Abandoned Paranormal MOTEL (Military Junkyard FOUND) ft. George Janko

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the second you guys walked away all of our camera gears started glitching like the footage started deleting itself are you kidding no joke it just set all files deleting like cancel and I had to cancel and then like recover all the files all right so as I'm editing this video I'm having a very hard time wrapping my head around what actually happened there was an unusual alignment of a lot of coincidences that made this entire experience extremely creepy as you're watching this you might choose to believe that this was just a series of unrelated coincidences and that everything has a rational explanation or you can choose to believe that this is signs of Paranormal Activity I'm personally not someone that believes in those kinds of things but in this case I just have no answers there's a lot more things that happen while we weren't recording but here's what we captured opened in 1957 in the desert of California this Motel had a good run until the owners passed away in the 90s and is lodging in Vegas located nearby became more and more excessive it eventually pushed the motel to go out of business in 2009 leaving the place abandoned and supposedly haunted by its previous owners all in black you're ready to go yeah exactly okay so today our friend georgenko is joining us for the first time he's a quiet low-key YouTuber good morning anyways I hope he's gonna be fitting in with us you should definitely go check in mind he's pretty much an all-around Entertainer he's a very funny guy and we're taking him to an abandoned Motel today George whoa this place is nice pretty nice oh my God what's up guys George nice to meet you George to meet you I'm Thomas Road montage [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] just happened I swear that happened to me the uh whoa that was like Final Destination that freaks me out dude what just happened the entire just blew okay so we are in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the desert and our tires exploded on the side of the highway we could have just spun Reds down the road all right so our savior no tell him we stole this car what's up man this is our car [Music] thanks so much man that's what we gotta learn how to do [Music] it are we good to go yeah I guess so it all starts I think that's it right there here we go Royal Hawaiian Hotel it's really sketchy this is awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's weird if they haven't done anything with this [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] glitched it just went mental for a while what was that hello what happened it was like noise from the back here this is like I think where they control the televisions they have TNT HBO CNN Disney Infinity do you hear that no is it about easy yeah you know it's usually oh it's an attic oh my god oh [ __ ] oh my god dude the inner noises coming from yo yo yo we have to go up [Music] hello there's some weird things all right so we're gonna go up the attic footsteps up send this up first [Music] it really literally hurt footsteps yeah I think it's an animal we can't get out do you see anything I see that it's empty but I don't feel like it's empty if you guys go up there I'll come with you but let's go yeah [Music] yeah is it big spicy just a bunch of wood locks like it's just the what's holding the roof together basically there's nothing out there though there's like spray cans like a bunch of old wires what does that noise I'm just thinking that if I need to start the car first I need the keys [Music] thank you all right whatever it is it's no longer here could be the dead owners [Music] whoa what is that what's on this wall the library again oh this is the owner's old house sure yeah this is the whole house it's big holy sh this is like a destroyed time castle okay damn these are all from like 80s and 90s the art of faith whoa somehow cute things become very creepy when they're abandoned [Music] [Music] damn this is the The House of the previous owners so we're trying to be respectful while we're in here but that's why this basically like a whole apartment there's a kitchen there's a library there's a living room all these clothes left behind me there's like the dudes shirt this jacket whoa are these huge bras that is gross damn [Music] it kind of looks like Darren though I was in there wait are you serious yeah he heard him too there's got to be something in there weird you hear it in the Attic or something what your random footsteps creaking [Music] push oh something all that around here the cat's in charge all of our gears start to glitch like it actually everything started to delete itself like out of nowhere are you kidding no joke it just said all files deleting like cancel and I had to cancel and then like recover all the files [Music] we're currently graveyard just outside the motel there's cars buses cranes army vehicles and everything is Rusty everything is old did you jump on that yeah dude is this an old fire truck this Central lion Fire official use only [Music] foreign [Music] foreign it's like Breaking Bad whoa that looks like a brand new lock is it [Music] the weird thing is there are no trespassing sounds and they're like people living in this town so they know we're here in the kids I'm excited to get to school going over there now I wonder where they are [Music] foreign [Music] it's not going here we actually follow instructions it said no trespassing we're not going nowhere else is actually said trespasses it's far coming from over there too it's probably the ghost that mess with our phones and on that note I'll be in the car go check out our friends George Jacob the man and Mr Brendan North they have amazing Vlogs you should check out they make amazing content and all we'll leave it in the description it's Mr Brennan's as well [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 3,946,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned motel, paranormal motel, ghosts motel, haunted motel, haunted hotel, abandoned hotel, urban exploration haunted, urban exploration, urbex, military base, abandoned military base, abandoned, owners dead, abandoned place ghosts, royal hawaiian motel, arnie's royal hawaiian, abandoned las vegas, haunted desert, creepy motel, creepy hotel, creepy abandoned place, scary abandoned places, scary motels, scary hotels, yes theory, yes theory snapchat
Id: jM1DQGyA444
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2017
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