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hello explorers so after exploring this house we found out some more history this house was brought in 2009 by philip and sarah when they wanted to build it into their dream home after it was a run-down shell but in 2016 sarah sadly passed away leaving philip alone when he couldn't cope he packed a few things and never returned other things we found out they had sexual parties and also was going on in this house so if these walls could talk they would tell you a few stories but yeah sadly he never returned leaving his house abandoned what's happening youtubers so get yourself over to the awe shop any merchandise supported helps this channel massively so a massive thank you to if you are new to the channel please check out the other videos before you judge us on this one we don't know what it's like it's completely overgrown at the moment it looks like we're just exploring a bush true yeah who's in i'm just watching what he's doing okay do you want to go and talk to him guys and thank you so much a lot we love you all so so much anyway let's get on with this video we don't want to hear it dude it's about this you're ready this is already done let's go let's go there's literally a house in these bushes dude do you believe there's a house in these bushes the red-eye monster yeah literally i don't even know if there's a weigh-in somewhere well okay let's head round anyway off the road so as you see guys we're on this complete pitch back road black road we're literally going to head in to this abandoned house i don't even know how long it's been abandoned but it looks creepy as hell are you ready dude let's go what are we doing right it's going after you my friend after you oh my love you oh wait they do before we go in there wow the way the ivory's taking the windows dude looks like a urine sample there on the side it's completely loaded do you know what that is not away and we don't go in deal it's always the deal no lamb oh wow yeah look at that that's so cool just makes you wonder who lived here we have known nothing about this place let's go in dude actually i'm supposed to be following you i don't get any refill already like we're being watched from upstairs window or something i don't know man guys going [Applause] so much creepier at night these old houses that's the thing you never know what you're going to walk into as well so even though we do these exploring i'm not going to lie it's not it's definitely a it's definitely something else whoa wow it's not even there man it freaked me out it looks someone like someone just looked out the window for me ha ha that just freaked the hell out of me yeah so yeah this is a driveway which is straight to the main road i think there's a garage there isn't it dude yeah there it is guys there you can see the main front door of this property and the way the little lamp's just falling down really sorry it's right here a main road i love this really short tight cottage door so obviously the property looks secured we're not gonna wow look at these windows should we go around the other way [Applause] i'm always getting cut to shreds the guys are standing at the backyard of this place it's so overgrown it's a really big property though [Applause] i think we're gonna have to go around the other way do [Applause] so it is dark it's not the best time that we normally film but we was on the way home we spotted it on the map mark said should we just try it out let's go so we've got three hours still to go home so we thought we'd check this place out probably longer than that yeah but it's one of the main road and it's so overgrown we're so shocked anyway we literally know the word of a liar come straight through the front door of this house so this is basically straight in to the living room area you can see it's a little bit of a i don't know like bit of collecting everything by the looks of it a bit of a holder maybe i'll get that sort of feel i know everyone every place we seem to go to at the moment we're always saying it's a hoarder's house but it technically does feel a bit like a hoarder's house but yeah we've sort of looking into a bit of inquiries this place he was a bit he loved his uh adult parties here um but trying to imagine like sitting there with uh the fire going away you know just keeping this place so warm you can see how old it is just by the way the ceilings are so like crooked even the fireplace is literally going down slope so this is probably dates back to the 1800s or i'd say the early 1900s it could be older than that it could be 1700s dude yeah so you've replaced it but i get that when we're walking like looking in here already you can see that looks like they were kind of doing it up look at this i'm not even going to read that but look there's quite a few uh explorers that have been here by looks of it third time here twice before not absolutely trash third time trash respect the places or don't come that's true just reading it someone actually wrote on the wall there but yes if i look at it is i see a few haynes menu i see one there and i see one in there and i'm getting that feel obviously he was into his old cars and look at this you can see as i said there's new plastered walls in certain bits now this is a brand new plaster wall as plug sockets cut out and look at the staircase guys wow i'm gonna start heading up these actually i shall wait for marky let's give you a spin round here i'll let you go first but yeah you can see you see what i mean dude like these balls here are plastered redone maybe there was he was renovating it and just lost everything in the end or couldn't afford to do it or there's always stories and it's sometimes hard to work out the stories of these places and what's actually happened here why they become the abandoned still like he was here so we'll be careful because the driveway there is just literally outside that door there can't even turn the taps on they're weaker vicks have seen better days there's a newspaper here dating 2011. and i could quite believe it's been empty this long just by the way is look at the old style kitchen floor oh wow the third world some collector collectors doing about the third world these pictures show that there are many kinds of cities of third world their problems are very example for type of city that's pretty cool though love these old type negatives oh stanley all right mate there's some holiday photos these are people's memories this is what they've collected you know ah i recognize this this is pompeii to the old prostitutes back in the day of roman times you'd follow the penises on the floor honestly i've been around pompeii i recognize them [Music] yeah but i've got to know romans i'm joking guys that's your feature though no we should know this one dude what is that can't we this is the same guy dude that was upstairs i see starting to think this was was it peter i said earlier yeah maybe maybe his wife quite sad to think like maybe something's happened to them then this is why it's been completely abandoned if you can imagine how cold it is in these houses as well that single glazed windows you're right near a main road wow home building so he's definitely into some kind of like some lot of letters here as well yeah it's the same name mr p what's this a little key thing used to be like what you're grander than that you keep the keys there's old like spices and everything is literally still here in this house including his clothes including his ball strap everything's still here it's surprising how much stuff is still literally left there i quite like the little sofa just shows the sizes kitchen area some number plates it's an old 1983 reg this is an older 1984 wonder what these are for guys put in the comments below if you want to register them and let me know what they are if they still exist if they're still on the road tell us we'd be interested to know now everything what is this stuff well what's draft oh for hand wash never heard of that i don't like indulging too much digging through people's stuff but we do get moaned if we don't look so we kind of have to sort of work each way and there you go it's another time capsule dude completely left so we're looking at the names on here it's it's definitely a mr p um maybe paul or something i think mark's going to take me upstairs i'm getting excited are you ready bro you ready to take me upstairs the chinese uh the new home owner manual so maybe he bought this maybe it was his first home and something's tragically happened to him why would you leave it like this why would it be so abandoned no car charger i don't know but it's like you never finished it just looked like you maybe just started doing it up and just never finished it why it's left like this is completely like a building site in so many areas let's get around here just storage and yeah it definitely looks like i love them all installed at some point look at this i know we said it earlier the way the doors with the ceiling dude and let just show you how like low these houses used to be mark can you walk under of course bless these cottons you still grow dudes only you only look about 18. yeah if i start moving back into his room all right bro let's go upstairs yeah i'm gonna follow you let's follow you like you [ __ ] i am feeling here actually do before you go maybe you should reflect on your decisions all right you make sure it's safe just have a little proper little round here a minute oh is this a brain i thought it said brain it's bain come on in scaredy cat see if you can be a big brave boy and go in that bedroom on your own oh how brave he is he's such a big brave boy all right let's have a little look around here we've got some pots and pans on the stairs it's like he was moving in everything's here like maybe presents from stuff to erica just a little note to say thanks for all your support advice and helping us survive the 12 gmvq letters has been a brilliant start to the year hopefully be a successful teaching career well there you go so maybe his wife was going to be a teacher so as you see standing at the top of these stairs you can imagine the light piercing through this window and what's some huge staircase as well what a beautiful house love these sash type windows as well this place could be restored absolutely beautiful so i know mark is already up here you alright dude i'm just showing the staircase dude yeah it's nice and it's another bedroom look at the little round window look at this this bedroom here's a kinky slot as well we've got a little strap there for the little man we've got a gagging ball i don't even want to touch him dude no that was an older how weird that it's like the fox we see earlier look at this the strong owl still still completing this bottle not sure what that is premium quality strong white cider tnt boy and this here is a dmhc up 89 to 90 for hockey see some photos there possibly like grandchildren or it looks like definitely an old sort of 90s school picture there i think these are all [ __ ] like a full sierra didn't they at the back of the sierra sort of look could be wrong no so over on the dresser here so many photos again i'm seeing this guy here brings back memories seeing the old rovers yeah so the old viking ship i forgot about the old badge on them i don't wanna go through obviously too much stuff but the draw doesn't have a car key here so it won't surprise if there's a car here somewhere is that a rover sort of rover key fob bit there there's some more photos there there's a hammer over there to get your static off holiday snaps practice way to crack crime the handbook crying so we literally just walked in this place straight for the front door sorry oh is it yeah as mark just noticed there's a lot of pay slips and stuff there so i'm not going to go through that mark did you want a strap for the old uh the old cockerel do you want a strap for the old [ __ ] crawl do you want a gagging ball when anne speaks too much i'm joking well mate i can see your uh look at your are you runner up pants the guys are only joking anyway please don't take a fence you can see here the amount of stuff everywhere oh is that a pair of pants that always ties don't you want to go through that you might find some more uh cockabilly rock straps it's a nice old port box there it's like a buffet isn't it or something and we've got a car hangs manual there for a peugeot 205 shame it's not gt i love these old cars that's cool isn't it omar it must mean without looking at dresses yeah he actually owned a peugeot 205 in 1994 model school atlas anything else we need to know about so you've dude me into your sexual dungeon just look at the rears a lot of glasses as well like old beer and his i guess his name's philip yeah i call these i love the old pint the old pub glasses that i'm feeling a bit sore yeah yeah i think i saw that walking today and it made you a bit sore yeah i like that that's a like a pulled wine do what i'm gonna say to you though is don't ever brush me the wrong way all right send you now hey come on let's skip this room yeah so while we're on the second while we're upstairs we're gonna go into the next floor sorry for the bad puns guys it's all about having a joke i'm sure mark will get me one in a minute obviously someone's cut all the piping out or something the copper piping well done for that hopefully you got a few quid disgusting coming in people's houses and taking stuff you can see this little single toothbrush left blessing old philip yeah i was just saying dude in there ripped all the copper piping at me hold for a few quid well hopefully whoever does stuff like that hopefully their eyes just get it little saucepans up there the little attic bit well do you ever find this gives you a bit of a floppy here sorry guys you know we respect properties but you know what we just want to have fun with it as well like obviously we're not doing any harm see what you think about first looking at it all right okay so what we're getting from this place i'm going to show you because it's not totally new but there's definitely some kind of like certain party going on here there's a guy that his trousers down and they're all tied up together with them anyway whatever floats your boat it's not a problem loads and loads of stuff and books again in this place in this room what's that a little wooden man that's quite old isn't it you can see that's like part of an old toy or something you can see i don't upset any neighbors if we can see any but that the ivory is literally just busting through the windows here oh that's that way isn't it there's nothing there all parts and bits and pieces again loads of books just all over the floor a lot of high school stuff i mean maybe it was they were a teacher again a bit like the house earlier there's a lot of value yeah it's a bit of a weird one i love the old balls i'm guessing that man was part of that mark i'm guessing that man was part of this windmill set because he looks like he was sort of moves as the wind at mimble goes let's have a look try and get it together you know this oh yeah yeah just put my toy down there and there's little photos here you know children and stuff but there's a lot of paperwork here as well that we could there's one here do not bend this was university of bristol obviously a lot of university stuff love this folder here it's cool damn caught that before we lost it she was just saying about the step so high mark oh what's up tom cruise mavic definitely something stabbing me leg obviously into another bedroom you can certainly know what that is this looks part of that sort of lamp over there [Applause] all the books and stuff it's really hard to see what's going on loving his old wardrobes look at the detail in his wardrobes beautiful like carvings and stuff sorry i don't get why it's cool what what's so messed well it's cool to see it maybe there was loads and people just took them just looking back into that bedroom there so i think we're done obviously it's all upstairs head on down let's head back downstairs as i said sizes window well it's got a bit of a i know we always say that it's got quite an eerie feeling there dude that might be just because they're holding parties and things like that yeah so guys hopefully you enjoyed going around peter's house it's still a story that we're still itching our heads about i don't know what's going on here we're gonna have a little look around the outside of the property uh proper toe have a look at that i love you yeah we're gonna have a look around the outside of the property i've literally feel that i've got cobwebs that's better turn my heart rate i feel like i've got cobwebs right in my head feeling and i can see spiders literally walking around above me and there he doesn't look too happy he's pretty much he's brown bread um so yeah it's still one of those we don't know what's going on here anyway let's have a little look around outside let's go look around the side of this property you can see just that overgrown it all is so here would have been another doorway to the kitchen there's a little bat flying around in there so we don't oh mate look at that bed frame it's a beautiful bed frame there yeah let's see him flying around where's that little bird at least it's another cool house man that's a beautiful bed that's what i said loving all that the uh that pool slim there's no cars though dude sort of engine oil and stuff around no cars so we're finally stuck oh we're finally back at a car oh that house was pretty weird i'm not gonna lie i feel like i see peter from outside it still freaks me out that i'm that adam and i'm gonna watch his footage back and probably didn't see nothing but there's definitely something a bit weird in there and the fact that mark was upstairs and he still says now that he felt like something touched him yeah in the uh no he didn't get touched there but like on his shoulder area so see it was a little bit strange in their way guys as i said lovely loads this isn't obviously the best places we've done so if you are new to the channel please check out the other ones obviously we do do stuff that we just see on the map and we come and check out but thanks to everyone who supports awe thanks to all those patreons the uh channel members you name it we love you to bits yeah exactly the awe family so anyway guys it's out from me today love you love stay safe see you soon next adventure
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 48,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5lPbiWCehBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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