Abandoned MANSION from 1842 - EXQUISTITE Architecture!

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[Music] so [Music] all dirty so becca walked across the field and her uh what happened your boots got all dirty she said she got a whole bunch of stuff in her boobs let's see oh yeah a little dirty but uh she just trekked across the field still over there my knee oh yeah becca's still recovering from her injury but she's being a trooper today anyways she's gonna she's gonna film for you so say hi becca after your hiatus [Applause] oh just so you guys know everybody i'm putting on this mask because it's cold and to keep out any dust i might run across it's not for covet okay not about copies all right so here i'll move out of the way so you can see this room not just quite the fireplace oh that's huge huge fireplace i don't think i've seen one that big before yeah it looks like this place was abandoned quite a while ago [Music] what's that um a gold enamel blah blah blah what's this old stuff down there it's not like a little um what look at these little jars becca yeah look at that white shellac what is this stuff it's like it says 15 cents is it like paint pastels or something huh it looks like they were like into crafts or something oh um did you see this really cool taco phone okay check this out hmm isn't that sweet yep taco phone that's really cool this place isn't secured at all i'm kind of surprised it hasn't been um you know totally thrashed yeah i like the the old knobs and the the hardware on the what should i call it this thing's cool that's like 60s i think i guess we'll save upstairs for last you think there's a cellar on a basement um very possible this this ramp right here seems a lot newer than the rest of the place doesn't it like it was added for handicap access down there's like different products and stuff in here in the uh electric panel and junk oh a broom are you gonna sweep bubba oh yeah it's been a while yeah let's sweep let's get this place ship shape ship shake ship shape good job clean oh you gotta check out this thermostat on the wall it's really cool looking wow so the word on the floor is pitch like uh you pitch your tent i mean i changed the word but you know now i don't have to edit it on camera oh look at those old dustpans they're like copper or something those are ancient looking oh the door framing and the mantle over there man this place has some cool architectural stuff and these ceilings are i'm about six feet tall these are at least two of me so it's at least 12 foot ceilings how the drapes do those those are i can't believe this was a band i mean even the original rug this huge rug was left behind look at the decorations and the the you know what i mean all this cool stuff look there must have been an amazing picture oh that was a mirror oh yeah oh my goodness wow this place is pretty incredible is that picking up okay it's kind of dark in this room very bright as i can get it sorry everybody it's a big house and didn't expect these rooms to be this massive this place is so mean i hope you all are enjoying this uh architecture but it didn't make it it didn't make it oh what's this whoa hey that's old that's like an ancient record ancient well i mean it looks ancient angel records [Applause] there's a couple of these over here oh man this place just keeps going and it just keeps getting more cool this front entrance it's incredible [Applause] i wonder what's up with the random pews i don't know maybe they had little church services here i mean it's certainly um you know sorry about the interstate noise people can't really do anything about it it's a cool door yeah take your time getting the details and stuff i'm sure everybody appreciate it is it better with the light um when it's that far away i don't think it makes a difference oh okay it's like every room is big and tall and has a fireplace i wonder it wasn't on the right f number now i can gather more light okay yeah i thought it was darker than normal well when we circle back around i think maybe we should look at those again because it was on the wrong side sorry about that it's fancy it's too bad there wasn't more furniture [Applause] you know what's amazing is this place is it's still in pretty good shape it's not like falling apart i suspect i i can't tell you right now you can look at the beginning of the video but i'm pretty sure this has a tin roof and that might have a lot to do with it this place just keeps going there's a really cool tv in here i think sweet old rca there's like [Applause] here's a bathroom it's a really small bathroom but it's still a bathroom wow this is a real treat you know i didn't expect this place to be right off the interstate and it's relatively unaffected it's a really old vacuum and uh some really neat vintage clothes in here i bet you all are happy that becca's back on the camera okay so we just circled back around here so i think we can go upstairs now all right um there's some cool hats up here the uh the walls in this house are brick that explains a lot why it's so solid [Music] wow there's all kinds of oh no way take your time jason but there's so many cool products here you guys have got to see this is amazing okay noxzema skincare it's like an unopened bottle a jar of this stuff oh look at that wow wow smell it whoa strong this stuff is this is vintage there's not even a uh oh yeah i'm sorry there's not even a barcode on this stuff oh that has a barcode there's a whole bunch like old toothpaste and junk and look old tampons oh no look at that economy package 40 regular whoa like how old are these someone's giant stash it was a dollar eighteen at kroger but look there's no bar code and there's all kinds of this stuff someone is really into foot care an unopened box of crest from who knows how long ago probably the 80s that's amazing 1992 right there 92 okay that gives us an idea of when this may have been abandoned let's see what's back there whoa philips milk and magnesia man this is so cool you guys i get excited over old products probably more than anything like old average products like look at that look at the lady on there she's totally from like the 50s or something this is amazing let me see if i can find a date i mean seriously that doesn't work i think it's dried up i mean this seriously this is incredible are you not as impressed because i'm impressed oh yeah i'm impressed i mean this is like old stuff old common household products impress me more than almost anything in an abandoned house and this place is full okay all right i know you guys want to see more let's uh let's check out up here this is cool man there's like a fireplace that had your room yep i guess back in the day you had to keep it warm if you need to bump the light up it's the top button you just hold it okay if you need it i don't know how long that battery lasts on that thing man it's all closed i just love the original products and stuff 1842 above the fireplace do you think that's when this place could have possibly been made it's impossible i mean it seems like it could be old enough to me um of course you people are the experts i'm not even going to guess i would say at least 1800s at some point i was thinking more late 1800s but that says 1842. it goes up again oh my goodness i know i know this place is crazy i feel like i'm not going to be able to get involved so many people could have lived here i know man that look is really serious [Music] wow look at that the os what's this oh i think it's upside down yeah i think it is absolutely there's this one with that this one looks pretty much empty but the other room had like a cool dress in it [Applause] i can't believe how tall all the ceilings are yeah oh this one yeah yeah wow they wallpapered the ceilings man you guys see that out there that's crazy there's some really old-timey clothes in here oh wait was this like a sailor's uniform or something like sailor hats and a sailor is that a sailor uniform i don't know sorry everybody i'm getting really excited this place is really cool well they like navy a lot okay i just learned what these little boxes are for it's pretty neat so these little wooden boxes by the fireplaces i just realized they're for coal i saw coal deposits on the bottom you guys don't really need to see the side of it but uh yeah there's a fireplace look at this shell thingy that's interesting yeah wow i wish that the light would not cast the shadow sorry since we got our wide angle lens it gets in the way you might have to get a taller light so it doesn't have that shadow like an extension or something okay now are you able to see that whole scene pretty well oh yeah okay that's just cool i just think that's amazing oh there's more in here oh my goodness there's so much in this place it just keeps [Music] going our architecture digest 1988. okay well that vacuum is sweet guys look at that vacuum electrolux now that's vintage right there this place was totally worth stopping for i am so glad we didn't just pass it up yeah it's not really much we don't really get to explore places very much these days so just do you see the verbs back in this you see all this up here around here the way this is separated into the walls there's like a fake windows thing and that's interesting [Music] you guys check it out it's like they are coming out of the wall this one's all upside down inviting you to fly fly into new places into a new year and the fake banisters just love this place well we got some furniture and more fake birds this place has style becca what have we ever been in the place this had this much unique look at this decorations galore unique um style for each room each room has like its own personality yeah that's great hmm it looks weird like these look like real birds that died and got squashed and got stuck do oh think that's what happened they look real to me what do you guys think not like the one you know i think i think you're right i actually thought those were for decorations because the other room had them but those were obviously fake but yeah they're like are they squashed between i think there's y'all they got stuck in this room or no they're on the other side of the thing okay weird so what do you think they abandoned this place because of it being so close to the interstate i don't know i think so is it filming yeah oh okay turn on the lights we can see upstairs there's like a bookshelf up here with books on it and some other stuff oh wow this place is insane wow can't need it this place should be restored don't you think uh-huh i found some like secret documents like social security benefits statement man this is crazy patterns vogue lots of uh girly magazines building ideas house house magazines from the 70s it makes sense they probably put a lot of those ideas to practice and around this home what's incredible is all these dresses and whatever they're all preserved in this plastic yeah like they're ugh this is like uh shoes and clothes and stuff in here i just don't understand why this place was abandoned [Music] you know what's weird this place is huge but we've only come across one little dinky bathroom one of the bigger places we've ever explored isn't it yeah oh hey i think that's the box for that tv downstairs that's cool 100 solid state black and white oh 1976. that's how that tv is that's what's up [Music] i mean seriously this place it's not that bad we've been in much worse condition places this place is still i mean structurally aside from that it would be a ton of work yeah to look nice rogue's gallery man ah just so much to look at i don't know if we told you guys but well look at this view just from up here look at what you can see although it's kind of terrifying wait we haven't been down there that's where it came from you sure yeah there's there's two ways up you're right two sets of stairs i mean two different stairways up there we for sure explored everything on this floor right yeah i think so okay i don't recall going in this room over here [Music] no this is all new huh oh yeah i knew there had to be more than one sorry i'm kind of slow coming down the stairs because i can't quite step down with my knee yet this is a nice bathroom here oh my goodness oh oh we've been here but yeah the bathroom okay [Music] [Applause] all right it's still your time all right here we go i should turn the light back on oh my god creepy down here rat traps wow very serious i just found something cool of course you did this is really cool how cool i've never seen some people probably i know i often be like i know exactly what it is it tells me look at this a holland automatic coal burner full of coal just imagine you could probably somehow start this thing and start heating this house right now with all that coal and look in here i don't know it's a pretty bad it might work but look it's got duct tape cool look at that all these big pipes yeah that go out to all the sections of the house already serious and and then back here becca check it out you know what that is oh the coal storage and there's a shovel for coal right there i know you guys probably don't think that's cool because you probably had one at your house but i never had anything like this oh and that's the coal shoot that's where they would dump it in from the outside oh yeah and i'm totally ignorant about coal so i might be saying all the wrong things here but it makes sense to me and this is cool this place is just they got wood storage down here oh man it gets even creepier but it kind of smells like a oil oh yeah oil or old barn or [Applause] this something so neat i just love all the old products like this uh they use the old peanut butter jar for storing nuts and bolts and stuff nice isn't that sweet crunchy that's just so cool i just got it oh it was boarded up down here wow this place has seen better days hasn't it probably wow oh cool what oh freezers the really big old freezers look at the logos and junk on these things cold spot frost list and there's still stuff in it for some reason they froze oh they're they're uh tea bags and look this stuff is still shrink wrapped oh cool look at that it's so cool it's amazing oh there's more products over here hey they've been making apple cider vinegar for a long time haven't they yeah i mean i don't know it's always something that became popular recently you know what i mean we got ammonia got some acv [Applause] becca yeah how would you feel coming down here by yourself not good not good how about you viewers how would you feel coming down here all by yourself well i wouldn't want to be in any abandoned house by myself right i've done it so many times have you have you never done it becca no no you haven't okay i'm always with you yeah wow okay um he's there me yeah come on oh okay so we missed the section so we are going to check that out really quick you don't stare at me oh well you're more interesting i know they're here to see that it's not me they like you too so many people i'll try to film like becca so this was like the uh um yeah the crafts yeah and they had the look they had the fancy fluorescent lighting here to light the room up nice and it's upstairs sunny makes sense okay so this is actually for the largest bathroom so that makes three yeah three bathrooms is there a joby in there oh there's definitely stuff in there orson boggs i know you're watching this this is for you and sorry everybody else oh my i'm gonna have to cut that or blur it that is the worst i've ever seen in my life that is horrifying oh yeah that's real and i'm definitely gonna have to censor that hey have you seen a toilet paper oh my goodness um let me look in the shower here wow you ever seen so much no yeah oh wow let's see if there's anything in these uh drawers here oh there's still some fancy cabinet little products here anything under there creepy hands oh there's stuff in there oh there's more that derma massage junk pump dispenser and whatever thingy noxzema more noxzema flip it over oh they have a a mirror that you can a medicine cabinet oh okay oh there it goes oh it's got stuff oh yeah stuff inside cool oh um all right take me where we haven't been yeah the place that just keeps on giving we shouldn't have any fireplaces because there's a lot i want to say there's probably a fireplace for every room and i think they used coal in all of them because that was more efficient that's a nice little window it's a little curtain this little nice little curtain holder thingy that's a sweet 80s phone oh so nice a little light fixture thingy up there well we got back here rebecca this place just keeps going oh look at that that's like a jessica bed right there jessica this is for you well she finally grew into it back in the day this is such a girl's room it's so frilly now that is a janky light bulb up there that's really how he looks a place that is the goon becca that lost his face i'm oh wait oh there's a face oh look you've been fixed i fixed you so everybody this is precisely why this place um has i mean probably why it's been abandoned it is right by an interstate and you can just hear all the noise hey it looks like we circled back around becca oh yes it does we just didn't go down this section oh man i feel silly about that do we go in this bathroom here wait a second you sure yes definitely yeah okay all right becca say bye for real for real [Music] you
Channel: Exploring with Rick & Bekah
Views: 32,584
Rating: 4.8769231 out of 5
Keywords: exploring, exploring with rick, bekah, abandoned house, vintage, retro, urbex, urban exploring, old stuff, cool, antique, decay, explore, blog, vlog, before and after, mansion, insane, amazing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 5sec (2585 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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