Exploring Abandoned Double Dragon Chinese Temple Resort Hidden Away In The Mountains

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this abandon resort was built around the early 1920s it was created as a veiny project by a millionaire tycoon who owned his own athletic shoe company the resort was often used for sport events and to showcase his brand new shoes he was big on Buddhism so while exploring the abandoned resort you can find a lot of architecture inspired by the religion eventually the company relocated to a major city in 2012 and the place has been abandoned since it is a beautiful day guys check out the view this is what I get to see every morning right here this crazy-looking skyscraper anyway I hope you guys have been doing well my name is Steve real man go on epic adventures every single week don't forget to subscribe most importantly hit the notification button bell today we're going on another crazy adventure in China we're gonna be exploring this abandoned hotel or resort I forget whichever one but when we get there we're gonna find out and if you're not following the Chinese today's I don't know what you're doing it to watch the place right here we've been it's just exploring the best of the best out here that no one has ever done before so we're the first ones to do them so go check them out it's all been a crazy ride but I am kind of running late had to meet up with a new friend so that's what I'm gonna do right now all right guys I'm now just playing for my friend I was supposed to meet an underground station but I couldn't even find it so I'd stay put and she's gonna come to me Lee met up with my friend autumn she doesn't really be shown on camera so that's okay not a lot of people do but she's cool she's really cool she's not showed me how to get a subway ticket for the first time well a subway card I mean and it's super cheap here guys we'll find out the price in second how much is that in u.s. dollars I play with though oh yes I can do everything here so digital it's like amazing yeah guys all I have to do is just scan this barcode and it'll pay it boom it's not showing my card information right okay it's okay if you show me on camera not now all right you guys heard that will guys see her face lady rather take another one okay jumper jumper she wanted to protect off each others alright guys I am starving we're literally like end of nowhere it's like the boondocks right now I don't think we're gonna be finding any food here but there has to be there has we cool alright guys so the next up is us it's just been such a nice ride saying the crazy views alright she's bringing up in this is awesome right she's from you English she's still pretty shy because she's doing cool she knows a lot about shyness he's been here for nine months for Asian we just been talking all about it my restaurant to eat and then head to the man hotel I was abandoned I some of the buildings in town say all the houses look like please insert I put this in okay so yeah that was the first time taking a subway line and I did not expect it to be like that there's a lot of things I didn't talk about China but yeah actually saw it was like very clean um they seem very protective to with having to scan your stuff in so scenes very safe oh my gosh yeah we're in the middle of nowhere right now I'm glad you got some onigiri she actually gave me one of them too so I don't think I'll be starving today thankfully so one thing we have an option if we don't find a restaurant is there's a service called Lima in China which is like takeout yeah they'll pretty much deliver anywhere and we just give them a location wait a half an hour they won't have hot food ready to come I've never had that happen before and I didn't just meet us in the middle of the street with hot food bun down I am so down oh yeah so we're gonna love it down yeah we're kind of fun to pass now that my friend sent us look at this like there's these random buildings that no one even uses it looks like an apartment complex so Anand is this your first time of doing something like this right well usually you would want to call this an herb XPath or herbux highway you can tell people have been here and walk through here too you might have to go through here yeah because you can see if someone put this as like a stepping stone he's groaning climbing through a stone crack don't think it's the cognitive decline or something now we just gotta yeah let's go this path Chinese mess are so different they like Google Maps so confusing I sure you follow the path that looks traveled by yeah you're right let's do that see you're more of an Irving it's more than me that's good yeah you're not that much beneath actually I go well Kotori got hiking boots - I got sneakers yeah good way morphix with a tie oh my god no you know I don't wanna see it what there's a dead pony literally what this is dead buddy Crescent piece damn did that [Music] a lot of people think it's cool no luck you'll thing is cool maybe the fact that I'm able to do it for a living makes it more acceptable maybe if I wasn't able to they will look down upon it so now I think we're on the main road yeah so ya know it don't tell statway wait I'm just curious to see what these other buildings I can make out with sense maybe it's locked yeah gentlemen rush right now there is some sort of like classroom people study well I don't think we can get inside look how rusty this is this is hella old can easily just break that apart wait Kate whatever I think we should go to the cool area yeah we gotta find the dragon heads just put the tripod on in case anything comes ya know that rabbit was like freshly killed food it was sad that's like have it today right it's just like no it's not European yeah you know this was like hotel rooms there's a path to yeah and this looks like like a little zoo and what kind of animal lived in here I really don't know any history on it to be honest I still look it up it looks like gazebo [ __ ] here let's go the other way like someone like I know I just feel like it's too cold for people who are you living outside right now another zoo [Music] interesting good even with my a charger charges it was charging a bit like it was not 70 and I just strange at 30 wow that's crazy I get a new phone just like they're they're tied up yeah there must be a meeting it's okay Emily they did something wrong and they're bowing to that dude there are kneeling in front of this guy looks like some sort of Emperor you know what this says the process of doing something or it's while happening kind of makes sense this kind of where you would like have some incense and cleanse yourself [Music] well that leaves a massive pile of poop so I think I'd rather go this way now guys what do you think of the place so far like it's been pretty creepy seeing the dead rabbit and massive pile of poop Weaver's thoughts down below another strange thing is this looks like a fire hose alright there are homeless people I feel like they be up here alright guys this is where we wanted to get to this place right here to us like the main resort and you can tell by the dragon head with a sign say cord it's like motion great light interesting sounds very motivational we can crawl underneath this [Music] let me take a look oh whoa we can get into the mouth the dragon can we even walk through it that's pretty cool yeah we can't all right come through Wow yeah it does we were walking inside the dragon right now seriously I'm glad I'm glad she's getting into our backs I think I am too oh yeah me too you guys know I'm like a kid at heart as well it's near we're still inside the dragon too do you think it's been here since 1921 okay what he's for those four oh wait maybe yeah I know that Gail looks the same yeah a double star yeah okay so I guess you sound like a lot of events cr2 and these are some of them like looks like it's in sports team 90th yeah that's a long time it's kind of sad especially since like it's abandoned now [Music] that's creepy [Music] [Music] all right I think we should go out again sport outside yeah I noticed that too I think they're from other explorers like us I came here you know yeah the shoes are still here so this needs to be like a shoe store he said oh yeah come get all the the stance or whatever is called it would hold all the shoes on the wall means it's a perfect idea it looks like a lot of sports teams we come here I know too small for me assess here on my phone that there is what belong to the local sports shoe brand double stars they had a swimming pool hotel in their own brand store at the site makes perfect sense double store care reminds me a converse yeah they look pretty good they would go rip awful between converse and Adidas but look at this one that was like a Congress sheet and that one was think adidas you know what's funny to like the symbol guys will see you watching what constant us that look like calling down below right now I think we all had the same idea in a head Nike right Oh seriously oh my god so these shoes a little like a mixture between adidas converse and Nike maybe they went out I probably said all the history already when I when I edited this video we got some that's a foot like post forts of models rocking their clothes so there's another brand called ëthe man could have belong to them two more shoes here that's black move already you won't be touching any of these one of their athletes magazines so we can kind of see their shoes right here [Music] anyway will you touch she have done that yes really could be dusty and maybe it's time to head up hopefully this way can also lead out Wow there's another dragon mouth what's long [Music] yeah there's like creepy mannequins right there but they would buy also sell shoes here - this is a leisure center just like the your service center like athlete leisure sir so what they were just come here to like hang out it looks like they would have like a runway right here yeah maybe so I typed in double sharks twos on Google and it looks like they're still selling them I guess it's just this area yeah it's just this outlet that became abandoned maybe they like move to a different location we can see a great view from here it's uh much of smog getting us the pollution cuz I also heard like a fog or does is from like the desert the Besser sand desert so much but you could be definitely right I definitely know a lot of it smog and some of its fog you like people slept here yeah there's how it feels this how it felt like walking the runway yeah it's really popular over there actually there's a community of Arab Xers here in China but yeah I think it's all s little s how do I say it yeah the less popular the least I don't know how to say there's more explorers in Europe and America than in China I think yeah and the Japan is a pretty good community there too creepy and well I didn't come alone I would be like pretty scared looking at this by myself I'd be like always watching my back in case like something's behind me still have one more floor to go it's pretty dusty in here oh my god you came for cared for pears [Music] awesome more shoots you guys they had if I see hiking shoes I'm taking them I'm just kidding I wouldn't I don't want to encounter any homeless people in we've been here for a long time it's fake this leaves me a plaster take a look at the boxes they would put the shoes in there so big yeah I says this is prepare for war on them oh yeah I think they're moto was always about like fighting that's all I've been seeing walking the wildness I think this is the biggest shop so far oh there's more shoes here alright guys I want you guys to leave something down the comments which shoe would you guys choose just like just kick it into the hair yeah almost be paint yeah this leaves coming from the wall well I know for one thing we don't want to be breathing in any of this shoo there's no way out of it how much more Schuster's do we have to go through I just don't want miss anything interesting I get it now each store had like different pairs of shoes this is more of like the outdoor type of shoes oh yeah yeah okay yeah it's close let's look at another door so I mean is we just made it outside had to go through entrance again [Music] yeah it scared me for a second - yeah seriously it's cool one of us have to talk okay what does that say it's like Dragon Kings temple yeah Wow [Music] this is amazing it's legit temple to you because of the food offerings like that painting is on the walls too it's like the god of the ocean or something another nice really interesting is that you can see the ocean view from here kind of smarmy but it's very small ye but that's the ocean right there I could tie it with this temple oh it is that this one's a little bit smaller than the other one can't really fit inside take a look at this there's a path that leads to the roof of the building we were in yeah we never made it that far up Wow okay we're good yeah this is the door we tried getting through I know it's locked here too last year I was thinking that as well let me check out this corner first see everything from up here another shrine tan this is the ultimate shrine for the shoe store Wow sigh stepping in here will like give us good luck or something this is sick now that I think of it I don't think I can take these shrines too seriously because and see the brand logo right here double star I feel like it's not that serious or maybe it could be maybe it's like a blessing for the shoe company they look closely there's like this little lady mannequin right there I thought it was a real person just looking at us that scared me just want to point out one thing look at the science right here it looks like they could have lit up yeah we're gonna head back down now that's a wrap [Music] so I know this place was a hotel too and we might think this building was the hotel but look at it we can't even climb through the shower tile over the walls so we have to skip that part but I just need photos it's completely empty the cool stuff what's why we just explored so we're gonna go and so we just made it towards the entrance we're gonna in the video now we made it safe and sound stay tuned for the next episode and keep up with the China series guys who wants to play this right over here I didn't Utley subscribe hit the notification button Bell leave your comments down below and share the video I'll see y'all next adventure peace [Music] you
Channel: Steve Ronin
Views: 123,405
Rating: 4.8926172 out of 5
Keywords: steve ronin, exploring with steve, abandoned steve, Abandoned Double Dragon Chinese Temple Resort Hidden Away In The Mountains, Abandoned Double Dragon Chinese Temple, Abandoned Double Dragon Chinese Temple Resort, Hidden Away In The Mountains, abandoned chinese resort, abandoned china, abandoned temple, abandoned chinese temple, abandoned hidden away in the mountains
Id: nLgMboJiYCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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