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[Music] [Applause] [Music] also I just noticed something just to get a rough estimate this place had over 300 rooms [Music] yo guys has to go in hope all of you have been having a wonderful holiday this past week as we're heading towards the new year I forgot to do an introduction as I was exploring so I'm going to do it right here and give you guys a little bit of history about the place yet again this is one of those places that doesn't have much history so a millionaire used to own it around the 1900s over time they renovated the place and kind of built a church inside it and then it closed down around the early two-thousands different reasons always sorry about the wing guys I'm using a different camera my other camera was sent for repair and this one doesn't have any dead cats on it to block the wind so as I was exploring I got to see like the old rooms from when it used to be a mansion and then there was another part of building that showed off like the church area by the way I just want to say that YouTube notifications has been messed up even for myself I've been unnoticed on my favorite youtuber so I'm sure some of you who are watching right now the notification behind Bell from my channel might not be even turn on so go recheck it and make sure it's on if you see that it's been turned off leave a comment down below because I'm curious to see how many of you guys experienced this yourselves by the way if you had not seen the recent video that I just upload a week ago go check it out it was a pretty unique place that was also building on the 1900s it could see some cool vintage stuff inside that's all I wanted to say besides that I hope you guys have a wonderful week as we head towards the new year stay safe and have fun enjoy the video don't forget to Like and subscribe and so we're gonna start off in this room I'm now currently on the top floor right now which is the third floor and we're gonna work our way downstairs and that's where the two chapels are but figured this is the best way to show the place around start from the top work away from the bottom just again she room right here it looks like someone used to live in here you like someone use that as a bed gets me some homeless person holding it like this really yeah so from what I've seen right now is that there's not really much in here but as you saw we can get some dope pictures this is probably the only room that has just stop play all my math because someone will come in refrigerator you stunk up the place we got my boy cinematic Seth what's up guys we're doing another exploration we're killing it out here human game dude only exploring the best let's keep on moving I really like this red carpet washer and dryer right there still interesting whoa this room is beautiful TV singing right here but if he tell there were some photographers that set all these up and I definitely like this floor because every room has a different color we've been seeing blue red even yellow just once sick and let's head downstairs to the second floor we're passing by this amazing stairway - is this the shot Ryan guy I'm not gonna be caught BA I don't like that stuff so we got to try to get our own picture and perspective so we're now in the second floor of the building now this floor is pretty cool we got some envelopes here I'm not sure what they can be I don't think it's anything that important but it's hallway just seems like that we used to be like a bunch of my offices it's a nice little green bathroom [Music] seems I have a point this place could have been renovated it's a babe and ended the second floor consistent it's just a lot of rooms that seem to have been worked on but then just completely abandon you some creepy vibes so much vibes just because he'll paint chips [Music] of empty rooms on this floor nothing at all so this video is just gonna be mainly about the photography because we can get some dope shots here I really want to come here gay in the summer just look at the courtyard it still looks pretty nice in the Cinelli weather so I'm not really complaining on the switchboard you can kind of see what kind of rooms there are also I just noticed something just to get a rough estimate this place had over 300 rooms this was preening to like what is that tower we have to check that out when we get out of here so I just explored that side of the second floor trying to check out the right side and noticing it's like before has a lot of fireplaces I feel like someone very important had this room together Doris busted that could seem like a name for the room even had its own sink okay just s3 boring stuff here right now we're entering like another wing I can seriously get lost in here but this looks exactly like the left side of the building Oh check really quick just see if I can find something cool you never know there's been some times where people miss a room but the coolest stuff so far the right wing is definitely more prestige this is very clean well we made it to that end and we found the room with mattresses that's the only cool part about this wing so if anyone wants this try to sleep just come to this room let's let's head down to the first floor now one of the chapel's stained-glass stuff Oaks a nice just scare me - at first it didn't look like you seriously oh wow that sucks they also ripped the carpet off - right damn [Music] the only cool part is stained glass right here this is not keys these keys could be special kalique they're like some treasure see you safe but so just seems like at least two like some of the apartment doors some of the rooms we were just in and they're all open this is so sick kind of a weird room have a door for it but this is probably my favorite Chapel inside this place kind of sucks that someone destroyed it I must make my way down there the stairs are right here so say on it this though I loved it so much I've never seen anything like this online yet those beats this this could be all the chairs have stuff written on it I love chase time is infinite it's oh my god oh here we get it now get out while you can that's pretty sick - over there I want to do is get up there because I think there's an organ that's where the UH the organ player would play where the the choir would sing what you just walk into this hallway doesn't even look like it belongs here this is the coolest hallway ever okay guys so this is it this leads to the Orient and I love the stairway to [ __ ] how yellow it is and check us out at stained glass [Music] there's more stained glass different messages on them [Music] I think we hit the jackpot in the holy grail of this place definitely the coolest room to be like that Jesus porch right there Wow [Music] that view though [Music] listen here mother stay away let's assume it's the other side no it doesn't play it's plugged in no doesn't work anymore guys figure out a way how to take this picture just as you can see I'm not tall enough and I want to show the red background these things [Music] now piecing out find Jesus I'm glad I found you we're gonna head out now I'll meet you guys outside we explored the entire place it's been a pleasure exploring this mansion even though there was nothing inside I did love the rooms in it but now I want to explore this tower right here well could this have been well hey you can get to the top oh my god with the climb let's get you ladder wish me luck doing this for you so guys have you been enjoying the video so far don't forget to hit the thumbs up button and share the video let's get to the top yes sturdy you know hold on I'm coming up coming up [ __ ] my god come up hi guys show this off dude this is so sketchy sliders freezing my hand so scared it's also very what grabbed me as tight as I can oh how was that crazy well we kind know where to go now in case there's a zombie apocalypse yo guys so this is the view right here no wonder why they put a tower here because you can see so much and this thing must be old there's some stuff growing on it just make me want to jump off of things don't do it don't do it you I really don't trust you like don't post it yet don't post it yeah it's kid just like doesn't understand we have whistleblowers in the vicinity of the doctor that claim they'd also have it also have to get the key because we're in Canada right now no yep that's how you can tell it's Canada yep it's all they have but no there's no there's no Tim Hortons what's wrong why why do we not have two important so we just carry chocolate and copper we should just carry around Tim Hortons all the time it's usually a Ludo Ludo carries on Tim Hortons all the time it might be more sketchy going down then going up so I grabbed this on occasion swoosh so dangerous you're not gonna do this at all almost there she get inspired to do this type of stuff honestly you just had to be very confident I've done this a lot already I don't condone anything like this does get dangerous you never know what might happen I'd hurt my hands Oh and that's a wrap thank you guys for making it this far into the video I hope you guys did enjoy it if you did don't forget to like subscribe leave a comment share the video it was definite one my most favorite matches here in the States it was some pretty incredibly reminded me of that mansion that I explored in the UK that had over 500 rooms this one was almost just as big what I really did enjoy the tower that watched I was so sick and such a sketchy climb but we made it out ok see I want to mention is this Facebook group page I made on my Facebook page go check it out the links will be down description down below is basically a place where the Ronan's can all chat together share their images and their herbux life on there alright a new video right here thanks for watching and I'll see you guys on the next adventure peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Steve Ronin
Views: 58,644
Rating: 4.9138417 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, millionaires, mansion, with, over, 300, rooms, in, the, middle, of, nowhere, steve, ronin, steveronin, steve ronin abandoned, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansions
Id: cQ4S_xkcpw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 29 2018
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