Abandoned Millionaires Family Mansion With Exotic Luxury Cars Left Behind

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look at this this is one side of the mansion that we're on we have to solve a mystery what could have happened here i am always thinking of you and will always love you with all my heart we have a lot of pill bottles here there's just so many things deer heads crazy looking pieces of artwork check this out no way seriously what year is this one [Music] what is going on roman fans hope you guys have been doing well if you're new to the channel we go on epic adventures every single week and today guys we are exploring one of the best places i've ever explored this year hands down this isn't a band mansion today the architecture is by far one of my favorites of 2020 for band homes or mansions like it is insane um wait until i show you guys around now the rumor goes that this place used to be owned by a lawyer he had a few kids but there used to be another family that weren't even related that used to live here with them i don't know a little bit strange the owner got old he uh he lost his license to be a lawyer at like the age of 70 and eventually he just went into like a retirement home now i'm not sure why the children did not end up living here because it is honestly amazing like i want to live here one day but we're going to start from the top and work ourselves down to the bottom floor that's all i know so far um as we explore the video i'll go more in depth with the history and maybe we can find out more things about the family that used to live here just by looking at the items because everything is still left here let's begin adventure but first smash that thumbs up button and come say hi on the premiere chat but first i want to say a big thank you to this week's newest patreon supporters of the week shout out to melissa and t4t trojans thank you so much for supporting the channel if you also wish to support the channel head over to the patreon link down in the description to earn perks and a shout out in next week's video look at this this is one side of the mansion that we're on [Music] crazy piano and look at that beautiful piece of art right there we'll take a closer look when we head down but yeah everything is still inside you can see a stairway that's harley i got up here and it leads to this balcony right i'm here in love with this setup you can just chill out here have a nice drink look at the view even got a ladder that's probably like a fire escape ladder if anything happens then you got the attic up these steps wow that's another beautiful piece of art right there you can tell this family loved artwork now this is really creepy i'm not gonna lie this place is still a mystery i don't know what could have happened for them to just leave this place whoa these steps don't really feel that safe from what i can see there's like nothing in there and i've been hearing like this bird just like making a lot of noises so i feel like there's like some sort of animal in here anything yeah it's completely empty what's crazy to us that i heard this place was recently abandoned like maybe three or four years ago i saw something with like a date on it so for it to be like this decayed already and this much of a rough condition it's just kind of strange to me there's something engraved on this it could be like the family cress i'm gonna have to blur some of this out my line i'm just thinking like we have to solve the mystery of what could happen here this is astonishing oh wow we got some photos right here looks like it could have been uh one of his kids here's a photo with like a guy and a like a daughter kind of looks like they're chilling by like malibu beach or somewhere in california and all these wolves were taken inside this mansion we had to find the door in this photo i don't think it was in here that door looks completely different and these photos were probably taken by this film camera right here polaroid land camera i love finding cameras in a band places look at this right next to it looks like a sewing machine monarch pin on 86. oh look at that this is definitely his outfit for work maybe this was his bedroom because there's like a mattress over here so many things oh what we got a passport this looks like the father for sure he looks exactly like the photo over there yup they're identical [Music] who's this this person looks different from the photos we've been seeing wow even had its own little fireplace that's amazing just trying to imagine like what it could look like back in the day i mean we've only explored one room so far and it's just absolutely beautiful it's sad to see it in this condition i mean look at that just crumbling away and the chandelier is just right there i'm in love with this place i mean you can tell like no one has really been here besides us there's no graffiti or anything everything is just naturally decaying by itself these are the places i love and enjoy hopefully it can stay like this for a very long time i love preserving abandoned places and i'm only here to document them and because i love the adventure it's really quite fun to me especially like a band homes or mansions that are just like complete time capsules with everything inside and the architecture too and this place has both of them i'm having a lot of fun here oh some more photos we got some more photos with the same girl [Music] man she took a lot of selfies i found a cell phone while digging through the photos we got some perfume vera wang rock princess wow you can still smell it pretty good smells nice i found something some sort of document from a hospital it's like some prescription form i feel like the father had health problems i mean this is evidence right here plus i've been seeing like prescription bottles all around this bedroom so maybe that's the reason why this place is abandoned for sure is that the faller pass away sadly but why didn't the kids live here hopefully we can find out by the end of this exploration i found like this poster board and it has like black and white pictures it could have been the dad and the daughter they kind of look the same we also have here like photos of britney spears it could have been one of those things where uh the daughter would just like hang up her favorite things on we have a big screen tv right here very early 2000s even has been in this one room the entire time i filmed the whole house already before getting to this that's crazy yeah well i mean i didn't know cinematics at all none yet right okay i just walked around talk show things off and did you know dude cinemax after yeah you'll love this room you'll probably spend a lot of time but dude well like how are the other rooms i haven't checked them out yet so this is the best room yeah there's one room downstairs that's set up really nice okay it's just maybe that's why i got to do it so quick but did you guys like find out anything else about this place like it's still a mystery this is the house this is what we learned from being everywhere we learned that it was uh it was just you know the wife and the the dad which was the lawyer and she had two kids there were religious people but there were various kids yep but they were very supportive and they were both uh there was just two girls okay they like to do like horseback riding and things like that and they used to all travel as groups they were in the soccer horse girls yeah horse girls okay yeah man okay and yeah no no nothing wrong nothing wrong i like horses too and like yeah so that's like the whole thing pretty much it's just that you don't like horses well you guys knew um there's x-rays yeah x-rays and everything indicates that the the pretty much the parents that were here uh-huh we're getting old i mean there's a wheelchair for them they have pill bottles everywhere i think something happened to them and they left oh dude there's like so many footballers here too yeah also also um they went to college the girls right so that explains why they probably didn't come back and they just yeah i mean i'll blur it out right now but there's like a college hoodie right there the car in the back can you see from here sorry guys but yeah look there's a garage we have to check that out it's time to head downstairs though and see like the rest of this abandoned mansion i can't believe i've been here for like almost an hour um we got done showing it off i mean this one room right here looks like it was being renovated they didn't they never even finished it have been like another separate bedroom but first look at this i just love seeing how these doors look and all the tiny attention to detail to them before i leave this room though i'll take this one photo this is probably the most incredible find here so far or will be you know so beautiful i just love how like there's some roses on this tiny piano i've never seen anything like it before look at this chair dang i really want this chair that's the head of john f kennedy this painting i wonder what kind of painting or if it even has a name it looks pretty famous probably worth a lot too [Music] anyway i just took a pretty dope photo go check out my instagram at steve ronin guys follow me for behind the scenes and you know i just don't explore and film i also take a lot of photos when exploring these abandoned places so you have to check out my instagram link down in the description [Music] [Music] bunch of vhs tapes here or huh we have a pink looking room and some sort of wheelchair probably for the father had to be like a female bedroom we got more photos over here i see two girls it could be a son these are foes of his kids when they were like really really young like they look about eight years old here [Applause] so we're now on the other side of the second floor there's more rooms here jeez i just found this look how much the medicine the father was taking a whole bag of just prescriptions i wonder what kind of like illnesses he had this was definitely one of the daughter's room you got some nail polish right here someone must have ransacked this place to make it look like this i'm not really liking this room it's really dark in here we have another perfume bottle can't really smell it now this room really doesn't have anything probably just like a guest room madness need not be all breakdown it may also be breakthrough hope you guys have been enjoying this video so far uh come say hi in the chat this video is probably premiering and i'm there watching with you guys so just a reminder um and if you've been enjoying this video so far definitely smash that thumbs up button i want all of you to smash it right now it helps algorithm and it helps uh youtube promote this video more to other people to see and i just walked into one of the bathrooms this is the first bathroom i've seen [Music] so they had one on the second floor this is a nice bathroom not gonna lie i mean you even had a chandelier inside here oh man look at that that sucks it's sad but like this place will be destroyed just by snow and nature it's winter now and around this area it snows a lot i really wish like one day i can purchase like an abandoned mansion such as this and restore it to it's like its former glory or make it even better maybe this could be the mansion i think that's my goal my first home that i'm ever gonna purchase is gonna be in a band house or mansion and i'm gonna fix it up and like show its progress over time i even love the shower gosh look at that you have like a rose petal on a note it says hey baby kind of hard to read mood i'm going to try my best though my dad miss you i am so proud of the young woman that you have become you have grown too much in one past year i too and i can't imagine you are beautiful inside and out i am so excited for you to go and be in college when you can fully grow to your potential i know you are capable of i know you're capable of i can't read that right here i am thrilled to water you accomplish them please correct me in the chat or in the comments section if you see my mistakes but i'm just reading what i can kind of see you are very smart and can do anything you put your mind to and work diligence at diligently at i was so happy today to see that excited smile on your face to play hockey again it is your passion i have been it has been for a very long time my dream to you is to be happy and fulfilled doing something you love doing stuff i can't make out what that says being self-sufficient financially secure with a amazingly beautiful family i pray daily to these things for you and your sister okay so that confirmed it she had a sister know that i am always thinking of you and will always love you with all my heart mom oh that is so heartwarming at first i thought it'd be like from the father but it's uh it's from the mother i haven't seen photos of her yet and that was a a very beautiful letter to read another passport this was probably [Music] i guess this was the mother's [Music] here's one stamp two stamps that's the us immigration another stamp of us immigration from 2001 that's about it this is a pretty small passport i'm not gonna lie i don't know really where to start now been exploring this place for forever it seems um oh what's that oh this is his like his license to be a lawyer admitted and qualified to practice as an attorney but yeah that's like a certificate check that out [Music] that's a uh air hockey table you always gotta have one of these inside your house let's check out those rooms later let's start from the left side almost trips just like their little own bar area that's amazing everywhere's me a brick too wow you have a nice window right here you can see your front yard i'm just falling in love with this home every single room i i go to is that like a little stove i think it is and then over here oh wait i thought there's like a little bar area but nah like there's actually steps right here that lead down to the basement floor or maybe the wine cellar we'll check that part out in a bit what i really want to see is the kitchen you guys will love this i bet apart from all the decay like wow i'm seeing a lot of marvel dang we have a lot of pillow bottles here this is my first time seeing one with actual tablets inside looks like postcards right here it's like a microscope or is it something for like the medicine we still got all the kitchen utensils and plates here with this washer so so you see the backyard if you happen to know what kind of style this this whole architecture is leave comment down below i can't make up what it is like check this out i guess it could be greek i mean that looks like something that could have came from south america it looks like uh some like mayan or incan that's a dope clock just trying to make sure i don't miss out on any rooms i feel like this could have been a green room at some point or maybe they were trying to make it into some sort of green room hmm oh are these x-rays wow they are looks like it's some x-rays of like the neck maybe this can give us an answer to like what sort of illness the father had if this is the father's x-rays putting that in here there's just a bunch of stuff see a treadmill um i guess it was we mostly use it for storage took out my light panel for this the audio may sound a little bit different because i'm not using my mic anymore i had to switch it with my light panel we are heading downstairs to the basement i'm kind of freaked out dang it's like i'm entering some medieval dungeon yeah this is definitely like an italian household gotta have the wine cellar it's really empty i like how the floor is just made of [Applause] dirt that's about it i'm really surprised i didn't see no like empty wine bottles i mean this had to be the wine cellar but maybe it's just a lot taken out let's head back upstairs last room over here that one's really empty with nothing oh dang we got a uh grand piano in this room let's see what kind of brand it's a warlitzer and we even have some computers printers a radio all right time to head to this room this is the last part we're checking out before we head to the garage i think beth and josh are in here before we meet up with them let's check what's down here i think there's like a little library that they had yeah look look how many books there are they probably have more books right here this is really nice it's just located in one corner of the room where it's probably away from like everyone else only imagine how quiet it would be to just read books here bro we're on right now i know what time is it it is now 12.06 it gets stuck at 4 30. oh my gosh but the painter's house is nothing like this the painter's house is a lot smaller it's well it's about the story so we should be able to film both i just got this entire room to myself now i think this was the real bar area they probably had a bar over there with some wine maybe some truly some white claws [Music] do [Music] besides the first bedroom we explored this has to be the best room in this abandoned mansion it's even the best for last what do you guys think do you think this room is the best room so far and there's just so many things deer heads crazy looking pieces of artwork encyclopedias that was probably a fireplace over there behind that frame photo so it's a shame i love bad places but they have to like fix this place up one [Music] day [Music] put on that cap cow yeah that cap right there the little plastic cap you're gonna spin this is that what everyone said yeah we spin it off this way yeah a pulse 360. okay good thing i did ballet there you go i got this just kidding i didn't oh the manly oh man it's your turn what's good what you got bro just watch this all balance dang this is an accordion cool looks so vintage [Music] that's it looks like they also have some sort of pet bird here like a parrot i ate a lot of sunflower seeds i think we're all having a photo contest here yo we've been here for literally like the past 30 minutes just you know just in this one room yeah we're gonna get out soon and head to the garage together and then we're bouncing uh that's where the corvette is i'm excited to see that creepy looking doll let's see this fireplace [Music] yup there's one right there do you think they can see us i think i don't give a [ __ ] yeah i'm trying to film it [Applause] [Music] where's that corvette i really want to see it wow dude the car is over here on this side dude there's so much in the garage as well that's what i said look at that fur jacket it's a fox coat it's not what i expected right seriously check this out bro no way seriously what year is this one 1994 is an inspection wow bro i've never seen a corvette like this on the road this is a rare one i think i i don't think i've ever seen one like this are the wheels to attach like how it's made the frame yeah i know it's like a batmobile i was gonna say that literally the batmobile it looks like someone carved something on the hood of the car this must be like some rare corvette like limited edition leave a comment if you ever seen this type of corvette if it's even a corvette here's the uh inspection sticker from 1994. here's the inside of the car super tiny i mean it has like uh some back seats in there but you had to be like three feet tall to just fit this must have been taken on the race track i mean there's a symbol on the steering wheel too oh man this i wish i could just like purchase this and fix it up so insane but uh look at the back again the rear lights look crazy it's like a gtr almost what's this i can't believe this is just left here all right we are leaving so i really want to show you guys to from the mansion but that's it like check out this beauty how it looks like all right we are piecing out of here guys hope you guys really did enjoy this video today we're on this trip for the next week or so being a bunch of places absolutely love this place i love time capsules and you know hopefully with this video we documented it well it kind of told the story of it of what could have happened here um yeah maybe one day you know i'll definitely purchase this place and fix it up and renovate it this is on my bucket list so you never know what could happen but yeah until next time guys leave a like if you know water and i'll see y'all next adventure peace [Music] you
Channel: Steve Ronin
Views: 941,426
Rating: 4.6030512 out of 5
Keywords: steve ronin, exploring with steve, Abandoned, millionaires, Family, mansion, with, exotic, luxury, cars, left, behind, abandoned steve
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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