⚓️Found ABANDONED SHIP!!! Big CRUISE SHIP on a desert island☠️ Where did the people go?!?

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guys we keep you informed we decided to  climb into the very depths of the island and   all because today from a quadrocopter we saw  that there most likely some kind of ship was   shipwrecked we saw a huge ship and it's stuck  on this island and now we are going to go to   the other side of the island to another beach to  see and find out what kind of ship such is there   of course the road is completely  impassable who said it's going to rain   i said it would rain anton ordered it to  rain oh no where will we hide we will wet   the equipment now come on hide the equipment and  is it waterproof i have a case very inappropriate   anton ordered rain you said it's going to rain  so it started it was obvious that it was going   to rain but no clouds where did it come from i  have a good intuition oh but the heat is gone   do you have protection from the rain and don't  you i left it at the camp and i got ready   my god how to survive with you is there  a cave anton there's still a thunderstorm   going on right now so it'll be fun it's  okay but we also wanted to catch lightning tin guys this is hard come on anton drink water  i see droplets fall catch some more did anyone   bring shampoo because now there is such a good  opportunity you know how unpleasant it hits   do something about it i don't want this rain  why did you order this rain it was heard that   a cloud was approaching do you know by what  sign i determined yeah a strong wind blew   and cold i also noticed and thought what a  nice wind it seems that it will end now this   is a short-term tropical rain lasting no more than  five minutes well guys the rain is ending that's   where we got a little clearance on the sea in  short we are a little lost anton is freaking out   pasha had just hurt himself on a thorny tree i'm  behind because i shoot video in short guys do you   know what i noticed for some reason not one of  the survivalists on youtube tells such details   that are very important and can help you survive  here it is simply unrealistic to climb through the   jungle using the navigator we tried and we got  lost right away it turns out that literally 10   to 20 steps and you look into the navigator and  you understand that you start to deviate either   to the right or to the left that is it seems to  you that you are going straight but it is not   i don't even know what kind of experience it takes  to navigate the jungle because everywhere there   are only bushes they are confusing it's not even  the bushes that are confusing but these slopes   you see the terrain is hilly in other words you  can't go straight you either have a cliff or a   steep climb and it keeps turning we seem to have  reached a familiar place here it is and in theory   now we will go to the beach which is located on  the other side of the island just look at this   oh my god it looks like it's about to jump off  on me yes it's being prepared here's the bastard   guys i'm having trouble focusing write in the  comments who knows if it's poisonous or not   what a huge web it has by the way i got  caught in its web it is very hard like a wire   what fangs it has behind it tin wow watch  how it beckons with its paws come here pet me   pet me i won't bite it seems the monkeys are  yelling nobody bites you look it's crawling here   there is nothing red ants look red by the color  put out put them out but not so much it hurts me   that's it that's the bastard red ants but  we need to reach the end let's go hurry   the ants are eating us is it clean next are  there ants spines horror i'm in a trap help   this is tin how did you get here i don't know  ready i found some path boys look the steps it happens to me all the time  too the hat just falls off let's the weather is kind of weird we  need to find out what's in there the   road leads there for a reason there are  a lot of acacia here just walk carefully   there is something there yes i see it  too it's just some kind of tin guys wow what a house wow look abandoned house wow the windows  are open we can get in wow the whole villa   look guys around the acacia someone must have  lived here before you can hear the sea below   look there is no lock we won't fail the floor  is wooden oh railing look the wash stand sasha look here and there's some tin inside  look what lives in the wash stand there's a   little scorpion who hiding now i'll try to show  stop god hear how it squeaks it's not a scorpion   what is it cockroach doesn't look  like it do you hear the sound   do you hear it's hissing kissing cockroach ugg  it smells awful there's another creature flying   around look tench tench let's get out of here  it seems to be tenge anton we need to get inside   is there a passage there what's  there there are many more rooms there   how to enter no wonder we went everything  is open here just be careful someone might   jump out of course there is a lot of living  creatures here it's so dark it was necessary   to take the light some kind of room look some  roots hang down terrible what what are polyps   those are termites right this is  probably an anthill of those red ants   who what gekko gekko there are a lot of them there  are geckos crawling there yes i see but it's dark   in there and hard to see up there look there  are even chairs it was probably someone's villa   someone made himself on a desert island and  abandoned it what happened why were they abandoned   armchairs it's like prepute ii this  is tropical prepaid apparently here   the sea was visible behind the trees but  now everything is overgrown with acacia what's there wasps something rustles in the  bushes really dude there are cobras around here   spectacles of course there's a seller let's go to  the seller guys are you kidding me where is the   cellar look there is light imagine the switch  still working but of course the light doesn't   come on it is immediately clear that there are no  marauders in thailand wire is not stolen oops i   almost tripped over something show what's there  what's this sewer rage something strange do you   hear the sound of the sea i think this is a  toilet so that you understand you see the sea oh some kind of nonsense what was that do you  know if there's a gibbon sitting there you've   seen the bushes like this it's a strange place  someone's villa but it's very dangerous here oh it creaks so scary something will fall also geckos  on top be careful there are nails nails stick out   only this was not enough what's there there  used to be a terrace here wow water tower   apparently they had their own water look  again those termites i don't know what it is   it's a light bulb from coconut look they made  it out of coconut the lamp is the most common i   wonder if the cartridges are standard ordinary  or not and imagine if now someone crawls out   of there and bites we wanted to see the cartridge  but there really is something stirring maybe ants   there are worms crawling around this is a find an  abandoned villa what bush is i'll tell you that   the acacia is growing fast here probably when it  was not abandoned it was beautiful here there were   beautiful meadows with flowers with grass and  then all overgrown with acacia the sea is noisy it's cool here look how the curtains are torn it  looks scary why are they so they are corroded by   moisture imagine finding an abandoned villa on a  desert island what's this where god what happened   there there was a huge bumblebee of this size  and under the ear i have found the secret room toilet there something ran up the  wall i definitely saw it it was him   spider-man i want to see what lives in the toilet  some weird thai bathroom like in the horror movie   the curse when there was a scary monster woman  and she stuck her hands out of the water like that   is very similar do you hear something rustled  in the toilet will you open the toilet maybe we   shouldn't do it what if something jumps out let's  do this pause this video literally for 30 seconds   and write in the comments if it's worth it or not  and then turn on the video and watch the sequel only quietly open slowly there's no one here terribly scary of course  maybe someone lives in the tank faucets can   there be water and imagine if now a spider is  quietly descending on the web crawling along the   handle and biting your hand then the real fight  would begin and then there's the coconut look   and the light bulbs are not like  ours the cartridge is kind of small   you know what else i noticed  one very interesting feature yep   they have the top of the roof lined with ordinary  slate and the inside is lined with this wood such   a thing as it's called a plywood board i guess and  thin look here you can clearly see the cartridge   there is some kind of nest no honey yep honey what  else can you say sweet berry bounty there is such   a risk of catching an incomprehensible infection  also this dengue virus and malaria and whatever   else a gecko can bite your ass look at the sofa  and turn you into a lizard and someone lived here   and the geckos were nothing someone even poisoned  malarial mosquitoes here oh spiral we'll need it   pick up the chair and clean it although no it's  a long way to go very much we barely got here   anyway i can't even imagine dragging a chair but  in general it would be cool to build housing with   local furniture right it's already a little  worn yes it's already rotten it's a pity no   but let's make it even better we will build our  furniture from bamboo it will look very cool guys we found something it's really a hoe do you know how to work with  this by the type of how to dig up potatoes   probably how to make beds yeah like a shovel  only it's bent like that do you hear see what wow is that a spear what's this  seems to be spear to get coconuts   there's a lot of stuff here right it's a  pity well i guess i'll leave the hole here   because maybe it is imbued with deadly  energy if the thai who plowed the fields   with it is already dead let's not disturb the  peace of the tie and calmly leave this here all let's go [Applause] at some point we found this wow everything here is ancient if  only not to collapse go to the center what something fell look under your feet  carefully step in the middle there is a crossbar is there no other entrance on  the other side there seems to be [Music] it looks cool do not break firewood what would  that mean precisely in russian   there's no entrance on the other side is there there's a door on the other side but i'm  assuming it's also closed let's see what's there if there was a rope we could  climb up oh what a great frame but until we find the entrance in short this is  a huge liner but it is closed with a padlock if   we don't find the entrance we can take the rope  throw it on the second floor and try to climb from where from there we can see what's there guys we went out to look at the anchor outside   look there's a hole there must  have been an anchor right yes tin there's nothing like corridors give me a camera there are some chairs [Music]   there is a passage there it's just flooded shine  down there no there seems to be a normal climb   oh and the stairs up imagine and how to get there  get in there somehow wait maybe it's possible   well hold on only if you go down a flashlight   god [Applause] here you can  climb very easily really easy so what there is a passage inside is  there a passage yes terrible come with me [Music] and that's it let's go it's awfully hot  in here quiet imagine if someone is here   oh my goodness look there are carpets  there are real beds look and tv   bathroom this is a cabin this is the floating  pripyat imagine this is a floating hotel are we   going down here probably not here because it's  concrete and the wiring look cable tv for some   reason two tvs refrigerator is there anything  inside hardly there's a package with something   strange there is almost no dust maybe because of  the humid climate oh it's quite a mess here look   there's a crash holy moly can it be dangerous to  go upstairs and what kind of room was it is it   the reception walkie-talkie where guys radio look  how many radios look at it i'm shocked motorolas   some benson why are there  so many see how they oxidize   we saw one and there's a whole bunch  of them and a charger let's go upstairs horror what is there here is concrete concrete  huh we cannot worry so we will not fall the   pipe is going up yes you can look well  oh it seems to go to the very top yes   it feels like people have just left closed right  why isn't everything closed are any of them hacked   oh look it feels like people  just left here recently look at the bathroom wow look what happened to the toilet   wow there must have been water all the time how  did it get here someone forgot to flush maybe rain   tin holy moly someone's umbrella is lying around  here the beds are disassembled shampoo what   shampoo it feels like people left  and forgot everything 14th year 2014   it seems to be quite recently abandoned oh  look what a thing ancient air conditioner yes light doesn't work really some kind of thai  pre-put cool notes can't understand anything   are there debtors here look something musical  you've seen the keyboard is disassembled let's turn up some bass by  the way it's very hot in here   and terribly scary it would be interesting for  me to open at least one door maybe it needs to   be pressed no they are light bulbs in short we  must go further guys what is this it's probably   deluxe luxury rooms but for some reason they  are locked why look do you see a lot of them   it looks like a cafe yes or there is a server like  musical hush there's an entrance here come in here really wow finally just look at it what's this  there are a lot of tvs a million all are numbered it's very creepy see how  tough it looks yes it's a complete tin look   how scary it is it still frightens me that  there is always some kind of terrible rustle look what a vacuum cleaner oh there's  another one just like it what is it   this is such a cool technique and what is a server  room yes i noticed it through the window too look   there's also a cassette recorder it's some kind  of old dj console these are cassettes look guys   a lot of cassettes they listen to some music and  this is a regular tape recorder what is the firm   npe recorder that is written nped hi-fi  stereo it's the first time i see such   what's this secret passage look  you can get to other floors wow listen this is a cruise ship there  must have been incendiary discos here   high voltage output oh it's an antenna  some transmitters look vg cable vg maybe   it's some kind of ancient tape recorder cooler  powerful radiator or is it the first computers can you imagine it's probably a connection   satellite probably to communicate it's still  a liner and what is this strange morning it's not at all clear it's a computer it's  a computer panasonic panasonic have you seen   such a computer look it opens with a key look  it's cassette again computer on the key this is   some kind of transmitter and then something  video player look there did you have one   it's probably a spare piece  of equipment for the captain   we would like to get into the captain's  cabin it would be really cool there [Music] piano it's probably a synth look how many  mattresses there are here's the smell it   smells so bad in here this is a synthesizer some  very huge i thought piano look there are bats   where really guys there are bats here they won't  eat us okay let's go tin of course dumb [Music]   horror how scary it creaks what's next you know  it's not over yet guys this liner it's huge for   staff only there is light and a huge staircase  this is the entrance reception terribly scary   and there is an elevator imagine there's an  elevator look how many elevators look guys   what a tin abandoned liner basement let's go  to the basement but be careful there are bats it's scary look it's not flooded here i thought  it would be flooded do you hear what it's like someone yes what was it and then  what there are a lot of them a lot of bats   guys and again only for staff oh horror look now something is going to collapse there  are bats yes look at this there are just   a huge number of them lots of we have  to go through let's go take pictures   guys this is something walk quietly  so they don't attack us what is this   a bar look at the tinted glass be careful  don't scare away the bats shine i'm filming guys this is tin you have no idea how many bats  are here it's just a shock i don't know we won't   go there or shall we go let's go i will fight  back what an infection at least they didn't   bite guys this is just trash just trash abandoned  liner with bats actually complete nonsense look   how many there are in a small room i'm just  in shock guys it's trash it's complete trash they squeal bastards do you smell the stink  of bats we go to the end let's try it stinks   terribly in here won't we get poisoned there's  a room at the end i don't know what it is   guys here's the checkout listen i'm afraid  of them they rustle so much let's open this there is such horror something huge was crawling  up there enough let's get out of here anyway let's   get out of here guys it's getting really dangerous  here because i don't know what if they're rabid   anything could happen do you want to get into this  room wait hold on what's this guys look at this   by the way they run very fast  truth yes and jump scary guy   okay thresh what a terrible thing horror  it's tough how scary it is here who would   have thought that we would find something  like this on an abandoned island we didn't well what's there show me there is another room here i found fire extinguisher i've seen them before  a lot i see this for the first time   empty empty no pressure working in the captain's cabin does not open we would like  to get into the engine room   but i don't know how and then something  hatches it's flooded here yes but quieter water is standing and look there the  hatch goes further farther yes tin   did you hear how scary it gurgled horror this is dumb wait a second no [Applause] the wind is fierce thunder  rumbles on the street well the weather today trash closed another door is open it's the same here same  thing guys generally the same what is it anyway there is some air conditioning  where or a heater there look what's this heater   but why is there a heater listen they used  to swim in the water didn't they yes exactly   somewhere at the north pole don't know the  towels are still there listen is there water here no they don't spin they're rusty look what i  found only i don't understand my god what's this   some box but it has buttons music  volume lighting can you turn it over   lamp tv again there are a lot  of tvs here see how many wires what could it be multimedia center  japanese technology microwave look   or is it a safe another such conditioner  probably family rooms what fear here for   mom and dad look how cool it is the transition  from room to room and two doors look well stop look how cool the rooms are big beds as if  people just left yesterday can you imagine whoa this is apparently for the staff  something is written in thai another   vacuum cleaner where's the bug spray it  is there see how many phones there are   this is probably set in the  rooms and at the reception   in short a huge ship like a hotel learn to  write in russian how could it have ended up here how do you think it could have ended  up here maybe it's for the guests   and it has been lying here for a long time because  look how it is bent did russians live on this ship   can you imagine it is amazing all right folks  we're going upstairs we found another ladder   somewhere in the middle of a cruise ship look  what a luxury it was all in carpets and look   how it all fell apart it's a pity that's just  terrible rain started rain started oh we're going   back in the rain aren't we going to be flooded  here i hope it doesn't flood evacuation plan   wow diagram fourth floor we were walking down  the fire exit here are the stairs down and down   and another fire exit i wonder what the captain  has it was always interesting to know guys we   came out to the bow of the fourth floor let's  see what's there strange place yes it looks   very creepy what is happening on this ship it's  really cold here and why oh the smell is so bad   guys we ended up in a scary room here  all the walls are painted with paint   there must have been rituals going  on here and what is most interesting   it is cool here it just blows a chill  although the rest of the liner is very hot   why unclear why is it so cold in here what's  this this is the staff room it looks strange   what's this keys look that's luck here  they are where the keys to the rooms   i wonder if there are any marks from which floor  this is there is nothing here they are all signed   but they were specially connected  probably see which monitor   come paqueue where is the system unit i don't  see look what fashionable vacuum cleaners   hall of fame jose heepinson look the calendar  what is the date what is the date on the calendar   2010 2010 december 2010 guys and a  portrait of the king or whoever it is wow guys what did we find look the ancient system  block look how much dust is on it and look here   oh it's rusted of course hard drive inside and  the ram is in place and it's here too surprisingly   everything is abandoned and not stolen look  they disconnected everything they can hear what   do you think looters in thailand do not work well  terrible look everything is in place ram how much just numbers imagine there are russians  here look guys look how many plates   or what is it coffee pots the curtains are  still up what is it i thought it was mugs   let's drink tea it's aladdin's lamp let's rub it  there are a lot of them in short guys we want to   get into the captain's cabin onto the captain's  bridge there should be the most interesting thing again boxes see how many wires look how many wires oh god this is such a cruise ship see  what's outside the window oh my god it's full of jungle and there is the sea  i don't know if you can see okay i ran   because pasha went too actively  to look for the captain's cabin what is this sound don't know there  are a lot of strange sounds here guys it got even hotter in here the dance floor   place for hangouts look i thought there was a  ship and this mirror twitched maybe you know   the liner is cool do you hear what a rumble and  what was there it's a kitchen look what's this   what is this a manual lift it even works but it's  only on one floor yeah yes i understand here is   food and there is a restaurant yes we'll have  to go down quiet quiet do you hear this sound someone is walking on the roof it's just  awful guys see look what's on the fan   i don't see it what is it look cocoon not a cocoon  it's some kind of head someone's head is hanging   really there is no person guys how do  you like an abandoned ship a cruise ship   on a desert island there are such terrible  sounds you have no idea can you hear it   is it a cocoon or a head  i can t get it we must see it's really a cocoon and from  afar it seems like a head let's go hope it doesn't fall off seems to be  holding on tight yes it seems to be very reliable   oh that's what hangs on them hoses on these hooks   ah they separate them so they don't get tangled up  yes and when you pull them they probably fall out   well let's go to the roof let's  go too do you hear this sound there are such terrible sounds in this liner horror holy moly what is there get up faster  guys we just got up from here look what's here   look at the view from the window the mountains are  very beautiful cool beautiful mountains and rain   this is not a fog and here we have an elevator  it's better than prepeat it has been perfectly   preserved and here are all the necessary switches  this is an automatic elevator oh look at those   transistors do you hear how they squeak who they  are are these bats squeaking maybe yes those are   definitely bats well let's turn it on see which  transformer everything is in place guys there are   no marauders at all that's what foreign countries  mean our people would steal this instantly look   what board i don't know it looks better than me  since 2010 all this equipment has been abandoned   and everything is in place the contactors are in  place precious metals transformer copper why is   that look how it's plugged into the motherboard  see like ram from expansion you see some diodes   look cockpit cockpit position it costs  an incredible amount of money industries date the date 36 what september 6 36 it can't  be in the 40s can it another warning sign   it's probably ventilation there's a roof and the  rain is beating outside and it's dry here look   the collector cable is whole unassembled whoa  main launch and the electricity probably comes   from somewhere in the engine room there must be a  generator look there is a resistor at the top some   kind of powerful imported it is filled straight  look a spiral accumulator it's emergency power   and it's in place and why is it so small  but this is probably only for automation   not for the elevator and here's another one look  it's like a huge uninterruptible automatic voltage   stabilizer it's a voltage stabilizer wow yes  and it's just huge i wonder how many kilowatts   here is the apparatus here voltage and  current look here you can immediately   measure ammeter voltmeter guys this is the  roof this is the roof see what's around us stairs where are you going is there something there  don't know i see that there is a round antenna   there's ventilation and it works really record it it spins nightmare guys how huge this cruise ship  is you can't even imagine what's here toilets let's see wow a  public toilet on a cruise ship wash stands toilet bowls not  broken pay attention look   what's this termites yes it's the termite  ants that's probably starting to eat away   you see there was something here settlements  they seem to create the ground right [Music] [Applause]   look at this guys there is a whole banquet  hall there's nobody at the reception look at   the tables that are weird well stop oh my god  have you ever seen such tables in a restaurant   what's with that weird shape here feasts  were arranged and weddings were held   look there's a scene for talents what is  this here is it a buffet here a table on   the boat they probably laid out food in boats  can you imagine and here too some kind of scene   i don't know but this table is very oddly shaped  guys very strange look the talent scene don't want   to perform july 17th was the last disco have you  prepared a performance well today i'm performing speaker look which one the boat is really strange see  for yourself a boat full of food   what is there there is nothing interesting there  it's just a staircase that goes up to the roof here the boxes are empty and here is the kitchen what's this scoop  ventilation the scoop is so funny too   what a huge one of course look at the  ovens look there are sinks and faucets there is tap water here cool but how can  this be maybe on the roof of the barrel probably strange of course what it is  ventilation yeah these are such hoods here are the adjustments loudness and this is  brightness i guess it's a fan to blow harder or   weaker where are the speakers these are ordinary  small speakers oops the speaker was stolen and we   thought that there were no marauders in thailand  pasha look at what cartridges are on the bulbs   like on automobiles why aren't they like us this  is especially for ships probably also at 12 volts   guys we found something interesting in  the very edge some huge separators here   right next to the entrance oh the door is open  imagine listen maybe these are barrels of water maybe look there there are all sorts of motors this is the name  of a russian city do you see this effect i cannot   understand it feels like water is there no look  you can see through this thing how does it get   like that it's filled to the top it's up to here  with water you imagine how it works i also look   and i do not understand what the effect is i also  look and think we are in the matrix or something and the staircase is so spiral  upstairs cool another fire hydrant well we kind of were there we were upstairs   it's a fire exit to the roof oh what is there  and here is the staircase oh that's the one we   went through probably it's an emergency  descent 100 you heard looks like a cat will you call pasha isn't it wild probably wild if  on an uninhabited cruise ship here the eyes glow that's it it went out into the street interesting  sound it smells like grandpa's garage in here   yes the garage smelled so the engine compartment  is nearby can we find the engine bay we could   not find the captain's cabin but we can  still quite find the engine compartment no   is there water wow what is this look some kind  of descent inside the ship do you think the   engine bay is still there look what taps and  bats but i'm interested to see what's there   guys it looks like the engine is flooded  there is ventilation up there look i really don't understand something is  wrong here we went the wrong way we go back   and another one some kind of launcher come on  but be careful oh my god what is this some sort   of chair probably from here they controlled the  engine it's flooded there here the engine bay   is flooded folks here is the hatch here is the  launcher all eaten up by termites oh it's open wow i'm just shocked you have no idea  how many different relays are here   and everything is whole do you  know what it smells like insulation   see which transformer imagine transformer is  written one kilowatt is it a fuse maybe a plug   yes tin horror i can really feel how they're  shaking there are a billion of them that's   horrible it looks like we woke them up the engine  bay is probably there although on the other hand   here look let's go over the wall it'll be  safer that way do you need to take a seat i   am afraid that they will attack me horror it  flew so close to the face i'm in shock guys   how did they even let this happen so  many bats are here it's not normal either   the engine compartment and  then a million bats nonsense what's happening they are just crazy  everything is closed i don't know what   kind of strange compartment it is look at  those cool relays wow that's a power plant   look what is written [Music]  something's been taken horror of course it seems unsafe here look there are engines this is what we need  generators are enormous or what is it look   there are levers do you need to switch something  yes oh there's more fun in there look these are   the same motors we're looking for that move the  blades you know no they are pumping something   see the pipes these are engines that pump some  kind of liquid but why four pieces of them yes   here they are pipes something is going through  them with frantic pressure it's something rubbery   very soft probably something hot thermal  insulation everything would be fine but   there are a huge number of bats here if only they  didn't get bitten because they fly so hard what   is there they fly by just a centimeter yes here is  some kind of engine check out the compressor whoa trash i'm already blown by the wind from bats   here is the compressor you hear it even smells  of novelty carrier something's been going on   here the water was pumped out really pumped out  it's flooded by the way ah the usual pump look   weird pump control listen this is to pump  out the liquid no on the contract fire right yes these are all pumps a huge number but  these are not diesel units everything is   so incomprehensible some other things it  reminds me it's like high pressure pumps   they stand pumping something through this  coupling 70 psi yes there is pressure   weird and there's more in that next  faucet a huge number of engines   and everything somehow goes down  everything is so strange and unfamiliar so this is the heating maybe it's yes look thermal  insulation it must be boilers these are boilers   for apparently it traveled somewhere in the winter  counters yes these are boilers this is a burner   look diesel filters here is another burner look  how it is burned through it probably worked for   a long time and this is the engine but it is  small like an emergency here is his run two   some kind of quartz or whatever it is oh is it  working hours only two hours let's try to get   it started should we consider it new do you  think it's realistic to start it muffler yes   burned out something is missing the starter  must have been removed yes they did by the   way you can see the flywheel crown oh look what a  powerful engine but that's probably not it either   yes it's not it it's some kind of compressor look  there is a seat some cylinders complete nonsense   and oil too this is tin of course  they're further the more terrible   guys somehow uncomfortable there is nowhere  to go see how little space there is here is   a thermometer how many degrees are there now  thirty seven degrees now thirty seven horror   can you hear the bats whining and one hundred one  fahrenheit ah the insulation is broken horror of   course and we cannot yet find the most important  the most important engine are you making noise another balloon look i found a cool thing   how unusual it is yes this is a find it's not just  a detail you know it's it's like from an airplane   it's like either an aircraft engine or from there  bats fly how to get through there's an engine sure   but how do i get in there but i could be wrong  tin guys in short there is some kind of super   secret compartment to the left there is the  entrance there is also a hatch well stop it's   these things electrodes they might be radioactive  by the way let's light it up i don't understand   what these boxes are there are a whole bunch  of them here is there a fuel reserve don't know [Music] feel the papers [Music] horror how many bats gathered here you scared   tin look there's water and something's  coming down and what is it floating some   flasks these are some light bulbs light  bulbs float tin oh god what is this sound [Applause]
Channel: Kreosan English
Views: 3,971,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: journey Chernobyl, Cycling, scientific videos, experiments, designers, stalker, Kreosan, travel, electricity, DIY, kreosan, crazy slav, slavs, chernobyl, pripyat, chernobyl nuclear reactor, journey, radiation, Chernobyl, plant Jupiter, stalk in chzo, Stalker in Pripyat, laboratory in a flooded basement, shelter, secret, forest, liquidators, Exclusion Zone, restoring, ghost town, dweller, hidden camera, flat, repair, adventures, npp, nuclear power plant, Chernobyl Zone, Military Lab, cruise ship
Id: gUAd2XXzH7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 8sec (2948 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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