would have been what is this working on vehicles she has really taken a liking to it but she hadn't busted a knuckle yet either sound like somebody's out there mowing it sure does that's a fuel line right now oh yeah every other one long one and then let's go back to the short one to get the next one back along sorry guys that this is this is a little bit tedious on this part but necessary she's definitely not going to run with a wire that's chewed in half or shouldn't run anyways well i mean i she could run just not off that cylinder we've cranked them up without a carburetor before yeah that was a surprise to me to know one that uh to know that you can just spray some starting fluid down in the end and taking it let me set that and crank up on you oh man that's hard on your back yes it is i think i torqued those down to this specified torque i think i specified torque as tight as i can get them so any tighter and i can't do it well if it cranks up and runs and you probably got it right if not i'm gonna blame you i'll have to untorque them that one there was a way a little bit too long there but that's the same length they had on it so i've got them ran all kinds of funky here i got this side okay i'll trade your sides then get this side then got some uh some cool new videos uh in store for the future uh we're about to be building a 68 volkswagen uh beetle that we're gonna do a herbie style build on but just our our own craven customs style to it it's going to be slammed on the ground got some really cool old school 17s we're going to put on it do the herbie logos all kinds of cool stuff on it so if you're into that if you're into lowered stuff you'll definitely like that that plug wire's gonna be hard to figure out all right just goes that one up there don't it no i'm just saying the length i don't know how much that mouse out in the middle of it i know he just chewed it in half but i think all my actually i think all of them are about the same length oops no attention lance that was the yeah i think these are about all the same one of them was a little bit shorter y'all know the firing order or you need now no we i actually don't know the firing order so if no if someone happens to know it in case we need it we have a comment saying one five four two six three seven eight okay alrighty hopefully we won't need that but if we do we'll need it and i'd be pulling up my phone trying to look and there's probably a bunch of four guys that are like oh man that's easy to know this and that but yeah all i know is i remember it just number for numbers eight six seven five three on that three or nine you almost forgot that well i've got the 309 i think no it's 409 no that's a cleaner i know it i'm not as dumb as i look er no smarter than i look that's what it is i had to pull all these wires back off this cap if we change it getting real close guys thanks for being patient with us dark side harley girl said put oil in it pops oh yeah thank you would have been bad i can't he's in my way that was the only reason why i hadn't already sure i could have done that while i was loathing over there while he's putting plug wires on over here thank you harris pepper for the super sticker for some reason on the chat instead of it showing the sticker it shows a description of it and it says pair character dancing under a reign of confetti and taking off his hat to say you are amazing i like that better than the sticker i'm missing a wire it's right here okay about to say i don't guess you want to save these old wires do you uh no christian more parts for your ranchero look the money you're saving i know yeah my gopro went dead we will take care of that later if we need to i don't think you've been using it much have you a little bit but not too much do you want to put a battery in it or have her go ahead and put a battery in my gopro in case it we'll use it again and now i'm down to one last wire here i'm probably standing right in the way if she's i don't know what camera she's got it out no i got front one you're good okay i'm notorious for getting in front of the camera and putting my backside to you all right those things need to be ran a lot better but do you want to grab that little uh spark tester are you we selling it oil i still need a right here but i can grab that too had a feeling we might need it so all right we're gonna put some oil in this thing and then we're going to check we're going to go ahead and check the see if we're getting spark without cleaning the points i don't know why i just want to see it's probably not going to happen but you never know we might we might but if we're not getting any spark we'll pull this distributor cap off and go ahead and clean the points you know check make sure that we are getting power to the cool as well uh but quit talking lance more working just trying to explain you guys what we got going on here got another rag you don't want a sweat rag just clean this thanking brian woodall for the super chat said here's a little extra she needs four more headlights and thank you dragon storm 81 for the donation oh i just dumped a little everywhere i should have got a different funnel i know i thought do we have one this is going to take a while the one i just found was a huge one we've got one i don't remember where i got it we have a few comments asking and if the oil plug is in yeah yeah i did get that back here got the oil plug in got the oil filter in they're thinking if the old man can't remember to put oil in the sun may not remember to put the oil plug in i don't know exactly how much oil this this motor would hold as far as you know that five cores i think it's like a 6.0 liter checker and that's going to hold a leaf valve yeah because that's what you're going to put in it i don't know what that little can of v8 looking thing is over there on the fender well nice to let you know you got a v8 in here yeah i guess so wow you could have had a v8 and you got one they said five quarts of uh five quarts what i was thinking is what she got it was like any of my my vehicles i had in the past five quarts and then one every other week yeah i believe she had about probably six or seven quarts in there before we drained it which probably means that carburetor had some flooding issues yeah we're going to need to add a quart because we're on the full mark now and it's going to pump some into that uh oil filter when we crank it up i believe but we can check that once it once we get to that all right um we got oil we got her turning over uh we got the new spark plugs in it we've got the new spark plug wires we got gopro here you go so we got gopro uh next we're gonna go ahead i'm gonna grab a uh we can check it real quick with that yeah let's go ahead and check it we're going to check it with this little spark tester and then if we're not getting anything i'll check uh get the little voltage meter and see if we're even getting power here to our cool so what we'll do is you just put that in the in the line of the uh spark plug there and it'll show if it's getting sending juice down to the plug i'll turn the key on and then we'll be able to turn it over up front here forgot to hinge the door guys so yeah i forgot the old hinge man that fuel pump hope we don't start pumping up in here i'm gonna go i might disconnect that here we got it on overhead yep you come loose yeah let me go ahead and it makes me a little nervous yeah i'm going to see if i can't get that thing disconnected i don't want it pumping up a bunch of nasty fuel if there is any fuel in it but you may have already done that there it is well that's an old-timey one oh yeah i guess so if you've been sitting up that long it's looks like a it's a square looks like a jewelry box of some sort all right got that back on got it back on turn the key back on i'm gonna have this thing shined up with transmission foot before yeah it's all over the side all right we're to see if we're getting a little spark right here nothing so i'm going to check over here and see if we're getting uh hot to our cool which i guess i can leave the key on for a second where's our volt meter uh there's a i think i got it back over here yeah that's what i said i'll send it on the floor back so we picked it up wasn't me so i'll be able to check it right here see getting any juice from the ignition switch we do have some dash lights that are coming on in there i'm just wondering if it may be something with that switch because we're we weren't getting anything out here earlier coming from that direction yeah we've got we've got power to it we got the power yeah we got juice to it so it's gonna be them uh points all right guys we're gonna go ahead and pull pull this distributor cap off and try to clean them points real quick you can leave that connect it up that it won't unless it bumps across something like that that's why i'll accidentally grab things what's this three fingers later i'll know so this is your distributor and your distributor cap and obviously all the spark plug wires we've got ran down there and inside here is going to be your points which they easily get corroded up in no time the cap don't look too bad inside there even the points don't look too bad so i'm sure you guys can probably see that somewhat they are very very dirty you know where those little files i believe the top top of the toolbox right there they were i brought them put them over here and i probably should have left them over there then replaced their files well here they are uh mr eugene castro has been very kind and generous generous to helping us with some tools along the way here so thank all y'all that are willing to help us out and send us with tools we've been here and we've been just working with what we got for forever now like most of y'all we just yeah make do with what you got until somebody helps you he has been a real big blessing on getting us some tools that are real handy these files i believe come from him so we're going to go ahead and make use of them i'm just going to get it inside there work it back and forth just to clean that i don't know what it is it's the oxidation stuff don't even use a piece of sandpaper or pick or what we use hammer yeah gasoline nail file we do have new points in case these don't work new points a new condenser but these don't look too bad so i'm hoping we can keep them having to do that i need to make sure the power is coming out of the coil into this too i guess blowing some of them rat turds back up in there [Music] made me think of something else once before you're going home with your breath smelling it let's try it out again and see what it does let me go turn that key back on what we're looking for here is a spark right here at these points once it turns over so you can go ahead give it a shot dad oh they're not opening so that's going to be an issue right there they're not even touching the the camshaft lobe here on this distributor to open back and forth should be fairly simple hopefully if it's as long as it's not worn flat blade screwdriver i should be able to adjust them now there are certain adjustments you're supposed to make these two and stuff i've always just kind of eyeballed them best i could like derek said about like a business card now this might have been a fun one to work on with derek when he was down and yeah let him drive it all the way back to can you uh can you bump it just one i need to get it on that [Music] uh let me turn it over by the way i thought that may be easier to i'm trying to get it right on a certain spot of this motor i'm gonna have to go back the other way so we appreciate y'all hanging out with us tonight uh i don't know appreciate any of our new possible viewers from the alt driver page and we most definitely appreciate them for allowing us to work on their platform so super super nice people and we thank them so much for this opportunity 26 25 watching so that's almost a million try it again they should be opening and closing now as long as they're sparking ready you going to check make sure we were getting yeah i can they're actually not closing back all the way though now so i might have them adjusted a little bit too much pop me here in a second that'll be fine it may be that cool tell you what let me just grab that cool and we'll just go ahead and eliminate that all together how we looking on time um it's 6 30 so 6 30 so we're about an hour and a half 20 minutes in yeah we're an hour and 20 minutes in or hour and 20 minutes out both does this have the push on push on yeah okay see how that one is got threads it's got threads but do you need these nuts off yeah okay we're going to go ahead and just replace this coil real quick just to see if that gives a spark hopefully these wires are long enough but i don't have to 2600 people on here i think that's the most that we've ever had on the live feeds appreciate it a little bigger ain't it yeah that means it'll be faster bigger spark well [Music] oh now spark force ready no um you think go ahead and replace the point we can keep fighting with them or we can go ahead and we try not to drag these things off as long as we are we try to make them go as quickly as possible and i know i said i want to use as many as original parts but uh we don't want to lose you guys in this video so we're going to go ahead and replace the parts we've got that's why we got them so i need to pull that off there first if i can i got a little pair of uh there we go christian if you don't mind just to do a little song for them sing on the songs yeah right [Music] i guess i need to make sure they do look the same all these old cars seem like they've got the best place to keep screws and tools yeah nowadays that's that's a place for sensors and plastic yep [Music] and they're all shaped so that when you set a wrench or a piece of something on it it directs it straight down there in the spot you can't get too i'm gonna go ahead and try to clean these up with something just to know that they're getting a good oh yeah that was it's still pretty bad shape pretty dirty yeah yep is this one no how's that say put the mess around put this tie them on um yeah give me that condenser rotor cap any questions or anything so far guys i don't know that i'm you know going to give you the perfect answer or anything but i started working on vehicles whenever i was about gosh broke yeah now i was young i was probably i feel like i was eight or nine messing with go-karts that were broke but yeah i absolutely had no money anyways but this one's a little bit different that's your mama's fault i don't think that's gonna work unless the casings see how it is oh yeah it's a little different because i bet that won't come out of there no it's like spot welded there man well we'll try that one we got a little bit different condenser here i don't know if you guys can tell um just the way the the thing is that holds it in there it's not going to allow it to unless i went and i don't think that one's going to work so hopefully this one will work if not well it's got to this is the right one right uh yes they both don't look terrible yes that's right one they can't put the same one back on yeah i worked with a guy that uh taught me never to be nosy and just pick one of those up he uh he took that end of it right there and stuck down in the spark plug wire and turned it over and it loaded that little booger up right there and when you reach down and grab that it would knock the fire out of you just like a spark plug would so i learned not to be nosy picking those things up that's a good thing the gopro's working cause you're like me right now your your head's in front of the overhead and yeah i wasn't for sure what camera angle she was able to use she's still throwing once i get this put back in there hopefully it'll the good thing is is we we also bought a starter so we're not going to have to put that in it doesn't look like right okay about an hour and a half into it so all right let me adjust these points and try them out good thing about these old cars back then it was if you got fire and you got gas i mean you could you could at least get it started you don't have to worry about well there's cis sensors out and now they're pretty pretty simple pretty simple but even the simple ones are hard to work on sometimes all right let's let's see what that does okay got a new coil new points old condenser turn the key on hopefully all right oh yeah uh losing a little bit of it go ahead again uh it was doing it and then we were we were losing a lot of it right there where i put those those wires on it well i did that check it out that fuel line matter of fact i'm going to go ahead and remove that out of the way no fuel up here probably good i don't know why we were losing our spark there those things don't i don't know if they're a little bit different i didn't want to go down on there very far different side there goes it was sparking down below it though too he's getting a good sport try it again i might end up running my wire across there so i ain't got to go back and forth with this stupid key yeah we'll try it real quick and then if not i'll do that i think i got a little wire it'll fit on there all right here again yep so that's a big one every once in a while yeah so i hope you guys can see this spark here i'll go ahead again barking down in there so we're going to go ahead and put the cap back on there and we're going to check and see if we're if it's sending it through the inside of the cap is a pretty good shape i may run a screwdriver across the little edges of these here but they're not bad shape i'll take that condenser back i bet we get 400 i guess better not because that's it right there i guess that's the rotor button bring me that rotor button now i think we will go ahead and use it because that other one doesn't look too good so yeah this is our little roller button that's going to go on here and as this spins it it pops and sends it all through these different wires which sends it down to your spark plugs which goes to individual cylinders which are filled with gas and filled with air and compression and they fire up and that's how this thing becomes uh is that the same size as that other one looks big uh yeah i can see that yeah big old ugly thing about the car ouch i shouldn't said that i'm sorry all right so maybe we had a bad coil um definitely had bad points probably had bad points may i may just not have cleaned them well enough but we do know that they're sparking now so we're going to turn it over again i don't know i guess i left the key on i don't remember we're going to see if it's sparking over here yep so y'all can see it sparking in there that's gonna be sparking at our plugs if them plugs don't fire they're brand new i don't know what the deal is so as long as as long as we've got everything in uh in the right firing order here we're at the point of putting a little fuel in it and seeing what it does i hate to do this but i'm going to grab a little air and just blow that around i'll try not to kill your ear drums you may want to use that other yeah i'm going to use a small one that big one will slap you in the face if you don't use both hands all right got some gas uh yes sir we've got all the plug wires put back together i'll let you pour some in there i don't know if you can fill the bowl up anywhere that's what i was trying to see i don't know if you can possibly fill that bowl up it'll run a little longer i don't know if our linkage i'm gonna go in there and i'm gonna press the gas pedal and see if this uh i don't know i can't even get it to move well we may have some linkage problems here blow that out a little bit more i can't really see what we not wanting to move is it this little linkage just froze up on this carburetor they said there's another one inside but i ain't really looked at it to see if it's better shape or what grab that line again it's right there [Music] let me see so it's actually it's actually pulled like it's in i grabbed up a little bit yeah i believe maybe it's moving ahead that might be able to put a little bit more pressure with it with that pedal yeah it's that much old crud down in that time we normally have pretty good luck with the linkages of that thing coming coming free and they normally are stuck but don't take much to get them working probably maybe maybe something wedged off in it i just don't want to crank it up all the way up take off and blow a sling a rod man so close you can't really see down in there can you uh can you see down in there at all to see if we could spray a little bit of this kind of triangle what is it dad's face is like so close to the camera yeah a little bit can you see it moving in there yeah you don't want to be breaking it's just just just still still yeah really still there a little bit it seemed to be getting a whole lot better uh spray it again in there i'm gonna look at this other carburetor i really don't want to go that route but i'm just curious of why it was in there i wouldn't say it's in i'll leave that key on i wouldn't say it's in better shape we've got electric choke though a little bit better gripper has a holley it is at least moving though we're going to try to keep working with this carburetor uh linkage is to try to get it to move just a little bit if we can't get it to work too much we're just still gonna i think you've done dope fuel in there right yeah all right we're gonna try to see if it'll crank up that's the bad thing about this being live though is some of this stuff you just it needs time for that to set in there and work it back and forth and this and that looks like it's getting a little bit easier on him maybe but we will work with what we got see the pedal moving thought i might help you some that is helping it is yeah thought it was it's not the pedal's not springing back up nothing's springing back is it or is it which way does it go when it goes backwards so this goes this way yeah it pulls it that way you sure so when i'm printing the pedal that yeah i guess that pulls it back that way i can't even see the oh i think it's it's not far off from yeah maybe it is trying to see how far off it is from the what do you guys think any suggestions here something speeded up something we're not seeing i don't know that thing there shouldn't be keeping it right i wouldn't think there's no christian if they've got any thoughts okay a lot of people saying swap the carburetor yeah maybe quicker but the scary thing is you don't know if that was the good carburetor or the bad carburetor yeah where'd i put it don't even know if it's if it'll work on this car and i don't know what they've got that's a pretty new something or another some kind of a sensor there it doesn't look terrible enough what do you think about it it's just right in that right in that area right there where i think where our issue is it may let's uh let's see if she'll fire up anyways we'll go ahead and see if she's at least trying to crank with this and then we'll make that decision uh you've already put some gas in it yeah but i sprayed a bunch of that in there too so i don't know 40 should burn too let's let's just see what it does real quick how we looking on time christian uh it is 6 54. so about almost two hours ah we're 20 minutes out come on we need her to crank up course let me make sure i got it in park i wanted to it should be good go ahead and give her a shot yeah just what we expected look back there it's revved up scared me i should have stayed over there where i could kill it i wasn't expecting it to crank up that question i could smother it down is that what you did yeah just stuff went everywhere well guys that was fun uh we're not gonna try this carburetor any further until we get that linkage going and i don't think we're going to get it going so we might go ahead and try to put this other one on there any luck we like to keep these things i know they're kind of long but it just that's just how it works we're about to get smoked out that's all that transmission fluid in here it looks cool on camera about knocked my computers over you know it smells like uh it smells like those pop rocks are those popper things that you have at uh fourth of july yeah like a cap gun yeah yeah i guess that's what it is on camera though looks like a burnout yeah we'll have to retitle this episode car does burn out on its own what do you think just switch it out real quick so we're going to try to switch this out real quick guys we try to keep these videos at uh two hours or shorter um but we would love to see this thing run a little longer so that's what we're going to do is switch it out so if y'all can hang with us we'd appreciate it if not we completely understand if you could see the work yeah i may have to open the door up you think i should is it getting pretty bad yeah i mean you can still see can they see them yeah it's weird i don't think it's as bad as it looks on there no what size is it uh you grabbed a wrench huh yeah well up three i knew there was gonna be some that i couldn't get with the i hope this thing will like i said hopefully it's a good carburetor um right now it's an available carburetor so we're going to give it a shot i don't even think it's going to allow some of this stuff to hook back in the same but we ain't trying to take it to church tonight anyway i thought it i thought it was that other thing because it sprung right back hang on this second man i'll make sure it's just i don't think we're ever i mean i think it will i just don't think it's going to within the timeline yeah within the time that we've we're working with here christian i'm gonna put this on let's not lose that all right knock it off my table gotcha whatever you do lose that wrench this reason i get wrenches can't trust a soccer somebody somebody new is gonna pop on this video and be like what in the world is that where are they working at what's going on the shopping loaded shop on fire looks like what we total my catch on fire caught on fire take those got you know one cool thing though about these lives is like we might we might have accidentally could have missed that you know if we were filming on a purdue style video you never know we've missed stuff before accidentally be filming in another place or just not ready for it you know i was ready for it to sputter i wasn't ready for it to head to jupiter that's the way you get them ready right quick you just kind of get it full throttle that way you know it's a good motor yeah when all the holes just been drained out of it and i ain't even nothing in the filter i think i've got everything on this side okay i've got everything on this side what missy huh zandor said it actually sounded healthy yeah it did i was i was just more like what the world's going on and to concentrate on how it sounded though what just happened and i was like how am i going to get in the car to kill this thing fast enough man what is it i'm going to put this because it's got that one thing right in the way i don't know that i can oh yours come out that way yeah man of all ones to come out yep let me see if i can if i can get it loose and find some vice grips i had some earlier see if i can get it unscrewed the other way it won't drop down in between this gap here up top i don't even know what that little sensor controls okay i have to get this in there first do i have to get this thing in there and we'll be able to go trying to hurry guys we got nine minutes you got the carburetor off we've got the carburetor off now yeah and we're putting this other one that was inside the car on it you want to show the on your gopro had a few people asking to see it the new one whichever one you took off oh yeah see or maybe the new one i don't know so here's here's the one we took off uh let me slip around i don't know how well i'm showing you guys you can see it so you know it's froze up right here it should it should move and spring back itself but up underneath here i think it's just you know i got electric choke a bunch of looking battery acid looking stuff is this like a what in the world is this like some kind of a oh i don't know i don't even know if that'll work that'll work that's weird no i'm wondering if it's like an electronic like a injection style do y'all know that looks weird to me i want to put it up on here i know we can put it on there and at least run off the bowl yeah what do y'all think on that what is this what's the gasket it didn't unless it's on that other one i thought it was still down there yeah it's still in here uh let me go find something to get this off with christian sing i don't know where our little scrapers at check this other side over here sorry guys kind of roaming all over the place trying to find i don't know how well we're going to be able to get this old gasket off this been on there a while there fails we need something that we don't buy right i don't think we're gonna be able to get it off it is stuck on that bad hmm be patient guys i'm just trying i know the trick i got to keep looking until you get it off and then and i'll find it it's calm man it's just taking a little time to keep from ripping it what are you looking for wire brush i thought i could find a sound like you need to be looking for something to graze them drawers on the toolbox yes or that wasn't me christian some are saying that it's the choke like an electronic i choke know i'm off i'm trying to save this gasket guys it's working it's just it's just taking a while let's see 2700 almost 2800 people watching sorry guys it's taking just a little while but he's he's just about got it got me working so hard i'm i'm blowing smoke i feel like i probably could have made another one by time i get this off well that's what you should have done i don't know it's not working out too well it's just it's so thin and old and dry just just describe me except for the damn part and apparently needing to grease my drawers i'm probably not the dry part either okay this is a this this is what every mechanic does kinda okay fit like a glove oh my god it's gonna be fun i don't know that i can get on that one someone said i got that gasket i'll be there in 30 minutes well we know it's somebody that lives close or drives fast hopefully we'll slow you down a little bit before you get to tightening down because i'm just trying to get started this one is gonna be that one that we know that she will run though she will run so would anybody like to see some some more progression videos with this old girl i think it may be something we plan on keeping around the shop for a little bit i'm actually going to go ahead and open up this door so it's a little bit less smoky in here real quick i'm going to get a magnet to drop it yeah it slid back back behind the the bolt the stud there so stay up there maybe that'll clear out a little bit can you hand me that flashlight right that place there oops ah and then that screwdriver a minute from our two hour mark they may have to hit pause anybody say anything on the progression videos maybe uh maybe another another lot if y'all like the live maybe another live of getting it running a little better or maybe washing it up and shining up the paint job and stuff yeah i have a few saying that they'd like to see more videos on it it'd be fun to do a live maybe during the day if we could outside washing it up and trying to buff it all out and stuff like that see how well it shines up okay i'm going got it started on it anyway not good to start yeah you're good to start you're good to finish around his neck almost got this carburetor that was inside the car bolted back up we're going to try to put a little gas in it and probably be as far as we get on this video guys just to see it kind of run and if we can get some fuel in that bowl uh maybe a little for just a second we have a ton of people saying they want to see it cleaned up cool would y'all like to see that live i mean it might be a little time consuming but at least show the process of pressure washing it off and and shining it up and stuff like that if i knew where some wax was i'd go grab some and try out a little spot while dad was getting mad i'd spend 30 minutes looking for it you got an hour i just came up let me try nicely later yeah i'm gonna let you got a ratchet wrench or will that not that nothing you're only gonna work with that right down yeah i see it there the top i couldn't get that in to go on it so got that little stob sticking up right there off that other thing below it and it restricts you from being able to turn that wrench luckily it was one of those it's not finger loose i'm just wondering if we could just tighten down them other ones for now you may have a leak but i think it'll be enough this might suck a little air there but that could take us 30 minutes to get that thing i don't know uh that went to the bottom of that other one it probably could go right there but if you wanted to mess with it i'm not gonna wait or maybe just you got that wrench for that one because i really can't i put it i won't be able to rev it inside the car and blow that away already guys i can't hear you not going in there or is it taking sound coming out the front okay i can't imagine it here we go see what how smoky it gets in here hopefully all ready what about the linkage and everything you sure it's fine it won't hook up so it's just going to be loose here okay christian the best angle the exhaust is on this other side so you might yeah you might hit that we're going to give it a shot see what it does here a little bit of rattle up here in the rocker arms but that's just going to take the oil and the lifters priming and stuff like that but she is running there and she even idle we'll go ahead and crank her up one more time uh i think i had it revved up just a little bit you know i need to be ready to go and put more in the bowl yeah go ahead and fill it back up again [Music] not as much smoke as i expected there to be i think we got it all in that first puff that when it revved up to 80 miles an hour pretty cool i guess we could get some spray if we want to keep it going yes i'm starting flow but no carb cleaner can't believe we didn't have some sitting over there normally there always is here's some here here you go we'll try to get it running long enough maybe it'll i guess i'll just kill it inside there if i have to yep burning all that transmission fluid out of it still it'll take a little bit for that to clear up sounds pretty good though you can definitely hear uh a little bit of that lifter noise little rocker rattle may need to be adjusted that works idling well there you go [Laughter] i'm gonna turn this key off so i don't burn that coil up well guys we've got another successful live revival video under our belt and uh i couldn't say that i'm any happier i was super fun to dig into this one being that it was covered in all that stuff to me that's fun but i have to say that we would have been able to do any of this out without god's favor so god has been behind us on this channel he's been behind us on everything in my life in all of our lives so i definitely want to give him all the thanks and all the glory on that i think god god is happy to to make us happy you know he he loves to see us happy and i'm happy to see this thing crank up so thank all y'all for hanging out with us uh we'll talk on our community tab button if you're new new to our channel be sure to check it out and subscribe on that we'll try to do some more videos on here maybe live maybe not try to clean this and uh just do a little be looking for that volkswagen uh herbie style volkswagen as well uh dad you got anything to say smokey we appreciate everybody hanging out with us and that i know it takes it takes a lot for y'all to come out and hang out with us now it takes a lot for for me to hang out with him so we appreciate all y'all christian uh thanks for hanging with me yeah and we'll try to get her in on some of this stuff yeah we may get her cleaning this thing up she's pretty good at that if y'all seen the pacer video so uh with that being said thank y'all so much god bless y'all keep the faith christians send them out with our outro thank you [Music] [Music] you
Views: 408,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restored, kravened kustoms, turnin rust, turning rust, classic car, classic truck, rust, junkyard, abandoned, rescued, kraven, custom, bogata, lance bush, restoration, ratrod, patina, antique, kraven custom, will it run, neglected, saved, parked, rusty, forgotten, rat rod, revival, revived, live, livestream, will it start, first start, classic, automatic, revive, vgg, vice grip garage, vice grip, be restored, station wagon, mercury, ford 390, 390, commuter, commuter wagon, mercury wagon, 67, 1967
Id: 2m3JB34A4OA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 34sec (7774 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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