Abandoned- Huge 1938 home/Vintage furniture/Retro stuff/photos/Bric a brac all left behind/ 2 sheds!

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[Music] oh [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so what is going on guys okay firstly sorry about the traffic noise quite a busy road here but this house is going to be replaced by a big development project so obviously we're here to check it out i don't know if it's open it looks to be definitely uh early 50s or uh maybe even a late 40s build judging by the roof and the windows i think there's a window smash there too nice veranda terrazzo is it guys yeah see there's a window broken there [Applause] okay that door's shut look at this old seat and this thing check it out what is it it's a uh looks like a vanity or half a vanity oh i don't know what it is but it looks like it's just hand made out of wood bits and pieces of wood rough cuts of wood [Applause] oh there's bits and pieces in the shed knickknacks well this is the carport more so than a [Music] shed [Music] yeah i'm hoping or judging by that smashed window that um the place is open all the back back's open somewhere i mean i hope not in because i'm glad someone smashed the window i'm hoping so we can have a look guys just books and stuff looks like they've started packing things up [Applause] although there is a lot of dust and cobwebs around nice old wardrobe there [Applause] all right we'll go around the side the other side the power lines are still attached yeah i really think this is an early 50s home i'll put the date in if i can find the exact date guys that's a hot uh that's the gas the gas system for the hot uh hot water it's been taken off the wall oh yeah there's a nice big backyard too which is always the attractive part to developers just peep around the corner here there's heaps of cobwebs on the windows and dust everywhere [Applause] kind of keeping an eye out for any cameras or anything like that and oh there's a cool old tv there's looks like a shed or asleep out there as well black tv okay well i think that door's actually open oh we could be lucky here yes okay that's it that's a good sign because the power box has been removed so i don't think we're gonna trip uh trigger any sensors or anything like that oh man there's a bit of stuff left behind in here hello anybody here no although it would be interesting if i did hear a yes no it's obviously been cleared out or most of it so i don't think we're gonna run into anyone and the power is not attached anyway all it is but it's been disconnected so let's check this place out look at these old sofa chairs oh they're um they're actually club sofas that's a club sofa they'll be the original thing under there yep there it is yeah they're the olds they're the old original 30s club sofa chairs it's got the floral covers over the top and there's the uh there's the sofa there i get the feeling that there was elderly residents in here maybe long time owners oh some more nice furniture cds these are 45 record it's amazing what gets left behind now obviously they've probably taken what they wanted or just needed and um i've seen this before they leave nice wardrobes and nice vanities and things like that behind is that keith richards i think it is button holder is that that thing there wow the vinyls that was that's a business card for fridge repairs hmm oh wow they've gathered dust they look like yeah they're definitely ladies ladies clothing or maybe both yeah that's a that's a bloke's jacket definitely um vintage clothing there too so maybe this is like a deceased estate that's only just been finalized and um now the developers have are going to come in and knock it down this is a ensuite to this bedroom maybe oh yeah got the tool got the loo oh the wallpaper it's pretty much fully on its way off the wall yes look at all the cobwebs i really don't think anyone's lived in here for a fair while i'll just go back out this way it's the laundry hmm oh chocolate boxes oh just uh cotton cotton reels what are they called bobbins bob bobbles bobbins well there's more there so they were obviously handy with the summing and tapestry and all that sort of stuff old school all right yeah the old meat is still making like a bit of a buzzing noise but the main power box is gone more knickknacks you hear the dust so much dust all right we've got a kitchen oh a nice retro kitchen too let's turn my light up a bit that's up full look at the wallpaper oh i'll get a better shot here nice woodwork on the doors cool old art deco they might be bakelite door handles too pretty cool another one of those lights all right these cupboards and the wood paneling definitely look you know your 70s maybe late 60s two fridges okay we'll we'll keep moving this way wow two more nice pieces that's a really solid table that is look at this this is nice although is it what is it uh oh there's something it's like a laminate a laminate covering is chipping off okay there's a document here with the name march 1993 oh and it's a uh and it's an estate correspondence in the above estate okay but that's 1993. so maybe the original owners passed away in 93 and the kids may have got it that's art deco and now maybe the kids are ready to retire and the developers have given them a nice little retirement package oh the axe well at least i know i've got a weapon if i get ambushed more little knickknacks little birdie kind of seems like they were sorting through about all the stuff maybe maybe they're coming back to get this stuff but i wouldn't be surprised if this is the stuff they don't want or too too hard to move there's a block there's a fly in there oh it's a b there he is i know there's actually a fly and a b making those noises no it's not it's the bee all right so this is the it's got to be the dining room of the kitchen with a table and this has to be the the main living room the front living room kind of seems like we've walked straight into a living room at the start oh look at that a standing lamp a pedestal lamp that's that's just a lamp shade that's that window that was broken i showed you at the start nice doors again [Music] so this is the front door like a front foyer you see even this front foyer's got a lot of room that archway is a nod to the victorian era definitely so got some nice lighting in here oh women's shoes okay i got in trouble in the comments for not showing some women's shoes once they were sitting on the floor so here we go i'm not i don't know much about women's shoes only on weekends no just jokes boots and you know one of these wallpaper okay we've got a bed in a bedroom with more stuff they look like videos vhs another chandelier as well this is probably going to be a long video guys because i will check that shed sleepout thing at the end as well nice old bed frame that's a portable heater and air conditioner the exercise treadly it is the ap air 2000 probably still works all right too all right obviously there was cupboards and stuff there with all that dust and cobwebs yeah they're all videos probably the same here there's some sort of little dolly oh porcelain doll is it could be it's definitely not plastic it might be porcelain there's pussycat oh there's heaps of photos here is the cat again there's the old oh that i think that might be that tv that we saw outside there's some old photos there too oh look at that 1927. says there wow jeez i hope they uh i hope they don't end up in the bin or in the in the landfill alright so where are we in this place okay uh there's the kitchen so yeah that's where we came in so we'll go this way oh nice art deco this could be good check it out it's it's all original except there's no pedestal sink left they've changed it but other than that it's all original art deco tiles shower's gotta be in here oh that is so cool damn how good would it be if the pedestal single's still there silly doors creeking there we go it's even got the original shower head i've not seen one that's shaped before so the pedestal sink what color do you think it would have been green or yellow i reckon probably yellow matching the bath really really deep tub too oh oh more wardrobes as well two of those beds and another wardrobe matching wardrobes and matching beds look that they're the old school ones they are old it's in really really good condition still too wow i really really hope these beds and the wardrobes oh they're coming back for these okay there's more there's another loo that's the original lou too definitely the original one this is probably a little study or something look at this typewriter it's old but it's not real old probably 70s or 80s jump in the comments if you know and then i'll hat some sort more bits and pieces um they're all soaps scented soaps maybe they're documents or cards or something the built-ins yeah this must be a study because it's not very big i don't think we could fit a single bit in here but you wouldn't have much much room for anything else so i've got a feeling we might have covered the inside but there's that um or sleep out or granny flat we will go over there and check it out awa well retro still got push buttons it's pretty retro though probably 70s ping pong table okay looks like there's a lot of stuff in here too oh there is well oh don't want to knock it over all right well while we're in here let's take a snoop around there's an old bbq it's not too old but grill cooker oh look at that spider guys sitting right on the book huntsman that's a australian huntsman guys i know some of you don't like spiders i don't really either but these guys are harmless even though they don't even though they look quite scary he's only a baby anyway he's probably thinking what the hell are you doing look at that old chair i did notice though that those those books there are all horse horse related as well maybe they were not obviously horse lovers but horse owners season 1968 to 1969 wall growers easier sharing okay maybe they started on the land or maybe they had a farm somewhere as well that's all just garden gardening stuff folding tray table johnson's clan map of the scottish highlands there you go it's got all the names and where they belong old wooden trunk full of books more horse stuff what whatever happens to baby horses that's a fair question they turn into adult horses oh little spider webs there oh and there just as well i'm ducking that's one of those crocheted pictures uh oh there's another spider in there i need a tiny little one he just jumped in under the net but that's that's where i'd say mr huntsman's had his offspring with mrs huntsman that's a little tiny baby one but obviously um i was going to say that's where they had the table tennis table sitting on this old one all right let's see how many other spiders i can find hmm more books oh they're dusty let us know if you uh recognize any of them i'll do a bit of a pan a short history of the far east all right well we just covered the shed beautiful old home a beautiful old home that i would say within a month definitely two months won't be standing anymore but as i mentioned earlier i really hope that someone is coming back to save these beds because they really need to be saved and those wardrobes i mean even if the um they don't want them moving on to someone who else who does they're so nice we have covered the whole lot guys so i will say thanks for watching and i'll cruise on to the next location wherever that is and i'll see you guys there jump in the comments cheers guys bye
Channel: Urbex Indigo
Views: 47,456
Rating: 4.8895621 out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, Urban exploration, Abandoned houses, Abandoned, Abandoned exploring, 50`s homes, deceased estate, Old house
Id: qOxF4-cQF2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 52sec (2752 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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