It Was Like Walking Into Gods House - Abandoned Mansion With The Most Unexpected Architecture!

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hello explorers I hope you had an amazing Christmas if you're new to the Channel please hit that like And subscribe and guys and girls I just want to say I wish you all a beautiful happy New Year to exploring this beautiful mansion in Italy known as the goddess mansion and the locals say that a lot of the family were buried within the floors of this Mansion it was built in a 1700s and it holds so much architecture and history this place is outstanding and I cannot wait to take you through the doors and show you this amazing Mansion 10 bedrooms six bathrooms someone needs to rescue this place and renovate it back to its former glory so please guys and girls share with loved ones hit that like And subscribe you're amazing enjoy the video God [Music] bless [Music] guys always end up the Country Road take huge mansion there we're heading there now oh yeah walking down the Green Field beautiful oh look at this place it's incredible there it is can't believe we just walked the field look the size of this Mansion guys guys picture this Hon cart stroke through the gate look at this awesome mansion I cannot wait to take you inside here let's get on with it it's a check this for a main staircase Place climbing into your beautiful mansion up the side steps here there a playing the the harp there she looks very disappointed the money this place would cost today to build and look at the lines [Applause] there I feel like you could spend all day here so I'm trying to figure out I think this is the main the main stairs the main way in this place things are puzzling me with this it's like don't if it's like a lion's body type thing with the the Cherub wings and the head and these are like sea monsters they kind of like mermaid type and then know obviously this side as we said the guy here looks like a Type M man what a doorway though dude hey with the liiz we just come through the main doorway and just outside here is the doorway with the two lines above and this room is one of the beautifullest rooms I've ever seen and I've been pretty much all over Italy and France and this is incredible anyway you ready let's go so for tees you with the floor so this is the main doorway now check this out how beautiful is this wow that's a fine detail that went on in there as well well every little bit and again here we've got this kind of you know like Alexander the Great or something it's literally just looks like he's giv him a what for or he's maybe going through the water and this is coming out in like shallow type water but I'm loving this it's kind of like a Fiat with the curtains there what was saying as well we noticed earlier one of the cherub's pot is actually pouring gold and it is little gold coins [Music] there you can imagine the kind of furniture as well that would have been in these rooms the door frames the gold type princesses in the corner the cherubs flying around the [Music] ceilings look at the fireplace obviously it's been capped off by the looks of it with a car iron plate yeah you can imagine this back in the day of roaring in Flames I'm not sure what that says necklace some doesn't matter how many times I look up at the ceiling it just seems like new things you notice every time I you can see he's lost his hand this one again look the little doorway and the Scrolls and here we've got like a dragon as well imagine I'm this is your bedroom seating I think this is amazing this is my favorite piece in this whole place he's he wooden rod it's shame he's lost part of his hand I mean I think that can be restored this is how they make it they put the netting around the plaster inside or something don't want to forget as well look at this door how beautiful that is sticking your big bul through the [Music] [Music] door [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning to so just leaving the main room look at the staircase how they've painted all the artwork onto the walls just to make it look like banisters this is a very beautiful beautiful place and everywhere has got its own kind of feature even theid all the architecture the doorways the ceilings how they're like vaulted this is amazing oh it's incredible this place is incredible just walking up the stairway look at that as I said everywhere's got beautiful artwork all the architecture around the corners there the little cherubs in the corners this place is amazing take my time just to give you guys a a look [Music] around see that everything it's all painted on like a picture frame right I just literally just jumped I actually thought that was a kid looking around the corner at me gee I'll tell you why because I was looking at this bed here it looks like someone's been staying here but would they I don't [Music] know maybe it looks like some renovation guys this is absolutely beautiful the bathtub is amazing the original Stone bath look at the statues looking over the grounds she's holding her jug little cherub and the the corner again but everything these little wooden beam been painted over this is truly magnificent I said look at the detail as well I feel like I've stepped back hundreds and hundreds of years the Old Stone handh you think the handset built these [Music] places I tell you what it'd be amazing to see this place back up in its Glory seeing all the little figurines cleaned [Music] off I could literally spend all day in this place it's incredible I want you to feel as I'm looking around just seeing all the detail taking in all the artwork every bit of detail it's absolutely [Music] gorgeous as I said there's all the front garden to this place so the main gate would have been over there so you would have come up The Path down here imagine on the back and You' have been seriously well off to on a place like [Music] this so by the looks of it it looks like it's been cleaned out or started to be renovated see some of the original Furniture still in here as well look at this beautiful writing desk car how many people would love to have that in their office and look at these amazing all truly handcarved it's absolutely incredible this once beautiful mansion hopefully we'll live again let's go up into the higher parts of this place while we are standing up a little bit higher you can see a lot more the detail so walking up into the tower but some of lot the steps are completely [Music] missing yeah look I know if I want to walk up then if I got a drop it's like the pigeon [Music] Nets you imine own in this beautiful place it's fairly dry in here as well [Music] as you can see guys that steps are going what you wait sh I'm like 15 Stone which is 91 uh 91 kilo would you way uh I don't know K [ __ ] not going to lie guys my heart not that bad like normal day man normal day maybe it was just that one step that was just I think it was just one step you never know oh that just cracked a bit yeah I don't want to get stuck up here we are the king of the castle King of the castle King of the castle I have a chair I have a chair go this it's not Bor I'm the king of the castle Yeah Bor is funny I love that guy but damn this is the sun's really blaring through this little window here this place would be absolutely beautiful imagine it all renovated oh yeah it could still totally be renovated like this this is still in great condition I was going to say it's very dry and it's clean and all the vux windows look dude there's a bell oh yeah look at that yeah there's a bell on there was last time that Bell was wrong guys check I can open that right now man oh yeah they're coming back dude you're going to keep doing circles around this [ __ ] cinematic man I wish we could just keep this open somehow is there a Peg or something all right bit nervous about that creaking step oh yo what Dave I know what you just did you play the same old [Laughter] tricks this time I'm got to just get used to it man I'm probably going to do that to you and then I'll [ __ ] end up ping should [ __ ] yes let's do it let's do it here he's not here just loving the architecture all the beautiful wooden beans you imagine having this is your private bedroom up here all your living area you could literally live in this top part [Music] there's a lot of bird mess up here so I'm wearing a mask so I might sound a little bit muffled [Music] guys you got to admit this is absolutely stunning as I'm walking around here I can picture what I'd love to do picturing the rooms how I'd like it it's incredible so yeah this Mansion hopefully you enjoyed this incredible mansion and I'm going to try and find out a little bit about if they're going to renovate or what's going to happen to this place cuz it's absolutely beautiful beautiful and I can imagine it all being restored and come to stay here I'm going to head back downstairs anyway cuz I feel like I'm missed a bit down there some of the views from the window it's absolutely stunning doesn't fit right Steve so I'm going to head downstairs anyway [ __ ] had the woods coming away I know you did that to you a ping me anymore no but I did get red with it that's why I was waiting for you sorry was it's like a random step straight off so just's take this different set of steps [Applause] down and let's see where we come out guys there's another room coming off here it's a very low room but look at this it's like a dove just to show you how know I mean pretty much touch it I won't because it's paint but I don't want it to like flake off or break but yeah just as we get in the lower parts as I said it's absolutely gorgeous it's so quiet as well looks like there like maybe stencils like they were going to finish off something in here these steps as well don't if you can see on camera just how like off they are this is probably one of the darkest rooms here as well see just coming off the main room through the main front doors I'm loving how they've sort of brought all the inside on the outside uh the outside on the inside should I say trying to mask the walls like pillow and stuff I mean look at these beautiful [Music] doorways and there the lady figurines holding up the archways for [Music] I'm love him as well look at this [Music] fireplace yeah oh look at the coins coming out the p every fine bit of detail look at the coins Lally just hanging pouring out the pot heading back out this Mansion down the back steps of this place [Music] wow look at the beautiful Clock Tower up there as well it's absolutely beautiful yo what's up in Explorer so hopefully you enjoyed that um and night wasn't furnished and there wasn't a great deal in there but what an amazing place the architecture in there painting is absolutely beautiful knacked so I just want to say uh as I said massive thank you to you all love every one of you and uh thank you so so much for all your support and everything you do anyway guys I'm going to cut the video as I said if you wish to donate anything to the channel help you exploring all links are in description yeah love you all take care God bless
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 38,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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