ABANDONED Murder Mansion | Everything Behind so What Really HAPPENED

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hello explorers and welcome back my awe family standing outside this huge abandoned mansion guys let me give you a little tease now a couple of little clips and then we're going to get on with this video but this is incredible a well preserved huge mansion there's cars stuff everything here from the children's toys to the ladies underwear everything is still in this abandoned mansion so after exploring this beautiful mansion and digging deeper into its past we found out this Mansion had strong Mafia connections the families that grew up here were all macular related but some say they fled Italy through some crimes they committed where this artist and his misses then came along and brought the Mansion to renovate it back to its former glory but some say that he borrowed money off the original family that used to live here as he had connections with them and then some say that you couldn't pay the debts that he owed to the family so they were sending him death threats for him and his family to completely vanish and now this place sits completely abandoned he left everything behind his clothes everything so what's happening YouTubers we are standing at the front door of this huge Italian Mansion yes guys I'm back in Italy so as you're going to take you through this place and explain a little bit of the history or what we found out so far now I'm not gonna lie I've actually taken a walk around this place before I've started viewing what we've worked at is the guy that lived here was in Italian I was an Italian guy that lived here it was a very famous artist in his town and we seem to believe that a lot of people love this guy like really really did so as we take a walk now down the first Corridor coming through one of the front doors we're going to turn it in here straight into the kitchen guys this is a true Time Capsule and this is what I love so much about traveling over Europe is everything is so well preserved this beautiful uh kind of looks like like an art deco type tile in all around the sink and just to show you as well these huge ceilings in this place I mean that's not even exaggerating that's probably a good 12 feet high and just to show you how cold these properties are you can see the boards falling down from the fireplace it's amazing literally everything's still here what is this Olio 1998 on that medicine Bowl but it is absolutely beautiful you see a little a lot of mice as well have come in and made themselves gassier and when we might have kind of lowered the kitchen there because it looks like oh maybe you have for storage but this place is huge stuff still here all the Crockery everything it's incredible isn't it guys even the wines sat there still at the table a 1967 there vinceno that's a bit creepy why there's a I mean I don't really want to leave that in this like that [Applause] oh probably just touched a murder weapon still wine still has sat in somebody's bottles it's amazing though isn't it absolute beautiful out of the kitchen we've got like a maybe another like type pantry all the wine bottles again still sealed look at these old sinks that's crazy and again we're already finding our art in this property wow look at this guys standing in the courtyard and if you can see it up there a Bruce literally caved in imagine this is just the courtyard on this place is such a tall building so now imagine back in the day these huge doors opening up letting the horse and cars come in so just come out that big room look at this it's like a little workshop or something another little kitchen I thought it was like some kind of little yeah I think he's I think this is like little Pottery things the old key having that last skit turning some kind of lot coming through the year I was born I know 90. it's Anna August I don't know I don't have a newspaper 1965. and here I don't know if this is original blueprints or drawings of this place I think some of the rooms in here looks like obviously not renovated recently but a long time ago maybe if had some kind of renovation done coming straight into another room huge size and beams across the ceiling this fireplace is so incredible sucker looks like a figurine of a snake or something on that back it's absolutely beautiful so I don't know if they're using this part I was using this part as a storage at some point look at her here guys wow foreign looks like the old Pizza Oven out here it's a swimming pool down there this is incredible the old artwork around the walls just memories sitting everywhere just like a complete ghost house this door frame is so short as well you can just see his artwork completely everywhere as we walked the hallways of this mansion there's an original like camera case there I'm sure that we've been used for a little pen and wallet 1982 your notebook as you before I was born just looking back down the hallway just so much in this place it says door's about to fall off the hinges guys check this out his little office or her office loving this little Carter here look at this let me see how long that's been left there that glass pretty incredible makes you wonder what the last sort of movies they were watching there's a cassette literally sticking out the VHS free VHS I'm not really sure what it's for either but maybe the uh it's probably like their Netflix and chill couldn't decide what to watch so we put all three in and just make a decision it's incredible isn't it the size of this huge chest here that lid guys honestly oh I'm loving his desk a little gambling wheel coming straight out in the office room straight into which means looks like the old library see the book saying you can just imagine him or her just sitting there playing away the tunes I mean the last song that was playing was that scale more Gloria immunora per Mondo the old LPs to wear the vinyl sitting on the side just all that book collection everything was still there I'm loving this on the wall as well it's maybe like the old Italy so there's a lot of like castles and houses and churches and stuff I don't know what this like secret room is but you can't since she's so stopping in the way so you've got guys you're gonna see and I'm not maybe it's into the corridor again so it's live when the last time them pens were used untouched just looking around this side little cassettes so many books such a way to say all these books when they could go into a library in something instead of being in maybe in a land field one day foreign exploring as well this is standing this side of his desk look at these chairs come on guys you've got her you've got to admit these are incredible look at the way to finish as well the holes just drilled tight enough to knock the um chamfered kind of legging it's amazing yeah I mean this is an incredible desk look at the size of this desk and maybe he was like a Gambling Man or she there's a picture there you know when I see pictures like this it's maybe they had the photo done and they thought this was a renovation and that's why some parts of the place look really empty all the little gambling chips The Dominoes fast and maps it's the last book on this side 2002. our playing cards guys I really like going through people's stuff I'm going to open one drawer I can't stay from that draw there's no later here we don't tell you in there guys oh look at that [Music] foreign [Music] God's country not the old VHS after hours 11 of September 2001. so many books videos I mean all right let's take you upstairs guys collapse look at these stairs as well so they're floating stairs foreign again another like Book Rack and out these huge Stone staircase just to use artwork everywhere it seems she looks like a maybe a number two or she's got a hand tucked around the back this looks like maybe it was one of his art studios at some point who sat here on his desk oh [ __ ] I keep saying he but a nice little jewelry box for like showers well it's actual Money Box actually I'm seeing so many like old toys and stuff this looks like an old maybe 90s or 80s walking pistol just Super Soaker or something again another room just completely filled with artwork forgotten about I need to see it I've seen a lot of his work just just it looks like he's just dumped you know maybe a young girl they're alone with her mother it could even be his wife maybe in their daughter I don't know I don't know if that'll be a bit strange or what but again she's pregnant there and I've eaten early okay I can't even move that one I don't want to break them either just a bit more damage them so much talent just left this ceiling in here it's absolutely incredible I'm just seeing so much history just left these beautiful old buildings which is just the cost of renovation is for standing this side it looks like maybe an old church fuel I'm really fascinated with this it's actually like built coming out the wall it's incredible see the border that was left of the old painting the old Boulder they're going around look at the ceiling as well it's just coming straight out the hole there clothes still hanging and what if they did a lot of these lower ceilings to try and keep the place warm because you imagine trying to heat this place it's kind of like quirky sort of jacket there medication and stuff having this whole bottle look at this looks very old Aqua the studio no day on there but still very cool all those shoes it's crazy that it's still sat in the boxes in there little slippers purple camper here so you always think when I see loads of clothes and act like the homeless and a lot of people that might do with these old clothing well that isn't creepy a little Charles Darwin the hallway look at the Sharks completely rotten in the ivory growing through I love these Arch type brickwork as well and what is going on in this room I don't know if she's happy or what look at them now even though it looks like it's been kind of stored in the corner loving this little tight cut child's bed look at this and all the dolls as well just makes you wonder how long we're gonna it's like a little brass type elephant I'm loving a little child's chair there is a very uh bricks sort of um shocked face like white here which looks that old look it's just falling apart and how long the battery's been in there there's another hanging by its hair as well look what's left of the old child swing I've already spotted something in this room that I really do like guys check that out very old little oops parts of an old sailboat there look at this the Jolly that is so cool an original child's bumper car a little steel frame and a battery on the back put in the comments below how many people would like this and agree with me that is so cool [Applause] more child's toys a little wash dryer I don't think I mean disagree with me if you think as well but I just don't think that children's toys are built the way like there was maybe it's just like a toy room or or just a store room for the old toys the children have grown up as I said a lot of these toys now are I'd say a lot of them are maybe 70s 80s I mean this little tourist in its box as well a little sewing machine and what I will say is a lot of the toys that look like they've been well played with which is cool to see I know there's a lot of toy collectors and stuff but I think toys should be played with I said before I was gonna go I see this little chair I just pulled out the box I think one of the door we should sit in it foreign [Applause] there you go you can join dory's car corridor Dolly's corner should I say what is that I think it's like and when you're learning piano and stuff I think that I can't remember they're called pendulum to see another little toy here another little ride on looks like maybe like a base on a beetle my daughter would love this I'm not maybe this one because it's loads of bits missing but she loves her little tea sets and stuff so have a look along there in a minute we're gonna head into one of the bedrooms guys check this out tell me this isn't an absolute beautiful run everything literally is still here and it's about trying to picture the person the people that lived here and maybe seeing the lady of a little mirror I had a brush there checking the back of her head out the drawers still full with stuff [Applause] look at this wardrobe and what I don't want to miss in this room as well which I'm going to show you now look at this ceiling how beautiful is that that's why a lot of houses today they've lost that character it's the same as old cars I think old cars have character and old houses buildings everyone loves them it's the expense upkeep and trying to build them as well there were suede jackets still there oh wow all of his suits are completely there still even his Indiana Jones kind of style hat there his boots incredible and these are probably very expensive like real leather shoes and we are in Italy so I've got a box there tiger I don't want to miss as well as it looks like a some kind of like Roman figure on top of there as well absolutely beautiful two more little dolls sat on the chair it looks like you need a watermelon it's a shame that obviously you can see the artwork on the scenes damaged by the ceiling falling down right here so I don't know if this is like correctly guys is this a ventilation system or is this when they used to have the old like heater going downstairs pumps heat up through the rooms loving this table here as well you can see how they've kept a big lump of real wood there as well absolutely beautiful I'm not sure what this stuff is in here which looks a bit tired okay it looks like we can go around the other way to that room but I love his shoes are still near the bed as well and now they've made do you know where the cabinets obviously collapse and they've kind of long you can see the legs are just falling off fine detail and you think everything here is completely hard hand carved as well so here's another bed so when I was a little kid I had one of these you know I used to always asked to play with Lamy lamb lamb this is like a bear as you can see it's sad really you think this this toy was once used little child sat and it probably grabbing its ears rocking it around it's just here now collecting dust it's amazing though let's see the dustler just loving these little beds as I said the detail on every headboard and so definitely his side but the old Roman Emperor there and the lady on that one true Time Capsule guys [Music] [Laughter] so as we close the door on her bedroom foreign doors would it be a new owner maybe someone who discovers this afterwards yes I think it's absolutely beautiful so these are people's lives okay this is how they build their life all their stuff they collected for years and years now being left why the same question I always ask myself why it's just beautiful you see the artwork everywhere even like her underwear just left here I'm loving this this Italian Villa Mansion type it's huge his and her sink I can see the stuff's still here as well never been at this packet I don't even see a date on that probably on the tube itself Kaya don't want to open it but I do as well that makes any toothpaste but it's kind of stayed suit with all this one [Applause] I've still got his packet there don't know that first kind of date there double o's in year 2000. it is back in the packet a lot of those prices as well were before the euro look at the laundry still here in the bathtub at the desktop still hanging there all the clothes still hanging over the route even a dirty laundry basket still full of underwear and stuff foreign someone's life obviously now passed away and I just want to add as well guys that a lot of people to see my videos sometimes like now I don't know the history on them so I try and do some research when I find out you might see in the beginning of the video when I actually told a bit of the story I'm gonna actually start the video this story maybe sounds different it's just how it is you know and it's only because we can't always determine who lives in a place and what happened here while obviously while we're here exploring it it's just maybe some uh yeah some uh birthday balloons there to allowed some fun using them oh wow guys this walk-in wardrobe it's incredible everything of hers and his still in here other side and his side everything would have been neatly put here obviously someone's gone through it or probably trying to ransack trying to maybe see what they can find in here valuables I see a lot of like maybe during cases that have been opened up see a lot of jewelry cases been opened up and the reason you see a cut there there was a letter there and I've just turned it over a letter on the back so cool though isn't it I'm out of the uh closet room into the hallway walking around here another bathroom and look how these windows are so overgrown and then here we've got the obviously the shower basin it's crazy here's some kind of artwork again [Applause] as I say this is obviously a lot of empty rooms here another bit of artwork and again that was a puzzle looks like there's a bit of a storeroom again it's incredible though the size of this place I feel like you get lost walking around in there look at this old vintage stuff in here a vintage TV the old photo there there's an old Mercedes in here look at this so standing in now back out the front as I said you can imagine the horse and carts coming up here through that main front door into the courtyard a beautiful place and here we can't actually get into any of that part there but which would have been the old Stables and I'm not sure what this bit is it's completely unfinished whatever it is to the grounds absolutely beautiful what can I say it's incredible um definitely a couple there I actually grew up there a lot more that's a lot of their old child toys but it's definitely been a band for a long time not found anything in there later than I think it was the 90s just get that feeling that someone's gonna look out the window at me at any minute some old ghost or something to cause another trip to Italy no obviously Steve's running the show on this trip so uh I'm sure we all know him over there [Applause] if you don't know Steve I'm sure you do go and check him out guys explorers that's it always YouTubers that's about it yeah my my spot is called the ronin's oh okay it's called the ronins it uses explorers okay I always say a lot of awe family awe family so yeah guys go and check him out but yeah what a cool place I love this place too anyway guys it's out for me love you loads obviously yeah check us out on Instagram Facebook all links are in description and thank you so much to everyone who supports awe love you all stay safe and I'll see you on the next adventure
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 50,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QwdyRE9hm1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 44sec (2324 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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