Abandoned Haunted Murder Mansion (HEARD SCREAMS)

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this is the long summer house yeah this one on the right killed it this is probably the strangest room here so far there's blood in here what's going on guys so I just commuted all the way here just at the tripod I just commuted all the way here from dance it took about maybe four or five hours to get here to London recent being on flying out they've extended at this lockdown for another month any as much as I like then I don't think I can stay with Dan for another month no I'm just playing around I could that's a really chill guy but I really just want to go home around this time and need I mean I thought the lockdowns would end here around April 7 if that's what they originally said and I thought hey that's great after that I can film for a week or something and then fly that since it's not happening I'm deciding to just go back home anyway and I love you guys are probably wondering can i really go back home well after further research you know I called the Embassy of they told me what to do and they recommended I just booked a normal flight it looks like some airlines just British Airways which I'm taking they allow American citizens to fly back to the States the thing is they only do one flight per day and if that information was available and there's an American that you know stuck in the UK let him go today's video it's gonna be an amazing exploration as always I didn't know whether to release this or not because it is a haunted exploration but here's the thing last video got some pretty good feedback and it's hitting over 30,000 views and Counting so I figured that I think you guys actually liked it I also got a lot of feedback to do more so here you guys go enjoy this haunted video but before we begin I just wanted to say a big thank you to today's sponsor and today's sponsor goes to braid shadow legends during this entire lockdown I've been stuck indoors and all I've been doing is playing this game funny enough they reached out to me a week ago and wanted to do a collaboration and I said hell yeah I mean I'm a huge fan of their game and here's why a game takes you to a dark fancy world with amazing graphics most importantly raid is free and can be played cross-device as developers rolled out a PC version of the game it also has a daily login reward system for new players which has been doubled from ninety two hundred and eighty days each day you can claim two free awards that range from energy refills silver and gems to shards even champions such as the free barbarian legendary champion called the style of the Drake now there's tons of campaigns to choose from my most favorite it has to be the battle campaign where you can increase XP up new characters and enjoy a fully voice story come play and confine me in the game under the nickname Steve Ronan what are you waiting for go to the video description click on the special links and if you're a new player you'll get one hundred thousand silver one energy refill 50 gems and better yet one free champion called the executioner this isn't your ordinary champion I mean look at this guy right here [Music] now you're gonna find your rewards right up here in the corner in your inbox for the next 30 days only anyway that's that before we can the video don't forget to leave a massive thumbs up and joy in today's video we explore a haunted abandoned mansion with history of a gruesome murder evidence is still left behind as blood can be seen in a bedroom oddly enough articles and news reports point to a different mansion just down the street which may be believed to be a cover-up could this be the real mansion where the murder took place I set out to find the real answers with a team of paranormal investigators house around the corner let's stand in the master bedroom and now we're here alright so this is how the front of this mansion looks like this was actually a Victorian style mansion some may close just left in the front lawn and it's pretty old huh there's some roots growing all around it now my discovery of Buddhism yeah here we go going in [Music] alright so Nana and prune demons have been here before kronite we've never been so I'm curious myself to see how this mansion looks like I'll show you guys most of the rooms first before we get to this room I think it's the bedroom that has apparently blood in it [Music] my mask Oh same thing I'll say to you yeah what don't go down there because those stairs collapsed on me the first located is it that part right there good class this is probably the strangest room here so far all over the walls have like this weird message on them and it makes no sense whatsoever I'm seeing jungle truth-or-dare power there's also crash chute go fight win [Music] there's hide-and-seek love combat down over here says camouflage flash dragons leave a comment down below if you can figure out why the walls say these words so I guess there's like a hookah here it's nowhere now don't go I stole it and there's a book here saying guess how much I love you here's one of the bathrooms over here is the main hallway and this wall it's kinda strange - you got like a zebra design on it on whoever designed the place or styled it ped pretty weird style heading upstairs now you got some more zebra wallpaper you got Carl on this natural habitat dark spooky abandoned places doing this thing now look at that that was beautiful he saw the zooms be down so basically zoom in oh I know he see you're mouthing you walk your walks right it's like gives it that like there's a man for it I forget I know what you mean though so we got two hallways on the second floor guess I'll start over here pretty large bathroom yeah so for all the rooms are completely empty oh okay as long as women to try the uvula well theoretically I shine then you be like on it either if it's not blood hair Lily come stand closer I'm gonna write let's just get good shots whoever wants it it's erratically what's gonna happen according my research it's if I turn out the lights and I shine the UV light on this either if it's not blood you're not gonna see it it's just gonna be blended in with the rest of the wood so you should give off a greenish local or you're gonna still be able to see it and it's gonna be a dark purple all right so lights out I love you come right up close see the sign has got the dark purple black is purple if it wasn't blood or any kind of human it would basically blend it with everything else on the floor can you see that I can see if can you get closer to it just show them that that is still visible on camera all right that means it's some kind of human or DNA related fluid on the toy so there is blood in here so I guess our next step would be to try some spear fox I mean that's what led me here in the first place well that's all I wanted to know if that was like real blood or not it's real blood so I'm just baffled and I don't know like what the hell happened here cuz nothing makes sense now it doesn't I mean do you think it's possible that there was two murders one in the other house and one here that's not documented well yeah that's the only thing I'm thinking right now - I guess essentially two murders where the security guard was like lying to us I mean that's my conspiracy side is telling me that it could be a conspiracy that the woman wasn't my bad man in there she's murdered here and that's why I think I do get creepy vibe enough because kind of feels sinister but I don't know America's all darkest Peru so far right now who knows what was it going to say well I'm just I'm just confused by all this I'm still leaning towards the conspiracies I've I've seen a lot now listen when I first came in here right but when I first discovered this place this carpet was still down right I'm I'll admit it I'm the one that pulled up this carpet and found this right and we were live on camera weren't we and I have proof of that from our last documentary I did not staged any of this we were literally live when we made this discovery so it's just it's baffling so as you know Andrew as a professional ghost hunter he has all the equipment and we're going to be using this thing called the ghost radio which he'll be explaining yeah I see not professional [Laughter] Britney Spears so um basically everybody who's watched Ghost Adventures knows where spear boxes it's a radio to switch through stations automatically before the spirit box though how you discovered the ability to speak through radios or radio frequencies was people turning dials manually with radios then they went to spirit boxes I did the old-fashioned way all right we believe spirit can manipulate audio to speak and say what they need to say I like to use validation technique where rather than listening for random samples and trying to piece together a story I asked for words to be repeated back to me and once I get multiple words repeated back to me during the session to answer my questions that's more validation that is something paranormal work with someone new I have to explain it all right alright alright right the spirit of Alison who came forward to me who guided me to this blood stain on the floor I'm so the spirit of Alison who came forward to me the first time I ever came here and guided me to this blood stain on the floor claiming to be Alison lumsden who was stabbed 61 times if you please come forward and answer some questions because I'm so confused we're being told that the murder house is down the street and not this one but all the clues clearly point to this one Alison if you're there you clearly say your name for me Alison are you here so you just say Alison for me [Music] Allyson were you stabbed here did you say stabbed for me please if you were stabbed here do you use here you were tricked I think so I did is there something else here tricking me what's going on I'm gonna happily go through these responses after after this filming when I'm editing this video we'll find out what is being said it's the section that's with me yeah is obsessed with me Allison were you murdered here yes or no [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] that was interesting yeah a lot of these words that's been coming out kind of matched the entire story of what happened I want to try it out myself yeah I want to ask a question it's pretty interesting to me as you know I don't normally go do these paranormal activity stuff so yeah let's try this out all right so this is my own personal antenna so it doesn't stick so when you hold it three fingers on the bottom these two holding the incident in place okay there you go and just like hold it comfortably their hands nanus grab the knob and what you're gonna do is slowly twist it about that speed all the way through so ask a question first and then twist and just turn the volume up so far what have we heard stab me quietly GLaDOS she was found dead things like that can hurt the word revenge at one point Allison hey please say the name of the man who murdered you did you see Christopher [Laughter] I get anything on this one you did well Oh it's cuz he had tenant fell out the first day on the job guys don't let the music play Allisyn do you need help are you in peace [Laughter] [Music] so I just heard peace if you're at peace then why are you here sounded like going to die he's going to die y'all give it back Abdul like yeah first time I did good alright everyone so that's the music radio with Andrew but of course we also have another professional professional paranormal ghosts under here Karl from dark arts faire normal he's got the what's a comb psb7 spirit books whoa whoa whoa okay that sounds very high-tech I'll get out so just use not juice box what are you doing but have you thought about Emily for endorsing max not just doing it and not even tell me wait and they already know what happened they just watched it in your videos how about just do it let people figure it out for themselves cool what are you doing or haven't I'm not trying to get in your face or anything that's going on right now think about it okay so we just used and your spirit box you know how those hunters fight guys let's see who can get the best evidence from the spirit Andrew yeah so Steve this is this is pretty much new to you right now yeah so basically this device on the floor gives off like a electromagnetic field so anything is to come into its area field and it goes off uh-huh it could be potential spirits okay so we're gonna try to get some instruction going on with this we've got some interesting stuff from Andrews spirit box we're gonna try the PSP stuff as well and see what kind of stuff would get us to see if it'll draw it out over this is well something far more I know we're learning a bunch of stuff here and you guys are probably not familiar with these ghost stuff because we're always going on explorations but okay so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna use the Ghost Box while we use this thing to ask questions to and we have to do it in dead silence and yeah maybe we'll we'll get a voice on this thing and if anything this thing will kind of back up evidence if it goes off that there's a spirit around here so yeah let's do this if there's a spirit in here can you give us your name I just keep asking more questions when how long do i wait for words have seconds and between questions and then you just ask the next question okay it's her name Alison those noises yeah I hear something like that's almost like eating or chewing something in their mouth were you murdered here if so who was the one who murdered you what was his name if you were murdered by this person why did he murder to you okay I can go start all right guys so yeah I think those are good enough questions to ask yeah there's a spirit in here can you give us your name [Applause] I just keep asking more questions when how long do i wait for 10 seconds and between questions and then you just ask the next question okay it's her name Alison [Applause] what those noises yeah I hear something like crunching Realms thought I heard a woman's voice that's almost like evil or chewing something in their mouth were you murdered here [Applause] if so who was the one who murdered you [Applause] what's this name [Applause] if you were murdered by this person why did he murder you [Applause] okay I can go sir these are some interesting questions ask me a lot of questions we should all take turns asking questions yeah I think you should go first of all all right I'll go first this is a straight box huh yeah money so so [Music] no need to pull in right was there a murder that happened here then I trying to solve this blood stain on the floor in this bedroom and you help us trying to find out the answer he tell us what's it if there was a murder here [Music] whoa [Music] knocking [Music] mr. Allen you say your name I did help from wine what do you need help with help me dinah totally [Music] [Music] yes Oh why did you do it get in the suit I'll put this right next to the blood-stained Wow guys I don't know what to say I'm pretty baffled by this experience you know I've never done this ever before but we're gonna head out now it's getting late we have more spots to be filming - well yeah pretty interesting location and I glad I got to do this with some cool paranormal investigators dark art spare nope not proving demons shooting demons and dog dogs probably normal and of course will explore fellow Explorer Dan fighters guys sleep the comments down below let me know your thoughts about this whole entire experience like what do you think about this story yeah that's all we know about and hopefully it can be figured out but until next time leave a lot of freedom water I'll see y'all next adventure peace [Music] you
Channel: Steve Ronin
Views: 66,729
Rating: 4.6865315 out of 5
Keywords: steve ronin, exploring with steve, abandoned, millionaires, haunted, mansion, family, murder, haunted house, abandoned mansion, abandoned millionaires mansion, murder house, abandoned murder house
Id: 1ya6-0Za0Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 56sec (2096 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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