Investigating the World's "Happiest" Country

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we've stranded ourselves in the middle nowhere me too boy oh my God holy to be honest we are confused through our travels we seek to understand the world we don't shy away from exploring our darker Corners in search for light as much as we want to make sense of the special regions of our planet to understand and break down the keys to how they find more daily Joy or longevity than others and on this Quest there is one Enigma that's been tickling our brains for some time now the happiest country in the world as the US the only country that has the pursuit of happiness written as a right in its Declaration of Independence fell outside of the top 20 happiest countries in the world for the first time this year one wonders how can another country top the rankings as the happiest country in the world 7 years in a row yet very little is actually known about what makes this place so persistently happy we've been scratching our heads over this and we can't seem to find any clear answers online and so if we're honest as current Skeptics of this Statistics we went on the search for happiness in the happiest country in the world the small Northern Nation near the Arctic Circle Finland okay time to go to Finland I'll see you there okay yeah man the worst happiest country welcome this is it huh um I believe it is so let's just talk to some people and see if we can find anyone to cooperate hello hello we just want to say congratulations to being the world's happiest uh country for seven year at a time yeah so what about it are you from Finland congratulations to being the country in the world for the seventh time inia I have hard to believe it really we're like what a joke I mean look at weather really for the seventh time in a row when it's already the seventh time you don't feel so much why are we the happiest like we don't know we don't know why are we well we figured this wasn't going to be easy and that staying in the capital would likely not give us the adventure or the answers we are looking for and so a few days ago the spark for this trip actually came from our beloved in-house positivity man staan after he made a random phone call with someone on the internet to book a sauna I call a dude his name is Nik but he has invited us to go to [ __ ] where he lives and we are invited to a party a village party with like people from the entire town and it's happening this Saturday in 48 hours this Saturday this Saturday today wow so uh the what where are you taking me bro you heard that correctly we are heading to a 90 themed Village Party in the middle of nowhere in the depths of this country you think we'll find the secret to happiness here I I think so we're going to P tomorrow it's going to be really really small place we going to do you know that pleas good luck if you guys want to come with us no no yeah we are going there tomorrow good luck for you what if people keep saying that can we have a meeting what the [ __ ] are we doing we flown here to Finland yeah cuz you said this is going to be a really good party yep and so far every person we've said we're going to the this town is laughing at us we feel it would be rude however to come Uninvited and empty-handed so strategically we teamed up with this guy Nico who owns a sauna truck so you're a sauna truck entrepreneur hey yeah you see s SAA Master wow saas are basically one of the most important aspects of life in Finland the tradition goes back for thousands of years so we figured that bringing one with us wherever we go would be the ultimate way to break the ice with locals actually I think it's a great time to tell you that I have another surprise we trusted Nik the owner of the SAA truck but he reached out to me and he said would you like to meet world sauna Championship teimo Konan he's like the world number one in heat resistant and he's friend with him and he invited us to meet him tomorrow we're going to do SAA with the most heat resistant man in the world tomorrow morning well that's fing weird and kind of cool our adventure is escalating by the second and this next part May indeed be one of the important components of what we believe to be the finished happiness equation that we will be slowly uncovering throughout our experience in the country you see Finland has more saunas than cars if you look at a map of saunas in Finland it looks like this 90% of Finnish people state that they sauna at least once a day and in 2020 sonas were inscribed on the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list but within the mainstream sauna World there is a subculture pushing the human limits to the extreme within that subculture one man stands Above the Rest Teo cinin a five-time sauna endurance Champion he's received a somewhat legendary yet complicated status after the infamous 2010 final where the Russian competing against him died and he himself landed in a coma with serious skin damage after this incident the competition was discontinued however despite this horrible accident teemo's love for saunas and extreme temperatures has not changed and an incredible fashion we will get to Goa for the first time in the Kingdom of sonas with the master of heat resistance himself where are we heading today B like nowhere Finland we're going to go to a party party yeah wow why are you going to be we we we are on a search for happiness and you going to be the road trip to the most heat resistant man in the world begin we're in some random towns in Finland right now come on he nice thank you you know that Finland was voted the happiest country in the world for S years in a row do you think the Sonic could have anything to do with it he's probably talked a lot about the accident you know did that ever change anything about how he felt about SAA or is it still something that he loves to do I'm a little worried about how hot the SAA is going to be here um because I don't know if we're talking about the same experience we're going to find out okay thank you this is your home this is can't be real oh my God we'll find out but before we hop into what would be the hottest sauna of Our Lives we first want to thank the sponsor of today's video co-pilot Fitness who's offering a 14-day free trial link in the description below having a consistent workout routine is hard especially for us for one day we're living normally here in Paris to the next day feeling our skin burn off what level are we at but with copilot Fitness you get matched with a personalized trainer who understands your needs and goals reminds you of when to work out so that you don't have to think about it and can adjust your workout so that you don't need any equipment for it which for us means we can stay consistent even when we're on the road or inside an oven ow my ears we've been using co-pilot for a month now and after having an onboarding call with our PT Nate well it is great to meet you we've gone to learn new exercises we hadn't tried before with proper form along with keeping us accountable to go to the gym and stake assistance thanks to Nate pushing me guiding me I'm here again so yeah go go pilot so if you are finally ready to take control of your fitness journey you can check out the link in the description below to get 14 days for free with your own personal trainer all right now back to our misery what's his usual heat I would never go to 130 that's like too much for me at least I don't know if the camera can we some water find out oh my god wow we don't know if this camera will survive no is this beginner level for him when you're breathing it's I like this is getting maybe a little bit too much and like no no no what's what level are we at we're at five apparently okay so we shall breath what do I do what do I do I bre our GoPro literally just stopped recording shut itself off because of the heat yeah are you okay yeah I never done that before that's the hottest thing I've ever experienced 100% me too like a leap nice man Legend hottest temperature in competition was uh 158° C starting point what the f you could literally bake potatoes from Iceman to man now out to the middle of the countryside that was [ __ ] insane that was wild that was wild I feel like awake though me too like the Sona may be an understated element to this equation that we're looking for maybe one of the answers that even the fins just take for granted because it's just part of their life everyone seem to do it's either for Solitude and meditation or for community and engaging with others that's what he said does this guy who's throwing this party have any idea that we're coming he has zero idea that we coming so I like fre we haven't seen a car oh two hands on a wheel we haven't seen a car can you please look on the road it always happens to me when I drive I get like hyped and then I start to move around on there that's really dangerous actually [Music] anyways um well I'm not pointing fingers but um we've driven into a ditch oh it's bad Stan what are you thinking we we were so happy in Pak and then this [Music] [Applause] happened never driving again we are buried in the snow here and if you look at the tracks this is where he could have driven this is where he ended up I'm flying the Drone to see how where we are if there's anything around us and literally we've stranded ourselves and I use we kindly in the middle ofing nowhere so apparently this entire road is shut and closed like this doesn't even take you anywhere Nico told me that one road will take longer time than the other and he he's sure right because this will take much longer and you didn't think in that moment to say hold on Nico told me not to take this one road this might be it we've been here for a while we are saved Stan M nice to meet you does this happen sometimes on these routs or first time it happens all the time no worries hello hello I'm n Nik nice to meet you thank you welome to Finland thank you so much thank you y go mik thank you mik you know what I've noticed about PS is they're always willing to help these people know people that we called two days ago that we've never met and they came two of them to help us from both directions the other thing that I've realized is that I'm going to drive the rest of the world I knew you were going to say that thank you man see you bye-bye well ladies and gentlemen there she was look at that it's a full truck the beauty we come all this way for nice happy to have you here alive so that's step one we are bringing this to a party we are not really invited to oh my God how did you build this [Applause] [Music] there's a freaking bar in here maybe maybe strobos oh my God it might seem that everything is crazy and crazy and crazy but this is like my way of living you know and my dream so yeah and you like bringing the sauna to to people seeing their faces their smiles when they come out that's right yeah if they can have some happiness from my work what what would be better yeah why do you think Finland has been voted the happiest country in the world maybe you could speak like about the state of mind I think everything's going to be all right don't to worry you know there's a very kind spirit in Finnish people the nation has been true so so much and you know this word really sisu sisu is like courage and you know stiffness of mind like don't giveing up what do I see here oh let's go this is sick uh becoming a superhero everyone in the SAA are like in the same level you can have even like a president or city major or something and then you know everyone are at the same line because you are naked in the naked physically and mentally and like that's a unique part of the culture I think to experience the vulnerability too of being naked and accepting yourself naked next to a bunch of other strangers must be like kind of freeing you're like [ __ ] it you know you kind of accept yourself at the end of the day you're stabing get it yeah wow this is beautiful in here I love to show places for nice people in my home do you think anybody outside of this Village has ever attended this party before outside the village really rare have you ever seen a formula car F1 of course not you want to see are you not entertained I had these on and that's the loudest thing I've ever heard you screaming up what holy wow I was expecting a lot of things coming to Finland and this is not one of them how do you have an fed car in your like Garden every finish guy has one formal don't you want to come with me yeah go okay let's go let's go see you at the party bro what the are we doing first time being in a truck okay we ready to go let's go we are actually rolling well here we go pretty crazy that you and me were speaking on the telephone like 48 hours ago and I'm sitting in your truck wouldn't have anything better to do this weend hey man this is where the Magic's supposed to happen oh nice to meet you nice to meet you I'm Thomas Stan nice to meet you yeah he and you're the dj yes wow the two most three most important guys here okay here it comes brought a sauna oning Wheels to a party how do you feeling about this sonra very let's go yeah yeah he says that there's like two or 300 people coming here today oh wow County that lady beautiful lady is this going to be a an amazing party or what was amazing one right yes okay this is the legendary venue that we've flown all this way for oh wow nice to meet you nice to meet you st fun we're here for the party tonight yeah I appreciate your do you speak Swedish SW here com oh my God this place feels like a time capsule to the90s maybe even further back this is a A Relic W people are already hello hello hi I have a feeling that we're going to make so many new friends tonight I have a feeling as well yes oh wow wa what is this WOW Mona Lisa Mona Lisa is it the real one this like an antique store hello [Music] kusta why are you arranging this party [Music] tonight yeah I love it okay okay so I guess it's time for you do the other party I guess it's time for was that too fast or it's fine party fin fin Finland hey hey to come in you're doing great brother DJ the best DJ [Music] w w w are you happy very very happy are you happy yes I am very very happy very happy me too holding a camera in here is like holding like a big red sign saying I'm not from here I was just wondering why are you here I'm here people keep asking us that because Finland is the happiest country in the world oh yeah we are yeah we are we have so many happy things here people here take care of each other as well we've had so many people help us a well everyone here is saying we are the happiest country I've yet to meet someone who who said they don't believe it we love we love Finland I love you too I love you I love you too oh manest dudes are just big teddy bears here it's a good hug after befriending some people from the party it was surprisingly easy to pull some people in with us finally get the son trck for me to finish SAA is more like friends sharing the feelings between other people of course sometimes we start singing some guy just trying to tell that how it's going with your girlfriend or something like that so that's the real point it doesn't matter what you look like it's just being friends and with everybody so it's we're all Eco [Music] here hello hello you know these five ladies we were dancing with now they told me that tomorrow at 12:00 they are all going to compete in an ice swimming competition in a lake here after meeting these wonderful ladies on the dance floor they invited us to something quite unique ice swimming competition I swimming competition I swimming is rumored to be maybe as old of a tradition as the sauna culture in Finland it is a weekly for some and for others daily aspect of life which we now in recent science know is immensely beneficial in short increments for our physical and mental well-being and so naturally as we're here to experience everything finished we said yes we are on our way to an ice swimming competition that we are going to witness the lovely ladies that we met last night did you hear that that was Thomas us signing up for the competition can you please stay focused on theing road oh it's right there there they are my my heart is actually racing now hello hello are you happy y oh sh it's freezing Thomas brog he's done 425 competitions last year 400 compet that's more than one per day yeah this is the bridge to hell now we go s feeling ready let's go excited no wow the first one is already in wow are you kidding me she's just chilling after a party on a Sunday freaking morning they're just going swimming into the ice water are you happy very happy it up fin woman finished woman yeah just for context this is how dressed I am and I'm already freezing can't really feel my hands oh my God she's going very very far very very these ladies were a lot more inspiring than we originally anticipated off camera we learned that one of them had lost two of her children in an accident just 2 years ago and another had lost her husband but they've stuck together and go into the cold weekly if not daily hence their nickname the power ladies amazing feel like a winner wow you are a winner these women are making this Look So Easy any famous last words I hope I come back the women are CH chilling the men are like what do you think of that I think that's amazing because we have just been thinking like where are all the men yeah strong women Inland right yeah definitely after interacting with many fins and our 4-day trip in the country most who who had no clue who we were or what we were doing here we have to say that we did feel something special here yes take a deep breath well done take a deep breath oh our boy I'm sorry to say but you were screaming like wasting the energy I figured I didn't do it the right way a sense of unity and looking after each other a kindness and love for laughter it's my turn for f oh my god oh doing this I am happy putting some pride to the Yer name out here representing we also learned that after many years of war in the previous Century against their big neighbor Russia that there's also an inherent courage and gratefulness for the current peace fins seem to know how to make the most of the Simple Pleasures in life nature sonas cips parties and a good sense of humor B bort Oh Come on B Stan [Applause] [Music] to and so after this trip we really have to admit that despite both of us having family roots in the friendly rival country of Sweden and having arrived as total Skeptics that Finland being the happiest country in the world makes a whole lot of sense to us now oh
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 1,061,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yestheory, seek discomfort, yes theory strangers, yes theory travel, yes theory subscribers, getting out of your comfort zone, Amazon FBA
Id: UrVCVVv08Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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