He Lived Alone and Isolated | Shocking Find in this French Farmhouse

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What?? am I seeing this right? No. Oh no! The  brush and those... Les, is on the camera. Les... In 1995, Simon took his final breath  in his picturesque farmhouse nestled   in the French countryside. With his wife  already departed, he spent his remaining   days in serene solitude. They both used  to be very humble and simple people,   living off the land and what  they could produce and trade. Fast forward to the present day, and we find  ourselves stumbling upon this very farmhouse,   now abandoned and overrun by the  force of nature. But surprisingly,   everything still remains exactly like in 1995.  Pictures adorn the walls of this quaint house,   transporting us back to the time  when the Salonish family still lived. [Music] Here, each and every photograph in this  house holds a narrative of the weight of   life that these people once had. [Music]  The reason behind this abandoned house   remains a mystery to us. After researching,  we discovered that the previous owners had   children. It's perplexing why they never returned  to retrieve their parents' belongings. However,   that was not the only thing the house  had. One more surprise in store for us,   something we had never encountered before.  Don't get close, Les. Les. Les. Let's back.   Go back! They're behind the glass. Okay... but  there's a complete beehive inside of this window.  Join us on this exciting journey as we uncover  the secrets of this French time capsule. [Music] Hey there, everybody! Welcome back to the  Bros of Decay. I am Leslie, and like usual,   behind the camera, we've got Mr. Danny. Hello,  hello, everyone! My friend, where are we today?  Today, we are in France. "La France", the country  of France, again, and we've got a beautiful place   to show you today, a farmhouse from 1837. This  place is ancient and has also been left behind   for decades now, and I think it's absolutely  fascinating. You're going to love it. The outside,   for me, this resembles more of a manor.  Danny, you have seen a manor before, right? It's really, yeah, and this is really  small, doesn't resemble a manor. It's small. Yeah, but I mean, with the shutters and with  the style and stuff like that, but that's every   French house, as this, so that's very true. It's  a common thing. And you can already see that this   place has been left behind for ages because the  whole front door has been growing up with thorns,   and right above there, we can see 1837, the  building date of this place. And you were   explaining earlier to me that those Ss mean Farm.  French is just something. It's like a symbol that   resembles a farm, I think. I think so. I think  I'm also not 100% sure, though. I'm not French,   so I'm not 100% sure, but I think it is. Yeah,  if anybody knows what those symbols mean,   definitely let us know in the comment section.  Super curious about that. Yeah, because we have   been seeing them throughout France. Yeah, very  interesting. Over here, we've got some sort of   a barn section of the place. I don't know if  they had a big farm, though. It seems rather   small to me, but maybe they had a lot of fields.  Probably. Let's see what we have here. Oh yeah,   this is completely collapsing. Look at that.  There's some old grinding machine over there,   and let me turn on the light, yeah, so that we can  properly see. I think that's for grinding grains,   and over here, too. No, that's to separate like,  um, the stems from the dirt, from food, and from   corn and stuff. Over here, I think... I'm not 100%  sure what animals... Animal most CH or something,   but this place is already completely collapsing.  Wow. Yeah, let's close this up. This is probably   as old as the building itself. Oh my God,  that was a wire in the middle. Be careful,   lot of bees flying around here. Yeah, I can see  a lot of bees flying around the house. Yeah,   oh my God, oh it's too bright, yeah. Okay,  you ready, bro, to go inside of this place and   showcase this beautiful mansion? Yeah, yeah.  Mansion. What I'm saying. Farmhouse. Okay. Thank you. Okay, there's a lot of agility  there, yeah. I'm agile. Wow, it's like   we just took a step back into time. It feels  like we stepped into a time capsule right now,   D. Yeah, really feels... yeah, it's like  so traditional. Yeah, traditionally French,   and I think you can see that it's really old  because everything is small. Yeah, exactly. But   one thing that immediately caught my attention and  I'm so surprised by it is that picture over there.   I wanted to talk about it. Look at it. Those  are the former people that lived in this place,   and you can see on the background, this is  the house. You think this is the house? Yeah,   but the farm is not there yet. Yeah,  but the windows around don't look... Oh,   it's a little bit different, yeah. So maybe this  might have been another house or from another   angle because the house is, again, completely  overgrown. This is definitely, though, the picture   in front of the barn. Look at that. These are the  shutters that we just opened and looked inside of,   and those might have been the former inhabitants.  Look at him casually smoking a cigarette there.   I wonder what it must have been back then  when they said, "Let's take a picture," and   then they took this picture. You were a photo  expert. How old do you think this photo is? I don't know because this... this  is printed on new paper. It's not   on old paper. But I wouldn't say that it's  that old. I would say it's from the '40s,   '50s, something like that. Yeah,  something... mm-hmm, very interesting. You just talked about the furniture being very,  very low and small, also. Exactly, so me as a   Dutch person, I have to really crouch to see  what's inside of here. There's a lot of junk   inside of here, as you can see. This furniture is  insanely low. Wow, there are a bunch of things in   there. Wow, over here we got some sort of... oh,  you even shotgun shells, yeah, wow. Over here in   the corner, we got some sort of a corner piece.  I don't know how to explain it properly, has a   mirror on top of it with a couple of artifacts  left and some lovely drawers, a little magazine   about a bicycle, wow. You can already see in the  corner there that this place is falling apart,   pieces are chipping off, and it's just old.  I think I can see the wall bending a little   bit. Yeah, lovely fireplace over here. I love that  they always have, like, a curtain in front of the   fireplaces, but they tried to cover it up. This  was to cover, it was covered up in the time, see,   but it fell down. Why did they shut the fireplace  because I don't see other heating sources inside   of the house, though, like, the fireplace would  be the only heating source. Weird. Lovely clock   above there. Is that marble? Yeah, it looks like  marble. Oh, I think you just ripped it apart. No,   yeah, it was already broken. Not sure if it's  marble, though. Yeah, missing hands. Yeah,   then a wonderful mirror above there as well  that actually matches the wallpaper. Yeah,   behind it. Beautiful wallpaper. Wow, I'm  hearing... yeah, lot a lot of bees inside of here,   inside and outside. You have to be careful.  I don't want to get stung, same. Lovely chair   where the owner of the house might have sat down  after a long day of work. Looks very useful, yeah,   exactly. Look at this seat rest. Oh, it's very  comfy. And then back there, we got a beautiful   picture or painting of a landscape. Oh, this one  looks still very pristine, look at that. Oh, wow,   yeah, open that one. Look at all these small  liquor bottles in here. I love this one, man,   wow, I've never seen those before. That's amazing.  If you want to have a small drink, yeah, lovely   cabinet, beautiful. And then in the middle of the  room, we have a dining table for four people. I   don't think this was a very big family. I think  this was a rather small family that lived inside   of this place. I'm not entirely sure. There's not  much history of these people that you can relate   to, more tools, yeah, tools everywhere. Okay, wow,  beautiful first room in this house, yeah, you look   gigantic next to everything here, look at me. No,  literally, I'm not even joking, you look gigantic.   In the... I'm actually not that tall. I'm like 5'  10" or 178 for the non-imperial people. So yeah,   over here we got the hallway of the place with  the front door that hasn't been opened in forever,   look at that amount of spiderwebs, damn, there's  also a little bee stuck up there trying to escape   this house, and it looks like maybe the heirs of  this building have come in here to do some things   and stacked some stuff up here. So this clearly  looks newer than three decades abandoned, yeah,   here are a couple of things the former owners,  I think, though. Wow, that typical French hat,   yeah, we already saw it in a couple of locations  now, some rain jackets. You also want to look   underneath the staircase there, yeah, looks  like a very small throughway, wow, jeez,   everything is so small in this place. Scary.  Oh, some old artifacts left in here, look at   the boots and everything back there, interesting.  Okay. Oh, where do we come now, a very small door.   Oh my God, just film me next to this door, Danny.  I'm like a monster coming through. Yeah, oh yeah,   this is the other barn of the place, and you can  see back there, there would be hay in there so   that would definitely be animals inside of here at  some point, yeah, interesting. Oh, have a look at   this mower, Danny, how old it looks, yeah, jeez,  I've never seen a mower like that before. Wow,   okay, but nothing much to see here in this  morning. I think 1837 people are so small,   let's go back. I think it's now time to venture  into that room over there and have a look. Oh wow,   Danny, this is the dining... the house. Is there  power on? I don't know, I hear a small zooming   sound. No, there's no power. No, this doesn't  function anymore. That hasn't been in use for   ages. I mean, the calendar says 1995. 1995 again,  that's older than us. That's literally older than   us. Wow, you're in the corner of the room, we got  a beautiful grandfather's clock, wonderful piece,   unfortunately the insides are not there anymore,  we see this a lot that the insides of these clocks   are out, are gone, I think these are very  valuable, and that's why maybe people come to   steal them, even the shoes are still standing  next to it. Isn't that incredible? What am I   seeing? Is this right? No. Oh no! Oh no, that's  why there are so many bees in this place. Oh no,   don't get close, Les. Les, Les, let's go back. Go  back! They're behind the glass. Okay, but there's   a complete beehive inside of this window. No way!  Have you ever seen something like that before? No, and they're all still  active, producing honey. Yeah,   there's honey there. There's a small honey  smell inside of this house, also. Wow. What! I think we should leave them. But why? The  sound! The sound comes from here. Oh yeah, it's   like... can you make a second of silence? That's  loud. One of the coolest things I've seen! It's   crazy! Let's please go away from it. I don't want  to be stung by it. No, no, okay, doesn't... wow,   that's crazy. I'm... I'm so shocked for a second.  That's so cool! And everything is literally still   like the people left it behind. I love this  artifact over here. It's... it's a blowhorn,   I think. It's for hunting, maybe. I can try it.  Even the liquors and everything are still left   here. Wow, it's amazing. The cabinets, all the  doors fell off with all the cups and everything,   and the food is still neatly stacked in there.  Just give an overview this wonderful cabinet,   Denny. Wow, all the things in here are 30 years  old. Some corn or some beans from the store,   wow! And over here to this side, that's  sort of their wine section with all the   wine bottles that are in use. See,  all the corks are like half on them,   so they were drinking all of these wines.  The pots and pans still hanging up there,   the utensils next to it. Wow, that looks so  crazy! And then here in the middle of the room,   we have an enormous fireplace, and I don't  understand that. We have seen now a couple of   times that in France they have curtains at their  fireplace. That seems rather dangerous to me. Yeah, here it's... here it's normal, yeah. But  here it's dangerous because like if you have   an open fire over here and then you have like  these curtains here, wouldn't they catch fire   or something? No idea. Look at these massive tools  that they had to work everything in the fireplace.   I think it's to scoop something, but I'm not  sure. Wow! Oh, and underneath the rubble here,   there's a bellows, beautiful bellows left behind.  You can even see all the ashes and everything   still inside the fireplace, wow! And have a  look above here as well, Denny. This is so,   so wonderful. This is a picture of the people that  used to live here. And then if you look over here,   this is the exact spot where they were  sitting, with the fireplace in the back there,   the water reservoir over there, and the table here  in the middle. Wow, show it one more time, that's   so incredible! In the corner of the room here, we  have another couple of shelves, some wine bottles   stacked on top of there, then a pot. See, oh, this  is so heavy, it's completely made out of copper.  Wow, you know what this is, Danny? Just a sink,  I think. Yeah, it's a makeshift SN or something,   like you put water in the top of here on top, and  then maybe with a little faucet down here, you   could open it up and wash your hands or something,  yeah, most likely. Wow, then the dinner table here   in the middle where the family used to come and  have dinner together. What's that? Isn't it a bee?   Oh, that looks like a bee hat, right? It's made in  Hanoi, Vietnam. Oh, so this is... oh, so this is a   military hat. Not a... looks like a military head.  I have no idea about the difference. Looks like   a really cool hat, though, yeah. And there on the  wall, we have a couple more of those beautiful...   what is it, like 3D painting or something? No,  just a print, like a 3D print with some lovely   French town. Beautiful. I hear them going around.  Yeah, let the bees be there. I hope they don't let   us go further throughout this place. Oh, we come  into a side kitchen over here, and the whole thing   has literally collapsed. Oh, the bee's following  you. Yeah, there's the bee. Yeah, there's the...   yeah, there's a literal bee on my back. Oh, not  even going to get close. Be careful in here. You   can see the whole ceiling has collapsed on  top of the fire, the ceiling, the chimney.   This is literally the chimney that fell, yeah,  a whole chimney fell down, jeez. And next up,   there's going to be this whole section. This is  going to collapse, yeah. I think this was... you   have this in Portugal as well, like where you have  the main kitchen and then the side kitchen, right,   for other side types of preparations. I feel like  the only thing that is holding up that ceiling is   literally the... this cabinet. The cabinet?  No, it's empty, yeah, it's completely empty,   interesting. Behind you, there is still a lot of  food, wow. Let's see in this room over here. Which   room? This room? Oh, there's a door there. Yeah.  Oh my God, this section of the house hasn't been   used in forever, that's a lot of DK, my friend.  Yep, everything is open, way. There's literally   plants growing inside of here. Let's not go into  that room. That doesn't seem like a very smart   idea, safe to me. Okay, let's close this back up.  And there's one more room. Oh, Den is struggling   to walk around here. There's one more room behind  here that we haven't checked out yet. Oh, it goes   into some sort of a basement. Oh my God, I see  some... be careful because you're pushing... oh,   I'm pushing some sort of a be ceing, oh yeah,  this is definitely some sort of a wine C. Look   at all those bottles over there, that's amazing.  Some of them even still have a cork on them,   wow. Oh, and there's this complete crate of  unused wine here, Denny. Look at that, that's   still... that's still perfect, yeah, they're  still full, my God, how incredible is that?  Oh, sorry. And then over there, we got all the  barrels and even one big bowl in a corner over   there, and I think this leads to the barn behind  us, to the... oh yeah, to the place that had the   lawnmowers. Yeah, this is a wonderful cabinet,  the curtain. No, there's nothing in there anymore,   unfortunately. Let's get out of here before it  completely collapses, yeah, okay, okay. This   section of the house is already very interesting,  but now it's time to look at the authentic   upstairs of this house. I'm so excited to see  it. Look at this beautiful stairway, Danny, wow,   I love the woodwork. It's probably as old as the  house. And here, you can see also the handrailing,   how small the handrailing is, yeah, I haven't  even looked at it yet, but normally you have,   like, handrailing up here, but now it's down  here, yeah, wow, very small people. Yeah,   there's even a picture up here, oh, looks  amazing, one of the former owners of this place,   and you can see these black dots on it, I have no  clue what they are, they're probably from a photo   album. I think this is a photo from a photo, you  see a stamp over here as well, see it? Yeah, yeah,   wow. These walls, they've seen better days, long,  long, they see it's bending, the wall over here,   yeah, maybe because of the chimney or something,  I have no clue, or just how the house was built,   I don't know. Okay, let's go up this very tiny  stairway, another grandfather's clock here in the   corner, and again, the inner parts are missing,  that's such a big clue for me, like, I want to   find out why they are missing, okay, ready to  go in the bedroom? Yeah. Oh my God, that's so   authentic, wow, this screams 1800s France, so  lovely to see, and this is just like a time warp,   this is how these people lived back in the time,  and they never changed anything, as you can see,   the bed is still made, the covers are still on  top of it. Wow, you are making noise, the wardrobe   wants to be opened, what is it hiding from us?  Oh, some linens, bed linens, and a bedpan over   there in the corner, nothing super interesting,  oh, there's a couple of writings in here, Lenny,   look at that, to toilet these service tea, so  everything that they had in here, they would write   on the back of the wall, interesting, weird and  weird at the same time, yeah, okay, lovely piece   of furniture over here, I don't know how you would  open this upper part though, I think... oh, about   that, oh, it slides out, oh my God, that's such  a cool, one of the craziest vanities I've seen,   so cool, and it reveals an ancient picture of a  man and a woman, wow, that was cool, I want to   see that again, so the hinges retract this piece  of marble over here, it makes a lot of noise, oh,   doesn't properly close anymore, it's just that  old, wow, that was something, a lovely picture of   a woman up here, beautiful, and then we can have  a look at the back, behind you, there's a door,   oh really? Oh, there's one of those French  hidden doors, I see, see a little ledge here,   see how small the ledge is? Yeah, it's just for  you not to see there's a door, can I open? Yeah,   does open, I think the closet, it's a wardrobe  closet, completely empty, yeah, I love the   wallpaper as well in this room, it's very unique  and it matches with everything, it gives this room   like a distinct vibe, yeah, very simple chandelier  above here, chandelier light fixture, just a piece   of clock lot attached to it, wow, they placed  the bed in front of the fireplace over there,   as you can see, yeah, so they didn't use these  fireplaces anymore, no, yeah, the fireplace is   covered, this is like connected to the fireplace  downstairs as well, so I'm wondering why that was,   yeah, lovely picture above there as well, and  I would also show the top of the wallpaper,   if you add it, it's quite unique, see if there's  anything still in the nightstand, a book,   the last book they were reading is still in there,  okay, I want to see some clothing of these people,   up up up, oh, that makes some noises, oh, it's  still clothing inside of here, that's so cool,   leather jacket, you know how is, you know it's  authentic leather, I smell it, no, no, no, no,   it's full of mold, oh, sorry, that's why you know  it's authentic, because it gets moldy, smell it,   oh my God, and there's also sheep wool inside of  here, wow, some beautiful pieces of clothing, wow.  Okay, oh, those sounds, that's... those sounds  are like authentic from abandoned places. I just   want to point out, be careful, yeah, that I  already noticed, there's a lot of dead bees   on the ground. Oh, oh yeah, there's a lot  of bees on the ground, they're everywhere,   crawling around, yeah, you can hear them  next to this... trying to get out beehive,   wow, there's so many bees inside of this  place, even one on top of the chair here. Danny, wow, lovely chair and neat as  well, beautiful piece, and as you can see,   somebody else or multiple people would actually  sleep in the inside of this room, I think that was   very common for these old farms, that people only  had two rooms and all needed to sleep together,   they also didn't have a lot of money back in that  time period, I think, wow, also still made bed,   absolutely lovely, it's to mimic wood, but it's  iron, no way, yeah, this one as well, this one   seems... no, it's also iron, what, iron? I thought  they were wooden beds, yeah, and there you can   see Jesus Christ with still, what... what's that  little twig above there, that's from, it's from an   olive tree, oh really, that's something religious,  right, uh, yes, I don't know if it's Easter or   something, I can't remember. You can also see here  that the light fixtures have been added on later,   so back in the time, 1837, this house was built  without electricity, of course, France back in the   time didn't have electricity, so this house had to  be remodeled. W, it's completely destroyed, yeah,   completely fallen apart, do you see it inside the  window, then, yep, another one, massive beehive   again, oh my God, crazy place, I'm glad that  they are between the shutter and the window and   not inside, if this was inside the house, it was  unfilmable, like unable, these I wouldn't be here,   look at this, another vanity here in the corner,  I always love to see these old bottles of whatever   they are, perfume or whatever, that's from  Portugal, I don't know, wow, lovely. One   want to see that other bedroom as well, of course,  while we're up here, okay, oh wait, what, oh wow,   chat de Mar, it's from 1896, this picture, the 6th  of October 1896, this picture is 130 years old,   crazy, okay, oh yeah, this is another very  authentic bedroom, wow, I think this one is   even more beautiful than the other one, oh my God,  there's even more be on this room, like, floor is   covered, yeah, oh, watch out, you're going to step  on one, watch out, he's crawling around, yeah,   oh my God, they're flying around, yeah, there's  also a massive beehive in the window here, okay,   oh yeah, crazy, oh, I don't want to be, oh my  God, there's so, so many, many bees on the ground,   I don't know if you know this about bees, but when  it's dark, they completely fall to the ground,   they, they cannot fly without light, oh really,  so I'm pointing the light and they probably going   to start flying, okay, can see, go through  this room, let's show this, I can see over   here the chair with all the clothes of the former  inhabitant are still left behind neatly stacked,   and they also have some sort of a medal of honor  up here. Su, okay, Madame Simon it says over here,   so that might have been the name of the former  resident, wow, okay, watch out, that bee is going   crazy over there, I love this vanity that we have  underneath here, wow, it still looks so authentic,   how the people left it behind, the brush and  those are on the camera, oh, I'm sorry guys for   this abruptly cut, but we got attacked in... yeah,  we had Lally had to wait for 5 minutes before the   bees to go out of the place, I already been stung  by B, it's not fun, so no, let's be careful, okay,   okay, I think we were here at the vanity looking  at this one, super interesting with the brush and   everything still lying there, I even love that  the washing glove is still here, look at that,   wow, very authentic, yeah, you can see there's  also pretty big beehive inside of this window,   huge one, oh my God, so looks so cool  though, so much hay they are producing, hay. Danny, watch out. there's a chair behind me.  there's also a small bed in here that looks for   a child, oh, look at that, you stayed there, okay,  there just a bee that flew on top of the bed, wow,   Le chair in inner Corner, beautiful red letter  chair, very modern, yeah, looks nice though,   that's behind you, be careful, is there another  crazy bee coming toward ours, attack us, yeah,   it flies straight to the spider web, oh  God, oh no, not again, not again, I'm out!! So again, it's a quick cut, but we were attacked  again by bees, yeah, we need to film this room   fast, I'm sorry guys, but look at this wonderful  vanity over here, oh no, cabinet, closet, closet,   closet, uh, yeah, closet, oh wow, it's still full,  even the boots and everything are still in here,   look at those hats, they're really cool, they look  like Spanish hats, do they look like farmer hats,   farmer hats, yeah, definitely, oh, a lot of  noise, there's even like a full dining table   inside of this room for some reason, but it looks  again like a dining table for children because   the chairs are so incredibly low, but the chairs  down there were also that small, yeah, exactly,   everything is so small in this house, wow, this  room as well has these built-in cabinets here to   the wall, wow, I hear the bee again, yeah, yeah,  it's going to the other light, okay, it's going to   the other light, and this fireplace seems like it  might have still been in use, Danny, look at that,   kind of, yeah, yeah, the other ones didn't were  in use but these ones are, wow, a lot of little   papers on top of here, very old-looking papers,  look at that, this one is directed to M ser,   okay, don't know that name, haven't seen that  before, a lot of handwritten letters as well,   can I open this one up, wow, that's beautiful,  couple of religious things over here as well,   and here at the end, there's even still some  bullets left behind, wow, let's get over to the   bed now, beautiful bed, still made, and this one  is from W, Denny, the one, yeah, love that one,   the pillows still at the end, wonderful  nightstand with a picture on top of it, beautiful,   and even a chamber pot here, hope nothing is in  there, this one is empty, but look at this photo,   wow, that's probably one of the former owners,  that's the man we saw on the photo in the stairs,   oh yeah, that's exactly right, maybe that's  the owner of the house and was very proudly   standing next to his newly acquired Citroën,  yeah, religious depiction above the bed,   of course, come over here, Denny, before we  show the other picture in front of the bed,   here there's also a praying chair, and you can  see this is a normal chair at first, it's again   a convertible piece of furniture that converts  open and then you have a praying chair over here,   there's a bee on top of it so we're not going  to sit on it today, but you know, these chairs,   we saw one exactly the same in another French  house, you remember, oh yeah, we'll link it   up there, they're, yeah, but these chairs have  a common thing, they were made in a vast unit,   like multiple, yeah, and they were sold to people,  and they engraved the name of the person that   owned the chair, AUST, so the person would take  this chair to the chapel or church next to it,   and this would be their chair, oh really, no one  would sit, yeah, like my great grandmother had one   with her name inside of the church, only her could  sit there, that's amazing, that's such a cool   piece of information, Danny, wow, yeah, you see,  her name is engraved in here, or his or her name,   Austine, SES, it says over there, yeah, you can  barely make it out but it's there, it's beautiful,   here we have the hats still hanging on the side of  the bed like it always would have been, the shoes   standing underneath there, oh yeah, there are some  bees flying around, yeah, I don't like it, yeah,   I don't like it, shoes in the hat here still, wow,  and I also love this clock that we have here on   the nightstand, could fold up and close down and  open it up again, one last thing in this room,   look at this wonderful picture, that's the house,  yeah, the house and the barn next to it, wow,   and the man, you see that, this is the man from  the Citroën, and then the child and another man   standing it, and even the dog is there, Danny,  you see the dog, yeah, wow, okay, show them   people one more time this room and then let's go  out of here because these bees are going insane. whoa Let's have a look at that shutter outside here  where all the bees are. Behind you, you can   really see, yeah, if you look over here, the  bees going in and out of the house. Whoa,   there are literally hundreds of them  flying in and out. Yeah, watch out,   watch out. Let's go back slowly, let's go  back, bro. I really enjoyed this exploration,   this was again something different, this  house was like a step back into time to   the former times of France. If you liked this  video, definitely like, subscribe, and write a   nice comment down there. Also, check out the man  behind the camera, his link is in the description,   and we also have a link for Patreon there.  You can support the channel and help us out   going around this beautiful world and filming  these beautiful places. With that all said,   thank you very much and I'll see you next week  in another amazing episode. Bye-bye, love you. [Music]
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 207,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban exploration, urbandecay, brosofdecay, abandoned places, abandoned houses, bros of decay, living alone france, abandoned mansion, abandoned house france, abandoned french farmhouse, abandoned french mansion, abandoned framhouse, exploring france, exploring abandoned mansion, attack by bees, abandoned france, abandoned chateau, beehive inside house, abandoned french house, exploring french house, exploring the unbeaten path, bees attecked us, french countryside
Id: rZPs_wHjC7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 39sec (2319 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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