We Went to the Abandoned "Island of Death"... (ITALY)

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Abandoned videos might be my favorite they do.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/213_ 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2019 đź—«︎ replies
before we start this episode we just went announced that we are releasing our second ever documentary coming out August 11th it was a week-long trek through the jungle with some of the best creators in the world and one of the most epic adventures we've ever captured we're currently in the middle of editing and we can't wait for you to see it but we have a 20-second sneak peek for you to watch right now before the video starts here we go [Music] what is it howler monkey it sounds like working Jurassic Park right now we can't wait to tell you more but for now enjoy the video [Applause] there are a few places on this planet that you can read the history of and leave you wondering how is this possible how did all of this darkness happen in one place is it just a coincidence or is there something strange attracting it well today we're gonna try to go to one of those places it's an abandoned island off the coast of Venice Italy and most people who have ever heard of it are certain that the island is evil and while reading up on what's happened there it's definitely not hard to believe last summer we got a phone call from our friend exploring with Josh or as we like to call him the abandoned king he is a YouTube creator friend of ours mostly making videos around exploring abandoned places and he told us about this island the place is called Poveglia for centuries it's been a refuge a place of exile and a dumping ground for the disease dying and the dead in 1348 the bubonic plague arrived in Venice and Poveglia became a quarantine colony fearing the uncontrollable spread of the disease venice shipped off many of its symptom bearing citizens there a certain death sentence and many of the ones too sick to protest were burned and over the centuries over a hundred thousand people lost their lives on this island but that might not be the worst of it the late 1800s an asylum was built for the area's mentally ill and in 1922 we had turned into a mental hospital where a doctor took advantage with the isolation and privacy to allegedly experiment on his face with amongst many other things lobotomies crude lobotomies you later threw himself from the hospital tower of the claiming he'd been driven mad by ghosts and so before leaving to Venice Italy to film our last episode we call Josh to ask him if he'd be available to take us to the island in a few days josh has arrived right now and he says he isn't slept for 24 hours ladies and gentlemen we are with the abandoned king that's actually a cool name Debbie you got you guys got me out here you guys really comb comb call it's like you know what you're right I have to go discomfort that's baby yeah how far is this island I know that's the thing that's the thing is no one knows because obviously it's against it's like no one goes here yeah so we're trying to wing this one my big fear and all this is that the driver leaves and then just doesn't come back I was thinking too like what if we're stranded on the island of death then what who can the helpless then Josh is showering up he's getting ready and literally after two hours of him arriving we're gonna go out and we're gonna try and find a boat and go to the island within the next two hours this is terrifying honestly I wasn't nervous until I read online about how difficult it is to get there how like haunted people say it is and how a messed up background the whole island has apparently everybody that's every person that's ever been on the island absolutely never wants to go back so cool that says anything definitely getting a little nervous now god you know that we can stay on the island for two hours service okay can we call for real yeah okay Wow now we're really depending on them coming back as they've been I'll come back we're stuck out there got like a luxury boat here for us you're taking a frickin limousine to the island of death well we're exiting one of the most beautiful romantic spots in the world to go to one of the gloomiest and onset places in the world I don't know how many people have willingly gone to this island you know 99.9% of people did not want to go to this island [Music] [Music] there we go I will well I mean we made it out I'm speechless right now so what does that say I think like treta no trespass or keep out I think it's just a welcome inside drinks and coffees to the left all right so I think it's definitely that way an entrance seems legit yeah we can't stay out here for too long well hide here from a virus we're just walking it's worth scared just think of the people who have suffered here I wonder what this was hold the railing please just a hundred sixty thousand people dead that half the soil is made of dead people it feels very eerie when you arrived but we've only been on like you want to scratch the surface I'll do this holes on the ceiling literally a hole straight [Music] [Music] straight jungle yeah even oh my god even the trees but the trees is making everything's come soundless like we're like a sound room yeah this is so creepy I'm Mike I'm not usually this scared of abandoned places we've done a bunch of these but this one is especially just like there's a weird feeling in my stomach that's apparently there's a couple islands nearby that they actually start to dig up and they found mass graves in them and they've never actually dug anything here so they're expecting there to be just like you dig a hole and there's just and they said that half the soil on the entire island is made up of human remains so we're stepping on right now usually like nice guided tours it'll freak you out I am so creeped out now that right there definitely looks like a prison cell [Music] [Music] I swear I've walked out of the it's what we think is the prison and it sounded like there was somebody standing right next to me and I just freaked I was one of you guys and there's nothing I don't know if your mind starts to play games on you and you're in crazy places are we going Matt there might be a church down here Matt went for the simple men attack straight through I'm not gonna charge through like you did [Music] it might be the church it's small but it's for the island like every other building it's super it's just destroyed and overgrown Josh said every single Asylum he's ever been to is at a church yeah better than this one but what it is running Island what do you expect huh but one last thing the burning grounds which is across this bridge coming up where they burned all the victims add the Black Plague don don don feel like nauseous being on this island okay the other side of this bridge is the burning grounds they've burnt all the bodies and had to play 160 thousand dead people then it's right there it's right Erie the fact that it's so quiet makes it even creepier like you really pay attention to the wind and like every little sound and you just wonder like every little bump in nature you wonder is that like is that a grave just being here alone on this island this pretty surreal we have no idea what this building is or just but it potentially may be the creepiest one out of all of them and there's a staircase that goes up that we're about to go up let's get out of here - it just bugs everywhere there's another staircase I don't know what it leads to Wow whoa that goes up so I should we do it that's scary looks pretty sturdy they're worth it I don't know if I'll be able to see any stand on that thing it falls down do you think life is worth the risk [Music] I don't like this at all Oh God so freakin scary we go through there gather beds and stuff you're making me scared now [Music] some reason I feel like there's always somebody waiting in these dark rooms because there's like a tiny bit of light peering out I feel like there's a person in there I don't know if I'm just gonna pee myself out the towers been blocked guys yeah it's the only way to get access to the tower after three hours of walking around the island we were done and as we were leaving the absence of life that we experienced on this island and what remains of it left us feeling hollow heavy and baffled that places like this even exist which made us wonder how many other places have we been to with such a horrible past should these places stay isolated and avoided or should they be embraced as a part of our history and serve as an opportunity to learn only time will tell whether this place will remain a real-life Museum and a glimpse into some of our past or be torn down and transformed into something completely new leaving its mad history forgotten we'll see you next week [Music] Thomas flew the drone really well and this happened oh my god you're going to Black Plague water oh my god that is incredible how do you feel disgusting I hope I don't have 18 diseases [Music]
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 3,876,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yes theory, yes theory abandoned, yes theory italy, yes theory venice, urban exploration, poveglia, abandoned island, island of death, black plague venice, exploring with josh yes theory, haunted island, shutter island, venice island, exploring with josh, abandoned mental hospital, abandoned insane asylum, lobotomy, abandoned church, abandoned prison, abandoned island in italy, yes theory abandoned mansion, abandoned exploration
Id: ka7EgAAk2_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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