Abandoned Massive Ghost Resort Hotel

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[Music] well we just made it here looks pretty trashed up from the back I mean it's TVs here so many of them it's very chaotic in here well man this must have been one really big hotel back in the day - let me guys give you a little bit of history on the place so this a band hotel you don't huh Chima been known to be here since the 1970s the opening date is currently unknown we don't know when this place was first built an 85 out of 89 rooms had views what was the ocean view pretty much that they be seen from this hotel insanely beautiful there was a small banquet room five meeting rooms that was possible to accommodate over a hundred people a Emerald hot water spa a tennis court and a golf course we got try to find all the rooms as we explore the place and this place was closed in 2004 due to natural collapse and so on it's the same history as Hachi oedema hotel not too many people came on this island because when the Japanese were allowed to travel outside the country around the 1960s or 1970s they got better and better for them many people prefer to travel to Thailand Bali Indonesia other tropical places for vacation it's not too many people came on this island sales were dropping down and they didn't have enough money to keep up with the repairs and they had to close it down to 2004 and now it's just left abandoned like this unbelievable anyway there's so many things we're gonna be seeing so many rooms I can't wait to explore it so let's get going but before we do don't forget to smash that thumbs up funny almost forgot to introduce myself my name is Steve Ronan and we go on epic adventures every single week if you like the content don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification button Bell and also I want to welcome you to the rodent family don't forget to join our discourse server I'm on there 24/7 just chatting at everyone and it's just a chill place to just vibe around and talk to people yeah we have a great community going on with their own family so yeah I would love for you to join come check it out and come say hi links will be down in description it is crazy when you're right now and probably to watch out for the breeze flying for near the window yeah for the most part it's insane homey stuff was left behind this looks like it was part of an arcade machine looks like they took out the big screens from them over there looks like it could have been like a little gift shop area because of the glass shelves this looks more like the front desk just assuming because this there's numbers right here I think those were the room numbers maybe they would take the key and give it to you from here now I've been to hot cheeto Jima before two years ago I managed to explore two hotels as I was here one being the arcade hotel that you saw the other day and Hachioji m'a Royal Hotel which is by far my favorite abandoned hotel I've ever explored the first video has over 5.5 million views so yeah if you haven't seen it go watch the first video this hotel I did not get to explore it because one of my friends he broke his camera he had to go fix it we had to fly out it was pretty chaotic but yeah so I'm super happy to be here right now and to finally finish off the three abandon hotels on this island and I think these are the only abandoned places here on Hachiya Jima not sure what that says see if Google knows rent-a-car rental well that's a car rental place nice okay crazy how assess it in English Wow it's a little office room I think these are the hotel brochures yeah it is so this place was called hajima Coco Sol can't go hotel there's a picture of it just like the food menu here are pictures of like the unguents and the pools had an ocean view and yeah an order to get on this panel you would have to take a ferry it's such like a really cool journey to get here nowadays they've built an airport and I we took a flight instead and look at the phone picture though the scuba diving activity is looking sane over here I just made it to what looks like the banquet hall all that's missing are the tables this place it's a lot of abandoned TVs seeing a lot of mold here in this hotel that's probably cause of the water and rain seeping in so I just made it back here because I really want to check out this will lead I feel like it might lead to the pool or the unguents man the vending machines they're still here huh those big spiders again well I just found another huntsman spider it's big you can see comparing to the exit sign okay bye-bye well man it must be everywhere here we've been seeing those type of spiders everywhere and the ban bills we've been exploring and they usually stay in buildings like this if you notice how they're flat their bodies are perfect to just be on the walls and they stay indoors because they're protected from like the birds I think these weren't even here when it was abandoned I feel like yeah I mean the trees were here but over time they just kept growing growing no one's been able to take care of them and that's why it looks like this this must have been some sort of karaoke room so I'm assuming it's pretty neat I think it is the karaoke room because there's machines there like stereo systems and there's some stuff that way but it's pretty ripped okay look yeah man this must look really really beautiful back in the day I'm sure there used to be like water flowing here and the plants probably had flowers on them Mike and grace think they could have been pink or white flowers so these might have been the flowers ooh okay yeah well I don't even think we can walk across this stairs also lead up to the second floor Wow we got a broken-down car here no way two of them can't remake up what they used to be okay and we're now making it to the force with the hotel rooms we have a lot more to explore it's another building just right next door and I believe that could have been the tennis court that's nice offer is it we get some mouth let's go four legs nice yeah that's it that is really cool could be a new species is it Lauren I feel I don't know it's seems oh look it's but yeah that's definitely an aggression Pete there's a picture in the front that hmmm love this thing it's like a scorpion spider cricket what he wants to be you or at that no I don't know cuz the birds might eat it man don't know what sort of insect that is anyway moving on now on the other side our other rooms now these were the ones where people used to stay in pretty decent size this one doesn't have an ocean view though and there's some rooms here with an ocean view you can get solve the roof here it's solid just good whoa you can see the highway bridge from here hmm miss robes cross on the door yeah we can make what religious noises on the door I'm trying to get a some natural lighting here so we can get a cool shot of the door getting really really dark now this room looks different same setup the just opposite direction I guess this was like a smoking room on this little folder and it seems like they're in each room it holds information as you can see just want some Japanese this could have been like a menu like a lunch and dinner menu it's all the food and drinks you can get from the hotel and here are here's some information on the activities and how much they would cost scuba diving one of the scuba diving activities cost fifteen thousand yen that's almost 150 US dollars fishing would cost thirty five hundred yen that's like 35 bucks looks like he can take a boat ride somewhere I think it's on the island that you can see off in a distance from here where is it you can kind of see the edge of it through this window you can actually get on that island but it's currently unpopulated and abandoned you can still get on it though but no one ever goes there I actually want to go there and hopefully we have time to do that but if not I'm gonna have to come back again some other time what we have to go here that's like a field of beautiful flowers Wow it's absolutely stunning yes so many cool activities these pictures must have been taken around the 80s look at that car I think um we're gonna come back tomorrow early morning so yeah I'm gonna continue off this video when we get back here Shh all right guys made it back it's the next day and it's bright and early well actually no what's an afternoon anyway you guys joined in yeah what's up name is Vulcan we actually met him last night he's also visiting Hachioji m'a and he want to come along and explore with us today so here but uh it's cool now we can see a lot better and we still have half way more to go so I just came up in the hallway it's so different in the daylight there's some rooms that I'd even notice because it was so dark like this one I hear room 322 this one still has two slippers check out the fish you can get from this island I don't know the type of fish they are what their bangs this one these Japanese people camping near us they were cleaning their fish yesterday yeah and their fish was like huge like this like all giant size and you just got to keep it right can you keep the fish I'm sure yeah I'm gonna be nice nice dinner yeah nice meal for the week seems like yeah I do I want a fish I want to spear fish like your friends are doing come on I think this is like the third floor I'm sure some of these rooms look very similar to the bottom ones but this is something different see the door downstairs should be like this and not close so I guess yeah so let's try to see what the reams look like you see a gorgeous view from here oh uh this is Hachi oh Fuji it's the tallest mountain here I'm nacho Jima and the tallest mountain out of all the easy islands [Music] they're heavy doors wow this room is really clean these weren't even used when you have done abandoned that's probably why it's just really pristine well this one is a geocoin safe can't open it there's stuff aside I won't take anything I just want to show you guys what could be possibly in here Wow we found this little balcony though at the end of the hallway it's probably the emergency escape but look look at this view guys I wish you were here to see this in person hopefully this video makes up for it though just a tiny bit because it just looks like a painting for me I feel like King Kong lives on that Island and hopefully next time I come here I actually explore the island because you can get on it and apparently it's a lot of abandoned stuff because that place used to be populated in the past but um I forgot why they had to evacuate the island I think it was just maybe not too many people are going there to take care of the place so yeah would be cool to visit it one of these days also this hotel that we're exploring had a golf course I believe it's somewhere over there somewhere behind these overgrown trees and right there's the swimming pool away where we first came from or right here I think this one might be easier we'll see it's a little different I'm pretty sure the floors all look the same now how would this be good go all the way up because that's probably where the best rooms are like a premium luxury suites yeah the penthouse might be up here by the way put the PQ mask found this at the Pokemon Colosseum No got this at the pokemon stadium in Tokyo absolutely loved it man wish we can get these for all of you guys so we just made on top the rooftop well now you could like have a party up here yeah need a little bonfire keep things warm barbecue yeah it's funny we've been having trouble getting hotel rooms here because it's Golden Week everything is completely booked earlier this morning we had to check out out of our Airbnb we found a hotel super expensive and it was pretty pricey so kind of wish we could have maybe just camped here on the rooftop looks pretty clean the views here are so unreal on top of there's a band hotel like no one really is gonna explore this and see this type of view anywhere besides here like you have the best view points at the mountain of the island next to you Jima and the bridge it's a beautiful highway bridge you guys have seen it probably the previous videos absolutely amazing most beautiful day ever yeah this is one of the days where it's very calm not too windy not raining clear skies this is probably the also the last floor yeah this goes straight to the rooftop being a weird bang noise what is that it's just the wind blowing door that's pretty much it I think this would be like some sort of water pump yeah we just reached the highest peak of this man hotel suggest you just camp here wish yo the plane you can see it landing from here that looks crazy it's about it with the rooftop really wanted to fly my drone from up there but uh as you saw it's just really gusty sometimes and I don't see for the drone [Music] yeah everybody's 101 never try to enter the elevators in a band places if they're really bad okay this is gonna be a weird way to get through here maybe let's go down the other way yeah and we're gonna cut by a rusty door yeah final ladder like a rope ladder across the rooms whoa this one's this one's not hoarded up but this one's super gnarly yeah oh my gosh this one's sort of look different yeah it does I've got two rooms Knossos bigger than the yeah no more room houses got some bikini bikini modeling right in the next room I think is the same structure but opposite Wow yes pretty clean yeah that's pretty clean so this is like on the maps of the floors this one's the first floor maybe you can lead us to the penthouse hate touching stuff maybe not I've got a pentose would look more luxurious and ran this thing we can see some information in Japanese up the floors right now we're in the sixth floor it goes from six to one to 625 yeah here's the map the hotel unfortunately the pinpoints are all in Japanese we made it to the very opposite end these are the only rooms now to check out plus this handle yeah we'll never know yeah that's the mystery room maybe it's similar to this one 6:25 but this one also losses handle yeah okay so I'm sure yeah these are the corner rooms I'm sure 625 let's pray similar to 623 but we can't get in so I'm glad we can get in this one hmm it's definitely different than the rest yeah I wanna say as big maybe [Music] I think this room is by far my favorite room out of this abandoned L just has so much more personality to it and the lighting is incredible plus the curtains is blowing make it look really epic whoa whoa whoa look who finally to say we got into the other rooftop as well oh yeah found it the scape ladder once before if there's a fire her very eyes there's other buildings we never got the chance to explore them actually wait yeah that's the garden with all the vines growing but we couldn't get into that building because everything just collapsed even the floor couldn't get to there either right here I think this root saw was better than the one we were just at it's a lot smaller but man the views especially this one he have nothing's walking the view up this bridge when you're up at this level or whatever you want to call it highway bridge best view in town this is broken window and decided that's all these futon mattresses and blankets crazy how they just leave it all the way up here okay someone's want an extra one like imagine being though with the worker okay be right back coming up okay go upstairs let's probably live longer here in Japan maybe maybe I can't speak the strangers this is where Mike was sticking his hand out being a weirdo yeah this is the third house this is bathtub Oh to the penthouse private pool that's about it guys we're gonna head downstairs now I just we just made it back down to the garden before I was a little bit too dark and I tried showing you guys this room over here we can see a lot better this was the look cafe perhaps even a bar yeah get into this might have been a cafe serving tea other drinks sapporo machine yeah there's a hint visit sapporo machine oh yeah here's the bar pretty awesome yeah man there's other things yeah heavy night of drinking like get into a bar fight and then just start smashing bottles everywhere yeah it looks like they did that by the end of the closing date huh yeah we lost so much money what would you like today we have kidded Asahi Sapporo and then highball I bought a highball all day all right coming up one highball pebble this still has liquid in it this is unopened but is it hi Waldo no hmm I'm sorry I'm gonna have to leave the bar I'm sorry sorry sorry no ball bar sucks we have a we have mystery drink nope nope sorry mr. highball all day the smallest stage in the world right here there's some arcade machines in there for space invaders there's another one right next to it and I checked down that way and simply collapse might even see this watch your step oh yes just watch your step man one sec seriously yeah I was looking for that that's a little bit we can't cross over yeah the forest absolutely erect this one looks fine please beads click seashell beads yeah like necklaces made of seashells Wow the duck roof just came in pretty much the Ikes I really want to go inside I'll be careful man we might want to be really careful okay get inside I did oh okay nice kind of see for myself - watch your step okay yeah it's like nothing below us this is a giant - Tommy room is huge like whoever built this hotel expected like so many people it's a shame that it never happened yeah wonder what he's up to nowadays well this room is huge I think the bottom floors had more of the premium Suites yeah easy access is a weird TV looking thing very weird not sure what it is Wow okay these floor school are very unsafe good thing it's dead yeah I don't know if I want to walk across you see a whole day already there's no way man it's probably something really cool back there yeah it could be I wouldn't do it no it's not worth it no Walter yeah just found a giant tub could've been another onsen back yep maybe it's I think so yeah I'm seen on things like this spiders around this corner oh it's okay all right guys so remember that golf course I was talking about well the hotel used to own one and they still use it it's a still an active Golf Course yeah we just met area she's really cool professional golfer they trimmed it up really good hope you guys enjoy a lot for me personally I thought this was one of the best hotels I've ever explored it was really really big and it had such amazing views the only thing I'm really disappointed about is the fact that I didn't even take photos when I was there yeah it was so weird I looked into my folders on my desktop and I didn't take any pictures I guess so kind of bummed out about that but this was a long long video and it took so long to film and explore it so that's probably why I didn't take any photos anyway I'm currently here in front of this abandoned Asylum I'm here filming out in Italy creating a series for you guys and this will probably be up on my channel after I'm done with the Philippine series and the Korea series so yeah got a lot coming up and I'm really sorry that I haven't been keeping up with uploads just because I've been sick on this trip and there's hardly any good Wi-Fi or internet speed plus I've been exploring every single day and filming so it was hard to balance all of those combined but today's the last day of exploring and filming here in Italy and I'll be spending my time just editing and trying to upload maybe as possible within these coming weeks I'm gonna end the video here now if you did enjoy the content don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell button like and share the video and leave a comments thoughts down below also if you wish to support the channel even more you can become a patreon member phones will be down in the description I also want to say a big shout-out to the new patreon smaran Giles and pixie perfect thank you for becoming a supporter hope you guys live a life of freedom and water and I'll see you all the next adventure peace [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Steve Ronin
Views: 54,766
Rating: 4.9397593 out of 5
Keywords: steve ronin, exploring with steve, abandoned, massive, ghost, resort, hotel, abandoned places, urban exploration, abandoned japan, abandoned hachijojima, urban exploring, top 10, steve ronin abandoned
Id: uuQcX5xX7GE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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